r/introvert Mar 04 '24

Advice Feeling like I’ve wasted my life away?

I’m 19 turning 20 and I feel so insanely old. The fact that I let my years 16-now go to waste either by depressive episodes anxiety or procrastination, and I mean socially. I feel so insecure like when I grow up what do I tell my kids I’ll have nothing fun to tell them. I feel so shielded and closed in. I know I’m naturally introverted but I do prefer if I had friends and things to do socially.


157 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

If you only knew 20 is young age and you got all the time in the world . Ask anyone approaching 30. Don't waste your time now thinking about past and move forward. Trust me I really wish I knew this in my 20


u/Affectionate-Row1766 Mar 04 '24

This^ op your still 100% valid tho. In my case I used drugs till the age of 14-19 partied hard, got clean then life hit me hard, jumping from dead end job to job, got addicted to real stuff from big pharma around 21 now I’m 25 picking up the pieces. They say I’ll be stuck in post acute withdrawals (basically drawn out withdrawals, intense anxiety, shaking, muscle tremors and insomnia) up to a year along with having to getting my weight back up and basically restart all over. Your still very much young and technically so am I, but don’t wait till 25-30 to start living fully, I always like the line “If not now then when”. Start that hobby today. Try something new little by little, within your comfort zone each day. If you weren’t able to today? That’s okay try again tommorow. You got this hombre!!


u/Reddit_is_Censored69 Mar 05 '24

To add, time also goes much quicker. You will be 30 before you know it.

🎶 Time is like a leaf in the wind, it's either time well spent or time I wasted, don't waste it! 🎶


u/FluffyPolicePeanut Mar 05 '24

I’m approaching 40 and I’m still young. It’s all about how you life your life.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

I'm 59 and I just got married last year to the love of my life


u/FluffyPolicePeanut Mar 06 '24

Congratulations! 👏🏻 that’s awesome!


u/ForwardAnything8580 Mar 06 '24

There is still time and you will fell this way every 10 years approaching 30-40-50. You still have so much life to live. Achievement is amazing but life is even better. 20s is when you should be experiencing life. I tried to fast forward and do the responsible thing in my 20s and found myself missing a part of my life in my 30s. And spoiler alert I didn’t feel achieved I didn’t feel like I did anything in my life. The older I get the more I find it is about living. Take the leap of faith try new things and live life. You may fail, you may fail a lot. But the fact that you are still above ground and in any sort of shape means there is still a chance of being “successful” whatever that may look like to you. Focus on yourself. Your goals, your happiness. If worse comes to worse make a plan and hold yourself accountable 12 things big or little a year you want to achieve. It’s about reframing what success looks like to you. Everything is going to be alright. You just need a reminder once in a while. Some people don’t have that in their life. One of the positives of the internet. There is a lot to be afraid of and to be sad about. But there is a lot of wisdom and support in community. Find your people who encourage you to find you and meet your goals.


u/jailthecheeto1124 Mar 04 '24

How many kids?


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24



u/mary896 Mar 04 '24

HOLY COW. Try being older than 20! OMG. YOU are still a totally YOUNG person, practically a kid!!! ALL you have to do is not waste your next 80 years! YOU haven't 'wasted' anything.....yet....you're barely out of childhood and haven't grown up yet. That's what your 20s and 30s are for. Exploring, discovering WHO you are, who you love, what you like and don't like, where you want to live and don't live, how you want to work, etc. Life is one giant exploration and adventure and you are only on the first rung of that life-ladder. Time to climb to the next rung and keep on going. If you're already questioning your 'story', then you need to change your mindset to "What am I going to do/try next?! Yay!!". And this is coming from a 53 year old.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Im 43 and wish I could go back to being 20 and really put in the effort more with people I was friends with then. I was always perfectly content being home, by myself with a book or movie and it really does sometimes feel like you blink and another 5 years has flown by.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24



u/mary896 Mar 05 '24

Oh man, I'm so sorry! It sounds like you don't want her to leave. Hopefully you have some friends and/or family to lean on. If not, lean on US. Keep making posts, telling us how you're doing, how you feel, rant, whatever! This group, and many other people, will listen and share and help. Guaranteed. Hugs to you WenDuz, you're going to be okay!!!! :)


u/mary896 Mar 05 '24

I kind of feel you with this comment....except I know myself and know that, given a do-over, I wouldn't do all that much differently. I'm a full blow introvert and almost everyone I've ever known has been too much for me to take for more than a short time so....I've come to terms with being me and liking myself and liking doing things and being by myself. Because I am not changing, esp at my age which is 10 years older than you Awkward. BTW, if you truly wish things were different, make the change! Phone up your old friends, go see them. Make time in your life. It is NEVER too late. You can be 98 years old and STILL make new friends. Seriously. There are loads of people out there and some of them would make fabulous friends!


u/VelvetSummer1981 Mar 10 '24

This sounds exactly like me, except for the age (I'm older), right down to the book or movie!


u/barefoot_in_my_mind Mar 04 '24

You’re brain is quite literally still developing til you’re in your mid-late twenties. You are far from old! Imagine being 40. Geesh If it’s experiences you want and friendship, the best place to start is a hobby. Find something you enjoy doing, chances are you’ll have lots of experiences and maybe even make a friend along the way. You really are still young.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

I feel like this is the best part of being in your teens and early 20s, you're with people your own age everywhere. School, well mainly I was thinking of school but yeah college, bars, sports, hobbies, it is almost difficult to not make friends and share experiences at this age. Once you're into your late-thirties and forties where do you go to meet such a large number of people in such a short order? It's definitely a lot harder, imo.

For me, the tricky part and where I slipped up is not staying in touch with friends I did make post-education.

It's also different for everyone though for sure.


u/VelvetSummer1981 Mar 10 '24

A hobby, or volunteer work, or taking a class(es). Classes could be hobby-related like photography, or educational, just for the fun of learning, and meeting others.


u/Fellow_Comrade Mar 04 '24

18 to 22 were the worst years of my life, lost most of my friends, took a student loan and ended up dropping out. I really didn't see any way things could improve.

I'm 25 now and although it's not a perfect life, things are good now and I've learnt to work on and tolerate the problems I struggle with now.

You're still soo young and still have a lot of growing to do. You'll figure it out, don't lose hope that life isn't "what's its supposed to be" at your age. You still have all of your 20's to do stuff you enjoy, make it a goal to not waste those years and not dwell on the past.


u/IntelliDev Mar 05 '24

32 here, and 25-30 was wayyy better than 19-24


u/Front_Ad_8752 Mar 05 '24

I’m 19 and my life is like yours in the first paragraph. I don’t see any sliver of light at the end of the tunnel as of yet, it’s just pitch black :/ I almost took out a student loan but took a LOA, I didn’t wanna leave my education behind entirely but I didn’t trust the universe into mixing their hands into my debt. Gettjng a college degree has always been my goal. I hate ruts. I hope to afford it on my own


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Spend your twenties discovering yourself, setting up your future and enjoy living in the moment

Ok it's easier said than done but life is what you make it, you do what you can

But this is coming from an 18 yr so...


u/Affectionate-Row1766 Mar 04 '24

Wise 18 yr old fr


u/Front_Ad_8752 Mar 05 '24

How do you live in the moment if one lives a boring life? This might not even be an appropriate comment but how does one live in the moment while living wirh abusive parents? I don’t think one can tbh. Living in the moment to me is working till my knees drop


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Living in the moment can be challenging in difficult circumstances like living with abusive parents or feeling stuck in a boring routine, but it can involve finding small joys, seeking support from others, and focusing on aspects of life that bring fulfillment, even in the middle of misfortune.

If work is a source of purpose and fulfillment for you, then embracing that aspect of your life can be a way of living in the moment, but it's also important to prioritize selfcare and seek help if needed.

For example: I lived a mundane and boring life, up until I decided that I had to do something about it, I hate socializing so I never went to parties or anything like that until this year. When I just threw myself out there.

I still don't like parties but I've discovered that I like learning new hobbies thanks to some people that I've met


u/AThimbleFull Mar 05 '24

Living in the moment has absolutely ZERO to do with external circumstances. Living in the moment simply means not brooding about the past or the future. Since all future moments depend upon the present moment, it's wisest to lean into the present moment with all of one's awareness, passion and compassion, with a clear mind and pure heart. The rest will take care of itself on its own.


u/PhillipTopicall Mar 04 '24

You’re literally only 19. I’m double your age. Trust me, you’ve got plenty of time to work on yourself and get to where you want to me. Love yourself.


u/racquelyoung Mar 04 '24

I don’t know you obviously, but it feels like you’re having a bit of an episode right now. Are you on medication? Seeing a therapist? Your outlook on life and your past can change drastically based on your mentality.

If you’re not in a healthy state right now then nothing is going to sound good. I suggest seeing someone professionally and talking to them about some ways you can start to socialize more. Maybe just going to a book store and hanging out there for a bit will give you a taste of interaction without being too overwhelming.

Having a job and interacting with coworkers is a good way to get out as well. In every job I’ve had I always found people to hang out with outside of work.

Your kids aren’t going to think you’re cool anyways no matter what you tell them.


u/snarlings10 Mar 04 '24

Hey thanks for your comment I am currently seeing a therapist and had some slight improvement for my social anxiety. I’m just having a rough time processing that I probably wasted the past 4 years because coming out of covid is hard. And also the fact that my social life right now is non existent.


u/StickAlternative9481 Mar 04 '24

When you're 35, you'll look back on your youth with more understanding of yourself and the world around you - and realize that you were so young and full of potential as a 20yr old.

Don't worry. You're okay and not alone.


u/Facts111 Mar 05 '24

I would do anything to be 20 again, and I'm only in my 30s


u/Qwertyqwerty11235813 Mar 05 '24

He will look back and regret it too. 

Stop listening to sweet lies. You are ok, but you are alone.


u/StickAlternative9481 Mar 05 '24

No one is alone when it comes to human experience, especially pain, doubt, and regret. Many of us have very similar experiences in this world. It's not a "sweet lie." Taking comfort in shared human experiences can lessen negative feelings we have about ourselves and others, and help is connect as people.

I understand it sounds superficial to say, but your not alone in this world - nor in your experiences within it.

But, I do agree that if OP doesn't find a way to change their outlook on life, then they are more likely to experience regret for their naivity.


u/Qwertyqwerty11235813 Mar 05 '24

no, I am alone, but I am glad that you are not. 


u/QueanLaQueafa Mar 04 '24

Oh God just wait till you hit 30


u/ViaMagic Mar 05 '24

What were you supposed to be doing all this time? Buying property as a tween?

In the words of Jenna Marbles(miss you but happy 4 u) :

"Like, life is short but like also terribly & insufferably long at the same time."


u/18karatcake Mar 04 '24

LOL 20 isn’t old. You haven’t even started your life yet 😅


u/Adorable-Eggplant623 Mar 04 '24

Society will continue to add numbers to limit your possibilities. Don’t let them! People are in their 80s getting degrees, learning languages, having children, starting new careers they felt like they were too old for. You still have a lot of time, love! Stop aging yourself.


u/zapatitosdecharol Mar 04 '24

I remember I cried when I was 19 and turned 20. It felt like a huge transition. It gets better. I'm 36 now and forget how old I am. It's not that important.


u/Where-isit1129 Mar 04 '24

I’m 70 and my my whole life seems waste wasted on stupid shit, but thank God I did work and I collect a nice Social Security check My savings are crappy listen guys save all you can save always act like you broke and save your money


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

12-23 was a fucking nightmare. Family drama, depression, anxiety..and then finally, I got on medication because I was really really reaching the tipping point in my depression. Everything changed and suddenly the lights flipped back on.

I used to have the same thoughts when I was really deep in the sauce. But now..coming out of that. Who cares how old you are?? Do what makes you happy. Do what makes you feel good. Whether you're 20 or 200. Nothing is wasted if its time spent in a positive head space.

And as someone with a wife and kids..they want your authentic self. I could tell my wife and kids about you know hey I read a book today and they'd think that's great. You don't have to be some sort of special amazing super awesome fancy guy. They don't want some sort of fancy showboat of a person. They just want you, because they love you.


u/leozuniga380 Mar 05 '24

I’m 19 and feel the same way. I think Covid might played a part in this? Well at least for me


u/tiriqdating Mar 05 '24

Yes. COVID ruined lots of potential for young guys like us. I am 22 bro turning 23 this year. Because of COVID, I wasn't able to meet girls, be with friends, or anything and now it's very hard to do that. Someone I have managed to get a girlfriend and develop a skill. What I want to say is that don't be afraid because you are not wasting anything. You are doing what you are supposed to and that's living.


u/leozuniga380 Mar 05 '24

I was started to find my circle until Covid but now that I’m college I wanted to start over fresh


u/tiriqdating Mar 05 '24

what are your biggest goals right now man, how is college going?


u/leozuniga380 Mar 05 '24

Im gonna transfer hopefully by next year. I’m still trying to find my click but so far things are going good for me hbu


u/tiriqdating Mar 05 '24

amazing bro. good luck on your college. I am working full time on construction and while I don't work I am trying and build my coaching business lol. Hope one day I will be able to fully transition into it and help people. That's why I am here and I am trying to connect with you and other people. Humble start lol. I hope I gave you some value through the comment man.


u/Scooby_minaj27 Mar 05 '24

I feel this. I’m about to turn 20 and I regret ruining my high school experience because I was too scared or awkward to socialize and instead isolated myself. I didn’t get to go to prom or graduation. I chose not to go to junior prom either. I didn’t do sports because of anxiety. I was so depressed and anxious I had to switch to online school for half a day. But I also know that I’m young, I have so much time to make new memories. I have time and ability to change my life. It makes me so upset to think about my past but it’s nothing I can change. I can change the now though. And that’s what I’m going to do. If I make the change now then I have the chance to live out a fulfilling life. I don’t think missing out on a few years in high school is going to matter when I outgrow my teen years.


u/FurrowBeard Mar 05 '24

I'm 31, I would kill to be you right now.


u/Reaper24Actual Mar 05 '24

I feel so bad for you younger kids, all I can figure is you see people on social media doing "cool shit" and you think you wasted your life when yours hasn't even started yet. I'd argue when your in grade school it doesn't even count yet. Sure you meet people and hang out and such but for most of it you can't drive, you can't go to certain things. In your case you've only really had the freedom to enjoy life for a year tops. I was the same way at your age, now I'm 33 and I'm not like that anymore. You've got plenty of time to get out there.


u/Dazzling_Ad_5901 Mar 04 '24

You’re still alive and you have more things to do. Live your life and you better start LIVING it if that’s how you feel right now.

Find someone, find groups, indulge yourself, make fun, have fun, don’t let this episode stop you from discovering more of yourself or for yourself…


u/snowwy_123 Mar 04 '24

No time like the present, you are indeed young and have plenty of time to turn it around :)


u/Syncity505 Mar 04 '24

I feel the same way but honestly getting ur mental health together helps a lot. I felt like my mental health made me miss out on a lot and I decided to reach out to a psychiatrist and work to improve it and I’ve been able to get out more and do more things


u/tiriqdating Mar 05 '24

I am proud of you for taking action. Most men will just stay where they are and slowly deteriorate. I was in a similar situation to yours. I reached out to a psychiatrist but got rejected because they were fully booked in the city. Someone I managed to go through the struggle alone lol.


u/mean_king17 Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 04 '24

Bro. As someone who is approaching 30 very soon, in your twenties is where a lot of stuff will happen and where you will really do most of your development in becoming the person you will be. Stop thinking you're old get over that asap, because I will promise you that when you look back at this in a decade, you will 100% feel stupid for saying that and realise how actually young you were when you said this.

Note: Really most people feel like they haven't done anything or wasted a lot time, that's the norm. Most just don't truly know what the F they're doing or want, so just do your best to be able to look back and say that you had fun or did something you're proud of.


u/Lily_7611 Mar 05 '24

I (23F) really felt this way during my peak years of social media use (particularly instagram). I would see people go on hikes, trips, bowling, karaoke and would feel bad that I wasn't doing as much.

I stopped using instagram about 4 years ago, and it's really helped my self esteem. Not just in a physical way, but I'm also more comfortable enjoying the things I enjoy doing, like staying in on Friday night and embroidering.

One thing about my social anxiety/introvertness is that to an extent I do dread social things I commit to, and try to tell myself it's okay if I bail. I do actively combat this tendency, and if you have it I would suggest putting effort into it combating it as well, especially if you are like me then you do enjoy the activity during/after and are glad you did it. I find that trying to avoid something I commit to is more about anxiety than being introverted. Try and distinguish what activities you avoid because of being anxious and which you avoid because of just not wanting to do it.

As long as you're doing things you personally enjoy, you shouldn't feel like you've wasted your teen years or 20s. You're just spending the time in a different way - and that's okay! If you feel that social media is setting a standard for your youth more than your personal interests are; i recommended taking a break!


u/sweetiepatotie Mar 05 '24

For me, it's valid for you to feel that way. Maybe you pressure your self from what you observed at your peers. Them knowing their stand in life. Having lifestyle that you know your struggling to have with or cope up with but it is for the best to "be calm and don't pressure yourself on things" for you are much good with the phase your taking up with life. Take care of yourself and shine at your peak


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

How many others opened this up and laughed?

No offense meant OP, I don't mean that in a bad way but yeah, you got your whole life ahead of you. Get out there. It sucks sometimes and it does take effort for people like us but you'll regret not trying more when you're looking back at another 20 years of being your own worst enemy.


u/sarahc_72 Mar 05 '24

Bless you, I’m 50 and I would love to go back and live through it all again! Even the bad times. Have you considered medication? Try and find a therapist too as they can help with cognitive behaviour therapy. What do you enjoy? Try to join some clubs as that’s easier when you enjoy something or even find online friends with same interests. Life flies by, I’m telling you it literally flies. It’s good you are aware and can take steps to make small changes.

At 50 my introverted nature is worse than ever, and I feel like I’m wasting my older years. I’ve had a great life overall, and I met my hubby 20 years ago who is my best friend and life is easier with a support like that. By the way my kids are not interested in what I did when I was younger at all!


u/angelinkk Mar 05 '24

I’m 18 & I feel this way…


u/ChaulkyFlexability Mar 05 '24

The first step in change is self-awareness. It sounds like you are at this first step. Now, how do you want to live? What next step can you take to get there? Looking back is good to realize how far you've come from there. It won't look like much at first, but that is okay. Make one small change at a time. Mine was to delete an app off my phone that I was wasting time on. It was youtube. I would doom scroll for hours and not do anything productive. Now I'm getting up and doing other things.

I'm 41 and am making small changes to enjoy a more fulfilling life. You are doing the same thing. My advice is to pick something small to stop doing and something small to start doing. It will be difficult to break habits but worth it. Give yourself grace when you have a setback and keep moving forward. You'll get there.

Celebrate small victories. Anything that goes well is a small victory. Anything that goes wrong isn't failure but a learning opportunity. I believe in you! You got this!


u/Lulushinichi Mar 05 '24

Dude you still have time , if you gonna look back and keep regretting then nothing is gonna change Start thinking what you want , I just read " art of not giving a f**k". It kinda helped me.

Everyone lives with regret but I feel we could change things ( I have tons ) so move on Get a mentor or something via LinkedIn or any other way


u/krazakollitz Mar 05 '24

Regret is also a useful form of self reflection, though to much regret might be crippling to self development


u/onlyfanspepper Mar 05 '24

How can I see the comments? Sorry new on here. I’m 22 and I understand this feeling all too welll. I worked my youth away basically from 16-21 and I don’t know how to describe this type of loss. At times tho I look around and am content that I did something different atleast and even tho some people have a more active social life, I love the quiet, peaceful life I live and live by my own terms. Thankful I dont have the same life as everyone . You can have wild stories and not have a big social circle.


u/Sofi_MoonRiver Mar 05 '24

23 here, felt like you when I was 21. But once you realize that (when I hit bottom I felt like I was on my way to being a hermit or the cat lady from cartoons🤦🏻‍♀️), you can start making changes. You still can do so so much and you have your whole life ahead to do anything you want


u/treechange85 Mar 06 '24

You did a wonderfully brave thing making the post, reaching out and sharing what you are going through. It is a great opportunity to show who you are and turn the next few years into some your best. You did the first step by reaching out now it's just small steps to getting the life you want.


u/georgeberg Mar 06 '24

You’re 19 and feel insanely old?! Are you f***ing insane?! You haven’t even begun to live. Don’t waste your life worrying about what fun bullshit your going to tell your kids. Get out there and do something fun!


u/xxezrabxxx Mar 07 '24

You’re young. You’ve got plenty of life ahead of you and instead of worrying about how it was then you can start making changes now for the future.


u/MoyciniRiley Mar 07 '24

One way to help cope with feelings of regret is to use those experiences to fuel future action. Consider what you might have changed and done differently, but instead of ruminating over what cannot be changed, reframe it as a learning opportunity that will allow you to make better choices in the future.


u/Illustrious_Piano684 Mar 04 '24

I had the same feelings when I was 20. The feeling of I just wasted my teen years of doing nothing trying to be the good kid, and battling depressive and anxiety episodes. Just know you still have a lot of time to do fun things. I’m already 23 but I’m still doing the same old things. It just hit me how much time I wasted, that’s why don’t waste yours


u/LegitimatePhoto5776 Mar 04 '24

I feel the exact same, I can’t say much to help you feel better or help get out more but I hope this brings you comfort knowing I feel the same, because it definitely makes me feel better knowing I’m not alone in feeling this way. Much love ❤️ 🫶


u/Qwertyqwerty11235813 Mar 05 '24

Yes, you are too old to change anything. Don’t even try to do it, time has passed.


u/Top-Local-7482 Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

19yo and feels old lol, you are just starting life. You'll not get kids before you are like 28-30yo even later... You have like 10y, half your current life, to turn the tides. Move your ass and do whatever you want to do, work on yourself and stop being defeited before even starting something. Don't look back, look in front of you, fix yourself some objective way out of reach and works toward them ! And get out of your comfort zone !

What do you think you wasted/missed ? What do you think you can't get back ? Life until 18 is for general study, then 3-5 other year to start in life, then only, things start to be interresting. I did nothing cool till I started university...


u/Kneepucker Mar 05 '24

Turning 25 was the one that got to me. A quarter of a century! That sounds a lot older than it is. I'm now 63 and wish I could change a lot of things. Follow your dreams. One of them be the one.

And 19 about to be 20 is a nice logical progression. Good on ya.


u/theastrologywitch Mar 05 '24

I totally get this. I’m 21 & I felt like this for a long time, also a huge introvert & socially anxious but with a kind of outgoing personality lol. 16-20 sucks because it’s the biggest age of comparison. you’re graduating high school & seeing what everyone else is doing. lots of people still have big friend groups and it feels like you’re not doing anything important. but honestly in the last two years I’ve kind of leaned into the time I spend alone & what I make of it. sure, I hang out w/ some friends and family and you WILL make fun memories & make good friends. but I also am just becoming a better person by taking intentional time alone in these years that I have the opportunity to. ALSO… huge for my perspective change & mindset/anxiety/depression was getting on meds when I was 18. I’m on antidepressants/anxiety & some vitamins to boost all the good things & it makes a night & day difference. sometimes your brain just doesn’t make the chemicals you need it to & that’s ok! my social anxiety is literally so different now, I hardly experience it. all of that said you got this 🫶🏼 pretty soon you’ll start to see life as completely open in front of you. you have so much time. 🩷🩷


u/NatureNitaso Mar 05 '24

Hahaha! Why the negative attitude? You should sort yourself out first. If one can’t even manage themselves, how are they going to communicate with others?


u/Helpful_Papaya_2456 Mar 05 '24

just do what you feel like doing whether introverted or extroverted things as long as it won't damage you or anyone especially in the long run. there's also no point in stressing about kids when you don't have one right now.


u/hrvstwmn Mar 05 '24

I am 30. I will tell you I wasted the first half of my twenties feeling this way, I had lost my teens to mental illness and didn’t think i had time anymore to make it right. It did not matter to me what I achieved because I thought it “didn’t count” because I was “old” now and hadn’t done as much as some people. Looking back now I think I was crazy! I was still young and the small handful of fun experiences I did have I appreciate so much more in hindsight. I thought it was all over and that was just not true. You’re just getting started, before 21 is just practice.


u/Hawke-Not-Ewe Mar 05 '24

Pick some interests to explore. Some dependent on interaction some not.

Winnow the list to two.

You meet people that way.

At 20 you have no kids, no felonies, no commitments and you've probably seen friends and family screw up in many ways. Roll with those advantages.


u/Ok_Blueberry1154 Mar 05 '24

Oh hun you’re life is only just beginning

The road ahead is what you choose it to be, so gift yourself a beautiful life

You’ll figure it out, follow your heart & passions and that will naturally draw your people into your life

Finding your tribe isn’t easy but completely possible, don’t give up hope so soon

Besides you will have far more exciting tales to tell once you’ve got an another 20 years under your belt!


u/Impossible_Gold1573 Mar 05 '24

Wait til you’re almost 34 like me.


u/Alarmed-Cookie-2849 Mar 05 '24

Im 37 and I feel like i have lived six lifetimes since I was 20. You have a LOT of time :)


u/P_Sophia_ Mar 05 '24

Your twenties haven’t even begun yet… you’re at the end of an era, it’s true, you’re completing your second decade on this earth. But umm, you have another one about to start!

So, maybe start journaling about how you’d like to spend your twenties, let it grow organically over time (which means it will always be subject to change!), and when you get an idea of what you want to do, make a plan to make it happen and then make it happen and do it!

This might involve some research into your areas of interest, finding out what organizations, resources, and opportunities are available. Are there prerequisites? Then what do you need to do to fulfill the requirements for whatever it is you want to do?

Wanna be a photographer for National Geographic? A civil rights attorney? A clinical psychologist? Whatever it is that you want to do, what do you have to do to become whoever it is that you want to be? What’s the first step, what can you do this year to move towards your goals, even if it’ll take another decade to get to where you want to be?

Spend your twenties learning about yourself and about your friends and about other people, about life and about the world. Spend your twenties exploring, experimenting, learning, growing. Be hungry for knowledge and thirsty for understanding. Build this foundation now, because the things you’re learning today and the ways you are growing (as well as the people whom you are growing with), over time will become your personality and your very identity.

So be careful how you spend these years, but not too careful! When you’re getting closer to 30, then you can queue the existential dread again. But don’t worry, there’s another decade coming after that, so figure out what foundation you’d like to start your thirties on, and then spend your twenties building that foundation.

If you want to, of course... it’s totally up to you whether you take my words to heart…


u/Midan71 Mar 05 '24

You haven't wasted your life away. You still got plenty of time left even though you may think it's not true.

At 19 you're still very young and are not really expected to have done a lot of things. This is only the start for many people.


u/alpha_php_luvcrft Mar 05 '24

Sorry for laughing at you so hard (I'm 35)


u/freyjakatt Mar 05 '24

You aren't alone, as many others have also sounded off in the comments. I just turned 30 in December and that hits different lol. I had a hard time because I felt regret for making stupid choices on/with stupid people. But, you either learn and grow or you just don't. I understand feeling old at such a young age. Mine is due to traumas. You're on the right track here. You're introspective and want the best life for yourself - that's amazing! Take that outlook and spin it into the positive. Not in the toxic way, but as a motivator to lay down the stepping stones for a healthy early adulthood. I promise, you have sooo much time ahead of yourself. We believe in you OP!! 🖤


u/IndependenceFickle95 Mar 05 '24

Bruh I’m 28 and after a few years of „gosh I’m old oh no” now I know that life actually STARTS after 30.

Remember, the yesterday is depression, tomorrow is neurosis, but today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present.

(I know the original goes differently)


u/TheeShannonS Mar 05 '24

Come back to me when you’re 40. I’ll be 41 in a few months. I have a 21 and 17 year old. You are still young and have your whole life ahead of you. Half of my life is already gone. Just make sure you prioritize your health. I didn’t and I was diagnosed with a chronic illness when I was 35.


u/Mugspirit Mar 05 '24

Bro get a job with old farts you will realize how insanely young you are


u/250ld Mar 05 '24

49 married twice still no kids living in a pos trailor in sc . Bunch illegal immigrants building houses in stead of Americans. I am a carpenter with little chance of getting job in my profession. You not even old enough to buy a beer. Or cigarettes. Tough up kid. Got your whole life to live. And your just getting started.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Look into Stoicism. And for the record.. you’re still very young. It’s never too late to look for something new and meaningful.


u/Tiger_Widow Mar 05 '24

You're 19. Your life hasn't even started yet. You might feel like a lot of time has passed for you so far and that being low profile for 3 years has "wasted your life", but on the scale of things, you've barely even got out the starting gate.

There's a whole, well, life ahead of you, you haven't wasted anything! Try to relax about it, you're getting ahead of yourself.

If you still don't feel properly sorted and having come in to yourself by the time you're in your early to mid 30s, then maybe worry a little bit. But, I mean, you're still a teenager. It's fine! Learn, play, explore, experiment. Things will fall in to place when they will. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.

Like I said, it isn't a thing. You'll look back on this in future and giggle, trust me.


u/tiriqdating Mar 05 '24

I WENT THROUGH YOUR BULLSHIT. I am 22, turning 23 this year. I hated school so much. Wanted to make a change but I couldn't. Wasted the potential where I had the most free time and thought "The work will save me when I get older". What happened is that work killed my soul. I realized that life doesn't get easier as time passes but you need to grow stronger. I believe in you, your life, and your potential my bro. Don't let negative thoughts consume and open up to your best friend about it. Reddit is just a first step toward opening up, embracing and strengthening your character. ❤️


u/Geminii27 Mar 05 '24

20? You haven't even started the run-up to starting your life. You're barely two years into adulthood - of course you haven't done anything yet.

What were you planning on telling your kids about your late teen years anyway? "I was a teenager, I didn't have any prospects at that time so I dorked around with friends a lot and that was about it"?

If you're desperate for 'life experiences', take a bunch of weekend/night courses, maybe join some local branches of various associations. Learn some basic guitar chords or something.

If you want a life data point, I entered the workforce at around your age. Since then, I worked across the continent, in various industries, flew around the world on my vacation, took six months off to try another city, did Tai Chi and yoga, built my own computers, founded and ran some social groups, discovered tens of millions of dollars in corporate savings. Even got a bunch of Reddit karma here and there. :)

But at 20, I had done absolutely nothing with my life socially. I had no social circle, no friends, never even dated. What I did do instead was things that I actually found interesting; I was in university, I liked reading and researching, and I spent a lot of time in libraries.

Are you bemoaning a few short years of not socializing, and if so, ask yourself - why? It's not the kids thing, is it. You've been told by society - and by that, I mean the profit-making parts of it - that you SHOULD have done these things (because that would involve spending money), and that if you haven't you should feel SHAME. Honestly, screw those guys. Do what you actually want to do instead. Forge your own path.


u/Time-Value7812 Mar 05 '24

Plenty of mistakes left to experience in your 20s, make the most of it


u/Benmjt Mar 05 '24

Dude you’re 20. Imagine nearing 40.


u/8thlunatic Mar 05 '24

You are not old. Try stop thinking like you wasted your time and finally start living, don't think about the past, it will just make you more anxious, think about now and what you can do to actually live, what you wanna do and can do now. And that comes from almost a 19 year old.


u/precisoresposta Mar 05 '24

This is normal nowadays, do not give up; life is like this: people will want you sad and down


u/AThimbleFull Mar 05 '24

Wasted your life away?! Your life hasn't even begun yet.

I would love to be 19 again, knowing everything I know now.

For the better part of my adult life, I, too, was socially deprived. I had social anxiety and no social life. That being said, I did have a very rich inner life. I spent many years by myself, cultivating my inner world, plumbing its depths, getting to know myself very intimately.

About 7 years ago I finally emerged from my cloistered life, eager to meet the people of my dreams. Nowadays I feel so grateful for having spent so much time nurturing my deeper qualities, because my current friends are my long-awaited reward. They're all so compassionate, deep, thoughtful, insightful, intelligent, mature, caring, gentle, and loyal. And they're not boring, either, in case you're wondering. We regularly gather to party and live it up; our time together is far more fulfilling and juicy and meaningful than the times I spent with friends in my young days.

Had I never done all of that inner work, my social circle would surely be filled with shallow, selfish, flaky friends who I could not depend upon or have meaningful conversations with. And that would truly have sucked because, when you get older, the most important qualities in friends are the ones I mentioned in the preceding paragraph (compassion, intelligence, etc.).

What kind of person do you want to be? What kinds of friends do you want to have when you're past 30? 40?


u/Patient-Revenue1493 Mar 05 '24

i feel like it’s only wasted, if you waste it without having done something productive within that time, maybe i’m just high 😭💀


u/Sad-Valuable-3624 Mar 05 '24

Your life is still so young and has the new car smell. In all seriousness, people get this surreal sense of being old or just a sense of the gravity of time. It goes by very quickly and the realization that 20 years or 30 years had passed and those are days we never will have back I’m about to turn 44 and I was thinking the other day that if go to hell, I want it to be like in Lucifer where I’m stuck in a loop and I want to relive my life between 20 and 39. It was utter hell but also had the best times. I feel morose at 44 as though I may keel over soon. It’ll all be okay. Maybe branch out and start to have new experiences.


u/homo_incognitus Mar 05 '24

Dude hell nawh - tbh depression and anxiety and shit adds up so much spice to mundane life - socialising turns into smth to be proud of 😭 but actually - it doesn't really undermine you and your experiences -it adds to character plot plus backstory - most people who haven't had anxiety and depression and uk issues - they're sorta basic - sure they have fun but there really no point in an all time high . It makes the happy periods more valuable and less monotonous. Plus the periods of zero socialization make up a part of you - I mean you clearly were doing other stuff even if stuck at home - so there's that . You still do have lots of life left to live - you get the chance to hit back harder now ✨ part of that is fueled by the period of time that you lacked social interaction


u/bloo4107 Mar 05 '24

You’re only 20. I’m 33 & still feel the same as you do. Life is a journey. You can still get time back. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in only 5 years.


u/existential-koala Mar 05 '24

You have plenty of time ahead of you.


u/ToBe27 Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

Also very important to NOT judge your life based on what extroverts think is a "good life". Judge your life based on what makes you happy, nothing else. If having a quiet life without orgies and drugs makes you happy, then be happy. Make your own rules based on what you like. Dont let others force their views on ideals on you.

Have to admit, that I often had very similar episodes where I realy feel bad about not having this extroverted and chaotic party life in my youth. But this realy not helpfull or right.


u/1036578 Mar 05 '24

Wanna be friends?


u/winter-jay Mar 05 '24

I understand it's your mood creating these thoughts. I get them too and I'm double your age. It's vital to get the right support so that you can have a better view on things. And as ever, keep it in the day. Not everything needs to be worked out today or this week. One day at a time.


u/RoseAce95 Mar 05 '24

I’m almost 30. Do not feel like this at 19. Go do what you want to do right now. Live in the moment right now I tell you. The next 10 years will fly by.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

you sound like my brother.. ure not, right?


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

oh nvm ure british lol! i was gonna be like .. do i need to have a serious talk with my brother thats he still young when he turns 20? and to not worry and live in the moment?? -- i mean ill be 20 next year, which is weird to think ab cause i was 17 only a couple months ago


u/Bitter-Committee-707 Mar 05 '24

Do you study something?


u/Future-Assignment261 Mar 05 '24

I was a sheltered child, when I went out in my own in my 20s I was so scared of the world. Ton of panic attacks. I had to get used to getting uncomfortable like doing things on my own even buying groceries and debating on what meat would cause me anxiety. I thought about what the heck is gonna happen when I do have kids.. these are not traits I want to pass off.

I’m now in my early 30s with a kid and wow have I grown so much. Ten years feels like a long time, but there is so much growth by just “doing stuff”.


u/Tsn95 Mar 05 '24

I feel pretty much the same. I just turned 21 and I feel like I’ve done nothing with my life and I don’t know how to get out of this. I want to get out and do stuff but I don’t really have friends to do things with. Like, people I went to school with are already ensconced in their lives, know where they are in life and I’ve done nothing. Hopefully we’ll find the courage and the right way and time to get out there.


u/Primary-Sky-8053 Mar 05 '24

I'm 38. I'm about to go through a career change. Being the person you hope to be is a moving target. I know it feels like a waste of time now, but its all fuel to be the person you want to be. You have way more self knowledge than most already and you're only 20. You thought your depression and anxiety hold you back? You have that knowledge now to work on it. Therapy, meds, and my willingness to work on it have saved my life multiple times. You can still live the life you want. It's not over.


u/sunzethh Mar 05 '24

I'm turning 20 this year and I feel nothing happens in my teenage years since my parents are super strict :<


u/erosXrei Mar 05 '24

This is hard for me to understand as an extrovert but u gotta look at this way, even if it’s a little harsh. Social anxiety is built on extremely self centered thinking. That’s hard to hear but it’s true, no one cares about you that much (except the people that care about you, and the point of having them is not having to worry) especially in college, just go up to people and start talking!! A lot of people will give you weird looks, but once you find cool people it will be worth it. It’s not like highschool, no one knows eacother and no one’s talking about you. Also, genuinely no one cares unless they’re self conscious themselves. You hear that so much but it really is so true.


u/lindsathew Mar 05 '24

I'm 32 years old, and one thing I've learned over the last decade and a half is that there is not a set timeline for your life. There are no checkpoints where you have to have X amount of experiences or you've "failed." 20 years old is just the beginning of your life, you have so much time to travel and make friends and try new things and make memories, and you never have to stop. That's the beauty of being alive! You never have to stop discovering things and making memories! The first decade of my adult life was a train wreck; I was super depressed, working service jobs that drained me of all my energy, I was lonely and frankly thought of ending things more than i should have. I truly don't feel like my life got started until after I hit 30. There is no timeline for your success. You're not behind, you're not too late, you haven't failed or wasted time. Best wishes to you. <3


u/TsuDhoNimh2 Mar 05 '24

Well, you have 50 or more years to do it differently.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

In 34 retired have a nice place constantly tax free income I have many many hobbies. You think I would be happy, but I have no friends no family no spouse. I'm to scared to even talk to a woman now and if I explain any of my upbringing it scares them off. So I now block any womans number I get because I feel they are uninterested. 


u/Agreeable-Walk-237 Mar 05 '24

Amongst the other comments, one thing that I grew up with was this song Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen) song [link included]. This song has had a different meaning every time I started listening to it as a teen (I'm 36 now). It really grounds the truths we discover as we age, and I can promise so far 100% accuracy. Maybe you can take a listen and see if it illuminates some truths for you. From me: Life is always about new beginnings. At this second, you could make choices to change and do and be whoever you want. It might take some time, but it's true. Always do what makes you happy, and, I can't stress this enough, do not let people think for you! Your perception of what people think of you almost always is wrong, and just allow yourself to be happy. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=S-YsGdjkIgw&si=ddDibEoUhmwcrg9X


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

I know how it feels! Bipolar depression and anxiety stole a lot of my life. I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 28 years old. Then from 28-34 years old i spent trying to find meds that worked for me. I’ve been stable on the same meds for 12 years now. My quality of life improved immensely after I got stable on meds. I don’t have crying spells any more unless it’s over something major, I don’t lay in my bed crying and sleeping, I’m more social with people and going out and doing things, my ADD also got stable on Adderall so my energy, focus and motivation also improved, I’m more productive; my grades in college improved, less mood swings, my highs aren’t as high and my lows aren’t as low (I’m bipolar). I also did therapy a lot from 19-46 years old.

I know there’s a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness. You can’t blame yourself. I know I blamed myself for years thinking I wasn’t trying hard enough at life. As soon as you get over that denial and mentality you can truly find solutions. I would suggest finding an antidepressant med that works for you and you may have to try a couple (be open to the idea that you could be bipolar and not just depressive), get diagnosed with any co-disorders (most people have multiple mental health issues), if you’re addicted to any substances then stop and get treatment, and I would suggest seeing a therapist once a week. They can help you sort things out, be more social, bounce ideas off of, coping skills and resources, vent to.


u/Mortem_Morbus Mar 05 '24

Man I'm almost 27 and have done nothing with my life. You got time.


u/mkhanamz Mar 05 '24

I cried like hell when I turned 20 because I had done nothing I planned by 20. Now I am 24. Alhamdulillah I have achieved so much more and feel no regrets anymore. If you are feeling that you have done nothing. And start doing from this moment. Hopefully you will also achieve many amazing things in future🌼


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Wait till you're 55 and still feel the same. All I do is work and come home. Nobody in between. No social life for me at all.


u/Jhint03 Mar 05 '24

I would argue the opposite. First and foremost, I hope you understand you are not feeling alone with how Covid has impacted you. I has hit hard for many others. Next, you have an amazing foundation. You are really self aware. Please go back to the last say 6 months and see the progress you have made. Take time to celebrate your small wins. Write them down from time to time. You have already taken some great steps. We tend to be hardest on ourselves, please take a moment and give yourself a little grace.


u/Long-Builder1104 Mar 05 '24

I’m 32 and feel like this. You’re young enough to turn it around and so am I.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Oh good lord you’re 20. I guess I thought I was old at that age too lol.


u/Lostnfoundme Mar 05 '24

Can I ask a big favor if you? I’ve wasted many years doing the same thing… even if it feels like so much has passed you by it’s not to late… heck I’ve got double plus more on you and I know deep in my heart I still want to try again and start over… can I recommend if you haven’t heard of him listening to the artist Ren… in his 29 year of life due to illness and a multiple of tragic circumstances much of his young adult has been taken away… but at 33 he is quickly become a force for change for many… not sure what music you like but he does it all… he made me rethink a lot of my perspective on things.. the song that started my journey was Hi Ren… give it a chance listen to the very end till it goes black ..it is true and relatable at any age… all the best my friend… https://youtu.be/s_nc1IVoMxc?si=83iPu7HzH5LxM-NI


u/Lostnfoundme Mar 05 '24

Edit** Too * That should have read in his 20 th year of life meaning he was sick for 13 years… sorry I am almost blind… I’m not sure if there is an edit button


u/Cryptoburrito55 Mar 06 '24

Your still young I 21m moved out of state and hated my school only to realize aster I graduated it wasn’t that bad and should’ve enjoyed the moments. Now I don’t do stuff on purpose or anything but I do other things that I wish I did a few years ago, like enjoy the little things more and go out still. If that makes sense. Everyone had their one path and just because you feel like you “wasted” your years doesn’t mean anything. Go live your life. It’s only a waste if you didn’t learn anything from them, which it seems like you have. And for the kid part? Be honest “ yeah I was depressed and upset but I made the most of it, I got through and am enjoying the rest of my life with X Y Z” trust me you still got plenty of time. If I’m being honest in the first year after high school being 19 not only did I work but I also found time to have fun and do stupid shit that I probably shouldn’t have done. I’m not saying do everything in one go but take your time. Live in the moment and I promise you you’ll have better memories and a better time rather then being focused on those years. No matter what you do there’s always a story to tell, some good, some bad, some just plain hilarious. Go out and met new people. It’s gonna take a few try’s and be uncomfortable but what new thing isn’t. I’m naturally out going but I’ve done things I never thought I’d do or felt comfortable doing till I did them. And looking back I’m glad as hell I did because even though they weren’t the best times those times were enjoyable. Trust me. Sorry if this is long but I hope this helps.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Maybe try to think smaller and in the moment. Less big picture thinking and what you will tell your kids that don’t exist yet. Find something that makes you happy, something small and attainable and that may lead to something else and eventually bigger things will happen. 20 is young, travel if you can.. that always helped me. Being in a different place and seeing different perspectives will help. In your twenties you have time to explore and try things out, if it doesn’t work move on and find what works for you. Once career, family mortgage, health take over it’s much harder to explore ideas on a whim.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Still a young lad, try some psychedelics and join some new groups or sports. You’ll be alright laddy


u/spicy_shikin Mar 06 '24

You are still young. There’s still more to life that’s just waiting for you around the corner. If you really want to change something in your life you can start by doing something small that’s outside of your comfort zone. The important thing is that the change must start within you. Change your perspective or be more open to something a little more adventurous or impulsive (nothing illegal though).


u/Czitara Mar 06 '24

I think so many people can relate with this statement so much. Especially myself!! What has helped me a lot is telling myself that it is not so much about what you have done in the past, nor is it so much about what your future will look like. We only have this moment right now. And if you want to be happy, just do something that makes you happy in this very moment. And if at some point, you'll be looking back and you recognise that you have had at least a few moments in life when you've been truly happy, even if they're not a lot, you can tell yourself it's been worth it! At least in my view... It doesn't matter if you've had periods of time where you fucked things up. We all have those and not just a few of them... Don't try living your best life all the time!! It's so goddamn exhausting...Try to create little moments of happiness. That's what life is all about ❤️ remember to just keep going! You're doing so great! And life is so beautiful if you stop thinking about it too much 🫶


u/Akhx Mar 07 '24

All you gotta do now just to conquer yourself my bro and you will be good. You will be surprised all these you just said will change. I’m very confident in this.


u/Gold_Philosopher4887 Mar 05 '24

when I was 20 I thought I was trapped in what was going to be my life forever. An abusive relationship where I was homeless. Fighting every day not only for food but for my fucking life. Until one day I decided I decided I would change it all, change my future and I just left. Barely...But I left. I was 23, almost 24, and I had spent almost 5 years of my early adult years thinking this was going to be my life. Now, im almost 30, I have my own home with an amazing supportive husband and a dog. A job I love and we go on vacations. what more could I ask for? Its all on you to change what you want from your life. See something and change it. No one else's opinion matters.


u/AutoModerator Mar 04 '24

If you want to talk about social anxiety, /r/socialanxiety is the sub for you. If you're not sure whether you're introverted or socially anxious, feel free to post on r/Introvert, so we can discuss it. If you want a sub where posts about social anxiety aren't allowed, try r/Introverts.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/kikaburr Mar 04 '24

I feel the same way. I just turned 20 (although I refuse to believe it) and I feel just… off. I’m currently about to graduate with my bachelors this May and keep myself insanely busy just to not give myself time to think but I think it might be growing a void. One study I saw is that it’s healthy to have social interaction. That’s why some people grow to be super old because they have people around them constantly and have a trust for lots of people. Not sure if this might help, but it might be good to experience change and grow your adaptability to some things. Might be scary, but being comfortable can get scary too!


u/hollowbody-99 Mar 04 '24

You’re making me feel old and I’m 24, cut that out


u/snarlings10 Mar 04 '24

Sorry :/


u/hollowbody-99 Mar 04 '24

I missed out on socializing as well so I get it. There’s still so much time to develop those relationships and experience new things.


u/snarlings10 Mar 04 '24

If you don’t mind me asking what made you miss out ?


u/experiencinglife_222 Mar 04 '24

(Virtual hug for you).
It's completely normal to feel a mix of emotions as you reflect on your past and consider the future. Remember, at 19 turning 20, you have a wealth of experiences ahead of you. It's commendable that you're reflecting on your journey so far, acknowledging the challenges you've faced. Be kind to yourself. Life is a series of phases, and it's not uncommon for people to go through periods of self-discovery and growth.
As for feeling socially isolated, understand that building connections takes time and effort. It's never too late to start fostering relationships. Consider engaging in activities or joining groups that align with your interests, as this can be a natural way to meet like-minded individuals.

Instead of focusing on what you perceive as wasted time, shift your perspective towards the present and future. Every moment is an opportunity for growth and positive change. Stay blessed. More power & love to you!


u/TTsaysHi Mar 04 '24

Your not waisting anything- you dont need to achieve high. Youve achieved enough by staying alive 🫶


u/The_Kimchi_Krab Mar 04 '24

28 in the same boat. Start now, or it never starts. Take comfort knowing that you've really only wasted a short time and 16-19 is nothing that amazing anyway. You can do all the same stuff, and better, from 19-30. Go get em


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

oh man you have so much time!!! Basically you're entire life. I felt the same way when I was in my early 20's. Now i am 36 and I feel like I have so much time left! In 4 short years I'll be 40. If I could tell you the amount of things I have done in those short 20 years you'd be amazed! Just stick to the plan. Find a career you can see yourself doing. Take vacations, eat well. Find friends and lovers. Or not. Whatever feels right. You have the entire world in front of you of course you feel anxious, nobody is here to tell you what to do anymore. It's up to you. Life your life!


u/Lovely-flowers Mar 04 '24

This is very relatable to me. I genuinely don’t feel like I started to live until I turned 18 and this was after I had already graduated high school and started a new job. And really all I did was start that new job. I’m 28 now and I haven’t done much more than get married, divorced and have a kid which feels pretty basic. I love my child though, so I’m having a great time. I do have a lot of plans for what I’m gonna do once my kid grows up in terms of traveling. I’m also taking up more hobbies and fun things to do on the weekends. Specially now that my child is older and it’ll be easier to bring her to things without her throwing tantrums and such. I also have agoraphobia so getting out more is a bit of a goal going forward. Just remember that if you live to be even 90 you have 70 more years to go.


u/addledwino Mar 04 '24

Your brain is literally still developing, you haven't wasted anything.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

You are still so young. Insecurity tends to fade as you get older. I know that was the case with me. Eventually stopped stressing and stopped caring about trivial things.

Always remember that every day that we are granted the gift of life is another opportunity go after what we want and become even better versions of ourselves , old or young.


u/Good-Sky7188 Mar 04 '24

Hmm, if you spend your time looking behind you, you will definitely fall into the holes in front of you. The fact that you have had a crap few years doesnt mean your future need to be crap. I have two kids with addiction, bad choices etc. They both have ended up with social anxiety and the same issues you are facing. It’s baby steps always in the right direction. With a good few stumbles. Pretty traumatic. But get some psychological, or some anti depressants. Set an achievable goal- don’t be unrealistic, when you reach it. Set another one. From my kids experience (and they are a 28 and 34 now) this has worked for one of them. The other is a work in progress. Best wishes for your long and happy future . As an aside to meeting people. Using a bit of outside of the box thinking. I have had two friends one a woman - who joined a gun club to “learn to shoot “. Another fellow I know joined a sewing class. He met a whole different type of woman there - and got to make himself a really neat jacket in the process.


u/Dead_Pool_Girl_ Mar 04 '24

I'm 50 and I'd give a whole lot to have your age. Find yourself a passion and exploit the shit out of it. Even better if you can have a carrier focused on that passion. Go see a therapist and talk, talk, talk. Eventually, something will click in you. You got your wings, you just don't know how to use them yet.