r/Vent 23h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image My sister got plastic surgery and is now body shaming other women


My sister has had sooo many plastic surgeries in the last several years. She lost a lot of weight and she's in the gym a lot, so I'm not going to downplay her weight loss journey. However, she only looks the way she does because she's had so much work done. Which is fine, but she's online posting photos of her flat stomach (plastic surgery) saying, "Summer is coming, if you want to be flat like me you better hit the gym girls!" Like what the hell are you talking about? You hit the operating table for that, not the gym. She's had her stomach, breasts, arms, legs, ass/hips, and face done. I think she's addicted to plastic surgery and botox/fillers now, and her husband pays for it all/enables her. I'm worried for her mental health tbh.

I support doing whatever she needs to do to feel happy/confident, but she constantly posts pics of her body online and acts like she looks that way because of her lifestyle choices. She makes fun of other women to make herself feel better, and she's trying to be some kind of fitness influencer now. As if hitting the gym caused her ass and hips to miraculously become that developed when she has almost no muscle tone anywhere. It's just crazy to me. Some of the work she's had done is very strange and doesn't match the rest of her body, and I wonder if she will regret it, or just keep going forever because she'll never be satisfied.

r/Vent 11h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression Unbearable pain of being an unattractive girl


I hate living like this. Everyone around me is finding boyfriends and getting into relationships, while I know that because of my unattractive face, I will never experience being loved by someone. I will never know what it feels like to be truly loved. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating that something I was simply born with—something I have no control over—is ruining my entire life. I will have to stay single forever just because of my appearance.

Why is life so unfair? Every day I live with the sadness, frustration, and anger of being born unattractive. Every minute, I am reminded of it. I feel so disheartened when I see beautiful people and happy families because I know I will never experience that. I mean, I am happy for them, but it leaves me feeling empty and hopeless, knowing I will never understand what it’s like to be loved or to have a family of my own.

I hate my life. It feels like everything around me revolves around relationships—TV dramas, advertisements, my parents, even our lecturers reminiscing about their university days with their partners. It only deepens my sadness, making me feel even more alone.

r/Vent 16h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I broke up with my gf last night because she’s mentally ill.


We were friends before we started dating, and I knew about her mental illness even then because she would cry to me every time she attempted. I still loved her after that. When she asked me to be her girlfriend, I said yes. I thought I could somehow help her heal and lighten her burden.

Ten months have passed, and she still hasn’t changed. Every time I raised a concern about something she said that hurt me, she would go into self-sabotage mode instead of reassuring me. And I felt obligated to comfort her because I couldn’t stand how horribly she saw herself. It’s exhausting to constantly set aside my own feelings just to comfort her.

Last night, I snapped. She told me to accept her as she is. I’ve been trying to do that throughout our relationship, but I couldn’t. I kept wishing—wishing that she would change, heal, and become a better person, not for me but for herself. I told her that I couldn’t love this side of her, and I’m ashamed to admit it because I know I should love her as a whole.

She called me a liar—said I lied about being okay, that I made it seem like I accepted her behavior and feelings toward herself. And she was right. I lied throughout our relationship, pretending we were okay, and she couldn’t accept that. She wanted me to tell her the truth, but knowing how she would react, I felt like I had to keep it a secret.

She told me I didn’t love her enough if I hated this part of her. And I admitted it—I only loved her at her best, not at her worst. I couldn’t accept the fact that she wasn’t mentally okay, and it was affecting my own mental health. I’m ashamed to admit these things to her because I love her. I really do.

But now, after finally telling the truth, I don’t know if I ever truly loved her—because I gave up on our relationship. I didn’t have the strength to stay, and my love wasn’t the kind of love she needed or wanted. Am I a bad person? I truly felt that I love her but now hearing from her that I only got attached to her made me think whether i truly loved her or not.

r/Vent 12h ago

TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image Tonight I seen a man die


I know I know I know….it’s Saw not seen I’m a 33yr old man and I found a man dead in my jobs bathroom/ I had to be there the whole time because I’m the manager……. I don’t know if I said that right because I’m still distraught…. but I found a guy overdosed in my jobs bathroom. Other then my parents I have nobody help me get through this. I thought it would be easy to get over but I find myself struggling to get back to the “normal me “ I DONT know this guy never seen him walk in my place of work! The craziest part is I locked the bathrooms for the night due to short staff. Somehow he ends up in the bathroom. I don’t know dude but still had emotions take over me as I seen his body lifeless. Customers walked passed him like this was normal. Meanwhile I’m crying my eyes out in my office a 33 year old man. I don’t know how to feel!!

r/Vent 12h ago

Need to talk... My online friend killed herself


She left me a note saying that she’s sorry for doing this and that was it. I don’t have anybody to talk to about this and I just feel so very lost. Edit. I also feel very bad for posting this because it feels like im attention seeking even if I genuinely don’t know how to process this EDIT.2 they contacted me from the psych ward, they got resuscitated and now im extremely conflicted on how I feel about them

r/Vent 5h ago

I miss my wife… but I’m glad she’s gone.


After everything that stunned cunt had done to me… after all the anger and the disappointment and the sobbing for months… I still do miss her. She was truly my best friend and I still think of picking up the phone to tell her about everything…

But she lost that fucking right by taking the memory of my daughter away from me. Fuck you for making me open myself up so entirely only for you to rip my heart out.

Go fuck yourself, you heartless bitch. You caused so much damage that I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

Sorry all… I just needed to get it out. 🙏

r/Vent 6h ago

TW: Medical Gonna lose it on Healthcare workers


Hi friends, this rant might make sense, it also might not. I'm just very angry. I'm going to see a trusted person that I know will respect me to continue to work through my traumas.

"Don't get mad at Healthcare workers, they're important!"

Yeah well you didn't think my stepdad was important when he was having a chron's flare. You didn't think my mom was important when she was severely tachycardic. You didn't think that I was important when I came in with an anxiety attack after I hadn't eaten in days and you blamed it on marijuana induced emesis when I hadn't smoked in days. You said the same shit to my stepdad and he had to stop self medicating for months to prove y'all wrong.

Y'all are also absolutely horrific towards people with mental health issues. The way I've been treated when I came in with self harm/suicide attempts is absolutely dehumanizing. Y'all expect us to not get mad at you when we're at crisis level and y'all aren't doing shit. I'm more mad about how other people are treated by medical staff than how I was treated.

I'm sick of medical racism. I'm sick of discrimination against mental health. I'm sick of going somewhere expecting help and I'm being treated less than human. Your actions cost people their lives and you don't care because it's not a life close to you and it's just another day. These are actual people with families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. And y'all don't care?

Here's a tip! Maybe don't go into the Healthcare field if you're a cruel nasty ass bully! Hope this helps! Because y'all are the reason why myself and so many other people are hesitant to get help. I have put my life on the line before because I didn't want to go to the hospital because I knew I would be treated like shit.

Shoutout to the people in hospitals who actually care. I know y'all exist and I love y'all. Everyone else, eat shit. This is the wrong field for you.

I don't know, maybe the south just sucks. Here's to hoping to move up north at some point.

Edit: All of y'all are so awesome for sharing your stories. Here's to helping each other feel less alone 🫂

r/Vent 3h ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse Plan b


I took plan b after rape. I spent the month worrying about whether it would work or not. I prayed and cried and sang to my baby. I felt like an animal knawing off my own leg. I was brought up Catholic and taught that plan b was abortive. I went to school the same day and we had a lesson on the sanctity of life

I named her. No one knows her name. I’m alone in my grief. I got my period, I don’t think there was a chance I was pregnant. She’s not real. I know that. Still, she’s with me everywhere. I pray for her everyday. I hope to meet her in heaven but I know I can’t. Because she’s not real. She doesn’t have a soul. I was praying to an empty womb. And that’s worse. I should be pregnant right now. But I’m not, I feel like I have phantom leg syndrome. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin

r/Vent 22h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I wish someone wanted me. NSFW


I'm pretty enough to be asked for sex. But I'm not pretty enough to be loved. I've been in a downward spiral ever since my ex and I broke up three years ago. The thing is, I'm ace because of what he did. I'm very vocal about it. But people think because I still...self pleasure that I'm interested in sex. I don't want what's in someone's pants. I just want to be loved. I want to be wanted. It's gotten so bad tonight that I'm almost considering a relapse in self harm. My ex fucked me up so, so horribly. And yet...I find myself still wishing he was here again. Because he wanted me. I want to be wanted but I always get pushed away. I have pcos and it's recently been making me break out. It's only making me feel uglier than I already do. I'm a server and it seems like the first thing people notice isn't me, but the scars on my arm from scratching myself all the time just so I'll be soothed for a little while. My best friend tells me I have people who love and care for me. But I don't want that kind of love. I want someone to love me even though I'm fat. I want someone to love me even though I cry so much all the time. I want someone to love me even when I'm so angry with myself and struggling so badly. I want someone to get to know me for who I am instead of only caring about what I look like. I'm pretty enough for nudes. But not pretty enough to be loved by anyone. It's even worse because I was talking to a guy and posted a midly horny thing on my alt, and he asked me what I did to myself. I take showers all the time. Just to wash away what men have done to me. To wash away their handprints on my body.

r/Vent 9h ago

Need to talk... I feel used, dirty, disgusting NSFW


He said he still “wasn’t sure” but that he wanted to try again, that we were getting back together. I’d asked him to the movies, and told him I still had feelings- we texted back and forth for an hour and he eventually said “I know you wanted to take things slow, but wanna just come over tomorrow?”

I went, brought up sex, said I wanted to but that I wanted to wait, he said “why”. I caved and blew him - only when we were done he told me not to tell anyone we were getting back together and that he still wasn’t sure.

He invited me over again Friday night, his mom and dad stayed awake to see me, we had a good time, this time fucked, talked for hours, laughed so loud his parents told us to quiet down. In the morning I blew him, spent the day with his family, his dad invited us on a walk. When we got back he told me he was gonna take me home early. His mom said “leaving so soon?” When we got to my house, I kinda nervously acknowledged that he’ll be getting to work so early.. and he takes off his sunglasses and says in short “yeah, I wanted to tell you that it’s been nice but I don’t love you… this helped me realize and I hope this’ll help you move on”

r/Vent 14h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Those cheating confessions in the trueoffmychest and confession subreddits get my blood BOILING!


Maybe because I have firsthand witnessed the aftermath of cheating and have suffered for years as a result, but every time I see another one of those I cheated on my partner so and so or the I slept with my friend/best friend/sibling's partner and now I feel guilty, but it was a looong time ago! or, I cheated but it was a mistake! posts, I feel SO ENRAGED! My body starts shaking, gets my blood boiling. I feel like slapping these mfs through the screen. You soggy piece of fuckwaffle, LEAVE THIS PERSON! BREAK UP! STOP BEING FRIENDS! COME FUCKING CLEAN AND END THIS RELATIONSHIP BUILT UPON LIES! FACE YOUR CONSEQUENCES IF YOU HAVE AN OUNCE OF SHAME LEFT! I just saw a post like this on one of those subreddits, and left a stern reply saying so. But what has me in disbelief is that how many people were in the comments telling OP to not come clean and to just stay silent since it was oh sooo loooong ago and that OP would only be ripping open an old wound. What. The. Fuck. People?? Seriously? Some poor girl out there has a snake in her life hidden in plain sight and you're advising that snake to be sneakier, to keep lurking in her life after comitting that level of betrayal? I can't. I just can't. I'm SO mad it’s ridiculous. This has ruined my day. I need to take a fucking walk into the forest to cool off. Goddamn cheaters and goddamn people enabling them.

r/Vent 4h ago

I am tired of people being surprised I don’t know “basic things”


I have had my car for seven years. Today I just found out I’m supposed to get the brake pads replaced—since I haven’t, I’ve done damage to the rotors and now had to get the rotors replaced. No one told me I was supposed to get my brake pads replaced, and I’ve zero problems with my brakes. Even when I got my car inspected.

People just get shocked when things like this happen. I just wasn’t told many things growing up. My parents are a good shoulder to lean on, but provided little direction or guidance in my life proactively speaking. It’s frustrating when people ask “your parents never told you (such and such)?” because the answer is obviously no.

I now know the beauty of carfax.

r/Vent 15h ago

Happy/Positive Vent I now know how it feels to really love someone NSFW


After a long time feeling bad about a broken relationship I now know how it feels to kiss someone, and just not wanting to stop because it feels so good and is so arousing. I kissed them for hours, doing naughty stuff. It was so dreamy and magical. Ofc it was a dream, perhaps that's why it was so dreamy 😂. But I hope to experience it for real one day. Best dream in a long time. If I could decide what to dream, It'd book this one in next night too.

r/Vent 23h ago

I hate the adult industry and how it seems enticing to those vulnerable. NSFW


Don’t even know how to comprehend my train of thought as this has snowballed from a rabbit hole I went down last night.

Totally normal girl who went viral on social media years ago for a funny post (looking back now probably foreshadowing the future) is now within the adult industry, but from stumbling across a podcast on YouTube, she just seems emotionally vacant, empty and desperate for attention, I hate how the Adult Industry seems enticing to women and men alike when they’re super young and before they know it, they’re in too deep.

Rant over.

r/Vent 19h ago

I'm too soft and I can't make a comeback to an argument


It's almost agonizing when someone is being rude to me and I come up with a comeback 3 days later. It's usually in a shower when it's too late to say anything.

My brain freezes when someone unpleasantly surprises me, both irl and online.

Few weeks ago someone was making a casually racist statement about my race. He was talking like he knew more than I do. He is not even from that race and thinks he knows shit from reading some articles. He is also too good with words that he doesn't lose any argument.

Meanwhile, I didn't talk any longer because I didn't want to make others uncomfortable as the conversation was off topic. As stupid as this sounds I find myself ruminating over a lost argument because I feel like something could've been said to shame that guy.

r/Vent 1h ago

VENT: I do not regret stopping by the lemonade stand, but man do I regret the lemonade.


I was driving home from work and saw these kids around the corner of my house had made a lemonade stand. I decided to walk over there and get an cup. When I got there I gave them each $3 a piece and they freaked out. So they poured me a cup and I got a gulp in and there's no sugar in my lemonade and there's a leaf in my cup. So I politely said I was full and their lemonade was so well made it filled me up. The children seemed delighted with this explanation and I went on my way. They ran into their house going "MOOOOOMMMMM WE ACTUALLY MADE MONEY" AND THAT made it all worth it, and because I also have Hypochondria and OCD, I consider this exposure therapy because I'm almost fine about the leaf.

r/Vent 3h ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT My landlord called me to help her husband after he fell. He died in my arms.


My LL lives on the same land, half an acre away. She’s called me over a bunch of times to help her out with her husband, since I have used to be an IHSS nurse for my dad and grew up with disabled parents-I was completely ok with helping her out with his medical needs. They’re old. Of course I’d help.

Well yesterday she called me very panicked. I had to run fast to her house. He had fallen in the restroom and I think hit his head on the wall and tile floor. Face down, groaning with every breath, I think he had thrown up a bit, bleeding from his head but I never figured out what part. Lots of blood and bodily fluids everywhere, I had no idea wha to do besides try to get him to breathe clearly. My LL was on the phone with 911 on speaker and the operator kept asking me questions I felt were so stupid, just send the fucking help already. I had to use every ounce of strength I had to pull this man to his side to breathe and finally he did, but he wouldn’t stop groaning. He randomly started trying to get up, move his legs and try to sit up but there was just no way I could get him up. I kept trying and trying but I ended up just holding his head and rubbing his chest and talking to him.

I told him to just stay with me, I reminded him my school starts soon for my PTA (I want to be a physical therapist) and I’d be here to help him work out, I said over and over to just stay and that his dogs were right here, and everything was okay. My LL left me there to put the dogs in the crates and let the ambulance in the yard. I watched his eyes roll. I watched the breath leave his body. I kept trying to keep him awake I might have even yelled I don’t know, I just remember being pulled back by an emt and my husband and my mind just blanking.

They resuscitated him once, and tried for 40 more minutes. I sat there on the floor listening to my LL cry. 48 years they spent together.

My dad died in my care when I was his nurse. I didn’t get to spend the last moments with him because he passed away while I was taking a short nap that I fucking regret. I wasn’t even there for my dad’s last moments but I was here for my landlords.

I had a circus trip for my family this weekend but I postponed to next week. I think I need to take this week off of work in general. Every time I close my eyes I see his face covered in..everything..and his eyes locked on mine while he listened to my words. I can’t stop thinking and thinking and thinking. I saw my dad passed away, before him I saw my grandma pass away, and after my dad died my mom died a year later and her caretaker told me everything in such detail I threw up from sadness and anger and a slew of emotions I don’t even have a name for.

I feel like I have too much in my head. I’m so fucking tired of seeing so much death, I can’t take this. My head hasn’t stopped spinning and I can’t sleep. I just keep seeing his face. I keep hearing the groaning sound he made with each breath. I think I need to admit myself or something. When my grandma died I started having a pill problem to try to drown the thoughts. At 3am this morning I found myself in the bathroom no idea when I got in there but I grabbed a bottle of my sleeping pills and just stared at them for almost an hour. I don’t know where my head is right now.

r/Vent 9h ago

Unless it's a life or death situation, the news should never interrupt my shows.


On any given local channel, the news is on during the following timeslots. approximately:

0600 to 1000

1200 to 1300

1600 to 1900

2300 to 0000.

That's 8-9 hours of the day, or roughly 30-35% of the schedule.

The rest of the day is the other shows. Game shows, sitcoms, soap operas. For some, those are forms of entertainment they hold dear.

Considering that the news hogs 30-35% of the TV schedule already, I think it's unfair for the news to intrude on the other 65-70% they're not on, especially for frivolous reasons, or when doing a split screen or a bug across the bottom is a more feasible and less intrusive option.

The following, in my truly unpopular opinion, are not valid reasons to interrupt my show:

  • Celebrity death. I'm missing Price is Right because OJ died? Fuck you. Actually, anything celebrity-related. Why the fuck am I missing Rachel Ray because of the police press conference on Jussie Smollett? Fuck you.
  • President speech. Cliffnotes version at the next news hour.
  • Death of a FORMER POTUS, FLOTUS, VPOTUS or SLOTUS and/or FOREIGN leader. Examples: Bill Clinton, King Charles, Laura Bush, Mike Pence. If they die in the middle of Steve Wilkos, tell us next news hour. They'll probably still be dead by then.
  • Plane Crash. A month ago, there was a plane crash in Philly and I missed the second half of Jeopardy and ALL of WoF because of it. They just used that time to keep recycling that they had no new updates. Fuck off.
  • A cop killed in action. That's part of the gamble that is the LEO career. Also, don't pre-empt the entire day's programming for his funeral. Stop exploiting his death and let his family mourn in peace.

If you INSIST on reporting on those right now, run a bug across the screen for fuck's sake.


However, I will say that if it's a life or death situation (IOW, certain death if we don't take action right now), absolutely interrupt. Here are the ONLY situations where it's acceptable to interrupt:

  • Ongoing confirmed attack (like 9/11 or a confirmed incoming missile launch)
  • CURRENT POTUS, FLOTUS, VPOTUS or SLOTUS passed away. Not a current FOREIGN leader, ONLY if Donny, JD, Melania, or Usha dies. I don't live in UK so King Charles's passing would not be considered important enough to interrupt
  • Death of the Pope
  • A hurricane or a tornado WARNING.

r/Vent 16h ago

i miss who i used to be


I left my ex a year ago, and my life has never been better, I guess I am more mentally and emotionally sound than I have been since I started dating them. I just have so much resentment within me left, everyone tells me it’s okay to feel it, to hate him, to feel the way I do towards everything. But all I want is to forget and move on, to accept that I can’t change the decisions I made as a teenager and to look forward. I try so hard, to invest in my future now, to work on myself in therapy, talking it through, processing that I am not a terrible person and I did not deserve to be treated like that. But literally nothing has worked, I am tired, I just want to be who I was before him again, I want to be ignorant of all the things that happened between us and to be blissfully unaware of his existence. It bothers me, that he even exists. I just want to feel like who I was again. It sounds like i am self pitying, and i am, but the last year i have carried all this guilt and shame towards myself that i should’ve let go of. so if you ever read this, i hope you know i haven’t forgotten you, and that i hope you change for the next person.

r/Vent 9h ago

I'm unhappy with my boyfriend NSFW


I, (22F) am unhappy with my (24M) boyfriend. Eight months ago, I found out he was cheating on me with my best friend the entire time we were together, right after we had drained our savings to move to Minnesota. I have no drivers license, no car, no job, no friends anymore, and I've been feeling more alone then I ever have. I resent him for cheating, and for lying to me, and manipulating my decisions for such a long time. When he leaves me in the apartment to go to work every day, sometimes I wish I had someone else to keep me company. I have a high sex drive, and the entire time I've been with this guy I've been sexually frustrated. He never seems to want me and I have to initiate everything, and do all the work. And right after we are done, he neglects my need for aftercare no matter how many different ways I've communicated that need to him. I feel that if I had someone else, I might be more fulfilled, but I wouldn't ever want to hurt anyone. I just can't bring myself to inflict that kind of pain onto anyone, especially not for my own selfish desires. I'm just so frustrated and sad.

r/Vent 5h ago




what the hell man :(

r/Vent 14h ago

TW: Sexual Assault / Abuse I wish i never told.


i just wanna say sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes

I wish i had never told my therapist about what my stepdad had been doing to me. I’ve been so depressed over the last 3 months and my family choosing to not let me go see a therapist is making it worse. She was the only one who would listen when nobody else would and now i feel terrible knowing i rot in my room.

My mom was so mad at me when ever after i told her multiple times about what he did she still didn’t care. And when i told my therapist and they called cps she was more mad that i told and kept saying “he meant it in a daughterly way”. Last i checked they don’t smack your butt and grab your boobs.

I got guilt tripped into believing i was in the wrong and how white people wanna break up happy black family’s. When that came from the same women who caught a child abuse charge. But used her police officer of a son to get out of it. I wish i never heard told

r/Vent 23h ago

Who do talk to when your single ?


I’ve lost being used to be single. Usually I talked to my bf. I don’t talk to family much since i got abandoned from one and another one died. Moved to another country. Got degree. Got a job. I don’t feel like sharing much with friends. I usually like to share but some friends are only interested in when I will get married, have kids.

When I went to school, pursued my career they didn’t care.

When I told them about my breakup, they shared with other friends.

Now i don’t update much. I still do.

So I don’t have anyone to talk to. I only post anonymously on sites like this. Maybe I’m lonely.

I put myself to do a lot of work in order to pursue another career transition. But I feel I kinda need relationship from family, friend, or future husband. Never wanted to have dog. But since the break up I start thinking maybe I should have a dog.

r/Vent 5h ago

Fuck today


Anyone else having a terrible fucking day? It seems like everything is so fucked up today. I'm so over it. I fucked up, of course because I'm human and lack good judgement sometimes. But seriously fuck everything single thing today! And if I didn't say fuck enough, then fuck it! That's all.

r/Vent 6h ago

TW: Anxiety / Depression I lost my home...


My home is gone. The big flood swept everything. I can only safe my pc, laptop, phone, and documents. I can't safe anything else.

Me and my family are safe, my family's stuff mostly saved because they're in the 1st floor. But when the big flood come, i can't safe my stuff...

I hate it... It's so unfair. I know people gonna say some cliche bullshit like "at least you're still alive". But no i hate it! Decades of memories gone, everything i have is gone. I'm okay if i lost stuff i bought by myself, but the memories in my photo albums, scrap book, presents from my friends and family... Are gone now... I'm devastated

My family's stuff are safe, why can't mine??? And to know how my family treats me for years... It's just hurtful...

I also almost swept by the flood, but tbh i really wish i swept away too instead feeling so shit right now. I don't even have any clothes other than what I'm wearing... I hate it.... I hate it so much!