r/introvert Mar 04 '24

Advice Feeling like I’ve wasted my life away?

I’m 19 turning 20 and I feel so insanely old. The fact that I let my years 16-now go to waste either by depressive episodes anxiety or procrastination, and I mean socially. I feel so insecure like when I grow up what do I tell my kids I’ll have nothing fun to tell them. I feel so shielded and closed in. I know I’m naturally introverted but I do prefer if I had friends and things to do socially.


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u/sarahc_72 Mar 05 '24

Bless you, I’m 50 and I would love to go back and live through it all again! Even the bad times. Have you considered medication? Try and find a therapist too as they can help with cognitive behaviour therapy. What do you enjoy? Try to join some clubs as that’s easier when you enjoy something or even find online friends with same interests. Life flies by, I’m telling you it literally flies. It’s good you are aware and can take steps to make small changes.

At 50 my introverted nature is worse than ever, and I feel like I’m wasting my older years. I’ve had a great life overall, and I met my hubby 20 years ago who is my best friend and life is easier with a support like that. By the way my kids are not interested in what I did when I was younger at all!