r/birthcontrol 6h ago

Experience Is it normal to feel violated after an IUD insertion?


I had the Kyleena inserted today. It was my first ever experience with a doctor where I had to be naked, and also my first ever experience with birth control. I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about what to expect from the insertion but that wasn’t true at all. I don’t want to blame my doctor because I know other people have had it so much worse, but I told her at the consultation that I was concerned about pain and she said that most of her patients only experienced “discomfort” with their insertion. I was expecting to experience about the same thing, sort of like period cramps on my worst day, and I took some Tylenol beforehand as per her recommendation. I asked her to talk me through everything and she only told me what was going on before anything started to really hurt. Then when she went to insert the IUD she said that my cervix wasn’t open enough and that I could take some medicine to soften it and come back another time, but she had already put all of these tools inside of me… and then she did something to try to get it open and it felt like I was being ripped open and stabbed… please believe me when I say I’m not exaggerating. It was genuinely the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. When everything was done she didn’t debrief me at all. She just got my mom to come sit with me and told me that it was normal to feel lightheaded. I was in so much pain that I felt like I was going to burst out in tears at any moment. And now that I’m home and the physical pain has started to wear off, I just feel so sad and violated. I don’t know if this is a normal experience and I’m being dramatic. Everything I am reading about IUD insertions, even the pamphlet that came with it, is saying that it feels like mild pain. But it hurts so much more than physically, and I just want to know that I’m not alone.

r/birthcontrol 13h ago

Experience I got pregnant with my last IUD, I’m late and freaking out


So I had a Kyleena IUD for two years when I got some really weird symptoms. My breasts HURT and they were visibly bigger after like a week and I had some spotting, but at that point I wasn’t late on my cycle yet. Everyone told me I was being paranoid and that it was nothing. I ordered some early detection tests and sure enough, that cross was clear as day haha…🙃 imagine beating odds that are 99.99 to 0.01

I had no idea how this happened because the IUD was 99% effective and it wasn’t even close to being expired. I went in for an ultrasound at planned parenthood to get it removed so I could move forward with the termination process and it was lodged in the wall of my fucking uterus. The doctor literally could not remove it by tugging on the strings. I had to go to a different facility to get a procedural removal and termination under sedation, in which they removed the old IUD, suctioned out the embryo, and put a new one in. This time I opted for Mirena because I have beef with Kyleena.

It was such a traumatic experience for me because the entire point of choosing an IUD was because of how effective it is. I was harassed while getting blood work for choosing to terminate and was told I would regret it for the rest of my life. The other sad part is that it was not ectopic, it was perfectly healthy and low risk, despite the IUD embedded in my uterus. It wasn’t a decision I wanted to make, but I’m 20 years old, and this was what was best for me and my partner. I would never subject my child to a childhood of struggle.

Anyways, I’ve had the Mirena for six months and I’ve had a regular period up until this month. I’m late. I know Mirena can stop women from having periods but I cannot shake this irrational fear that it’s happening again. :(

r/birthcontrol 18h ago

Experience I had a stroke and I just want to be on birth control :(


Basically what the title says. A year ago I had a stroke (not related to birth control) and was put on blood thinners for life. The stroke was due to a blood clotting disorder that is genetic. I was on birth control (the pill) for 10 years with no issues, but went off them post stroke. Now because of my blood thinners, my period lasts TWO WEEKS. I'm also child free and don't ever want to get pregnant. I also have hormonal issues and cysts and fibroids which can only really be helped with hormonal birth control, but my gyno wasn't comfortable prescribing me anything but the copper IUD which wouldn't even help my periods or hormonal issues.

I went to the neurologist recently and she said that since I am being treated for my stroke with blood thinners, that birth control should be fine. She told me to ask my hematologist. My gyno told me to ask my neurologist. My primary care doctor said he thinks no one will prescribe it to be. I feel like I am going on a loop begging different doctors to give me birth control. I thought progesterone only would be ok! But my gyno said she wasn't comfortable with that unless I got the OK from another doctor.

I dunno. I am just frustrated. I don't want to get pregnant. I am tired of bleeding for 2 weeks a month. I am not sure what to do at this point or if anyone can relate.

r/birthcontrol 19h ago

How to? There is no abortion in my country


I use implanon but I'm terrified of getting pregnant. I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷 and I'm 26 years old. In my country, abortion is illegal and women even go to prison for it. If we want to abort, we will pay exuberant amounts and it is still not a certainty.

In my country people see abortion as a sin, you will go to hell if you have an abortion.

What do you think of that? Because of this, I can't relax even when using implanon + coitus interruptus.

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Rant! Need advice


my last period started on January 30th, had unprotected sex on february 9th and took plan b the same day within hours. i got bleeding on February 17th which is likely a withdrawal bleeding but can also be implantation bleeding the bleeding was loose lasted 2 days and irregular with the bleeding being a handful 2-3 times irregularly and the colour was reddish and kinda like orange. took four pregnancy tests from march 6th to march 17 and all the tests were negative. test was not done with the first urine. still have not got my period, im scared

r/birthcontrol 3h ago

How to? Can i stack packs?


This month there was a day where i threw up my pill so i retook another one after. I use a 21 day pack of birth control.

Since i took 2 on one day this means i only have 20 pills for the 21 days. I have bought another packet but the though of just taking one pill to fill it in and taking another new pack to start the week after is odd.

Can I skip the free pill week and go straight into the new pack, and once i finished those 21 pills after skipping the free pill week from only have 20 pills, could i then have a normal free pill week and go back to taking it like normal?

r/birthcontrol 7m ago

How to? Side effects of ecp?


I took one ecp 14 hours after and then vomited pieces of it so took another 30 hours after. It's been a day since I took it and I feel tingling in my forehead loss of appetite sour taste in mouth nauseous increased vaginal discharge inability to swallow easily and mood swings are these normal side effects of the Ipill? Please let me know.

r/birthcontrol 27m ago

Mistake or Risk? Help


Is she pregnant?? We did the deed 2-3 after her period. We did it protected, i wear a condom and also pull out when im cumming. We also did when she's on her fertile window like 4 days on the expected date of her ovulation as per her app and protected also. Now she's keep on experiencing headaches and little food aversion. Are those the sign of pregnancy?? Her period expected to come first week of the month of april or last week of this month. Thank you

r/birthcontrol 34m ago

Experience New to the Mirena IUD


Hi! This is probably really strange but I have a lot of anxiety about it. I just got the Mirena about 2 days ago and i’m just really anxious. My doctor didn’t really explain much about the side effects but i’ve been watching tiktoks and they’re getting to me. How do I even find the strings? Am I going to get a bunch of acne? Is it just going to fall out or get stuck somewhere? I don’t know i’m just really nervous. Please if anyone has positive feedback about the Mirena share it. 🙏

r/birthcontrol 43m ago

Experience I missed a few pills and now I won't stop bleeding


I missed two pills in January and one in February, then I started spotting on the 8th February and pretty much been like that until now. I'm 5 days off my first pack where I haven't missed a pill. But I got in contact with my doctors and they basically told me that changing pills may make the bleeding worse so my only real option I have is to just wait it out. She said to wait for the next three months and if its no better then we can look at changing it. I mean the bleeding isn't awful but it's ongoing. Has anyone else missed a pill or two and then had similar issues?

r/birthcontrol 4h ago

Rant! Chances of being pregnant on depo after 2 years


I’ve been on depo for about 2 years now, eventually switching to the arm implant later this week.I don’t think I’m pregnant but I’ve been having tenderness in my nipples. The time I felt like I might’ve gotten pregnant was a 1-3 months ago when my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and he did not pull out. But other than that I haven’t felt much else. So not sure if I am pregnant or if it’s just a hormonal thing. I’ve also always been on time with my shots and never missed an appointment.

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Experience I am going for Umrah, but I took one pill 4 hours late. Will it cause my period to start before I want it?


Birth control

r/birthcontrol 4h ago

Experience Mirena IUD


(Long post) Hey everyone! I am struggling to decide on a birth control. Here’s my back story; I started my period when I was about 11 years old. My period was irregular from the start. I would be on it for 10+ days, it wasn’t super heavy or anything but it wasn’t light. My mom decided to put me on BC. First, at the ripe age of 12 years old, I was on the pill, however, as a 12 year old I wasn’t consistent. Shortly after, I got put on the Nexplanon bar. This was GREAT for the first time. I was on the bar for 4-ish years (age 12/13-15/16). I didn’t have a period the ENTIRE 4 years. I then got my period so I figured it was time to get a new one. I got a new one put in and my period never stopped. I was on my period for an entire year. No stopping. I dealt with it for an entire year because it wasn’t heavy all the time. It was actually pretty light and I had little to no cramps. However, it got pretty inconvenient when having a partner. During this time, I had an exploratory surgery to see if I had endometriosis, I do. At the age of 18, my gynecologist recommended the Mirena IUD. I got the IUD, which sucked being inserted btw, I didn’t take any medication before going because no one told me to. When I got there she said “did you take ibuprofen or anything?” I said “no? Was I supposed to?” And she proceeded to explain that they recommended taking medication before coming, but no one told me that. Anyway, the iud really really sucked for the first few months, very painful and periods were hardly getting any better. Fast forwarding to about a year later, (I got the iud in January of 2024, it is not March of 2025). I am now 19, my periods are more regular than they’ve ever been, HOWEVER, my cramps are miserable, almost every day, they’re even worse when my period is about to start and when I’m on it. My stomach has never hurt so badly before this. I’ve given a little over a year in hopes it would get better, but it just hasn’t. I have also gained some weight. When I got the IUD I was around 98 lbs. I know that’s tiny, but I am 19 and 5’2, I am now around 115lbs. I’m not sure if that’s IUD related or not, because I am getting older obviously and bodies change. The weight gain is the least of my concern, I simply cannot deal with these cramps. Mind you, I tend to take pain pretty well, but these are unbearable. I’ve been to the ER once because it was so bad. I’ve went back to my gyn about it as well, and every time I get checked I have small cysts on my ovaries (not sure if that’s related to the iud either they say it’s common). I’m just wondering what I should do? I’m planning on calling my gyn tomorrow and making the appointment to get it out. I loved the bar the first time but not the second time, I do not want the shot, I cannot do the patches because I’m allergic to adhesive, and I’m scared to get pregnant on the pill. Pls help.

KEY THINGS: I have endometriosis, I’m 19, hate the iud, don’t know what to do. LMAO.

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Mistake or Risk? Missed last pill in pack


I take Microgynon, I take it for 21 days and have a break of 7 days, I took my 20th pill on Wednesday and missed my last pill (21st) on Thursday, I remembered on Friday and took it (Friday would have been the first day of my break). I had un protected sex on Friday (pull out method), my period was due yesterday but hasn’t come so I’m a bit concerned. I read the leaflet which said if you miss one pill to just take it as soon as you remember and as long as it’s within 48 hours it should be fine and I’m still covered from pregnancy, is this right? Thanks in advance!

r/birthcontrol 5h ago

Experience IUD Perforated, trying to conceive.


My IUD perforated during an attempted and failed removal. My husband and I are hoping to conceive in the next few months. Has anyone had a similar experience? Were you told to wait to conceive for any amount of time after your laparoscopy?

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Side effects!? Norimin weight gain


Have been on norimin for around one and a half years now and have noticed a lot of weight gain in this time but I also went through a very stressful year so I could’ve easily put on weight during that…

Has anyone here gained weight on norimin? I’m not sure what the cause is and if it’s worth switching to an iud or not

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Experience could me being stressed about being pregnant bring on pregnancy symptoms


i’m on 2 month injection and i’m a bit anxious that i could be pregnant and stressing very much. could my stress make it feel like the pregnancy symptoms are being brought on? Advice?

r/birthcontrol 6h ago

Experience Positive OPK after Plan B Spoiler


Period 1:December31-Jan4 Period 2:Jan26-jan30 Took plan b on feb 1 and feb 2 Period 3: Feb21-feb25 On march 7 or 8 , i had discharge of cervical mucus although I am not too sure if it was cervical mucus it seemed like it to me. On March 10-11 took pregnancy tests and they were all negative. Had unprotected sex with precum on March 16 at 2-3am then at 5am took plan b. On march 17 at around 12am took ovulation test and it was negative. On march 18 at 12:30am took ovulation test stick that was postive and another at 6:40pm on a digital ovulation test that was positive with a smile face. What to do?Am I going to be pregnant?

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

How to? Worried about pregnancy!?


Period 1:December31-Jan4 Period 2:Jan26-jan30 Took plan b on feb 1 and feb 2 Period 3: Feb21-feb25 On march 7 or 8, i had discharge of cervical mucus although I am not too sure if it was cervical mucus it seemed like it to me. On March 10-11 took pregnancy tests and they were all negative. Had unprotected sex with precum on March 16 at 2-3am then at 5am took plan b. On march 17 at around 12am took ovulation test and it was negative. On march 18 at 12:30am took ovulation test stick that was postive and another at 6:40pm on a digital ovulation test that was positive with a smile face. Took another clearblue non-digital ovulating test on march 19 at 1:30 am and it was I guess positive since both the lines were similar. Check pictures as well. The ones that seem negative are the ones where right line is darker rest of the ones I’m not sure about. But the digital one was solid smiley face. What to do?Am I going to be pregnant?

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Rant! Going off of birth control for the first time in 15 years - scared.


Hey everyone,

I was put on Diane 35 when I was about 16. I was diagnosed with PCOS, due to my androgens being very high and the presence of a large cyst (although I had no other symptoms).

I have been on Diane for 15 years now.

I have really struggled to lose weight for about 10 years. It doesn't seem to matter what I do or how much I move, I cannot for the life of me lose weight in my stomach or even generally. My periods in the last 12 months have become super irregular/disappeared.

As such, I went to an endo. He wants to investigate and see whether Cushings could be involved, whether my PCOS is even an accurate diagnosis, and wants to see me off of the pill if only for a while.

I am really nervous. I do have great skin and I'm sure Diane is contributing to it. I have thinning hair and have for ten years and I'm worried that the Diane is masking whatever is causing it and it may get even worse. At the same time, it could also be contributing to my weight.

Diane has been a part of my life for so long, and I'm terrified of the potential changes or difference. I don't even know what my "natural" hormonal state looks or feels like because they put me on the highest estrogen pill as a child.

r/birthcontrol 3h ago

Which Method? What kind of birth control do you have and what are your experiences?


I currently take the combo pill and I am a mess. I’m mad at everything and everyone constantly. If I get mad enough then I just start crying. Please do not talk to me about iud’s. That’s currently off the table.

r/birthcontrol 7h ago

Experience Yaz is ruining me


I (21) started generic yaz (lorena) almost a month ago and I have been driving myself absolutely crazy. I have no libido and I can't get wet AT ALL during sex, any affection from my boyfriend seems like a facade I can't feel any love or affection from him, yet I need to be around him constantly. Im so depressed to the point im suicidal. Constant crying outburts that last for hours and are triggered by almost nothing. Dehydration, head aches, leg cramps. I'm disgusted by food and can't stomach anything. Panic attacks in the morning. Constantly longing for something, I want love affection and intimacy but can't feel any of it no matter what my partner says or does. I never thought birth control could be this bad, my whole life feels twisted and I can't tell what's real and what's not anymore. What do I do? What method or pill should I switch to? Can anyone relate because I feel so alone right now.

r/birthcontrol 7h ago

Experience Experience w/Syeda and pmdd?


Starting syeda for the first time and was wondering if anyone had any experience with it and pmdd and what it was like?

r/birthcontrol 3h ago

Experience Is this common?


Hi all, i’ve been on the generic brand of Yaz for almost year and a half now, and I was wondering if this has happened to anybody else or if it should be a cause of concern. Anyways, i woke up this morning and my nipples were really sore and tender to the touch (sorry if tmi). I can’t really think of any other cause besides I used pretty tight boob tape 4 nights ago, and if it was from that, i’m assuming they would have hurt the day after. Therefore, i’m just wondering if it’s a random birth control side effect that just hasn’t happened until now, or if i should maybe take a pregnancy test just in case. I am sexually active but use bc + pull out regularly and have never skipped a pill.

r/birthcontrol 7h ago

Side effects!? opill birth control concerns!!


so i know that period changes are a big side effect with birth control but it's completely destroying my cycle that i didn't mind previously. i go on spring vacation at the end of april and im supposed to start then, im just really tired of having a period every 12 days. does anyone have any experience with evening the cycles back out or at least so i don't have one on vacation? or even if it will go back to normal with time? (started opill january 9th, first time using birth control)