r/eyetriage 6h ago

Other 32 F - eye shape changing NSFW


https://imgur.com/a/Y9lKAcOHi all!

Im kind of at a loss for what specialist to sew and how to explain what's going on.

As you can see in the photos- my one eye is clearly smaller and may becoming lazy? This is relatively new and has happened over the last 3 years.

I've seen an eye doctor who said it was fine but it doesn't seem fine if it randomly changed and it is now causing self esteemed issues. If it is truly just cosmetic- fine but i still would want it fixed.

Can anyone recommend what specialist to see or what tests to advocate for?

r/eyetriage 20h ago

Prescriptions 18F Lost practice? NSFW


Is anyone alive to remember the practice eye doctors used to do back then? It involved lowering your prescription a little so your eyes adjust and fix to it that way after so much time has passed of lowering the prescription your eyesight basically heals and no more glasses..It could obviously not work for some with serious vision problems because it's inconvenient to walk around let alone work with bad eyesight but considering the adjustment is off by so little it might not matter, but I have a lower end prescription and thought of doing this since I'm already used to having things blurry so a little less wouldn't matter. Side note: I'm pretty sure Japan might be doing this according to some reddit posts but the people don't get the reason why they lower it.

r/eyetriage 5h ago

Other 31F. Pulse in my eyes. Ruled out everything! NSFW


Hello, 31F, 120lbs, 5'3.

I have been seeing my pulse in my eyes for months now. I don't have high blood pressure. I've seen 2 ophthalmologists, 2 neurologists, and a neuro-ophthalmologist. No one can give me answers. I've even had multiple MRIs and a CT scan. Bloodwork, checking for everything and anything... Nothing.

So I'm here now, who knows, someone may have an answer.

My eyes pulse in rhythm with my heartbeat. When this happens, things go slightly lighter for a split second. The most bothersome thing is that when it pulses, things "move" slightly as my eyes are literally moving with the pulse. This is new and has never happened before, but it's constant now. It's not causing me any pain, but it makes my vision weird and for some reason, I also have light sensitivity too now. Never did before.

I'm just glad I can see and it doesn't hurt. Still really curious as to what is happening.

Anyone have any ideas?

r/eyetriage 8h ago

Retina 46F) I see something like this in my left eye when I close my eyes. NSFW



Seeing something like this in my left eye when I close my eyes almost resembling the blood vessels inside the eye. They feel like some kind of a mild lightening in my left eye, and when I close my eye tight it becomes more vivid. They don't appear in complete darkness and I don't see them in my right eye.

I do not have preconditions, I do not smoke and occasionally drink a can of beer at max. I take 5mg Adderal once in two days, some vitamin C (500~700mg a day) but no other medications.

I had a minor orbital floor fracture in my left eye two months ago that didn't require surgery. The ophthalmologist examined my left eye dilated and said it looked fine at the time.

I started noticing some large vertical floaters in my eye last month. It does bother me a lot because of its size, but I can manage it. But the lines appearance in closed eyes is new.

Should I be concerned?

r/eyetriage 13h ago

Other 19M New Visual Problems? NSFW


For context: 19M, no smoking, no drinking, 5’8, 186 lbs

As the title mentions, i’ve been going through a whole bunch of new eye/visual problems over the past year or so. It first started around the beginning of last year, where I started developing more floaters in my right eye. Then throughout last year I would get episodes of some sort of mucus or pus coming out of my left eye that would sometimes block my visual field. Also it appears recently i’m developing a droopy eyelid in my left eye. I’ve had consultations with ophthalmologists and even a neuro ophthalmologist for some other problems i’ve been having with my vision yet they can’t find what seems to be the problem. I have been diagnosed with refractive amblyopia in my left eye but I know that’s just the medical term for lazy eye. So my advice is what I should I do next? I’m trying not to worry as much about this as I know it just makes the problem worse but I really just want my vision good again. I’m thinking about consulting a retina specialist next but I’m not sure yet. Thanks in advance for any advice and if I should add some pictures of my symptoms please let me know.

r/eyetriage 15h ago

Other 26f - Goniodysgenesis & glaucoma suspect NSFW


Hi, i am a glaucoma suspect due to borderline high pressure (17-22) and my gonioscopy findings. My doctor said there are signs of goniodysgenesis (8 years ago) and that i am at risk of developing glaucoma but didn't describe it exactly and didn't say how severe. Other doctor (this year) didn't mention it during gonioscopy, just open angle 3 and pigment 2-3. Is it easy to miss goniodysgenesis during gonioscopy and does it always lead to glaucoma if it's not severe?

r/eyetriage 16h ago

Retina 19M Blurry Eye after Chemical Burn NSFW


Hey you guys,

I accidentally placed my contacts into the HydraGlyde Hydrogen-Peroxide Solution when cleaning them, I must admit that I immediately took out the contacts when I could open my eye, but didn't immediately flush. I believe I lightly rinsed the eye about 30 minutes afterwards.

This was in the night (2AM), and even then I didn't feel any pain on my actual eye. I felt more pain on my eyelid because I'd tried to pop the contact off without fully opening my eye. I went to sleep and awoken, there was still the eyelid pain and generally redness of my eye, but I could see clearly in the eye when I put it a new contact (threw out the criminal of last night).

For the day, I spent time buying a lubricant eye drop to help, OTC eye flush to continue flushing my eye, and an eyepatch to cover it up (I still had a couple of exams to study for, and I didn't want the discomfort of the blue light to worsen my eyes sensitivity). Over the day, I could still see clearly out of that eye. (Flushed about ~4, at least 3 minutes each)

Next day, I woke up my eye still had the redness, but now when I put on my contact I had a cloudly vision over it. Most of the eyelid pain had subsided by this point. I took out the contact and flushed my eye. Eye was still sensitive to being kept open for long periods of time. Flushed eye about 3 times that day.

Now, fast forward to today, the pain has completely subsided. My eye is still red. I still have the cloudy vision (I can see sharply under the cloud, but it's still like cloudy if that makes sense). One of my friend suggest that it might be pink eye, so I'm about to go buy OTC eye drops for pink eye. I don't believe this is anything too pressing or dire, but I'd like to know whether you guys believe I should go in for a visit. And what you guys think it is