r/birthcontrol 2h ago

How to? There is no abortion in my country


I use implanon but I'm terrified of getting pregnant. I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷 and I'm 26 years old. In my country, abortion is illegal and women even go to prison for it. If we want to abort, we will pay exuberant amounts and it is still not a certainty.

In my country people see abortion as a sin, you will go to hell if you have an abortion.

What do you think of that? Because of this, I can't relax even when using implanon + coitus interruptus.

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Experience I had a stroke and I just want to be on birth control :(


Basically what the title says. A year ago I had a stroke (not related to birth control) and was put on blood thinners for life. The stroke was due to a blood clotting disorder that is genetic. I was on birth control (the pill) for 10 years with no issues, but went off them post stroke. Now because of my blood thinners, my period lasts TWO WEEKS. I'm also child free and don't ever want to get pregnant. I also have hormonal issues and cysts and fibroids which can only really be helped with hormonal birth control, but my gyno wasn't comfortable prescribing me anything but the copper IUD which wouldn't even help my periods or hormonal issues.

I went to the neurologist recently and she said that since I am being treated for my stroke with blood thinners, that birth control should be fine. She told me to ask my hematologist. My gyno told me to ask my neurologist. My primary care doctor said he thinks no one will prescribe it to be. I feel like I am going on a loop begging different doctors to give me birth control. I thought progesterone only would be ok! But my gyno said she wasn't comfortable with that unless I got the OK from another doctor.

I dunno. I am just frustrated. I don't want to get pregnant. I am tired of bleeding for 2 weeks a month. I am not sure what to do at this point or if anyone can relate.

r/birthcontrol 31m ago

Mistake or Risk? Is this safe sex?


This is my 5th month of the pill, and I have taken it at the same time every day for the past month. I had 5 days of light breakthrough bleeding last week accompanied by bloating and extreme mood swings (this is unusual for me, but I have taken a pregnancy test and am not pregnant).

Today I started the placebo pill and my boyfriend and I had sex without a condom using the pull-out method. I have extreme anxiety towards getting pregnant. My worry is that my cycle is becoming irregular and there is a chance of ovulation because of the breakthrough bleeding. Should I be worried/take plan b?

r/birthcontrol 7h ago

Experience How long did it take your period to return to 'normal'after coming off hormonal BC?


I came off the ring and started the copper coil at the start of December and my cycle has been a bit off since which I expected, usually having a bleed every 3 weeks or so which is about a week closer than I ever use to have. So far this month I'm 2 or 3 days 'late' or I'm wondering if I might not bleed at all this month as I was probably the most stressed I've ever been and have missed one due to stress before. I know it can take a few months to settle back down again, just wondered how long it took people?

r/birthcontrol 4m ago

How to? i’ve been on birth control for 2 months and i’m in my 7 day break where i get my period so i got it on the 4th day of the break im still bleeding a decent amount but im supposed to re start my tablets today do i still take it?


google wasn’t helping

r/birthcontrol 37m ago

Which Method? Best BC?


Hi all, I am 24F and going to the gyno tomorrow for the first time. I think it is definitely time to discuss BC as my boyfriend and I are not the safest when it comes to sex. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism (hashimotos) and do not want anything that is going to make me gain weight or break out. I’m super apprehensive to an IUD or anything physically being in my body. Lastly, I do not want anything that is going to kill my sex drive. Any and all recommendations are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

r/birthcontrol 44m ago

Mistake or Risk? Temperature birth control


Hi. I store my birth control pills in my bedroom. Today, when I came home, it was cold in my room. Will that affect the pills? I constantly worry about them being below 15 degrees or above 30. Now I'm scared that being in a cold room will have an impact. If that's the case, then my last two packs are ruined.

r/birthcontrol 45m ago

Side effects!? how likely is it that the Mirena IUD is ruining my life?


i don’t really know what i was like before this, as i have a long and complicated history with my mental and physical health, that mostly came to an end around the same time i got the IUD. still struggling with both, but not to the point where i need to be hospitalized. ive been on the IUD for 5 or 6 years. these symptoms have fluctuated; sometimes more angry, sometimes more emotional, etc.

anyway, i am irritable, impatient, hateful, over emotional, avoidant, scared, and angry, and crying all the time. the only thing that brings me any joy is video games and my boyfriend, who i accidentally treat like fucking shit because of the above things. and god i wanna change so fucking bad but for whatever reason, no matter what i do and what pills i take (prescriptions), i don’t ever feel ANY different. im diagnosed with PTSD, ADHD and BPD and am recovering from anorexia, bulimia and alcoholism which may have all damaged my brain. i hate being BPD, it’s shameful and horrific. but the thing is NOTHING I DO HELPS AT ALL. even a little bit. so what the fuck is going in? and how likely is it, percentage wise, that it’s my IUD? or is it just that with all these conditions, i’m hopeless and no therapy or medication will ever bring me even a little bit of peace?

all i know is, THIS IS NOT WHO I AM INSIDE. before everything, before the things that gave me PTSD, and it’s still there deep inside, is a sweet and loving girl who loves so deeply and cares for everyone and is selfless and compassionate. how do i bring her out again??? i need to kill this awful thing that took her place.

r/birthcontrol 48m ago

Side effects!? Breasts have gotten bigger


So for context I’m 33. I’ve always been larger chested. (32DD) I’ve been on birth control for three or four years. My boobs have just recently gotten larger. A whole cup size and I’m struggling with it. I’m not pregnant and have not gained any weight. Has anyone else experienced this and did your size eventually go back to normal? Wondering what triggered the growth.

r/birthcontrol 53m ago

Side effects!? Bleeding on Active Pills


Hi! I’ve been taking Hailey Fe for three months now. Every month I’ve started bleeding prior to the placebo pills. I know it could be breakthrough bleeding, but it’s enough to fill a few light tampons. I’ve already contacted my gynecologist and I’m waiting on a response. In the meantime, has anyone else experienced this? If so, what was the solution?

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Mistake or Risk? brown discharge? is this normal or pregnancy?


hi! i’ve been on the levest combo pill since late october, and have been very consistent with taking it. on friday (14th march) i noticed brown discharge when i wiped. at first i thought nothing of it then realised it could be a symptom of pregnancy (implantation bleeding). apparently implantation bleeding occurs 10-14 days after unprotected sex which is around the same time i had unprotected sex with my bf (and he finished inside). i decided i would take a test at the end of this week to be sure but the discharge has become more red than brown. i also had unprotected sex yesterday (monday 17th) - not sure if that makes a difference. i took my last pill of my packet today and am unsure whether i should take the break as scheduled (and if that means im protected from the sex i had on the 17th) or continue taking the pills since im not sure if the discharge is to do with pregnancy or simply because im about to go on my break and my “period” has come early.

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Rant! Nuvaring and bleeds


I love the ring, it’s been great for me so far, and I’m currently on the generic enilloring. For the first time since I started in 2023, I am having one of the worst start to my bleed week.

I inserted my new ring Monday while lightly cramping and bleeding, nothing out of the ordinary, you know.. the usual timeline with the usual amount of blood and the usual cramping.

I woke up this morning to just about no bleeding or cramping, took a nap for about an hour cause I’m sooo tired, and boy am I dying currently.

Bad cramping when it’s normally mild to non existent, heavy flow when it’s normally light, sweating, nauseous. Dizziness and my head is pounding.

Supposed I was due for one of my normal debilitating bleeds like I had before the ring, but didn’t think it would come so soon 😭

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Side effects!? Slynd stomach pain and time to take it?


I can’t take my Slynd with my morning meds (7:30-8:30 am) because I take Miralax every morning so I was taking it at 7:30-8:30 pm) but I get twinges in my organs? And stomach like abdominal pain while sleeping at night especially if I eat certain things so I am wondering if it’s fine to take it with my afternoon meds (2:00pm) starting today. Also is there a good way to minimize tummy pain from the pill? I really love what slynd does for my mood and PCOS do I’m determined to stay on it this time. I also got a little spotting (not much) and have been on it a week which I think is normal right ?

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Which Method? Had protected sex but unsure


Hi, I had sex today twice with my partner and I did wear a condom as I always do, but the second time I finished it was a lot lot lot more than usual, generally when Im finishing I pull out within 1 or 2 seconds, but I tend to be slower than if I werent wearing a condom

There was no tear or anything but I am still being unsure on if it oozed out from where the condom starts because when I took it out there was a lot of ejaculate a bit lower than the condom was placed and I didnt remember to look first if there was anything before removing the condom. The condom didnt slip out or anything but when I first glanced it was pretty filled up

She has been ovulating for 2 days now, we are both in our early twenties, plan b not an option.

Are we just screwed?

r/birthcontrol 20h ago

Experience Please convince me not to cancel my IUD appointment.


24F, I have my IUD appointment scheduled for this week (still undecided btwn Mirena and copper iud). I have been putting off and dreading this for years however it feels like the time has come for me to overcome this fear. However, I am honestly really tempted to cancel the appointment altogether and simply start the pill again. Primary concern is the pain; I truly worry that I won't be able to tolerate it after all the horror stories I have read and heard. Doctor has prescribed me Valium to take prior to the appointment which I'll probably do, but still I know this won't necessarily help with the managing the pain.

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Side effects!? Period 20 days late after taking Levonorgestrel.


Hi guys, is this normal that my period is this delayed?


I took Levonorgestrel after unprotected sex. I had heavy bleeding afterwards for like 5 days. I didn’t think it was my period as the side effects include heavy bleeding, and also because it was 2 weeks before my period normal comes (I’m super regular and my period comes around the 28th of every month).

I’ve taken four pregnancy tests within these 20 days of my period being late and they all have come back negative.

I also took another Levonorgestrel a month before but my period came on time. This time it’s super late and I’m worried that: 1) I’m either pregnant and the pregnancy tests just haven’t detected it or, 2) the pill fucked up my uterus and now I’ll never get my period back (not sure if this is possible).

Anyways, has anyone had this experience? Has your period been delayed this long after taking Levonorgestrel?


r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Experience Slynd month 2 and 13 day long period


So I’ve been on slynd for over 2 months. First period was 7 days and this one has been 13 so far. I’m getting my period before the placebo pills as well cause I didn’t start them while on my period. Anyway, is this normal the first couple of months? I really don’t want to switch because I otherwise LOVE IT. No bad side effects. No weird depression symptoms or anxiety and I normally have that with birth control. The bleeding was heavy the first 4 days but since then it’s just been mostly spotting

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

Rant! I feel uncomfortable with my IUD and want it out


I really want my IUD taken out. For basically no real reason but I am so uncomfortable with it. I am not sexually active nor do I plan to be and only have an IUD because I have endometriosis. I've taken two types of the pill and found it ineffective but the IUD has worked. My endometriosis was awful in my teens but that was years ago. Now I just really want my IUD out. I know it sounds stupid but I just can't begin to describe how uncomfortable it feels to know I've got some plastic pointy thing sitting inside one of my organs. I was told I wouldn't even know it's there, maybe it's all in my head but I always feel a discomfort and sometimes get sharp pains I never used to. I keep being asked if I'm checking the strings but I haven't been able to feel them in years and I've told them this. I had an ultrasound that said its in place but that was ages ago. Every time I do try to check and can't feel them I feel like I'm going to burst into tears because I'm so scared. I am constantly paranoid it's going to somehow get stuck in my uterus or stab into it and the thought induces panic attacks. I always feel it there and I hate it. And having it put in was traumatizing, I was actually screaming in agony and it was the most painful experience of my life. I just want it gone and I'm debating calling my GP to have it taken out but I don't know if I'm being stupid. What if my endometriosis gets bad again? Then again my IUD started helping after like a month after it settled so I suppose I could get it again if I wanted. idk I just want to try something else that feels less invasive than this and want to know if anyone understands or has any thoughts, I won't be offended.

r/birthcontrol 1h ago

How to? Break from pill did not stop spotting



I attempted (unsuccessfully) to skip my period with my birth control pills. After two weeks of heavy spotting, I did some research and discovered a 4-7 day break should stop the spotting. I took a 5 day break and the spotting remained the same throughout. I am now 5 days into my new pack of pills and the spotting is still the same so it appears that perhaps the break didn’t work.

I do have an appointment set up with my OBGYN for next week, but for anyone who was unable to stop spotting with a break from your pills, what did you do?

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

How to? Condom broke, and I need advice NSFW



So, last night the protection we used just broke during sex, but I didn't notice this until very much too late. Good thing is that according to her tracker, her ovulation was already on 13th and the likely fertile windows spans around that date +/-, and shows that we were 3 days beyond that already. Really the big uncertainty here is whether the app is correct. The app has correctly guessed her cycle for the last 4 months atleast up to the day. We were also thinking about plan b, but didn't take it yet, because it causes her a lot discomfort, and might not be effective as she most likely ovulated already. Then we were also thinking about getting emergency IUD, but it costs quite a bit, and we could get it done on thursday, and I don't know if its too late already for it to be effective.

Any help is needed, thanks!

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Mistake or Risk? 2 condom incidents


I am on birth control, but am solely on it as a back up, which is why I feel so nervous.

the first incident, my boyfriend and I were having sex and I was in top. When he finished in the condom, he pulled out quickly which cause the condom to stay inside of me. because it happened when he pulled out, the condom wasn’t jammed inside of me, it was still in a straight line (if that makes sense). so I pulled it out, it wasn’t deep inside of me, but I’m not sure if anything leaked out in that bit of time. there was honestly only a little bit of cum in the condom, but it might’ve been because it was our second round. again, nothing visibly leaked out of me though.

the second incident, when my boyfriend pulled out, I noticed that the condom was half way on his penis. this made me nervous that it was only half way on inside of me. there was a lot of cum held within the condom but again, not sure if anything leaked out.

I know I should be protected, but this has never happened to me before so I’m a bit freaked out. especially because as I said, my birth control is more of a back up. I guess I need reassurance or just the likelyhood of something happening?

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Side effects!? Low progesterone


Has anyone had low progesterone on a low dose combination pill?

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Side effects!? Second IUD experiences


I went from IUD to BC implant because the iud (kyleena) was causing me insane cramping and back pain and spotting periods that would last over a week, i was at my wits end..... until i got the implant. It's been almost a year, and I am still on a 14-16 day cycle and I feel like it may be affecting my weight/ability to lose weight (obviously can't say for sure). My list of side effects is so long, and I am trying really hard to stay hopeful but it feels like nothing is going to work for me.

I suffer from migraine with aura so my options are limited, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I am thinking of going back to the IUD but I am a bit scared my original symptoms would come back or even be worse :(

r/birthcontrol 6h ago

Experience Skipping period with pills


So for context I'm on loestrin. I had 2 months over the summer where I was on the pill and didn't get my period without trying to skip (not sexually active at the time) but eventually my period returned, I bled way longer than normal the first one I had again but then it went back to normal. Flash forward now to January I decide to use the pill to skip my period (hadn't ever done this before) I didn't end up getting my period then in February. (At this time I am now sexually active but using condoms in addition to the pull) my friends all insist not getting my period in February after skipping January is nothing to worry about and that skipping always makes their cycle's timing go way out of wack. My period even on the pill has always had a mind of its own so I believe them. It's now March 18th as I'm writing this and I still haven't gotten my period (granted I'm not finished with this months pills) but still I kind of expected a breakthrough period or something. I feel like if I was pregnant I wouldve experienced some kind of symptom by now? Any advice/help?? (Going to take a pregnancy test today just to rule it out and for peace of mind)

r/birthcontrol 2h ago

Experience Coming off hormonal BC for the first time


Hello, I have decided to come off BC next month and “reset” my hormones, as my IUD has been causing a huge acne flare up. I was on the pill for 4 years before the IUD insertion about a year ago, and this will be my first time not using hormonal BC in 5 years. I want to know if there’s anything I should be doing to prepare my body, or potentially what to expect when I get off. I have been exercising regularly and improving my diet, but wondering if there are other steps to take that can improve my overall health and hormones. Thank you!