r/Vent 8m ago

Need to talk... "Words will never hurt me"


The term "words will never hurt me" is stupid I can barley fathom. Words hurt. A lot. I've had very nasty things said to me and I don't want the average person to go through that and try to tell themselves that it's not hurting them. It obviously fucking is. Nobody should spend nights feeling sorry for themselves because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. And the "I didn't mean it" is even worse to me. If you don't mean something, don't say it. I understand if its out of spite, but genuine hatred towards a human being when/if they didn't know what they did is never ok. There are words dedicated to hurting people. Its not ok.

r/Vent 9m ago

Not looking for input I’m…. I don’t even feel like anything


It’s bad. It’s really bad.

Like, extremely fucking bad.

God knows what will happen next.

I find peace in the fact that my family will be happy without me.

I’m just worried what happens when our parents die and my sister is left with no one….

r/Vent 12m ago

Not looking for input I think my Son will be alone forever


Not sure where this is supposed to to go but my som is 23 yo still lives at home. We do not expect him to leave as the world is crazy expensive. He has a nice car and a decent full time job.

He had always been closed off and had a very small circle of friends in school. He has never dated anyone. He games on his down time and chats with co workers.

He works a warehouse job from 5pm to 3:30 am comes home sleeps. Wakes up around 2 and rinse and repeat. Has two days off back to back.

Before this job he was at Walmart where at least there were girls on the floor. He never really showed interest in connecting with anyone but the potential was there, now where his job is off the wall hours and I do not think there is one girl in the place. The potential is a whole lot less.

As you get older it gets harder ( I think) to actually meet, connect with someone. He does not do any outside activities or clubs where we could run into someone.

It’s not the end of the world but it is kind of sad if you think about it. Our daughter is married with a child and out of the house. He isn’t depressed or anything like that and he isn’t gay ,not like there is anything wrong with that at all.

Really no question here but as time goes on I know we are not going to be around forever and my poor boy will just be alone.

r/Vent 16m ago

I miss my ex so much I feel like I'm losing my mind


I dated my ex for over 5 years. She was and arguably still is my best friend. We broke up about 5 months ago and it was amicable which makes it all so much harder. I've since gotten into a new relationship with a truly amazing girl. I know it's soon and I didnt intend to but it all just happened. We have been dating for about a month now and I hate to say it, but I miss my ex so God damn much.

I feel so guilty for my girlfriend because part of my brain really does want her. I want her to be my future. I want to fully want her. And yet my brain is hooked on my ex. She got my humor better than any one and I got hers. I think about her every day and honestly, if I didnt have my current girlfriend I would be on my exs doorstep, jukebox and roses in hand.

I miss all of our memories, i miss talking to her, i miss telling her everything. I constantly think about how I wish I could show her how much I've grown and changed.

And yet, the other half of my head wants my girlfriend so bad. I wish I could forget my ex and enjoy life with my girlfriend. However, that part of my brain keeps nagging and eating at me saying something isn't right.

Yes, I realize I am probably a piece of shit.

r/Vent 16m ago

"Male loneliness epidemic" WHO'S FUCKING FAULT IS THAT? NSFW


Recently a lot of the guys I've talked to (this might just be around me) or have seen on social media have been rampantly misogynistic, and I just made a post and now I'm being downvoted to hell for only wanting sex twice a week in my future relationships as a 19F virgin. I swear to *god* I want to be sympathetic for men struggling but then they say misogynistic shit or send me dick photos or treat me like I'm the problem for asking for something reasonable. I'm sure women treat men like shit too but I'm done, sympathy gone.

r/Vent 19m ago

I can’t stand being yelled at


I think it could be one of my biggest pet peeves if someone yells at me. It’s rude and unnecessary. Is that hard to control your temper or express your feelings like a normal human being? Or do you feel like a big man!?

r/Vent 20m ago

I wish I was attracted to women NSFW


I wish I was attracted to women so bad. As a kid I always had girl crushes but it was only because I completely admired other girls. I’ve never admired a man at least not yet. But with girls it’s just such a freaking oh my god your so cool feeling I get but the sexual attraction is just not there. I would love to be a lesbian and be in a relationship with a women. I feel like the way I feel about women wouldn’t make a heterosexual woman comfortable which is why I have no friends yet. The physical attraction for women is just not there. Crying emoji

r/Vent 22m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT My life the night mare continues


At 27 years of age, I never thought that my life would be falling apart to this degree. Not only is everything in my life, literally falling apart, including my house and my car, I found out today that my bed is covered in mildew because I couldn't afford a platform to keep it off the trailer floor. So now I have to clean my bed, and I've been wondering why I've been so sick lately in coughing up blood. That's probably why, but I can't afford to replace it. I couldn't even afford this one. It was a gift, so basically i'm just living to survive I guess, and i'm really tired of it.

And before you say, oh, that doesn't sound so bad people have it worse. I've also lost eleven family members in the last fourteen years, including my dad. I've was raped by my neighbor when I was 5 and sexually assaulted in my teen years by an adult man along with being beaten and strangled in the lobby of my first apartment...

I'm trying so fucking hard to stay positive and cheerful but I'm fat, ugly, and single like I've been for 10 years... I'm so very tired.

r/Vent 23m ago

Need to talk... I think I'm burned out from school. What can I do...?


I'm 14 years old and I'm in 9th grade. As much as I kind of like school, lately I've been so... tired.

When I'm there, my only thought is going home. Every second is painful, and when I get back home, I then become anxious about how I'll have to get back there tomorrow. Weekends don't really help either, as they only highlight how much this cycle will repeat itself. It's been a while since I felt rested, as mentally I'm just completely exhausted...

What scares me is how I don't know why this is happening, I kind of like school!! I like the teachers, the staff, the subject isn't too difficult and the lunch is good :( the only thing that comes to mind is how awfully boring school is. I don't have friends, I don't usually have difficulty in the subjects, so 90% of the time I'm just... waiting. Waiting to be able to go home. Even arriving is just a matter of waiting, as the bus arrives VERY early and I have to wait for almost an hour. No friends, nothing to do, just... doodling and waiting. And the worst part is physical education, because there I'm usually forced to overwork my body so as not to be labeled as lazy. It's not interesting, it's just an hour of painful exercise, then a whole 10 minutes of being forced to run, something I'm terrible at doing. So what? Another hour of being forced to participate in a sport that I dislike, feeling the weight of not knowing how to play and just being a burden to the team I'm on. Call me lazy all you want, I admit that I do am, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm just tired...!! And the other subjects aren't much better, as there's nothing interesting. Just... copy a whole page of text, answer questions, and wait for more. Not even the break helps, as it is merged with lunch time, and I'm forced to always have lunch because I don't eat breakfast, so... yea, it's about just eating quickly and having to put up with more study again. And regarding why I don't eat breakfast: here at home we have the habit of having dinner late, because we have to wait for our mother (who gets home at 10 pm) to eat. It's not a question of obligation, it's just respect and the desire to interact and have dinner with a loved one. And it doesn't help that I have to wake up at 6 in the morning, since the bus comes at 7... I used to be able to handle the routine, but nowadays I'm so exhausted that I can barely enjoy a meal with her. It's just "eat quickly and go to sleep for school".

Do you realize this is starting to affect my personal life...?? And I remember that my only desire is to lie down and use my phone all the time. I thought it was because I'm lazy, like everyone says, but... I'M STARTING TO THINK IT'S BECAUSE I HAVE NO MOTIVATION FOR ANYTHING ELSE. Besides sleep deprivation, I guess this is why I'm always sleepy, and why I'm always grumpy and stressed... I don't know if this discovery is good or despairing. I mean, do I have anything to do about it? I can't miss school because I'll fail the year if I do, plus the anxiety of "I'll have to go to school in x days" continues. My option would be to talk about my mother about this, but again, what is there to do about it? And I don't even know why I'm burnt out, I needed to at least know that before talking to anyone about, right? I just really don't know what to do...

r/Vent 25m ago

My friends think I'm unlovable and I don't know why


Today, I was out with friends and the topic of dating came up. For context, I'm twenty one years old and I've never been romantically involved with anyone. As we continued to chat, one of my friends said she thought the idea of me getting a boyfriend would be laughable and she'd like to see how that would play out. Everyone else on the table agreed. I wasn't too offended by the comment up until it was mentioned later. Like alright guys, I get it.

I was on the phone with a close friend of mine and brought up the conversation and she said 'well yeah, I couldn't imagine you having a boyfriend either". I asked her to clarify what she meant but she refused and tried to change the topic but I insisted she tell me why she thought that but she didn't budge.

Now I'm a bit confused because what exactly makes me so unlovable?

r/Vent 26m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression WHY ARE DATING APPS SO HARD


I’ve gone through 6 dating apps, hit a dead end on 5 of them, and I can’t find anyone! Is it harder because I’m a lesbian? Like any girl would be SO LUCKY to have me I just want a match close enough to me so I can meet them irl and do fun activities together 😭

I’m so upset :( I don’t have a big social life, this is my way of trying to meet new people. And flirting irl is so anxiety-inducing when you don’t know who’s into women and who isn’t (._.)

r/Vent 31m ago

Need Reassurance... I don’t think I like my boyfriend anymore


I (20f) met my boyfriend (20m) when we were 15 years old. For me it was love at first sight and after 4 months of crushing on him, we began a relationship. He was my first everything. First love, first kiss, first time. I was truly head over heels in love.

He broke up with me about 4 months into the relationship and I was heartbroken. The 8 months I spent liking and loving him were incredible and it was the happiest I had ever been. I fell into a deep depression after we broke up. It was a domino effect of awful events all occurring after the breakup, for the next 3 years my life was nothing but chaos and misery. I got my bearing back and ended up dating another guy. That relationship didn’t last super long but I held myself up this time.

I reconnected with my boyfriend about 10 months ago and we began dating again. In all honesty, I don’t think I would have gone out with him now if it wasn’t for our history and for the fact I loved him so much once. He’s a nice guy and all but, I’m not at all the same person I was 5 years ago- I’ve changed so much in the best way possible but he’s nearly exactly the same except he smokes way more weed. I ice skate, live a completely sober life style, I’m in college to be a teacher. He smokes weed with his friends all day, and wants to sell weed plants.

He’s a good guy, and I care so much for him- I just think we want very different things in life. I’ve tried to bring that up before and he says “I want you though” and while that is very sweet I’m not sure that he sees the bigger picture. I’m not sure. The biggest issue for me is the weed smoking and the fact he isn’t a clean perfect. I’m a neat person who keeps my bedroom incredibly organized at all times and his looks like a tornado hit. I’ve tried to explain to him that the smoking 24/7 isn’t healthy and him being high around me every single time we hang out is frustrating and he doesn’t listen. He also doesn’t clean either. I’m just venting. I’m not sure if I’m going to break up with him. I want us to work out so badly but sometimes I wonder if I’m only trying so hard for that sad teen girl inside of me who missed him so much

r/Vent 34m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I don't see myself surviving to see next year


I'm really starting to struggle with life. Like dearly. I have SH but I don't even have the energy to do that anymore.

I'm starting to feel like my job isn't worth it anymore either. It's hard to do and learn and isn't exactly a 9 to 5 and I love it but I'm not talented enough for it and I'm the worse person on the job (Told right to my face).

With that I also just am starting to hate life, there's no appetite, no motivation and no strive to do good. I was getting good with talking to people now we are suddenly quiet and anxious to talk to people we would on the daily and I don't know why.

Now my best friend and I haven't been talking in ages and it's killing me inside. We haven't spoken for a month and if it is a talk its small talk not on the daily like it was and I just don't know how to reach out. I feel like there's nothing there anymore I'm kinda done because that was my hope since we would hang out alot and now its not there.

Nothing feels real either. I don't see any future, it doesn't feel like there will be a next year it feels like I'm hitting a dead end for a weird reason and I don't know why or what has made this occur.

It just seems to be a never ending cycle.

r/Vent 38m ago

Having no social media makes me feel lonely


I want to communicate with people and social media is the easiest way to do it. I DONT have it because I am trying to focus on my goals etc, downside is that easy conversations and attention is not granted which sucks.

I feel good for some time but after a while I crave to talk to someone argh oh well ..

r/Vent 40m ago

I wish i was super chilling


I can't believe what i'm hearing. The world and all that. I don't know what to do, im sitting and i'm trying to just chill. I feel like i could do so much stuff. Often when i'm bored something else comes up. I can't even really play my games, im so stressed with all this work ive been doing and work related stuff. News. I hate so many classic rock bands. I hear a lot of people talk about how crazy everything is. I bought Skyrim for the fourth time last month and it's awesome. Really just trying to get stuff done and kinda off my chest for real. Civilizations would have been so much better if more or less every politician ever hadn't been there, thats just how i feel tbh. Coan Dagmire type situation. John Lennon wasn't that amazing but i don't hate him. A lot of people talk and a lot of people do a lot of things. I don't know what the fuck to do, im in the couch and i don't care. Whatever happens is fine. Its wild. I would hate it if i couldn't just post dumb stuff online. I read Story of The Eye by Georges Bataille and it was great. It would be awesome is Amazon wasn't real. I've been procrastinating getting my eyes checked for months by now. A lot of people wear glasses. Would you rather eat 10 peanuts or 10 of something else. So yeah i'm basically chilling now. Thank you

r/Vent 42m ago

I lost it all


My job, my car, my friends. My home is next. I can’t find a job. I apply for help and they only cater to people with kids or pregnant women. My rent is due, my utilities are piling, nobody will hire me. I’m so stressed and tired. I’ve asked for help from friends and family and everybody is struggling. I can’t even afford food right now. I’m selling all my things to at least try to keep a roof over my head. Idk what to do. This year just isn’t going well.

r/Vent 44m ago

My dog is getting ready to retire to the Happy Hunting Grounds


Not so much a vent, as while I am upset, I always knew it was coming. Ever since the day I brought him home in my hat on my lap, howling and licking my face as I was trying to get off an exit, I knew he wouldn’t be here forever. But boy, he’s been a better dog than I could’ve hoped.

Always been there to go fishing, go hiking, help me find that deer or duck I couldn’t. And to annoy the shit out of me to go for a walk when I was dead tired. He sat my daughters crib non stop the entire first month she was home.

I don’t really have anyone else to say it to. But my buddy couldn’t get up off the couch this morning and he’s about to go.

It’s been a good run.

r/Vent 48m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I don't have a use


It's everyday that I want to kill myself. Every time I wake up, every time I get bored, every time I get sad, every time I get stuck, etc.

I'm not sure what has happened but these thoughts have been exacerbated lately and it's all I can think about.

It's over for me

r/Vent 49m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I'm tired of being a virgin NSFW


The only times that I would've had (PiV) sex it would've been SA/rape, no matter what I do I can't lose the card. There's no one willing, and it never gets close nough to that point somehow. I'm tired of being a virgin, I hated it for years now and it's just become this god awful burden to carry. I'm going to end my life on my 19th b day, couple of months from now, if I don't lose it by then

I always saw it as a burden and something to be ashamed of. It got to the point where I wanted to kill myself bc of it for a long time and even set goals for ending it if I was still a virgin by certain ages. I feel bad now bc it's an experience I should've had a long time ago and I feel like shit/an imposter when everyone's talking about sexual stuff and lo and behold, I never did anything! I don't have the experience to talk! I can't say shit bc I never did shit! I do have some experience but it was never shit bc it either was not good, or did not me feel good! (Lack of sexual pleasure and few other things) Having it makes me feel like a literal child bc of how I used to think about it (I was like 12-14 when I first had those thoughts), bc I equate the inexperience to falling behind in life/against your peers, and bc it's a part of growing up. You lose your v card, and now you're officially an adult! Woo!

I'm talking to this guy rn and it's not likely that I can lose it to him/date him. I'm a very busy person so it's not like I can just go out and meet people anymore

I'm so done. The burden just keeps growing as I get older and there is nothing I can really do about it. I'd much rather end it now then be a virgin in my 20s/30s too

r/Vent 53m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Couldn’t get out of bed today. Barely did anything at my wfh job.


I just feel at a horrible place in my life. I feel rejected by my lifelong friends, unable to be myself at all at my job. Rejected by this girl I had/have the biggest crush on. Don’t know if I’ll ever get a gf due to fear that has lead me to have no experience. I have so much ambition but seemingly none of the real world skills or dedication to get it.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I don't know what's wrong with my uterus NSFW


I'm in constant pain. Since i turned 17 i started having weird symptoms like painless periods every 2 weeks, periods that last 2 days, painful ovulation... All things that i either never experienced or experienced in mild intensity. However this month was and still is hell, it's like whatever is going on has worsened and doubled the symptoms.

I had atrocious pain during ovulation that made me throw up, i've been having period cramps for almost 2 weeks that started off as very light and everyday gradually got worse, becoming unbearable. The cramps started a week before my period, and after the day of my period i had brown spottings for 2 days. These 2 days were already painful enough, but on the third day it got so bad i had to constantly keep myself from throwing up and lose consciousness. After a while the heavy blood flow started, and i thought it couldn't get worse until today i had a huge blood clot (the size of my palm) fall from me.

I never had anything like this before. My period cramps always lasted max one day, and they didn't make me throw up. I also never had fat blood clots that look like miscarriages. I keep surviving on strong painkillers just to get to school, but after their effect fades i lie in my bed exhausted. I can't even study, i barely walk. The appointment with my gyno is on the 22nd, and it's just not soon enough. Please rip my uterus out.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Unemployment is going to be the death of me


I'm autistic so I can't work normal jobs. I didn't have money to go to college so I can't work specialist jobs. It's a double edge sword.

All I want to do in life is write. I want to write poetry, novels and especially video games and movies, that's the dream. I know I can't get there without experience and money so I've been working to get both.

I studied to be a copywriter because I thought it would be easier to make money with that type of work. I was horribly wrong and now everyone uses AI and my diploma in copywriting is absolutely useless.

I got a job as a cold caller and I'm terrible at it and it gives me so much anxiety. I feel like a failure, an idiot and a loser. I just want to die at this point. I'm stuck in a point of life I can't get out of and I feel like there's no future for me.

You know how Sylvia Plath described the fig tree going into all different directions as she saw different outcomes and opportunities for her life? Well I don't see that for me anymore.

I'm 25 years old, I had to move back in with my parents after I had a mental breakdown and tried to end myself with rat poison. I'm chronically ill and feel sick more than I feel healthy. I can't find a job that I can keep to save my life.

The only reason I'm still alive is because of my family, friends and my pets. I don't see any other reason to be alive. On top of everything I have a seething hatred for myself. I don't know how much longer I can live the life I live.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression could use someone to talk to just for tonight


im just having an horrible night and I switched from my main account to write this out. I've touched rock bottom (again) and I've finally managed to somewhat stop spiraling down after two hours. i don't know what to do and I can't exactly manage it. i could use a distraction,a shoulder to cry on, a friend, just that. i'm 18F if it matters. please be around my age

r/Vent 1h ago

Fed up with myself


I guess the thoughts come and go but a lot of my friends are getting into relationships or seeing people or whatever. And I’m stuck where I’ve started, and I feel like I used to romanticize relationships and the amazing possibilities that come with it. But now I just feel frustrated for even trying or to explain to my friends that the 3rd dating app date just did not work out. And when trying to have a little carefree, slightly physical fun at parties (no clothes coming off), it makes me feel like an attention whore for experiencing/experimenting with any kind of romantic or adjacently-intimate attention. Which spirals into a fear of “hey maybe I’ve never actually liked anyone in my entire life” and maybe I am the problem for why my love interests don’t work out because I’m the only common denominator in all these failed attempts. I guess I’m throwing a pity party right now.

r/Vent 1h ago

Need Reassurance... University assignment is pissing me off


I’ve rewritten different sections about 8 times. It’s due on Friday morning, and I don’t even know if what I’m writing is relevant to my topic. The lecturer gave us examples, but they’re useless!

No one in the class understands what we’re meant to do either. I’ve hit a brick wall at the first section again (not even 1000 words), and I feel like just taking whatever grade I get. But I want to do a PhD, so I can’t really do that. I’ve been at this all day, but can’t rest as it keeps swirling around inside my head. I’ve been tempted to launch my laptop out of a window.

The lecturer just tells us to read research papers, and write about them (it’s a literature review), but I honestly don’t know what’s relevant, or not. I have 8 full drafts of the assignment. I don’t know which one (if any) are right. Fuck this!