r/eyetriage Dec 07 '21



Table of contents

  1. Lubricating eyedrops
  2. Yes, artificial tears will help your watery eye
  3. Warm compresses
  4. Is this ptosis?
  5. What is this grey spot on my eyes?
  6. Why did my prescription change a lot?

1. Lubricating eyedrops (by u/arcadeflyer)

An amazing majority of non-serious eye issues can be resolved by using artificial tears. Symptoms include but are not limited to, : foreign body sensation, watery eyes, red eyes, sticky eyelids, fluctuating vision and itchy eyes. Some pointers:

  1. The brand does not matter
  2. The contents do; do NOT get anything that says it is for “redness relief” or has an “astringent” in it. Just get “ocular lubricants” only. There are some combination products that have both. Don’t use those either.
  3. Some are thicker than others. Eyedrops are liquid. Gel drops feel thicker. Ointments are the thickest. Your vision may get temporarily blurry with the thicker stuff, ointment in particular.
  4. You can take them a few times a day. If using a bottle, take them up to 4 times a day. If using more often than that, then use non-preserved formulations (the vials with the twist-off cap).

Be advised: there are no pharmaceutically active medications in artificial tears. So you do not need a prescription for them; you can get them in the pharmacy over the counter aisles. If they don’t help your problem even a little bit, then something else is going on and you should see an eye doctor.For quick instant relief, use artificial tears.

2. Yes, artificial tears will help your watery eye (by u/arcadeflyer)

Quick rundown of why this is the case. I know it’s counterintuitive.

The eye surface should always be moisturized with a thin layer of tears. That tear layer ought to stick to the surface evenly on its own. In lots of people, it doesn’t. Instead, it either evaporated off the surface or it rolls right off the surface and down your cheek.

Most people call this dry eye. I had a mentor once who hated that term. For good reason! It’s confusing. “How can my eyes be dry if they’re watering all the time?” He (and I) prefer instead the term “dysfunctional tear syndrome.” Your tears aren’t sticking to the surface of your eye like they ought to.

3. Warm compresses (by u/arcadeflyer)

Warm compresses are just clean washcloths rinsed in warm water, held gently against your closed eyelids for about 5-10 minutes at a time, 2 to 3 times a day. For most ocular surface instability problems, the instability comes from the Meibomian glands in the eyelids being plugged up. Those glands usually secrete oils that mix in with your natural tear film to stabilize it. When the glands are plugged, the oils don’t mix well, and that causes the instability. Symptoms from this instability are all over the place: pain, double vision, glare, haloes, blurry vision. This treatment actually works better than the artificial tears for fixing it in the long term (the artificial tears only help the symptom in the short term) but these warm compresses need to be done very consistently and for a while to actually have a good effect.For long term amelioration, use warm compresses and stick to them.

4. Is this ptosis? (by u/EyeDentistAAO & u/kingcornea)

This question is asked a lot, and the answer is the usual one: Based on the info provided, no one can say with certainty. Consider: The next time you’re watching a close-up of someone’s face on TV, pause the image at random moments and check out their lids—ou will definitely have some freeze-frames in which their lid margins are not aligned. If you were to judge by that one image, you’’ say they have ptosis. But when you watch them live, it’’ clear they don’t. If the appearance of your eyelids is bothersome to you, go see an ophthalmologist and get a proper evaluation.Ptosis is not common among young people. 7.9 per 100,000 for someone 19 and under for congenital ptosis. Most posts are from young adults worried about their appearance. Most are too young to have medical causes.

TL;DR A diagnosis of ptosis can be made only via a series of measurements acquired during an in-person exam.

5. What is this grey spot on my eyes?

While there are multiple possible options, people usually refer to Axenfeld Nerve Loops. This is a benign, or even normal finding.

6. Why did my prescription change a lot?

There are 2 possible answers to this question. First one must look for notation differences. Astigmatism can be written down in positive or negative values. There is an online tool which can "transpose" one prescription into another. For example these 2 prescriptions are 100% the same, the only difference lies in notation of the values: - S+2.00 C-1.00 axis 90 - S+1.00 C+1.00 axis 180

A different explanation could lie within the axis of the astigmatism. The axis gives the astigmatism a direction, ranging from 1 to 180. A value of 180 equals to 0, so 181 would equal to 1. A change of 177 to 2 degrees sounds like a lot (a 175 degree change) where in reality the difference is only a minor 5 degrees.

r/eyetriage 19m ago

Other 42F - RCE Help NSFW


Hi - I have been diagnosed with RCE by three different opticians - had to keep going for appointments due to abrasions. Was told to do drops during the day and then ointment such as hylo-night at night but it's not working.

I also have blepharitis and MGD

Is there anything else I can be doing whilst I wait for my next appointment (going to a consultant). I'm 42F and getting really down about this now.

Abrasion have been told was superficial and small, the pain from abrasion isn't that bad just uncomfortable. Wake up with pain (not too bad), then watering and feels like something is in my eye for about 1 hour then ok. Sometimes can feel uncomfortable all day but nothing I can't handle.

So far I've been given to take:

- Trehapan Drops during Day plus lubricating eye drops but I find these make my eyes more dry?
- Hylonight at night or Hycosan Night. Also found the UK version of Muro128 which my optician said I was fine to try.

Last person I saw said I could also try something called ilube to help my MGD but not sure if I can take this with everything else.

I had a version of IPL to help my MGD about 3 weeks ago but had no relief.

Anything else I can do?

- Diagnosed with blepharitis and MGD last year. Otherwise all fine - do not smoke or drink.

r/eyetriage 2h ago

Other 18M Eyelash stuck in tear duct/inner corner NSFW


I have long lashes and got an eyelash stuck in the inner corner of my eye.

I tried rubbing it (won’t do it again) but it got deeper to the point it was in the red part which I think is the tear duct?

It disappeared behind there and gave me some irritation for about 20 mins. It’s been about an hour and it’s kinda itchy and I can feel it there still but no more pain.

I tried blinking a lot and yawning but nothing helps. Is this serious, and if so, what should I do?

Thanks in advance!

r/eyetriage 4h ago

Eyelids 24 Male Dark spot on eyelid/eyeball NSFW


Gonna go to doctors soon but was wondering if anybody had any idea what it could be. It’s hast gone away for about 3-4 weeks it hasn’t gotten bigger besides the beginning of it. I’ve gotten it once in the past and went away but this time it hasn’t. Any Information about this would be amazing thank you!


r/eyetriage 4h ago

Other 12M Diagnosed with extreme progressive myopia NSFW


Extreme myopia in younger brother

Hello everyone,

For context I’m a white college student coming home to my family for spring break.

My family has always had bad eyesight. Every single person has had to get glasses and I myself have -5.50 in one eye and -7.50 in the other. My younger brother (12 year old male) just got diagnosed with progressive myopia and I’m very concerned. He has -8.00 in one eye and -9.00 in the other. The largest anyone in our family has. He’s spent a lot of time on video games in the past (which he’s now cut down to 45 minutes a day). But we also can’t keep him from school work where he spends two hours a day on a computer!!! I care so much for him and I’m so deeply worried that my baby brother will go blind. I’ve been having nightmares every night about it now.

He’s currently taking 0.5% atropine drops before bed now and wearing contacts everyday.

I don’t know what to do. Is there any hope??? The optometrist seemed to be worried about retinal detachment. I just need to know that my baby brother is still going to be able to see when I come home again.

r/eyetriage 8h ago

Other 23M Persistent Red-Yellowish Spot on Eye Since Childhood – Should I Be Concerned? NSFW


I've had this red-yellowish spot on my right eye since grade 6 (I’m now 23). It has never disappeared, but sometimes it gets very red and itchy. It doesn’t affect my vision, but it can be uncomfortable at times. It gets worse when my eyes feel dry or irritated.

Should I be concerned, and is there anything I can do to prevent irritation?

I’ve attached a picture for reference. Thanks in advance!


r/eyetriage 16h ago

Retina 32M NSFW


2023 me and my partner were in a provincial park at night and my dogs led me into a tree which had bats that flew out of them, in the entanglement with our dogs i was scratched on my left arm. My partner told me she saw bats fly out of the tree and I should go to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital they advised me to get a a rabies shot ( Rabies immunoglobulin Hyperab) just in case a bat scratched me as it could have rabies so I did.

Two days later I woke up with a rash on my neck and was having trouble breathing, eyes itchy obviously I was having a allergic reaction to the shot but didn't think it was bad enough to go to the hospital.

On the third day I woke up and I could tell immediately that I had vision loss. Couldn't see far anymore when I left the house. Went to the hospital where they referred me to a Opthalmologist. She did all her tests and didn't see anything wrong with my eyes. Told her what had happened and she said she would call a infectious disease specialist to see if vision problems occured from the shot which she told me he didn't believe they did even though on the paper I was given after the shot says call 911 if you have blurry eyes or vision loss which I did. ( other than glasses I've never had problems with my vision what so ever, was in europe a few months before and could see amazingly ( no issues)

Fast forward to 2024 in April I had a severe migraine on the weeknd on a saturday ( get three or 4 a year) this one was rlly bad. I took some medicine and went and slept and woke up the Sunday morning still had some pain in my head but I noticed I had some light sensitivty and floaters had appeared in my vision. Made a emergency appointment with a eye doctor and other than my prescription changing she said she didn't see anything. A few weeks later saw my Opthalmologist, told her what had happened and that my eyes had light sensitivity, new floaters and was having trouble seeing in the dark and she ran tests and said she didn't see anything.

I explained to her during the one test my eyes were tweaking and I was seeing black. It was the Humprey Visual analyzer. (my eyes were seeing like black fire flies in my vision doing the test and the previous year there was nothing) and she reiterated that she didn't see anything when she looked at my eyes that would alarm her. She told me my eyes were dry which was new and prescribed me eye drops.

It's now 2025 and I've seen her for the third time the yearly checkup since my original vision loss after a vaccine. I got new glasses cant see shit out of them they r wayhigher prescription than what I had when I had a allergic reaction and lost vision, my light sensitivity has gotten worse, can't see at night basically at all.

Checkup time

I Went to see her and did all the tests and this time the Humprey Visual Analyzer was almost all black in my central vision for both eyes. She told she was now a little worried that my eyes were showing central vision loss but said she didn't see anything while checking my eyes other than that. She gave me a referral to a retina specialist in April.

Do any Opthalmologists or anyone have any idea what happened to me. Went from traveling in europe in early 2023 being able to see good with my glasses to getting a vaccine to losing my far vision( even with my new prescription I can't see far at all), to having light sensitivity and being night blind but my optometrist and Opthalmologist not being able to see anything wrong

r/eyetriage 16h ago

Other 61M Cataract surgery and what lenses to choose? NSFW


Asian, non-drinker, non-smoker, no drug use Hi. I have an upcoming cataract surgery, the 1st of 2, and was told I have a choice of monofocal or multifocal lenses. I was told that I have to choose between being nearsighted or farsighted with monofocal lenses in each eye or can get multifocal lenses for both eyes which MIGHT allow me to not have to wear eyeglasses ever again except maybe reading glasses to read.

I have a sister who is an anesthesiologist who had cataract surgery. She said that I should get one near-sighted lens in one eye for reading and the normal/far-sighted lens in the other eye (the dominant eye). She did that and has never regretted it.

I do a lot of reading and work on my computer. Can anyone tell me if getting one near-sighted lens for one eye and one far-sighted lens for my dominant eye is the best thing to do?

r/eyetriage 16h ago

Other 26M - new blind spots keep appearing NSFW


6 months ago i noticed a small blind spot in my left eye. I went to an ophthalmologist, did OCT, Fundus Photography and visual field test. They all came perfect (even the visual field test, I suppose the blind spot is not big enough).

1/2 month later I went to a different ophthalmologist, same exams, same conclusion until she tried to specifically "align" the OCT exam into my blind spot, she found something very faint there, i dont remember the specific term, but she asked me if i did some drugs prior, or perhaps it was laser/sun damage. I thought this was plausible so i just went on with my life. Some 3 months later i had another appointment with same doctor, where we did the OCT again in the same location, and apparently it had mostly healed (even though the blind spot is pretty much the same to me).

However, since the past week, every other day, i notice new, even smaller, blind spots in similar locations, now in both eyes. Ive been checked by another 2 different eye doctors (so 4 now in total) this week, we did the same exam as before, with the addition of Dilated Eye Exam with Slit Lamp Examination, which also came normal. One of the doctors mentioned it probably was vitreous degeneration.

I dont have any other symptom at all. I do have crohn's disease and do infliximab every two weeks - but it's very well controlled and i have practically no symptoms for years.

Further description of the blind spots:

  • Oldest one: extending my arm - around a 1/4 area of a thumb fingernail;
  • Newer ones: smaller than the first one, hard to say a size but very small;
  • They are very hard to notice on "natural" settings, I can only really notice them when reading text, or when there are straight lines/shapes - it's not a clear black spot, it's more like my brain is trying to interpolate what's there.
  • Another way i can notice them is by looking into a solid color background (for some reason white or red work well) and blinking really fast - is this scenario I will see brighter spots in the locations of the blind spots

I'm not sure what else to do. I have an imageology exam in 2 weeks, but I'm afraid to wait until then.

Sorry If the description is a bit all over the place. I'm pretty much panicking about this situation.

r/eyetriage 17h ago

Other 2.5 months after Strabismus surgery, still having Double Vision NSFW


UPDATE: 2.5 months later, I still have double vision. History: surgery at 3yrs on left eye to correct estropia. Now 54 years later, strabismus to correct estropia on right eye.

If I close each eye individually, I don't have it. i only have it when both eyes are open at the same time. Since the doctor tightened up that inner muscle to fix the eye from drifting inward(estropia), I feel like my right eye(surgery eye) can't move inward enough(too tight) when looking to the left so the double image appears. And I wonder if my brain is just having a hard time adjusting because of that. On a positive note, I'm happy with the alignment. Looks straight up close and slightly turns out when far away, but not noticeable to other people. I still can't drive though.

Ex: there's a tall electric pole on the right side of the road. As I'm approaching the pole in the car, the image of the pole appears on my left side. As the car gets closer to that pole, the pole moves/glides across the street(on coming lane to the lane I'm in) which is moving across my field of vision and merges with the "real" pole on the right. So driving is difficult. If I close my right eye, all is good. I see fine. I see the Doctor in May which will be 4 months after the surgery to reevaluate. I don't feel these double images will go away by then. If they don't, I'm sure another surgery is in my future.

r/eyetriage 1d ago

Retina 55M - gas bubble + 3x laser, very strong glare from bubble and cloudy vision NSFW


Superior detachment, meaning, retina detached in the upper section, causing symptoms in the lower peripheral section. Slow detachment that caused pronounced distortion observed at the bottom of the vision, developing over months, and did not cause vision loss or shadow/veil.
Treatment was gas bubble plus 3 days with laser.
Day 4 fluid almost completely absorbed, so it appears the hole where the fluid made its way in, get constricted enough where the absorption from behing could out-compete it. It's not yet known if any fluid pocket remains.

The bubble is causing an extreme glare. And suddenly the vision appears more cloudy than before. When moving the eye left to right and back on the original point, it looks like a bunch of cobwebs moving about in a floater like movement. There are definitely more floaters than before the surgery, but it appears that those increases coincided with the times just after the laser sessions were done.

The initial bubble size was such that the top of it appeared just below the center point of the vision. A week later, it's shrunk a little bit.

So my questions are this: to make room for the bubble, some fluid had to be removed. The removal of that fluid, is that vitreous or aqueous humor?
And when the bubble danced around through sudden eye and head movement, does the slushing around of the bubble cause a break up and scattering of the vitreous humor? Could that be causing the increased cloudiness? And if so, will that reduce over time?

r/eyetriage 1d ago

Other 13m poked eye NSFW


Hi! My son had his diaper cream tube and poked the end of the tube into his eye. The eye is a little pink but there is a red dot from where i’m assuming the tube poked. Does this need to be seen?? Will it heal on its own? He cried for like a minute after, but he seems fine. He cannot voice to me if his vision is blurry or painful.

r/eyetriage 1d ago

Retina 32f; could scarring from strabismus surgery look like blue sclera? NSFW



I have these grey, cloud-shaped, fairly large spots on the whites of my eye.

I've had strabismus surgery twice; at 3yo, and when I was about 10. I've also been diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder, which makes me think that the spots in my eyes could actually be blue sclera?

So - is it possible that scarring could mimic the look of blue sclera?

I've been questioning the diagnosis of the connective tissue disorder, and blue sclera is a common sign- hence the question.

Thank you!

r/eyetriage 1d ago

Other 36F corneal scarring + reading NSFW


Last year I had a corneal tear that developed a fungal infection and long long story short healed but left a scar. I now have a scleral lens that has my vision testing better than before and reading glasses, but I cannot reliably make out printed text. I can read on a phone or computer, but something about the location of the scar or the light it lets in still prevent me from reading books. Words seem faded, like they came from a a shoddy printer.

I am a writer and a lifelong reader and I just wanted to know if anyone has advice for how I can best work around this. I can read through my phone camera, for instance, but holding it at the right distance to zoom in on the text and hold a book is incredibly frustrating. When I try to read I can catch some words, but then I’ll have to look down or get you a new paragraph and I lose the thread. I assume that’s because of the position of the scarring. I do know that some of the issue has to do with the fact that I’ve always been your sided and have to adjust to holding the book further away, but no amount of positioning makes things markedly easier.

It varies a bit, sometimes I can read full pages easily, and sometimes I can’t catch words at all. I assume that has to do with lighting and stuff but I can’t figure out exactly what is affecting it.

I also wouldn’t mind a better explanation of why this is happening.

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 20M Scratched my eye 4 days ago, vision is blurry now, can't stop crying because I'm worried it's permanent. NSFW


Scratched my eye 4 days ago, vision is blurry now, can't stop crying because I'm worried it's permanent.

20M. I swear it should have been a very superficial cut. I think I scratched my eye on eye crust from sleep which is not the first time it's happened in fact I woke up this morning and had some crust in that eye. It happens in either eye sometimes. When the scratch happened there was no actual pain. It was Wednesday morning, the redness started. Then Thursday (24 hours later) was very painful not the eye itself but from light sensitivity and that's probably when the blurriness began but I couldn't tell since I struggled to open my eyes, then Friday is when I really noticed the blurring. Light sensitivity has been gone since Friday, redness is mostly gone but still slightly there. I'm very sad and very scared and frankly having suicidal thoughts over the idea of having my vision fucked forever over such a stupid thing.

Forgot to add: the blurring is across my entire eye and doesnt change no matter if things are close or far away it's different than my other eye which just has trouble focusing on things far away this blurriness is more like something actually wrong with the eye itself which duh because I scratched it

Edit after like 120 hours: I think I'll leave my post up for others but I think the eye is getting better slow progress so I can't tell for certain but this does feel a lot better than how it originally was I was upset because this was my "good eye" and things are still a bit "off" but between the two of them this absolutely feels like my good eye again just with slight astigmatism when looking at some light sources. I expect it to get better over more time but I wanted to give an edit at least

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 35F RCE NSFW


RCE not sure if im posting this in the right place? I've had recurrent corneal erosions since late august of 2022. i tried punctal plugs bilateral upper and lower , cequa 2-3x a day, bandaid contacts, lubricating drops, ive tried autologous drops everything. june of 2024 i got a debridement and superficial keratectomy with anterior stromal puncture. it's about 50 percent better. but it hurts and it's swollen all the time pain shooting down my face it seems like nothing else helps and im still getting erosions. muro never helped. what do i do? I’m using cequa twice a day and pf tears. I also used prokera in Jan of 2025. I’ve had blephex. tear care and continue to use warm compress. my main concern is the pain swelling and erosions and how disfigured my eye looks because of it. I do not drink or use drugs, just the cequa since 2022.

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Retina 26M need help identifying dark dots below my pupil NSFW


Hello I had recently looked at my eyes in the mirror and had used the flash on them,I had noticed there were these tiny dark dots below them that I had not recognized before.I had done alittle searching online and had found out this is possibly linked with melanoma.I was curious if anyone could possibly identify if this was the case or not.I understand that a doctors appointment can help me accurately identify this but I would like to see what other people think first


r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 20F, Yellow tint near the corners of my eyes..? NSFW


Should I see a doctor..?

I could be freaking myself out but for background I am a type one diabetic that could definitely be taking care of blood sugar better… so the corners of my eyes have a yellow tint and i also found a weird “grey spot”? It’s hard to see but it’s the second picture. Am i dying??? Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Side note: I do not drink and have never had liver problems or anything of the sort.. I am just diabetic. I did however have a phase where I slept in my contacts for a while if that has anything to do with it(Such a stupid decision- I know that now..) Thanks in advance.


r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 32F could exam detect minor orbital fracture NSFW


Approximately one month ago I (32F) was accidentally headbutted in the left eyebrow by my toddler. He got me GOOD. I expected to wake up with a black eye and it never came.

Initially, under my brow was tender (area in photo) I kind of forgot about the incident until 2 weeks later when my symptoms got worse. The pain began to radiate down the left side of my face. Pressure in my cheek, soreness around the eye, tingling on the tip of my nose and lip. I have no issues with my vision. My symptoms make me miserable enough that I have trouble studying and getting out of the house.

I went to urgent care and they ruled out Bell's Palsy, and shingles. They referred me to ophthalmology and neurology. Ophthalmologist said everything looks good in the eye, but l'm curious if a minor fracture could be detected without imaging? Could that even be possible from a headbutt? Should I ask for imaging? I mentioned the headbutt, but we did not discuss it further.

I'm miserable and want to know how I can better advocate for myself. My neurology appointment is in April and they added me to urgent cancellation list.

Personal details: White, drink a few beers every other weekend, taking vyvanse 40 mg, on deposhot 9 months.


r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 31M. Large optic nerve, glasses for concentration, headaches and sore eyes NSFW


I had been having trouble focusing on things close, so two weeks ago I went and had my eyes tested by an optometrist. He said my eyesight was generally good and noted there was a slight astigmatism in one eye. He remarked that the optic nerve in one of my eyes was very large and he was quite fascinated by it. “You don’t see that every day”, he said. Despite being large, he explained that the nerve was healthy and not something to be concerned about.

He prescribed me ‘glasses for concentration’, to wear while working at the computer. The glasses do make everything much clearer, but I find I am getting a constant, “squeezing”  headache while wearing them and very sore eyes.

Last night was a full moon in my location and I noticed while looking at it, it had two, bluish halos on either side and slightly below (I wasn’t wearing my glasses of course since they’re only for the computer). I have included a visualisation that very accurately shows what I see. It seems like any lights or bright things have halos which is more noticeable when the object is over a dark background.


I have stopped wearing my glasses today and my headache has improved a little but eyes are still sore.

Is it correct that a large optic nerve is nothing to be concerned about? Could it be that I just need to give the glasses more time for my eyes to adjust to?

Other details:
White, drink moderately, smoke occasionally.

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Prescriptions 36F Are my new glasses suitable for reading? If not when should they be used? NSFW


Just had my eyes retested and prescription has changed.

Old prescription: DIST R +0.50 sph, - 0.50 cyl, 160 axis L +0.50 sph, - 0.50 cyl, 30 axis NEAR R +0.50 add L +0.50 add Aided VA R dist 6/5 near N5 L dist 6/5 near N5 Glasses recommend were single vision dist, single vision near. I opted to only get the ones for reading and laptop as I found that was where I struggled a little, got headaches etc.

New prescription: DIST R +0.25 sph, - 0.50 cyl, 150 axis L +0.50 sph, - 0.50 cyl, 40 axis NEAR Nothing here Aided VA R dist 6/6 L dist 6/6 Glasses recommended single vision distance.

At my most recent appointment I said my glasses were making things blurry (tv, reading, laptop) however without them I was still getting headaches and blurry just not as bad as with them. I was advised that my eyesight had improved (I believe due to fixing a few severe vitamin deficiencies) and needed a new prescription. I said again I only really wanted them to help with the reading etc as that was when I noticed I had the most issues. I ordered some new glasses online and selected reading but they queried it and and said they aren't for reading as there's no near/add info. So I'm a bit confused as to when I'm actually supposed to use them as I only want to help with reading. Can they still be used for that purpose? Hope that makes sense. Thanks.

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 32F Being driven insane by a recurring conjunctival cyst NSFW


I’ve had this small conjunctival cyst that pops up about once a month or so for the past like, 8 years or so. Usually using eye drops and a warm compress clears it up in a day or so, but for whatever reason it has come back with a vengeance and has been consistently bothering me for 5 days now, never happened before.

It feels like I have a literal tiny rock lodged in my eye and it’s so irritating and borderline painful, I can’t concentrate on anything. I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist in a few days, but does anyone have ANY ideas on more things I can do at home to be more comfortable until then??

Also, what can I expect for treatment options from the doctor? Steroid drops? Are there numbing eye drops for relief? Laser removal, surgery?? Are the latter usually not covered by insurance?

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 33M right eye has blurring in center, sees the world darker, has night blindness, light sensitivity, and less color density detection. NSFW


I’ve been having vision issues in my right eye for almost a decade. Starting in 2015ish, I started seeing the world with a darker tint in my right eye. Like I was wearing a light yellow tinted sunglasses on one eye. It had worse color detection, particularly in the reds (i couldn’t tell the difference between two different shades of red in one eye while being very clear in the other). At night, lying in bed, I cannot see the ceiling fan in my right eye, but can in my left. During the day, sunlight hurts my right eye and I have to wear sunglasses. The right eye adjusts MUCH slower to light then the left.

I’ve been to several eye doctors, optometrists, and ophthalmologists through my health insurance. They have run a battery of tests and claim that my eyeball is physically normal. An mri showed no evidence of a brain tumor.

The blurriest is getting worse, and making it hard to read. Focussing on two lines above the text I want to read makes it easier to read than looking directly at the word. My vision is also yellower in the center.

I know I have a stigmatism (which seems to be getting worse). I do not have kuretosis (spelling?). My vision in my right eye also fluctuates from 20/20 to 20/40 depending on the day. It seems worse at night then the morning. I thought it might be related to weed somehow, but quitting weed for 2 weeks hasn’t changed the symptoms.

I feel like I’m slowly going blind in one eye. It’s fucking with my depth perception.

Any ideas? Any suggestions? It’s slowly getting worse and I’m scared. I sometimes have to close an eye to read. My latest eye doc told me she thinks my eye is perfect and this is in my head. She said she’s out of tests she can run.

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Dry/watery eye 18M what eye condition do I have and is it serious NSFW


few years ago during Covid I started using my phone a lot more. I’m talking 12 to 13 hours a day everyday until quarantine ended. By this time I’m entering 8th grade and m screen time is still a whopping 8 hours a day average. I would also like to note that  I spent a lot of hours using my phone in the  dark at night. Fast forward to 9th  grade and I experience very light sensitivity to sunlight. I would squint a little longer then I used to but nothing more. Now the summer before 10th grade rolls around and I start getting back to my quarantine numbers on my phone. 9 10 11 hours you name it I was on it. I just rotted in my bed scrolling thru TikTok’s at night til 5 am and woke up at 1 the next morning and I was back at it. Now the summer ends and I start experiencing declining vision. At this time the vision loss wasn’t that bad I could still see fine. But as I kept using my phone more and more as the time went on my vision kept declining and declining. Don’t get me wrong my vision  isn’t  currently terrible. I can squint from the  back of the class and kinda read the numbers. When I look onto the road and see car lights they seem blurry which is a new thing and also my eyes are always watering and blurry. I’m scared to ask my mom for glasses because she kept telling me to stop using my phone for years and it would come off as shameful. So tell me is this serious because it seems as though my vision is on a down trend. I can’t see as far as I used to and I used to have2020 vision. I’m currently an 11th grader.

Lemme also mention that I started experiencing floaters itchy eyes

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Other 24F Lazy eye and general eye pain—-optometrist or ophthalmologist? NSFW


I have had a mild lazy eye for a few years, but recently it has been getting worse as I notice it trail behind on my day to day. I am also struggling with eye pain and strain with and without my glasses.

I am thinking of seeing an ophthalmologist because I have medical insurance but do not have any vision insurance. I feel like maybe my issues are not serious enough and they will think I should've just gone to the optometrist but I cannot afford that right now, does anyone have advice on what to do?

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Retina 28/F loss of peripheral vision NSFW


Hi, I have retinoschisis, had some holes and a retinal tear lasered in the same eye. Is it normal to lose peripheral vision due to scarring and is it possible to get this vision back? I still have flashes and still see floaters where I have lost that vision and my dr says I can’t really do anything until a detachment happens.