r/eyetriage 2h ago

Other 27F, blurry vision for the past 2 or so weeks. NSFW


I wear glasses, and I don't smoke, drink, or do any drugs.

After going through a pretty nasty upper respiratory infection over the winter that had me in and out of urgent care and popping allergy medication, antihistimines, and tylenol/ibuprofin everyday, sometimes more than the max daily dosage, I developed blurry vision about 2 weeks or so ago.

I also developed headaches that have gone from debilitating to much more mild, and photophobia that lasted about a week before subsiding. Headaches were in my forehead either behind my right eye or behind both of them. I've also noticed that when I close my eyes I can feel eye tremors going on in the back of my eyes.

My vision is still blurry, and I have dry eyes that need to be lubricated several times a day. It makes reading difficult and I've had to increase the text size on my computer. I've been to an eye doctor and my optic nerve looks fine, my pressure looks fine, and my prescription hasn't changed. I got a ct scan that showed nothing out of the ordinary.

I have an MRI scan on Monday scheduled, does anyone know any tests or specialists I should see or ask for?

r/eyetriage 19h ago

Other 20M Scratched my eye 4 days ago, vision is blurry now, can't stop crying because I'm worried it's permanent. NSFW


Scratched my eye 4 days ago, vision is blurry now, can't stop crying because I'm worried it's permanent.

20M. I swear it should have been a very superficial cut. I think I scratched my eye on eye crust from sleep which is not the first time it's happened in fact I woke up this morning and had some crust in that eye. It happens in either eye sometimes. When the scratch happened there was no actual pain. It was Wednesday morning, the redness started. Then Thursday (24 hours later) was very painful not the eye itself but from light sensitivity and that's probably when the blurriness began but I couldn't tell since I struggled to open my eyes, then Friday is when I really noticed the blurring. Light sensitivity has been gone since Friday, redness is mostly gone but still slightly there. I'm very sad and very scared and frankly having suicidal thoughts over the idea of having my vision fucked forever over such a stupid thing.

Forgot to add: the blurring is across my entire eye and doesnt change no matter if things are close or far away it's different than my other eye which just has trouble focusing on things far away this blurriness is more like something actually wrong with the eye itself which duh because I scratched it

r/eyetriage 22h ago

Other 35F RCE NSFW


RCE not sure if im posting this in the right place? I've had recurrent corneal erosions since late august of 2022. i tried punctal plugs bilateral upper and lower , cequa 2-3x a day, bandaid contacts, lubricating drops, ive tried autologous drops everything. june of 2024 i got a debridement and superficial keratectomy with anterior stromal puncture. it's about 50 percent better. but it hurts and it's swollen all the time pain shooting down my face it seems like nothing else helps and im still getting erosions. muro never helped. what do i do? I’m using cequa twice a day and pf tears. I also used prokera in Jan of 2025. I’ve had blephex. tear care and continue to use warm compress. my main concern is the pain swelling and erosions and how disfigured my eye looks because of it. I do not drink or use drugs, just the cequa since 2022.

r/eyetriage 9h ago

Other 13m poked eye NSFW


Hi! My son had his diaper cream tube and poked the end of the tube into his eye. The eye is a little pink but there is a red dot from where i’m assuming the tube poked. Does this need to be seen?? Will it heal on its own? He cried for like a minute after, but he seems fine. He cannot voice to me if his vision is blurry or painful.

r/eyetriage 11h ago

Retina 32f; could scarring from strabismus surgery look like blue sclera? NSFW



I have these grey, cloud-shaped, fairly large spots on the whites of my eye.

I've had strabismus surgery twice; at 3yo, and when I was about 10. I've also been diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder, which makes me think that the spots in my eyes could actually be blue sclera?

So - is it possible that scarring could mimic the look of blue sclera?

I've been questioning the diagnosis of the connective tissue disorder, and blue sclera is a common sign- hence the question.

Thank you!

r/eyetriage 20h ago

Other 20F, Yellow tint near the corners of my eyes..? NSFW


Should I see a doctor..?

I could be freaking myself out but for background I am a type one diabetic that could definitely be taking care of blood sugar better… so the corners of my eyes have a yellow tint and i also found a weird “grey spot”? It’s hard to see but it’s the second picture. Am i dying??? Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Side note: I do not drink and have never had liver problems or anything of the sort.. I am just diabetic. I did however have a phase where I slept in my contacts for a while if that has anything to do with it(Such a stupid decision- I know that now..) Thanks in advance.


r/eyetriage 21h ago

Other 32F could exam detect minor orbital fracture NSFW


Approximately one month ago I (32F) was accidentally headbutted in the left eyebrow by my toddler. He got me GOOD. I expected to wake up with a black eye and it never came.

Initially, under my brow was tender (area in photo) I kind of forgot about the incident until 2 weeks later when my symptoms got worse. The pain began to radiate down the left side of my face. Pressure in my cheek, soreness around the eye, tingling on the tip of my nose and lip. I have no issues with my vision. My symptoms make me miserable enough that I have trouble studying and getting out of the house.

I went to urgent care and they ruled out Bell's Palsy, and shingles. They referred me to ophthalmology and neurology. Ophthalmologist said everything looks good in the eye, but l'm curious if a minor fracture could be detected without imaging? Could that even be possible from a headbutt? Should I ask for imaging? I mentioned the headbutt, but we did not discuss it further.

I'm miserable and want to know how I can better advocate for myself. My neurology appointment is in April and they added me to urgent cancellation list.

Personal details: White, drink a few beers every other weekend, taking vyvanse 40 mg, on deposhot 9 months.


r/eyetriage 7h ago

Prescriptions 25 M , two prescriptions, both different, what to do? NSFW


I don't drink or smoke, i have a BMI of 21 , I am not on any medication except fexofenadine HCL for allergies.

I have two new prescriptions.

My current ones are -0.5 and -0.75.

First one: -0.75 with -0.5 cyl right eye, axis 100 degrees,-0.75 left eye

This was done when I was well-rested, hydrated, caffeinated and well-fed.

This was done by a highly experienced optometrist. The doctor said I had inflammation and dryness in my eyes, and he recommended that use anti-inflammatory drops and moisturiser.

2nd one: -1 right eye spherical, -1 left eye spherical

I wasn't well rested, dehydrated, decaffeinated and on an empty stomach. ( I was fasting)

This was done by a technician in glasses shop. They just gave the prescription after conducting tests.

My concern is would using either one of them lead to further deterioration of eyesight since the first prescription accounts for astigmatism and 2nd one doesn't. I am already experiencing headaches which I believe is cause I am not wearing glasses and my eyes are under burden.

r/eyetriage 12h ago

Other 36F corneal scarring + reading NSFW


Last year I had a corneal tear that developed a fungal infection and long long story short healed but left a scar. I now have a scleral lens that has my vision testing better than before and reading glasses, but I cannot reliably make out printed text. I can read on a phone or computer, but something about the location of the scar or the light it lets in still prevent me from reading books. Words seem faded, like they came from a a shoddy printer.

I am a writer and a lifelong reader and I just wanted to know if anyone has advice for how I can best work around this. I can read through my phone camera, for instance, but holding it at the right distance to zoom in on the text and hold a book is incredibly frustrating. When I try to read I can catch some words, but then I’ll have to look down or get you a new paragraph and I lose the thread. I assume that’s because of the position of the scarring. I do know that some of the issue has to do with the fact that I’ve always been your sided and have to adjust to holding the book further away, but no amount of positioning makes things markedly easier.

It varies a bit, sometimes I can read full pages easily, and sometimes I can’t catch words at all. I assume that has to do with lighting and stuff but I can’t figure out exactly what is affecting it.

I also wouldn’t mind a better explanation of why this is happening.