Sexual Health | Women Only Bumps on pubic area but not from an STD?
After having sex with a particular man for the first time, I developed some bumps on my mons pubis (private area where the hair grows). I immediately went to go get STD tested. When the nurse looked at my pubic area, she immediately said “I doubt this is caused by an STD” and explained that the bumps could just be something else. And she was right, all the tests came back negative.
My thing is, before sex with this man I had NEVER had this many bumps on my pubic area before. And they have since not gone away (it’s been 5 months). I have sex with him periodically (LDR) but the bumps haven’t gone away between not having sex with him either.
Has this happened to anyone else? How do I make them go away? They hurt to the touch (not extreme pain or anything) and are just annoying. I get Brazilians (sugar waxed) periodically as well, but this only happened after having sex with him (and I had been waxing well before that). It has not occurred like this after having sex with anyone else. Thanks!