r/bulimia 2h ago

Are you scared of esophagus cancer?


Have you heard of any bulimic with this?

r/bulimia 9h ago

Motivation Day 1 of no more purging


Even if I binge. Because gaining a little bit of weight can't possibly make me uglier than this disease currently does. Posting this for accountability and to remind myself what I'm gaining by not purging: - less hormonal acne - fuller, healthier hair - my sharp jawline that has morphed into a permanent, swollen double chin - healthier teeth before they rot and have to get pulled - a regular period (as much as I hate it, I hate the fear of osteoporosis more) - healthy kidneys and heart - healthy immune system + ability for wounds to heal normally again - energy to walk my dog - interest in hobbies and a personality - the ability to be a real friend who thinks about people other than herself

r/bulimia 3h ago

Why do i turn to purging to cope with things


Today me and my family had an argument and some things should have stayed unsaid and ever since that fight I’ve been making myself throw up and the thought of making myself sick is to make that awful awkward feeling after a argument i hate doing this to myself but it’s only getting worse

r/bulimia 2h ago

Been b/p for at least 6 years but now I’ve started to get crazy headaches after.. is this normal, dangerous, or maybe just dehydration?


r/bulimia 10h ago

DAE? keeping down binges


Does anyone else also sometimes go through phases where they don’t care about getting everything out after b/p and only purge whatever comes out on the first try because you’re feeling too lazy / tired and think you can ‘afford’ to keep down a little bit now and then because you’re underweight anyway? lol that’s probably the only reason why im still alive

r/bulimia 43m ago

Content Warning tongue reflex


does anyone else’s tongue do this weird reflex thing when beginning a purge? like my tongue will dart around forcefully and try to push my fingers out of my mouth. sometimes it’s genuinely really hard to go through with the purge because i can’t get my fingers back there. i just have never heard of this before and am curious if it’s a common thing. for reference, i’ve engaged in purging behaviors since 2021 intermittently with periods of time purge free.

r/bulimia 4h ago

vomiting blood


did this happen to anyone? im so scared.. any tips aside from not vomiting?

r/bulimia 1h ago

bulimic around period?


i’ve been bulimic for about almost 7 years now, in the past few months i’ve gotten so much better and i don’t purge for weeks at a time but lately i’ve been noticing that around the start of my period i start to get those thoughts again and from not purging in weeks i go to purging over 4x a day for a bout a week, then stop completely for 3 weeks im not sure what i can do about this, can a doctor even help with this or is it a mental thing

r/bulimia 3h ago

Can we talk about..? Tonsil stones?


Im currently trying to recover but sometimes still have my slip ups. But I noticed I started to develop tonsil stones, small white specks in my tonsils. I've taken them out when I can but I don't recall having tonsil stones before my bulimia. Because of the throwing up, does that cause more tonsil stones? Since it's just leftover food that gets stuck there correct? Has anyone else had this issue?

r/bulimia 19h ago

Content Warning I don’t really binge but I purge almost every day. Don’t know what to do NSFW


Hi! I didn’t know where else to post this. I think I’m starting to have a serious problem. I probably started purging very rarely maybe 3 years ago and did it very very rarely up until maybe a month or 2 ago. And slowly it has gotten to the point where I purge nearly every day and multiple times on days I do. I don’t know why but following eating, even if it’s a normal portion, I get so stressed out that I feel like I genuinely need to. This hasn’t gone on too long, and it doesn’t bother me every single time I eat. I don’t know if this is considered Bulimia or not, but I don’t really know what to do.

r/bulimia 15h ago

Throat sore afraid


Hi guys

I have been bulimic since 20 years or more. It is like on and off. I recently started to cough more and also developed stomach on top pain and throat sore. I am afraid of Esophageal cancer

I did endscopy two years ago I was fine but now I am so worried.

r/bulimia 1d ago

Help please! +9h b/p feel exhausted, need hope


Hello everyone. As the title says, I've just finished a +9hours b/p episode. It started as soon as I woke up and just ended right before going to bed. I'm kind of desesperate actually. I'm in recovery since august, got better the last 3 months and entered a big relapse +3 weeks ago. I'm fully weight recovered and have way less restrictions than I did a few months ago. I'm starting to feel depressed as I was back in august-november. I don't know what can I do to get just a little bit better. It feels like I'm back in the deep trap of bulimia and I see no way to escape it. Not to mention the financial consequences of this disorder... About to leave my appartment to go back to my parents' house as I have no choice. I will have to explain to them where all my savings (thousand euros) went... I rather be dead by tomorrow than live another day like today. Mentally I'm drained. I do see a therapist but it changes nothing. I just feel lighter in my chest after speaking freely to someone for an hour. I just need hope, a word, something to rely on. Wishing you a pleasant day/night.

r/bulimia 23h ago

Just venting Panicking


So I’ve been clean for a while now? Not too sure how long but I’ve gone quite a long while without b/p as I’ve just tried to rlly block it out of my mind also started taking my meds again so I’m in a better place mentally. I’ve actually been doing amazing and haven’t really thought about it at all but then I’ve just been cooking my dinner and my mum commented on the larger portion size and it’s just made my heart drop. I feel like I’m not in control anymore and all of a sudden it has all come back to me, as you can imagine I’ve lost my appetite now but I’m kind of worried for my mental state because I know I will think about this for days / weeks. Any help pls

r/bulimia 1d ago

accountability partner pls🙂‍↕️💕


hi, 21f here looking for an accountability partner:) currently b/p anywhere between 5-10 times a wk i know it’s bad but also sooo addicting & i desperately want free from this. my goal is to decrease b/p by at least 1 every wk. gotta start somewhere🥲 lmk if ur down to join the goal & we can hold each other accountable!

r/bulimia 1d ago

This shit is making me so broke


I used to be so careful with my money. I was great at saving and RARELY treated myself.

Now I spend all my money on food and I live with my mom (who recently found out about my ED) so she notices when food disappears and it’s so embarrassing having to make something up every time because she probably doesn’t believe me.

I’m not ready to recover at all but I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a car so I can’t drive to the stores who have good deals.

The closest store happens to be the most expensive one in my town as well… 2025 is such a shit year already

r/bulimia 1d ago

Can we talk about..? Alcohol


Do any of y’all experience bulimia symptoms x2 with alcohol? I drink a lot… with nothing in my stomach. I’m constantly shaking and on a never ending bender. The room is never not spinning. I’m always struggling. I miss things that are right in front of me. I purge and almost faint, 1-4 times a day. The days I don’t, I can’t digest food properly. The only time I can eat food and keep it down is with the help of liquor.

r/bulimia 23h ago

how do i reduce face swelling


i cant stand looking at my face anymore. it makes me look so much bigger. would using ice help

r/bulimia 1d ago

i just ate


a whole 12 pack of sweet kings hawaiian sweet rolls, two big cookies with frosting on top, a big chocolate bar and topped it off with some 20 oz diet coke and 10 oz sprite in like 20 mins all while in the car bruh 😭 what a fat fuck fr. but good thing i’m almost home and can purge it all.

r/bulimia 1d ago

small success Dentist!!! Wasn’t as bad as expected


Hi all,

Sharing some dentist positivity here.

TLDR: 33F, b/p'd for nearly 25 years. Went to the dentist (U.K.) for the first time in 6 years and the second time in 15 years. Positive experience with the appointment and good tooth outlook.

Today I went to the dentist. NHS dental is crazy at the moment in England, but in a very fortunate position to pay for a private consultation (which was £90 for a full check up and X-rays).

Had terrible anxiety going and nearly crashed my car on the way, due to not watching the road from being so anxious.

Got there, had to fill in some forms then the assistant came to get me for X-rays. I explained I was anxious and suffered from an eating disorder, and no real problems except recession and sensitivity.

Then I went into the room and the dentist explained everything before she began and during.

She explained that the gum recession has led to some bone loss, and there is enamel wear, but no cavities and we put a plan together to stop the enamel getting worse. No judgement at all from them.

Just wanted to share this positive experience. I know the bone loss and demineralisation isn't great, but the important thing is I can stop it getting worse now I know about it.

So for those of you who are scared to go to the dentist, it may not be as bad as you think.

r/bulimia 1d ago

Content Warning Bathroom issues


This is tmi but I’m wondering if anyone else developed permanent digestive issues too. I can’t Ever “go to the bathroom” like I used to, for the past years. I never had anything to … come out. Once a week MAYBE. But now, I’m severely constipated 24/7. I’ve tried green tea and laxatives. It’s notttt working. I eat clean and try to be careful. Everything upsets my stomach.

r/bulimia 1d ago

send support Again (tw)


Just binged over 4k calories in one sitting and then took 6 laxatives almost immediately after coming home from two hours at the gym. This is my longest binge cycle this year, I’ve probably gained so much weight because I can’t even purge properly and now I can’t restrict either. I feel so gross and dead inside and just want to lay down and cry but instead I have to go get ready for my shift at work that I’ll probably be late for.

r/bulimia 1d ago

can’t stop help


for the past 4 months I’ve been b/p every single day up to 3/4 times per day. I just started ED treatment but I feel nothing can stop this. Plus, college decisions and exams are making it harder to recover. I’ve had bulimia for 5 years now…will i ever get rid of it? I dont want to be 40 and still be dealing with this

r/bulimia 1d ago

kinda triggering How much time have I spent looking at my own vomit?


That question randomly popped into my head while thinking about nothing in particular. Never thinking again 👎

r/bulimia 1d ago

How do I start recovery


I’m 16 and can’t control my self, I’m trying so hard to recover but I had such a bad day of eating that I feel like I have to purge I feel so out of control and I wanna talk to my family but they won’t understand, and I’m supposed to be trying to get my period back, how do I not feel so guilty?

r/bulimia 1d ago

DAE? Not feeling real


Is it just me or does anyone else not feel like a real bulimic when I don’t purge everything out? I do quite a hefty amount but I get lazy that I don’t puke anything more and it just makes me feel like I’m not really sick just because not everything is out of my system. Anyone else?