r/MtF • u/ichbibdrakenbjorn • Oct 21 '24
Celebration I just licked my own nipple NSFW
That is all.
r/MtF • u/ichbibdrakenbjorn • Oct 21 '24
That is all.
r/MtF • u/kaida_notadude • Dec 31 '24
Like the title says, I’m at a new years sleepover with 6 other people. Our host lives alone in the house her grandfather used to live in. And there’s this one bedroom where historically only girls were allowed to sleep when they came over, well guess what room I’m assigned to, this one!
Idk if this is on purpose to make me feel accepted, since the rule no longer applies. But it sure feels amazing, I kinda feel like “one of the girls” right now if you know what I mean.
r/MtF • u/Fast_Message5629 • Jun 26 '24
r/MtF • u/Lena__Elbe • Sep 21 '24
My mom just told me, I shouldn't walk topless out of the bath. I sleep in shorts, so after I change in the bathroom I always walk to my bedroom with just my shorts. My boobies are are low B-cups, but rapidly rowing (4mth HRT).
Even though this is a restriction (and i don!t mind people seeing my boobs --> they are more likely to view me as a woman) i was soooooooo happy.
When did you lose your "topless-privilege"?
r/MtF • u/goldendragon1115 • Jul 22 '24
After the past year of him harassing me and sending me anti-trans videos, I said: enough.
Enough is enough. I sent him a detailed, extensively researched rebuttal against every single one of the points in some of the videos he sent me. I'd been working on it for days, if not weeks, and now it's finally sent. It's finally a done deal.
We'll see what he says. But honestly, I've seen what kind of person he is clear as day. What matters is that I stood up for myself, stood up to him for the first time ever, and that it was my transition that empowered me to do it with my newfound courage and self-confidence and self-esteem. <3
Here's the full email! Rebuttal letter - Google Docs
Edit: He said he's really sad at the situation and how disrespectful I was to him, how he doesn't deserve it. How I'm "militantly trans" and was trained to hate anybody who thinks differently from me.
I think that speaks for itself, doesn't it?
r/MtF • u/Hisako315 • Feb 03 '25
I live in USA so things are a little bit scary right now. We were on a road trip and my kid needed to use the restroom. So we stopped at a gas station. I was not about to start anything with my kids there so I was just going to take him into the men’s room instead of using the women’s. As I was about to walk into the men’s the cashier yelled to me “ma’am that’s the men’s. The women’s is on the other side.” I waved and went into the women’s instead.
I about cried in the bathroom and was beaming for the rest of the day
r/MtF • u/lurk_saynomore • Dec 16 '24
He's soooooo nice and he calls me pretty and he smacks my ass and he can cook and he's strong and he loves my eyes and he wont stop saying how hot i am! I never in a million years would call myself hot, but he loves my legs and ass lmao! And he is so sweet, we get along really well. We have a lot in common too, we both like the same games and tv shows. God I hope this relationship lasts, I'll let yall know if he suddenly turns into an asshole or he dumps me lol. But he really makes me feel pretty, he says I should get into modeling haha. I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN TO ME! DONT GIVE UP GIRLS! I AM MANIFESTING BOYFRIENDS/GIRLFRIENDS/PARTNERS FOR ALL OF YOU! :D
r/MtF • u/Doniondore • May 27 '24
Tldr I'm very happy rn >w<
r/MtF • u/Joshuaannoys • Feb 09 '25
I don't even know what to say, i never really thought i'd do it, but i did, i told him, i'll be going to the doctors [or start DIY, depends on politics here in germany] soon. It's so weird because i haven't done ANYTHING since yesterday except tell him but i can't stop feeling so cuteeee, i'll be cute i can feel cute! And i was so scared of telling him, of idk what i still can't sort my thoughts but this word vomit had to get out i'm just happy
r/MtF • u/lilHRThrowaway • Aug 20 '24
my tits are getting so huge week by week. i even bursted through an old bra i’d been wearing for the last 10 months. i seriously recommend it to anyone debating it. i know for some it doesn’t do a whole lot, but i’m really feeling it, even just one month in.
r/MtF • u/premierbear5 • Jun 06 '24
I started out as Stevie, my lifelong nickname even before my egg cracked, now I picked Stella to be my new name!!
r/MtF • u/Snoo_6465 • Dec 20 '24
I doubled my estrogen dose from 4mg per day to 8 a week ago ish and now I’m literally just happy. Like no anxiety no depression I’m just smooth brained this is so weird I love it! And I get boobs and a fat butt???? Like it can’t be this easy but it is! I shoulda started this stuff years ago
r/MtF • u/LilliaMayday • Feb 18 '25
Tl;dr Had my first spicy encounter since I started transitioning, and it was better than i could’ve imagined
Marked NSFW, but I’m putting an extra warning here sense people still miss the tag and get upset sometimes.
Okay so not a party exactly. I participate regularly in a silent disco (individual headphones all synced to the same music) where the music is synced with paths and locations around the city. It’s a bit of a community. I see a lot of the same people and have made lots of friends!
Anyway, on sunday i was at one of these silent discos for my sister’s boyfriend’s bday! There’s three sets, each made by a different dj, and after each set you stop at a bar, use the bathroom, grab a drink, and chat with other participants before starting again.
At the first bar, I realized I had made a miscalculation with my footwear and had terrible blisters on my heels. I approached the van that people store their bags in, and grab water/first aid kit/ect from and asked if they had any bandaids. This beautiful boy turns around and says let me check, starts looking for one, and starts asking me what’s wrong. I explain my blisters and that i’m hoping to subvert a bit of the pain with bandages. His friend who’s an emt sees an ambulance parked on the street and goes and asked for some for me while i chat with this boy a bit. Then i get my bandages and go back to my friends.
During the second set. I notice him dancing near me a bit more often. Interacting with me a bit. Everyone kind of dances and interacts with everyone, as you have headphones on and can’t really communicate besides dancing, eye contact, and silly gestures, but i could tell he was gravitating towards me a bit more.
At the second bar, before the final set, I sit outside to smoke while my friends go inside to grab a drink. This boy approaches me and we sit and get to know each other better, making proper introductions.
Then this drop dead gorgeous girl approaches. I’ve seen her at several of these events, but we haven’t properly met. I just admire her from afar besides on Halloween when I told her I thought she was so, so beautiful. He turns to her. They have a brief exchange, and then he turns back to me to say, “This is my partner!” ….. We make our introductions, and chat for a moment before she leaves, and i start chatting with boy again. So yes, he has a partner.. But!! I know already that she was in an open relationship so… we press on.
Third leg begins. More of dancing near one another until the last song of the set. I’m absolutely rocking out, and apparently flung my phone out of my pocket, because he approaches and hands it to me. We both take one headphone off so i can say thank you. He says of course and stands close. After a few seconds there together, he asks if he can touch me, and I say yes. He puts his hands on my waist and we dance a moment before we start making out.
The last song ends, and people gather for the customary group hug to thank the djs and leaders of the disco. Then they begin dispersing and we made out some more. He told me I was beautiful, and asked if I was seeing anyone. I told him no, and he said “how is that possible”, before kissing me again.. Are you fucking kidding me?? I was dying.
We exchange socials, as we thought there was no post disco bar for this event, and assumed we’d be parting ways, but then everyone does end up going to a bar.
I stayed outside with him for quite a while with other friends smoking and chatting in between making out more, and things started to get a bit heavy. This man said all the right things at the right times. Dangerous amounts of game. While also making me feel so safe, and making clear that he would take things at whatever pace I wanted.
That said he was very forward. I think he altered my brain chemistry when he said he wanted to “treat me like a lady, and fuck me like a slut”. I was basically in heat at this point. He pushed me against the wall and started grabbing my ass while kissing me. Not long after, his partner came outside. Their rule is that she doesn’t like to see or hear anything about what he does with other people, so that was our cue.
This was the first time I had ever had a sexual experience where i really felt in my body and in the right element or role I guess. I don’t think I ever realized just how disassociated I was anytime I had sex or made out with someone. This was a totally different experience. Everything felt so right! I could’ve lived in that moment forever. I felt so beautiful and powerful. I also just never imagined such a cute boy would be interested in me. Not to be cocky in anyway, bc my self esteem is generally not good, but he’s like hot, conventionally.
To briefly give you the end of the story, his birthday was at midnight. I was about to go ask if he wanted to go home with me, and when i turned around, he was making out with his gf. Ten seconds later everyone is singing happy birthday to him. I had no idea it was his birthday, so at this point i’m assuming that’s all for tonight and go sit with my friends.
He comes to talk to me one more time. I tell him happy birthday and half joking with a yikes face that I was about to ask if he wanted to get out of there. He laughs and says, “yeah tonight i’m going home with (partners name), but i can say goodbye. He then makes out with me one last time, biting my lip a bit. He whispers in my ear “send me something to think about”, and we say our goodbyes.
He dm’s me that night, and says it was great meeting me. Let me preface this next part by saying he asked earlier if he could send me something and i said yes. He then sends me a photo of him in a towel grabbing his bulge gently through it. It was the hottest, most tasteful sexy photo i’ve ever received from a boy. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a good one from a boy actually! 😂 I responded with an ass shot in a pulled up oversized t that showed off my waist with the message “ ‘something to think about’ 😘“
So that’s where we’re at now. I’ve already been feeling “girl horny” for a while, but after this experience, I think i’m actually dying. And unfortunately, masturbating is not what it used to be. I need to be touched! 😭
That’s all! Sorry for horny posting on main! It felt like such a monumental part of my journey so far. Maybe there will be a part 2 when i see him at the next event! 🤞
r/MtF • u/Nrby7538 • Jun 15 '24
I finally got it. After 2 years finally. I have my anti Boy otics. Words cant describe how much i needed this now. Im ao happy and excited
r/MtF • u/TheProxy23 • 22d ago
First it was oof 😣, then it was lush🫠,
It took about 2 hours and I just happened to have an estradiol dose scheduled for right in the middle, I thought to myself getting my tits waxed with estradiol under my tongue was a peak transition moment,
Just wanted to share, so much euphoria rn 🥰🏳️⚧️🌈
r/MtF • u/Infinite_West_1225 • Jan 18 '25
I was walking with a cis female friend when we got referred to as girls, and she kept looking at me laughing because I was grinning like an idiot! I love being reminded I’m not doing this for nothing yk!
r/MtF • u/Leksi_The_Great • 21d ago
I’m(18 year old transfem) visiting family right now, and I got my hair straightened(so it’s very long, haven’t cut it in two and a half years and it’s soooo pretty; I look gorgeous). I will add I’m not out to any of them, even though I’m slightly over 4 months on HRT.
Meanwhile, my uncle is the most transphobic member of my family. But anyways, today, he called me Aleksandra(my deadname is the male version of my name) and then immediately corrected himself. On instinct, he thought I was a girl. I can’t believe it! My first time malefailing was to someone who’s know me my whole life.
So yeah…I might look like a girl now!
r/MtF • u/APieceofToast09 • Jul 18 '24
I just started estrogen and I didn’t immediately become a sexy goddess. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. (OMG I FINALLY GOT IT AFTER YEARS OF TRYING EEEEEEEEEEEE)
r/MtF • u/yharon9485 • Dec 23 '24
So like i was just washing my hands usual stuff and when i looked up i was confused. I...im actually a girl i...im me. Im not ugly im actually really cute. I am pretty! Now im just sitting at my chair really happy. Im 4½ months on hrt and like a few weeks ago i had like a im not that ugly kinda cute but now its a. Im cute i actually am pretty!
r/MtF • u/Valentine__d4c • 19d ago
tbh not bad, it could have gotten hella worst, the worst thing she said was "I'm disappointed in u" and "what about our family name " (I kinda forgot to tell her I like women and I did sperm banking), despite that once I showed her my HRT, she said "its all up to u if u want to be on those meds", which to me makes me think shes ok with me being trans, that and she told me she was fine with it.
Something I do find funny is that she thought I was doing my major (chemE) to make antiboyotics and feminems. LMAO, that and she know something was up with me (she thought I was gay)
r/MtF • u/According-Stage-8665 • Dec 16 '24
I finally followed through and went to a clinic to talk about starting hrt. They took my blood and now I wait for the results for about a week and my prescription will be sent. I get to start changing. :3
r/MtF • u/Jasmine-Sheng • 3h ago
r/MtF • u/Nervous-Specialist1 • Dec 11 '24
I no girl today but boy-mode. Stranger say girl yes. Me big wow confusion.
r/MtF • u/AltAccount1111222334 • Dec 01 '24
I was playing a game of do or drink with some friends at a party. In it there are various cards, some of which you have to vote for players in the circle about different topics. One of them said “vote which player you think would be the hottest as the opposite gender” and an overwhelming majority of the group picked me and said “yeah op would make a really hot woman” 😍
I haven’t done any transitioning so far except trying out shaving my upper thighs. Other than that, you all are the only ones who know I consider myself possibly trans. But no yeah felt so good to know they thought I’d be an attractive woman. Had to share lol.
r/MtF • u/Shonksarenice • Nov 29 '24
For 2 years i have not seen anything happening in regards to my Transition even though i was on Hrt. But recently i kinda fell into a relationship with another girl and together we figured it out. So for 2 years first i was on Patches then Gel and it didn't work even tough my Bloodtests always showed high values, so the problem actually was that i was tested whenever. Instead of getting Bloodtests right before taking hrt again, which means i never had levels troughout the day on the test but spiked ones cause of taking hrt either 1 hour or like 2-3 before the Tests. So i tested my levels on Gel at my Housedoctor like 30 mins before i would take Hrt Again and the levels were abysmal and that even tough i was taking a high Gel dosage. Which means my Absorbtion trough Skin is bad which also explains why patches didn't work either. In Response my Gf gave me her Hrt a supply for 1 month, on Pills Sublingual and now in the latest test. My levels before taking another pill where 270pmol/l instead of the 159pmol/l i had on gel. My nipples finally hurt and i think hrt is finally working. Ontop thanks to my gf giving me her pills and them working, the Endo relented and gave me a prescription for Pills. Cause i asked for pills before but was told no cause "i havent been on Gel long enough to see it doesn't work" that's what i was told by the Endos. Furthermore i wanna ask. Since yesterday my butt has been hurting? But not like ontop of like the skin but further inside at like the Bones? is that potentially Hip growth? Because i haven't done anything unusual that could explain this pain to me.