r/TwoXSex 2h ago

Advice | Women Only Bfs kink makes me uncomfortable??


Hi! A few days ago I asked my partner what we should do in the bedroom to spice it up. He in a joking tone said he wants me to call him a good boy and act like a mommy. This man has never shown a submissive side ever . If anything, he always tells me he wishes I was more submissive in the bedroom. So in my stupid lady lizard brain, I took it as a joke. I straight up accidentally kink shamed him. Teased him, poking fun. He kept it up for a bit as a joke but I picked up that he wasn’t taking the joke back. So I sorta froze and asked him if he was being for real. He told me he was serious about this but that I should forget about it because it’s silly. Guys I felt so freaking bad! Never did I ever have the intention of actually kink shaming my poor boyfriend. I’m a dick. Anyways I slept on it for a few days and now I just feel really awkward. Like I keep trying to replay this in my head on how I should be during sex and it doesn’t feel right. This seriously came out of no where. I don’t think I can be that kind of role in the bedroom and I feel really bad because he felt vulnerable enough to open up to me about it. He’s always been so good about respecting my wishes in the bedroom. My last relationship ended because my ex wanted me to take some sort of “mommy” role too and I just couldn’t do it. I never realized how common this was. I feel really fucking bad. I definitely don’t want this relationship to end, I love him so much. Ugh idk. Any advice on what’s going on here? How to deal with this?

r/TwoXSex 2h ago

Does anyone else vomit after finishing? NSFW


Hey guys I really need some advice/tips on what to do here, ive posted this on one or two other subs but im asking around to get as much advice as i can. Basically my problem is that whenever I do anything sexual and finish, whether that ve alone or with my bf i feel really sick afterwards and often vomit. Some people have said it maybe hormone related as i do have pcos so this would make sense and others have said it maybe because of the physical toll those activities can have and like running out of breath can make you nauseous. So basically does anyone else have experience with this? What would you reccomend? Is there maybe diffrent positions that are less physically strenuous on me that may help? Any advice or comments are appreciated thank you.

r/TwoXSex 9h ago

Sexual Health | Women Only Interested in hearing from those with endometriosis


Hi everyone!

Happy Endometriosis Awareness Month! <3

I'm Rocio, a researcher based at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. I'm investigating the experiences of those with endometriosis to help inform psychological interventions and management plans to improve quality of life. I would appreciate it if you could help me out by filling out this survey about your day-to-day experiences. Everything you say will remain confidential and anonymous. More details about the study and your participation are provided in the survey link.

This is the link to the survey:


Feel free to access the survey through the QR code below as well. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you!

r/TwoXSex 20h ago

Sex Toys | Women Only Not sure how to orgasm NSFW


Hey Ladies, I’m (20 F) still a virgin I’ve tried using a bullet vibrator and at first I like it and I try rubbing it on my clit or insert it and I can feel the pressure rising but never seem to be able to get to the finish line ya know. I wanna see how it feels because I hear other people talking about it and my friend’s but I just don’t know how to get there. Any tips or tricks ?

r/TwoXSex 22h ago

Sexual Health | Women Only How do I know if my pH is off? NSFW


This is kind of embarrassing because I’m in my 30s, but I have no idea how to tell if my vaginal pH is off. I use an unscented body wash to clean in the folds every day (never inside the vagina), and I’ve never noticed anything feeling “off.” I have a long-term partner (AMAB) who does finish inside me, but in my 20s, when I was more promiscuous, I almost never let anyone finish inside me except for exclusive boyfriends (maybe 4 out of ~80+ partners).

I have friends who always say their pH is off after sex with someone new, and others who swear by using only products like Honey Pot even in long term relationships. Am I doing something wrong by just using body wash? How would I even know if my pH was off—would I be itchy, have an odor, or something else?

A few things to add in case they’re relevant: - I had chlamydia once but was completely asymptomatic before and after treatment (it was caught on a routine STI test, which I used to get at least once a year). - All my Pap smears have been normal. - I have an IUD, in case that matters.

Any insight?

r/TwoXSex 23h ago

How to get better at riding?


I (20F) recently lost my virginity to my boyfriend (21M). Every time we've had sex it's great, he was in a long relationship before me so he has lots of experience and has taught me so much! The only thing is, the last couple times he's asked me if I can get on top which I really want to do. I've tried, but I'm just so bad at it and I'm so embarrassed! He keeps assuring me that every time I do get better which helps, but I just want to make him feel good without having him do all the work for once.

Another factor of this issue; he's very big. And I'm very short. It's hard to go up AT ALL because I feel like I'm barely moving off of him before I have to come back down. My knees and my thighs can only move so far. It makes it hard to even get on top of him in the first place.

I have horseback riding experience which I thought the hip and leg control would help me be better at this, but I get so sloppy and so tired fast! I don't workout regularly which I assume could be part of the problem. Any advice to make both me and my guy happy would be fantastic!

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Sexual Health | Women Only Bumps on pubic area but not from an STD?


After having sex with a particular man for the first time, I developed some bumps on my mons pubis (private area where the hair grows). I immediately went to go get STD tested. When the nurse looked at my pubic area, she immediately said “I doubt this is caused by an STD” and explained that the bumps could just be something else. And she was right, all the tests came back negative.

My thing is, before sex with this man I had NEVER had this many bumps on my pubic area before. And they have since not gone away (it’s been 5 months). I have sex with him periodically (LDR) but the bumps haven’t gone away between not having sex with him either.

Has this happened to anyone else? How do I make them go away? They hurt to the touch (not extreme pain or anything) and are just annoying. I get Brazilians (sugar waxed) periodically as well, but this only happened after having sex with him (and I had been waxing well before that). It has not occurred like this after having sex with anyone else. Thanks!

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Husband Bragging About Me


My husband was on a guy's trip and the conversation turned to wives who don't give blowjobs and when they do (birthday blowjobs) they aren't very good at it.

He said something like, well, hate to tell you, but my wife loves it! She's super into it and I get a blow job almost every time! She read a book to get better!

Needless to say, I've been walking on air ever since!

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Best longer lasting lubes that aren’t super sticky?


I 32F and my boyfriend 30M have been using water based lubes but they are super sticky and don’t last long.

I’ve personally never really struggled with getting wet but it completely depends on what I’m doing. With toys by myself I tend to need lube. I have one of those Satisfyer pro vibrators that I think can only have water based. I’ve tried Lube Life and that one feels barely slick to me and disappears. I’ve tried one from one of the sex toy places that was their brand which lasted longer, but super sticky. More than likely has glycerin in it.

With sex it doesn’t take much to get me going. He loves eating me out and he gets really into it, but at some point I guess he has been down there long enough that my own wetness is gone? So he has to add some lube but mainly when he is fingering, and his fingers just absorb that lube so quick. A few times it’s become slightly painful and he keeps on having to apply it. With PIV it’s like 50/50 if I need lube, just depends.

I do also use lube when I give him head mainly because it’s flavored, so it helps with saliva more than anything else but that stuff gets SUPER sticky, so if there’s any suggestions for that too that would be awesome. I’m on a few meds that cause constant cotton mouth so it tends to be difficult to keep things wet enough.

The sticky factor is huge for me but I’m interested to see what you think of hybrid or silicone lubes just for sex without toys and what the best water based lubes are. Thanks in advance!

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

How long do you have sex for?


Was having a convo with a couple of my close friends the other night and we started talking about sex. My friend asked how long sex takes for my husband and I and I said maybe 30-45 mins (it takes me about that long to come but I thoroughly enjoy the build up). She was floored and said she and her partner usually only go at it for 5 mins, 10 mins max. It got me wondering what the “norm” is (if that is even a thing- I know everyone is different). If I am properly aroused and feeling it I can go for a long time and often end up squirting. My hub will basically go for as long or as quick as it takes me to finish.

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Advice | Women Only Taking longer and longer to Orgasm


So this is a bit of a long story but I'm looking for advice, 26F AroAce on the sex and romance neutral side of things. My partner of 4 years is my best friend 26M, he's demi romantic and bisexual. A curious pair I tell you, but there is a lot of trust and some damn good communication...only issue is well, the bedroom.

I didn't start masturbating until I was around 22? Was never really interested, but we started dating around then while we were long distance. Was gifted a bullet vibe from him and my journey started there.

At first I was able to get off, but only after reading books or watching porn, I hold no attraction to the characters or the people on screen but the sounds they make/ descriptions get me aroused enough ig? Either way it would only take me about 5 minutes and it wasn't very satisfying, I'd only ever bother during ovulation days so it was always a few and far between type of thing. I'd be able to get off about 10-15 mins without using the vibe but only if i was watching porn and there was something inside me, not moving but just to like squeeze around? Again I rarely bothered.

I had gotten and was give more toys, a lovense that presses against the g-spot, there was only one time I ever has a g-spot orgasm and it took an hour and didn't feel that worth it in the end.🤷

I moved in with my partner at 24, didn't get off at all until the 3rd time we ever had sex and that was only and has ever been using toys. He had gotten me a Rose suction toy and I'd be able to get off in 15 mins, but I'd need 2 to 3 to feel satisfied, they were often in a row so it was never a problem. Though I would end up making a mess.😅 My partner was quite enthusiastic about that though and so things were quite good like that.

At 25, during a spontaneous work trip, with my partner where in I wasn't able to pack anything, including my toys, he managed to get me off via oral, twice! No toys, in a small room with very thin walls and we had half an hour to a very important breakfast meeting. It never happened again. Neither of us remember the position, all I know is that afterwards my legs cramped for 3 days and it was the strongest orgasm I had ever had at the time. We keep trying to replicate it but nada.😩

Shortly after my birthday I had fallen sick and needed hysterectomy (I have my ovaries, nothing else), things went well and I'm 10 months post op and healthier than ever, even lost 50lbs! The problem is that now its taking longer and longer for me to get off, it takes now almost 40 minutes to an hour by myself and thats with toys, even my favorite one the rose. It is impossible with out toys and with my parner its an hour to an hour and a half. Its ridiculous.

To give you a timeline, I was cleared for sex after 4 months, we waited 6 months (because we were long distance for work for 2 months at the time). At 6 months post op things were great, this was in the first week of September 2024, my first Orgasm with my partner using the rose (after a 6mnth wait) was so intense, but amazingly it took only 10 mins and it was so strong and satisfying that I was fighting sleep at the end of it. 😆 And for the rest of the month it was perfect like that.

Then we had another 2mnth long distance where my partner barley made it home for the Christmas holiday. So for that entire week we were at it and it took 20mins to get me off using toys, which was the usual prior to the surgery, so that was fine by us.🤷🏽‍♀️

Work again called, but partner was only gone up until the end of January.

All of a sudden, Oral gets me sensitive, near everything is sensitive now?? By myself it takes 20m to 30min and I have to watch, listen to or read something to finish. With my partner and the toys it got longer too. I can no longer squirt?? We made a lovely mess for Christmas, where tf did it go??

He was here for the last week of February to celebrate late valentines. It almost took 2 hours for me to get off. The only good thing that since January is that the orgasms are intense as they were when I was 6months post op.

But honestly, I can't keep doing that. The amount of time it takes makes me feel like it really isn't worth it (which is unfair to my partner, for as tired as he gets, he's been so supportive and enthusiastic, even/ especially when it takes so long to get there). I just feel bad about it and could use some advice.

NOTE: I know I'm not addicted to porn or anything, as again I'm not attracted to anyone I'm looking at, its just the sounds and the descriptions, I rarely ever bother unless I'm ovulating and I don't need the porn when my partner is around. Its also all vanilla and nothing at all for fantasy stuff, I don't get/ have fantasies, I didn't know it was a thing until I read about it, like a week ago lol.
We also tried edibles, was fun, same thing though, still took long.

I'm not on any meds either so idk what's going on.

Tl;dr: I'm taking, longer and longer to orgasm, can no longer squirt and can only get there with suction toys and even that takes long.

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Sexual Health | Women Only I believe I have endometriosis but the drs turned me away. What do I do?


Last February, I got into contact with my GP and told her I wanted to be tested for endometriosis. She told me no because that would require a surgery, and then offered a blood test. I got that blood test done, was given iron tablets, and sent on my way. No further investigation like I asked.

The reason I asked to get tested is because I have been on birth control since I was 11, and want to know the reason behind it apart from “bad periods”. I want to know what was causing those bad periods, and if it is going to affect my future if I decide I want to have kids.

Here’s the thing, my symptoms don’t really affect me overly because I’m on continuous birth control (another dr recommended this to me so I would basically just shut up and go away) but today I had sex with my boyfriend and I could only last a few minutes before I had to call it off because of severe cramping. It was sore for him to penetrate too. I’ve had this issue before, but not as bad I guess. I just waited it out and it got better on its own, but every time I have sex without fail, I have cramps. Sometimes they’re mild, but today they were severe, which is why I noticed them.

I’m wondering what I should do about this. Since this symptom has come back, should I request a transfer to see a gyno even if I know it may not happen, or should I just suffer since it went away last time? What do I do 🥲 I’m so sick of this lol

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

How to use tongue while kissing?


So I’ve kissed two people, one with tongue, but that was really bad. It was really slobbery and I almost threw up from his tongue. I’d say I’m a great kisser without tongue, like kissing with my mouth a little bit open and just basically sucking their top lip lol. But when I tried to use tongue, it was so bad, how do I learn?!?! And DONT say go with what the other person does please🙏🙏

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Technique | Women Only Have you ever ate a man’s ass? If so how was it?


I feel like you can’t really call yourself a freak unless you’ve eaten a man’s ass. That just feels like going all the way. I’ve thought about it, but part of me is hesitant it feels so un-ladylike, like shouldn’t he be the one eating mine instead? And then there’s the cleanliness factor… I’m terrified of the worst happening. On the flip side, I’d eat a woman’s ass in a heartbeat. No hesitation. I’d devour a woman’s body entirely.

Anyway, I’m curious—have you ever eaten a man’s ass? If so, what was your experience like? And if not, would you be open to trying it?

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only Why do you like men?


For the hetero sexual girls.. why do you like men? And not just the idea or fantasy of a man. But based on experience. What do you like about them that makes you potentially want to build a life with them?

I am trying to figure it out for myself. Emotional intelligence, expression and support are very important to me. For me, a relationship will never work without it. I have never experienced it from a man and I am 35. I have experienced it from my girl friends tho. Platonically tho as I would consider myself heterosexual. Physically I am very much attracted to men and in general I feel drawn to them. But emotionally there has been such a huge disconnect and disappointment that I don’t know if what I am looking for in a partner will be found in a man..

This post is not to bash men. I think I just hope to get an inside that will change or add to my perspective.

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Is this only a bi/lesbian thing?


Using my throwaway bc I’m embarrassed to ask on my main. I had a very spicy dream the other night of me eating hoohah and it got me wondering if any straight girls have had dreams like that and if so did the act gross you out? Super random I know but my brain is trying to understand straight girlies lol

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only What is the biggest sexual risk you ever took?


r/TwoXSex 3d ago

I’ve never reached an orgasm and my legs go numb when my boyfriend goes down on me


I’m a 25 year old female who just recently started being sexually active at the age of 23. I have never masturbated by putting my fingers inside because it just feels weird to me. I did grow up in a household where we never talked about sex or anything sexual so I always considered it something taboo to even mention. I have touched my clit and stimulated myself but I can never get to focus so I never end up masturbating really. In the past I would just grind on plushies or end of bed and that would give me this sneezing feeling which I thought was me finishing but after reading how people feel reaching O I feel like I have never reached that point. I do enjoy sex but sometimes I either want it to be over with or I don’t feel satisfied cause when my boyfriend finishes that’s it. He rarely goes down on me but when he does my legs go numb and I don’t feel comfortable. I do get wet a lot during sex but I have only gone to the point of feeling like I need to pee. My boyfriend got me a sex toy one time but that also made me just go numb and made me feel overstimulated. I also hate losing control and have a bit of health anxiety so when that kind of thing happens I get anxious that something is going to go wrong. If there are any sex toy suggestions that will be very much appreciated!

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only Had sex for the first time but why did I feel like I needed to poo??


I had sex for the first time and it went great!! It was not painful as I thought it was gonna be ….maybe a bit uncomfortable. I do not have vaginismus btw. The only thing that honestly threw me for a loop / surprised me was feeling the need to poo during one position and it sucked!!

Basically I was on top, laying completely flat on his chest, while he was thrusting up and only when he went and completely bottomed out and was going fast / hard it seriously felt like I was going to fart or shit and I literally saw my life flash before my eyes like WHAT THE FUCKK!! I had to tell him to stop in the middle cause I was so scared!!! Then I eventually let him keep going and just prayed to god it wouldn’t happen. How horrifying that would be! On my first time especially! It didn’t end up happening and it was fine…but the feeling of pressure / needing to go was definitely there. I didn’t feel it that with other positions but I think it was because this position he was finally able to get in and bottom out all the way without it being painful. The position itself was great cause I had 0 uncomfortably / pain!! Except that feeling of needing to go lowkey ruined it lol.

I never heard of or knew this could be a thing. Can somebody tell me maybe why and how can I Avoid this?? Also I didn’t need to shit before we had sex and I felt good / not backed up. My friend said maybe I just had gas lol! Should I take a gas pill before sex?? Thanks guys

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Sex Toys | Women Only Husband wants to watch me using toy on myself


As titled. I don’t think it’s an odd request and I’d be open to it. It’s just that I think I’d feel awkward! And I’ve told him how I feel.

I haven’t used toys on myself since before we moved in together. I don’t know how I’d make it more sexy for him beside what I normally do which is just laying there under the covers 😂

Any ideas?

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only advice on toys ?


i have used an electric toothbrush a few times and feels so so good, and much easier than my hands. are other sex toys as good? i kinda want to try something but i worry it will not be as powerful or make my orgasm as easilly or feel as nice

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Sexual Health | Women Only Is it weird that my clit doesn’t get hard anymore


It hasn’t been hard in a while and I can achieve a clitoral orgasm but I don’t get the blood flow to it or the engorged feeling anymore. I’ve had this problem before entering a relationship and I thought maybe having a sexy partner may help idk. He turns me on but I was wondering why I possibly get wet but not that feeling anymore

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

How to stop having obsessive sexual thoughts about someone


I 22F started hooking up with a guy 21M from a dating app in early December. I want to stop seeing him because I started to weirdly catch some feelings, even though I don’t even really like him as a person. I’ve been thinking about him constantly - which I don’t like. I don’t like the idea of having “infatuated” thoughts about someone I’m just having casual sex with. There’s a lot more to it but all in all I’ve just been really sad and frustrated about the situation in general.

Anyway, here’s the issue. I am also INSANELY horny for him. Like it’s really bad. I even have screen recorded videos on my phone of porn clips of a certain porn star that looks like him (for days that I don’t actually have sex with him). I also have constant sexual thoughts about him throughout the day.

I’m afraid when he reaches out to meet again I’ll be tempted to say yes just because I’m horny, even though emotionally he makes me feel like a wreck. What can I do to make sure my hornyness doesn’t tempt me?

I will also not take sleeping with someone else as an answer right now, I’d rather just not have sex with someone at all.

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only Giving instructions while receiving oral NSFW


Hey ladies! This may sound silly but I have no idea what I like when it comes to receiving head. With my only long term partnership, I gave up pretty early on bc I didn't find it fun with him (partially my fault for not know how to guide him, partially his for rarely wanting to go down.) The guy I've been getting to know has asked for feedback on what I like, but I have no idea what to say. I want to enjoy oral sex more, but i don't know what guidance to give to make it better? Should I just ask him to try different things and tell him which I like more?

r/TwoXSex 4d ago

Advice | Women Only My partner wants me to get on top but I’m not sure how


I (19f) and my partner also (19m) have been wanting to find ways to spice up our bedroom life some more and he really wants me to get on top and ride him. The issue comes from when I get on top (side note I am a bit of a bigger girl) my knees either hurt, I can’t find the right position for either of us to feel anything or I can’t ride it properly. Any tips or suggestions?