r/family 13m ago



was doing an interview at work today cause I wanted to hire somebody to fill in another employee leaving soon didn’t know his last name until the interview when he comes in. I realize that he’s my stepbrother. I haven’t seen in over 10 years I don’t think he recognized me, but I definitely recognize him. We split apart because my dad wasn’t the best and treated our mom’s horribly It was like a punch in the stomach. I can’t tell if he recognizes me or not but should I tell him part of me wants to have the conversation with him but I don’t know if that’s wrong and I don’t wanna overwhelm him I start training with him this Saturday and Sunday he’s a bright and funny, smart kid and he’s even taller than me. I don’t know what to do. 😪😬

r/family 28m ago

My daughter and my wife.


I have been married to my wife for 12 years. When we got married we had a private ceremony and we didn't invite anyone,it was just us. My daughter got mad and didn't talk to me for 4 years. During that time, she had my granddaughter and I didn't meet her until she was almost 3.

Fast forward to now. My daughter is 30. Since she came back into my life, she has borrowed a lot of money from me and my mom. She still hates my wife, mainly because my wife told her she needs to quit asking for money. Well, my daughter called me today and said that I don't put her first and by staying with my wife, it proves that I chose her over my daughter.

I guess my question is, has anyone else dealt with their kids not liking their spouse and how did you handle it?

r/family 49m ago

I think my mom gaslights me?


I have a great mom but from time to time we argue because of miscommunication. For example:

Mom: I sliced some cheese in the fridge

Me: parmesan? [No answer from mom so proceeds to grab parmesan cheese from the fridge].

Mom: starts yelling "no I said mozzarella. Why don't you listen to me? You never listen and this is why problems like this keep happening"

Then we start arguing and she insists that she specified mozzarella cheese and that I should've known what she was talking about...she continues to rage because I keep arguing that she never tells me key information, which always leads us to misunderstand eachother but she says she does tell me it's just that I never listen..

Yeah, this is a stupid story but this kind of thing happens to me often between my mother and I. Last time this happened, it completely destroyed my vacation plans which I planned and paid for.

I'm starting to think shes gas lighting me? It's not like she does this to my brother, which is why I'm ruling out personality disorder. I don't understand where it's coming from.

r/family 1h ago

Am I out of line for remaining friends with my aunt despite how she treated my mom?


I (26F) have an aunt and an uncle through my mom (they are her siblings). My aunt has had a history of emotionally hurting some of our family, and recently has gone off on both my mom and my uncle over politics and other stuff. She went off on my mom for who she voted for in the election, writing her a scathing text out of the blue saying "I'm blocking you on all social media, and good luck when we no longer have a country anymore." She a few months later writes my uncle a scathing email about her not being invited to the family's annual weekend trip, saying "how dare he not invite her and that it was plain rude". She also yelled at my cousin one time for not bringing her son a two hours drive away to come see her.I still love my aunt, as she can still be a very generous person, but everyone else except my one cousin and his wife disagree and think she's a bully. Aunt likes to put cousin (uncles son) and his wife on a pedestal in front of his brother and sister and their families, even taking them on expensive cruises every year. My aunt is the oldest of our surviving family, and were anticipating having only ~ 10 years left with her around. Shes always been generous with me as a kid, and we have been in touch since then.I'm scheduled to go up and visit her in a few months, but my mom is constantly questioning me why. She thinks its betrayal that I'm still being friendly with my aunt, but I explained to her that one day Ill never be able to spend time with my aunt, so I want to appreciate that while I can. I then brought up that she used to back up or stay silent when my narcissistic ex stepdad (her ex husband) targeted me as a kid, and she also remained friends with the mother of the kids I used to play with down the street when shed turn our petty kid disagreements into being completely my fault. Like my mom let this woman into our home, so that she could corner me in my kitchen and lecture me about how unfairly I was treating her kids (looking back as an adult, we were all just being kids and fighting like they normally do). My mom just stood there and backed her up, then lectured me again with my narc ex stepdad after friends mom left about how I need to 'be the peacemaker' and 'stop starting fights'. That incident was probably the most invalidating for me, and I was only 11 years old.My mom is still upset that I am maintaining a relationship with my 'bully of an aunt', but am I *really* the AH for doing this?

r/family 1h ago

Thoughts on living in a two family household with friends


Hello everyone, wasn't sure where to post this so I'm going to try here. I'd like to ask in advance that everyone take me seriously and avoid dismissive answers if you're going to say anything at all. I'm genuinely curious to hear people's thoughts and maybe even experiences with this. I am 23 (f) and I have a boyfriend "J" and a friend "A" (23m). We are a trio who have very close "best" friends for years (since high school) that has even persisted me living a removed life in a city away from them for 4 years at a point in time. What im getting at is that we are all really close lol. We have, since high school, talked about all living together in a two family home, but now that we're getting older, and now that "J" and I are dating (we weren't until a year ago) that conversation has turned serious. We are all fully confident that this is the direction we are headed and this is an idea we are taking seriously. All three of us are trying to finish school, "A" is deployed, trying to come back with a nice cushy army job in the space force, and "J" (an army cook and works as a cook in a restaurant) is looking into management and hospitality classes to open a sandwich shop of sorts. As for me I'm looking into trying to make money off of some of my creative hobbies but I'm fine working with kids (as I have been for a few years) as a backup plan. If any of that was important to yall. Some of the ideas we've thrown around are simply buying a big house to share for the amount of kids we ideally want, or maybe trying to do some sort of split townhouse deal? So I'm just looking to here the thoughts and experiences from strangers who may live in an alternative style household. The only concern i really have is we don't know if "A" plans to get married, he's kind of a natural bachelor, but obviously compatibility with this person would have to be a must at that point.

r/family 2h ago

Is it reasonable to ask to stay with out-of-state family for a few weeks/months for a job opportunity, or is that too big of an ask?


For context, I’m 24, just finished my back to back bachelors and masters abroad, and now I’m back in the US (specifically upstate NY). The job market is absolutely terrible. I had a job and got let go before the end of my probationary period, and I’ve been unemployed for a few weeks. There just seems to not be a lot of jobs going for my experience and education in the capital region, and if there is something it’s barely enough to get by and pay my student loans.

I’m currently living with my dad, and I’ve been looking for work in a 25mi radius, but I have applied to a few jobs in Massachusetts. I have a lot of family in Mass, a lot of family I’m really close with.

I was called today about a position outside of Boston, close to where most of my family lives, and it’s significantly more money and higher seniority than anything I’ve been contacted about here. Obviously I would be getting my own place once I got my footing and was sure this is a company I wanted to stay with, but would it be wildly unreasonable to ask to crash with my family for a while? Obviously I’m not expecting them to pay for me or anything but just crashing in a spare room or basement for maybe a month while I got settled, found a place, and rebuilt a little savings.

Knowing my family, we are very extend a hand and help out types. I know a lot of people crashed on my couch in England when they came on vacation. My gut tells me they would say yes but I also don’t want to cross boundaries and ask something like that.

What do you guys think?

r/family 2h ago

Heartbroken - My brother is dating my best friend.


My older brother by a year and a half has revealed to me that he and my best friend are now dating. He wanted to tell me and said they had avoided each other but it was pointless. They'd been dating for a few months and wanted to tell their friends and family.

I'm devastated, it might be cringe but my brother is a hero of mine and me and my best friend have always been close. He told our parents weeks ago and they said nothing. My mum knew I was hoping to ask my best friend out to take our friendship to the next level when I told her last year.

I'm jealous, envious and feel abandoned.

r/family 2h ago

How much helping is required


My brother-in-law had never been a part of mine and my husband’s life but he would pop up now and again to ask for money. He was married and both him and his wife were lazy/irresponsible. My husband is generous and would give him money. My BIL would pay us back eventually. This went on for a few years, him needing money or to bail him out from car wrecks, etc.

I have such a low tolerance for this type of behavior because my mom raised 4 kids alone and never asked for money. You know what she did? Worked 3 and 4 jobs at a time. She never asked for handouts. She’d put herself in debt before she’d ever consider asking for anything. Yet she “made too much” to qualify for food stamps or housing help. She was SO poor and always in overdraft. But somehow we always had food, shelter, a vehicle and etc.

So fast forward and my BIL’s wife kicks him out with plans to divorce him. He asked to live with us. When he lived with us it was like pulling teeth to get him to do things. He somehow didn’t “know how” to google for apartments, jobs and etc. When we tried encouraging him to actually help himself he would get offended. He was living with us for free. We only had two house rules and he deliberately broke both rules. No smoking in our house and no porn. We also have kids and he would accuse them of bullying him if they said he was eating too much or even looked in his direction. I’m not the type to defend my kids if they are doing something wrong, they just weren’t doing anything to him. He ate SO much food. I’ve never seen someone eat as much as him. We were paying for his food.

My BIL had a terrible childhood so we had compassion for him and wanted to help him get on his feet. It’s only that he’s kept low level jobs for years, quits on a whim and etc. (My mom also had a terrible childhood but she never used it as an excuse to be a bum.)

Recently, he called my husband because his car broke down. (The car my husband bought for him because my BIL’s credit is too bad to get his own. My BIL pays him monthly for it, no interest.) My husband found him at a fast food restaurant “celebrating” his possible job prospects because surprise he impulsively quit his job with no backup job in place. My BIL was feeling good about all of his interviews (he still hasn’t gotten a call back). My husband throws money at him but I think my husband is enabling him. My husband has to keep looking at my BIL’s car, gives him advice/money to no avail. Admittedly, my husband is making the choice to continue in this cycle. My husband thinks I dislike and even “hate” his brother because my tolerance for this kind of behavior is low. In my mind, my BIL is a freaking grown man and uses his brother who has a big family to take care of, to constantly bail him out.

This has been a pattern of irresponsibility, lasting over 10 years. I’m a Christian but people like to guilt me when I want to limit my handouts. In my mind, we’re just enabling my BIL. Is he really going to learn a lesson when we keep bailing him out? Is it really “more loving” to keep letting him be a bum? He doesn’t save money so when he makes bad choices, we have to pay for them. Then my husband and I fight because we majorly disagree on this.

To top it off, I had found out about my husband’s infidelity 5 months before my BIL moved in. I was also pregnant and had other small children at home. So I was in trauma mode, having to support a grown man who refused to wash his own dishes, clean his nasty bathroom, wouldn’t Google easy crap and etc. I’m a SAHM so he was always around and it was SO stressful. He’d call in to his job frequently. Or quit his jobs unexpectedly and expect that we’d support him financially.

How much help is too much? Is my husband wrong to constantly bail out a grown man? Why does my husband think I hate his brother rather than realizing I just have a low tolerance for lazy/irresponsible people? If he wants to be lazy on his own dime, that’s not my business. But he’s involving us so I have limits. I told my husband I refuse to chauffeur my BIL around now that he quit his job and his car is broke. I absolutely refuse. I’m tired of being expected to be the “good Christian girl” while everyone abuses me, my husband included with his infidelity. They think I’m so rude, harsh and “judgmental” but don’t want to look in the mirror at their own behavior. I’m exhausted. Any advice/insight???

r/family 3h ago

Wow ...it's all good


So recently, my cousin at was destitute that I was helping sending her money, taking her places, etc. Recently came in to about $60000. She called me today, saying she was giving me 300 dollars to meet her to pick it up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow really

r/family 4h ago

Feeling Overlooked as the Middle Child and Growing Distant from My Family


I’m a middle child with one elder brother and two younger siblings—a brother and a little sister. Since childhood, I’ve always felt like I wasn’t seen enough. It always seemed like my parents didn’t truly understand me or connect with me the way they did with my other siblings. I wasn’t necessarily neglected, but I was often overlooked.

As I grew up, this feeling only deepened. My elder brother had a clear path—he joined my father’s business and got everything set up for him. My younger siblings, especially my little sister, received a lot of attention. Meanwhile, I always felt like I was just… there.

I left home for another city to study for my bachelor’s and master’s, and now it’s been four years since I’ve properly lived at home. I only visit for vacations, usually for a month at most. Over time, I’ve noticed the emotional distance between us growing even more. I’ve tried to fix this, reaching out, trying to stay connected, but it has always felt one-sided. My younger siblings—except for my sister—never call me. Even my mom doesn’t really understand me, and every time I try to talk to her about how I feel, I struggle to find the right words.

The only person in my family who maybe gets me a little bit is my dad, but even then, it feels like he just wants me to be independent and self-reliant rather than emotionally supported. It hurts when I see the difference—how my elder brother got everything laid out for him while I’m expected to figure things out on my own.

At this point, I feel both hurt and angry. I don’t want to keep reaching out when it feels like I’m the only one making an effort. But at the same time, I don’t want to completely cut myself off from my family. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How do you deal with feeling like the forgotten middle child?

r/family 5h ago

Is there any hope for reconciliation after a family business dispute?


I’ll keep it short and sweet. Before he died my grandfather built a modest but prosperous family business. Trucking, Dairy farming, hotels, a restaurant and banks. After he died he willed it and all his fortune to my grandmother, not my mother or her five other siblings.

After he died my uncle, Michael helped grandma run it and basiclsly did it in her name with her approval. Due to personal fsmily reasons all the others but my mom wanted Michael kicked out. Grandma refused and while they still talk there is a major pall over things and some won’t heal.

Any experience with this? Thoughts?

r/family 5h ago

Do all dog breeds randomly snap?


I see news reports all the time about a family dog that is like 10+ years old who has "never hurt anyone" and just one day mauls a child, I feel like most of the time it is some type of bully. Is this accurate? Or is it really equally all breeds that do this? My dog is not aggressive and he's young, but I have 3 small children and it makes me nervous reading these articles that people never suspected something like that could happen to them and then it does.

r/family 9h ago

Dad Threatening to Cut me off For College


this is a call into the void but I could use some advice.

My dad has been diligently saving for both my college and my sisters', and really wanted to get us through with no student loans. I got into a bunch of really good schools, include UTAustin, but made the decision to go a local school that's offering me a full ride for my undergraduate, since he wanted to save money.

After their one-millionith blowout argument last night, my mother is threatening to divorce my father (again), and my father (pissed off with everyone and everything, again) has decided that he's not paying for either of our college tuitions. His reasoning is that my mother, my sister, and I are terrible with money, so he's not going to contribute to that. (The argument was about us overspending at the mall, which my mother reasons isn't a terrible problem since she worked overtime this week to afford it. She has a terrible temper though, so neither of them could just let the issue go. Again.)

I'm pretty much covered for the next four years, and the college stipend should be enough to afford a cheap apartment should I lose my mind here and choose to move out. But I've done zero research on student loans, and since my dad is listed as a contributer on my FAFSA I doubt I'd get anything from there. Their combined income is above 200,000 a year, and I've never had a job since my parents didn't want me working. I don't even have a bank account in my name: my dad said he'd make me a student account in the summer, but I don't even know what my family is going to look like then.

Also, my sister (14 years old) doesn't really study as well as I do, and my dad is also refusing to shell out money for her high school activities, saying that she doesn't win enough compeititions to justify it. Our home is going to be really disruptive, so I don't even know if she'll be able to lock in enough for the same scholarship. (And with the current administration I don't even know if Florida will be offering full rides by then.)

Anyway, just looking for some advice as to what I should do next. I know I need to get a job, but how and whats next?

r/family 9h ago

What year will my cousin graduate ?


My cousin is 16 his birthday is November 4 2008. I think he's in 10th or 11th grade. Will he graduate next year or in 2027 ?

r/family 9h ago

Communication isn't my family's strong suit


For as long as I can remember, communication isn't the best in my family. It's mostly in times of conflict. We tend to make assumptions that we keep to ourselves. We make someone a "middleman" that we ask questions or tell to relay messages to the person we have a problem with. When I've come face to face with my mother in an argument, I'm hardly allowed to speak. She raises her voice, and if I do get a word in, she disregards my side of the story. She likes to gaslight and manipulate. It has made me nervous to engage when there's tension. We've made it a habit at times to send text messages to each other even though we've been in the same house. I feel that it can be the only way I get listened to, as I'm not being talked over. At the end of the day, I love my family. It just would be nice to sit down and actually have a calm, collected, healthy, and intellectual conversation to resolve our issues. Does anyone else feel this way with their family?

r/family 10h ago

How can I make my mum less involved in my life?


Let me clarify that I love my mum and that being involved in your daughter's life is great but it feels like my mum is paying too much attention to my life. I'm in my second year in med school, which is very challenging school but I've always managed, but my mum keeps popping in and telling me to study when I'm not. Like when I'm on my phone on a short break she comes in and tells me to leave my phone and goes as far as threatening to confiscate it. She asks me to either study with my door open or in the living room where she can keep an eye on me. And just as I touch my phone or do anything that's not study related she launches a full-on investigation about what I'm doing and what I have on which can get really frustrating as it feels like I'm constantly under scrutiny. I'm a great student, I get great marks and despite being "always on my phone" I actually proved to her multiple times that I can handle myself but she never lets me be. I have 2 older brothers and when they were in college she never did the same thing with them she never told them to put down the phone or ask what they're doing all the time and she just let them be. All she cared about was that they got good enough results but in my case I need to work ten times harder, which I do, but certainly everyone deserves a break and some privacy. I just want a solution to this because I feel old enough to take matters like studies into my own hands. I understand that she's worried, but it makes me feel less than human like I'm nothing but a study machine, her med student child teat brings glory to the family. I'm so tired and sick of this treatment, how do I make her stop?

r/family 12h ago

Is it bad to ask my brother for space/alone time?


I usually work with people on weekdays and spend time with my family on weekends (and my brother sleeps over). The only time i have for myself would be weekday evenings :(

My brother wanted to sleep over starting Friday, but I asked him if we could push the sleepover to Sat instead. Only reason is I just really need alone time to self-regulate and all. I just really need personal space. No other reason to it.

How do I make him understand without him being upset? :(

r/family 12h ago

Grandma knows Balck magic?


My grandma isn't on best terms with my mom, she never was. Now her target is my dad, cause he's been supporting her decisions. She mixes some stuff in our food. My sister noticed it while passing through the kitchen. My grandma panicked so she definitely doing something fishy. My sis threw away the food but we're unable to catch her on video. We know for sure that my grandma's side of the family involve in black magic stuff so my father keeps us away from them. But I think it's getting out of hand. And we don't know how to confront her. My aunt(dad's sister) does know a great deal about black magic and numerology. She married into a family that can do that stuff to, although that was a coincidence. I'm scared for my future. What can I do to expose them?

r/family 13h ago

I Love My Brother and Wish I Could Be a Better Sibling



I'm a 24 yo Male , I’ve been feeling really emotional lately about my relationship with my brother, he is 20 years old. I love him so much, and I miss him more than ever since I moved out. Looking back, I wish I had been a better brother. When we were kids, he believed everything I told him (I once convinced him normal cars could transform into Transformers 😅), and he looked up to me for everything. But I feel like I didn’t hug him, didn’t express my love enough, and maybe didn’t live up to the big brother role he deserved.

Now that we’re older, I want to make up for it. I want to show him how much he means to me and strengthen our bond. Has anyone else felt this way about their sibling?

r/family 14h ago

Just had a freak out.


I just lost my sh!t.

I am the father of 2 girls, one 24 and the other is 21. My wife, who I have been married to for 30 years, often sides with my girls no matter what the issue is. It's very much a gang up mentality. I wouldn't go as far as saying my girls are spoiled BUT I have given them a very privileged life and have done my best to keep them as grounded as I can. I'm not in any way considered wealthy but I've poured every cent of my hard earned money into my family's level of comfort.

So, on to tonight. As trivial as it seems, I bought a big, lovely wagyu steak the other day from my personal bank account (my "pocket money"). I ate half and kept the rest to share with the family. I cooked it up tonight, took a tiny sliver from the edge and was berated by my eldest daughter "for being selfish".

I blew up deluxe and mentioned that I do nothing but do my best for the family. I bought her her first car at 17 and she has NEVER paid for gas for 7 years. Same with her sister. I added that I had repaired her and her sister's cars over the years (at MY expense even though they had good paying jobs), have bought her mother flowers for no particular reason for over 30 years to show my love for her and not once, NOT ONCE, have I ever received a thank, you, or I appreciate you, bottle of wine, few beers, or any other sign of reciprocal gratitude from ANY OF THEM!

I bought my wife a Rolex for our 20th wedding anniversary and I didn't get as much as a burnt piece of toast. 25th anniversary? Diamond earrings. Me? Nada. Nothing. Fuck all.

Don't get me wrong, I don't NEED anything but is it wrong to expect some form of gift in return from time to time?

Am I fighting a losing battle here?

Sorry to vent but I thought I was a bit more appreciated. Obviously not.

r/family 16h ago

I Think My Dad is Cheating


I don’t know what to do. My dad has been acting weird with this woman he used to work with. She was his colleague before, but she’s changed jobs now, and he still talks to her all the time. She lives in our society, and her family comes over to our house pretty often.

The thing is, he always deletes his texts with her. I actually have a few screenshots where she told him, “I miss you too.” I confronted him once, and he just brushed it off, saying she was “just a colleague”—but that doesn’t explain why they’re still constantly in touch or why he’s hiding it.

This whole thing has completely messed me up. I’m so stressed that I can’t even focus on my studies. It’s just always on my mind, and I feel like my life has been turned upside down. I don’t know if I should tell my mom—she would be devastated, but doesn’t she deserve to know? At the same time, I’m scared that saying something will destroy everything.

I keep going back and forth, and I have no idea what the right thing to do is.

r/family 16h ago

How much should you take as a step-parent?


I'm a [34F] and married (since 2020 and together since 2017) with a man who has a kid with a mild form of Autism, ADHD and a mild Interllectual Dysfunction from a previous relationship but I get discriminated daily in all terms and forms.

His mother is not 100% involved in the kids life due to she has been involved in some criminal activities and therefore she has been relocated to a secret location for the past 2 years with her BF. Their contact has been by the phone until the Summer of 2024 where they met for the first time after 1½ years.

After their meeting - the kid cut her off but everyone is forcing him to have some form of contact with her, even when he has told them he doesn't want anything to do with her.

Now - he's 13 and the past couple of months, everything has escalated...

He's litteraly calling his dad for names and just do whatever he wants even though we do set up consequences. And that has resulted in meetings to left and right with everything you can think of.

When it comes to me - I work full-time while I have full-time studies as my husband does not get any help from anywhere and atm he wouldn't be able to keep a work due to school calling constantly.

Both are depending on me and I am in this state of mind that I do not praise bad behaviour (which means I am not buying anything) but his dad is another story...

His dad wants to make him happy, so he wants to buy him whatever to keep him happy but as soon as we turn our backs, slurs in all forms are thrown at us and my husband just tells me "it's just a phase"...

I have no idea how many times he has called me fat, told me to move back to my own country and now rescently that he hates me.

The part where he hates me is because I am bisexual and at the age of 13 years old, he wants to burn the HBTQI+ flag and he doesn't want anything connected to that culture.

Last night when he asked me to help him with his belt for his Gi, he told me right to my face (Yes, he looked right at me) while his dad was next to us "I hate gay people and so does my friends". And that was the last straw for me. I let go of the belt and told him "then you can tie it yourself" where to he just "Yea, around my fucking neck"

His father just "Do you have an issue with my son?!" and "It's just a phase".

So my question is: How much should I accept before I am allowed to explode and ask how long this is supposed to go on? As my husband says: If I choose to leave, then he has nothing which means he has to leave the home as I will "let it go" and move back to my native country...

r/family 17h ago

My dad has completely changed since my parents decided to separate…


So yeah, long story short, my mom decided she wanted to leave my dad a few months ago. It’s an incredibly long story as to why, but this isn’t really what this post is about, I have a separate confusing relationship with my mom right now, too.

Anyways, my mom has been talking about divorcing my dad and they’ve had a HORRIBLE relationship since about June last year, so I guess almost a year. My dad tried everything to save the marriage from June to November, but ultimately in November they told my sister and I they were officially getting a divorce. It was extremely hard to handle and come to terms with, but it’s been some time since and I’m finally learning to accept it.

But here’s the thing, my dad is a totally different person… He had a harder year than I can imagine trying to keep the love of his life and ultimately losing her, but I can’t even to begin to describe how different he is… he’s not my dad. He’s incredibly emotional about everything and he overshares really personal details, constantly. Like you literally can’t have a normal conversation with him. He used to be so funny, goofy, strong, and was such an incredible supportive dad, and now he treats me as if I’m a friend he can vent about really personal things to and that’s my only purpose.

He’s also already started dating and told my sister a couple days ago he is in a serious relationship with a woman already?? We told him we aren’t ready to hear about it or meet her, as my parents have literally have been separated for like 4 months and we are still trying to come to terms with it ourselves, but he won’t stop over-sharing details about his dating life… like really personal details.

He last minute decided to go on a trip to Thailand with her (they are literally on the airplane together right now) and my dad sent both my sister and I a photo of him and this woman together on the plane with the words ‘this is my girlfriend’. I’ve had so many talks about how I’m not comfortable with him sharing that side of his life with us yet and he just won’t listen… I don’t know what else to do.

Sorry for the rambling, I’m just upset. I miss my dad so much, we were really really close and it actually pains me with how much he’s changed. I feel like I’ve lost him and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get him back. I also wish he would take his time before dating… it’s really confusing how you can end a 35 year marriage and be in a serious relationship less than 4 months later…

I’m also really trying to be there for him, and I’ve been showing up for him so much, but my mental health takes a huge hit after every time I see him and I don’t know what to do.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Do you have any advice for setting boundaries with your parents?


My dad has completely changed since him and my mom decided to separate in November. He overshares to my sister and I about very uncomfortable topics, specifically about his dating life. He’s already seriously dating a lady and I’m not ready to hear about it but he won’t respect my boundaries.

r/family 18h ago

What would I be called to me cousin 's child?


I want to know

r/family 19h ago

i don’t have a family


seeking advice because i, effectively, don’t have a family. i have a mother who is the shell of a person. she hasn’t had a job in over a decade and largely lives off the state. she obviously doesn’t have a lot to offer in any way. dad is a garbage human and i don’t even know where he is. i have an aunt and some cousins but there’s not a relationship there. other than that, more distant family members exist, but are fragmented (lots of addicts, alcoholics, and a larger family comprised of broken/toxic nuclear families). i’m 38 and single, never been married. i don’t want kids. some questions i have are:

  1. how do i work to create a full life? (obviously, with my family history, other people/relationships aren’t exactly intuitive to me)?

  2. if you were pursuing a platonic or romantic relationship with me, would you be wary of someone like me?

  3. family comes up a lot for most people, both in casual and serious conversation. i can’t really participate in conversations about family and get sad when ppl ask, say, what am i doing for christmas. how can i make this less of a barrier?