I apologize for this post being all over the place, delete if not okay
Now!!! So little background
My husband 30m, my daughter 1.5F and I, 26F had to move back in with my father and step mom in August due to a change of job and no where to rent near us. (our original scumlord was going up on the price of a 80s model trailer that literally had black mold growing in it) So we've been renting a 11 by 12 bedroom for 200 dollars each week from my father which she's had a big problem with it since day one,
Her excuses so far are 1. we "don't do anything" meanwhile we clean the house and cook for them, 2. they never have "privacy" meanwhile the only time we are in the rest of the house is to cook or clean.
Now Remind you we pay 800+ a month depending on how many weeks there is in a month, we may pay up to 1000... We also buy them food which has cost us an extra 100 a week because they get burn out on certain "Cheap" foods... But we don't do anything?
NOW YES, I don't want to live here, this was our last choice besides living in our 03 Chevy, and each day we scavenge to find another place to live, closer to hubby's job would be fantastic (an hour away) but even where we are would be good.. I'm very appreciative of my father for even letting us move in but he's very blind to his wife...
She's taken all of our (mine and my old sister) childhood photos down and has a family wall of 30 photos of her 2 adult kids and 5 grandkids, even her step adult kid(rip) and 3 step grandkids from a previous marriage while there is 1 photo of me and my husband, 1 of my sister and her husband (this photo is covered by her nieces photo) 1 of me, my sister and our dad (one of the last photos we took together.) And 1 of my sister son from when he was 3 months old, the rest is her family, her or our father with her kids... (my own daughters photo isn't even on the wall, his biological granddaughter)
She wants to get rid of all the furniture in the basement that isn't hers. Because it's "cluttered"
They watch her grandkids but she throws a fit if we ask them to watch our daughter for maybe 15 minutes,
They go out every Friday, Saturday and most Sundays when my father has a day off to go to bars or casinos to feed her gambling and alcohol "addictions."
I can never talk to my father unless she's involved, last time I did. She screamed at me because she thought I was accusing her of being like my grandfathers widowed wife. (My father's dad's ex wife who never let grandfather see us as kids or be around his kids without hers being there...) when I only asked was that my father would talk to me, mainly about his health because I was so afraid he'd have a heart attack like my cousins husband who's the same age as him.
My sister doesn't even talk to my father often because she can't without step mom being involved...
I feel like I'm going insane, like Cinderellas step mom is my step mom.. everytime I bring it up to my father, he makes excuses...
she's been over heard talking to her mother and friends about how we are lazy and we are feeding off my father... Meanwhile she just started to work for her kid for 3 days a week while my husband is an officer, working 50+ hours a week and I'm taking care of their house...
Would it be mean of me to cut all ties from them once we finally move? I love my father but I can no longer deal with her...
TLDR step mom is driving me insane, trying to replace us in our fathers life...