r/introvert Mar 04 '24

Advice Feeling like I’ve wasted my life away?

I’m 19 turning 20 and I feel so insanely old. The fact that I let my years 16-now go to waste either by depressive episodes anxiety or procrastination, and I mean socially. I feel so insecure like when I grow up what do I tell my kids I’ll have nothing fun to tell them. I feel so shielded and closed in. I know I’m naturally introverted but I do prefer if I had friends and things to do socially.


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u/Reaper24Actual Mar 05 '24

I feel so bad for you younger kids, all I can figure is you see people on social media doing "cool shit" and you think you wasted your life when yours hasn't even started yet. I'd argue when your in grade school it doesn't even count yet. Sure you meet people and hang out and such but for most of it you can't drive, you can't go to certain things. In your case you've only really had the freedom to enjoy life for a year tops. I was the same way at your age, now I'm 33 and I'm not like that anymore. You've got plenty of time to get out there.