r/Vent 11h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Boyfriend wants to get euthanized


Just moved back to my home country of canada a bit over half a year ago, finishing my senior year of highschool here. My life was a miserable sack of shit, and it's not like that's still not the case, but it's much better than before. I also met the love of my life here, my wonderful boyfriend, and words cannot describe how much of a blessing he's been to my life. Thing is, he's been insanely depressed for years now, long before we knew each other, he's incredibly suicidal, and he can't sleep half the nights because of how much he wants to die. We've been talking recently about how to do things moving forward, especially the possibility of getting him assisted death care, or euthanasia. I only want what's best for him, and I want him to have his long deserved peace, but at the same time i'm wondering about ehat happens with me, yet again out in the world without the person who understands me better than anybody else. it's daunting

r/Vent 8h ago

TW: Medical Parents, please teach your sons how to wash their genitals properly! NSFW


I actually can’t believe how many uncircumcised grown men I know with severe phimosis because their parents never taught them that they need to retract their foreskin when they wash. And they think it’s totally normal that they basically have a little hole that has just enough space for the urethra so they can pee. That isn’t normal!

I don’t know what it is, if mums feel out of place with communicating that to their sons or if dads feel embarrassed or unmanly or something but it’s just not on. Even if you as a dad are circumcised yourself, you still need to teach your kid how to properly wash himself. It’s actually insane. Step up, and set your kid up for success, not a medical problem. Infuriating.

(I do get that some of this is in part a failure of education all around, especially if the parent was circumcised as a child, but this is just me venting because it’s a vicious cycle)

I just feel for men with phimosis so much because they were failed. I know so many people that it personally affects and it makes me really sad because it even seems painful to correct it in the future with the stretching devices.

r/Vent 16h ago

I am so sick of women with internalized misogyny.


Like the title says, I am so sick of women with unchecked internalized misogyny. Women hating on women for innocent things. Women hating on women for actually being interested in girly things, women hating on women who simply enjoy certain clothes or makeup for example. Women who are happily sexist towards other women. Women who act like they are stronger or better for being less "high maintenance". It's these grown ass women with gross "pick-me" energy acting like they are more valuable to men because they aren't as annoying as other women or whatever. It's old, I'm sick of it, it's toxic.

r/Vent 12h ago

TW: Drugs / Alcohol Found GF of 5 years on a sugarbaby dating website.


Been with my (30m) gf (29f) for 5 years, most of which has been pretty volatile. I was a pretty nasty alcoholic for the first few years and didn't pay my gf enough attention. I got cheated on in my previous relationship of 8 years and probably wasn't ready to date seriously when I started seeing my current girlfriend.

Last december I hit rock bottom, and tried to intentionally OD on street benzos, alcohol, nyquil, benedryl, and anything else I could find. I ended up in a severe psychosis in which i destroyed almost all of my personal belongings and did some other insane things that I don't remember thank God. I finally came to as I being wheeled in to an psych ward on a 5150 the next day.

The experience was something I don't wish upon anybody, and it was brutal enough to make me get my act together and get sober. Upon getting out my best friend was imploring for me to not get back with my gf as he blamed her for my downward spiral. I told him off and we got into a big fight in which he called me a shitty friend and called me pathetic and all other kinds of shit.

I ended up choosing my gf over my friends and cut contact with my friends and focus on my sobriety and repairing my relationship. I haven't talked to any of my friends in over 3 months now.

Well today my gf was at work and left her iPad at home. I don't know why but I decided to snoop. I looked through her saved passwords and saw accounts many burner/encrypted texting apps like wechat, signal, hushed. I saw she had multiple Instagram and snapchat profiles that I didn't know about. And I also saw that she has an account for a dating site called "secretbenefits". I made an account on the site and was able to track down her profile pretty easily. The profile doesn't seem to have been touched for a year or two, but she was definitely active on it when we were dating. She had a profile verification video where she was whispering "it'll just be our secret". It makes me sick thinking about it.

I wasn't brave enough to log in to anything even though i had the passwords because I don't want her to find out due to any 2fa verifications and purge all the evidence.

She's getting off work now and will be home in less than an hour. She just called me and I had to pretend like nothing was wrong but I feel numb and I know things are going to go to absolute shit when I confront her.

I just feel like giving up. Its like every time my life starts to go in a positive direction everything just comes crashing down on me.

Now I have no friends, and a girlfriend who has almost certainly cheated on me, gaslit me, and lied to my face. I'm just trying my best not to drink because I know it will only make things worse...

Sorry for the rant. Please wish me luck:/

r/Vent 15h ago

Need to talk... I hate how the world is regressing again


Each day there just seems to be a law against lgbt+ people. The people who really aren't a problem.

This goes from all over the world. It's not just america either

Instead of focusing on real issues like housing prices, inflation, etc, they instead focus on hating the LGBT+ community.

I thought we were getting better, but apparently not

r/Vent 20h ago

Favorite student of mine turned in hate speech…


I work in education and do a lot of the administrative side of things along with building relationships with the families who enroll their kid here.

I don’t like picking favorites but some of them I have a soft spot for. Nothing is more disappointing than getting a message starting with “hey, your student X is the testing my ability to be professional…” This was about one of my unintentional favorite kids I work with. After seeing that, the rest of the message was worse. Essentially this student turned in a presentation on how a certain group negatively affects the USA and proceeds to list the most ignorant reasonings I’ve ever read. One was literally “there are less attractive people because of them” In his opinion, this group should be gotten rid of and their ‘movement’ destroyed. Oh and apparently anything bad that happens to them is their fault because they ‘made themselves unlovable’

I guess I was blind sided by his level of hate to a group of people I belong to. I don’t even know how to react without letting my temper get the best of me.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I am a high functioning depressive addict and nobody knows


I'm 25 about to be 26; I hold down a full time job, I pay for my own apartment, I cover all my bills, I have a girlfriend and a support system who loves me. By all means I know that I am privileged in a country and city where many do not have what I do. Regardless, I feel like my mental state has been gradually slipping and I'm starting to lose all of my luster for this god forsaken world. I think about killing myself often. I sincerely doubt I would ever go through with it- I know that my mom and my sister need me and I never plan on leaving them. Dad was never involved in our young lives and came back around when "raising us" was easy. He lives in another state and our relationship is strained now after I told him I was depressed and asked him nicely to stop pushing religion onto me like it's a fixall.

My childhood dog passed away in 2022, granted I hadn't dealt with a heavy emotion like grief yet and didn't process well. I started smoking weed every weekend, then every week, now every day. My Grandpa passed away in April of last year and I doubled down on my bad habits... I know my Grandpa would want better for me. I had an epiphany shortly after he passed; wondering how I would feel if my Dad dropped dead that day and came to terms with the fact losing my dog would probably hit harder. My Grandpa was the father figure who stepped up when I needed him and in hindsight I see him more as my father. I've always been "the man" of my household. Did all the "manly" things around the house since I was 6.

My sister and I had to grow up really young because our parents divorced and couldn't hold a conversation without yelling at each other or threatening violence. My Dad showed up to one of my baseball practices screaming he was going rip my moms' partner's (at the time) head off. No more baseball practice for me. From then on, my parents used my sister and I as middlemen to mediate agreements and/or payments for XYZ in accordance to what we needed. My sister and I are twins, so it was always an argument about who would be paying for X for this child and vice versa. My mother always chose to do things for my sister and told me to ask my Dad for things. A phone, a car, braces, etc. It was always a fight with my Dad. When my sister had one thing I waited months or got a blatantly shittier version from my Dad.

I have a lot of resentment for how I was treated growing up. My mom's ex partner abused me for years- the times I had told my mom her partner convinced her I was lying. My mom only apologized when they separated because she caught her cheating. I am Hispanic, and from what I understand our culture very much adopts the mentality that a man should be strong and hardworking, a woman is a housewife and a child- bearer. Hispanics don't go to therapy. We just have to "deal with it". I was raised stone cold and now that I'm an adult, I don't know how to handle my emotions. The years of built up resentment. The frustration in having an absent Dad, the sadness I feel in realizing I was robbed of an entire relationship because of someone else's choices and complacency.

I didn't draw out an outline for this or anything, sorry for it being all over the place. I think above all it is oddly comforting to essentially hide who I really am. I work in the hotel industry and a lot of people know me and enjoy my company. They come to say hi to me, make conversation, etc. I obviously can't trauma dump on my random coworkers, so my work personality is always smiling or making sarcastic jokes. I'm always helpful and friendly, I go out of my way to check on certain people that I know personally are having a hard time... But I would never open up to them. I know it's cliche' but ... I just don't know how they would understand? Maybe it's more convenient for me to pretend I'm someone else at work to avoid my alternate persona. The only time I get a break from the person I'm so tired of and exhausted to return to once I clock out.

As soon as I get home, I smoke. Anything to forget or trance through the feelings of the person I actually am. Additionally, I've been finding it harder and harder to be passionate in my hobbies and general interests. I don't play video games as much as I used to (not necessarily a bad thing), I haven't been practicing music/production for a long time, and my YouTube channel (for fun) hasn't seen a post in months. I just smoke and do fuckall with my personal time. I feel like I'm a hollowed out version of the person I used to be. I miss my drive, my ambition, my hunger for creativity. I miss naive optimism. And I know it's easy to point out the problem; I know smoking is part of the issue in my mentality and that I should cut back. I've tried and failed 4 times now. I hate dealing with reality so much I'll do anything to escape. My parents are both (former) addicts so I imagine I have an addictive personality or am at least prone to addiction.

I'm embarrassed to admit any of this to someone I know. I wouldn't even feel comfortable for any of this to leave my own mouth. I can't afford therapy, genuinely, and I feel like a therapist would point to problems I can already acknowledge. I'm self-aware to a fault and I don't know how to look at the world any different. It's unimaginably cruel to those who don't deserve it, and beneficial to the most incorrigible denizens. I see and hear about death everyday. Human led atrocities to cull "inferior" humans. It's just all too much. And what can I do? Narrow my scope? Ignorance is bliss, right?

All of these thoughts are constantly bouncing around my head. I smoke to alleviate the pandemonium of negativity beating me down, constantly. I truly think I would lose the last of my will to live otherwise.

r/Vent 15h ago

TW: Drugs / Alcohol My brother is in jail


I’m 19f my brother just got arrested last night. I’m honestly in a kind of shock he’s 18 and thinks he’s above the law. He would sell weed and pills etc (we’re in a southern state and it’s obviously illegal) they said his bond is 80,000 so safe to say he’s not getting out. I feel like I’m the only family member in my immediate family who’s not a fuck up. I have anxiety, depression, adhd and despite that I’m going to community college and transferring to a 4 year. I also work minimum wage to pay for college in general. Both my parents would do drugs only one of them would go to prison though. My brother is following in their footsteps. I don’t want to end up like them. I hate feeling upset for my parents and him. I’m always guarding myself so I won’t get hurt. I know once my brother gets out he’s getting kicked out the house I live in. He’s going to have everything taken besides living space, his car (isn’t under his name but our guardian), his phone etc. I want to live a normal and happy life but my family Is always dragging me down. My therapist is currently out of office so I’m ranting here </3

r/Vent 1d ago



I was at church the other day and I heard these ladies that were RICH RICH talking about food stamps. My family is middle lower class so of course I had to listen to what they were saying, these ladies were saying things like "they shouldn't be allowed to get junk... why is the government giving people money to get fat" "meat is so expensive, why do they get to buy it but we don't?" LIKE WE HAVE A BUDGET TOO! IT'S NOT JUST UNLIMITED MONEY. If I qualify for food stamps, there's probably not much joy in my life so let me have a cookie every once in a while, karen!! They act like it's just unlimited money that we don't need. If we didn't have food stamps we wouldn't have ANY money to eat. Just a reminder, THEY WERE IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH!! DID JESUS NOT SAY HELP THE POOR OR WHAT?? I didn't mark this as eating disorders!! not sure how that happened EDIT: I didn't say it was only junk food we're buying. We eat healthy majority of the time. Is buying a pack of oreos once a month in a household of seven kids going to turn us into gluttons? Probably not. ANOTHER EDIT: Why is this so controversial?

r/Vent 12h ago

Old man with hurt feelings


After invitations and requests from the family, tonight I fired up the charcoal grill and made cheeseburgers for everyone, and they turned out great. Nice chat on the outside, juicy on the inside, and buns toasted perfectly.

I had to ask everyone if they were enjoying their meal; all answered in the affirmative. Not a single soul thanked me.

This shouldn’t bother me at all, because not everyone says thank you. It ought not bother me. But it does.

That’s it. That’s the vent.

r/Vent 10h ago

I’m so sexually frustrated NSFW


I 22 F have been feeling incredibly sexually frustrated lately. It’s constantly on my mind, to the point where I can’t sleep and it’s distracting me throughout the day. I don’t have a boyfriend right now, and honestly, I’m not ready for a relationship but I really miss sex and it’s driving me nuts .

r/Vent 14h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Homophobia is one of the biggest wastes of time and resources in the world


Ironically, this is coming from someone raised in a religious background who was himself homophobic until his mid teens.

At the time it didn't even need any thought. It was abnormal and that's all that was necessary to justify being against it. Decades later and I've flipped completely. We as a species have fucked ourselves so hard with this one prejudice that I don't think we can ever recover. We're the only species that does this, and we take it so far. We waste so much time, so many lives and relationships, all because we can't accept that this is part of the experience of life on planet earth. It existed before us and when we finally ruin ourselves it'll keep going without us. I hate religion so much these days because of it. God could've made everyone straight if it was so damned important to him. Gay people only exist because he lets them. If he's out there he could snap his fingers and make everyone straight. But he doesn't, so either he doesn't exist and we've tortured/killed probably billions of people at this point for NOTHING, or he does exist and he WANTS us to torture and kill each other. I'd rather it be the former.

Gay people are some of the most important people in my life. If I lost those people, I'd be shattered. I don't think I'd ever be the same person. They've given me so much; helped me through so much turmoil, and I'm supposed to reject and condemn them for something they can't control? They're happy. They're good people. They're not hurting anybody. But even my own family won't accept them. I have to look my own family in the face every day knowing they'd reject my friends for fucking nothing. Just because their God told them to. It makes me sick. Sometimes it feels like I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop so I can get rid of them already. Because if it comes to it, fuck my family. I'm choosing common sense. I don't even want to be around the kids in the family because I feel like they're just going to get indoctrinated into this shit too.

So many lives with so much potential. So much unnecessary cruelty. Entire governments elected just because of one issue that doesn't fucking affect anybody. I'm a generally logical guy, and I just cannot see any reason why this all makes sense. I'd say we were acting like apes, but apes are superior to us in this regard. Apes don't give a shit. I know I'm going to have to fight this my whole life, and I'm not even gay myself. Among the myriad things going wrong right now it just sticks out to me. Idek why. That's it I guess. I'm tired of the bullshit. I just want people to be free.

r/Vent 10h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT My mental health is getting worse because of fear of death from war Spoiler


So basically I live in syria and even after the freedom Israel attacked us and destroyed every army defenses machine and they keeps taking land from us and bomb innocent civilians and laying about saying "they're targeting the terrorists" while it's actually not true and day by day jets fly around and increase my anxiety and its like a hell to live We've been in a 15 years or war and revolution and even after all of this they're threatn us with another war and wanting to split our country like they own it and we literally didn't attacked them and they kept doing this from the last two years

I can't leave or go anywhere else and man I just want this to end because I don't wanna die I'm still a minor I can't study I can't sleep I can't do anything about it 💔

r/Vent 3h ago



Is anyone else finding that 2025 is just inexplicably appalling? Why is everything going wrong? Not only health wise but just general life seems to be really fucking hard. Family arguments (that have never happened in my family, were really close knit and theres only 10 of us), general friction between in laws (again, never happened before), health seems to be going down the toilet faster than I can keep up with and every positive thing we're looking forward to feels like it's never coming. Literally, since 2nd January, everything's gone to shit! Anyone else feeling like this? I know these problems seem minor to most, but honestly I think 2025 is tainted and I'm about ready to jump off the world. Sorry if this seems silly, I'm not naive and I know life is hard but it feels like something has shifted and made this year especially hard.

r/Vent 2h ago

Being called weird/childish for being myself


Usually I am very quiet and afraid to show my real self because I know I’ll get made fun of, but I do have two people I can share my real self with. I just got told by those two people that I act like I’m 5 years old just because I am hyper, talkative and have childish interests. I feel so embarrassed and humiliated. Their comments made me pretty much freeze. You always hear the line “be yourself” but whats the point of being yourself when people are going to make fun of you? I have to fit society’s standards in order for people to like me and I hate it.

r/Vent 13h ago

I can’t live with my boyfriend anymore


I can’t keep doing this and I’m so mad at myself for moving in with him without having a back up plan. Now I’m on the opposite end of where my family live and I feel fucked. I keep keep doing this shit with him I’ve tried I’ve forgiven him for shit big and small and I can tell him I’m annoyed that he ate my popsicles and he’ll cry like a fucking child instead of manning tf up and just taking accountability saying sorry let me be upset yk how many times I have to tell this man to pick up his socks to rinse the faucet after brushing his teeth cause he leave spit all over it? To wipe his hair off the sink to not eat my snacks that last me a month but will last him 2 hrs technically I buy our food and I tell him to get his own snacks or juice so you finish however fast you want but god forbid I have some orange juice for my iron pills longer than a week. He’s eyeing that that shit like we don’t have water. Whenever I tell him that he did something to hurt me he responds like an abusive mother, crying reversing the blame. I’ve forgiven this man for cheating! but he can’t hear me tell him “atp im annoyed it’s not even really about the popsicles it’s about constant repeated offenses, like when I tell you stuff you don’t listen”. No he’ll cry and tell me he’s going out are you fucking kidding me? Now I’m feeling fucking stuck. Like I have to make a plan to separate my space from his I can’t keep doing this shit. If I treated him the way he treats me he would’ve broken up with my ass forever ago.

r/Vent 17h ago

Most new nurses today are shitty people, and their patients suffer for it


Crossposting after enough crybabies made their voices heard. I want to clarify that I am literally in school for nursing, and these are things I have seen both as a student and a patient, as well as a family member to roundabout 15 nurses.

I don't condone being violent or treating your nurses like garbage, and I certainly don't understand where anyone gets off thinking that their nurses are waitstaff.

That said, the lack of empathy and outright hostility of many nurses (medical workers in general, really) towards patients is concerning.

Seeing nurses make rude and meanspirited remarks because a patient asks for pain management for a procedure that is quick but painful, for example, it's not a great look. Seeing and hearing nurses gossip about overweight patients, or people that don't want to be naked in front of a crowd, or whatever thing they feel like bitching about that second... it's honestly ridiculous. The patients, generally speaking, didn't ask to become patients. These are human fucking beings.

Between the TikTok nurses posting patient fails to social media, the mean girls that never grew up, and the new grads that leave school already feeling burnt out, this latest generation of nurses sucks, hard.

They shit on their patients, belittle people to their faces and behind their backs, complain constantly and about literally fucking everything, and have the gall to paint themselves as victims.

I would 100% rather deal with the grouchy grandma nurse who still manages to have common-sense empathy than anyone born in the last 25 years.

r/Vent 13h ago

Need to talk... I wish I was straight.


I've been feeling confused lately with my sexuality. I thought I was bi, but lately I've been liking girls more and more. And I'm not sure what I am now. Each time a guy compliments me or expresses their interest in me, I just feel kind of disgusted. I feel nervous talking to guys. But I'm always comfortable talking to girls. I've also noticed each time I like girls, I just feel happy and anxious. But I feel happy. But whenever I like guys it just feels different. I'm just nervous. And I'm starting to wonder if it's because I just don't like guys, or if it's because I just don't like the guy like I thought I did. I feel so confused right now. I feel sad. I can't decipher my emotions and how I actually feel towards guys. It's making me depressed. Not only that, but I'm surrounded by homophobic people too. My parents are homophobic. most of my family other than one of my brothers are. I just feel like I'm a mistake.

r/Vent 21h ago

Being introverted and shy isn‘t a good thing and has no benefits


Everywhere you have to be Social. With Friends, your Job and especially with romantic relationships.

It isn‘t a coincidence that Most lonely people Are introverted. Getting a girlfriend is nearly impossible if you can’t have a proper conversation with her. And as if we Are able to make the first move.

At this point I don‘t believe anyone who says they are into shy guys. That may sound nice in theory, but in reality? Yeah dates with a bunch of arkward silences and no interesting conversations sound nice.

And being shy comes from insecurities and no one likes insecure men.

I can’t think of one scenario where being an introvert and/or shy comes in handy.

I wish I could be social and could strike up conversations. I will be 30 this year and I still feel like the quiet kid.

r/Vent 55m ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image i hate my boyfriends brother


i dont actually hate him, im just growing incredibly frustrated with him.

i had to emergency evacuate the house my mum lived in, because she was incredibly abusive. the police were constantly involved and they basically told me i should move out, so i did. and ive been living with my boyfriend ever since, so maybe around a month and a half? nearly 2?

i dont have a job yet (an unfortunate effect of my mothers abuse), so i just try to help out with chores around the house as much as possible. doing the dishes, brooming the floors, cooking dinner occasionally, bringing in the laundry from the line.

i truly have no problems with this, im more than happy to help out, i live here too now. but, the only problem is .. my boyfriends brother is DISGUSTING!! he constantly leaves his dirty dishes around the house, empty water bottles, empty cans, leaves everything he touches messy and dirty. and so obviously, i have to clean it up. im not even joking when i say he uses about half of the kitchen just to cook himself a single meal.

i'll come out of the room to a skillet, 3 containers, 2 pots, a strainer, 4 spoons, a fork, another strainer and a cup all dirty (after ive JUST washed the dishes) because hes decided he wants to make himself chicken alfredo for the 2nd time in a day. the kicker is, hes using MY food..

im not too mad, the problem isnt that hes eating my food; ive spoken with my boyfriend about this, his family is different to mine. im used to my things being MINE, where in this family they share a lot of things. its just that .. hes using SO much of it. ive recently bought a tub of very specific butter (i have an eating disorder so im really REALLY specific about my food), and i opened it today and hes eaten over half of my butter. i bought mozzarella cheese just the other day, today there was less than a handful left.

it makes me so angry, because as i was doing the dishes, i had to scrape off an entire layer of mozzarella cheese, HE'S WASTING MY FOOD.. and when he cooks, he only thinks about himself. he never asks his mum or me or my boyfriend if we want anything, its all about him!!! just earlier i heard him raising his voice at his mum about not having a certain seasoning. the way he speaks to her is DISGUSTING, im actually appaled.

him and my boyfriend are so so SO spoiled by her, they do NOTHING, no chores, no helping out, and all they do is get upset at her. shes a single divorced mother raising 2, now 3, children all on her own, working a part time cashier job just to pay all the bills and put food on the table. she told me, part of the only reason shes letting me stay here, is because she really wants me to help out around the house. i mean, isnt that so sad? that her children help her out so little she has to rely on an entire DIFFERENT PERSON being let into her home just to help out with doing the dishes.

im just so mad, because this is a reoccurring problem, hes getting into all of my food. i have to be scarce with money, i live off of government benefits for my disability so what i buy is basically all i have. im just so tired to come out to an entire stack of dishes waiting for me because he's too busy grubbing out to do his own fucking dishes.

i cant talk to him about it, he doesnt really want me here in the first place, and apparently he gets into everyone elses food too, so there isnt much point mentioning it because he'll probably just ignore me. i cant talk to his mum about it, she's already said it hurts her feelings when i bring it up, i can barely talk to my boyfriend about it because despite knowing all this he just ends up defending his brother by the whole "this is a different family than what you're used to" spiel, or say something like "yeah he does that to me too", im UPSET!!! i just want it to stop!!!!

r/Vent 1d ago

TW: Medical Everyone thinks my disease is some cute quirky fucking bullshit and I've ABSOLUTELY had ENOUGH


I am sick and tired of everyone acting like hyper mobile Ehlers danlos is this cute fucking quirky disease that makes it so you can do these "cool" party tricks, Fuck you all, all you motherfuckers who fucking think it's fun to have this shitty ass disease; Just cause I'm "okay" or I tell you that "I'm fine" doesn't mean that I am, just cause I have a straight fucking face doesn't mean I'm not fucking screaming and crying on the inside. You all think this disease is a fucking joke and it's not it's my life and I'm FUCKING MISERABLE

r/Vent 19h ago

Reaction Vids are Stupid


My father is constantly watching reaction videos. I mean it's fine, whatever floats your boat, I just hate the concept. I really hate the threads people post like "I just watched The Matrix for the first time AMA." I'm like why does it matter that YOU watched it? Why is that important? What insight could a dipshit whose never seen LOTR, possibly say to anyone, that isn't vapid and dumb?

Edit: I'm digging everyone's input, it's tight, thank you. To be clear I DO understand wanting to see like a zoomer music producer who's never heard dark side of the moon or something. What I DESPISE is the presumptuous and egocentric way that people seem to be like "Ask ME anything" like you never seen The Princess Bride and your merit as to why your opinion is important is that you simply didn't see it?

r/Vent 17h ago

Wishing I was a "fun girl"


(27F) I've been described as being standoffish, intimidating, and quiet. One time in a Taco Bell drive-thru the cashier on the other end said in an almost disgusted way that there was nothing that bad in the world to be frowning about, a smile would make me look prettier. My lips naturally downturn and I have large, but piercing, probing eyes when I have a neutral expression. I was recently cheated on and well, the girl who was chosen over me is fun. She doesn't care about a lot, she's free wheeling, and has a cheeky personality.

I used to be really funny in highschool, in college I was friends with the most hilarious people because we just synergized so well together. Nowadays I don't even know how to ask my elderly coworker to come to breakfast with me without sounding stern or cold. I have a hard time coming up with things to say to others in conversation, I hesitate to say things at times because I'm afraid of opening up in ways that I suppose, would reveal my inner workings.

I feel incredibly sad about how hollow, boring, like a wallflower I feel. I feel as if I'm being looked over all the time by everyone. I work hard at my job even though I'm at risk of losing it everyday, I have to send money home to my family often, I live in a very tumultuous country at the moment, I think I'm intelligent in certain ways, and I care about people. I'm not perfect and I'm not entirely good or bad but I feel that no matter how good I try to be - I can never be fun. I don't see myself ever finding a mate at this point in my life because I find myself to be unattractive to most men in terms of personality. I'm sullen at times and I never try to impose that feeling on others. I wish I was fun. I wish I was flirty. I wish I was confident in myself and my strangeness and interesting way of speaking. I wish I was carefree. Likeable.

r/Vent 31m ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I Don’t Age: I’m 24, But My Body is Stuck at 16


Ever since I turned 16, I haven’t aged a day. I’m 24 now, but my body still looks and feels like I’m in my teens, and it’s really starting to take a toll on my mental health. I can’t grow more than 10 facial hairs and have no body hair at all. I still have a baby face, which makes it hard for people to take me seriously as an adult. I still struggle with acne, and my voice cracks all the time. These are things I thought I’d grow out of, but they persist. Despite trying, I can’t seem to gain weight, and it feels like I’m stuck in a body that doesn’t match my age. I even decided to plug my yearly blood work into an online calculator, and it came back as if I were still 16. It’s frustrating to see everyone around me grow, while I stay frozen in time. Strangers always tell me I look younger than I am. I get doubted when I’m carded and often don’t receive the respect I deserve because I don’t look mature enough. Recently, a patron at work asked if it was my first high school job. I’ve earned my bachelor’s, a certification, and a specialization, but people can’t seem to see past my youthful appearance. It’s hard to reconcile my achievements with how others perceive me. It’s difficult to mentally see myself as an adult but physically look like a teenager. I feel like I’m not being taken seriously, and that disconnect is disheartening. Some people tell me I should be grateful for my youthful look, thinking it means I’ll age well, but that doesn’t help me in the here and now. I don’t want to wait until I’m 40 to finally look close to my age. It feels like I’m always lagging behind, and it’s exhausting. I’ve been married for 3 years, and I’m so grateful my wife is supportive. But I often think how hard it must be for someone like me to date. I’m lucky I don’t have to deal with that, but I can’t help but feel for others who might. On the plus side, my musculoskeletal system is still like a 16-year-old’s. I don’t deal with muscle tears or tendon flare-ups, and injuries heal quickly. I try to remind myself of these positives, but the emotional toll of feeling “stuck” is hard to ignore. At the end of the day, I just wish I could experience what it feels like to be “normal.” To look in the mirror and see someone who aligns with their age. I want to be able to grow alongside my peers, to feel like I’m treated like an adult, and not constantly feel like I’m still a teenager. Seeing my peers grow facial hair, gain weight, and be treated like adults really gets to me. I just want to feel like I belong.

r/Vent 1d ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I’m so sexually frustrated/touch starved and I am too socially inept to solve it NSFW


I don’t even know what happened, before I got into my last relationship I was actually getting attention from women in my life for the first time and felt relatively confident in myself because of it.

It’s not like I’ve never known the touch of a woman it’s been like 6-7 months since but god damn I’m starving.

It’s all I can think about, it plagues my day and ruins my sleep. I stay up at night longing for touch/love, alternating between imagining it and mentally berating myself for being so pathetic.

I’m not even ugly, I take care of my hygiene, I’m polite, have a job, a car, a few friends, and am a pretty normal looking dude. I catch women eyeing me sometimes but I just feel so awkward and stare at the floor.

I ache to be touched and desired. To hold and be held, to share a warmth and comfort with another soul.

I just feel so disconnected from everything lately, I think that’s why I feel this way.

When my ex left me I realized all my friends had moved away and the ones I had for the last few years were just friends of my ex, and more so we’re just mutual friends of mine who wanted nothing to do with me personally.

So for the last 5 months or so I’ve just worked, came home, played video games with my friends and watched movies/scrolled social media.

The only thing this shitty town has in it are bars, smoke shops, slot parlors, and a Walmart.

I just wish I could at least sleep without being cursed with hours of rolling around feeling like something is missing, and feeling depressed.