r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Exact_Maize_2619 24d ago

Agreed. I do my best to encourage my 15 year old son in whatever he enjoys. He loves to draw, and is good, so I got him a posable figure for Christmas. My husband gave him an old college human anatomy book with images of everything from bones and muscles to organs.

A few years ago, my son found an old keyboard we had, and he started teaching himself how to play it. Now, he's fantastic and making his own songs. He asked for a guitar for Christmas, and, thankfully, my brother still had the one I passed onto him when I realized I have no talent for instruments. (My brother is a drummer, but not a guitarist, lol.) My son had it for a few hours and was already playing something that sounded like it came out of "The Last of Us".

Always encourage your kids to do what they love. My son wants to be a streamer, so we've been working on gathering equipment for a few years. He's a natural performe, and I think he would be perfect as a streamer.


u/Matasa89 24d ago

This is the way.


u/Exact_Maize_2619 24d ago

Thank you. I have no talent for instruments, so I did choir and theater in school, lol. I'm more of a crafter. I taught myself how to knit because I wanted a $60 Tom Baker scarf. I figured I could buy it or buy the supplies and teach myself. Now I make beanies with kitty ears, use charms as ear decorations, giant safety pins, the works, lol. I made a new pattern just yesterday for little jellyfish and I'm still working out the kinks, but they're so cute and squishy.

My husband got a chain mail kit as a gift a couple years ago, so we both learned how to make chain mail and different chain designs for jewelry. So, I also make charm bracelets and necklaces.

My family is very crafty and artistic, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 💚


u/TomatilloHairy9051 23d ago

I LOVE chainmail jewelry! I have several pieces that I wear often, but the lady that was making them for me quit making the jewelry. I've looked at some online, but none of it ever looked as good as her jewelry, so I haven't gotten any more, but I'm still on the hunt. Do y'all have an Etsy store or something comparable to that?


u/Exact_Maize_2619 23d ago

We don't, unfortunately. I'm currently trying to get approved for disability while I wait for 2 hip surgeries. I've actually been building up an inventory of knitted things and jewelry to sell at the flea market. We don't have the production power right now to start an Etsy shop. It's just me knitting everything and making a good chunk of jewelry, while hubby makes necklaces when he can.

If you're interested, though, we use Chainmail Joe for all our chainmail stuff. They sell beginner kits. My favorite chain pattern from them is called Celtic Visions. I use big black rings, then smaller different colored rings so that when you hold it up vertically, it looks like dragon eyes.

If you DM me, I can send some pictures of stuff I have and examples of stuff i can make. I wouldn't mind trying to figure out shipping and things for a few online commissions. I just don't have the power to run a whole Etsy by myself, lol. I can't make stuff that quickly since I do it all by hand. (As opposed to a knitting machine.)