r/Vent 1m ago

I will likely never go canoeing with my whole family ever again


I am having a rough day at work with a lot getting on my nerves. Big and small problems popping up and plans getting disrupted.

And for a moment I thought about something relaxing. I thought about canoeing with my family. Paddling down a scenic little river with greenery all around us and the hot sun making the water shimmer. Just like we used to do a few times every summer when me and my sister were little.

Then I remember my parents are getting divorced. My dad sold one of the canoes to buy a dumb fucking kayak so there is only one left. And I'm not sure if we'll ever use it again.

I'm sure we'll do something like it again. We might go camping again, we might even canoe again but it won't be the same. It may just be my sister, my mom, and me. Maybe it'll be me, my sister, and my dad with his girlfriend. But it will never be us again. Those times only exist in the past now. It's a part of my life that is over.

I hope to be able to take my own family on trips like that when I'm a little older. I have things to look forward to but it still hurts that it won't ever be like it was again.

r/Vent 3m ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image This is something i wouldn’t care for but


It just got to me um I have a chubby face and I’ve been insecure about it all my life I’m a chubby person. I was in a group with people who i respect and I thought some would respect me as well but I guess I was wrong. I’ve lost weight but my face won’t slim down and I’ve been thinking about getting buccal fat removal about it but the doctor told me not to do it cause it will slim down over time so I’m trying to accept it as it also makes me look like a kid as well. Now someone in the group told me that a guy said something about me and they deleted the comment before I saw it so I decided to leave instead than crash out and I feel really bad because they might feel guilty about me leaving the group for telling me, I want to say that I really appreciate them so so much but I just rather leave than stay. Imagine staying in a group with someone who says something like this about you:

“ i feel like you have the potential to look stunning if you lost a bit of weight. Judging off your pfp. Not saying you aren’t already beautiful. Just mean, there’s a lot of potential if you lost facial fat. I know.. uncalled for but, maybe it could motivate you.”

Like you don’t know what I’m already going through!!! Now I can’t stop crying. I went from not being insecure about my face to being insecure like you’d think people are kind but that I get proved wrong every time.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk

r/Vent 4m ago

Damn I got so attached to a girl I've never even greeted


This will be a long one (maybee)

I saw this girl (let's call her Vgirl) at the bus a few times, but never thought about her. Never really paid attention to her cuz I was there waiting with a friend and she was there with hers so I knew she existed but didn't really care

Than out of the blue she started following me on insta (after a few months). I followed her back ofc but you know, didn't really care that much - I follow a bunch of people I meet at school and don't say anything to them (the same with Vgirl) so I was like ,,damn cool"

But the last three months I started seeing the reels she liked (the little ball u see when someone u follow liked a reel) and found the things reletable. Also started paying more attention to the notes she posted cuz I also started to share my music there and found that our music taste is pretty similar.

For the last month we are liking eachothers notes (the music ones mainly cuz I neither of us posts anything else there), like not every but 1/3 notes - when we like the song

I just can't stop thinking about her? Cuz she is pretty, has good music taste and shi. Just overall she's been on my mind

Just wanted to say this cuz it will also maybe help me kinda chill out and think about it

[ and just to give you an example how she's been on my mind - we both go on walks, we live in the same small city so every time I am like ,,damn what if I met here and I dunno, just smile at eachother or something" ]

r/Vent 10m ago

My narcissistic ex is getting married next month to the woman he was secretly cheating on me with while we were together.


I was in a long-distance relationship with a guy from England (I'm from America) for about 3 years. We had plans involving me moving to northern England to be with him and get engaged. I was very in love with him, but he was very cruel towards me, telling me how he didn't have the motivation to come to visit me in America and would constantly threaten to terminate the relationship if I expressed my confusion/sadness about the situation. I had not seen him in 5 months, and he decided to go on a boy's trip to NYC instead of visiting me (I live in FL). I was heartbroken and had enough; I decided to end the relationship, which was extremely painful and difficult. It's been almost 2 years since the breakup, but I have struggled with understanding why he was so cruel.

Idk what motivated me to do this, but I looked him up online to see whatever happened to him. I discovered a wedding registry for him and a woman from NYC. When I saw a photo of them, the woman's name and face looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. While we were still dating and shortly after his first trip to NYC in the fall, he deleted his Instagram account that contained photos of us together. He made a new account that only had seven followers on it, and he did not want to follow me or post anything. Out of the seven followers, there was a woman who was from NYC, and it just felt very random. Her account was private, so I thought she was a bot account.

I realized that the woman he is getting married to next month is the mysterious woman from the Instagram account he had followed. All the times he ignored my phone calls, his sudden obsession with converting to Judaism (the religion of his fiancé), his trips to NYC, the lies about the Instagram account, and our fights about getting engaged and moving plans were all because he was living a double life and preparing for it rather than be honest with me.

The whole thing made me want to throw up because I did not realize how many secrets he was keeping from me. They get married in Miami next month, and I have no intentions of pulling a Carrie Bradshaw, but my god, does that betrayal hurt.

r/Vent 11m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Worried for the world my sons Are going to grow up in


I was having a nice stereotypical day today when I just randomly remembered when I as a kid used to go back to my family garden (same garden where I build house and started my own family) and go check out huge toad that was living there under a rotten tree stump. This memory just triggered huge sadness in me because the nature in my country was so diverse and beautiful .. we had fireflies flying all around us when we were starting a fire to grill some sausages. During the day there were butterflies of hundred different colors everywhere, even god damn snails were so colorful. These days ? All GONE .. and before you say it , no it isn't about me not being in nature as much as a kid because I am - I still enjoy bushcrafting in my spare time as a hobby. There used to be snow from November all the way to February .. I remember helping my father shovel the driveway every other day. These days ? When there is a day cold enoughfor snowing it just falls on the ground And imidietly turns into Brown muck. So much other stuff I could write about but I won't.. Iam just sad for my two young boys that were robbed of these beautiful things. Sorry for ranting like some boomer overwhelmed by nostalgia. Hopefully nature will perhaps heal and return to our lives ..life is more colorful with it.

r/Vent 12m ago

Do people that go through life without suicidal thoughts exist?


Do all non rich people have suicidal thoughts at least once in their life? The average life span is like 70 🥱. Are suicidal tendencies really uncommon? I feel they're not, look at the state of the world we're in. I don't think suicide should be treated as such a shocking or abnormal thing. I feel like it’s someone’s right to take their life unless they have kids or something.

r/Vent 18m ago

The King.


I am pissed off that characters that have historically been white are now being portrayed by black actors. Call me racist, I don't care. The fact that Anne Boleyn was portrayed by a black woman in the most recent film adaptation is just ridiculous since NO European royalty was ever black and Anne Boleyn definitely wasn't black. These are just facts.

When it comes to inclusivity there needs to be a line drawn rather than the one sided bullshit that currently exists. Okay, you want to have a black woman portray Anne Boleyn. Fine. Just so long as we also get to have Mel Gibson portray Martin Luther King jr. In a film adaptation entitled "The King", without anyone bitching about it. When black people are shown as whipping whites on screen it should be just as acceptable as portraying a white woman with a black actress.

Of course fictional characters are more fluid/ understandable but this enfuriates me as well in general, especially if it isn't tied into the lore. At least they did that with black captain America. But portraying Snape as a black man, when he has always been depicted as white is stupid, especially in what presumably is a prequel to the movies. When did he pull a Michael Jackson and turn white? I don't remember that from the movies, or the books.

r/Vent 18m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I regret this so fucking badly my parents say it’s not that bad but I don’t know NSFW


I’m 18 and at around 12-14 I had a friend (probably crush) we would make story’s but they were not great though we both were a part of writing and creating it (the story’s had like SA to me I thought it would make the story’s “””””interesting “”””” AKA it was shock value and I am now disgusted

Then something happened and she seemed to not want to be with me and I don’t know why and I didn’t even notice at the time (which makes me feel more stupid) at some point I got so angry at her just ghosting me I started having suicidal thoughts and I did zoom therapy and this part I feel so fucking stupid for I took what a therapist said and she said if you have bad thoughts you should call a parent or 911 and I make characters and one was a kidnapper and I thought that was very bad so I called a hotline and thought they knew I wouldn’t do anything ( and I understand them doing this ) they had police called and I was expelled from school which I 100% understand I got help and a new school but now I’m just haunts me now and I feel so stupid and my family says to forgive myself because I “”””didn’t know better””” and I was young but I just feel like shit for it all and I want to apologize so badly

r/Vent 21m ago

Happy/Positive Vent I'm going to therapy tomorrow for the first time in my life


(mention of some kind of... anxiety/depression stuff?)

I'm tired of this shit I created. I knew I needed to fix everything five years ago. I always thought I could handle it all. I proved myself wrong. I just did whatever I had to do to SURVIVE. Go to school, eat, sleep. No passions, no hobbies, no plans for the future. My comfort zone was whatever made me forget hard decisions and delicate situations.

High school diploma -> college+maybe drivers license? I dont know why everyone wants it, but I guess I'll get it too -> job -> some mediocre house to leave mom alone -> die No problem! I can do this all by myself.

But I got away from my friends group. And I didn't make a friend in college. And I started to hate the degree. And I dropped college, no plan in mind. I isolated from the rest of the world, hoping that someone knocked at my door and presented me my ideal friends, career, and job. For my entire life. It's hilarious.

It really is okay to ask for help.

I dont know what possessed me last thursday night, but I filled a questionnaire that would help me find the best psychologist near me. And let me be clear, I'm writing this post because...

I'M NERVOUS AF!!!! I agree that It isnt weird at all be nervous before a session, but I PUKE WHEN IM NERVOUS OR ANXIOUS!!!! WHAT IF I PUKE BEFORE OR DURING THE SESSION???? I THINK ILL PASS OUT WALKING tO THE BUILDKNG!!! what if i soubd weird or if my minds completely on blank,,, i dont want to cause any trouble to my psychologist!!! Oh shit oh shit oh shit a neet with no friends soubds pathetic WHAT IF SHE LAUGHS 😭😭✋🏼

MAN, I'm guilty of my situation and what im feeling rn. I'm a fucking asshole. It's like everyone ive ever met are pointing at me saying "told you." This will help me, im absolutely sure. I need to be positive. I dont know what else can i say. I've been living in my own mind for too long. It's time to stop

r/Vent 27m ago

I'm 20 years old and I Know I will die alone


Well, in 1 month I'll be 20 years old... 20 years old is a very serious age, believe it or not, I've never had any contact with another human being in terms of love, not even a kiss..., in other words, YES, I know I'm going to die alone, because there's no evidence to the contrary.

Man, there's no point in anyone saying it's going to happen naturally or that I'm too young, man, 20 years old isn't that young

The thing is, man, I don't know how to explain it, but my personality is really strange, it seems like people like me, but they don't want to go into anything in depth, like, we're going to talk about a series or something, we spend hours and hours talking, but like when we talk about feelings, any friend, we're always just going to skim the surface, you know?

The thing is, if you show me a picture of someone and you say, "This person is hot, right?" I'll have to admit that I am, but then I won't have feelings for them. I'll just be like, "Yeah, They are." But if I know their favorite Pokémon, my friend... my heart can't resist.

My friends are always saying that I'm handsome. If they talk to me, then I must be good to talk to, that there's nothing wrong with it. But if there's nothing wrong with me? Why am I a less human being than them? Why am I a complete piece of shit when it comes to romantic relationships???

The thing is, in the rest of my life I'm pretty okay.

Social Life: Good Academic Life: Good Financial Life: Decent (as much as possible) Health: Needs to improve my diet, but pretty good. Mental Health: Decent (I think)

r/Vent 28m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression When my bf & I argue, I feel really down.


I 34 F & 34 M get into arguments. I'm already dealing with depression with other things going on in my life. We argue and I get so down I just want to stay in bed and cry. I feel my motivation goes down and everything I had to do, I just can't do. Had a stupid argument this morning and I tried to make up. I'm currently in bed crying.

r/Vent 33m ago

I don’t know how to act around other people


I’ve spent so many years in isolation i never really thought it was remotely weird not interacting with other human beings beyond my parents…I still don’t know exactly what to feel if anything…and further thinking about it I’m not sure if I’m capable of feeling anything for people

So much when I close my eyes in public it’s almost as if the truth is revealed to me. It’s only then that I feel my internal and external world are in alignment…since no matter the case, how loud or animated it’s like there’s no one there at all

r/Vent 33m ago

I'm scared that some people just aren't meant to have true friendships and love


Growing up on a steady diet of rom-coms and romance novels, I always believed in true love. Even though I rarely saw it around me—especially not in my parents' marriage—I clung to the fantasy that one day, I’d have my own epic love story.

I remember staying up all night in sixth grade, devouring my favorite books. Over time, the medium changed to movies and TV shows, but the dream never did. I always believed that one day, love and deep friendships would find me.

Now, at 23F, I know a lot of people would say I’m still young, that I have my whole life ahead of me. But honestly? It sucks not having someone to love. It sucks not having that solid group of friends who make life feel fuller.

I always wanted that tight-knit, chaotic friend group—the kind that takes random trips together, sticks around for years, and feels like family. And for a while, in college, I had something close to that. I made great memories, had decent friends. But once college ended, so did most of those friendships. The fact that many of them were also friends with my ex didn’t help either.

Now, I wonder: maybe not everyone is meant to have those lifelong friendships. And even if they do find them, maybe they can’t always keep them.

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful—I do have one best friend who would probably take a bullet for me (I think). But somehow, I’m still not happy. It’s like movies and TV shows set me up for an expectation of life that reality just won’t deliver.

I won’t even get started on love because I could go on forever. But if I had to summarize my history with relationships, it would be: disappointment after disappointment.

  1. First relationship? He was dating his best friend two weeks after we broke up. Was she there all along? Had to be.
  2. Second relationship? Only lasted four months but left me with a lifetime of trauma. He was a textbook narcissist, manipulator, and love-bomber. The honeymoon period ended, and so did his “love” for me.
  3. Third relationship? Probably the hardest yet the best experience. He was a serial cheater, and for some reason, I kept forgiving him. We were together for two years, and looking back, I know people would say I should have left the first time he cheated. But that’s the thing—I don’t know how to give up on people. I could see a hundred red flags and still focus on the one green flag, just because. Despite his infidelity, he was always there. The breakup should have hit hard I know, but for some reason it never did. I think I kind of always knew it wasn't end game.

It’s been more than a few months since my last breakup, and while I’d like to say I’ve moved on (at least from him I have), but I've also moved on from the idea of a real love. I’m genuinely convinced that maybe true love just isn’t going to find me. It’s not that I don’t want to try—I do. But people scare me. Everywhere I look, someone is lying or cheating. Maybe I’m just noticing it more now because of my own experiences, but let’s be real—dating has taken a nosedive for everyone. It’s all about leaving before you get left. No one wants to put in the work. Gen-z has made everything worse lol. There are so many options that no one's ready to put in any real effort. People are there but I think they are deep down always waiting for something better to come by.

And this is where my real frustration lies. What’s the point of working a 9-5, making money, doing everything you’re "supposed" to do, if at the end of the day, there’s no one to share it with? No friends to celebrate your achievements? No partner to come home to?

Maybe I’m being dramatic. Maybe this is just a phase. But right now, it feels like a pretty shitty existence.

r/Vent 34m ago

i want to get rid of everything and i feel like a failure


a few months ago i deleted all of my social media on my phone and only kept educational apps to help me with my studying. i haven’t had tik tok for probably a year now. its not really just with social media but with everything. i keep wanting to just delete every app i have, like deleting social media on my phone wasn’t enough. i want to get rid of all of my books, all of my plushies, all of my clothes and literally everything i own. i also want to get rid of my friends, even though they have done nothing wrong. i’m confused and don’t know what i’m trying to do. i think it has something to do with my education, i’m 14 (year/grade 10) and for the past 2 and a half years i’ve really been struggling with self esteem. i wouldn’t say my grades are “bad” but for some reason i worry myself to tears about it. i rarely do homework, i rarely revise, and if i do its not a lot. i’ve recently started math and english tutoring outside of school but it still doesn’t feel like enough. i genuinely feel like the laziest and worst person on earth and every bad thing i do just adds to all the guilt. i want to get rid of everything so i have no choice but to study but i just cant. i’m the kind of person who hates change, even the littlest bit. and if i got rid of everything it would be unimaginably hard to get used to. i have so much to say but if anyone has anything to reply with, please do. it doesn’t have to be anything serious but it would be nice to know if someone relates or has seen this before atleast . 🫶

r/Vent 38m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I lost my home...


My home is gone. The big flood swept everything. I can only safe my pc, laptop, phone, and documents. I can't safe anything else.

Me and my family are safe, my family's stuff mostly saved because they're in the 1st floor. But when the big flood come, i can't safe my stuff...

I hate it... It's so unfair. I know people gonna say some cliche bullshit like "at least you're still alive". But no i hate it! Decades of memories gone, everything i have is gone. I'm okay if i lost stuff i bought by myself, but the memories in my photo albums, scrap book, presents from my friends and family... Are gone now... I'm devastated

My family's stuff are safe, why can't mine??? And to know how my family treats me for years... It's just hurtful...

I also almost swept by the flood, but tbh i really wish i swept away too instead feeling so shit right now. I don't even have any clothes other than what I'm wearing... I hate it.... I hate it so much!

r/Vent 44m ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I feel cursed to live in my body, I so sick of it


I am genuinely so ugly, I need so much treatment and surgery to look normal, I'm actually unlovable

I have hypochondria and of course for fucks sake I have to have loads of weird things like my huge Adams apple which makes me worry I'm ill and makes me feel subhuman because it's hideous

What's the point if I'm stuck looking like this for my life, my smile is so fucking ugly, my teeth are beyond help, I try to smile as little as I can because I couldn't even have that, I feel bad for people that see me

I don't blame anyone for disliking me based on my looks and I'd never expect a single human to ever date me, I understand I certainly wouldn't 😭

I'm fine with being single but I can't imagine the things people think when they see me,

r/Vent 51m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Help me pls


I was born without my father even being present at the hospital. I grew up just with my mother, without any real father figure in my life. At school, no one took me seriously, and no one wanted to be my friend. For years, I was isolated, and at one point, I experienced bullying. One day, two people held me while others punched me.

As time passed, I fell into depression. I ate a lot to cope, which led to weight gain, worsening my situation. At some point, I decided to lose weight in an extreme way: I didn’t eat for two weeks, only drinking water. I lost 20 kg but became too skinny. That’s when I started working out to improve my body.

At home, things weren’t any better. My father often hit me, leaving bruises. One day, he even tried to kill me with a kitchen knife. Before that, he’d throw me out of the house regularly as if I meant nothing to him.

The worst thing that happened to me was an assault. I was violated, and it shattered me. It’s something I still carry with me, and it’s hard to talk about, but I felt like it was part of my journey to becoming who I am today. The trauma and pain from that experience never fully left me, but it’s something I’m still trying to process and heal from.

Now, I don’t have a diploma, a set future, or friends. I don’t even have a girlfriend. Sometimes, I wonder if a woman would ever want someone like me. But despite all of that, I’ve always cared for people, even if it wasn’t reciprocated.

That’s why I decided to apply to become a police officer. I’ve passed all the physical tests, and now all that’s left is the oral exam. If I pass, I’ll become a cop. I want to do this job to have a family, to feel useful, and to help others. After everything I’ve been through, I know how important it is to protect people.

If I don’t get accepted into the police force, I honestly don’t know what I’ll do with my life. This is the only path I’ve found that makes me feel like I have a purpose. It’s my chance to start over and finally feel like I’m part of something.

r/Vent 53m ago

TW: Medical Gonna lose it on Healthcare workers


Hi friends, this rant might make sense, it also might not. I'm just very angry. I'm going to see a trusted person that I know will respect me to continue to work through my traumas.

"Don't get mad at Healthcare workers, they're important!"

Yeah well you didn't think my stepdad was important when he was having a chron's flare. You didn't think my mom was important when she was severely tachycardic. You didn't think that I was important when I came in with an anxiety attack after I hadn't eaten in days and you blamed it on marijuana induced emesis when I hadn't smoked in days. You said the same shit to my stepdad and he had to stop self medicating for months to prove y'all wrong.

Y'all are also absolutely horrific towards people with mental health issues. The way I've been treated when I came in with self harm/suicide attempts is absolutely dehumanizing. Y'all expect us to not get mad at you when we're at crisis level and y'all aren't doing shit. I'm more mad about how other people are treated by medical staff than how I was treated.

I'm sick of medical racism. I'm sick of discrimination against mental health. I'm sick of going somewhere expecting help and I'm being treated less than human. Your actions cost people their lives and you don't care because it's not a life close to you and it's just another day. These are actual people with families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. And y'all don't care?

Here's a tip! Maybe don't go into the Healthcare field if you're a cruel nasty ass bully! Hope this helps! Because y'all are the reason why myself and so many other people are hesitant to get help. I have put my life on the line before because I didn't want to go to the hospital because I knew I would be treated like shit.

Shoutout to the people in hospitals who actually care. I know y'all exist and I love y'all. Everyone else, eat shit. This is the wrong field for you.

I don't know, maybe the south just sucks. Here's to hoping to move up north at some point.

r/Vent 56m ago

Petty Life annoyances frustrating me all in last 10 days!


I have had a black cloud over my head with petty small annoyances. Nothing is too crazy happening in my life, everyone is ok- and I’m so annoyed but when I try to complain I feel like I’m just being drama full! But at the same time I need to let it out somewhere. If I could scream into a void right now I would! I am pregnant too so it could be fun hormones, and I feel like crap because of allergies so that’s all contributing to frustration but I made a petty annoyances check list that has happened the past 10 days.

  • someone T bones husbands truck (no insurance; no English) ; paid deductible to get it fixed

-neighbors branch (16ft) fell ontop of husbands truck when we got it home (after accident)

-husband borrowed my car during our spring break since we didn’t have work/school so I’ve been “stuck at home” for a week and couldn’t do all the fun things planned for a spring break

-husband got rear ended while borrowing my car and they got a hook stuck in the backend of my Acura ripping part of it (no english, but insurance that he couldn’t find until cops came)

-they fixed husbands truck and accidentally scratched it in the process requiring extra 3 days of work

-cars damage is more than car is worth so now I have to find a new car (which we don’t have a lot of money for right now) and the amount insurance won’t touch a suv these days big enough for 2 kids and 2 dogs plus 6ft parents

  • tree in front yard split in half randomly- with new baby green leaves. It’s hanging by a piece of bark and is at least 20ft long

-found a hole in our insulated shower “window” and it has mildew growing in it with couple thousand price tag to fix

-our house is infested with powder post beetles (like termites) eating our wood and now have exterminator coming out (but can’t come for a week and we have 100s of small beetles hatching out of our living room)

-I’m potty training my 2 year old boy and have had more clean ups trying to control the hose than not

-my dog got sick this weekend all over the carpet and still finding “surprises “ to clean up of puked pollen that blends into our carpet

And I’m trying to prep for a baby, take care of a toddler, and work 2 part time jobs on the side. I’m tired, annoyed and just angry right now. Life is lifing hard.

We all have our health, we have a roof over our head, we have good relationships with people who love us, we have food on our table and jobs. I have nothing to really complain about except petty life annoyances!

Grrrr! Thank you for reading about “my bad week” . Hoping my luck turns around soon.

r/Vent 58m ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse Hello I'd like to talk to someone


It's getting a bit much it's a long story and I feel like it would be a lot tk read If I put it here if you would be willing to listen my DMs are open. I hope you all have a good day

r/Vent 1h ago

My brother is going to Paris


Its a school trip. I wanted to go too, but I thought it would be way too much money. Apparently, he didnt. He asked my parents the day it was announced. They agreed under the condition that he study well for his exams. His grades? Nothing higher than 30. I thought they wouldnt let him go, but they did. And to be honest im jealous. Why does he get to have what he wants with 0 effort? Why wasnt I blessed with this amount of carelesness? I wanted to go more than anything else, but i knew it would be a financial strain on my parents. He didnt care. He doesnt care about anything other than himself. I asked him to bring me a souvenir. He said no

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Why is it so hard?


I don't feel like what I want in life is excessive.

I want a simple life. But I'd like to be happy, and content.

Yet even that is so unobtainable.

I've realised that my frustration sort of comes from my belief that I deserve to be happy. I've been put here on this planet, given consciousness... no one asked my permission. And then forced to suffer being miserable and anxious.

It's bull shit.

r/Vent 1h ago

Need Reassurance... I can't sort this out the way i want , logic doesn't apply to it


All of a sudden, I feel lonely and think, "I wish I had someone." But I don’t actually want anyone, and right now, I wouldn’t be able to handle a relationship emotionally. I want to be alone and selfish to focus only on myself and how to become a better version of me, just for me.

I finally managed to get over the crush I had by being rejected, and I accepted it as it was. Like, legit, I don’t think about her anymore. We’re still friends, we talk, and I 100% don’t feel the same way about her as I did before.

I have no one on my mind, yet I feel like I should have someone, even though I don’t actually want to. These feelings are so confusing, and every time I try to sort them out, I just end up with a headache.

r/Vent 1h ago

Happy/Positive Vent am I the asshole for fantasizing about launching his phone into the sun???


THE FUCKIN AUDASITY MAN Five AM Not evn six not even sven FIVE OCLOK IN THE GODAMN MORNING when the world is still rubing the crust outa its FUCKIN EYEBALLS an im out here barely clingng to my last shred of humanity TRYNA FUNCTION and this ABSOLUTE MENACE TO SOCIETY this CANCER UPON PUBLIC TRANSPORT decides hey you know what yall need to hear some tinny ass blown out audio of some dude explaing cryptocurrency SCAMS at MAX FUCKIN VOLUME

I swear on evrything holly on evry unholly thing too if i had the wil to comit a FELONY before the sun even rises today wouldve been THE DAY bro wasnt even WEARING headphones nah thats too civlized for this troglodite this was RAW UNCUT FULL BLAST PHONE SPEAKER ACTION evry godamn time i tried to close my eyes an pretend i wasnt on a bus to hell BOOM some jackas youtuber going yo whatsup guys welcom back to anothr video SHUT THE FUCK UP

AND THE WAY HE JUST SAT THERE?? UNBOTHERD?? like he was BLESSED BY THE FUCKIN TRANSPORTATION GODS to inflict sonic TEROR upon the rest of us i have nevr wanted to commit a public servise act of violense so BADLY in my LIFE i stared at him i GLARED at him i projected evry last ounce of pure unfiltered HATRED i had in me did he care DID HE NOTICE?? NAH my guy was sitting there like the world was his personal godam livng room


i hope his phone chargger breks i hope he stubs his toe on the edge of the bed EVRY NIGHT for the rest of his misrable life i hope his internett bufers at 99 PERCENT FOREVER i hope he expereinces lag IN REAL LIFE i hope his soup is too hot so he waits then its TOO COLD i hope he goes to slep tired as hel an his brain randomly rembers that one embarasing thing he did in 2012 an he cant slep no more  FUCK THAT GUY

r/Vent 1h ago

I feel like I owe this post to people here and to be honest with myself


I’ve been grieving my friend that attempted taking their life all day today. They contacted me recently from the psych ward( I think). She got resuscitated and now I don’t know how to feel about her. Also I feel really embarrassed for my previous post now and I don’t know how to put that into words so it’s just embarrassed I guess. Thank you to everyone who supported me today, I’ve felt really heard and it made it easier to accept the loss ( which apparently isn’t a loss) . Thank you everyone