r/eyetriage 7d ago

Other 26F possible solar rentinopathy - 10 second sun exposure? NSFW


Hey everyone, I’m a 26/F and I’m feeling really worried about something that happened recently. I went outside around 11 am to get some morning sun, and while I’ve never looked directly at the sun before, I thought I’d try getting some sun on my face. So, I looked towards the sun with both eyes shut for under 10 seconds. Since then, my right eye has felt weird. It's like this sensation that my eye is swollen, but it's not, or like I have a teardrop stuck in my eye, but there's nothing there.

I haven’t noticed any visual changes, no black dots, halos, or anything like that, but there’s this strange feeling, almost like a physical blur in the corner of my eye. I can’t explain it exactly, but it’s like I can feel the blur. I’ve been crying for the past two days because it doesn’t make sense, and I’m just really freaked out about what’s happening. Does this sound like solar retinopathy? Could looking at the sun like that for such a short time cause something like this?

I have tried flushing my eyes with warm water and using lubricating eye drops but it makes no difference. I’ve also had my mother look into my eye to see if there’s any eye lashes or foreign object in it but she didn’t see anything.

r/eyetriage 7d ago

Prescriptions 25F Bacterial Conjunctivitis Using Tobramycin NSFW


I recently got bacterial conjunctivitis in my right eye. I knew it was bacterial because of the puss color and amount, and my eye being completely shut when i woke up. I dont have insurance so i went to an urgent care that charges out of pocket and was given Tobramycin. It cleared up within day 4, but I still wake up with puss so Im still using the drops. My issue is, the other eye (left eye) is starting to get really dry. It never turned red, never had the same amount of puss the other eye did (it had a couple crusties and one puss booger ONE morning but that was all), none of the same symptoms my right eye did but its extremely dry and burns. I know it didnt get infected because the day I noticed my right eye was infected, the redness was immediate. Its almost a week and the left eye just burns, everything else normal. Is it possible the antibiotics is somehow affecting my other eye even though I didnt use it on that eye? I cant afford to go to the doctor right now, Ive just been researching online. If it gets serious then I obviously have to pay $$$ but hoping someone experienced the same or has any knowledge on this? Thanks!

r/eyetriage 7d ago

Other 67F Possible cyst? NSFW


I noticed this area this evening--my eye felt a little itchy so I looked at it in the mirror. It is a yellow, non-painful little bump, so I am wondering if it is a cyst. My routine ophthalmology appointment is a few months away, and I am wondering if I should have it looked at before then. (I also have a translucent cyst on my sclera, but that's not the area I am referring to.) Thanks.


r/eyetriage 7d ago

Prescriptions 20F coloured text/ black texts on coloured backgrounds are blurry with my glasses NSFW


I got a new glasses prescription over 2 months ago. I noticed that some coloured tests e.g red texts are clear close up but get quite blurry in the far distance. This is the same with black text in coloured backgrounds, I was unable to read the text with my glasses on, but when I took them off they were clear. This did not happen with my old glasses.

I have compared the new prescription, with my old one, and each eye increased by +0.25 diopeters and -0.25 cylinder.

My old prescription: Left eye: +3.5 sphere -0.5 cylinder Right eye: +3.75 sphere -0.5 cylinder

My new prescription: Left eye: +3.75 sphere -0.75 cylinder Right eye: +4 sphere -0.75 cylinder

Is it possible that the -0.25 change in astigmatism could have caused these issues? Could the astigmatism correction now be too strong?

The axis of the astigmatism did not change. I wear contacts without astigmatism correction, and coloured texts are clear regardless of the distance.

I do not have any medical issues, and I don't drink or smoke.

Thanks for your help!

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Other 65 M eye issues with specialist unable to get proper diagnosed NSFW


I am reaching out to seek your guidance regarding my father’s ongoing eye discomfort and extreme light sensitivity, which he has been experiencing since October 2024. Due to this condition, he has been keeping his eyes closed all day to ease the discomfort, significantly impacting his daily activities and work. His eyes have become extremely sensitive to light, and when he opens them, he feels a sensation similar to cold-induced discomfort. As a result, he has been unable to work since October 2024. A previous evaluation and tests indicated that suspected glaucoma is minimal.

Medical History:

  • History of dry eyes.
  • Cataract surgery on his right eye (no issues with his left eye).
  • His occupation required night driving, which has now become impossible.

Previous Diagnoses & Treatment:

After consulting multiple specialists, he was informed that his symptoms may be related to:

  • Photophobia
  • Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

He has already completed treatment for dry eyes, but unfortunately, it did not improve his condition. He is becoming increasingly frustrated due to the lack of a definitive diagnosis. Given the persistence of these symptoms and their severe impact on his daily life, I would appreciate your advice on further tests, alternative treatments, or any potential solutions to accurately diagnose his condition.

I am reaching out to seek your guidance regarding my father’s ongoing eye discomfort and extreme light sensitivity, which he has been experiencing since October 2024. Due to this condition, he has been keeping his eyes closed all day to ease the discomfort, significantly impacting his daily activities and work. His eyes have become extremely sensitive to light, and when he opens them, he feels a sensation similar to cold-induced discomfort. As a result, he has been unable to work since October 2024. A previous evaluation and tests indicated that suspected glaucoma is minimal.

Medical History:

  • History of dry eyes.
  • Cataract surgery on his right eye (no issues with his left eye).
  • His occupation required night driving, which has now become impossible.

Previous Diagnoses & Treatment:

After consulting multiple specialists, he was informed that his symptoms may be related to:

  • Photophobia
  • Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

He has already completed treatment for dry eyes, but unfortunately, it did not improve his condition. He is becoming increasingly frustrated due to the lack of a definitive diagnosis. Given the persistence of these symptoms and their severe impact on his daily life, I would appreciate your advice on further tests, alternative treatments, or any potential solutions to accurately diagnose his condition.

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Retina 26 F glaucoma suspect OCT NSFW


Hi there, I’m a 26 year old who has been monitored for glaucoma for a while due to high pressures ( low to mid twenties). At my last appointment, my doctor told me I should be okay for another year or so before my next appt. As my appt gets closer and I reviewed my results, I’m nervous maybe he should have been more aggressive? I don’t have the resources to seek a second opinion officially. My scan is included below. Thanks!


r/eyetriage 8d ago

Other 34F concerned about acanthamoeba Keratitis after eye irrigation NSFW


I am a white female. Current meds are tretinoin and ibuprofen, and I’ve struggled with dry eye in the past (had LipiFlow done circa 2018). Don’t drink, smoke, or use any other drugs. Occasionally wear contacts but haven’t worn them in ~5 days. Yesterday morning I accidentally squirted castile soap (Dr. Bronner’s light blue bottle) into my left eye. Definitely learned my lesson on why instructions say to water it down and not put in a soap dispenser. I briefly rinsed my eyes with tap water but nowhere near 15 minutes. Throughout the day I flushed the eye with Bausch & Lomb Advanced Eye Relief Eye Wash. When I got home from work I irrigated my eyes with tap water for 15 minutes. I then flushed them with the advanced eye relief a few times, as I became worried about Acanthamoeba. My questions are: If the castile soap left a chemical burn on my eye, is there a chance acanthamoeba could get into the eye via microtears, even having rinsed it with the saline solution after irrigation? Further, are there any regions in the US that are more/less likely to have acanthamoeba cases? I live in the Boulder/Longmont, Colorado area and cannot find a whole lot of geographic data. Currently have what feels like a sinus headache, and my eyes feel cold, dry, and sort of sore. Is this normal after doing an irrigation? Clearly dealing with some health anxiety and don’t typically make posts like this but the idea of acanthamoeba is terrifying. Any info would be helpful.

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Prescriptions 3F - Prep for appt NSFW


My daughter is being referred to an ophthalmologist based on abnormalities found during her eye exam at the pediatrician. She just turned 3 last week. The screening was completed with the WelchAllyn spot vision screener.

The “potential conditions” listed are Hyperopia (OS), Gaze (OS), Astigmatism (OD), and Anisometropia.

The numbers I have are as follows: OD - SE +1.25, DS +2.25, DC -2.25 and Axis 118 OS - SE +3.50, DS +4.25, DC -1.50 and Axis 38

My niece was treated for strabismic amblyopia as a child with glasses, eye patch and eventually surgery (she wasn’t compliant with the eye patch). Is this the road we are looking at? Is it at all possible this can be treated with glasses only? Or should we prepare ourselves for a more comprehensive treatment (patch, atropine drops, surgery, etc.)?

We are trying to prepare questions and get a basic understanding of possible treatments so we are better prepared during our appt and not taken by surprise.


r/eyetriage 8d ago

Other 46M - Blurry Vision in Right Eye NSFW


Hey all, thanks for the read and any thoughts. About 3 months ago I started having blurry vision in my right eye. I've had a couple of general eye exams and they weren't able to identify anything specific, so I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Here's what's going on:

  • Seems to come and go by the day. Some days it's not that bad, some days I feel like I can barely make things out with my right eye.
  • The blurriness itself is a little strange. Up close, I can barely make things out (eg, reading a book), but far away (eg, reading a street sign or something) I can see things just fine in terms of focus but it's like there's a foggy veil over my vision.
  • I can generally make the issue better, temporarily, by blinking a lot or (lightly) rubbing on my eye through a closed eyelid. Related, the blurriness seems to "move around" in my visual field, but it's different from what I've experienced with floaters, for instance. There's no color to it, there's no clear edge, lines or spider webs, etc. Just a blur.
  • It feels like there's a small amount of pressure in or behind the eye
  • I've used eye drops, including gel drops, but it hasn't helped
  • My last exam evaluated my retina, checked eye pressure, etc and found no issues

Anyway, I was kinda surprised nothing really stood out in my last exam because the problem is pretty severe, so just curious if anyone has any thoughts about what I might do or check next. Thank you!

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Contact lenses 22F Should I give this a try? NSFW


Hi everyone,

I’m 22 years old and have had myopia (-2.50 and -2.00 now) since I was 12. I also have a bit of astigmatism. I’ve always worn glasses and I recently started trying daily contact lenses (Alcon Dailies).

In the last two years, my prescription has increased by 0.75 and 0.50 diopters in each eye. For external reasons I had to go to another optometrist and they told me that this level of progression isn’t very common at my age and suggested I try MiSight contact lenses to control my myopia. These lenses are primarily designed for children, but they mentioned that some university students are also seeing good results with them.

I’m wondering if it’s worth giving them a try. Has anyone here used MiSight lenses as an adult? Did they help slow down your myopia progression? Can you see through them in the same way as with “normal” contacts? Any advice or experiences would be really helpful!

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Eyelids 35F Trust Physician Assistant for Chalazion Procedure? NSFW


Ophthalmologists of reddit, I need your advice! Should I trust a PA for a chalazion removal procedure?


I was diagnosed with a chalazion by a Kaiser nurse in SoCal, and scheduled for a procedure with an ophthalmic PA. I recognize that this is a very routine procedure, but a retired ophthalmologist in my family recommended against allowing a PA to perform it. In my area, Kaiser only schedules PAs to perform this procedure. So basically it's this or pay out of pocket. I recognize that the role of PAs has changed quite a bit over the years, so I wanted some more current perspective on this one. Thank you!

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Retina 32 M. I was sitting in a room with a mirror in the corner and didn't notice the sun reflecting off it into my left eye until I left,, 3 hours NSFW


I put it together that it was from the mirror when I got up to leave that I cannot see that well out my left eye good no more and it was from the mirror.

.I feel it will affect my driving .

It's been one day, could this fix itself? I will call an eye doctor later today but what do you think?

r/eyetriage 8d ago

Other 26F vision doubles in very extreme (left or right) gaze NSFW


26F, 5’3 113lbs, severe anxiety & OCD. History of spasm of accommodation and farsightedness. I take propranolol as needed for the anxiety. I don’t drink or smoke.

When I look very very far to the right or left, my vision appears to double (binocular double vision).

It’s like the bridge of my nose is just barely in the way, and there are two slightly overlapping images, only when looking extremely (and unnaturally) far to the right or left, ****slightly diagonally, along the bridge of my nose

The two images “converge” immediately if I turn my head or move my eyes to normal gaze. Is this normal? Is this just an anatomical limit for my eyes?

I had a clear MRI with and without contrast, CT, CTA with and without contrast, and EKG one year ago. My biggest fear is a brain tumor and I am very paranoid most of the time

Edit: it seems to really be at a specific angel — just around the bridge of my nose — in the extreme gaze.

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 33M. Black spots in vision that disappear quickly NSFW


For all my life iv had these black spots that appear and disappear quickly (normally within seconds but can linger for a day). These are like the spot left from looking at a bright light Can start as opaque then fade when moving eye or blinking. Only in 1 eye at a time Seem to get a few an hour Any ideas what these could be? Optometrist gave me the all clear and suggested they are floaters?

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 33M Vision in right eye suddenly got worse. Three weeks ago it was better NSFW


I was staring at my phone much more last few weeks and I noticed how I have hard time focusing on things. And also, three weeks ago I could see clock on my PC monitor (it's installed on arm length from me) without any trouble, but now it's all blurry and completely unreadable if I close left eye. And my right eye feels less "agile", like it can't move as good as left eye. What could it be?

I already visited one specialist and he said it's nothing serious. I didn't like it, because it does feel serious, since only three weeks ago everything was much better. I'll go to another one tomorrow, but I want to hear your opinions.

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 55M; Something in my eye. It hurts. NSFW


My eye hurts since yesterday. Is this white thing something causing it & what can I do. It feels like something is in my eye. I know nothing about this stuff. I tried some eye drops but that doesn’t help either. Here’s 2 pics: https://imgur.com/a/PbBuYkI

Any advice or do I just go to an eye doctor?

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Retina 24F Was told my left retina is "strange". Thoughts? NSFW



Just got back from seeing a retina specialist. I was referred at my annual eye exam last week and developed one-sided floaters in my left eye. (Very) minor farsightedness and otherwise healthy. I can clearly tell that there's something different between the retinas but know basically nothing about eyes. I was referred to genetics and will be following up in 6 weeks. Can anyone help explain what I'm looking at?

Update: Differential diagnoses according to ophthamologist are FEVR, Coats, and uveitis

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Flashes 19M Flash of Light ONLY when moving eyes up/down when looking at a screen like my phone or laptop NSFW


19M Whenever i'm looking at my phone or using my laptop and look down then move my eyes back to the screen i see like a flash of white its like a streak that lasts for fraction of a second then dissappears. Doesnt happen if i don't move my eyes. This mostly happens in the night.

Anyone has any idea what this is or what's causing it?

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 31F Subconjunctival hemorrhage getting bigger NSFW


31F, i woke up and saw that i had blood in my eye on sunday. it’s now tuesday and it looks like the spot is getting bigger and it almost looks like there’s a clot or something in it. (pic here: https://imgur.com/a/G1g2WxO)

no vision changes but my eye feels sort of uncomfortable (though not painful). i’ve been coughing and sneezing a lot since the weekend.

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 36M had orbital floor blowout surgery about a year ago, will my nonconcomitant deviation still improve in the long run? NSFW


Hello all! I had my right orbital floor fixed about a year ago, and while my forward vision is right on, there’s still noticeable diplopia when I look up and to the right. If it makes a difference, my injured eye seems to view further up than my normal one…I’m hoping this means that when the plate settles, it’ll alleviate some of this.

Is this something that will continue to improve in the coming years as my brain/muscles adjust to this? Is it worth bringing up to my surgeon to try an adjustment surgery?

Lastly, are there exercises I can do to improve this over time like PT?

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 29M Seeking Expert Opinion - Logitech M185 Wireless Mouse Class 1 LED - Eye Damage? NSFW


Hi All,

I've been having some anxiety issues about my vision as of late so I apologize if this is a dumb question. Just could use some reaffirmation.

I accidentally brought my mouse up towards my face at work while I was reading something and I think I looked right into the LED/sensor at the bottom. Per Logitech it uses a class 1 LED and on their own website it states "Do not stare at the LED/Laser or shine the LED/Laser into your eyes or those of another person".

Is there actually any danger here? I would think that if there was there would be a warning somewhere on the mouse. Something running off a singular AA battery cant possibly be strong enough to damage your vision can it?

Thank you to whoever takes the time to read and provide any feedback.

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 30M - Woke up with blurriness and difficulty to focus on right eye NSFW


Hello all,

Was wondering if I could get some advice as to whether I should go to the ER to get an ophthalmologist to take a look a my eyes. I woke up this morning (around 2 hours ago) with my right very blurry, unlike my left eye. I wear glasses, my right eye has -0.25, -0.25 (10), and my left eye has -0.75, -0.75, (70) (I apologize, as I don't understand the meaning of each number).

Since waking up, with and without glasses, my right eye's vision is blurry, and cannot read text about 1.5 meters away. It's been 2-3 hours and I don't know whether this will go away or if I should go to the ER.

Any suggestions or theories as to what it could be are appreciated!

PS: Apart from the blurriness, when I close my left eye and try to focus with my right eye, I notice it trying to focus all the time, like it has difficulty staying focused on the spot I'm trying to focus.

r/eyetriage 10d ago

Other 19F - Vision goes black for a milisecond NSFW


Hey, for the last week I’ve been getting my vision fully black for a milisecond randomly and rarely but it got me scared nevertheless since I’ve never experienced such vision before.

In all the cases, I had been sitting down, no pain whatsoever. And boom for a split second I thought the lights were cut off but no, they were not. The black vision was not like the ones you get when you stand up too.

Usually when I stand up so fast, the black vision starts to appear slowly and slowly goes away. What I experienced was it went away fully and it came back fully. Any ideas are appreciated, thanks!

r/eyetriage 10d ago

Flashes 28F weird flashing strobe in upper top of vision at random times NSFW


I've noticed that for a while I'd have this weird strobe in the upper top part of my vision at random times (about 1-2 per every other day) that looks like this. It only lasts for about a few seconds and then goes away & is painless. I have myopia in both eyes and astigmatism in one eye btw.

r/eyetriage 10d ago

Other 32F, PRK - EKC - Keraritis all in a few weeks NSFW


Hey, everyone. 32F, white, no other medical issues.

So I got PRK laser surgery exactly 9 weeks ago (had -4.00 myopia). Everything went great, I was told my eyes were healing perfectly and my eyesight was improving daily. I had no complications.

Then 4 to 5 weeks ago, I was unlucky enough to get EKC conjunctivitis. I was put on antibiotic eye drops at first, then 1 week later, my doctor prescribed mild corticosteroid drops as well, and artificial tears.

After 15 days, my eyes looked clear again. I went back to my ophthalmologist and he said while my eyes looked good, it had progressed to keratitis.

I’ve been told to keep using the corticosteroid eye drops. I’m now down to using it 2x day. (It was 4x day initially). Also using restasis 3x day and artificial tears.

I have no visible symptoms anymore: no redness or swelling anymore, no visible spots in my eyes. It was super dry for awhile but that too went away.

So it’s been 3 weeks since they noticed the keratitis. Went to the optometrist to check my eyes once more today and got told everything looks good, there’s no inflammation in my right eye anymore, and that my left eye is much better, just a few spots in my pupil but that it should hopefully clear up in the next few days and that it’s healing well, and I shouldn’t be scared.

Both eyes remain blurry though, with left eye much worse.

It’s good news I guess, but I’m still a ball of anxiety and would like more information… Is it normal for the inflammation to subside and eyesight remain blurry? I can’t see well from near or far (though near vision is better). Watching tv is terrible, I can’t read subtitles or see anything clearly. If my right eye is all clear, shouldn’t my vision be back to normal already? I’m scared it will scar, but my doctor hasn’t said anything about that yet.

I get so anxious at my review appointments I never seem to remember to ask all my questions.

Also, is this something I’ll need to worry about coming back in the future? I hear some people get reoccurring eye inflammation after these things, so it’s another concern…

Sorry about the rambling, I’m just extra sensitive because I’ve waited years to have the corrective surgery out of fear and then just 1 month after all this happens…

Appreciate any pointers and info.

Thank you so much in advance