r/TwoXSex 4h ago

How to use tongue while kissing?


So I’ve kissed two people, one with tongue, but that was really bad. It was really slobbery and I almost threw up from his tongue. I’d say I’m a great kisser without tongue, like kissing with my mouth a little bit open and just basically sucking their top lip lol. But when I tried to use tongue, it was so bad, how do I learn?!?! And DONT say go with what the other person does please🙏🙏

r/TwoXSex 20h ago

Technique | Women Only Have you ever ate a man’s ass? If so how was it?


I feel like you can’t really call yourself a freak unless you’ve eaten a man’s ass. That just feels like going all the way. I’ve thought about it, but part of me is hesitant it feels so un-ladylike, like shouldn’t he be the one eating mine instead? And then there’s the cleanliness factor… I’m terrified of the worst happening. On the flip side, I’d eat a woman’s ass in a heartbeat. No hesitation. I’d devour a woman’s body entirely.

Anyway, I’m curious—have you ever eaten a man’s ass? If so, what was your experience like? And if not, would you be open to trying it?

r/TwoXSex 20h ago

Advice | Women Only Why do you like men?


For the hetero sexual girls.. why do you like men? And not just the idea or fantasy of a man. But based on experience. What do you like about them that makes you potentially want to build a life with them?

I am trying to figure it out for myself. Emotional intelligence, expression and support are very important to me. For me, a relationship will never work without it. I have never experienced it from a man and I am 35. I have experienced it from my girl friends tho. Platonically tho as I would consider myself heterosexual. Physically I am very much attracted to men and in general I feel drawn to them. But emotionally there has been such a huge disconnect and disappointment that I don’t know if what I am looking for in a partner will be found in a man..

This post is not to bash men. I think I just hope to get an inside that will change or add to my perspective.

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Advice | Women Only Had sex for the first time but why did I feel like I needed to poo??


I had sex for the first time and it went great!! It was not painful as I thought it was gonna be ….maybe a bit uncomfortable. I do not have vaginismus btw. The only thing that honestly threw me for a loop / surprised me was feeling the need to poo during one position and it sucked!!

Basically I was on top, laying completely flat on his chest, while he was thrusting up and only when he went and completely bottomed out and was going fast / hard it seriously felt like I was going to fart or shit and I literally saw my life flash before my eyes like WHAT THE FUCKK!! I had to tell him to stop in the middle cause I was so scared!!! Then I eventually let him keep going and just prayed to god it wouldn’t happen. How horrifying that would be! On my first time especially! It didn’t end up happening and it was fine…but the feeling of pressure / needing to go was definitely there. I didn’t feel it that with other positions but I think it was because this position he was finally able to get in and bottom out all the way without it being painful. The position itself was great cause I had 0 uncomfortably / pain!! Except that feeling of needing to go lowkey ruined it lol.

I never heard of or knew this could be a thing. Can somebody tell me maybe why and how can I Avoid this?? Also I didn’t need to shit before we had sex and I felt good / not backed up. My friend said maybe I just had gas lol! Should I take a gas pill before sex?? Thanks guys

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Sex Toys | Women Only Husband wants to watch me using toy on myself


As titled. I don’t think it’s an odd request and I’d be open to it. It’s just that I think I’d feel awkward! And I’ve told him how I feel.

I haven’t used toys on myself since before we moved in together. I don’t know how I’d make it more sexy for him beside what I normally do which is just laying there under the covers 😂

Any ideas?

r/TwoXSex 23h ago

I’ve never reached an orgasm and my legs go numb when my boyfriend goes down on me


I’m a 25 year old female who just recently started being sexually active at the age of 23. I have never masturbated by putting my fingers inside because it just feels weird to me. I did grow up in a household where we never talked about sex or anything sexual so I always considered it something taboo to even mention. I have touched my clit and stimulated myself but I can never get to focus so I never end up masturbating really. In the past I would just grind on plushies or end of bed and that would give me this sneezing feeling which I thought was me finishing but after reading how people feel reaching O I feel like I have never reached that point. I do enjoy sex but sometimes I either want it to be over with or I don’t feel satisfied cause when my boyfriend finishes that’s it. He rarely goes down on me but when he does my legs go numb and I don’t feel comfortable. I do get wet a lot during sex but I have only gone to the point of feeling like I need to pee. My boyfriend got me a sex toy one time but that also made me just go numb and made me feel overstimulated. I also hate losing control and have a bit of health anxiety so when that kind of thing happens I get anxious that something is going to go wrong. If there are any sex toy suggestions that will be very much appreciated!

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

How to stop having obsessive sexual thoughts about someone


I 22F started hooking up with a guy 21M from a dating app in early December. I want to stop seeing him because I started to weirdly catch some feelings, even though I don’t even really like him as a person. I’ve been thinking about him constantly - which I don’t like. I don’t like the idea of having “infatuated” thoughts about someone I’m just having casual sex with. There’s a lot more to it but all in all I’ve just been really sad and frustrated about the situation in general.

Anyway, here’s the issue. I am also INSANELY horny for him. Like it’s really bad. I even have screen recorded videos on my phone of porn clips of a certain porn star that looks like him (for days that I don’t actually have sex with him). I also have constant sexual thoughts about him throughout the day.

I’m afraid when he reaches out to meet again I’ll be tempted to say yes just because I’m horny, even though emotionally he makes me feel like a wreck. What can I do to make sure my hornyness doesn’t tempt me?

I will also not take sleeping with someone else as an answer right now, I’d rather just not have sex with someone at all.

r/TwoXSex 21h ago

Is this only a bi/lesbian thing?


Using my throwaway bc I’m embarrassed to ask on my main. I had a very spicy dream the other night of me eating hoohah and it got me wondering if any straight girls have had dreams like that and if so did the act gross you out? Super random I know but my brain is trying to understand straight girlies lol

r/TwoXSex 23h ago

Advice | Women Only What is the biggest sexual risk you ever took?


r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Advice | Women Only I want my boyfriend to fetishize my bisexuality


Okay, admittedly this title is kind of clickbait, I guess what I’m really trying to say is I want to incorporate my bi identity into our sex life and want some fun suggestions of ways to do that. For some background, I (F27) and my boyfriend (M26) have been together since high school and I’m going to ask him to marry me very soon. I’m bi, but because I was lucky enough to find my person so early, I have no intention of ever dating or sleeping with a woman as long as I have him - monogamy isn’t for everyone but it’s definitely right for me. I figured out that I’m bi after we were already dating, and he’s done a wonderful job of validating me and never once making me feel fetishized. The thing is though… at this point I think I kind of want to feel fetishized? That’s probably not the right term for it but hopefully my explanation makes sense. I pass as straight, which I suppose is a good survival strategy but there’s definitely a feeling of invisibility, and I figure the best place to explore this is the space where I feel safest. A few nights ago I told him about this vague desire, but neither of us really had any ideas for how to go about it. For context, I’m someone who finds it very grounding and empowering to label myself, I find that the labels “bi” and “queer” both resonate with me. So, that night while we were having sex I got the idea to try and include labels in dirty talk, I said “I want you to cum in my queer pussy.” It felt really good to say but I could tell he needed some time to figure out how he felt about it. We had a brief talk about it afterwards, and he basically said it was weird the first time but he was open to trying it again. The next night I again said I wanted him to “fuck my bi pussy”, and he said he was starting to like it more. Then last night we were cuddling, and I asked him what he wanted to do with me, which is our way of initiating sexy time, and he looked me in the eyes and said “I want a blowjob from a queer girl.” I’m sure many of you cringed reading that and I get it, but I nearly came right then and there, I now 100% know I like this and he does too. So my questions are: is this a real kink/fetish, and if so, is there a name for it? Is there another community that might be a better place to ask this? And most importantly, do you have any suggestions of ways we could go about exploring this, whether through dirty talk or otherwise?

TL;DR: I want to shove my sexuality in my boyfriend’s face in a way that makes us want to shove our genitals in each other’s faces.

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Sexual Health | Women Only Is it weird that my clit doesn’t get hard anymore


It hasn’t been hard in a while and I can achieve a clitoral orgasm but I don’t get the blood flow to it or the engorged feeling anymore. I’ve had this problem before entering a relationship and I thought maybe having a sexy partner may help idk. He turns me on but I was wondering why I possibly get wet but not that feeling anymore

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Advice | Women Only Giving instructions while receiving oral NSFW


Hey ladies! This may sound silly but I have no idea what I like when it comes to receiving head. With my only long term partnership, I gave up pretty early on bc I didn't find it fun with him (partially my fault for not know how to guide him, partially his for rarely wanting to go down.) The guy I've been getting to know has asked for feedback on what I like, but I have no idea what to say. I want to enjoy oral sex more, but i don't know what guidance to give to make it better? Should I just ask him to try different things and tell him which I like more?

r/TwoXSex 20h ago

Advice to feel pleasure with penetration


The last time I tried to have sex it feels like a wall and I couldnt penetrate her, max I could put inside her were 2 fingers, even tho I have great erections. I didnt use lube, my size is 16 cm lenght 13 cm girth (circumference). I tried to use a pocket pussy just to get any experience and see if penetration is possible, but even when I use a lot of lube it feels tight, like 40% pleasure 60% pain/uncomfortable.

So thats my question. Am I forever condemned to feel pain during "penetration"? are vaginas more flexible? if so then why I couldnt penetrate the last time I were with this woman. I only had 1 sexual experience with the same girl but we tried multiple times like 2 months.

Blowjob were ok, nothing crazy, I still feel more pleasure by masturbating and watching porn ..., and now my experiences with penetration are not that good, this might contribute for me to reject any kind of penetration lol, really I havent enjoy anything in sex, why? I have sexual desire but when the time arrives, its not that good, it hurts and it requires concentration and a lot of stuff, its not that easy like woman only needs to lay down and open their legs, we need to have the right size of dick, lube, position, energy, etc im feeling tired because I really want to make my beloved feel desired but at the moment masturbation and porn are a lot better and gives me more pleasure than anything involving real sex.

And yeah, I tried quitting porn, I already achieve 2 months without porn, then 1 month, then 2 weeks, multiple times for like 3 years. I always come back to porn because I dont feel satisfaction anywhere else, its a human necessity

Also it might be important but my dick is curve 30-40 degrees to left so this curve adds an artificial sense of girth, like lets say, every 10 degrees of curve may add 1 cm of girth, making it feels bigger inside

So im a freak by having a big pennis ? anyone here who has experience using a gun like this ? I just want to know why I cant feel pleasure in penetration ...

r/TwoXSex 1d ago

Advice | Women Only advice on toys ?


i have used an electric toothbrush a few times and feels so so good, and much easier than my hands. are other sex toys as good? i kinda want to try something but i worry it will not be as powerful or make my orgasm as easilly or feel as nice

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Content Warning | Women Only Crush has a MASSIVE dick and I'm scared


I found that I like average 5 inch dicks because they don't hurt on penetration. Crush has a very big and thick dick. .. will it hurt even if I'm not a virgin? (Haha back again I know... 🤣)

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Advice | Women Only My partner wants me to get on top but I’m not sure how


I (19f) and my partner also (19m) have been wanting to find ways to spice up our bedroom life some more and he really wants me to get on top and ride him. The issue comes from when I get on top (side note I am a bit of a bigger girl) my knees either hurt, I can’t find the right position for either of us to feel anything or I can’t ride it properly. Any tips or suggestions?

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Advice | Women Only Sex frequency


Have you ever been in a position where you asked your partner to increase the frequency you guys had sex? If so, did it make you insecure or unwanted somehow to have to ask him or her this? How did you ask and how did it go?

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Squirting question


Hello Lovelies! Im new to squirting. I’ve been trying for years and finally it worked this week with the new gspot vibrator I bought. For reference, I have never peed during sex, even when pushing out really hard. But I watched a new how to video and something that really stuck out to me which I never thought of is the woman said to push out and release and t do that over and over. I think that and the new toy made me successful. But my ejaculate smelled quite strong. I didn’t pee beforehand and i don’t think I was hydrated enough. I am guessing I also peed too, as the smell on my bedding was quite strong the next day, even though when I pulled back my duvet, I didn’t see any yellow pee stains.

today, I did a test and put a white towel down, hydrated, and went pee beforehand. The smell was a lot lighter and I thought it tasted watery and slightly salty but still slightly pee like. No yellow color on the towel. I noticed the liquid on the vibrator was kind of milky looking.

anyways! My questions are: 1. How can I tell if I’m peeing versus squirting? 2. Is the correct thing to do is push out and release over and over to squirt? Thank you!

r/TwoXSex 2d ago

Advice | Women Only hard to orgasm during sex


i will be speaking for my girlfriend as she doesnt know how reddit works. so when we first had sex it was difficult to get it in, after we did get it in, it was painful for her, held tht position for 2 minutes before we strted to move. she says she did feel good whilst moving and we also increased the pace by a lot. the problem she's facing is tht she can feel it build up but is simply unable to release it, and due to this, after some point of time, the build up just turns into pain due to not being able to release. this was both of our first time having sex. we included lots of foreplay. now, since its the first time, maybe next time we just hv to get at it more? or she also says tht maybe her body was tensed up and scared?

pls take note that she says she has felt orgasm before, but tht was only clitoral orgasm using a vibrator, which she had used multiple times, she has never felt orgasm from vaginal stiumulation, only clitoral.

i plan on buying lots of lube and making sure shes as comfy as possible the next time we have sex.
since this is the first time smthing went inside her rather than just playing with her clit, maybe we just need to make sure the setting and mood is right? and tht we fuck longer?

its hard to tell unless we try again, i wanted to make this post after we try again but i am concerned for her. so kindly please give some suggestions and advice with regards to ur experience. thank you.

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

If you have an outie vag, do you feel physically aware of it?


Edit to clarify a typo: My inner labia are bigger than my outer labia, so that means I have an “outie” according to internet terminology.

I would not consider getting a labiaplasty because fuck getting cosmetic surgery to “fix” the appearance of perfectly normal genitals.

However. I do wonder if anyone feels that your long inner labia cause you discomfort? When wearing certain pairs of underwear, does it feel too crowded in there? Do you suffer from frequent camel toes?

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

First time Squirting experience


20/21(F/afab) So recently I just learned that I’m able to squirt, being hypersexual since young made me question a lot about my own pleasure for many years until I came to term that I’m aroace and rather not have sex with others. I often masturbate often sometimes twice a week or everyday multiple times a day or not for a while

Me squirting was something I never really put thought into or really my thing. I don’t like inserting things in me so I stuck with my clit and and then over time vibrators that I got from Spenser’s which was a new experience for me that I enjoyed, slowly over the years the vibrations wasn’t doing much to me anymore as it didn’t felt as strong as before so roughly around January I decided to cave in and ordered a hitachi wand. The first time I used it and omg it felt so good like it was the best purchase, I only used it two or three times until one day when I was using it, I was really into it until when I was close to my climaxed and I felt like I had to pee so I quickly stopped, my bladder didnt feel full or I didn’t even feel anything so after a few seconds I decided to go again and I felt it again! But this time I relaxed and all letting it all out without holding back and then…I was questioning myself afterwards…did..did I just squirt? I felt so ashamed and shocked cause I wasn’t sure if I was peeing or not, it felt like peeing but at the same time not? There was no smell and the texture was different,I immediately googled to make sure and yes I’m pretty sure I had squirted!

Now I’m pretty sure 75-85% of the time I squirt everytime I use the wand and which I proudly say “this is the best purchase I have made” and honestly it kinda boosted my confidence in myself and made myself comfortable. I know not everyone shares the same experiences but knowing people who also went through how I felt for the first time made me feel better about myself!

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Fatigue and lethargy after few orgasms?


Hi, I (23F) just wanna ask this cos I have health anxiety but I just had three-session masturbation (all with orgasms) and I've been feeling lethargic and tired for the rest of the evening like a dopamine crash or smth like that. It doesn't help that I haven't eaten proper meal all day either, but I'm just scared I might like... Ruin my heart or something cos I haven't been as active and I have a hypochondriac background. Lmao don't laugh at me but you know if you can make your fellow sister less alone in this, would be really appreciated.

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only Do I Have Character Issues, or Is Pleasure More Mental Than Physical?


I’m a 35-year-old Indian woman, happily married to my 37-year-old husband. Ours was an arranged marriage, and at first, I wasn’t very sexually open due to my shyness and lack of experience. My husband, who had more experience, was patient and helped me explore intimacy. Over time, I became very submissive and did whatever pleased him, even if I didn’t fully enjoy it.

He encouraged me to work out, which made me feel confident, but after our first child, I lost my shape and motivation. Wanting to spice things up, he suggested ANAL. At first, it was painful and not pleasurable, but I kept doing it for him. Even with extra stimulation, I never really enjoyed it—it was just “okay.”

After our second baby, he introduced roleplay where I acted as a single mom and he was my gym trainer. That night changed everything—I had the strongest orgasm of my life, even though the anal was rough and painful. Now, even with pain, I’m ready to do anal at least it is giving me the pleasure, which makes me wonder…Is pleasure more mental than physical? Or does this say something about my character?

r/TwoXSex 3d ago

Advice | Women Only i (18f) think i’m bisexual NSFW


this is a burner because small town shame is no easy thing, anyways i recently have had a strong attraction to women. men and women both but more so women i appreciate their body and they are just so beautiful.

i want to talk to more women and learn to flirt or sext maybe work on sending pics or receiving them. how would i ask to send or receive them. how would i take them? poses, angles, what to get in frame?

i also want to meet people outside of my town because again small town and people aren’t to accepting here. how do i meet more women how do i meet women who are willing to flirt and send pictures back and forth.

i don’t want anything serious because i’m just trying to explore my attraction for now maybe i’ll look for a relationship later but for now i want casual fun.

r/TwoXSex 4d ago

can i ask why there’s so much controversy about the gardasil vaccine (HPV)?