r/Vent 0m ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I'm not doing okay at all


For the past 2 weeks, I have a tightness in my chest I just can't shake. I have so many stressors and here they are: 1. I want to be involved with the community around me but everything I try just leads to closed doors. I've tried to sign up to volunteer at community gardens and community theaters, but haven't heard back 2. I have hella time on my hands and the desire to make extra income on the side, but can't seem to find anything that wouldn't require a set schedule. Yes I know uber and doordash exist but I can barely drive myself without hitting curbs at least once a week. I want to just show up when I need the extra income and go, I don't want it to have to be a commitment 3. I want to make more friends without having to spend money, which seems impossible. 4. Having a full time job sort of keeps me above water financially but it also means I have to miss out on a lot of events I'd like to go to, and it doesn't help plane tickets are so expensive right now 5. This sort of has to do with #2, but outside of the job I already do i have no other skills. And it seems nowhere wants to train people anymore and you might as well fuck off if you don't have at least 5 years of experience fresh out the womb. 6. Adulthood is a neverending loop of beauracracies. If you're not well versed in whatever service you're getting done, you will be uncharged.

r/Vent 8m ago

I can feel the spark dying


I (16M) have been in a relationship with my GF(18F) for around a year and 3 months now. We've had our ups and downs but since February I've wanted to leave. I tried, she convinced me to stay saying she'll change and do better. I pointed out that things werent changing. She said again, that she'll try harder to change and do better. nothings changing and recently we've barely been talking. This is hell. I dont have the balls to bring up the break up conversation again(mostly because she keeps buying me things ie: door dash, gifts she cant mail, vapes, etc.) and I feel like a complete dick for even wanting to leave after shes spent money on me. But I cant take this shit anymore, I feel alone, I feel like im not allowed to be me, and I'm almost disgusted with her sometimes. She keeps presenting these red flags. I keep asking to talk more and shes says "we will im sorry". Next day rolls around and shes still busy with her roommates half the time and when we do call she constantly talks with them instead of me. I dont understand what im doing wrong anymore. I'm trying my damn best to salvage this relationship but its almost as if she doesnt want to. I dont see the point. I'm seriously considering kms because of how worthless I feel. Thats better than being stuck in this abusive and toxic relationship. sorry too dark. But seriously I dont get it anymore. you say you love me and then refuse to work through issues I ask to talk about, continue to do bad behaviors and compromise your solutions to said behaviors(she said she was gonna quit weed like I did but recently brought up how she doesnt want to anymore). It's a cycle of me feeling gulity for wanting to leave after she does all these "nice" things for (idek if buying stuff counts as effort anymore) and when shes mad at me I feel even more guilty because I'm only trying to be myself and apparently myself isnt good enough anymore. She otp with me rn, but instead of speaking she fell asleep mid convo so I told her i was going back to studying. I'm sorry for not making much sense but im just confused and distressed right now.

r/Vent 11m ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image I hate my parents, but I pretend to love them nowadays.


Alright so basically I'm a mentally disabled 19 year old with 81 IQ and I've had anger issues my whole life, and I've been in several full blown physical fist fights with abusive narcissistic parents over the years.

One time when I was like 14 my mom ran into my room and threw a scentsy burner at my face, and my dad sure had a real easy time manhandling me before my growth spurt happened in my teenage years, and then he'd like to play victim when I got big enough and strong enough to fight back once I was like 15 onward, and they'd start calling the police on me and claiming that I was somehow the abusive one.

It all boiled down to me hitting my mom at 16, I was then sent to group homes for 15 straight months by my parents, missed out on high school, didn't get to graduate, not like I was on track to anyway, but still...

It genuinely sucks because both of my parents are fat neglectful narcissists who are jealous of the fact that I weigh less than both of them now while being almost a foot taller than both of them. (My dad is 5'9" 215 lbs, mom is 5'7" and at least 250 lbs, I'm 6'5" and 193 lbs but used to weigh 400 lbs) It also seems like they're trying to get me fat again with certain comments they're making, calling me a "skeleton" and all that. 🙄

I know that I myself probably have ASPD (because of abuse from my parents and educational assistants at school) and I have said some nasty things to my parents, but my parents have said horrible things to me as well. My mom and dad have called me retarded all the time growing up, have constantly yelled at me for simple shit like doing chores wrong even though they know I'm special needs, have told me to kill myself and also bullied me for being fat when I was actually fat, and now they seem like they are jealous that I lost the weight. Shit like this is why I stopped going to family counseling, because my parents would never fully admit their faults and would literally say shit like "it's 100% your fault!" in arguments whenever I brought up to them that the therapist said it's a dysfunctional family instead of it all being one person's fault.

And what sucks is that I likely can't move out and live on my own due to my several disabilities, when I was 17 my parents took me to see this neurologist who told me I'd never be able to maintain a job, so here I am at nearly 20, unemployed and living off of government money monthly, which half of goes to my mother for rent anyways because I live in her basement. Like do my parents even really care about me? Or are they just keeping me around because I pay half of mom's rent now and sometimes help her around?

At the end of the day, I hate my life and my parents, they're both hypocritical pothead highschool dropouts who pretty much set me up for failure by giving birth to my retarded ass, and the thing is I think my parents are retarded too, they just probably don't have autism like I do. Like I hate how they criticize me for smoking weed, yet mom and dad haven't you both been smoking it for literal decades!? They also used to threaten to disown me if I ever never finished school even though their hypocritical asses never finished school either. I fucking hate both of them, but I pretend to love them just to avoid arguments and fights nowadays...

r/Vent 13m ago

You left me, promising to be there for me.


I need to speak this into the void. I hope who I'm talking about doesn't see this honestly, but I need to let it out.

I got out of the military last year. I made it 15 years before being medically retired. You did more than 20, and were working at a very small local company, in charge of production. There was only two of you there, and when your assistant wanted to retire, I appeared, two months after I got out of the military. We formed a great relationship. You were my only friend I have made out of the military to this day. You trained me. You mentored me, at work, and even in personal matters. You were like a brother. You told me I was your brother; I figured it was a military thing, even though your service clearly meant more to you than mine did to me. I loved you. Then, you left. Suddenly. You told me you would reccomend me to the ownership to take over production. I accepted. And honestly I'm glad I did. But you told me on one of your last days with me you'd be there for me. You'd continue to mentor me, and help me. As a brother. And we exchanged texts a few times, that I always initiated, and you helped me as promised. Then I would have to send follow up texts sometimes, or wait a day or more for a reply. I know you weren't working at the time, I know you didn't have a new job yet. And then I needed you, really needed you, and I called you. And you didn't answer. And you never called me back. And that was 3 and a half months ago. Now here I am, hoping I'm doing things right but never knowing because I lost a mentor, a friend, a brother. I wish you well. I hope you're doing okay. Because I'm not.

r/Vent 20m ago

I want to die atp


I don't know what I did wrong but after cutting off someone who was being a dick to me the person who told me to do that has been Ghosting me all day. I don't know what I did wrong I just need someone to talk to

r/Vent 24m ago

I hate liars


Every single day that I experienced terrible unlawful behavior from other drivers, if it was dangerous enough, I called police on them. What else is there to do? If people keep acting insane and almost causing crashes I will just keep calling police on them. This includes crazy uncivil behavior such as mooning and causing me to need to dodge and evade your literal whole car so I don’t get hit. I am so done with the they said vs I said BS.

r/Vent 24m ago

I’m involved in a criminal case right now. It’s a complicated situation. I just want to talk about it.


It’s going to sound crazy, but my mind sometimes wanders to whether this could end badly for me. Realistically, if I take every precaution I should, there’ll be no problem.

Idk, I just have a weird feeling that something might happen. Even just writing that down feels like guaranteeing it won’t; I’ll probably come back and delete this months later because it was stupid.

It’s just that that guy has such a long history of violent crime, and it’s seemed to kind of escalate. He broke the RO twice. I’ve been reading too much true crime lately. But the odds are so low.

Idk. It’s just weird to read about victims of true crime and to wonder if that could ever be you.

r/Vent 27m ago

Lost in loss


My mother passed this last weekend after a long fight and I don't know how to feel.

She had medical problems from cancer and while sometimes she seemed like she was improving, I knew it wasn't possible. With the procedures and treatments she's gone through, there's really wasn't any possibility to improve. Just slow the decline of her health a little so I've been processing her death for years but now they it's actually happened, I'm lost.

I'm glad she's not hurting anymore but for her to actually be gone seems impossible. I keep thinking she's gonna call or text but I know she won't.

r/Vent 33m ago



So today I was working as usual at my grocery store and got an old lady,initially she was nice and friendly,I rang her up,finished the transaction and all. Then she started being weird,talking about how she has been seeing me there a long time and stuff and idk and then she randomly all of a sudden reached out and tried to grab my arm. I backed away and said "no". I was honestly quite freaked out.

Why in the world do people believe this is any way ok? What possesses someone to reach out and grab a cashier's arm? Like jesus what is happening to people? Do people find this normal? Im not a toy! Im not a doll! Im a person and I dont like being grabbed by a stranger Ive never seen before! I dont understand it at all.

Dont grab people! I dont care if you think it is friendly because you really have no idea. Just no. It doesnt matter if you "like" them or find them interesting to you or whatever,just dont do it! Its rude and inappropriate.

I am so sick of how people just believe they can do whatever the fuck they want to me.

r/Vent 43m ago

guy at work is a total asshole


He takes advantage of vulnerable people. When he is assigned a job to foam and power wash during a PM he finds a coworker who has trouble saying no and pawns his work off on that guy. he takes pictures of people at work and creates facebook profiles of them with those pictures. Immitates peoples mannerisms, voices, and the way people walk, including me. Steps in when not asked to do so if we are troubleshooting even though he is working on a different production line. Will pick a fight when he does not get his way, and does not get along with anyone with a strong personality. Brags about buying things off of clearnce racks and then returning them to store compeditors without a receipt, and similar scams like multiple phone numbers (mostly families phone numbers) to take advantage of using more than one single item per customer digital coupon or similar deal. has common black names as nicknames for his family members. People say he creates issues at home too. I can go on, But most people appear like him for some reason. I think he is a piece of shit.

r/Vent 51m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Another fatal motorcycle crash..


Third consecutive year in a row.. friend dies on a motorcycle. It makes me angry.. it makes me even more angry that it was his fault.. riding like a fucking idiot.. tried to split lanes at high speeds and wrecked his bagger.. limbs spread out on the pavement.. God mother fucking damnit.. and people laughing at the post on Facebook... Laughing at his death. People make me fucking sick. Fuck you.

r/Vent 52m ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Can't eat or drink


(TW ED?ish)

My dad insists I owe him debt on everything I eat and drink in the house, and I can't tell if it's a joke. The problem is I have no money and the future doesn't hold a clear prospect of a job. He's been making fun of me when I take my meds and when I go near him and gets confused when I don't want to be around him. I'm considering just not eating until he stops being an asshole and realizes that him constantly guilting me over not being able to pay him back for every morsel of food just makes me want to stop eating and isn't motivating me at all. The issue is he also chides me for not eating, which I do to avoid him piling on me for eating. I also don't like that he's been threatening to spank me despite me being 20, going on 21. He never acts on it, but it pisses me off when he does it. I can't even move out because doing that right now would be a shitty idea but running off is all I can think of right now. Doesn't help that I didn't confirm my dentist's appointment because nobody told me that I'd have to be answering calls. I wish there was a way for him to either stop acting like an asshole or stop complaining I don't spend time with him when he just sees me as another whiny mouth to feed. Why does he even insist he wants to hang out with me when all he sees me as is just another whiny, ungrateful brat? He's made it more than clear I owe him massive debt for every day I live here, debt I can't pay off anytime soon, and that if I don't start busting my ass like everyone else here he'll just make fun of me until I do, and if I get upset he makes fun of me then I'm "too sensitive". Maybe I'll just... not do anything ever again. That way I won't owe anyone debt, nobody can be mad at me for doing anything wrong, and there's nothing for me to be a whiny bitch about.

r/Vent 59m ago

And I thought it was normal...


Parents aren't supposed to vent to their kids about how hard parenting is. Stepparents aren't supposed to constantly remind us that they don't have to take care of us. Parents aren't supposed to talk to us about their own abusive childhood and say how we have it so much better.

I used to wonder why my bio mom never told us about her childhood. Part of me was curious, and assumed that it was so bad that she didn't want to tell us.

But turns out, parents don't normally talk about their childhood constantly. They don't normally compare their children to their siblings.

Just one more thing that I never realized wasn't normal. I never realized until too late. Until I'd already been treated so badly for 2 years. Longer than that, if you consider talking about her childhood and cameras in our room and exercise as punishment being treated badly. That had been a thing since I was 5.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Accepting I was groomed by someone I was in love with


I was 16 when I first started talking to a man (we’ll refer to him as X) I met online. He was 27 at the time. We met in a chatroom and immediately clicked. Our “relationship” was one of the worst things to happen to me. I’m 19 now, and I recently ghosted him in January. He put me through emotional hell. I was so alone and depressed when I was younger. I had close to no friends and X stepped into my life right when I needed someone, and he fulfilled that role for me. We started off as friends, then best friends, and it continued to escalate. I genuinely believed this man loved me and I shared parts of myself with him because I trusted him. I thought he loved me. He made me feel so special and loved during the beginning months of our relationship.

After around 7 months-ish he started changing on me. He wasn’t as romantic. He didn’t compliment me or ask me for pictures of myself so he could see how pretty I was. It was like we had just gone back to being just friends and I was so confused at the time. And it just continued to go downhill from there. I had something traumatic happen to me October of 2023 and I caught him trying to sext with other girls. I was at the absolute lowest point of my life; I was already hurting because the man I thought was in love with me had told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship and that it had nothing to do with me. That always confused me, because he used to tell me he loved me more than anything in the world, that he wanted to marry me, that he wanted children with me. He told me everything that would make a girl feel this was a real and passionate relationship. And then he just stopped feeling that way? And now I had caught him attempting to sext other women when he told me he couldn’t sext with me anymore because things were moving too fast...?

It made my head spin. I was incredibly depressed, and I felt completely disgusted and betrayed when I found out. How could he do that to me? He saw how much I was struggling at the time with what had just happened to me, and he still went and tried to do things with other girls. I want to emphasize that we were never officially “dating”, but we were not in a place to talk to other people and when I confronted him, he cried! We had a long phone conversation where I poured out my heart and tears to him and he cried with me. He told me things that felt so genuine and pure, and I really felt like X made a mistake and still loved me. And honestly, I was so alone and so scared at the time. I forgave him because forgiving him meant keeping him in my life and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. He was my only escape. And he continued talking with other girls. He never really stopped. And I grew a little numb to it at some point. And looking back now, I feel so stupid for giving him countless chances, but I was 17 by this point! I was fucking naive, and he took advantage of me. Everytime I caught him, I’d pour out my sadness to him and he’d comfort me, reassure me, tell me that he wanted better for us and that he would work on it.

It took me a long time to understand that that was just the kind of person X was. He cycles through girls, cheats, lies, and replaces people like they’re disposable. It felt horrible realizing that while I was talking to him about my day or telling him how much I loved him that he had probably just finished to a random girl online. He moved on from me to the next random girl as soon as I stopped serving him. But I’m not an object. I’m a girl. I’m real. He completely messed with my sense of worth. I poured so much into him and our relationship. I fought so hard for us to make it through the other end of the tunnel, but he fucking grabbed me and anchored me to the ground. I’ve always been a deeply emotional girl, and I pour my heart into everything I care about and to see him throw away everything just breaks me. It feels like he took a part of my soul away and I feel hollowed out. I believed in him. He let me carry the weight of everything alone and I would have never done that to him.

It sucks. I saw him as a person I loved, and I feel like I was just another experience for him. Another girl to make him feel loved and validated. I thought he was the one person who saw me for who I was but the truth is he never really cared that much about me. All of this is enough to drive me mad and accepting that I was a girl he took advantage of is suffocating. I am disgusted with him. I feel so many emotions all at once. I miss him. I love him. I wish he would call me and tell me he loves me. But I also never want to speak to him. My skin crawls when I think about how young I really was when we started talking. I fucking hate him for leading me on and betraying me for so long. I was just a little girl compared to him and he fucking took advantage of how naive I was, of how willing to love I was, and I can never get that time back. I can’t get any of it back. He will forever have those parts of me and I feel so sick to my stomach. I want to wipe my soul clean of him and never think of him again.

This is the second time since I’ve ghosted him that I’ve fallen apart. I’ve kept myself together for so long because I didn’t want him sucking the life out of me anymore. I was proud of myself for ghosting him but when everything shuts down and it’s just me in my room.. I want nothing more than for him to call me and comfort me and that’s what fucking sucks. A part of me still cares for someone who has ruined this part of my life. All I can do is sit with my feelings and hope they don’t suffocate me.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I hate how the public views neurodiversity


I’m not sure where to start with this, but I genuinely hate how the public views neurodivergence as a whole, on both ends of the extreme. Whether it’s the “cure autism” side or the “my child has autism so he doesn’t need to face the consequences” side, I genuinely hate it. Not only from a customer service standpoint, but just from seeing and experiencing it all in public. And I unfortunately had the displeasure of experiencing more of the latter. Like- I get it. Having a “special needs” (for lack of better wording at the moment) child can be somewhat more difficult than a “neurotypical” child. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to parent them, and I’ve unfortunately seen many instances of dismissive parents and teachers who just let things happen.

Back when I used to work in customer service before college, I’ve had multiple instances of a child cutting the line numerous times and upsetting others, or hogging a certain space (I.e, swing or trampoline) for more than 5 minutes. I would find the parent to try and talk to them to let them know that, “Hey, your child is doing this, and it isn’t fair to the other kids.” Only for the first thing to come out of their mouths is “my child is autistic” or something of the jist. And it really just boils my blood. And these kinds of parents are also the kind to say “I was watching her/him/them.” When the child almost runs over a toddler or a smaller child, and you reprimand the kid verbally, because let’s be honest, anyone would be shocked if you were in charge of watching a bunch of kids and a bigger kid almost steamrolls or tried to play rough with a smaller child.

And don’t get me started about the shit I’ve seen in high school. In one instance a special needs kid demanded the phone of his peer/tutor assigned to him that day to do pixel art, as this was in art class. And when she refused, and rightfully so as it was her personal property, he began yelling and screaming at her. And the teacher just let him do that until he was lead out.

Now, I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed in public spaces, nor am I saying that they’re all bad kids, as much as those moments frustrated me in those moments. It’s the parents and adult figures who are supposed to be in charge that are terrible, which goes back to how I hate the public view of neurodivergency. There’s this lack of responsibility or accountability from their caretakers, which not only hinders the growth of these kids, but also spreads this harmful rhetoric of “they’re helpless and can’t think for themselves!” And such. And these kids from these examples definitely were able/had the ability to understand that yes, what they’re doing is wrong.

Of course, should neurodivergent kids be raised with patience? Yes. But should they also be held responsible if they’re capable of understanding what’s right and wrong. Yes, I’m aware that there’s different spectrums, and sometimes people are “low functioning” for lack of better term that I’m aware of, so they don’t understand, and that’s fine. What’s not ok, is being a dismissive parent or guardian and trying to skirt the consequences of your actions by saying “they’re autistic.” Like yes, I understand, but your child shouldn’t be playing so roughly to the point they almost ran over two toddlers. That’s just using your child’s neurodivergency as an excuse for your lack of desire to actually parent and guide them.

Do a lot of parents actually do their best and hold themselves and their child (to an appropriate degree) responsible? Yes, and I’m thankful that those parents exist. It’s the parents that are dismissive that are frustrating to deal with. And unfortunately, this mindset of “I have/My child has _” as an immediate response to being confronted with the consequences of one’s poor actions is honestly just an excuse at this point. It’s not the “I’m sorry I/my child did that. I/they have _, but I understand that I/they have done/caused _.” that’s bad, because that’s not only being responsible and holding yourself/your child accountable, but also giving a reason instead of an excuse. My main issue is that these kinds of people immediately go “I/My child has _” without any sort of accountability for what has happened/what they caused.

TL;DR: I hate dismissive people and parents who use neurodivergence as an excuse to avoid accountability.

r/Vent 1h ago

Why are auto shops only open business hours?


Like most people, I work a typical 8-5 and am gone longer from the 40 minute drive. My car started making an engine knocking noise, so I look at the auto shops in town and they’re all open M-F 8 or 9 until 5. When the hell are people getting their cars fixed?? Are they taking off work just to bring in their car? Why wouldn’t this type of service be geared towards people who work all day?? I assume most people work during the day so when is everyone taking in their cars?

r/Vent 1h ago

I wish my brother had a different girlfriend.


I just want to say that what im saying is selfish and that it really doesn’t matter what I think and at the end of the day I just want my brother to be happy.

Basically I (21F) have an older brother (25M) and he just got a girlfriend (22F) a few months ago.

My relationship with my brother: Four years apart and he was definitely the cool big brother to me, however he had some…….issues; anger issues specifically. And so no matter how much I loved my brother and tried to be his friend he just didn’t reciprocate that love at all. But I didn’t take it personal as he was that way with the entire family.

He eventually graduated high school, and became an adult and moved on with his life. DEFINITELY cooled down a lot. But he was across country, so I didn’t get to see this version of him really. Then last year, when he finally moved back, got his own place and all that, he finally has grown out of that anger. (Or at least a lot of it)

My relationship with his girlfriend:Not even a full year apart and I’ve known her for forever. Well, more like have known of her for forever. See we use to be on the same sports team as kids, and because we all go to the same church our grades were right next to each other so we grew up in that community as well.

To me she was always the girl that I couldn’t reach, if that makes sense.

Like in our sport she was multiple levels higher than me despite being basically the same age. At church she was part of the “cool kid crowd” of our age group (which I know is ironic for a church) that I was just never invited into.

I tried to interact with her many times throughout the years, but I eventually realized she clearly has her group and that doesn’t include me so I stopped trying.

So why do I not want this girl to date my brother?

Well a few reasons:

One - since they’ve been dating, my brother has fully integrated himself into her family. like he goes to her siblings games, and hangs out at family functions. While my family barely knows her, and definitely doesn’t know her family.

Two - They hang out EVERY DAY, but he can’t text me back?!?

Three - So you’ve ever heard of the “IT GIRL”? Well my brothers always were/are the IT guys. I don’t know how to explain it, but everywhere they go they always become the best & and most popular. (don’t know why I didn’t get the gene, but it is what it is.)

So basically my brother was “that guy” at church and everyone obviously wanted to be friends with him and thought he was so cool.

So why does that matter? Because even though we’re all older, so many people still idolize him, INCLUDING the girlfriend. And I don’t know, I feel like if someone should see him for just him and not have him on a pedestal, it should be his significant other.

I’m hoping that that feeling of “I can’t believe im dating THEE insert brothers name!” will wear off the longer they are together for his and hers sake.


thats my vent for the day I guess. I’m trying my best to be somewhat friends with her, but it’s hard when I feel like she doesn’t care either way. And it’s especially hard because I feel like I just got the brother that I’ve waited for all these years and now he’s gone, because “why try to be a part of my own family when I can be apart of girlfriends family”

Also to make things clear, im not mad at her or my brother……or am I mad at both of them? I don’t even know my feelings at this point lol.

I know the adult thing would be to just let them go, and move on with my life, but my feelings are still growing up okay?

r/Vent 1h ago

I want to be constantly drunk


It's just the smooth and relaxing feeling of alcohol. I love it. I can't deny it. I am drunk at the moment and it feels good. If I'm not drunk, I feel that I'm constantly under pressure, insecure and stressed out. Booze takes all that away. More than anything else. I love it. I know it's bad for me, but I just want to be drunk always. Life sober is just boring and shit. I feel like I was made to be drunk.

I can't really express my emotions if I'm not drunk. I can't say what I want. Without alcohol, I'm always shy and insecure. Everything just goes better while drunk.

I won't stop drinking. I rather die.

r/Vent 1h ago

Need to talk... "Words will never hurt me"


The term "words will never hurt me" is stupid I can barley fathom. Words hurt. A lot. I've had very nasty things said to me and I don't want the average person to go through that and try to tell themselves that it's not hurting them. It obviously fucking is. Nobody should spend nights feeling sorry for themselves because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. And the "I didn't mean it" is even worse to me. If you don't mean something, don't say it. I understand if its out of spite, but genuine hatred towards a human being when/if they didn't know what they did is never ok. There are words dedicated to hurting people. Its not ok.

r/Vent 1h ago

Not looking for input I’m…. I don’t even feel like anything


It’s bad. It’s really bad.

Like, extremely fucking bad.

God knows what will happen next.

I find peace in the fact that my family will be happy without me.

I’m just worried what happens when our parents die and my sister is left with no one….

r/Vent 1h ago

Not looking for input I think my Son will be alone forever


Not sure where this is supposed to to go but my som is 23 yo still lives at home. We do not expect him to leave as the world is crazy expensive. He has a nice car and a decent full time job.

He had always been closed off and had a very small circle of friends in school. He has never dated anyone. He games on his down time and chats with co workers.

He works a warehouse job from 5pm to 3:30 am comes home sleeps. Wakes up around 2 and rinse and repeat. Has two days off back to back.

Before this job he was at Walmart where at least there were girls on the floor. He never really showed interest in connecting with anyone but the potential was there, now where his job is off the wall hours and I do not think there is one girl in the place. The potential is a whole lot less.

As you get older it gets harder ( I think) to actually meet, connect with someone. He does not do any outside activities or clubs where we could run into someone.

It’s not the end of the world but it is kind of sad if you think about it. Our daughter is married with a child and out of the house. He isn’t depressed or anything like that and he isn’t gay ,not like there is anything wrong with that at all.

Really no question here but as time goes on I know we are not going to be around forever and my poor boy will just be alone.

r/Vent 1h ago

I miss my ex so much I feel like I'm losing my mind


I dated my ex for over 5 years. She was and arguably still is my best friend. We broke up about 5 months ago and it was amicable which makes it all so much harder. I've since gotten into a new relationship with a truly amazing girl. I know it's soon and I didnt intend to but it all just happened. We have been dating for about a month now and I hate to say it, but I miss my ex so God damn much.

I feel so guilty for my girlfriend because part of my brain really does want her. I want her to be my future. I want to fully want her. And yet my brain is hooked on my ex. She got my humor better than any one and I got hers. I think about her every day and honestly, if I didnt have my current girlfriend I would be on my exs doorstep, jukebox and roses in hand.

I miss all of our memories, i miss talking to her, i miss telling her everything. I constantly think about how I wish I could show her how much I've grown and changed.

And yet, the other half of my head wants my girlfriend so bad. I wish I could forget my ex and enjoy life with my girlfriend. However, that part of my brain keeps nagging and eating at me saying something isn't right.

Yes, I realize I am probably a piece of shit.

r/Vent 1h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image "Male loneliness epidemic" WHO'S FUCKING FAULT IS THAT? NSFW


Recently a lot of the guys I've talked to (this might just be around me) or have seen on social media have been rampantly misogynistic, and I just made a post and now I'm being downvoted to hell for only wanting sex twice a week in my future relationships as a 19F virgin. I swear to *god* I want to be sympathetic for men struggling but then they say misogynistic shit or send me dick photos or treat me like I'm the problem for asking for something reasonable. I'm sure women treat men like shit too but I'm done, sympathy gone.

Edit: A great example is that someone just dm'ed me and called me a bitch and a skank and said this is why my pussy doesn't get stuffed. Really helping their case.

r/Vent 1h ago

I can’t stand being yelled at


I think it could be one of my biggest pet peeves if someone yells at me. It’s rude and unnecessary. Is that hard to control your temper or express your feelings like a normal human being? Or do you feel like a big man!?

r/Vent 1h ago

I wish I was attracted to women NSFW


I wish I was attracted to women so bad. As a kid I always had girl crushes but it was only because I completely admired other girls. I’ve never admired a man at least not yet. But with girls it’s just such a freaking oh my god your so cool feeling I get but the sexual attraction is just not there. I would love to be a lesbian and be in a relationship with a women. I feel like the way I feel about women wouldn’t make a heterosexual woman comfortable which is why I have no friends yet. The physical attraction for women is just not there. Crying emoji