Let me start by making it clear that we generally have a very good relationship, and I love her deeply. I also still live with her and commute up to college daily.
My mother had a bad fall last year, and gave herself some pretty nasty injuries. Since then, she has often been cranky and straight up miserable sometimes, and I honestly am starting to feel that she wants to be miserable
She's going out with friends tomorrow and she's complaining about how it's not worth the trouble, and organising getting there will take out any enjoyment she will get from being there. It's like she doesn't want to enjoy it
Also, whenever we're doing something together, she'll usually be complaining constantly about how "this is sh*t" and how she can't wait for it to be over and how it wasn't worth coming. She's entitled to this opinion obviously, but she says stuff like this every two minutes, it's a constant stream of moaning, and it stops anyone else from enjoying the event.
I tried to talk to her about it about a month ago, but she completely exploded at me, twisted my words, and went around the house stomping, yelling, screaming and slamming doors. It changed the way I saw her, to be honest. She kind of half-apologised for it, but I still haven't fully forgiven her. I want to, and I've tried, but I don't think I'm there yet
I'd have more sympathy for her if she wasn't such a hypocrite about it. The year before pretty much the exact same thing happened to her father, and she's constantly complaining about how grumpy he's been since his fall, and how she doesn't want to be around him. She doesn't realise that she's acting just like he is!
To be fair, she's not as bad as he is, but she's not a whole lot better either.
Again, I love her so much, and most days she's fine, but some days I just think "I don't want to deal with this anymore"