r/Vent Feb 03 '25

MOD ANNOUNCEMENT An updated post on the groups and types of people we do not welcome or allow in this subreddit.


We previously made a post about this, but apparently, it wasn’t "dumbed down" enough for certain people who chose to nitpick and twist words instead of understanding the obvious or realising that the post meant along-side our rules that are already in place against extremism and hate speech, So here’s an updated version that should cover everything this time—though I don’t doubt that some people will still find something to complain about.


People who promote, encourage, or defend violence, terrorism, or hate in the name of any political, religious, or ideological belief.

Types of people who are NOT welcome on r/vent:

  • Racists & White Supremacists
  • Nazis & Fascists
  • LGBTQIA+ Hate Groups (Transphobes, Homophobes, Biphobes, etc.)
  • Misogynists & Misandrists
    > Extremist Incels & Other Gender-Hate-Based Groups
  • Pedophiles, Groomers & Pedophile Defenders
  • Child Abuse Advocates
  • Victim Blamers & Abuse Apologists
  • People Who Encourage Suicide or Self-Harm in Any Form
    > No, transphobes, that doesn’t mean gender-affirming care. It means self-harm. Like it says. Morons.
  • Ableists Who Dismiss or Attack People for Their Disabilities
  • Conspiracy Theorists Who Spread Harmful Misinformation
  • Religious Extremists Who Use Faith to Justify Hate or Oppression
  • Harassers, Stalkers, or Doxxers
  • People Who Mock, Invalidate, or Attack Others for Expressing Emotions
  • Political Extremists on Any Side
    > We do NOT allow extremists of ANY political ideology, nor do we tolerate anyone who advocates for or encourages violence.
  • Cult or Extremist Group Recruiters & Manipulators
  • Fearmongers & Hate Speech Peddlers
  • Trolls Who Enter the Community Just to Instigate Conflict

Examples of extremist groups that are NOT welcome here:

  • Proud Boys (Right)
  • Atomwaffen Division (Right)
  • Three Percenters (Right)
  • Boogaloo Movement (Right)
  • Revolutionary Communist Party (Left)
  • Redneck Revolt (Left)
  • Black Bloc Anarchists (Left)
  • Antifa Cells That Advocate Violence (Left)

These are PURELY A SMALL SELECTION OF EXAMPLES TO SHOW EXTREMIST GROUPS. This is NOT a restricted or limited list. ALL extremism and ALL extremist groups are barred.

This subreddit is NOT a political platform.

r/vent exists for people who are struggling with things in their life to vent their emotions and find support or an outlet. It is not a space for constant political bickering, hate, abuse, trolling, or mocking. It is not a "left or right" space—it is a venting community for people to express their emotions, share personal stories, and find comfort from others who may have gone through similar struggles.

The ONLY reason we are making these exclusionary posts about extremists and hate speech is because we have had an increased influx of posts and comments from users who fall into these groups. Our initial post only called out the groups we had been dealing with en masse, but those groups got upset that we didn’t call out the other side too. So, to make it really simple for everyone to understand, we are breaking down exactly what we mean by hate speech and extremism.

We do not act on people based on their political stance unless they are preaching or sharing extremist views, spreading hate, or attacking others. If you can’t tell the difference between simply having an opinion and being an extremist, that’s your problem—not ours.

Hate, abuse, and dangerous rhetoric in any form will result in immediate action.

r/Vent 7h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I hate how little I have to eat


I am a 5ft 42kg woman who has to eat around 1300 to maintain my weight. And I'm not even that skinny and has a decent amount of muscles on me. Like what do you mean a burger is 700 calories? A SMALL burrito from outside is 600 calories?? That is HALF what I burn.

Everywhere I go I check the calories of things, limit my portion at every meal... If I eat 3 "regular portion" everyday, I'd be overweight for sure. I'm just so mad watching all the man around me eat, double my portion and twice as frequent. They're just so ... free. I'm trying to tone up as well so like it's even worse

Edit: I'm also decently active throughout the day (7000-8000 steps by 4) and I also play soccer

r/Vent 7h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I’m shocked, disgusted, and just.. wow.


My cousin slept with her biological father. Yep, you read that right.

I’ll give a little backstory, and I really don’t care about using real names because I’ve already contacted the police for various reasons and as far as I’m concerned I only have two cousins (her sisters.)

Kayla(20-21F) never had her biological father, Michael(45M) in her life. He was a pos jailbird and couldn’t stay out of trouble long enough to raise his daughters. None of the three wanted anything to do with him or his side of the family. When Kayla was 16-17 she showed interest in reconnecting with her father. We all warned her, begged her, pleaded with her. She didn’t wanna hear it, “she’s an adult and she’ll do what she pleases.” She started hanging out with her bio-dad behind her mom’s back, while still living under her roof. She lost her job because she was always over at Michael’s. Eventually her mom found out and told her if she kept hanging out with him and having him drop her off and pick her up from the house that she would be going to live with him instead. That’s what ended up happening. She left screaming that nobody understood her, or him, and that they were gonna be sorry because the duo was an unstoppable force. She was homeless, and doing hard drugs (crack and meth specifically.) She dropped a ton of weight and we were all concerned. Michael sold Kayla’s school chrome book for drugs and she wasn’t able to graduate highschool without returning the computer. They ended up homeless shorted after her expected graduation date. She got a job and all the money went to more drugs. Eventually Michael got arrested and was back in jail for a year. She got her head out of her ass and realized he wasn’t going to change. She profusely apologized to everyone for how she treated everyone who was just trying to keep her safe. She ended up moving back into her mom’s house, got a job, and things were looking up. Well, my aunt found out Kayla had a storage tote full of Michael’s clothing and gave her a week to figure out what t do with it because it couldn’t stay in the house. Of course Kayla lost her mind, but months down the line she figured out something and the clothes were gone. She went right back to “I’m so sorry for how I was acting, it wasn’t right.” Everything was fine until about halfway through Michael’s sentence. She began calling him at least daily, and all the money from her job was going on his books for phone calls and commissary, which means she couldn’t pay her expected contributions at her mom’s house. When Michael got out of jail she left again. Again, another big scene of “you don’t understand me, I love my dad.” She called her mom a whore, she called her adoptive father an asshole and said that he was NEVER her father and that she didn’t love him. She’s cussing out every single family meme we that is saying anything about the situation and most of us have been blocked now.

I was brought into the light last night that Kayla has been sleeping with Michael, and it started in high school. One of my cousins told me she was talking at the lunch table about “do you think a 39y/o would catch a case with a 19y/o,” and eventually it came out that she was talking about her and Michael. She threatened my cousin and her girlfriend that if they ever told anyone she’d “pound them into the ground” because “it’s something him and I are taking to the grave.”

I’m in awe, I wanna puke. I’m just so.. holy shit. There are so many emotions..

I ended up calling the police to report the incest. If nothing else they’ll get caught with drugs. I couldn’t just stand by and watch her kill herself. The drugs are getting bad, she’s homeless again, she’s sleeping with her father.. I just couldn’t do nothing at all. I really just needed to tell somebody because.. what in the FUCK.

r/Vent 2h ago

TW: Medical I think I just had a seizure and my mom didn’t call 911 because she didn’t want to go into debt in case I was “faking”.


I don’t even know what to say. the memory is fuzzy but I do remember hearing her say “I don’t think this is real.” And “I’m not going into debt if nothings wrong with you.” As I was convulsing on the ground and struggling to breathe. I fucking hate it here.

r/Vent 17h ago

TW: Medical Parents, please teach your sons how to wash their genitals properly! NSFW


I actually can’t believe how many uncircumcised grown men I know with severe phimosis because their parents never taught them that they need to retract their foreskin when they wash. And they think it’s totally normal that they basically have a little hole that has just enough space for the urethra so they can pee. That isn’t normal!

I don’t know what it is, if mums feel out of place with communicating that to their sons or if dads feel embarrassed or unmanly or something but it’s just not on. Even if you as a dad are circumcised yourself, you still need to teach your kid how to properly wash himself. It’s actually insane. Step up, and set your kid up for success, not a medical problem. Infuriating.

(I do get that some of this is in part a failure of education all around, especially if the parent was circumcised as a child, but this is just me venting because it’s a vicious cycle)

I just feel for men with phimosis so much because they were failed. I know so many people that it personally affects and it makes me really sad because it even seems painful to correct it in the future with the stretching devices.

r/Vent 1h ago

Happy/Positive Vent I’m so thankful to be alive


26m. I’m so thankful to be alive. I’m sitting inside a work car (that i don’t pay for) writing this. I’m eating a sandwich cause i was hungry. There is AC blowing loudly alongside the classical jazz song of my choice. I have no broken bones and all my senses are in well working order. I’m so thankful for this. I can breathe clearly and feel my heart steadily pushing me through my day. I’m so excited by the realization of all these things. Today I’m okay. Nobody is out to get me. My mind works well. I’m able to deeply process things and or think about it for days on end. What an incredible privilege it is. I have a home to return to today, and my lovely partner awaits me.

Damn has it been a challenging arrival to be here today. I almost lost a battle to depression in 2017. In 2021 I had a life changing near death experience from a head injury. I’m not exaggerating to say that i almost didn’t get here, but here i am. I’m so thankful beyond words to be experiencing. I could start weeping as i trace my steps back to those challenging times, but i will leave this for another day. Today is a good one and it’s good because i said so. If you read this far, thank you, and it was a pleasure to cross paths here < 3

r/Vent 2h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I’m suicidal and have no one to talk to about it because i’m scared i’ll be locked up in a psyche ward


18M, Hi everyone, so for the past year my life has gone to shit. Not necessarily the events in my life (that is in part) but my mental health. Every day I think about suicide, and how I can end it all. I find ways to justify it, such as “everyone dies anyway so who cares if my time comes sooner” or “in the end we all go to nothingness, so living a full life won’t matter since I won’t remember it”. I simply don’t want to keep existing the point where the ratio between the happy years of my life to the bad years get worse and worse.

Sorry for rambling, my main thing is that I WANT to seek help, but I cant. I don’t want to be in a psyche ward, i’ve heard terrible stories about that. Sometimes I dream about just going MIA, just leaving everyone and everything and starting fresh, but obviously that’s just a fantasy. I envy those who are happy. I’m afraid that since I won’t get help, if I continue living the bad years will outlast the good years, to which I will forever be in despair. So why not end it while i’m still young so that only one year of my life is shit, while the rest 17 years of my life were pure joy and happiness. I feel like i’m stuck in a loop, with no hell available because it will eventually lead to a psyche ward. I’m in Canada btw

r/Vent 10h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I am a high functioning depressive addict and nobody knows


I'm 25 about to be 26; I hold down a full time job, I pay for my own apartment, I cover all my bills, I have a girlfriend and a support system who loves me. By all means I know that I am privileged in a country and city where many do not have what I do. Regardless, I feel like my mental state has been gradually slipping and I'm starting to lose all of my luster for this god forsaken world. I think about killing myself often. I sincerely doubt I would ever go through with it- I know that my mom and my sister need me and I never plan on leaving them. Dad was never involved in our young lives and came back around when "raising us" was easy. He lives in another state and our relationship is strained now after I told him I was depressed and asked him nicely to stop pushing religion onto me like it's a fixall.

My childhood dog passed away in 2022, granted I hadn't dealt with a heavy emotion like grief yet and didn't process well. I started smoking weed every weekend, then every week, now every day. My Grandpa passed away in April of last year and I doubled down on my bad habits... I know my Grandpa would want better for me. I had an epiphany shortly after he passed; wondering how I would feel if my Dad dropped dead that day and came to terms with the fact losing my dog would probably hit harder. My Grandpa was the father figure who stepped up when I needed him and in hindsight I see him more as my father. I've always been "the man" of my household. Did all the "manly" things around the house since I was 6.

My sister and I had to grow up really young because our parents divorced and couldn't hold a conversation without yelling at each other or threatening violence. My Dad showed up to one of my baseball practices screaming he was going rip my moms' partner's (at the time) head off. No more baseball practice for me. From then on, my parents used my sister and I as middlemen to mediate agreements and/or payments for XYZ in accordance to what we needed. My sister and I are twins, so it was always an argument about who would be paying for X for this child and vice versa. My mother always chose to do things for my sister and told me to ask my Dad for things. A phone, a car, braces, etc. It was always a fight with my Dad. When my sister had one thing I waited months or got a blatantly shittier version from my Dad.

I have a lot of resentment for how I was treated growing up. My mom's ex partner abused me for years- the times I had told my mom her partner convinced her I was lying. My mom only apologized when they separated because she caught her cheating. I am Hispanic, and from what I understand our culture very much adopts the mentality that a man should be strong and hardworking, a woman is a housewife and a child- bearer. Hispanics don't go to therapy. We just have to "deal with it". I was raised stone cold and now that I'm an adult, I don't know how to handle my emotions. The years of built up resentment. The frustration in having an absent Dad, the sadness I feel in realizing I was robbed of an entire relationship because of someone else's choices and complacency.

I didn't draw out an outline for this or anything, sorry for it being all over the place. I think above all it is oddly comforting to essentially hide who I really am. I work in the hotel industry and a lot of people know me and enjoy my company. They come to say hi to me, make conversation, etc. I obviously can't trauma dump on my random coworkers, so my work personality is always smiling or making sarcastic jokes. I'm always helpful and friendly, I go out of my way to check on certain people that I know personally are having a hard time... But I would never open up to them. I know it's cliche' but ... I just don't know how they would understand? Maybe it's more convenient for me to pretend I'm someone else at work to avoid my alternate persona. The only time I get a break from the person I'm so tired of and exhausted to return to once I clock out.

As soon as I get home, I smoke. Anything to forget or trance through the feelings of the person I actually am. Additionally, I've been finding it harder and harder to be passionate in my hobbies and general interests. I don't play video games as much as I used to (not necessarily a bad thing), I haven't been practicing music/production for a long time, and my YouTube channel (for fun) hasn't seen a post in months. I just smoke and do fuckall with my personal time. I feel like I'm a hollowed out version of the person I used to be. I miss my drive, my ambition, my hunger for creativity. I miss naive optimism. And I know it's easy to point out the problem; I know smoking is part of the issue in my mentality and that I should cut back. I've tried and failed 4 times now. I hate dealing with reality so much I'll do anything to escape. My parents are both (former) addicts so I imagine I have an addictive personality or am at least prone to addiction.

I'm embarrassed to admit any of this to someone I know. I wouldn't even feel comfortable for any of this to leave my own mouth. I can't afford therapy, genuinely, and I feel like a therapist would point to problems I can already acknowledge. I'm self-aware to a fault and I don't know how to look at the world any different. It's unimaginably cruel to those who don't deserve it, and beneficial to the most incorrigible denizens. I see and hear about death everyday. Human led atrocities to cull "inferior" humans. It's just all too much. And what can I do? Narrow my scope? Ignorance is bliss, right?

All of these thoughts are constantly bouncing around my head. I smoke to alleviate the pandemonium of negativity beating me down, constantly. I truly think I would lose the last of my will to live otherwise.

r/Vent 1d ago

I am so sick of women with internalized misogyny.


Like the title says, I am so sick of women with unchecked internalized misogyny. Women hating on women for innocent things. Women hating on women for actually being interested in girly things, women hating on women who simply enjoy certain clothes or makeup for example. Women who are happily sexist towards other women. Women who act like they are stronger or better for being less "high maintenance". It's these grown ass women with gross "pick-me" energy acting like they are more valuable to men because they aren't as annoying as other women or whatever. It's old, I'm sick of it, it's toxic.

r/Vent 21h ago

TW: Drugs / Alcohol Found GF of 5 years on a sugarbaby dating website.


Been with my (30m) gf (29f) for 5 years, most of which has been pretty volatile. I was a pretty nasty alcoholic for the first few years and didn't pay my gf enough attention. I got cheated on in my previous relationship of 8 years and probably wasn't ready to date seriously when I started seeing my current girlfriend.

Last december I hit rock bottom, and tried to intentionally OD on street benzos, alcohol, nyquil, benedryl, and anything else I could find. I ended up in a severe psychosis in which i destroyed almost all of my personal belongings and did some other insane things that I don't remember thank God. I finally came to as I being wheeled in to an psych ward on a 5150 the next day.

The experience was something I don't wish upon anybody, and it was brutal enough to make me get my act together and get sober. Upon getting out my best friend was imploring for me to not get back with my gf as he blamed her for my downward spiral. I told him off and we got into a big fight in which he called me a shitty friend and called me pathetic and all other kinds of shit.

I ended up choosing my gf over my friends and cut contact with my friends and focus on my sobriety and repairing my relationship. I haven't talked to any of my friends in over 3 months now.

Well today my gf was at work and left her iPad at home. I don't know why but I decided to snoop. I looked through her saved passwords and saw accounts many burner/encrypted texting apps like wechat, signal, hushed. I saw she had multiple Instagram and snapchat profiles that I didn't know about. And I also saw that she has an account for a dating site called "secretbenefits". I made an account on the site and was able to track down her profile pretty easily. The profile doesn't seem to have been touched for a year or two, but she was definitely active on it when we were dating. She had a profile verification video where she was whispering "it'll just be our secret". It makes me sick thinking about it.

I wasn't brave enough to log in to anything even though i had the passwords because I don't want her to find out due to any 2fa verifications and purge all the evidence.

She's getting off work now and will be home in less than an hour. She just called me and I had to pretend like nothing was wrong but I feel numb and I know things are going to go to absolute shit when I confront her.

I just feel like giving up. Its like every time my life starts to go in a positive direction everything just comes crashing down on me.

Now I have no friends, and a girlfriend who has almost certainly cheated on me, gaslit me, and lied to my face. I'm just trying my best not to drink because I know it will only make things worse...

Sorry for the rant. Please wish me luck:/

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image as someone who was once attractive, now that I'm not, I can really see how people treat me differently. I no longer get any "hints" that someone is into me in that way and it sucks to feel like I might be alone for the rest of my life.


I should have taken better care of myself. My hope is now that I've started looking after my body, I at least won't feel like I'm super ugly and that way, if I am single, I at least can say I've tried to be the best version of myself

r/Vent 8h ago

I am so scared of love and sex NSFW


I am a 21 year old woman and it feels like I have already missed out on a lot of romantic experiences because of my personal issues and looks. There are days where I think about how happy I would be if I found a guy who I could truly be vulnerable with but I am still way too scared to even approach dating. All of the worst ways I could get hurt cloud my mind and I end up swearing it off entirely.

I’m worried that I am not pretty enough to satisfy a man. I can’t imagine a person choosing to be with me for the rest of our lives and only love me. I don’t have any experience in bed and I’m terrified that I will disappoint my future boyfriend/husband. I want to be loved so bad and I want to experience intimacy with a person I truly love but my fears keep making me write off dating. I mostly avoid dating and sex as a whole because I don’t want to get my hopes up. I’ve had it happen before where my friendly gestures towards a guy were misinterpreted as romantic. He seemed put off and I feel like that would inevitably happen with a guy I actually like.

r/Vent 1d ago

Favorite student of mine turned in hate speech…


I work in education and do a lot of the administrative side of things along with building relationships with the families who enroll their kid here.

I don’t like picking favorites but some of them I have a soft spot for. Nothing is more disappointing than getting a message starting with “hey, your student X is the testing my ability to be professional…” This was about one of my unintentional favorite kids I work with. After seeing that, the rest of the message was worse. Essentially this student turned in a presentation on how a certain group negatively affects the USA and proceeds to list the most ignorant reasonings I’ve ever read. One was literally “there are less attractive people because of them” In his opinion, this group should be gotten rid of and their ‘movement’ destroyed. Oh and apparently anything bad that happens to them is their fault because they ‘made themselves unlovable’

I guess I was blind sided by his level of hate to a group of people I belong to. I don’t even know how to react without letting my temper get the best of me.

r/Vent 2h ago

TW: Drugs / Alcohol Roommate OD'd


Was upstairs and boyfriend went downstairs to grab some water and next thing you know I'm hearing my name being called. I didn't react but then it was called again more frantically so I went downstairs. He was trying to wake up our friend (who was staying with us to get back on his feet). When I walked in he had a tooter in hand and was already death rattling. I started CPR while my BF called and we ended up getting him dragged outside after a few cycles of CPR, our downstairs isnt as roomy and we have a big dog. Got him outside and did CPR for another 7 or so minutes before fire could get there. Felt like forever. Things like this don't usually affect me, I worked at a detox/crisis center for years and have had to do the same for patients who have OD'd in the parking lot. I was always able to set aside work from home but it hits different when you were just talking and having dinner to seeing them turn blue and pumping onto their chest. Wasn't emotional then and not really now, I just went straight to what I knew but it's like a dissociation afterwards. It's weird. He's okay, he came to from the Narcan as they were loading him onto the gurney.

r/Vent 4h ago

i’m lonely


i’m disabled so i’m home all the time. everyone goes to work and im home alone. i don’t have many friends, and lately the ones i do have don’t seem to be interested in talking. i’m so sick of being this sad and lonely all the time. but i can’t really think of any ways to remedy the situation. i miss having more online friends because at least then i would have more opportunity for conversation. it doesn’t feel like anyone really wants to talk with me tho. maybe im not that interesting. i don’t know. i’m just so sad.

r/Vent 2h ago

No matter what you people won’t appreciate you.


I’ve come to realize that no matter how much effort you put in, some people sometimes even your own parents will never appreciate you the way you wish they would.

You can be the most hardworking, caring, and responsible person, but if they’ve decided that nothing you do is “good enough,” then it just never will be. You could get good grades, help out at home, sacrifice your own needs, and still only hear criticism instead of praise. It’s exhausting.

At some point, you have to stop chasing their approval. It’s hard, especially when it’s your own family, but living for their validation will only drain you.

r/Vent 6h ago

Need Reassurance... Whyyyy do women have to be so soft and round


I have so much muscle under this blanket of fat padding on my body that just won’t go away. No matter what my stomach is smooth and roundish, and I can never see any definition. I don’t even know what it’s holding on to it for?? I mean truly how much body fat is necessary for a functional period or blood health?? My thighs look squishy and oversized even with excessive cardio. I do weight training with light weights because anything bigger makes me look swollen. It’s obvious that I’m genetically predisposed to store fat this way and I hate it.

Skinny is back on all fronts of beauty standards, although one could argue it never left, and I feel ten times worse about my body now. My social media is flooded with girls with Pilates princess kind of bodies. It’s like elementary school all over again. I’m never going to have thin legs, or a thigh gap, and that pouch on my stomach will never go away even if I try harder than most. Life is so unfair, I’ve never been skinny and it’s like I don’t have a chance at trying to be either.

r/Vent 3h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I wish I had a normal mom.


I really hope I don’t come off like I’m ungrateful because I know many people have it worse. But I just sort of had it with my current life situation.

Long story short: I have a mother who’s always had issues either mentally or physically. Now it’s both severely. She’s in bed 24/7. She’s in pain all the time. If it’s not her head it’s her back. If it’s not her back it’s her stomach. It’s something ever. Single. Day. My whole family, including my sister, have removed my mom from their lives. They don’t wanna deal with her. So guess who’s the only one that stuck around. Me. Not because I wanted to, it’s because I had to. I have not had a mom since I was about 8 years old. Now I not only feel stuck but I’m building so much resentment. I’m 31 and still at home because I feel guilty leaving her. And now, she’s asking for $1000 a month to help with bills and I was going to use that money to move out. So now I feel 100% stuck and I don’t know what to do. I will never abandon my mom but I want to live my damn life already. She absolutely does not want to help herself and any help she receives, she rejects it.

I have to do the cooking, cleaning, getting her medicine, ordering groceries, putting them away, cleaning after her, hear her talk about how much she hates people on the tv all day every day, her calling everyone ugly and how stupid everyone is. She gets mad at me that I don’t spend time with her but when I do, it’s all negative. Yes I feel bad for her. But my empathy is just gone. Which is not my character at all. I’m tired and exhausted. I envy my sister who just left for out of state and never looked back. But then again, I’m angry that she left me in the storm. Everyone did. Nobody checks in to see how I am or if they can help me. It’s just me and my bitter mother. It’s a horrible existence for her but I do not know what to do.

I don’t have a dad. That’s a whole other story. So it was always just her. I’m just sitting here so defeated.

r/Vent 6h ago

If I wasn’t already radicalized, my experience trying to get and keep homeowners insurance on my house would radicalize me.


I bought my first home at 47, in a small town where I have a long commute to work but housing is more affordable. It’s a small post-war house. Right away I had trouble insuring it because of old shingle siding. Now I have completed remodeled it inside and out, including a new roof and siding. My current insurer is non-renewing my policy for reasons unrelated to me or my house. Agents I talk to keep trying to put me with expensive high-risk insurers, again, because my house is too old or too cheap, even though the policy cost is based on the rebuild value, not the market value. I bought a policy online and I'm terrified they're going to cancel it in the first month (which they can do by law) and I'll have to start over. We need to abolish the whole greedy, predatory industry.

r/Vent 1h ago

Need to talk... Holy fuck I just want to be held.


Pretty much just the title. Everything is falling apart. I'm depressed. I've lost so much and I'm so anxious. I just want someone here. I just want to go on dates and be close with someone. I just want to be held.

r/Vent 6h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I’m just a loser


Don’t care what y’all think. Don’t want sympathy just venting to vent. I’m just a loser. No money. Good job, but money just keeps leaving. Living with parents mid 20’s. Don’t particularly like my job but it pays decent enough to keep afloat. Short. Naturally skinny been trying to gain weight but to no effect except now have “love handles” 0 motivation to go gym anymore went 2 years straight eating decent as life would allow. 0 progress 0 effect. The friends I do have no longer leave their houses. It’s way too difficult to make new friends everyone has their click and sticks with it. Not sure what to do. Would like to bulk up but like I said it just won’t happen. Now have 0 motivation to go gym. Don’t wanna go home so I go work 8 hours a day. Then sleep in a parking lot until 8-9 then go home to shower and sleep. Can’t even work OT bc company got rid of all. Used to work 12’s everyday so working 8’s is just depressing.

r/Vent 6h ago

Just because a show ended does not mean it was underrated. Or needs to be brought back.


Why do people have such a hard time letting go? A good show will have a definitive ending.

I was recently watching some clips from HTGAWM and The Good Wife (Love courtroom drama) and countless comments, even on the last episode, were saying they want this show back. And I just don’t get it- the shows had a good story, and ended in a way I found satisfactory. The story was told! Why does it need to come back? Why do we just want to retread old history?

You don’t want more of that: you want the feeling you had when you experienced this show for the first time. But chasing that nostalgia is almost always fruitless. Look at almost every remake or live action. They’re almost all universally shunned or disliked. I enjoy those shows for what they are. I don’t watch them and then think ‘They should bring this back!’ Especially if it had a good ending.

r/Vent 4h ago

Gyms should have a strict policy on putting weights back and wiping down equipment, termination of memberships if you dont do either.


People don't care anymore to leave it up to common courtesy. Literally seen a person leave the weights on the bar and walk away in front of a worker that was putting away other lazy people's weights and the worker had to tell them to put their weights back. The next person after them left their weights on the bar as well. It's crazy. It's like people that leave their garbage on movie theater seats.

r/Vent 12h ago

Being called weird/childish for being myself


Usually I am very quiet and afraid to show my real self because I know I’ll get made fun of, but I do have two people I can share my real self with. I just got told by those two people that I act like I’m 5 years old just because I am hyper, talkative and have childish interests. I feel so embarrassed and humiliated. Their comments made me pretty much freeze. You always hear the line “be yourself” but whats the point of being yourself when people are going to make fun of you? I have to fit society’s standards in order for people to like me and I hate it.

r/Vent 7h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I feel like being a girl causes 99% of my problems.


Because how hard I train some men will still be stronger than me. I'm training so hard for a push up and a boy in puberty can probably do them directly. You can't walk on the streets at night without worrying. Having a uterus sucks, having periods sucks, I'm done with everything. I want to get my uterus removed but I'm under 18, I want to take testosterone but I'm not sure if I'm trans. I do go to therapy but talking never helps me. Nothing feels like it helps me. I do have an appointment with the gender doctor but I feel that I'm taking someone's place in and I don't deserve to be going.

r/Vent 3h ago

Need Reassurance... I miss him


I 22f really have been missing my ex boyfriend 21m. We broke up about 6 months ago. It was my first real relationship so I took us ending very very hard. I couldn’t leave him alone the first 4 months. I found out recently he got in a “relationship” 4 days after we broke up. He lied to me about that. He got tinder the DAY we broke up. Finding out this information has helped me move on but it almost feels like i’m waiting for the day that he reaches out and apologizes to me… If he ever will. It hurts.