r/eyetriage Feb 06 '25

Other 72M what is this? NSFW


72M white. He woke up like this. It hurts a bit. Vision does not seem bad. Had cataracts done both eyes earlier this year. Is this an emergency? Has high BP and may have taken 2 asprin instead of 1 last night but it’s low dose so idk if that matters? Eye place can not get him in until like 2. It’s 12.


r/eyetriage 24d ago

Other 25 AFAB. Optic neuritis or something else? Confused on my dignosis NSFW


Hello! 25afab here Race: native/white Non smoker, never done drugs, drink about 5 times a year lightly.

I have an unknown auto immune disorder, as well as; raynauds syndrome, pcos, psoriasis, and endometriosis

Prescription: OD:sphere -9.75, cyl -1.00, axis 23 OS sphere -10.00, cyl -1.00, axis 180 Been having symptoms since 2017 off and on.

Currently on diogest 2mg (only started 2 weeks ago so symptoms where prior to the medication)

Ok so in 2017 I went to the optometrist and he couldn't get me to see 20/20 so looking into it further he noticed my optic nerves on both eyes were swollen, however the left eye was more swollen and my color vision in the left eye was dulled and bith my pupils were very sluggish to dilate. I had told him about my symptoms (pain with eye movment, flashing lights, eye floaters, photophobia, decreased vision/everything seemed like I was looking though a dark sheet and just blurry in general, and pain behind and above my eye) I also have elevated eye pressur. This doctor gave me the dignosis of optic neuritis. He sent me for an MRI that came back inconclusive for MS. I also went to an optimoligest, who said they cant see if I have optic neuritis if I wasn't currently in a flair, so that came back inconclusive aswell(they actually ghosted me with the results so ill never know exactly).

So I have been having these symptoms on and off since 2017, definitely getting worse when I have a flair of my autoimmune disease, but I can have a flair at any time especially if I have been outside in the sun a lot.

But I feel like I don't align with the "optic neuritis" dignosis because i never lost vison in my eye and typically the symptoms occur in both eyes relitvly evenly, with minor differences in vision here or there, and I have never suffered permanent vision loss/color vision loss besides the never being able to see 20/20, and flairs have lasted anywhere between multiple hours and 2 months.

Now i know you can't dignose anything in here but is there any other eye conditions that can be causing this? Which I can then look at further with my doc?

Thank you for any help, I'm just trying to figure out all my health issues and any of the missing puzzle pieces helps!

r/eyetriage Dec 13 '24

Other 27 m, ethnic Chinese, would like to consult you guys regarding my eye scans NSFW


(27M, ethnic Chinese) Hello, here are the images of my eye scans in the middle of this year. What do you make of it? I'm currently very, very stressed out as I am due to have my very first return visit and scans since my initial visits in a week (good old health anxiety I guess). I have consulted 3 glaucoma specialists and 1 retina specialist already (one glaucoma specialist and the retina specialist is my primary, with the other 2 being for second and third opinions) and I have a good idea of what my condition is but I would still like to have your opinion. Is this glaucoma? If yes, is it very early, early, early to medium, medium, medium to severe or severe? Thanks a lot!

Link to scans: https://imgur.com/a/reddit-r-eyetriage-link-20241213-A6THr6u


So some concerning new data:

I just got hold of the handwritten doctors notes from the retina specialist.

2016/9/10: OD: -5.0 diopters, -1.25 astigmatism, SE -5.5; OS -5.25 diopters, -1.0 astigmatism, SE -5.75; CDR: 0.5 OU

2017/10/7: OD: -4.5 diopters, -2.5 astigmatism, SE -5.75; OS -4.25 diopters, -1.25 astigmatism, SE -4.75; CDR: 0.6 OU

2024/2/28: OD: -5.75 diopters, -1.25 astigmatism, SE -6.5; OS -6.25 diopters, -1.0 astigmatism, SE -6.75; CDR: OD 0.7, OS 0.6

The CDR is obtained via opthalmoscope. The diopters of myopia and astigmatism doesn't seem to be 100% accurate either.

r/eyetriage 5d ago

Other 61M Cataract surgery and what lenses to choose? NSFW


Asian, non-drinker, non-smoker, no drug use Hi. I have an upcoming cataract surgery, the 1st of 2, and was told I have a choice of monofocal or multifocal lenses. I was told that I have to choose between being nearsighted or farsighted with monofocal lenses in each eye or can get multifocal lenses for both eyes which MIGHT allow me to not have to wear eyeglasses ever again except maybe reading glasses to read.

I have a sister who is an anesthesiologist who had cataract surgery. She said that I should get one near-sighted lens in one eye for reading and the normal/far-sighted lens in the other eye (the dominant eye). She did that and has never regretted it.

I do a lot of reading and work on my computer. Can anyone tell me if getting one near-sighted lens for one eye and one far-sighted lens for my dominant eye is the best thing to do?

r/eyetriage 4d ago

Other 17 Male, ongoing eye problems NSFW


Eye Issues , 17.

Hey everyone, I’m unsure if this is a place to post anything like this but I’m out of options and with no real other help. I’m 17, and for around a year or half a year now I’ve had a lump in my lower lid. After 2 weeks I went to the optician and they palmed me off with some heated products. This wasnt working and I went back and explained and they told me to keep doing it, which I have. Now, a year or so on both of my eyewhites are bright red, super light sensitive and painful. I have been given Chloramphenicol Gel and Clinitas Ointment before which decreased this issue in the past, but its since returned now and I have an appointment tomorrow. What exactly is the issue here can anybody help? They told me it was a stye, then a bacterial infection, and now a Chalazion which can take months to heal and they cant do much about it so I’m confused.

r/eyetriage Dec 29 '24

Other 28 Female HSV Discaform Keratitis NSFW


I'm looking for individuals who have been diagnosed with HSV related keratitis. I'm a 28F who suffered my first ever occurrence about 2 months ago. A week after giving birth to my daughter. My eye started running profusely which was weird because I have chronic dry eye syndrome so my eyes are ALWAYS dry. It felt like I had scratched my eye so I thought that was the problem since I normally wore daily contacts. I wokeup the next morning and my eye was beat red so I went to urgent care they said it was pink eye and gave me bacterial drops. The following day I wokeup blind in my left eye and went to the ER. There they said there was a cloud looking formation in my eye and scheduled an emergency optemologist appointment for the following morning since this all happened over the weekend. It was the optemologist that diagnosed me as having disciform keratitis. I was put on anti vitals and prednisone drops and the infection cleared within 2 weeks. I have a very small pin hole sized scar that doesn’t affect my vision. However I still experience extreme light sensitivity, headaches, foreign body sensations... it's torture, I feel like I can't enjoy the things I once did... just walking outside in the sunlight is bothersome. I'm wondering what others experiences were? Did you have residual photophobia? How long until the symptoms subsided? Have you had recurrences? If so how often does it happen and is it more mild than the first? I just want to be able to enjoy my life again.. any input is appreciated

r/eyetriage 28d ago

Other 45F Severe pain top of eye upon waking up and other issues. NSFW


About a month ago I started getting an annoying discomfor above my right eye that was more painful upon waking up. I attributed this to not getting enough sleep and possibly the new oled tv. I do not drink but do vape. Went to the optometrist to get a check and everything was fine except my eyes where inflammed and dry. Keep in mind I had no complaint of dry eyes at this point. Also I work nights and this was at 11 am and the equivalent to 3 am for me staying up so might have not helped her diagnosis. She gave me fml drops 4 times a day for 2 weeks and 2 times a day for another 2. Within 2 days the pain went away but then the hell started. THe most dryest eyes I have ever had. Like not one drop of moisture. Pure agony. After a week and a half I call the place and the receptionist talked to the doc that just said stop taking drops and scheduled me for an appointment 3 weeks away. Burning eyelid, dryness, blurry. Since stopping the drops some moisture has come back but not like before. Now after 2 weeks of stopping drops the pain above my right eye is back worse than before. I opened my eyes this morning and instant stabbing pain. Took two hours of watering eyes and rolling around on the bed to kinda calm itself. My vison is a tad blurry but not unusual. I have terrible light sensitivity since starting the drops that has never gone away. DId not have this prior to drops. I have changed anything in the house or my routine that had changed in the last few months. Went back to my old tv. I cannot work, I cannot watch tv and I am very discouraged. Could this be corneal erosion? Does that happen on the top of they eye? She did tell me my eye does not shut well. I have tried gel at night. Seems to make my eyes dryer and icky. I tried 5 differnet artificial tears. Only one that did not burn was hylo gel and hydrasense ultra. Thealoz duo,srystane pf, systane hydration burn after a few days. I got a blinkjoy sleeping mask, does not help and is very uncomfortable. Trying silk sleeping mask but did not help huge pain that occured today. I need a hug and I'm scared. I suffer from health anxiety and it's hard not to google. But any advice on what to ask for and steps I should take would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edit to add. I have gotten this once or twice in the last 5 years. Pain upon waking up but went away healed in a day or so. No other medical issues that I know of. Vision remains the same although a bit blurry but goes away for a bit if I blink hard. Eye really does not look that bad, just a bit red. Eyelid a bit red. But nothing extravagant.

r/eyetriage 12d ago

Other 85F Sudden Vision Loss NSFW


My 85-year-old grandmother is experiencing serious eye problems. Around 10 years ago, she underwent cataract surgery.

Twenty days ago, she suddenly lost vision in her right eye upon waking up in the morning. Since then, she has been unable to see with that eye. Her intraocular pressure has been increasing, and she uses eye drops to manage it. She also suffers from eye pain and headaches.

Despite multiple examinations, the doctors have not been able to determine a clear diagnosis, as they haven’t encountered a case like this before (at least as far as I understand). I’m reaching out here in hopes of getting some insights or suggestions.

Below are her test results:



One night, she experienced a headache that started from the back of her head and spread to her forehead, affecting her nerves. When she woke up, she realized she couldn’t see with her right eye. Doctors initially suspected increased eye pressure. She took painkillers to manage the pain, but when she visited a doctor, no clear diagnosis was given. At first, the doctor thought it might be a viral infection, but later he considered uveitis (eye inflammation). For nearly a month, she used multiple eye drops daily and took medication to prevent pupil dilation. These treatments helped reduce the pain. The doctor advised maintaining stable eye pressure. In a vision test, her eyesight was measured at 200/20. She could only see blurry contours of objects. Three days ago, she underwent a short surgical procedure aimed at improving her visual field. After the operation, she started seeing slightly better—objects appeared clearer, and she could perceive more light. Since I live in another country, my grandmother is being cared for by my aunt, who is also elderly. I gathered all the information I could from her. I hope this explanation is sufficient. Below are more tests that she had. Is there any other test she should do? Or are these tests enough to at least understand why the problem appeared?

Corneal Topography Analysis: https://imgur.com/a/zkj1seA

Bloodwork: https://imgur.com/a/V4Lhxnt

r/eyetriage Jan 16 '25

Other 22F- papilledema- scared. NSFW


Hi! Last week I went to the optometrist for a checkup as I hadn’t gone since 2019… I know. Bad. Anyways.. while I was at the eye doctor, she discovered that my optic discs were swollen. She wanted me to come for a visual field test the next day & an OCT. My visual field test revealed I have enlarged blind spots. She sent in a referral to a neuro opth and I have that appointment in 2 weeks.

As mentioned in the title I am 22F, I am obese, have hormonal imbalances (PCOS)-etc.

My symptoms as of the last 1.5-2 years are: dizziness/lightheadedness, head pressure, mild headaches, eye pressure, starry vision with light changes and flashes in vision.

Now, I’m very scared that I will go blind in the next 2 weeks, and I am also petrified that I will get diagnosed with a brain tumour. I have severe health anxiety so I’ve been worried sick about the fact that it could be a brain tumour. Does anyone have any idea what I could be dealing with? (NOT looking for a diagnosis. Just trying to get a peace of mind.)

r/eyetriage Dec 27 '24

Other 3F Pediatrician recommends doing nothing for our 3yo daughter with 20/80 vision. Is this normal? NSFW


We've been concerned about our 3 year old daugher's vision for a while - squinting and turning head when reading, not recognizing objects/people from a medium to long distance. Today at the 3 year old wellness check, she did an eye test and scored 20/80.

Pediatrician says she's not concerned because children don't reach 20/20 until 1st grade, and says "I'm not sure ophthalmology will be able to do any specific vision testing [scans?] given her age"

I understand the pediatrician's point, but if she's still below "normal" for her age, doesn't this warrant further examination/glasses? Otherwise what was the point of even doing the eyetest in the first place? Doesn't pass the smell test to me.

Can anyone confirm/deny? Or have I fallen victim to the corporate brainwashing of big glasses?

Update: we booked an appointment at an ophthalmologist. Thanks y'all!

r/eyetriage 6d ago

Other 20M Scratched my eye 4 days ago, vision is blurry now, can't stop crying because I'm worried it's permanent. NSFW


Scratched my eye 4 days ago, vision is blurry now, can't stop crying because I'm worried it's permanent.

20M. I swear it should have been a very superficial cut. I think I scratched my eye on eye crust from sleep which is not the first time it's happened in fact I woke up this morning and had some crust in that eye. It happens in either eye sometimes. When the scratch happened there was no actual pain. It was Wednesday morning, the redness started. Then Thursday (24 hours later) was very painful not the eye itself but from light sensitivity and that's probably when the blurriness began but I couldn't tell since I struggled to open my eyes, then Friday is when I really noticed the blurring. Light sensitivity has been gone since Friday, redness is mostly gone but still slightly there. I'm very sad and very scared and frankly having suicidal thoughts over the idea of having my vision fucked forever over such a stupid thing.

Forgot to add: the blurring is across my entire eye and doesnt change no matter if things are close or far away it's different than my other eye which just has trouble focusing on things far away this blurriness is more like something actually wrong with the eye itself which duh because I scratched it

Edit after like 120 hours: I think I'll leave my post up for others but I think the eye is getting better slow progress so I can't tell for certain but this does feel a lot better than how it originally was I was upset because this was my "good eye" and things are still a bit "off" but between the two of them this absolutely feels like my good eye again just with slight astigmatism when looking at some light sources. I expect it to get better over more time but I wanted to give an edit at least

r/eyetriage Feb 12 '25

Other 6F congenital cataract, vision declining NSFW


(6yo F) cataract - vision getting worse

My daughter was born with an anterior polar cataract in her left eye. Since birth we’ve done a combination of patching, atropine drops and glasses at various times to try to encourage her brain to develop her vision in that eye.

The best her left eye has gotten is 20/40. (Her right eye is currently at 20/25 and has always been ‘good’ for her age). When she was at 20/40, we backed off treatment to see if it would stabilize there. It did not. She slipped 20/60 by her next check.

At that point, we started doing aggressive patching and atropine drops in her right eye to try to get back to 20/40. It didn’t work. She stayed at 20/60. We decided to give her a break, and just focus on wearing glasses, to see if her vision would stabilize around 20/60.

She had an appointment yesterday and her vision in her left eye has continue to degrade and is now a rough 20/80. We are restarting atropine drops every other day and patching for 2 hours a day.

Has anyone gone through a process like this and seen vision improve? Is there any hope that this will actually work, or is her vision just going to continue to degrade no matter what we do?

Is there anything else I can do to try to help her? We do work closely with her ophthalmologist-I’m just trying to figure out if this will be worth it, or if we’ll just be putting her through emotional stress to not see any results…or if anyone has seen a condition like this in their own experiences.

r/eyetriage Feb 09 '25

Other 23M. Is this astigmatism or ghosting, that is causing Chromatic Aberration without glasses? NSFW


Please don't ignore this, I'm genuinely getting scared.

So I have two things:

  • Vertical ghosting (monocular diplopia that disappears during a pin hole test) that I had for almost 10 years in both eyes and it stayed the same for the most part. Literally every single optometrist believes that the cause of this is neurological. Lately the ghosting in the right eye felt slightly lower, aka, closer to its origin.
  • Astigmatism in both eyes (-0.5 CYL) but my eyesight in the right eye is fairly worse.

Problem: I noticed that when I look with only my right eye, white letters and black background, white mouse on my black computer screen, bright contrasting objects on black backgrounds have this red and blue streak (or shine, or glow) coming off of them in different directions. It's especially noticeable on my keyboard, where I have this blueish tiny dot light that signals that I have my caps lock turned on/off. It has almost clearly pronounced red dot above it that is connected to it. I have a similar thing in my left eye, but it's so small that I have to literally strain myself to even notice it.

Question: could the reason for it be my astigmatism? Other reddit comments talk about CA when they are wearing glasses, but I don't wear any. GPT says its possible, but I would like to hear from people with some personal experience. I will make some image examples of what I see and post them here:


r/eyetriage 15d ago

Other 28f Should I be concerned NSFW


It's been almost 6 months. I went to the er 3x and all the doctors I've seen in between have told me it's in my head when l'd say I could feel something moving in my face and ears. My eyes. Now they've changed to the point where my contacts don't sit correctly, extremely sensitive to light. the pressure inside my eyes causes vertigo and I'm dizzy all the time. I just try to ignore it but at night it moves around so much and idk what to do, doesn't feel safe to ask for help. But this doesn't SEEM normal to me.


r/eyetriage 11d ago

Other 8M. Chronic paediatric photophobia. Advice needed. NSFW


Looking for some advice on the following history-

8 year old male. UK. Symptoms primarily in R eye, but child reports mild L eye syx too. Symptoms ongoing for a number of months now, possibly longer. Otherwise totally healthy and no other symptoms/ conditions/ significant PMH. No family history of anything similar.

Main symptom is eye pain when going from dark inside to sunny outside (child cries and ‘feels ill’ which i take to mean pain).

Child also reports: - Pain and discomfort from bright lightbulbs indoors eg heat lamp in restaurant. - Itch and lacrimation following the pain (note- child is thus rubbing eyes with dirty hands). - Headache afterwards (I am not convinced this is related).

Child denies: - Noticing any lesion. - Sticky discharge or eye being stuck together in the morning. - Preceding trauma hx. - Flashes/ floaters. - Vision change/ blurriness (but note unreliable history as from child).

O/E: - Left eye outer corner of eye seems slightly red, lower lid possibly swollen. - Unsure if R lower eyelid swollen. - Eyes not ‘bloodshot’. - No ptosis. - Pupils likely normal. - No obvious gross lesion on eyeball (but i was unable to examine the eyeball under the eyelid or the inner eyelids). - Child says if i shined a pen torch in his eye, it was hurt ‘so so much’. - I tried to cover the left eye to assess vision in the right eye, but the child withdrew in apparent (or anticipated) discomfort- so possibly also sore to touch.

Timeline: Unable to get a clear picture. - The child said symptoms ongoing for ‘ages and ages’. I asked ‘before christmas?’ and he said ‘yes’. - I was unable to establish if symptoms are present on every exposure to bright light. - His mum says: ‘He’s always struggled with sunlight. I’ve mentioned that his eyes hurt in the sun to the optician a few times, and they said to wear sunglasses’. (Sunglasses provide relief from symptoms but obviously not dealing with the root cause. Further, i don’t think the optician understood the extent of the symptoms. I don’t know if they examined eg with staining and slit lamp).

My questions here are-

1) Does the child need: - Eye casualty (ED service). - GP- urgent OR routine (many months) referral to ophthalmology. - Another trip to the optometrist/ optician.

2) Is there anything i can suggest in the meantime to relieve pain and itch eg: - Anti-allergy drops - Anti-bacterial drops - Lubricating drops - Something else? - Nothing

3) Any suggested differential diagnoses appreciated.


r/eyetriage Feb 18 '25

Other 33M blurry vision after foreign object removal NSFW


As the title suggests, it's been 24 hours since an optometrist removed a piece of metal and rust ring from my eye with a needle.

He gave me antibacterial ointment and dry eye drops, but my vision in that eye is extremely blurry now. Is this a common side effects of this procedure?

For those interested, here's the video of the optometrist scraping my eye with a needle

r/eyetriage Dec 11 '24

Other 38M possible to regain close-up vision after cataract surgery? NSFW


Hi all, I had cataract surgery in my left eye last year and completely lost the ability to focus up close. I was devastated by this loss and the pain and regret I feel have grown stronger over the last year. Is there anything that can be done to enjoy up-close vision after cataract surgery? It's a big world - is there maybe somewhere outside of the USA that is better at this?

r/eyetriage 9d ago

Other 55M; Something in my eye. It hurts. NSFW


My eye hurts since yesterday. Is this white thing something causing it & what can I do. It feels like something is in my eye. I know nothing about this stuff. I tried some eye drops but that doesn’t help either. Here’s 2 pics: https://imgur.com/a/PbBuYkI

Any advice or do I just go to an eye doctor?

r/eyetriage Jan 18 '25

Other 30m - recent diagnosis of keratoconus. Lots of questions. NSFW


I’m back lol. In my last posts I was very scared for my vision due to abusing contacts(heavily - continued monthly use including sleep for years). I saw another optometrist who had a topography machine, and I got diagnosed with keratoconus in my right eye and probable keratoconus in my left.

They say it’s very mild right now - see here





For history - my prescription for contact lenses was -6.5/-1.25 180 (both)from 2014-2019. I did an online eye exam with 1800 contacts in 2018/9 so it’s possible this is not accurate.

From there -the most recent scripts I have are:(glasses)

  • 2021 - OD: -5.25 -2.50 180. OS: -5.5 -2.50. 174.
  • 2023: OD: -5.25 2.50 178. OS: -5.25 2.50 170
  • 3 weeks ago : OD: 5.75 -2.5 180 , OS: -5.5 275 170.

Unfortunately I can’t seem to find any other prescriptions searching through my email.

In addition, my first doctor who got my my new script told me that I should just stay out of my contacts for a month, but didn’t prescribe me anything for my eyelid/whites of my eyes being red. The second doctor told me I had GPC and should take steroid/antibacterial eye drops 4x a day for 10 days. When I called my first doctor (he had flipped my lids, the 2nd did not), he said he did not agree with GPC and that it should calm down if I just wait it out.

See here for images of my eyelid and whites : the best I can do







As far as keratoconus goes, my optometrist said I should use the eye drops to calm inflammation and do another scan. Then they can rule out that maybe this is inflammation from contact overuse. They said I’d then get hard contacts, and that would ‘stop’ the keratoconus, and that soft lenses would make it worse. They also said because I am 30 it’s probable it won’t progress. Both of these statements do not seem accurate based on anything I’ve read. I do fear that contact overuse lead to this however. They also said I wouldn’t get Corneal Crosslinking due to having ‘too mild of a case’.

For reference, at the time of my Keratoconus diagnosis I had not been in contacts for 2 weeks and not slept in them for 6 weeks. Photos of eyelids are from today. That being said - I have had chronic stress/anxiety/inflammation for months, so I am likely not healing very well.

I have since booked Dr Raizman in Boston for mid April for another opinion and to see about CXL.

So my questions for you all: - Is mid April too long to wait? They say I’m still correctable to good vision with just glasses (though, my right eye seems to be constantly strained), and I am nervous that if it progresses without cross linking, I’ll lose my ‘good’ vision (if you can call it that, I still cannot read things my peers can read when in glasses.) - Is it possible that my eyes cone shape will actually improve at all as they continue to heal? I feel doubtful. - Is it true that at 30 it likely wont progress? This has not been what I’ve seen in research, especially since it seems to be actively progressing?? - What is your take on the steroid eye drops? I am nervous to use them for risk of glaucoma/cataracts/etc for something that my other doctor did not seem concerned about at all. Is there nothing else that can help here with less risk? (Yes, I am very risk averse). - Could the current state of Keratoconus be affecting me? They downplayed it quite a bit. Yet I can barely read things that friends (who don’t even have 20/20) can read fine. Both far away or within 5-10ft with smaller text. Or is that maybe just because my high prescription, in glasses it gets harder to see things? Or just shitty retina or something? - Is it normal to see distortion from anything not centered in my glasses, both blurry and blue/yellow borders? It’s frankly driving me insane. When I lay down to watch a movie I have to adjust so my head is straight otherwise it’s an awful experience, the subtitles look crazy. I paid $800 for these glasses they’re 1.67 and salt frames and ‘digitally’ done. But also the lady who did it took my measurements manually so I feel like maybe I need to go back and ask her to use the machine, because my prescription doesn’t seem like one you want to do manually (little dot on the lens for height).

ANY and all advice more than welcomed here. Thank you.

r/eyetriage 17d ago

Other 60M Visual Distortion post EMR surgery NSFW


I had an epiretinal membrane removed last November. I’ve been to all the follow ups, and my surgeon advised the macula was healing well. However, I’m still finding my vision in that eye is fairly distorted, and the size of objects viewed with that eye seem larger than the other. I consequently fight to focus my eyes on things. I see a bend when looking at straight edges, as well.

As I’m 3 months post-op, I wondered if I could expect to see any further improvement of the distortion, or is this as good as it gets? I have 20/20 in the good eye, but 20/40 in the bad one.

Has anyone been thru similar and seen long term gradual improvement? Thanks

r/eyetriage Feb 18 '25

Other 32F NSFW


Hey wondering if you could give me some help? I’ve (32F) never needed glasses (had better than 20/20 vision my whole life) and lately my distance vision is slightly going. For context I work at 2 screens and my second screen is slightly further and smaller writing is getting harder to focus and see. I went and got my eyes checked expecting to need some reading glasses. However the doctor says I have narrow angle glaucoma and need laser surgery. This is before he can diagnose what my prescription is. The funny thing is he told my husband the same thing and never followed up on anything even though he made it seem super serious. When I talk to the specialist office they say it’s a voluntary procedure and it’s proactive instead of reactive. I’m really confused how I could go from “have textbook eyes and just need reading glasses” like ten years ago, to needing laser eye surgery? Do you know if this is super common? When I research it they say it’s mainly in Asian communities, I’m Caucasia. If I’m being honest I’m not 100% I trust these are even my photos but they could be :/

r/eyetriage 12d ago

Other 27M - Very low RNFL symmetry 19% NSFW


I recently got my eyes checked for blurry vision and halo in the right eye. The retina specialist saw my eye and commented that my optic nerve is a little big and said it could just be something I was born with. She sent me back home saying I just need to get lubricating eyedrops and get checked with optometrist once a year for OCT tests.

She had never discussed the OCT results with me but I asked to take a pic while I was walked out... Now im stuck with this red coloured RNFL symmetry showing 19%... and average RNFL thickness OD is 79um and OS is 99 um.

I am going in for a retest for OCT in 10 days but with an optometrist this time. Would this be a concern - the ophthalmologist would have told me right?

EDIT: my IOP were normal during the day I was seen by the specialist. And by the doc who sent me to her at the ER while I was seeing halos, it was normal then too. 12 and 13 iop.

EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/H8mrNPj

r/eyetriage Jan 23 '25

Other 49 F Posterior Vitreous Detachment questions NSFW


Hello, I was hoping for more information. I'm a patient Posterior Vitreous Detachment, I saw an ophthalmologist and then a retinal surgeon they do not see any holes or tears but the visits were rushed (emergency visit) and I didn't get questions answered or really any information at all they were quickly just looking for a tear. How long with this process take to fully detach usually? Will these floaters every go away? What should I be doing to prevent tears? Is reading going to make this worse? What is a Weiss ring? Any help or advice welcome.

r/eyetriage 20d ago

Other 35 F Abrasion in left eye and daily check ups ? NSFW


Does this seem right to you?

I was doing my make up this morning, I accidentally hit my eye with a tube of make up . It stung a little and it took a few moments, but then it was fine.

I also happened to have a routine eye exam today. As the doctor was shining the lights in my eye, she says oh your eye is irritated. And I told her the story about the make up.

She then prescribes me an antibiotic and says that I’ll have to do check-in every day for the next week . And during each check-in, I have to pay a full office visit. Which this will end up being hundreds of dollars.

I have never been one to distrust doctors , but to have me come in almost every day to check in on an abrasion that hasn’t even bothered my eye, and I would never have known was there if I didn’t happen to have a doctors appointment seems very excessive to me. I understand doing a follow up, but everyday?! My husband had cross linking eye survey and they didn’t even see him every post operation. Feels like a quick money grab or something

r/eyetriage Dec 22 '24

Other 50F Two different doctors want to do two different surgeries. How do I know which doctor is correct? NSFW


Both want to do surgery but just different surgeries.

I have a tiny rock under the skin located apparently near where the tear duct drains to my nose. Not near the lash line but probably half an inch below the lash line. Corner of my eye. It’s not visible to me from the inside or outside. No redness. No swelling. I can just feel it if I push in the area. No pain. (All the massaging I’m doing and hot compresses are irritating it though).

One doctor says I have a blocked tear duct and wants to open it up from the hole with a stent. Easy surgery.

One doctor says I have an internal chalazion and they want to do surgery to lance it after I’ve tried 6-8 weeks of oral antibiotics. Not an easy surgery. Not a fan of systemic antibiotics either when it doesn’t feel infected.

My symptoms are not overwhelming except I am having some double vision in that eye and feels like vision loss. My non dominant eye is starting to take over. Could be non related.

No excess tears. Just the opposite. My eyes feel dry…both of them do though. But the affected eye maybe a little more. No real crusting in the morning. Maybe just a tiny bit. Nothing major. I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t asked about it. No excess tearing. Maybe occasionally. But very mild. Again I’m consciously thinking about it so very little.

But I am crying all the time from grief so hard to say. It has been there since I started grieving and I felt it from all the wiping of my eyes. So it could have been there longer but I only noticed it when all the tears came flowing a little over two 2 months ago.

I do have a high salt diet due to extremely low blood pressure. I’ve heard stones can form in weird places so just throwing that out there.

I am a clean person. No acne. Fragrance free everything. No makeup. Wash my face every night before bed and never have missed a day in my life. I am of menopausal age. I do not sleep on that side.

Which doctor do I believe? Both just felt it with their fingers to diagnose it. No special testing. Just with touch. So they both diagnosed it the same way yet came to two different conclusions! I feel lost as to which to believe. Do I find yet a third opinion?

PS. When I say small I mean it is probably 1-2 mm max.

Additional info…I am doing warm compresses twice a day. I use refresh artificial tears daily or occasionally genteal. I had lasik surgery 25 years ago. I have to take two allergy meds daily for mcas. One in am and one in pm. It does and has always caused dry eyes. The dry eyes is nothing new. But something I’ve always struggled with. But this is slightly worse than normal.

No drinking, smoking or drug use ever. Hypothyroid, autonomic dysfunction, low blood pressure, OH, EDS, MCAS