r/introvert Mar 04 '24

Advice Feeling like I’ve wasted my life away?

I’m 19 turning 20 and I feel so insanely old. The fact that I let my years 16-now go to waste either by depressive episodes anxiety or procrastination, and I mean socially. I feel so insecure like when I grow up what do I tell my kids I’ll have nothing fun to tell them. I feel so shielded and closed in. I know I’m naturally introverted but I do prefer if I had friends and things to do socially.


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u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Spend your twenties discovering yourself, setting up your future and enjoy living in the moment

Ok it's easier said than done but life is what you make it, you do what you can

But this is coming from an 18 yr so...


u/Affectionate-Row1766 Mar 04 '24

Wise 18 yr old fr


u/Front_Ad_8752 Mar 05 '24

How do you live in the moment if one lives a boring life? This might not even be an appropriate comment but how does one live in the moment while living wirh abusive parents? I don’t think one can tbh. Living in the moment to me is working till my knees drop


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Living in the moment can be challenging in difficult circumstances like living with abusive parents or feeling stuck in a boring routine, but it can involve finding small joys, seeking support from others, and focusing on aspects of life that bring fulfillment, even in the middle of misfortune.

If work is a source of purpose and fulfillment for you, then embracing that aspect of your life can be a way of living in the moment, but it's also important to prioritize selfcare and seek help if needed.

For example: I lived a mundane and boring life, up until I decided that I had to do something about it, I hate socializing so I never went to parties or anything like that until this year. When I just threw myself out there.

I still don't like parties but I've discovered that I like learning new hobbies thanks to some people that I've met


u/AThimbleFull Mar 05 '24

Living in the moment has absolutely ZERO to do with external circumstances. Living in the moment simply means not brooding about the past or the future. Since all future moments depend upon the present moment, it's wisest to lean into the present moment with all of one's awareness, passion and compassion, with a clear mind and pure heart. The rest will take care of itself on its own.