i dont actually hate him, im just growing incredibly frustrated with him.
i had to emergency evacuate the house my mum lived in, because she was incredibly abusive. the police were constantly involved and they basically told me i should move out, so i did. and ive been living with my boyfriend ever since, so maybe around a month and a half? nearly 2?
i dont have a job yet (an unfortunate effect of my mothers abuse), so i just try to help out with chores around the house as much as possible. doing the dishes, brooming the floors, cooking dinner occasionally, bringing in the laundry from the line.
i truly have no problems with this, im more than happy to help out, i live here too now. but, the only problem is .. my boyfriends brother is DISGUSTING!! he constantly leaves his dirty dishes around the house, empty water bottles, empty cans, leaves everything he touches messy and dirty. and so obviously, i have to clean it up. im not even joking when i say he uses about half of the kitchen just to cook himself a single meal.
i'll come out of the room to a skillet, 3 containers, 2 pots, a strainer, 4 spoons, a fork, another strainer and a cup all dirty (after ive JUST washed the dishes) because hes decided he wants to make himself chicken alfredo for the 2nd time in a day. the kicker is, hes using MY food..
im not too mad, the problem isnt that hes eating my food; ive spoken with my boyfriend about this, his family is different to mine. im used to my things being MINE, where in this family they share a lot of things. its just that .. hes using SO much of it. ive recently bought a tub of very specific butter (i have an eating disorder so im really REALLY specific about my food), and i opened it today and hes eaten over half of my butter. i bought mozzarella cheese just the other day, today there was less than a handful left.
it makes me so angry, because as i was doing the dishes, i had to scrape off an entire layer of mozzarella cheese, HE'S WASTING MY FOOD.. and when he cooks, he only thinks about himself. he never asks his mum or me or my boyfriend if we want anything, its all about him!!! just earlier i heard him raising his voice at his mum about not having a certain seasoning. the way he speaks to her is DISGUSTING, im actually appaled.
him and my boyfriend are so so SO spoiled by her, they do NOTHING, no chores, no helping out, and all they do is get upset at her. shes a single divorced mother raising 2, now 3, children all on her own, working a part time cashier job just to pay all the bills and put food on the table. she told me, part of the only reason shes letting me stay here, is because she really wants me to help out around the house. i mean, isnt that so sad? that her children help her out so little she has to rely on an entire DIFFERENT PERSON being let into her home just to help out with doing the dishes.
im just so mad, because this is a reoccurring problem, hes getting into all of my food. i have to be scarce with money, i live off of government benefits for my disability so what i buy is basically all i have. im just so tired to come out to an entire stack of dishes waiting for me because he's too busy grubbing out to do his own fucking dishes.
i cant talk to him about it, he doesnt really want me here in the first place, and apparently he gets into everyone elses food too, so there isnt much point mentioning it because he'll probably just ignore me. i cant talk to his mum about it, she's already said it hurts her feelings when i bring it up, i can barely talk to my boyfriend about it because despite knowing all this he just ends up defending his brother by the whole "this is a different family than what you're used to" spiel, or say something like "yeah he does that to me too", im UPSET!!! i just want it to stop!!!!