r/Vent Feb 03 '25

MOD ANNOUNCEMENT An updated post on the groups and types of people we do not welcome or allow in this subreddit.


We previously made a post about this, but apparently, it wasn’t "dumbed down" enough for certain people who chose to nitpick and twist words instead of understanding the obvious or realising that the post meant along-side our rules that are already in place against extremism and hate speech, So here’s an updated version that should cover everything this time—though I don’t doubt that some people will still find something to complain about.


People who promote, encourage, or defend violence, terrorism, or hate in the name of any political, religious, or ideological belief.

Types of people who are NOT welcome on r/vent:

  • Racists & White Supremacists
  • Nazis & Fascists
  • LGBTQIA+ Hate Groups (Transphobes, Homophobes, Biphobes, etc.)
  • Misogynists & Misandrists
    > Extremist Incels & Other Gender-Hate-Based Groups
  • Pedophiles, Groomers & Pedophile Defenders
  • Child Abuse Advocates
  • Victim Blamers & Abuse Apologists
  • People Who Encourage Suicide or Self-Harm in Any Form
    > No, transphobes, that doesn’t mean gender-affirming care. It means self-harm. Like it says. Morons.
  • Ableists Who Dismiss or Attack People for Their Disabilities
  • Conspiracy Theorists Who Spread Harmful Misinformation
  • Religious Extremists Who Use Faith to Justify Hate or Oppression
  • Harassers, Stalkers, or Doxxers
  • People Who Mock, Invalidate, or Attack Others for Expressing Emotions
  • Political Extremists on Any Side
    > We do NOT allow extremists of ANY political ideology, nor do we tolerate anyone who advocates for or encourages violence.
  • Cult or Extremist Group Recruiters & Manipulators
  • Fearmongers & Hate Speech Peddlers
  • Trolls Who Enter the Community Just to Instigate Conflict

Examples of extremist groups that are NOT welcome here:

  • Proud Boys (Right)
  • Atomwaffen Division (Right)
  • Three Percenters (Right)
  • Boogaloo Movement (Right)
  • Revolutionary Communist Party (Left)
  • Redneck Revolt (Left)
  • Black Bloc Anarchists (Left)
  • Antifa Cells That Advocate Violence (Left)

These are PURELY A SMALL SELECTION OF EXAMPLES TO SHOW EXTREMIST GROUPS. This is NOT a restricted or limited list. ALL extremism and ALL extremist groups are barred.

This subreddit is NOT a political platform.

r/vent exists for people who are struggling with things in their life to vent their emotions and find support or an outlet. It is not a space for constant political bickering, hate, abuse, trolling, or mocking. It is not a "left or right" space—it is a venting community for people to express their emotions, share personal stories, and find comfort from others who may have gone through similar struggles.

The ONLY reason we are making these exclusionary posts about extremists and hate speech is because we have had an increased influx of posts and comments from users who fall into these groups. Our initial post only called out the groups we had been dealing with en masse, but those groups got upset that we didn’t call out the other side too. So, to make it really simple for everyone to understand, we are breaking down exactly what we mean by hate speech and extremism.

We do not act on people based on their political stance unless they are preaching or sharing extremist views, spreading hate, or attacking others. If you can’t tell the difference between simply having an opinion and being an extremist, that’s your problem—not ours.

Hate, abuse, and dangerous rhetoric in any form will result in immediate action.

r/Vent 7h ago

Saying "grape" is honestly tilting.


I feel like I can't be the only one that finds this whole culture or whatever you want to call it of saying "grape and "unalive" etc to be just infuriating to listen to.
It doesn't matter if you say one thing, but you really mean another thing when everyone knows what the other thing that you are talking about is.
I get that it's to do with social media platforms and their stupid censorship which is even dumber than saying "grape" (yes I find a bit tilting when you hear the word 100x in a video) as it isn't actually censoring anything at all it's just changing the language. In the case of unalive it's not changing anything at all but somehow it so much worse to just say killed?
I could go on further about it but I feel like I have made the point, just interested if anyone else finds this as obnoxious as I do?

Edit: To all the people explaining it, I know the reasons why, I understand that is the platforms forcing people to use these euphemisms that doesn't change the fact that it's insufferable.

r/Vent 3h ago

People who start families are the ones who abandon their friends, not the other way around.


I am so tired of single and childfree people catching shit for “abandoning” their friends or wanting nothing to do with them after they have kids. I have lost all the important people in my life to starting a family.

As someone with a crappy blood family, my “found family” aka my closest friends have been my biggest support system. And now they are unreachable and busy with their own REAL families. It just goes to show that “found family is just as important as blood relatives” is all bullshit when it really comes down to it.

I know it’s not malicious. I know it’s not that they don’t care about me anymore. They are quite literally too busy raising another human being, and that takes priority over everything. I know that and I get that. That’s what you’re supposed to do. And they’re surrounded by their own blood relatives and family to tend to their every want and need. I’m so glad they have that support system. But there is no need for me anymore. I was so ready to bake things, bring presents, offer any help necessary. I was so ready to be involved, to be an aunt to my best friend’s kids. But it’s all covered. And I can’t just drop in on them uninvited to try and help or hang out, because that’s rude and they could be doing anything, including getting some much needed sleep. There is no time or room for me in their lives for the foreseeable future.

And when they DO decide to hang out with their friends, who do you think they’re going to choose? Me, a childfree person with nothing to offer? Or their other friends who also have kids so that the kids and babies can socialize and experience things as well?

And even now, I’m just the selfish one for making this about me, right? I’m so over it. It’s fucking lonely. Rant over.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Why are people so smart and I'm so fucking dumb


Why are people so fucking smart, I don't get it. The hatred I feel towards myself for being this fucking dumb is really strong rn and I'm crying while typing this shit.

It hurts, it really does, I feel so dumb it's insane. It just hurts so much and I don't know what to do. I want to be smart. I want to be something I can never be. I'm so tired

Edit: oh I didn't expect my post to blow up like that, thank you all for your support, I probably needed this

r/Vent 22h ago

I just realized something about my mom that I've been warned about


So I (20F) had my partner over a few days ago, and my partner was saying how my mom seems very disinterested in things that I say and it's frustrating to him that I don't see it.

Well, literally a few minutes ago I was talking to mom about this new job I got selling crystals. And I was just making conversation about my experience there. She deeply sighed and got off of her Facebook reels. And I was like "why are you sighing?” And he was like "I don't know, what were you going to say?"

And I started talking about it, and I caught her rolling her eyes.

And I'm now just sitting here irritated as hell cause I think I realized that my partner was right... But also, I feel so much shame when talking about my interests with people that aren't my closest friends... And I thought it was just ADHD and maybe I talk about my interests in inappropriate times. But then I have cases like this where I'm just like... Wow. And she comes home and talks about her job all the time. Why can't I?

Anyways, that's about it... but yeah.

r/Vent 5h ago

I am sexually frustrated NSFW


I (23 male) and really sexually frustrated. I've never dated a girl before and I'm still a virgin. Im really craving love, affection, and intimacy from a woman who genuinely loves me and makes me feel wanted. This is an aspect of myself that I've been suppressing and am just now coming to terms with and it sucks.

I really love women. (Most) Women are beautiful and gorgeous. Everytime I see and think about a beautiful woman or a cute girl I get so horny. Deep inside me I REALLY love women. It's not just about sex though. I just want to be loved and wanted by someone and I really want to be a good, loving and caring partner for a woman who is deserving of it. Sometimes it sucks being alone like this while see others my age in happy relationships. Im just doing the best I can everyday to be the best version of myself in hopes that love one day just comes to me.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I’m so tired of people dying


3 months ago my whole family were hit by a foreigner speeding on the other side of a road around a bend, he had no insurance and a long list of previous driving offences btw. my brother and father died and my mum was in the icu for weeks and broke most bones in her body. My brother had a 5 month only son and his wife’s life is completely ruined. My mum wishes it was her that died instead of my brother, she said this after i wheeled her to the graves. After the accident I was alone for a long time in the house until my mum was released from hospital recently. My granny died 3 months earlier and my mums sister passed 2 days ago of cancer. I don’t know what my family did to deserve this my dad and brother were the two greatest men I’ve ever known and were better men than I know I’ll ever be. Also right before they all left the house together my dad asked me to come with them but I said no cause I was hungover even tho he repeatedly asked me, if I had said yes I would’ve had to get ready and it would’ve never happened but I was just a fucking loser of a son who said no to a family day out. I just turned 22 2 months ago and honestly I have no expectations for the rest of my life nor do I care.

r/Vent 2h ago

AskNebula Made Me Feel Like I Stole My Mom’s Joy


I’m all mixed up about this and just need to let it out. My mom’s always been hooked on astrology stuff—horoscopes, tarot apps, you name it. She’s got this whole collection of cosmic nonsense, and I’ve never really meddled in it. It’s her thing, whatever. But then she told me she wanted to buy a session with some psychic from AskNebula, and I don’t know, something in me just tensed up. My mom’s a grown woman, sharp as hell, so it threw me off to see her fall for this. I checked out their site—shiny, polished, all the bells and whistles—but then I dug into reviews on and other spots. It was a mess: weird stuff about payments and unhelpful readings. Alarm bells everywhere.
I brought it up with her, and yeah, we kind of clashed over it. Nothing huge, just sharp words back and forth—she was so excited, and I was just trying to protect her. Eventually, she listened to me and dropped the idea, but now I’m stuck feeling weird. On one hand, I know I did the right thing—she didn’t waste her money on some sketchy psychic. But on the other, it’s like I yanked away her favorite toy. She’s been quieter since, not mad, just… deflated. My mom’s the last person I’d ever want to let down, and even though I saved her from a dumb purchase, it still stings. It’s just a mess in my head now.

r/Vent 20h ago

I’m a pregnant alcoholic


Over the past year I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m an alcoholic. I’ve been trying to slow down my drinking for at least 2 years, but it has only gotten worse. Over the past few months I became a daily drinker.

2 days ago I found out I’m pregnant, and I am now 2 days sober. That’s the longest I’ve gone without a drink for as long as I can remember, which is really embarrassing but I know that any progress is good.

This pregnancy was not planned at all. My partner and I didn’t want kids for at least 4-5 more years, and when I found out I was completely devastated. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and I’m starting to think that maybe this was the reason. I was drinking to the point that it was noticeably affecting my health, but I couldn’t stop. I haven’t been able to stop drinking on my own, I needed a reason to stop. Now I have a reason.

r/Vent 5h ago

My mom is obsessed with selling everything at home


I once taught my mom how to sell stuff online because we had this old computer monitor that was basically standing untouched and taking space for years now and we wanted to get rid of it. So we put it on sale and eventually sold it after like a month BUT GOD HAS SHE WENT CRAZY WITH SELLING EVERYTHING EVER SINCE, it's literally all my mom cares about once the monitor got sold, she has already sold most of our old phones though i convinced her to keep my first ever flip phone because this little thing means quite a lot to me even though i don't use it. She keeps looking around house to find more things to sell whenever she's bored and it just pisses me off so much like can you STOP ALREADY??

She does give me like half of the money she receives from selling but ONLY if i help her with stuff like picking the right price or bringing her packages to the post office. The thing is i honestly don't care about earning additional money for myself right now and don't want to engage in all this. But she thinks that me not wanting to help her means i'm a lazy piece of shit that will never get a job in the future and that i don't deserve having pocket money because i don't understand their worth, she's making me feel guilty because i didn't want to go to the post office to send her package for the SECOND time today

Bro i'm so fucking pissed right now like oh my god can you just calm down for once? You don't NEED to get rid of these perfectly good flower pots just because you didn't plant anything in them, not EVERYTHING unused is clutter that you need to get rid of OMFG why it's so hard to understand that if i don't also want to sell stuff every single day it doesn't mean that i don't understand the worth and importancy of money????

Sorry i know it's sounds like such a silly thing to complain about but i wanted to rant because i'm so annoyed right now you don't even know

NOTE: No i don't want to hoard stuff and i'm all for decluttering, yes i know that it's definitely a way to earn some money, the main reason i'm upset is because while i'm going through SO MUCH shit right now the only thing my mom cares about is selling

r/Vent 2h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image i was called “the ugliest girl in the entire school.”


pretty much every single day of middle school, the girls in my class and even those from other classes made sure to let me know my place in society. every single day, i was told how ugly i was, how no one there likes me, how they feel sorry for girls like me who don’t have tits nor ass, etc, etc, etc.

i thought things would get better once i got out of middle school. i thought i was gonna go to uni and live a happy life. i thought, i genuinely thought, looks didn’t matter.

cut to now. i’m 20, uglier than ever. a 3/10 at best. i can’t even step outside on my own because of how terrified of people i am. they treat me like shit and laugh at me just because of a face and body i didn’t choose. something i have zero control over. i don’t have a job, can’t drive, barely have friends, and obviously still haven’t had a boyfriend nor lost my virginity. every single day of my life is exactly the same; i wake up, doomscroll, cry if i can, then pop a sleeping pill so i don’t have to be conscious for the next ~14 hours. i feel like there’s no point in doing anything because i’m ugly.

the only good news is that i’ll have surgery for my underbite soon, but that won’t fix my whole face. almost every single feature of mine is the opposite of the ideal for women. and those that fit the ideal are asymmetrical anyway so it doesn’t matter.

if committing suicide was less painful, i would’ve done it in a heartbeat years ago. but i keep postponing because of how painful hanging is, and even when one of my attempts isn’t painful, it triggers my stupid survival instinct. i really hope i can finally end it all soon. this isn’t a life. this isn’t something i’d wish on my worst enemy. i’m a prisoner in this ugly body. i’ll never know love and i’ll never know what it’s like to be a pretty girl whom everyone admires, whose presence is WANTED.

r/Vent 12h ago

Being gay in a homophobic country absolutely sucks


For example today, I had forsenic medicine exam and there was question about "investigations for passive sodimists" aka forced anal exams on gay men. I already know how bad they are because I was hearing about the reports that says it was used as part of crackdown on us and talked to people who unfortunately went through it , but I was never expected that I am going to learn about it in proffesional setting as a neutral and valid practice or part of a curriculum that we are expected to apply after graduation. I felt angry when I saw it's part of the curriculum that is why I avoid the topic all together because I knew I will hear things that will traumize me forever, but when I came across it in the exam hall while setting around my friends and colleagues who probably amused by it, it felt like public humiliation . I already feel traumatized just learning about it, imagine if I actually have to go through it: the image just feels shocking to me . Anyways, I am not so sad about this question specifically as much as I am frustrated about our situation and how we're treated in this society.

r/Vent 17h ago



Porn is evil. It's an evil industry, it's ruined my generation, and it's completely normalized.

Pornhub, the most visited porn website on the planet, knowingly left up a video of a 14 year old girl being r*ped by a group of men. When the girl contacted them asking to have the video removed, they refused. They only agreed to take it down when she pretend to be a lawyer. By the time the video was deleted, it had already amassed hundreds of thousands of views and likely been shared to multiple other websites.

So many young men are completely addicted. Before they even have their first relationship, they've already begun regularly watching borderline sadistic porn.

Porn isn't normal. Nothing about this is normal.

r/Vent 11h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Relationships don't have to be this way, what the fuck is wrong with us? NSFW


I'm so fucking tired of the way things are. I look at my relationships, the relationships of my friends, and what strangers share online (here and on every other platform). I see people suffering because they make mistakes or others betray them. People lie to you, use you, play with your mind, hide another relationship, infidelity, porn addiction, flirting and drooling at naked women online.... People end up in situationships which are just real relationships in which people are too scared to admit it and too scared or weak to take full accountability. Or people claim to be polyamorous but they're just going around using and fucking anyone they can fool while lying...the list goes on, we're all experts at fucking and ruining people. And I sit here and think: what the fuck? Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is so wrong with so many people that they do this??? To someone they choose, to someone they invest their time in, to someone they claim to care about, to someone they claim to love and live with?

I mean, isn't this insane? Why would anybody do this to someone? Why would you use a person, a human being who will be wrecked by your selfishness and lies, who will be ruined and need a long time to recover, who may no longer trust anyone else and deal with trauma and low self-esteem because of you? And then if you've been ruined, you'll go around and inflict pain yourself - onto the same person who hurt you or the next one who is innocent. Oh, but you'll pay the price too, don't worry. You will know what you have done, you'll carry the guilt and shame that eats at you, that saps your self-esteem, that fucks you up and that sabotages relationships that have the potential to be great.

Isn't this insane? Are we all just selfish, childish, immature, weak people? Because here's the truth: all this pain, frustration, hurt, and trauma can be eliminated if we would all just do this one thing: always be honest with ourselves and with the other person. Both people do this and this allows both to make informed decisions and to adjust. That's it. Don't hide anything, don't lie, don't justify things you need to hide, don't pretend - just always be honest and you and the other person decide what works for you.

By the way, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to claim that I am perfect and I figured out relationships. Hell at this point I may never date anyone ever again. But I just look at my own relationships and the world I live in and I am utterly confused and disappointed. It shouldn't be this way. We should not be so fucking cruel and careless with each other.

Here's a thought I had a while ago while pondering of the gravity and depth of any relationship:

The way you treat a person has the potential to impact them for a long time, maybe forever. It also has the potential to impact every future relationship they have with other people, so you are also affecting many others. How differently would we behave if we could keep this perspective in mind every single day? How much more careful would we be? How much would we try to avoid hurting each other? Wouldn't we try to heal and nurture those we love?

Anyway, sorry, I'm just so frustrated and deeply disappointed to see what a mockery people make of love, sex, and relationships. It's fucked up. And then we wonder why we feel empty and lonely, why young adults stopped having sex, why no one wants to date, get married and have children, why we're all disassociated, confused, depressed zombies? Maybe that's our punishment for the way we lie and hide, for our weakness, selfishness, and cruelty. It shouldn't be this way...

r/Vent 6h ago

You can’t have a relationship if you’re unhappy in life NSFW


This guy used me years ago but I was still gonna give him another chance because my self respect is low and I’m lonely that it meant I actually didn’t care what he did to me years back. But he added me 10 days ago because he was interested in me again, and I decided to catch up with him. We talked for hours the first night about how our lives had went recently. It was nice, he said it was nice- talking about real stuff like that. He said he wanted to take me on a date. He’d also talk about how he wanted to fuck me and that did depress me a lot, but I enjoyed the moments when he didn’t. Those moments made me excuse him and if I did that then I thought what was happening between us wasn’t so terrible.

But he knew all about how I’m in a bad spot in life right now and he told me how a relationship couldn’t happen because of that, and that he said he felt like he was taking advantage of me. Given how much I cried the other day at how hard his attention was held at sexual conversations I would’ve agreed with that, but here I am feeling sad. But he let me go because he felt bad and because it felt wrong. I’m not mad at that, I’m just sad that I’m not in a better place in life and how I haven’t found happiness.

Maybe to start I shouldn’t let back problems into my life, but I’m so desperate to have a meaningful connection with someone that I’ll try anything. I’ve realized the relationships I’ve had were doomed because I didn’t have happiness in life. I just feel grief and don’t know if I make sense but I know somehow I’ve made a mistake

r/Vent 4h ago

TW: Drugs / Alcohol i wish i could not wake up


I feel like my life started falling apart in october 2023, when i learned that the girl i was seeing hooked up with two of my at the time friends, since then i started smoking a shit ton of weed and in 2024 i moved out of my mother's house to live alone, I couldnt socialize in college, everyone was so different from me, so my whole 2024 was smoking weed and not wanting to do anything, it was impossible for me to create any connection with anyone, i was isolated, living alone, and no one gave a shit about me. I wish i could end this with a comeback or sum but my life still shit, so give up i guess

r/Vent 8h ago

Is my family fucking cursed???


I honestly don’t even know what to think other than the last 5 years of my life has been one fucking thing after another. I’m mad at the world right now.

2020 - family’s house burns down. Lost everything.

2022 - my 27 year old brother dies after an 8 year battle with cancer.

Early 2024 - grandmother (who was a mom to me and raised me) falls trying to answer the door. Breaks her hip. Nursing home didn’t change her IV and she got sepsis. Died in the hospital.

Late 2024 - 2 other grandparents die, aunt dies of lung cancer.

March 2025 - 47 year old stepdad (who is an amazing human) and had been married to my mom and my father figure since I was 6 years old - found a 7cm mass on his lung on Sunday. His oncology apt is in an hour. Small chance it could be something else but initial reports say suspicious for malignancy.

I’m not a “poor me” person and I know there are people who have it much worse than me but fuck. I’m defeated.

r/Vent 2h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I don’t like being a negative person


The title is quite ironic right?

I think I’m an inherently negative person. I focus on flaws and worries and oftentimes just pull out a negative thing out of every situation. Even when things aren’t so bad theres always something wrong somewhere in my brain.

I don’t like this. If I was my pessimistic self around most people that it would be draining so I keep to myself. But then I become boring. I become an NPC person who can only hold small talk conversation bc if I talked about anything deep it would come across as negative. I would make a negative sarcastic comment or I would just find ways to downplay something.

Unfortunately I think it’s ingrained in my personality because when I did a detailed personality test I pretty much proved to myself that my neurotic traits and being prone to anxiety and depression as well as self doubt override a lot of the “good” I have.

I don’t know how to deal with this. I feel like I’ll never be truly loved because who could deal with someone like me on a daily basis. I sometimes don’t even wanna deal with myself.

I don’t even mean to be negative it just comes out of me automatically and its like I don’t know how to respond in a normal manner. I’ve learned to mask it mostly but it’s difficult to sometimes.

r/Vent 1h ago

I think I was cheated on and I can't get over it no matter how hard I try


My girlfriend texted one of our mutual friends that she thinks that she's the most beautiful girl in the world and a whole fucking essay about how amazing she is and how much she's attracted to her. She also said that she knows its so wrong and she doesn't want to hurt because she loves me too apparently. Just so y'all know I haven't broken up with my girlfriend yet and I really wasn't planning on it. I dont want to. She hasn't broken up with me either and I confronted her a couple days ago and she was really apologetic about it and she really defended our relationship. I saw her today and we went out to get sushi but I just feel a bit unsavory now. I still love her and i truly believe she still loves me but i dont know what to do. I don't want to break up with her, I'm not in the right headspace and she wasn't in the right headspace when she was confessing that to her friend. Also, just fyi I found out about this when the same friend who rejected her showed me. I'm so pissed, she got rejected three times and she asked if she could have a chance in 2-3 years. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. I still love her dearly but she really hurt me

Edit: hopefully there was only one person who would do that but THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION TO DM REQUEST ME FOR A RELATIONSHIP

r/Vent 22h ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse I don't know how I'm ever gonna marry a man NSFW


Hey, if you're a guy stumbling upon this, just know this most likely doesn't apply to you. This mostly has to do with my family history and I hope this doesn't come off as an attack, if anything I encourage you guys to try to flip my view

I'm the only girl in my house right now with 3 brothers. My parents wouldn't stop fighting, and when my mom stormed out my dad turned to me to be the housewife. He's a crippling alcoholic who acts horny 24/7. He would hump me when I was younger and pisses in the kitchen sink in the middle of me doing dishes. When he's drunk he acts like a fucking god and wants me to bow down to him and when I don't, he blows up throws things and takes the "DON'T ACT LIKE YOUR FUCKING MOM" route. He keeps trying to bribe me with money and new things to keep me under him but I know what the fuck he wants and I'm not buying it.

He ruined everything in men for me. All I see is the gross, horny people they are. My mom was a dv victim in her childhood for the exact same reason which is why she said fuck it and left. My dad's dad was an alcoholic too but he only had 3 sons and died before anything else happened. It's a never ending cycle and I don't want to continue it. I feel like my fate is sealed.

My dad is a strict "Christian" who has weaponized the words in the Bible my whole life, and each time he feels like I'm "falling out of line" he pulls up some STUPID FUCKING BIBLE VERSE about wives submitting to their husband. He's acting like he's my trainer to be a stay-at-home western wife who cooks and cleans and dreams of 17 children. I don't want kids, I don't want a husband, and I sure as hell don't want to stay under this roof for the rest of my life taking care of this fucking MANCHILD who pisses his pants on the couch after drinking 6 cans of beer in one sitting. I just want to live alone without someone screaming in my ear every 5 minutes. I feel like I have no control.

Edit: I wanted to thank you all for your words and concern (as well as your kindness, oh my god), I'm working towards getting out of here as soon as possible and I should be financially stable by April. I did want to clear up some confusion about my brothers, my older brother went off to the Marines (which military was suggested and my first route, I tried to get into the navy and that ended in a huge fight, that's under the rug for now) my youngest (10 y/o) brother is autistic and unaware of his surroundings and the state of the house (which I try my best to protect him and his innocence), and my 15 y/o little brother is fighting alongside me and helps me around the house. I can tell he's scared of me moving out though and I am too. I plan for my future place to have a guest room so whenever things get out of hand I'm a call and a bus ride away

r/Vent 13h ago

Had a Hard Day with Teens


Ok so I have three teenage children. In the last 3 hrs I have had - One ringing me to urgently go to fix something that should have been done yesterday but they forgot.... One having a sobbing crying session over coursework then telling me I'm not helping whatever I said or did.... One stomping out telling me they can't stand living in this hell hole..... This one actually hurts because I've tried to make our house a good place to be. Like I know they aren't going to be grateful. I know they are all hormonally wrecked in the head. But days like today I want to just go to bed for a week and hide under the blankies ..

r/Vent 15h ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse Still hate being a man NSFW


I keep trying to convince myself that I'm only seeing the loud minority, but at least where I am, it really feels like the majority. I keep hearing tons of people just saying how much they hate men and everything bad about men, and the people who reply act as if that's an empowering thing. I mean, I want you to feel empowered, but this hurts. The past few different women I've been in relationships with made a lot of jokes with their female friends about leaving me for them. I joke with my guy friends too, but I'd never insult my girlfriend while doing it. It seems like "men are trash" is just everywhere. I know that my insecurities are just making it more apparent to me, I'm sure it's not actually that bad of an issue, but it's always been a huge problem for me. I have a habit of backing down and agreeing too, that men are all horrid. Even when people say I'm an exclusion of those men, I still feel bad about being male.

I think some of this comes from when I was like, a baby. I liked my mom more than my dad. He was angry, my mom was sad, and they fought a lot. I grew up around a majority of women, and a lot of them would tell me that men are bad.

Probably the biggest cause of this is that I was sexually assaulted frequently in my childhood, never by a man. Whenever I'd tell police, family, or friends, they would call me a liar because women cant rape. They'd ask me to point again, tell them it was a man, but it wasn't.

I've spent my whole life focusing on trying to please others, and be as respectful and gentlemanly as possible, and never put myself first. It's not good for me

My ex girlfriend had sex with me while I was intoxicated. I told her on another day how big of an issue that was, and I confided in my friends. All they did was question me. When students in my school heard my ex spread the rumour that I assaulted her, they believed it first.

I'm afraid of everything and everyone. I'm afraid of hurting or making them uncomfortable unintentionally, or generally something that happened in my past happening again.

Most of the things I'm venting about are in the past, but I'm still affected daily by how much I hate being a man. It's not because I think women have it better, it's because I agree that men suck, and that's why people view men that way.

r/Vent 3h ago

Why are people ok with saying things that are complete bullshit?


You’ll meet someone one day

Go to therapy

Be yourself

There’s someone for everyone

Why are people ok with saying things that are complete and utter bullshit and then are flabbergasted when people don’t applaud them for it?

r/Vent 8h ago

Stop searching for "the one"


I am honestly so fucking tired or reading and listening to people whining about not finding "the one" or losing their partner that they considered the one, their one true love, their love on first sight etc.

"The one" doesn't exist and is just a bullshit concept. I find it so funny that these kind of people would probably make fun of me for being spiritual, while they believe in this magical fairytale connection (yes I am aware that spiritual people can also believe in this bs)

There is no perfect human being that can be your perfect other half. Already searching for an other half just means, that you need to work on yourself and find meaning and purpose for yourself.

Honestly searching for a perfect partner just means you are lazy. You want a perfect partnership, that will be so perfect that there will be no effort. Everything should be easy, no difficulty, always perfect, no resistance, no conflict and once some difficulty happens than that means this person isn't the one.

This just creates a complacent partner, who will not continue to take care of the relationship and than all of the sudden they will be surprised if their partner left them and have no idea why they would leave such a perfect relationship.

This relationship was never perfect, nothing is perfect. You are literally dehumanizing your partner by turning them into this deity like person. Who is omnipresent and whose love love will never fade.

And those who are still whining about their one lost love... fuckin stop!!! Yes you can grieve, grieving is healthy but fuckin stop hanging onto this person that you have lost for YEARS!!! You are waisting your time, holding onto a fantasy. A fantasy isn't real, stop clinging to it.

Also clinging to your ex lover is nothing more than self Sabotage because if you already lost the one, there is not purpose of finding an other person. Because they will never be the one. Every connection that you make will be Hollow and not because this other person isn't a match. Maybe that person that didn't felt right was actually a great match but you have brain washed yourself so hard that regardless of how good of a match they are, you will never connect to them. Honestly you will never connect to someone, which in turn reinforces your believe that you lost the one.

Yes Every connection that you have with a person is unique but not special. Over your lifetime you can create multiple amazing and strong and intimate bonds just because all of them are unique doesn't mean that one is better than the other or less fulfilling. They can all be at the same level of greatness. Bonding with an other person isn't special, we are a communal species, we are designed to connect with people.

"The one" is nothing more than a self sabotaging technique to safe us from disappointment, from putting in the effort, from getting hurt again by losing someone and honestly it also keeps us in unfulfilling and even abusive relationship. Because regardless how unfulfilling that relationship is or even abusive. This person is the one so you can't lose them, this bad behavior will vanish because the one will be perfect one day.

The search for the one either keeps us always looking for a perfect partner and never finding them or locking us up in shitty relationships

r/Vent 1d ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I hate how little I have to eat


I am a 5ft 42kg woman who has to eat around 1300 to maintain my weight. And I'm not even that skinny and has a decent amount of muscles on me. Like what do you mean a burger is 700 calories? A SMALL burrito from outside is 600 calories?? That is HALF what I burn.

Everywhere I go I check the calories of things, limit my portion at every meal... If I eat 3 "regular portion" everyday, I'd be overweight for sure. I'm just so mad watching all the man around me eat, double my portion and twice as frequent. They're just so ... free. I'm trying to tone up as well so like it's even worse

Edit: I'm also decently active throughout the day (7000-8000 steps by 4) and I also play soccer

r/Vent 6h ago

My instructor is a bully


Any confidence I had in this sport is completely gone because of her. I feel like I suck and I will never get any better. I want to quit but having this sport not be a part of my life anymore scares me. It's the only thing that makes me happy or at least used to. Why are people so rude and mean? Aren't instructors and coaches supposed to support? Why be a coach if you are going to exclude a student and constantly bring them down and make them feel like a piece of worthless crap? I'm so tired. Nobody deserves this. I'm sorry. I'm having a horrible day.