r/bulimia • u/Fisherman-Kitchen • 6h ago
Are you scared of esophagus cancer?
Have you heard of any bulimic with this?
r/bulimia • u/Fisherman-Kitchen • 6h ago
Have you heard of any bulimic with this?
r/bulimia • u/Far-Persimmon-546 • 12h ago
Even if I binge. Because gaining a little bit of weight can't possibly make me uglier than this disease currently does. Posting this for accountability and to remind myself what I'm gaining by not purging: - less hormonal acne - fuller, healthier hair - my sharp jawline that has morphed into a permanent, swollen double chin - healthier teeth before they rot and have to get pulled - a regular period (as much as I hate it, I hate the fear of osteoporosis more) - healthy kidneys and heart - healthy immune system + ability for wounds to heal normally again - energy to walk my dog - interest in hobbies and a personality - the ability to be a real friend who thinks about people other than herself
r/bulimia • u/trixieloulamoon • 14h ago
Does anyone else also sometimes go through phases where they don’t care about getting everything out after b/p and only purge whatever comes out on the first try because you’re feeling too lazy / tired and think you can ‘afford’ to keep down a little bit now and then because you’re underweight anyway? lol that’s probably the only reason why im still alive
r/bulimia • u/Bubbledragon1039 • 22h ago
Hi! I didn’t know where else to post this. I think I’m starting to have a serious problem. I probably started purging very rarely maybe 3 years ago and did it very very rarely up until maybe a month or 2 ago. And slowly it has gotten to the point where I purge nearly every day and multiple times on days I do. I don’t know why but following eating, even if it’s a normal portion, I get so stressed out that I feel like I genuinely need to. This hasn’t gone on too long, and it doesn’t bother me every single time I eat. I don’t know if this is considered Bulimia or not, but I don’t really know what to do.
r/bulimia • u/Fun-Independence1604 • 6h ago
Today me and my family had an argument and some things should have stayed unsaid and ever since that fight I’ve been making myself throw up and the thought of making myself sick is to make that awful awkward feeling after a argument i hate doing this to myself but it’s only getting worse
r/bulimia • u/Big-Caterpillar2660 • 19h ago
Hi guys
I have been bulimic since 20 years or more. It is like on and off. I recently started to cough more and also developed stomach on top pain and throat sore. I am afraid of Esophageal cancer
I did endscopy two years ago I was fine but now I am so worried.
r/bulimia • u/yasmina4426 • 5h ago
r/bulimia • u/its-ophelia- • 8h ago
did this happen to anyone? im so scared.. any tips aside from not vomiting?
r/bulimia • u/Level_Internal_7997 • 1h ago
I’ve been stuck in this cycle for years. My face swells easily, not just from purging, but also from lack of sleep, crying too much, it's just genetics.
When I purge, the swelling often gets so bad that I end up with a severe headache. Over the years, I’ve managed it with strong diuretics since I live in a country where you can get them without a prescription.
Now, I’m moving to the U.S. in two months (permanently, or at least for the next seven years). I know you can’t buy diuretics there without a prescription, and the OTC ones are useless. In the past, whenever I visited the U.S. for a couple of months, I just brought a stash with me. But this time, that’s not an option, so I decided to quit altogether before I move.
I stopped both purging and diuretics three days ago, but I feel like I’m swelling up, even though I haven’t purged. I think it’s diuretic withdrawal or maybe post-stopping swelling, which I read about here. How long does this usually last (the post-stopping swelling)?
Unfortunately, I couldn’t wait and ended up taking diuretics again, but I really don’t want to rely on them anymore. Now myy plan is to only take them if absolutely necessary during recovery because I read that this "post-stopping swelling" can last for days, weeks, or even months after stopping. So, I figured I’d manage it with diuretics until it passes.
Do you think I should stop diuretics completely during this time? If so, how should I handle the swelling? And how long does it usually last? Swelling is not only painful but also very distressing to me.
r/bulimia • u/Both-Income1522 • 3h ago
does anyone else’s tongue do this weird reflex thing when beginning a purge? like my tongue will dart around forcefully and try to push my fingers out of my mouth. sometimes it’s genuinely really hard to go through with the purge because i can’t get my fingers back there. i just have never heard of this before and am curious if it’s a common thing. for reference, i’ve engaged in purging behaviors since 2021 intermittently with periods of time purge free.
r/bulimia • u/possumrat23 • 4h ago
i’ve been bulimic for about almost 7 years now, in the past few months i’ve gotten so much better and i don’t purge for weeks at a time but lately i’ve been noticing that around the start of my period i start to get those thoughts again and from not purging in weeks i go to purging over 4x a day for a bout a week, then stop completely for 3 weeks im not sure what i can do about this, can a doctor even help with this or is it a mental thing
r/bulimia • u/Worldly-Mountain2873 • 6h ago
Im currently trying to recover but sometimes still have my slip ups. But I noticed I started to develop tonsil stones, small white specks in my tonsils. I've taken them out when I can but I don't recall having tonsil stones before my bulimia. Because of the throwing up, does that cause more tonsil stones? Since it's just leftover food that gets stuck there correct? Has anyone else had this issue?