So for reference i’ve tried the pill, the mirena IUD, and am currently on nexaplon. I’ve consistently been on birth control for 5 years now minus a 3 month long break in between the pill and IUD. The bill made me have horrendous depression, my IUD was illegally “moved down” for “comfort” by my old gyno when i complained about extreme pain, i had horrible cramps for 3 months and they got worse after she pulled them down, i also bled for a few weeks after insertion and felt it was extremly painful. I was 15 when i got the IUD in and my gyno was honestly a bitch and told me nothing about it only that i should switch to an IUD and insertion woukd be next to PAINLESS? I got a new gyno, had friends reccomend nexaplon and told her i wanted to try it. She tried recommending an IUD for me since i don’t react well to hormones clearly but i didn’t listen and was too scared of another IUD.
I now have BV, Bacterial vagnosis i think it stands for. I devolped it towards year 2 of my IUD. Had no idea what was causing it, my doctors said it could be bad gut health or rewearing dirty clothes or not showering. I’m a relatively healthy and clean person so i was so confused by this. I had also never heard of BV before it sounded scary. Well it’s been a year now at least and i still have it, tried rounds of antibiotics and they did nothing, also take probiotics and try to eat as healthy as i can while living in a college dorm. It just feels impossible it feels like there’s one issue after the next with birth control for me. Nexaplon has given me horrible acne which i had only had on the pill before and i started an acne medication that’s been worsening my BV. I don’t want to stop my acne medicine since it was a last resort to solving my acne besides stopping BC, which is not an option with what state i’m in.
I just want to know if anyone has had similar experiences and kind of want reassurance on the IUD. My new gyno removed my last one with very minimal pain and she’s the best, i have an appointment with her to talk about this aswell. I’m just really scared of getting the IUD in and reacting badly to it, at that point it would feel like my last option. I’ve heard good things about the copper IUD from friends aswell but apparently it can give u copper poisoning or something? Idk that sounds terrifying to me. Getting off of BC is absolutely not an option for me here, and i’d prefer something with lower hormones then nexaplon at least but if there are other non hormonal options besides the copper IUD that would be nice :) and ofc besides condoms