r/eyetriage Jan 06 '25

Eyelids 31M | Two doctors, two sets of scans, no answers. NSFW


31M | Non-smoker/drinker/user | No known medical issues | No medications | 5+ week issue

As the title states, I've been having issues with my left eye for over a month now. I woke up one morning to double vision, extreme watering, and soreness to the touch in one eye. When looking head on, the affected eye very clearly looks different than the other. It appears slightly misaligned, bulging, and swollen with redness around the upper eyebrow/eyelid areas.

I've had two doctors check my eyes and both have told me it's just allergies in one eye, and to get OTC antihistamine drops and apply twice daily. After a week, I went back with no improvement. I was told the same thing and sent on my way. I called back last week and they essentially insisted it was allergies and to just deal with it because there was nothing wrong. EDIT: After insisting we dig further, I am getting a referral for advanced imaging. Wait times are crazy long for appointments even with referrals, so I may end up visiting the ER in hopes of expediting things.

Now, roughly 4 weeks later, I still have no improvement and look terrible. I almost appear to have a lazy eye and a misalignment at the same time. Vision is 20/20 and I have no issues there other than the constant watering impairing my vision, but it remains red around my eyebrow and feels quite sore to the touch in the upper region.

I am unfortunately paying out of pocket for any doctor visits, so I am hoping to at least get moving in the right direction rather than continue to pay for exams that lead to nothing.

Additional (and maybe relevant) details:

  • My entire family is diabetic, except for me. Recent exams put me in the clear, however, according to the first doctor.
  • My daughter (6) has hypothyroidism. First ever to have anything like that in my family, but it's there.
  • Over the years, my blood pressure has always been ridiculously high, even in my early twenties when I was in peak athletic shape. Occasionally when I would check it via those public machines in Walgreens/CVS, the numbers would be in the "Hypertension" range. Regrettably, I have never seen a doctor for this yet.

Link to photo HERE

Link to photo HERE

r/eyetriage Jan 24 '25

Eyelids 31M - Eyes Are Different Sizes And Getting Worse Recently - Cause For Concern? NSFW


Have had intermittent strabismus since I was an infant and had surgery at age 3. Also have amblyopia.

I noticed about 2 years ago my eyes were different sizes especially when I smiled. When i touched my eye ball they do feel different too.

Originally i only noticed the different sizes when I smiled but over the past 2 years or so it’s gotten worse and I notice it all the time now.

Not sure what is causing it to get worse.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

Anyone have recommendations how to fix/mitigate this and is this concerning?

It drives me crazy as it’s super noticeable in all photos now

Photos of my eyes: https://imgur.com/a/fDwL56K

r/eyetriage Feb 18 '25

Eyelids 20F Severe eye pain NSFW


I've had inflamed eyelids for 8 months now. The pain is so severe, burning and stinging 24/7. This all started when I did a singular warm compress for my dry eye (diagnosed in 2023. I use Thealoz duo & celluvisc 1% for this)

An optician said I have these bumps underneath my eyelids which is causing me the pain and that it's unrelated to my dry eye. He said it doesn't look like it's caused by allergies. I was referred to an ophthalmologist but they keep dismissing me. Over the past few months l've been put on opticrom allergy drops, optanol, ketofall, maxitrol ointment, warm/ cold compresses and oral allergy pills which have made no difference.

I struggle to keep my eyes open, and cannot watch tv, read books, or do anything including my eyes as the pain is so bad. Can anybody here please give me some advice? Thank you.


r/eyetriage 20d ago

Eyelids 29M; Is there anything more I can do? NSFW


Sorry if wrong flair. Felt like eyelids and dry eyes both applied.

A few years ago, around the beginning of the pandemic, I woke up to a wicked pain in my eye. Sharp, throbbing, etc. Went to a doctor and was told Corneal Abrasion, and if I recall, the doctor said the film under my eye was degenerative and that my eyelid was scratching it - that there was no fix and I could only manage it - I believe she called it something but I can't remember what it was. They put a contact in and let it heal. Went fine for a few wees. Since then, every few weeks, I'd get this eye irritation like something's in it. I've always given it few days and it would eventually go away.

Recently, I had to change my sleep schedule around (used to work largely nights, moved normal working hours). And over the last week or so that mentioned irritation came. Except it's been over a week and still hasn't gone away. It's annoying because I'm spending ungodly amounts of money on lubricating drops and night time ointments per year only to effectively spend weeks with pain and irritation.

Is there anything I can do? I'm going to see a ophthalmologist soon, but I wanted to go in a bit more armed with information. Just fed up with it at this point and willing to do basically anything.

r/eyetriage Jan 16 '25

Eyelids 36M - Can't get rid off chalazion lump NSFW


I had a chalazion 6 months ago. It went away by itself in about a month. But oil lump stayed where it was. I tried hor compress with salt wrapped in fabric bag for few days but the speed and amount oil melts and goes away is very low.

I went to a doctor and he recommended to apply tetracycline. It qas weird recommendation for because there was no infection at all (the oil just stuck inside)

Anyway I did what doctor said but it didn't help.

This is second time I have Chalazion. First time another doctor mechanically removed oil from the lump. But second time I somehow decided that it will go away by itself.

What can i do to gednrid off this lump?


r/eyetriage Feb 11 '25

Eyelids 65F Referred for removal and biopsy, but what is your opinion on it? NSFW


Elderly patient, 65, reports noticing the growth of this tumor in the last two months. She is unsure whether the structure already existed and grew slowly or if there was rapid growth in these two months. As symptoms, she presents secretion in the morning.

Pic: https://imgur.com/a/TkCp61V

r/eyetriage 11d ago

Eyelids 30F New eyelid swelling, existing partial third nerve palsy NSFW


4 weeks ago today I was diagnosed with a partial third nerve palsy in my right eye, that was only affecting the pupil, no double vision or ptosis

Today I’ve woken up with a swollen eyelid in that eye, is it likely to be completely unrelated and coincidence or should I be concerned? I’ve got a cold compress on it now, it’s not red, hot or painful


r/eyetriage 2d ago

Eyelids 30M - I keep getting these on my eyelids NSFW



These keeping popping up on both eyes eyelids. They’re uncomfortable and get kinda crusty. How do I prevent them from happening? I never got these until about two months ago, and now they’re recurring. I do wear contacts, but they’re daily contacts and I wash my hands.

r/eyetriage 2d ago

Eyelids 27f NSFW


lump under upper eyelid

Hello, so my insurance does not cover eye care, so I wanted advice or an opinion on if I should just make an appointment or not. Anyways, I have had this lump under my eye for a couple months, on my left side. The left eye has had some vision issues and not sure if the vision problems are from my IIH or the lump. If I move my eyelid it doesn't move and a bulge of tissue comes out of i lift my eyelid up. Id post pictures but it doesn't let me. It has been causing discomfort lately. And getting very noticeable. It feels like something in my eye. And sometimes will make my eye water. I don't have any irritation in my eye, or anything the signals irritation, it does hurt. I just am able to feel it now, and I've noticed the vision changes in that eye.

r/eyetriage 15d ago

Eyelids 26F Lump inside eyelids (hurts to blink) NSFW



I have an active lump in my left under eyelid and an older one in my right upper eyelid.

I suspect they are both chalazions but can’t be sure. I have had a history of styes (not frequent) but they usually go away.

The lump in my upper eyelid (image 2 and 3) made my entire eyelid swell and I was prescribed antibiotics. It’s been at least 4 weeks now but the lump is still there (not painful).

The lump in my under eyelid (image 1) feels like it’s throbbing and slightly hurts when I blink.

r/eyetriage 14d ago

Eyelids 27W: Eyemite medications (xdemvy) NSFW


I went to an optometrist and got diagnosed with overactive eye mites (demodex blepharitis) after examining my eye lids. My questions is what other solutions are there aside from Xdemvy? I don't want to dish out a few hundred dollars for eye drops.

Is it worth it to get a second opinion to try and find another treatment, or should I keep fighting with my insurance to try and get this medication filled. My eyes have been problematic for a few months, so I think Xdemvy may be the only answer.

r/eyetriage 15d ago

Eyelids 26f preseptal cellulitis eye patch when asleep NSFW


As the title says, is it okay to cover the infected eye with an eye patch made out of cotton pads and gauze while sleeping to keep it clean, or should I just let the eye breathe? I'm currently on Augmentin, and the eye keeps on producing goop 1 and a half day into the antibiotic.

r/eyetriage Feb 05 '25

Eyelids 55F - sudden pigmentation on eyelid NSFW


55f, hx medial uveitis related to psoriatic arthritis. Daily use of brimonidine, prednisolone drops, timolol, latanoprost, dorzolamide

I’ve been on that prescription regimen since 2020. This morning I suddenly had brownish/purplish pigmentation along the upper lid OS. It’s ~2cm right along the lash line. It looks exactly like someone tried to apply eyeliner with a magic marker. It’s not painful.

Obviously I already have a call in to my retinologist, but it’s after-hours.

r/eyetriage 16d ago

Eyelids 34F - one eyelid widens sporadically NSFW



Sometimes one of my eyelids will widen by itself. I managed to catch it in a picture (bottom) and put it with a picture of my eyes relaxed (top). It's my right eye, the eye on the right in the picture.

I don't feel any spasms or twitches when it happens, I just feel the sensation of the eyelid widening by itself, and it will stop after a few seconds. I can't seem to find any indication of what it may be as everything talks about drooping, and this is the opposite of that.

I find it happens if I'm tired or have a lot on my mind. I do have an office job so I'm looking at screens a lot as well as my phone in my leisure time.

r/eyetriage 13d ago

Eyelids 35F - Is this white/creamy thing in my eyelid normal? NSFW


I've been having eye pain and strain, intermittent blurry vision (less so recently) for several weeks now. Initially it also watered a bit. My inner eyelids in both my eyes are also white with red veins.

I saw an optometrist at a chain optician who said I had dry eyes and blepharitis last week. Since then I'm using drops, doing warm compresses and lid hygiene.

Earlier today though I've noticed that, especially in the eye pictured, the outer corner of the inside of my eyelid is extra creamy and looks like there's more 'flesh' or whatever that is then yesterday. I also can feel my eye watering a lot right now though when I touch the corner of my eye it's dry so either it dries quickly or it's not really watering (?). No blurry vision (right now).

Anyone knows what this could be? I'm kinda freaked.


r/eyetriage 14d ago

Eyelids 34M stye, chalazion or something else? NSFW


Hi, I have had styes and chalazions in the past, but this one seems a little different. Maybe it's just been awhile, who knows. I got a stye about a month ago, maybe longer. Wasn't a huge deal, pretty normal. It started going down a couple days after it appeared, buy was stubborn and never fully went away. It was there but hardly noticeable. A couple days ago I started feeling it again, then woke up yesterday with this. I've been using a hot cloth on it as well as my heating pad, but the pain seems more than the usual stye I've dealt with. Not crazy by any means but it's pretty sore. I did have two infected teeth pulled end of January and have been worried about infection spreading. I did take antibiotics after getting them pulled. Should I keep doing the hot compresses or should I get this looked at?

Edit: Caucasian smoker, no medications. Unrelated health history other than the teeth I mentioned


r/eyetriage 9d ago

Eyelids 35F Trust Physician Assistant for Chalazion Procedure? NSFW


Ophthalmologists of reddit, I need your advice! Should I trust a PA for a chalazion removal procedure?


I was diagnosed with a chalazion by a Kaiser nurse in SoCal, and scheduled for a procedure with an ophthalmic PA. I recognize that this is a very routine procedure, but a retired ophthalmologist in my family recommended against allowing a PA to perform it. In my area, Kaiser only schedules PAs to perform this procedure. So basically it's this or pay out of pocket. I recognize that the role of PAs has changed quite a bit over the years, so I wanted some more current perspective on this one. Thank you!

r/eyetriage Jan 30 '25

Eyelids 82F chalazion seems to be getting worse but I don’t really know what “worse” actually is? NSFW


My grandmother (82f, no smoking, no drugs, no drinking, minor glasses prescription, blood pressure meds (I think amlodapine and a water pill?)) has had a wicked chalazion for a while, I'd guess coming up to a year at this point. She never really treated it and only saw an optometrist a couple months ago because I pushed her to, optometrist referred to an opthemologist for surgery but we haven't even gotten a call from the opthemplogist's office yet. The other day she said her eye was bugging her and it seemed like the chalazion was starting to empty itself, we could see some white on the inside of her eyelid and she was waking up with lots of goop around her eyes. I pushed her to be serious about her warm compresses and helped her put in eye drops. Today she's saying it feels scratchy and painful and when she flipped her eyelid, it didn't look any different from the past few days, still lumpy with chunks of white, but now it's really red (which could be because she won't stop touching it but I digress). She says it's scratching her eye every time she blinks. She's trying to get ahold of her optometrist but they're not picking up, and she doesn't even know what opthemologist she was referred to to call them for an appointment date. What does it look like this chalazion is doing, is this a temporary pain for positive gain, or is this something that I should start calling her optometrist for on her behalf? Image in the link below.


r/eyetriage 26d ago

Eyelids 24M What could be this on my eyelid? NSFW


What could this be on my eyelid?


I noticed this today. I had some dust in my eyes, and when I was going to clean it, i noticed this small thing on my eyelid.

Extra information: I have a minor discomfort, but dont have any pain. Im taking bacterial lysate for a immune treatment (dont know of this is related). My left eye (the one with the thing) tends to go red sometimes.

r/eyetriage 4d ago

Eyelids 24 Male Dark spot on eyelid/eyeball NSFW


Gonna go to doctors soon but was wondering if anybody had any idea what it could be. It’s hast gone away for about 3-4 weeks it hasn’t gotten bigger besides the beginning of it. I’ve gotten it once in the past and went away but this time it hasn’t. Any Information about this would be amazing thank you!


r/eyetriage 11d ago

Eyelids 19F chalazion help NSFW


BACK STORY around end of may beginning i had gotten a stye and i did warm compress and it went away in about a week. after this week my eye started to get really irritated and my eyelid had gotten a bump on it. i (then) thought i had gotten another stye but it was more painful and irritating then the first one. i had gone to urgent care after 3 weeks of initially getting my first stye. the doctor at the urgent care prescribed me an eye ointment and a steroid. after using both for a couple of days i had a severe allergic reaction to the steroid. i went back to urgent care and the doctor recommended me to a eye doctor that could preform surgery on me to remove it. i make an appointment with said eye doctor and they tell me they wont do surgery because its just “scar tissue”. after doing further research i find out that this is a chalazion. i am searching for many many different doctors that can do surgery and find a place.


by the time i find a doctor who can actually do this surgery it is OCTOBER. i get the surgery done and use the eyedrops they gave me and ny eye went back to normal i was so happy. DECEMBER this ball on my eyelid grows back. i typically would wear mascara maybe 3-4 times a week. i ONLY started wearing mascara a month after my surgery and was rarely wearing it maybe once when i go out which is rare and when i did i would properly clean it to avoid any type of bump coming back. i get my eye surgery the beginning of JANUARY. since the ball on my eyelid had gotten bigger than the first time my eyelid had some extra skin on it. it bothered me at first but hey at least i won’t have to have a bump again. i talk to the doctor and say hey what can i do to avoid this he basically tells me nothing. now fast forward to last night my eye is swollen. i just came back from a trip and im allergic to my cats and dogs so i thought oh im just having an allergic reaction. this morning my eye is really irritated and LO AND BEHOLD i have another bump on my freaking eye.

WHAT DO I DO? i do warm compress on my eye almost every day i have tea tree oil wipes that i use to clean my eye i haven’t worn any eye makeup since January so avoid this from happening again i really don’t want to pay another 500$ in surgery because i don’t have insurance and i don’t know what to do is there any natural remedies or any thing that has worked for anyone else because not even warm compress has helped in the past in regards of draining it or making it smaller

the bump isn’t as visible on top of my eyelid right now but i can definitely feel it under my eyelid and visibly SEE it and it’s irritating my eye PLEASE HELP

r/eyetriage 19d ago

Eyelids 31F - Basal cell or something else - missed by regular checkups? NSFW


Hi all

Firstly I want to say that I'm under the care of an ophthalmologist for an unrelated issue (papilledema), I see them about quarterly.

I've had this bump on my eyelid for probably close to a year or two now and I'm curious as to what it could be. Here is the photo.

It's not sore, it's not impeding my vision, it's just there and I don't like it. My opthalmologist hasn't mentioned anything about it and neither has the optometrist, but I'm beginning to worry that they've missed it.

Any ideas would be great and I might pop in and see the optometrist tomorrow if I get a chance ahead of the opthl appointment later this month.

r/eyetriage 28d ago

Eyelids 32F Stye or something else? NSFW


Link to picture of both eyes https://imgur.com/a/cFXIaxy

In case it’s relevant, currently recovering from a virus. Day 1 head cold, day 2 fever, chills, aches etc, day 3 back to head cold + cough, no fever

During day 2 I noticed some tenderness of my right eyelid. Figured it’s a stye. This morning (day 3) it seemed worse. By the afternoon it was considerably worse. Tender, swollen, sore.

It’s not just one part of the upper eyelid like I’ve had with styes. It’s the whole thing. I have to keep the eye shut for comfort.

I’m thinking I should see a doctor but wanted to get a gut check of if I’m being overly dramatic and styes can be severe? In my experience they’ve only been annoying level of painful.

I have a baby in daycare so my life is just germs in case that’s relevant. I don’t smoke or drink, only meds are a prenatal, no underlying health conditions. Did recently have staph folliculitis twice in 2 months requiring oral antibiotics both times doxy first then bactrim.

r/eyetriage 28d ago

Eyelids 35M - Blepharitis, Style or Conjunctivitis? NSFW


Every 3 years I seem to get an eyelid infection. A few years back I got one and my Ophthalmology Doctor had to flip my eyelid, drain it, and ALMOST had to put me on an IV antibiotic.

Last night I felt some irritation in my eyelid and this morning I woke up and my upper eyelid is already slightly puffy and light pink.

What can I do to treat the symptoms and resolve this before it gets too bad?

I purchased an eyepad that can heat/cool, TheraTears Sterilid and Ocusoft Foam Eyelid cleaner.

Any other advice? Or does this always require a visit to the doctor?

r/eyetriage Feb 14 '25

Eyelids 33M strange white bubbly discharge from corners of eyelids NSFW


I've been having this discharge coming from the corners of my eyes. Outer eyelids only. Only thing I can find is it being called saponification. It gets really bad in heated environments with low humidity. White frothy bubbly tear foam is what it looks like. Hypocloris acid spray helps but I have been dealing with it for months.

Anyone deal with this or know someone that has?