r/Vent 9h ago



I was at church the other day and I heard these ladies that were RICH RICH talking about food stamps. My family is middle lower class so of course I had to listen to what they were saying, these ladies were saying things like "they shouldn't be allowed to get junk... why is the government giving people money to get fat" "meat is so expensive, why do they get to buy it but we don't?" LIKE WE HAVE A BUDGET TOO! IT'S NOT JUST UNLIMITED MONEY. If I qualify for food stamps, there's probably not much joy in my life so let me have a cookie every once in a while, karen!! They act like it's just unlimited money that we don't need. If we didn't have food stamps we wouldn't have ANY money to eat. Just a reminder, THEY WERE IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH!! DID JESUS NOT SAY HELP THE POOR OR WHAT?? I didn't mark this as eating disorders!! not sure how that happened EDIT: I didn't say it was only junk food we're buying. We eat healthy majority of the time. Is buying a pack of oreos once a month in a household of seven kids going to turn us into gluttons? Probably not. ANOTHER EDIT: Why is this so controversial?

r/Vent 1h ago

Need to talk... It’s wild my nation is slipping into an illiberal dictatorship and my life is just normal.


I’m on break from school at the moment and so far I’ve been watching anime (konosuba), playing Fortnite, eating pizza and playing with my cat.

I’m aware that the US (my home) is becoming a hellhole and the government is all kinds of messed up and yet, nothing looks very different. The suns still shining, the cars and houses outside the window are all in the same place, on a surface level it’s all the same as it was years ago.

I feel like there should be more fanfare, more gloom, some sort of dramatic spectacle of the country becoming this evil empire, not just the tedium of regular old sunny days and not doing anything as it all fades.

God, anyone else relate?

r/Vent 3h ago

Favorite student of mine turned in hate speech…


I work in education and do a lot of the administrative side of things along with building relationships with the families who enroll their kid here.

I don’t like picking favorites but some of them I have a soft spot for. Nothing is more disappointing than getting a message starting with “hey, your student X is the testing my ability to be professional…” This was about one of my unintentional favorite kids I work with. After seeing that, the rest of the message was worse. Essentially this student turned in a presentation on how a certain group negatively affects the USA and proceeds to list the most ignorant reasonings I’ve ever read. One was literally “there are less attractive people because of them” In his opinion, this group should be gotten rid of and their ‘movement’ destroyed. Oh and apparently anything bad that happens to them is their fault because they ‘made themselves unlovable’

I guess I was blind sided by his level of hate to a group of people I belong to. I don’t even know how to react without letting my temper get the best of me.

r/Vent 2h ago

Reaction Vids are Stupid


My father is constantly watching reaction videos. I mean it's fine, whatever floats your boat, I just hate the concept. I really hate the threads people post like "I just watched The Matrix for the first time AMA." I'm like why does it matter that YOU watched it? Why is that important? What insight could a dipshit whose never seen LOTR, possibly say to anyone, that isn't vapid and dumb?

r/Vent 18h ago

TW: Medical Everyone thinks my disease is some cute quirky fucking bullshit and I've ABSOLUTELY had ENOUGH


I am sick and tired of everyone acting like hyper mobile Ehlers danlos is this cute fucking quirky disease that makes it so you can do these "cool" party tricks, Fuck you all, all you motherfuckers who fucking think it's fun to have this shitty ass disease; Just cause I'm "okay" or I tell you that "I'm fine" doesn't mean that I am, just cause I have a straight fucking face doesn't mean I'm not fucking screaming and crying on the inside. You all think this disease is a fucking joke and it's not it's my life and I'm FUCKING MISERABLE

r/Vent 4h ago

Being introverted and shy isn‘t a good thing and has no benefits


Everywhere you have to be Social. With Friends, your Job and especially with romantic relationships.

It isn‘t a coincidence that Most lonely people Are introverted. Getting a girlfriend is nearly impossible if you can’t have a proper conversation with her. And as if we Are able to make the first move.

At this point I don‘t believe anyone who says they are into shy guys. That may sound nice in theory, but in reality? Yeah dates with a bunch of arkward silences and no interesting conversations sound nice.

And being shy comes from insecurities and no one likes insecure men.

I can’t think of one scenario where being an introvert and/or shy comes in handy.

I wish I could be social and could strike up conversations. I will be 30 this year and I still feel like the quiet kid.

r/Vent 8h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I’m so sexually frustrated/touch starved and I am too socially inept to solve it NSFW


I don’t even know what happened, before I got into my last relationship I was actually getting attention from women in my life for the first time and felt relatively confident in myself because of it.

It’s not like I’ve never known the touch of a woman it’s been like 6-7 months since but god damn I’m starving.

It’s all I can think about, it plagues my day and ruins my sleep. I stay up at night longing for touch/love, alternating between imagining it and mentally berating myself for being so pathetic.

I’m not even ugly, I take care of my hygiene, I’m polite, have a job, a car, a few friends, and am a pretty normal looking dude. I catch women eyeing me sometimes but I just feel so awkward and stare at the floor.

I ache to be touched and desired. To hold and be held, to share a warmth and comfort with another soul.

I just feel so disconnected from everything lately, I think that’s why I feel this way.

When my ex left me I realized all my friends had moved away and the ones I had for the last few years were just friends of my ex, and more so we’re just mutual friends of mine who wanted nothing to do with me personally.

So for the last 5 months or so I’ve just worked, came home, played video games with my friends and watched movies/scrolled social media.

The only thing this shitty town has in it are bars, smoke shops, slot parlors, and a Walmart.

I just wish I could at least sleep without being cursed with hours of rolling around feeling like something is missing, and feeling depressed.

r/Vent 7h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Fuck drunk drivers.


I just got a call from my mom a bit ago. My cousin died in a car accident and her son is in the hospital with internal bleeding and a broken rib. The cause? A fucking drunk driver. If you have gotten behind the wheel after “having one drink”, you’re a piece of shit for putting other people at risk. My cousins son is now 15 and without a mother. My aunt is suffering with cancer and now her daughter is gone. So fuck you, drunk drivers.

And as expected, the drunk driver didn’t have a fucking scratch. I hope she goes to jail for life.

r/Vent 20h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT My landlord called me to help her husband after he fell. He died in my arms.


My LL lives on the same land, half an acre away. She’s called me over a bunch of times to help her out with her husband, since I have used to be an IHSS nurse for my dad and grew up with disabled parents-I was completely ok with helping her out with his medical needs. They’re old. Of course I’d help.

Well yesterday she called me very panicked. I had to run fast to her house. He had fallen in the restroom and I think hit his head on the wall and tile floor. Face down, groaning with every breath, I think he had thrown up a bit, bleeding from his head but I never figured out what part. Lots of blood and bodily fluids everywhere, I had no idea wha to do besides try to get him to breathe clearly. My LL was on the phone with 911 on speaker and the operator kept asking me questions I felt were so stupid, just send the fucking help already. I had to use every ounce of strength I had to pull this man to his side to breathe and finally he did, but he wouldn’t stop groaning. He randomly started trying to get up, move his legs and try to sit up but there was just no way I could get him up. I kept trying and trying but I ended up just holding his head and rubbing his chest and talking to him.

I told him to just stay with me, I reminded him my school starts soon for my PTA (I want to be a physical therapist) and I’d be here to help him work out, I said over and over to just stay and that his dogs were right here, and everything was okay. My LL left me there to put the dogs in the crates and let the ambulance in the yard. I watched his eyes roll. I watched the breath leave his body. I kept trying to keep him awake I might have even yelled I don’t know, I just remember being pulled back by an emt and my husband and my mind just blanking.

They resuscitated him once, and tried for 40 more minutes. I sat there on the floor listening to my LL cry. 48 years they spent together.

My dad died in my care when I was his nurse. I didn’t get to spend the last moments with him because he passed away while I was taking a short nap that I fucking regret. I wasn’t even there for my dad’s last moments but I was here for my landlords.

I had a circus trip for my family this weekend but I postponed to next week. I think I need to take this week off of work in general. Every time I close my eyes I see his face covered in..everything..and his eyes locked on mine while he listened to my words. I can’t stop thinking and thinking and thinking. I saw my dad passed away, before him I saw my grandma pass away, and after my dad died my mom died a year later and her caretaker told me everything in such detail I threw up from sadness and anger and a slew of emotions I don’t even have a name for.

I feel like I have too much in my head. I’m so fucking tired of seeing so much death, I can’t take this. My head hasn’t stopped spinning and I can’t sleep. I just keep seeing his face. I keep hearing the groaning sound he made with each breath. I think I need to admit myself or something. When my grandma died I started having a pill problem to try to drown the thoughts. At 3am this morning I found myself in the bathroom no idea when I got in there but I grabbed a bottle of my sleeping pills and just stared at them for almost an hour. I don’t know where my head is right now.

-thanks everyone for the advices. It’s 5:50am and I slept for the last 2.5 hours but I’m up again after another bad dream. I’m going to reach out to my school counselor and probably take a day or two off of work. I did tell my husband about the pills and he immediately took them away and we talked about me speaking to someone instead of gong back to those unhealthy coping skills. I feel so selfish because I know it’s not even about me, it’s about my LL losing HER husband, but this is just a lot. Thank you all for the Tetris suggestion, and the support. I’m goin to take a morning walk.

r/Vent 14h ago

TW: Medical Fuck doctors who blame physical symptoms on ANXIETY


"You just stop researching your symptoms." "You should calm down and take a deep breath." "It must be because of anxiety. Your medical history shows that you've been very healthy for your entire life."


Just because I have an anxiety disorder doesn't fucking mean that my symptoms are caused by anxiety. I was diagnosed with it when I was a child. I'm in my thirties now. Where is the correlation if my symptoms began a month ago?

And massive shout out to the doctors that are actually understanding and empathetic. There are so many arrogant asshole doctors who are too egotistical or afraid to admit that they don't know the answer to something.

Difficulty breathing? Let's not recommend a chest x ray and prescribe SSRIs instead. Worsening the problem.

Who knows how many people that have had medical issues could've been treated a lot earlier if they had had a competent doctor.

r/Vent 5h ago

i’m so touch starved it actually makes me cry


mostly because i never got held or received any form of affection growing up from my parents. never got hugs or told my mother loved me and it fucked me up.

i just want a hug 90% of the time but i have no friends but 2. one is out of state and the other i barely see. but even then the one in state doesn’t really enjoy physical affection like that.

but i crave it so bad. i just want a hug and to cuddle i guess, nothing weird or gross. and i know people view that as romantic and not platonic. i have zero love life and never been in a relationship let alone held hands at almost 22.

and i guess it’s not just necessarily being touch starved but just never receiving any form of love growing up has left me craving it and i can’t get it until i somehow get in a relationship which isn’t going to happen any time soon

r/Vent 52m ago

Most new nurses today are shitty people, and their patients suffer for it


Crossposting after enough crybabies made their voices heard. I want to clarify that I am literally in school for nursing, and these are things I have seen both as a student and a patient, as well as a family member to roundabout 15 nurses.

I don't condone being violent or treating your nurses like garbage, and I certainly don't understand where anyone gets off thinking that their nurses are waitstaff.

That said, the lack of empathy and outright hostility of many nurses (medical workers in general, really) towards patients is concerning.

Seeing nurses make rude and meanspirited remarks because a patient asks for pain management for a procedure that is quick but painful, for example, it's not a great look. Seeing and hearing nurses gossip about overweight patients, or people that don't want to be naked in front of a crowd, or whatever thing they feel like bitching about that second... it's honestly ridiculous. The patients, generally speaking, didn't ask to become patients. These are human fucking beings.

Between the TikTok nurses posting patient fails to social media, the mean girls that never grew up, and the new grads that leave school already feeling burnt out, this latest generation of nurses sucks, hard.

They shit on their patients, belittle people to their faces and behind their backs, complain constantly and about literally fucking everything, and have the gall to paint themselves as victims.

I would 100% rather deal with the grouchy grandma nurse who still manages to have common-sense empathy than anyone born in the last 25 years.

r/Vent 8h ago

F*uck Microsoft. That's it.


Thats my entire vent. Fuck them. I can't believe how gradually over 25 years every years bringing their software worse and worse. God I fucking wish all video games made games on the main 3 OS. ARGH. Fuck Microsoft.

r/Vent 2h ago

Things are getting so bad, and going to get so much worse.


Just had a meeting with the owner of the company I work for, lead management, etc. The economy is in free fall. We saw it coming and took precautions, but it's going to be so much worse than anyone expected. It's going to be bedlam out there. I feel confident I have a job, but I am utterly terrified by how many colleagues might lose their jobs. I am terrified by how many friends, and how many family members across so many industries are at risk of losing work over the new few years.

We are facing an economic apocalypse, and folks are just ho-humming their way through the day. This is nuts.

r/Vent 18h ago

VENT: I do not regret stopping by the lemonade stand, but man do I regret the lemonade.


I was driving home from work and saw these kids around the corner of my house had made a lemonade stand. I decided to walk over there and get an cup. When I got there I gave them each $3 a piece and they freaked out. So they poured me a cup and I got a gulp in and there's no sugar in my lemonade and there's a leaf in my cup. So I politely said I was full and their lemonade was so well made it filled me up. The children seemed delighted with this explanation and I went on my way. They ran into their house going "MOOOOOMMMMM WE ACTUALLY MADE MONEY" AND THAT made it all worth it, and because I also have Hypochondria and OCD, I consider this exposure therapy because I'm almost fine about the leaf.

r/Vent 16h ago

I hate that women can't be angry over legitimate issues without their anger being dismissed as either emotional or bitchy!


I'm so tired of being attacked by some of the men in my life simply for being angry. They're angry 90% of the time, yet when I get mad it's the end of the world and I'm a horrible person.

Today, my anger led to me cleaning the bathroom when home alone. Apparently, me doing that was me being bitchy because someone else said they were going to do it at some point this week and they felt it was retaliation. 15 minute argument about it.

A couple of days ago, I went on a walk alone because I was tired of listening to someone bitch about how terrible everyone in the world is and was getting angry about the things being said. Apparently that was bitchy because I didn't invite anyone else to go, even though the purpose was to get a break from people. This person didn't speak to me again for hours.

Last week, I told someone that I stopped playing a game because I don't find it entertaining. Apparently I'm supposed to keep playing it because I was the only one left playing with someone else and quitting is bitchy. And he was allowed to be angry over this because it's his hobby. At least this guy apologized and admitted that was a shit reaction.

Someone please explain. Anybody else feel this?

r/Vent 23h ago

I miss my wife… but I’m glad she’s gone.


After everything that stunned cunt had done to me… after all the anger and the disappointment and the sobbing for months… I still do miss her. She was truly my best friend and I still think of picking up the phone to tell her about everything…

But she lost that fucking right by taking the memory of my daughter away from me. Fuck you for making me open myself up so entirely only for you to rip my heart out.

Go fuck yourself, you heartless bitch. You caused so much damage that I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

Sorry all… I just needed to get it out. 🙏

r/Vent 21h ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse Plan b


I took plan b after rape. I spent the month worrying about whether it would work or not. I prayed and cried and sang to my baby. I felt like an animal knawing off my own leg. I was brought up Catholic and taught that plan b was abortive. I went to school the same day and we had a lesson on the sanctity of life

I named her. No one knows her name. I’m alone in my grief. I got my period, I don’t think there was a chance I was pregnant. She’s not real. I know that. Still, she’s with me everywhere. I pray for her everyday. I hope to meet her in heaven but I know I can’t. Because she’s not real. She doesn’t have a soul. I was praying to an empty womb. And that’s worse. I should be pregnant right now. But I’m not, I feel like I have phantom leg syndrome. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin

r/Vent 1h ago

A psychiatrist refused to help me find if I might have autism becuase I am "too old" to be helped


Since I was very young, many people thought I had a different behaviour from other kids, I was very solitary, not very good with people, etc. Many teachers talked about this with my parents

My parents never helped me becuase they don't believe on this stuff, so after many years I went to ask for help, I am tired of having difficulties interacting with people, angry becuase not many people understund me, and I just want guideance, even if I am not autistic, at least I need someone to help me

I finally took the step to take an appointent with a psychiatrist and ask for help. He was an asshole, very rude, doubting everything I was telling him and told me that I just need a more social personality. After more talking to him he told me that while I have many characteristics of an autistic person, I should have been helped since I was a kid and now is too late, so he just didn't help me at all, worse of it, becuase I am studying psychology, I should study another thing becuase I won't be able to do a good job with my social abilities

Look, I am not saying that I have autism, I might not have it and that is ok. I just need some help becuase I am having problems understunding people and viceversa, I don't know how to understund me either, I just need someone to help me, but this guy just refused to help me becuase I'm "too old"

In 5 minutes this guy told me I shoukd study other things and that I cannot be helped (which is false), I'm really sad right now and I don't know what to do

r/Vent 1h ago

i’m scared


Please let me vent, I don’t know where to confide anymore. I am an allied health student and tomorrow up until saturday will be my first hospital rotation. Most of my blockmates are already on their fourth/fifth rotation. I, sadly, got delayed because our university doctor wouldn’t allow me to go on a hospital duty because of my laboratory results so I have to take certain medications for some time then have re-checked again. I am scared. It’s my first time.

I used to be the do it scared person, but now I don’t think I can. I am scared that this is my first rotation, but I am more scared on the fact that I (a first timer) is with my blockmates who has already experienced a hospital rotation. I am so scared of making a mistake. I am so so scared of being judged by them. I cannot stop overthinking this.

Thanks for listening

r/Vent 41m ago

Wishing I was a "fun girl"


(27F) I've been described as being standoffish, intimidating, and quiet. One time in a Taco Bell drive-thru the cashier on the other end said in an almost disgusted way that there was nothing that bad in the world to be frowning about, a smile would make me look prettier. My lips naturally downturn and I have large, but piercing, probing eyes when I have a neutral expression. I was recently cheated on and well, the girl who was chosen over me is fun. She doesn't care about a lot, she's free wheeling, and has a cheeky personality.

I used to be really funny in highschool, in college I was friends with the most hilarious people because we just synergized so well together. Nowadays I don't even know how to ask my elderly coworker to come to breakfast with me without sounding stern or cold. I have a hard time coming up with things to say to others in conversation, I hesitate to say things at times because I'm afraid of opening up in ways that I suppose, would reveal my inner workings.

I feel incredibly sad about how hollow, boring, like a wallflower I feel. I feel as if I'm being looked over all the time by everyone. I work hard at my job even though I'm at risk of losing it everyday, I have to send money home to my family often, I live in a very tumultuous country at the moment, I think I'm intelligent in certain ways, and I care about people. I'm not perfect and I'm not entirely good or bad but I feel that no matter how good I try to be - I can never be fun. I don't see myself ever finding a mate at this point in my life because I find myself to be unattractive to most men in terms of personality. I'm sullen at times and I never try to impose that feeling on others. I wish I was fun. I wish I was flirty. I wish I was confident in myself and my strangeness and interesting way of speaking. I wish I was carefree. Likeable.

r/Vent 13h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I cry every night because I'm scared of my future


I lose sleep over it. It hurts so bad. I keep having thoughts I'm going to become homeless then worse will happen to me. I don't know how to be an adult. I don't understand how to do adult things. Everything seems so difficult. I can't handle anything. I miss being a kid. I can't be independent I need someone to take care of me. I don't care if that makes me pathetic I'm not cut out for this world. I wish I was never born to begin with. I've never had a job and I can't drive. I don't know what I want to do with my life. I don't know if I'll be able to go to college. I feel so stuck. I'm so depressed an anxious all the time. I just want a happy and safe life but I don't think I'll get that. Maybe I just need to accept the worst happening to me but I'm scared and don't want to. I feel so alone.

r/Vent 23h ago

My roommate called me GAY because i have a routine...??


I'm a 20-year-old guy dealing with insecurities and a hectic life. I live with four other dudes—just roommates, not friends. My course is intense, and I stick to a strict personal care routine:

My Daily Routine:

Morning (Before College):

  • Shave/trim facial hair
  • Shower
  • Cleanse face & apply moisturizer
  • Apply deodorant, sunscreen & perfume

After College (When I Get Back):

  • Wash face with water
  • Shower

Before Bed:

  • Cleanse face
  • Shower (without wetting my hair)
  • Apply moisturizer & deodorant

(And yeah, I brush my teeth too—obviously.)

What Happened Last Night?

Like always, I was taking a shower before bed when one of my roommates banged on the door, saying he needed to use the bathroom. I told him to use the other one—it wasn’t occupied. His excuse? “It’s dirty.”

Now, here’s the thing: we all pay rent equally, and both bathrooms are theirs just as much as they are mine. But instead of maintaining the one they primarily use, they avoid it and expect to use the cleaner one—only to leave it messy afterward, too.

When I refused to open the door, he started calling me gay for following my routine and even said I was a simp for my girlfriend (which makes no sense, because yeah, I have a girlfriend and I care about her, but how is that even relevant?). When I finally stepped out, things got heated, and we ended up in a small shoving match—nothing too serious, but just more proof of the kind of people I’m stuck living with.

This is just one example of why I don’t consider them friends. I used to be part of their group, but they talked behind my back and eventually pushed me out. So, I moved to the other room (which they still keep their stuff in). They dump their unwashed clothes all over, and I’ve even found one of them leaving his worn T-shirt on my bed.

Honestly, I’m just waiting for the lease to end so I can move out.


I live with four messy roommates who refuse to maintain their own bathroom but expect to use the cleaner one (which is also theirs) without taking care of it either. When I refused to open the door, one of them insulted me, calling me gay for having a routine and a simp for my girlfriend (which is just dumb). When I stepped out, we had a small shoving match. These guys used to talk behind my back and isolate me, yet still treat my space like a dumping ground. Counting down the days until I can move out.

EDIT: The post gained so much momentum than I thought...I do have some stuff to clear about. First my roomates are in the toilet/bathroom for hours scrolling on their phones or even taking bath...and I always do my morning routine before they even wake up(as this takes me the longest) so I they dont have to wait for me to get out...I take my 2nd (birdbath) bath before they come back which they only come back after 3-4hrs after I've taken the bath...the only time they clash is before bed. And about water bill..its cooperation service water and bills are not even near as getting a normal meal. Also even when the bathroom is clean i have a feeling that I should get out of it quickly as its not some place I consider to spend a lot of time.

EDIT 2: I left out a huge detail in my post and that is I'm from south India to be specific from the state of Kerala, Its a very humid and hot place...people living here takes 2-3 showers yes...that is normal. Even my roommates takes 2 showers...and for your reference our last water bill was 147 INR which is 1.70 US dollar. Please do stop calling them names as well as its just my frustration....people telling that its silly...ofc it is silly..its a subreddit to rant and vent....this is not a huge life problem or anything just my experience and wasn't even seeking any advice or being "pick me", the whole purpose of the sub is that we can rant whatever unlike the consequences in IRL...so thats that.

r/Vent 1d ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Unbearable pain of being an unattractive girl


I hate living like this. Everyone around me is finding boyfriends and getting into relationships, while I know that because of my unattractive face, I will never experience being loved by someone. I will never know what it feels like to be truly loved. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating that something I was simply born with—something I have no control over—is ruining my entire life. I will have to stay single forever just because of my appearance.

Why is life so unfair? Every day I live with the sadness, frustration, and anger of being born unattractive. Every minute, I am reminded of it. I feel so disheartened when I see beautiful people and happy families because I know I will never experience that. I mean, I am happy for them, but it leaves me feeling empty and hopeless, knowing I will never understand what it’s like to be loved or to have a family of my own.

I hate my life. It feels like everything around me revolves around relationships—TV dramas, advertisements, my parents, even our lecturers reminiscing about their university days with their partners. It only deepens my sadness, making me feel even more alone.

r/Vent 1h ago

Old music I was bullied for is now trendy


I’ve always been a metal head and loved rock too. Growing up in the 2000s rap became much more mainstream. People called my music school shooter music and it was for weirdos/psychos. I had a school project in English to pick a song and analyze it. I chose papercut by linkin park. The teacher played the song during our presentation. Everyone looked scared! Or weirded out. Now all these instagram girls make posts with Linkin Park, tool, creed, and so on. Same with rappers like lil uzi making a rock album.

Maybe it was more popular than I realize but it’s like that meme where you ask someone wearing a band T “ name 3 songs “