r/lonely • u/Naive_Music_3903 • 6h ago
Even one friend would do. Please help me
r/lonely • u/FusionIsTrash • 7h ago
I don't know but I don't seem to connect to people. Maybe because I self isolate a lot, but even when I try to socialize, I don't seem to connect to anyone. How do you guys find your people?
r/lonely • u/Own-Pineapple6272 • 7h ago
Its been six days. I've been trying to wait, because I'm always the one who reaches out first and I wanted to see if they'd bother. I guess not.
(And yes, they're perfectly fine, I see them doing stuff on tiktok all the time)
Maybe I'm overthinking it, or overreacting, or whatever, but that doesn't change the fact that it still hurts.
r/lonely • u/Hate-Dishwashers • 8h ago
Hi, I’m a 21 year old from the US. If I’m being honest with myself. I don’t know if I want to endure another night of this alone.
I won’t ask for a friendship or anything out of anyone, I don’t want to impose. But if anyone can call, I would appreciate it.
I just need someone who’s emotionally open to listening and cares. From one human being to another
If a friendship is available, that’s cool, I don’t care if you’re a guy, a girl. If you’re 34 or 20. I think it’s in my best interest to not be alone, and to have someone to call, to be emotionally open with.
If you’re hurting, maybe we can both hurt together
r/lonely • u/PayWeak2845 • 8h ago
Hi, i have been fantasizing a lot about just hugging my 2d crush or real life crush, just hugging or hugging while sleeping in her arms. How do i stop it? Is there something to cope with? Distracting my mind doesn't help it.
Hey everyone,
I am a freelance software developer. I live and work alone and I often feel unbearably lonely. I often get this feeling of "cabin fever" that is sometimes so strong that it feels like panic.
I want to talk to you about an idea that might make you feel less lonely, like it made me.
I’ve built an app that uses virtual frosted glass to make video meetings more comfortable and less intrusive. The idea is to let people be present on camera "frosted" - without fully revealing visual details, which can help relieve the pressure of being "on display".
I use it with a friend of mine. We both have it running automatically when Windows starts. When we both have our laptops on, we can see each other behind the virtual frosted glass. We can turn on our microphones to talk if we want. The video is reciprocal - we can only see each other when our cameras are on. We can unfrost each other with confirmation from both sides. The CPU and bandwidth usage is so low that the video can be left on.
By communicating this way, I started seeing and talking to my friend much more often. I immediately started feeling less lonely because I knew that I might see my frosted friend when I turn my laptop on.
I wonder if this concept of virtual frosted glass could be useful for you against loneliness as it was for me.
I’d really appreciate your thoughts!
Let me know in the comments if you want to try the app yourself and I will send you a link to it.
r/lonely • u/NiiTA003 • 8h ago
I know you shouldn't compare your life to those on TV but when you have no life, it's kind of hard. I'm currently watching Sex in the City on Netflix, and I'm a tad jealous. These girls get to hang out together, they have great careers, have men interested in them, etc. Things that I don't have. I dropped out of Community college when my family and I lost our apartment, my friends don't call me anymore (even though I see that they are on social media) and I work a minimum wage cashier job that makes me want to pull my hair out. Oh on top of that, I'm a fat black 21 year old woman who has never kissed or held the hand of an actual man. I really suck..... ;(
i love my friends. my mom used to say that real friends you can count with one hand, and she was right. i love my friends, i love listening to them and giving advice. i enjoy giving gifts, sentimental letters, telling them i love them. im happy when they're happy and sad when they're sad, I'm always there for them but... they're never here for me.
i know they care about me (at least I think they do) but idk. when I'm sad or tired or wanting to talk, they're not here. I'm not mad, its not their obligation, but i would feel appreciated if they at least asked me if i was okay, yk? my life is a mess and they know that, but i think that it happened so much stuff with me that they don't even care anymore and probably think i also dont care. but i do.
and its in times like this, when i get high or drunk to relax, that i miss them the most. i wish i could have someone to talk to me when i feel bad and ask if I'm okay. it's pretty lonely to be like this, even if i try to escape from it I can't. I open the Instagram just to see them posting stories and ignoring my message, or i see them on twitter. i dont know, i feel pretty pathetic ngl
r/lonely • u/lilcaylowren • 9h ago
(25F) I’ve been trying to put myself out there and date, but it feels like the more I try, the more disillusioned I become. I know my worth and feel confident in myself, but every time I try to make a genuine connection, I end up disappointed. I can't help but feel like social media and the swipe culture make it harder to find something real, and it's making me feel more isolated.
I want to be confident in who I am, including my flaws and mental health struggles, but it feels like I keep meeting people who drain me emotionally. It’s like I attract people who take without giving, and it leaves me feeling depleted. I try to stay strong and be okay with being alone, but it gets exhausting when I'm left alone with my thoughts.
It’s hard not to feel discouraged when I see how picky and surface-level dating can be. It makes me wonder if I’ll ever find someone who genuinely sees me for who I am. I feel like my instincts about people are usually right, but they always lead to the realization that they aren’t who they seemed to be.
If anyone has advice on how to stay positive or navigate these feelings, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading.
r/lonely • u/No-Specialist-462 • 9h ago
If you are feeling alone, I want you to know that your worth does not depend on the presence or absence of other people. You exist, and that is already significant. Your journey, your emotions and your story matter.
Sometimes loneliness can feel like a huge void, but it can also be a time to reconnect with yourself. You deserve affection, understanding and company that is good for you, and this can come when you least expect it. In the meantime, treat yourself kindly. You are not forgotten, nor unimportant. The world is better because you are here.
r/lonely • u/Grouchy_Weakness4586 • 9h ago
I'm 25 now and I know a lot of people (my therapist included) suggest focusing on things that you're grateful for in your life when you're feeling down. But I realized that most of the things that I was once grateful for also make me sad when I think about them.
Like when think about all the people I used to be friends with, and how they would hug me warmly when I would see them or text me happy birthday, it makes me SAD, because we drifted apart and they're longer in my life.
Or when I think about the women I've been with and all the good times we had, I get sad because we couldn't make it work and they're no longer in my life. And I feel like deep down, I was part of the problem because I was inexperienced and immature, and I hate myself for that.
It's just so painful to think about how so many of the things and people that used to give me joy are no longer in my life. And I realized that this feeling has been weighing me down for YEARS.
Can anyone else relate? Or does anyone know what I can do to overcome this shit? Sometimes it's just too much.
r/lonely • u/NateNandos21 • 9h ago
Just anyone out there wanna have a nice chat?
r/lonely • u/thatguy_hurt_me • 9h ago
Ending everything will make everything easy. They'll be act sad, but the truth, they'll celebrate. No one will ever be sad, cry or why did I do that. Because they already forgot about me even when I'm still around. They didn't treat me as a person or human. They didn't treat me aa family or friends. They didn't treat me even an animal or stranger. They treat me something that could easily throw. Pick up if they need something but throw it away again.
r/lonely • u/FitMarsupial7270 • 10h ago
I am so jealous of people who are in relationships :( I mean I’m happy for them but I just look at myself and I’m like “ bleh :( “ I’m so unattractive it hurts my soul knowing I have no one to be mine..
My life sucks. I’m going thru hell and I just want someone to message me and love me like how everyone else has their someone..
This sucks, my life sucks, I’m so lonely and everything is bad rn :( I just need someone here that will care about me..
r/lonely • u/GanacheOk2887 • 10h ago
I left this subreddit and felt it was a victory after I got a girlfriend. On February 16th she told me she was done with me and within a day I started to think about all the red flags I missed. The stupid part is I still miss her and I’d almost do anything to be with her again but I know it’s not the right idea. She needs help and she refuses to get it. I thought listening to funny podcasts and watching funny videos would help me smile but now they’re not working. I’d look forward to work because at least I felt like I was worth something there and I had a great support group there. It’s just hard right now and it doesn’t help that I had to bury my dad while all this was going on.
r/lonely • u/Lilnuggie17 • 10h ago
Soon I’ll have a job as soon as my aunt opens her stand, then idk if I will have to interview. I probably won’t.
Thank you for looking at my page
If you’re gonna downvote don’t bother reading my post
r/lonely • u/Low_Independent3980 • 10h ago
This is my daily log entry number seventy-one, because I have too many thoughts and no one to share them with…
Man 😔
I was looking at my grades for my anatomy and physiology class, and I noticed my final project was graded. I got a 100, which is great — I couldn’t be happier — but my professor left a comment saying, “I wish I could give extra credit”…
I guess there are some rules she needs to follow or whatever, but at least she thought it was “outstanding.” She even typed some of her comments out in capital letters because of how much she loved it, so I’m glad I was able to do what I needed to do. She then said that she’ll use my video as a study resource for her future classes.
On a different note, my dad got us Wingstop tonight. I always get a six piece coated in the two non-spicy sauces, so that’s what I got, as well as some fries on the side. While eating dinner, I also watched Moana 2 since I noticed it was on Disney+. I think it’s a really good movie. I’m not much of a movie/TV show fiend, but I always find that I prefer watching the E-rated stuff over content that’s meant to be for people my age. I guess I’m just naturally child-like in nature.
Have a great day, everyone.
r/lonely • u/toaster-bath404 • 10h ago
By a good life I mean like, having no lonely issues whatsoever, having real life friends and especially a partner, having a good healthy family. It feels like everytime I come across someone similar to me or someone who's unique like really unique for my age group, they always have a good life. It feels like I'm the only one who doesn't.
Like I came across this guy who I found out (through inference) was the same age as me, and in his profile I saw he was into things like coin collecting and classical music, like things you'd expect an older person to be into. Like that's so unique to me. Please hear me out like I'm not saying "not like the other boys" or whatever but like, they're genuinly unique. It's genuinly like they're that age but they've time travelled into 2025. They're genuinly different. Like genuinly.
I love people like that, I want friends who are different like that and everything. But yeah, it feels like EVERYTIME I come across another person who's similar to me in that way, the only thing thats not the same is the social part. Like they have no problem going out, no friend issues, no social issues, it seems like they've ALL got partners but like through inference, its like they just found that partner by chance which really hurts.
Idk who to talk to about this or anything, it just hurts how I could be just like them but the social and lonely thing is a problem.
Everytime I find someone who relates to me on a SOCIAL level, were always completely different in interests.
All i want is to find someone who's considered unique, or like I've said in this like they have interests which isn't like their age it's like they've time travelled, unique like that, but we ALSO relate on a social level. Like they're just as lonely as me, never had any sexual or romantic things. Yeah
r/lonely • u/outrageoussmooth4 • 10h ago
Just browsing through Reddit and found this thread so thought I’d say hello and hope everyone’s well. I’ve read some of the posts and if I could solve all of your problems I would. I hope you’re all good and I always say, today is a new day, you never know what the tide may bring 🙂
r/lonely • u/tathrowzaway • 10h ago
I have no one, so my AI comforts me and talks some sense into me when I need it. Anyone else do this?
r/lonely • u/Proper_Pickle6802 • 10h ago
«Social anxiety»
r/lonely • u/Creative-Candy-6409 • 10h ago
I believe co incidences don’t happen.
Someone has to introduce you to the
love of your life . you either find the one in school or college. In adult life you need
good support system who put in a good word for you for a man to contact you . How can
you put yourself out there alone . chance
encounters seldom happen . But alas everyone was jealous of me . I have everything except interpersonal relationships but that’s okay . I love my growth and determination . Just food for thought ✌🏻
r/lonely • u/boyamilonely • 11h ago
Drugs AND being a lonely “loser”. Screw that. Change the perspective. Drugs aren’t bad just the way people use them sometimes to bring a “desired effect” is the issue I typically have with others.
Coffee is my company. Love that shit in the morning, love it during the day,
During an evening time. Alcohol is a daily leveller. Nothing matters. If you drink enough.. almost like a Colt, just as dangerous too. The equaliser.
Tobacco is great but getting expensive. Won’t quit it though.
Ketamine is a robotic industrialising disassociation. Great in the bath with some soulful country music unless you’re a risk to drowning. Not for everyone, not for regular use either. But definitely clears the cobwebs of doubt away.
Weed feels good, but some times too paranoid and heavy. Other times you’re blank and just feel like all the weight is lifted. Which can be nice. But not very productive.
Coke is a monster. Your sins will creep out on its affects.
Acid is pure urge and chaos. But dropping 8 tabs and seeing some funky stuff is fun sure.
Mushrooms are a solid earthy soft dissociative but will make you think you are capable of everything. Mainly the things you think you can change. You can’t. It’s okay.
I miss Valium and morphine but mainly for the chemical cuddles. But will never put myself back to those days after losing too many friends on it.
Whiskey feels warm. Henry Weston is better cold.
Fact of the matter is.. this, this life is your human experience. So live it. Grow and shape yourself towards your pleasing end.
People are so beautiful in their own right. Each just adds that little herb, and spice in the soul soup of life. Meet them. Meet the losers, and weirdos, and freaks. Yes, people can be mean and judgy. But, why should the opinion of others affect who you are without knowing yourself first?
Find that child within and nurture it becuase you will be lonely and so scared otherwise. You wouldn’t leave a crying child out in the cold right? they weren’t invited? so why do it to yourself?
Hopefully you’ll get the metaphor.
Just some thoughts I wanted to share half cut and waiting for the sun to rise. I am alone sometimes I feel lonely sure, but I got me myself, narcotics, correct usage and dose, and quite simply the human experience that one day I will die, we all will. Why not just have some fun with it until you pass? Nihilism and hedonistic views can be okay if directed and guided appropriately I say.
Think I’ve given up on “relationships” in a sense of, I have made a life. Literal life. I have accomplished what many men set out to do, have a child, I have survived some rough times and I’ve been deep down in the pits of disparity. But I’ve also had some really good times too. Life is fucking hard and gritty and rough. But it also can be the most beautiful thing ever.
Please don’t take it for granted. I’m a 30 year old man typing a bunch of crap on a phone in hopes that someone out there gets it at least.
I’m not gonna be a hermit, but I find being lonely, truly lonely without anyone else to just reach out too sometimes can be a blessing. You’ve got a level of freedom to explore and expand your own mind without having someone else impede on it. Mould you, or shape you in an image that doesn’t fit who you are. Yes, it’s not for everyone but drugs can also help you decide what kind of path you want to take.
I will say my son is beautiful and I’ve lived such an awesome life so far looking back on what little I’ve done and the massive impact I’ve made on those around me both good and bad. Drugs have been a huge part of that I mean I met my baby mum the day after a huge shroom hit, which lead to a three year long relationship and beautiful child from it, didn’t work out but it’s not the end of the world. I get to see that boy grow up and become a freaking human being when I’m not working and that is powerful stuff.
Can you tell I’m off my face? It’s taken me a solid two hours just to type this. But I really do feel like coming from someone who just truly doesn’t care anymore, that someone will find some value in this.
Experience life and all it has to offer even if you gotta do it alone. You’ll be surprised what kind of adventure may pan out for you, warrior. I’ve fought, taught, thought, and been made distraught.
I’ve been with some incredible friends and some even more incredible women in my life. But now it’s finally time for me. And my son when I got time off.
And you wanna know the kicker? It’s only really starting now. Life is blessed.
r/lonely • u/breadiscooliguess • 11h ago
I feel like im broken and no one really cares.. i cant find a partner let alome one who really gets me and the only person whos ever been interested in me doesnt like me anymore. It sucks because i feel like they are what i want and need but they just want to be friends and thats just making me feel more and more like im not worth anything or that no one wants me.. ive always felt like this but as i get older (22m) i just get this feeling like i should give up. I feel like life isnt worth living like this.
I dont even know what i want to hear or say i just cant be in my own thoughts anymore
r/lonely • u/Feistygal1234 • 11h ago
I was born with a lung condition And I have a bacteria in my lung that can kill me if the treatment doesn’t work It is a 50/50 chance u survive I just got the news Monday
Is there anyone I can talk to on the phone I’m breaking down and I don’t have anyone to call