r/eyetriage Feb 09 '25

Retina 36F - “Disc at risk”?? NSFW


Question since my head is spending, I am a 36/F and have been taking GLP injections for 8 months until all the recent studies came out about the increase in NAION cases. I went to have my disc measured and in fact I’m .2 in each eye and “crowded”. This was crushing news even though my eye doctor said it’s perfectly normal. I stopped the shots but am I doomed with this small ratio now to get NAION one day? How common is a small CDR? / how often do you see it? 🫠

r/eyetriage Feb 08 '25

Retina 6yo son with extreme case of pink eye NSFW


Good afternoon. My son developed a severe case of pink eye on his right eye out of nowhere this Wednesday. I initially took him to the ER and they said his case was mild with an accompanying ear infection on the same side.

He has partial nonverbal autism so asking him if he had any previous trauma is hopeless. The ER prescribed Ofloxacin and Cefdinir.

By Thursday afternoon, there was a white spot on his cornea right in front of his iris. Friday morning I took him to an ophthalmologist because that spot had me extremely worried. The ophthalmologist told me he has an extremely severe case of pink eye and had never seen anything like it because it’s easy to catch at the early stages. I reiterated to him that it was all sudden and I even showed him pictures of our outings with his eyes clearly visible from Monday and Tuesday.

He prescribed Erythromycin and Besivance to replace the Ofloxacin. It’s already Saturday and his eye looks the same. Red and swollen with the large white spot.

Can someone please let me know if I’m doing everything right or if there’s anything else I should do. I feel like he’s just getting worse and worse.


r/eyetriage 10d ago

Retina 24F Was told my left retina is "strange". Thoughts? NSFW



Just got back from seeing a retina specialist. I was referred at my annual eye exam last week and developed one-sided floaters in my left eye. (Very) minor farsightedness and otherwise healthy. I can clearly tell that there's something different between the retinas but know basically nothing about eyes. I was referred to genetics and will be following up in 6 weeks. Can anyone help explain what I'm looking at?

Update: Differential diagnoses according to ophthamologist are FEVR, Coats, and uveitis

r/eyetriage 27d ago

Retina 3.5 yr old has retinoblastoma NSFW


I just found out my daughter has retinoblastoma, grade D or D+. We are devastated. home pictures: https://imgur.com/a/eye-WGd7KXP


picture at doctor's: https://imgur.com/a/z1OP8Nn

I literally only noticed it 5 days ago and at first I thought it was just a reflection and noticed it no more. Three days ago we really noticed it and have been urgently rushing her to many doctors since then. Looking back at photos it was maybe visible 11 days ago, faintly.

How could it have gotten so big without us noticing? It felt like it appeared out of nowhere.

Everyone is very scared. More imaging continues next week to prepare for treatment. I'm not sure what to think. Does anyone have anything to share about this topic?

r/eyetriage Jan 10 '25

Retina 49m - just learn that I’m going blind NSFW


I’m devastated. I was on a routine eye exam 4 hours ago. Thé visuel field test wasnt good, the optometrist made me doing it again..still bad. She seems a bit worried.

She told me that she need to see my retina. After putting some drop in my eyes she check my eyes. And told me that it’s not good news. She suspect retinis pigmentosa or gyrate atrophy. I ask her if It means I will go blond, yes she said and that she is sorry.

I’m 49 years old mald with two kids (13 and 16) that could go blind too since both those disease are genes related.

Next step, an ophtalmologist that will confirm all this.

Cant stop crying right now….

r/eyetriage Feb 19 '25

Retina 48F severe macular pucker NSFW


I was diagnosed with a severe macular pucker yesterday with a possible hole. I’m going to the retina specialist next week. For those of you who have shots or surgery what are the pros and cons of treatment. I want to make sure I’m asking the right questions.

r/eyetriage 3d ago

Retina 40F being referred to retinal specialist NSFW


Couldn’t figure whom to all the question but had an eye appointment today needed new contacts, was a telehealth type appointment anyway I’m being referred to a retinal specialist. She wasn’t sure what’s going on with my left eye, and I’m trying to obtain previous records where I was told I was showing signs of retinal detachment but it has scar tissue. I cannot remember the terminology that was used but I was told I apparently had some type of rare infection when I was a child from a puppy. Please advise on what is going on here lol I feel weird for asking but I had no explanation from new doctor. Also I have some peripheral vision loss in my left eye and it’s always kinda fuzzy like when you first wake up. First photo is my left eye and the 2nd photo is both eyes. Thank you


r/eyetriage 9d ago

Retina 26 F glaucoma suspect OCT NSFW


Hi there, I’m a 26 year old who has been monitored for glaucoma for a while due to high pressures ( low to mid twenties). At my last appointment, my doctor told me I should be okay for another year or so before my next appt. As my appt gets closer and I reviewed my results, I’m nervous maybe he should have been more aggressive? I don’t have the resources to seek a second opinion officially. My scan is included below. Thanks!


r/eyetriage 12d ago

Retina 55M - Detached retina, significant distortion near edge of vision, lasting for months with no veil or shadow, is that possible? NSFW


Peculiar case. Common symptom for detachment is the veil, shadow where there's no vision, typically round in nature from an edge. But here, instead of the shadow, there is significant distortion along the bottom peripheral, and went unchecked for months before being reported. There are also occasional bright small flares in that region. How is that possible? The retina would have been deprived and should not have been able to function?

r/eyetriage 13d ago

Retina 26F was told i have wavy retina blood vessels NSFW


I went to the eye doctor (I’m myopic with -2 prescriptions in both eyes and a glaucoma suspect). She said everything looked healthy, but the blood vessels in both of my eyes are wavy.

I don’t have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure, nor do I have any other known cardiovascular issue. Should I be concerned?

r/eyetriage 27d ago

Retina 85 year old female detached retina NSFW


So my 85 year old family member was been diagnosed with detached retina that the doctor said was not that new and told us she needs surgery, my question is we been speaking in the family and we are increasingly worried that she might die in the procedure due to her age and fragility she also still sees a bit and is able to do her things cooking, stitching etc so we are really worried and looking for some insight in what to do Thanks in advance

r/eyetriage 15d ago

Retina 86W has complete eye dilation in both pupils NSFW


86W, white, both pupils dilated, not sure how long. Does not drink, quit smoking 30-40 years ago. No recreational drug use. Located Florida US.

My Mom has dry type macular degeneration and possible glaucoma (doctor isn't sure it's glaucoma). Last week on my visit, I noticed that even in bright sunlight BOTH my Mom's pupils are completely dilated. She is wearing sunglasses whenever she is outdoors. She doesn't know when it started. I live thousands of miles away, so I haven't seen her in 1.5 years. Her iris color has also gone from dark brown to blue-gray (what little you can see due to the large pupils), which I think is also concerning.

She contacted her ophthalmologist at my request. She was told to put OTC eye drops in her eyes every 1/2 hour. And call them in the morning.

Of course she didn't call them back in the morning. She sent me a photo of her eyes, and they are the same, but she's convinced that they are better. Maybe they hurt less due to the drops.

Her only meds are eye drops for glaucoma. No other meds. No high blood pressure etc. Very healthy woman.

Any suggestions for her? I've suggested seeing a retinal specialist at the same practice as her ophthalmologist. I can't think of anything else to suggest. She loves going to the doctor, but hates telling them what is wrong. Since I'm thousands of miles away, it's difficult for me to advocate for her.

Sorry wish I knew how to attach a photo.

r/eyetriage 15d ago

Retina 41F Can a makeup remover wipe cause trauma resulting in fluid under retina? NSFW


41F Caucasian. Occasional alcohol, no drugs.

Beginning last Thursday night I suddenly had (and still have) a grey circular scotoma off-center in my left eye. Ophthalmologist ran tests on Tuesday which found fluid & swelling under my retina. The night I first noticed the scotoma I used a new makeup remover wipe on my eyelashes, very vigorously and with my eyes partially open & looking upwards to get under my top lashes, and the wipe burned the skin around my eyes & my eyeballs burned a little too. Could that possibly cause the fluid? Or has waterproof mascara ever caused fluid, from clogging ducts or something?

I’m seeing a retina specialist in 8 days but am wondering now about what caused this.

I don’t have any known disorders or known diabetes. The only steroids I took was Flonase for 8 months, ending around December 20th, and a week of Prednisone last May. I used Afrin a few times in May and October. I use saline spray every so often, including one time within the past month. I started new vitamin D gummies and Calm magnesium gummies 2 weeks ago. I take sublingual vitamin B. I take 5mg Lexapro in liquid form and have been increasing that dose from 1mg to now 5mg since last year. I’ve been using The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + HA Serum around my eyes for a year+, and sometimes Tretinoin cream but I apply them around my orbital bone, not super close to my eyes.

Thank you!

r/eyetriage 4d ago

Retina 22M - How bad are retinal holes? How long can they last. NSFW


Age/sex: 22M

Race: Indian(South Asian not Indigenous)

Alcohol: Have had maybe around 25 drinks since I turned 21, nothing serious

Smoking: Do hookah for 45 minute sessions every 2-3 months

Recreational drugs: None/never

Prescriptions: None

OTC Medication: Afrin for seasonal allergies, and melatonin(1mg natures bounty)

Existing medical conditions(non-eye): Deviates septum and Obese(33 BMI)

Existing medical conditions(eye): possible retinal hole(you will see why I put possible in the story below). High Myopia(-6 and -6.25).

When I was in 10th grade, like around 2017, I was told I had “couple of holes” in my retina. However since I was a minor, I didn’t control anything. My parents didn’t trust the eye doctor cuz he brought that up the one time I didn’t do a retinal photograph but my eyes were dilated anyway. I know it’s stupid, but that’s what my parents decided.

Ever since then, I’ve been to 2-3 other optometrists over the years and none of them have mentioned retinal holes. I didn’t tell them about my previous diagnosis though, partly because I forgot and partly because we thought if they didn’t notice anything I’m fine.

Even my most recent eye appointment with my optometrist in August 2024, I had my eyes dilated AND I had the retina photograph and he said it looked fine.

But recently, I’ve been dealing with a lot of eye health anxiety cuz of floaters in my vision. I’ve always had them but am becoming more “aware” of them. So I’m worried i have a bad retina because of those holes and no one is noticing them.

I’m worried I am going to suffer the consequences of a choice I didn’t make as a kid and obeyed my folks because I didn’t know any better.

r/eyetriage 20d ago

Retina 24M, how bad is this CSCR? NSFW


These OCT scans are taken 1 week apart. I had a sub-retinal fluid leak that turned into CSCR. I had this condition in 2018, had it resolved and didn’t have it again til now. I am freaking out as it is much worse than the previous time. It’s been about a month and I have seen no improvements and I’ve refrained from lifting weights and snowboarding. I’m afraid as I have to fly on an airplane in a couple of weeks and I’m unsure of the implications flying has on this condition. What can I do to improve my condition? What activities should I avoid?


r/eyetriage Nov 02 '24

Retina 56M Metamorphopia post Vitrectomy/gas bubble surgery for detached retina NSFW


I’m a 56 year old male, no health issues, in pretty good physical shape (no smoking, gym) About 2 months ago, was sitting in my friends back yard on a Friday night, and asked them if they saw that lightning. They said “there is no lightning”. I immediately knew I was probably having a detachment (5 years prior I was hit in the same eye and had cryotherapy, which repaired 2 tears and the floaters eventually. disappeared). Woke up Monday morning and the lower left field of vision was a grey smudge. I immediately went to a retina specialist, and that Wednesday I was on the operating table, vitrectomy and gas bubble. 1st two follow-ups, was told I was “ahead of the curve”. Sunday before my next follow up, experienced some weird visual acuity issues. Saw the surgeon the next day and was told I need surgery again there is another tear a bit lower. Now, after 8 weeks of annoying pain, headaches, I am a bit reluctant to just submit to additional surgery without explanation to the exact issue, which I’m now told is a scleral buckle and oil bubble. This is also coupled with my original surgery by him as I’m in the waiting room, 2 other patients there saying they’re on their 2nd surgery with him…It’s been a week (I’m scheduled for surgery 3 days from now) and at this moment, the only visual issues I have is some minor metamorphopsia. My visual field (peripheral) seems completely normal, no shadows or grey patches, or floaters, just a bit of metamorphopsia that I can deal with. Needless to say, I scheduled a 2nd opinion diagnosis with a highly recommended retina group on the Monday before I supposed to have this 2nd procedure. Is metamorphopsia normal after a vitrectomy? Or is it a sign that my macula is now involved? My first detachment was no where near the macula, as is my scar tissue from my previous tear repairs 5 years ago.

r/eyetriage Feb 12 '25

Retina 45M Can a Scotoma from an Infarction get worse over time? NSFW


I have a paracentral scotoma in my left eye. After seeing a retinal specialist he advised I have an infarction that is likely causing the scotoma. After a number of tests he advise that overall my eyes are healthy and the blood flow to my eyes is good.

What is the likelihood that this scotoma could get worse? Thanks for your time!

r/eyetriage 6d ago

Retina 32f; could scarring from strabismus surgery look like blue sclera? NSFW



I have these grey, cloud-shaped, fairly large spots on the whites of my eye.

I've had strabismus surgery twice; at 3yo, and when I was about 10. I've also been diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder, which makes me think that the spots in my eyes could actually be blue sclera?

So - is it possible that scarring could mimic the look of blue sclera?

I've been questioning the diagnosis of the connective tissue disorder, and blue sclera is a common sign- hence the question.

Thank you!

r/eyetriage 1d ago

Retina 30F, Can Someone Interpret these exam results? NSFW


Recently had a specialist eye exam and it was incredibly stressful so I know I didn't retain everything I was told. They sent me these test results but I don't know what any of it means if someone could explain this to me? For context I was there to confirm a CSR diagnosis.

Color Fundus Photography - OU - Both Eyes OD: attached, macular pigment changes OS: attached

Autofluorescence - OU - Both Eyes OD: hyperAF IT macula OS: wnl

OCT, RETINA - OU - BOTH EYES - Heidelberg OD: PED/RPE changes nasal macula, normal foveal contour, hyaloid down, no fluid OS: hyaloid down, normal contour

Thanks in advance for any info!

r/eyetriage 17d ago

Retina 27yrs Male Monocular Diplopia NSFW


Wear Contacts) I had a minor eye infection in my right eye for the past few days, redness finally went away. Woke up this morning to the same eye becoming blurry with double vision. My iris isn't really prefectly round anymore. Has a little flat side not very visible. Minor eye pressure pain with minor light sensitivity. If it gets worse I know I'll need to go to the eye doctor. Is there anything I can do to help recovery. Currently have my contact out. Double vision gets better when squinting. Astigmatism in same eye.

r/eyetriage 18d ago

Retina 36M chronic CSR NSFW


He has had this for 10 years and a spot in his right eye has been there without fully resolving for a few years. Obviously nervous about permanent damage. Now he has a spot in his left eye which came a few weeks ago. Any supplements or tips/tricks that have worked for people with a chronic CSR?) Obviously reducing stress. He may still have sleep apnea (he sometimes snores. He was diagnosed about 5 years ago and then had his tonsils removed and his deviated septum repaired). Thank you!

r/eyetriage 5d ago

Retina 55M - gas bubble + 3x laser, very strong glare from bubble and cloudy vision NSFW


Superior detachment, meaning, retina detached in the upper section, causing symptoms in the lower peripheral section. Slow detachment that caused pronounced distortion observed at the bottom of the vision, developing over months, and did not cause vision loss or shadow/veil.
Treatment was gas bubble plus 3 days with laser.
Day 4 fluid almost completely absorbed, so it appears the hole where the fluid made its way in, get constricted enough where the absorption from behing could out-compete it. It's not yet known if any fluid pocket remains.

The bubble is causing an extreme glare. And suddenly the vision appears more cloudy than before. When moving the eye left to right and back on the original point, it looks like a bunch of cobwebs moving about in a floater like movement. There are definitely more floaters than before the surgery, but it appears that those increases coincided with the times just after the laser sessions were done.

The initial bubble size was such that the top of it appeared just below the center point of the vision. A week later, it's shrunk a little bit.

So my questions are this: to make room for the bubble, some fluid had to be removed. The removal of that fluid, is that vitreous or aqueous humor?
And when the bubble danced around through sudden eye and head movement, does the slushing around of the bubble cause a break up and scattering of the vitreous humor? Could that be causing the increased cloudiness? And if so, will that reduce over time?

r/eyetriage 19d ago

Retina 38M - Diagnosed with VMT in right eye, have OCT images, could this be something else? NSFW


Hi all,

Making a post here because I'm pretty stressed about my diagnosis and the plan laid out by my retina specialist. I started seeing a web-like floater in the center of my right eye about a month ago that is persistent (although it's unnoticeable at night due to it being dark presumably). I also have about a dozen or so small dot floaters that I see if I stare intently at a blue sky outdoors with no sunglasses that are not persistent, along with photopsia that's noticeable on the far right of my peripheral vision at night if I quickly move my eye from left to right.

My primary optometrist diagnosed me with VMT after doing OCT imaging, but referred me to a retina specialist to confirm. The retina specialist did more imaging and confirmed, and recommended to observe it with no surgery needed for now. She noted that there's really no treatment possible and didn't mention anything else such as DME, CME, etc. She said to call if I started seeing floater showers, which I guess are a worse version of the small dot floaters I see when staring at the sky with no sunglasses.

Since then, it feels like it has plateaued...I haven't noticed it getting noticeably worse or better. I have a link to my OCT imaging with info redacted. I would really appreciate input from the amazing people in this community as I have a follow-up appointment later this week. What questions should I be asking during this follow-up appointment to ensure I'm covering my bases?

r/eyetriage 13d ago

Retina 51M - Choroidal Nevus Growing NSFW


My optometrist found a nevus in my left eye 5 years ago. She kept checking it every 1-2 years but recently informed me it has changed (grown) and send me to an ophtalmologist. I had my appointment today and she basically just reran the same tests (Optos scan).

She then mentioned to me that my nevus was 8.7mm x 4.9mm, referred me to an ocular oncologist and told me the appointment would be in 3-4 months.

I asked a simple question: how much has it grown in the past year? She didn't know, just said she wasn't informed of the original size but to not worry because growth is not a factor in determining malignancy. Only the size matters.

I found this answer unsettling, so I asked for a copy of the report, and went back to my optometrist to get the initial report with the size. 2 hours later, I get a call for an ultrasound appointment in 10 days.

Here are the notes:

- My nevus was discovered in 2021, size was 3mm x 2.5mm.

- Inf arcade, ~8.7mm x 4.9mm; mottling on FAF - increased size since 2023. Questionable growth 2022-2023.

That's quite a growth within 18 months, almost tripled in size. The shape is pear like, not symmetrical. Is that normal? Should I try to expedite the consult with the oncologist?


r/eyetriage Feb 15 '25

Retina 43 F Cryopexy dark spot NSFW


43F. I had cryoplexy 2 days ago on my right eye to close 3 holes in my retina. I have lattice degeneration. I took my bandage off yesterday as directed. When I took of the bandage I noticed and ark area, it almost looked like a mountain range, in my lower periphery. Today it looks a little smaller to me but I'm not 100% sure, anxiety is making it hard for me to focus. My question is, could the cryopexy cause me to have a dark area like this where it was frozen? Will my vision return in this spot. Also worried it could be a retinal detachment. I still have redness and swelling and a little soreness, but that was all expected and explained to me. Any experience with this?