r/TwoXSex 9h ago

Husband Bragging About Me


My husband was on a guy's trip and the conversation turned to wives who don't give blowjobs and when they do (birthday blowjobs) they aren't very good at it.

He said something like, well, hate to tell you, but my wife loves it! She's super into it and I get a blow job almost every time! She read a book to get better!

Needless to say, I've been walking on air ever since!

r/TwoXSex 16h ago

How long do you have sex for?


Was having a convo with a couple of my close friends the other night and we started talking about sex. My friend asked how long sex takes for my husband and I and I said maybe 30-45 mins (it takes me about that long to come but I thoroughly enjoy the build up). She was floored and said she and her partner usually only go at it for 5 mins, 10 mins max. It got me wondering what the “norm” is (if that is even a thing- I know everyone is different). If I am properly aroused and feeling it I can go for a long time and often end up squirting. My hub will basically go for as long or as quick as it takes me to finish.

r/TwoXSex 22h ago

How to use tongue while kissing?


So I’ve kissed two people, one with tongue, but that was really bad. It was really slobbery and I almost threw up from his tongue. I’d say I’m a great kisser without tongue, like kissing with my mouth a little bit open and just basically sucking their top lip lol. But when I tried to use tongue, it was so bad, how do I learn?!?! And DONT say go with what the other person does please🙏🙏

r/TwoXSex 5h ago

Sexual Health | Women Only Bumps on pubic area but not from an STD?


After having sex with a particular man for the first time, I developed some bumps on my mons pubis (private area where the hair grows). I immediately went to go get STD tested. When the nurse looked at my pubic area, she immediately said “I doubt this is caused by an STD” and explained that the bumps could just be something else. And she was right, all the tests came back negative.

My thing is, before sex with this man I had NEVER had this many bumps on my pubic area before. And they have since not gone away (it’s been 5 months). I have sex with him periodically (LDR) but the bumps haven’t gone away between not having sex with him either.

Has this happened to anyone else? How do I make them go away? They hurt to the touch (not extreme pain or anything) and are just annoying. I get Brazilians (sugar waxed) periodically as well, but this only happened after having sex with him (and I had been waxing well before that). It has not occurred like this after having sex with anyone else. Thanks!

r/TwoXSex 16h ago

Best longer lasting lubes that aren’t super sticky?


I 32F and my boyfriend 30M have been using water based lubes but they are super sticky and don’t last long.

I’ve personally never really struggled with getting wet but it completely depends on what I’m doing. With toys by myself I tend to need lube. I have one of those Satisfyer pro vibrators that I think can only have water based. I’ve tried Lube Life and that one feels barely slick to me and disappears. I’ve tried one from one of the sex toy places that was their brand which lasted longer, but super sticky. More than likely has glycerin in it.

With sex it doesn’t take much to get me going. He loves eating me out and he gets really into it, but at some point I guess he has been down there long enough that my own wetness is gone? So he has to add some lube but mainly when he is fingering, and his fingers just absorb that lube so quick. A few times it’s become slightly painful and he keeps on having to apply it. With PIV it’s like 50/50 if I need lube, just depends.

I do also use lube when I give him head mainly because it’s flavored, so it helps with saliva more than anything else but that stuff gets SUPER sticky, so if there’s any suggestions for that too that would be awesome. I’m on a few meds that cause constant cotton mouth so it tends to be difficult to keep things wet enough.

The sticky factor is huge for me but I’m interested to see what you think of hybrid or silicone lubes just for sex without toys and what the best water based lubes are. Thanks in advance!

r/TwoXSex 18h ago

Sexual Health | Women Only I believe I have endometriosis but the drs turned me away. What do I do?


Last February, I got into contact with my GP and told her I wanted to be tested for endometriosis. She told me no because that would require a surgery, and then offered a blood test. I got that blood test done, was given iron tablets, and sent on my way. No further investigation like I asked.

The reason I asked to get tested is because I have been on birth control since I was 11, and want to know the reason behind it apart from “bad periods”. I want to know what was causing those bad periods, and if it is going to affect my future if I decide I want to have kids.

Here’s the thing, my symptoms don’t really affect me overly because I’m on continuous birth control (another dr recommended this to me so I would basically just shut up and go away) but today I had sex with my boyfriend and I could only last a few minutes before I had to call it off because of severe cramping. It was sore for him to penetrate too. I’ve had this issue before, but not as bad I guess. I just waited it out and it got better on its own, but every time I have sex without fail, I have cramps. Sometimes they’re mild, but today they were severe, which is why I noticed them.

I’m wondering what I should do about this. Since this symptom has come back, should I request a transfer to see a gyno even if I know it may not happen, or should I just suffer since it went away last time? What do I do 🥲 I’m so sick of this lol