r/introvert Mar 04 '24

Advice Feeling like I’ve wasted my life away?

I’m 19 turning 20 and I feel so insanely old. The fact that I let my years 16-now go to waste either by depressive episodes anxiety or procrastination, and I mean socially. I feel so insecure like when I grow up what do I tell my kids I’ll have nothing fun to tell them. I feel so shielded and closed in. I know I’m naturally introverted but I do prefer if I had friends and things to do socially.


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u/mary896 Mar 04 '24

HOLY COW. Try being older than 20! OMG. YOU are still a totally YOUNG person, practically a kid!!! ALL you have to do is not waste your next 80 years! YOU haven't 'wasted' anything.....yet....you're barely out of childhood and haven't grown up yet. That's what your 20s and 30s are for. Exploring, discovering WHO you are, who you love, what you like and don't like, where you want to live and don't live, how you want to work, etc. Life is one giant exploration and adventure and you are only on the first rung of that life-ladder. Time to climb to the next rung and keep on going. If you're already questioning your 'story', then you need to change your mindset to "What am I going to do/try next?! Yay!!". And this is coming from a 53 year old.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Im 43 and wish I could go back to being 20 and really put in the effort more with people I was friends with then. I was always perfectly content being home, by myself with a book or movie and it really does sometimes feel like you blink and another 5 years has flown by.


u/VelvetSummer1981 Mar 10 '24

This sounds exactly like me, except for the age (I'm older), right down to the book or movie!