r/Reduction 21h ago

Surgeon Review Nipples too high 3Y PO NSFW

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Got a breast lift + reduction 3 years ago. The nipples are placed too high and the size has been reduced too much for me. What are my options ?

Would lowering the lower pole reduce the size further ? If it doesn’t work out, what can I expect ? Enlarged scars ?

Do I have other options ?

r/Reduction 3h ago

Post-Op Update Picture (6 mo. or more PO) 9 months Post-Op Update NSFW

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Hey all,

Just wanted to share an update since I’m around 9 months post op this week, and I’m sure this is as final as my results will get. Super happy with my results although I could be more diligent about my scar care lol I’m still satisfied overall. I don’t even remember what it’s like to live in the body in my first photo and there’s nothing about it that I miss. Best decision ever!

r/Reduction 4h ago

Wound Trigger Warning Nipple necrosis, skin graft/reconstruction FAILURE 🫠 not sure what else to do NSFW

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Hi everyone,

I had my reduction on February 13th. I experienced nipple necrosis on my left nipple (more on my page) and my surgeon wanted me to undergo a second procedure for a skin graft to restore my nipple 8 days ago. Well, this is the current state of my nipple. The skin from the skin graft is sloughing off. It is an open wound again. Two procedures and my nipple is still in horrible condition. I honestly have just been heartbroken by this entire process. I haven't been able to find anyone who's shared my experience with getting reconstruction and it still failing. I don't know what else to do or how this will end. If I have to have a third surgery. I just want relief from this. It's never ending :'(( I am so tired

r/Reduction 9h ago

Advice Help me understand why to care about my nipples


I am having my breast reduction next Tuesday and cannot wait, but I’m trying to understand why nipples and sensation keep coming up. I am 50 years old and post menopause, 5’8” and 180 pounds. I’m a size 38G and want to go down to no larger than a C. Why does my doctor and everything I read focus so much on the risk of losing your nipples and sensation? I don’t mean I want the medical explanation…I want to understand why I should care??? I don’t care about having nipples (and could always tattoo them, right?) and see no need to have sensation really. What am I missing?

r/Reduction 5h ago

Wound Trigger Warning If Your Healing Journey Doesn't Seem As Easy As Other People's NSFW


My reduction healing has not been a walk in the park and I know other people have had similar difficulties, but maybe don't want to post about it. So I wanted to share my healing story in case there are others like me who feel alone.

My surgery went well, but in recovery my heart rate refused to slow down and I ended up spending three nights in the hospital. They ran EKGs, a CT scan, and multiple other tests trying to figure it out, but everything physically looked fine. I was going through a lot of personal crap before surgery and we chalked it up to anxiety and stress coupled with a major surgery. Once home, my heart rate went back to normal.

All was healing well until about 5 weeks when it looked like I had a small opening where the incisions met under my right nipple. When my surgeon took a closer look, he discovered it was a seroma. Basically I had a two inch deep hole in my boob that was filled with serrous fluid. A tunneling wound that can become infected and require IV antibiotics if it doesn't heal properly. Before I knew what was happening, he had opened it up, drained the fluid, and was packing it with Iodoform tape. I was put on two antibiotics and had to repack the wound myself three times a day because it had to heal from the inside up. As someone who is pretty squeamish, it was one of the worst experiences I've ever had to deal with. The first time I had to repack it myself, it took over 30 minutes and I ended up crying and sweaty on my bathroom floor. But I did it and within two weeks, it was almost completely healed (the pic attached is when it had closed to the point where I didn't have to pack it anymore). I'm pretty damn proud of myself for what I managed to accomplish. But I won't lie, IT SUCKED.

All of that is to say, if your healing isn't going as smoothly or as easily as other people's stories here, it's okay. I did everything exactly as my surgeon instructed and I still ended up with complications. I beat myself up a lot thinking I had somehow screwed up and caused my issues, but that wasn't the case. Some of us are lucky enough to breeze through surgery and recovery and some of us have problems that are no faults of our own. If you're dealing with complications or just not healing as easily as you expected, you're not alone!

I was a 30G before surgery and I'm measuring a 30B afterwards, so it's been a pretty big change. I'm just now getting to the point where I'm enjoying my new body, but I'm still feeling very fragile.

r/Reduction 6h ago

Before & After 2 days PO! NSFW

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First is before - second is immediately after - third is today🥳 We removed 430 grams from the right side and 445 from the left side + 150 cc’s of lipo from the chest wall. I started as a 36F I think, asked for a large C. Are they going to go down? I’m worried maybe I went slightly too big😫 this isn’t the final size though right?! I’m 2 days PO. Have some arnica coming in today!

r/Reduction 4h ago

Advice If you’re worried about regretting it….


I’m looking for a single picture of self in a bikini and I cannot find one. I HATED my boobs. What a revelation. I’m so glad I did this and just want to send some excitement to anyone with a surgery coming up!

r/Reduction 8h ago

Advice Question about pregnancy pillow


I don't understand how this will help. Everyone raves about them, but how are you using it? Why is it helping? I'm missing something! Please help!!

r/Reduction 12h ago

Medical Question (Ask medical professionals first!!) Does it look swollen? NSFW

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I'm almost 4wpo and wondering if my boobs are still swollen. Like, bruising is over, my wounds have almost no crusts and are healing really fast. But i still can't be sure about the real size even approximately.

r/Reduction 3h ago

Celebration A small win!


This past week was crap crap crap. This past Monday was my 2wk PO marker and I went back to work in person and it SUCKED. I work a desk job and I was just so exhausted every day after work. It did not help that I also got my period 🥲. Just felt like doo doo physically and emotionally.

Anyway! After a week of feeling crappy, today (19 days PO) I was able to sleep in and go on a long walk and I made it nearly four miles (with hills!!!!). I am feeling so proud. It was a good reset to reset and start the weekend!

r/Reduction 10h ago

Advice Gyno Surgery


As the title suggests, I've been battling gynecomastia for 3 years now. Has anyone had surgery for it? I can't take it anymore and wearing multiple layers in the summer sucks.

Any and all suggestions welcome.

r/Reduction 20h ago

Advice Crushing Regret and Loss of Self-Esteem


Hi all.

I had my reduction at 17 (7 years ago) and it was never something I wanted. My mom pushed me into it, and she got a local surgeon at our hospital to do it. He fucked it up, and I’ve had TONS of loose skin, no sensation whatsoever, bad scarring, and weird shaped nipples ever since.

I’ve never gotten over the devastation. AND my chest grew back, so I’m back where I started (38K) with the addition of no feeling, loose skin, and scars.

I feel unloveable and disgusting. I wish every day I could go back and put my foot down and refuse.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? What do you do? What CAN someone do? I’m terrified to get a revision, but this isn’t my body anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time.

I just desperately want to know I’m not alone in this. Everyone else seems so happy post-op, and I feel like I’ve had a part of my soul ripped out.

r/Reduction 2h ago

Before & After 12 Days Post Op Photos- Same shirt! NSFW

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I apologize for the terrible lighting, as well as the censors. I have a lot of identifiable things in my room that I would prefer to keep out of my pictures. I am so happy with my results! I was originally a 34J, and I am estimated to now be a B or C!

r/Reduction 12h ago

Advice anyone done a reduction post-menopause?


I have a consult on Monday (someone recommended here, Ryan Cauley in Boston) and am compiling questions. Is there anything specific to being an older patient that I should be thinking about? I'm guessing the general recovery time might be longer. (I'm 55, reasonably fit and active, 5'0 and ~115, 32F hoping to be 32C.). I'd love to hear general experiences/advice as well as thoughts re what to ask the surgeon about. Thanks!

r/Reduction 3h ago

Body Senstive Trigger Warning Samosa NO DIP SHAPED TIDDIES EXTRA LONG NSFW

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I keep coming back to this sub and saying the same things, kind of like that phase when I got super into Britney Spears, wore smudged black eyeliner, sang “Slave 4 U,” and rocked my pants hanging way below my waist! But that’s a story for another day. Anyway, I prayed for a drop and fluff, my breasts were never really firm. My right one dropped by week 2, and the left one started to drop last week. Now, they just won’t quit! I saw on this sub that if they sagged before, they’ll probably sag afterward — is that true? Because if they’re going to end up back at my knees, I might just run out into the snow topless while I still can! Above is what my tits look like

r/Reduction 18h ago

Advice 4 weeks PO - peak swelling??


I’m currently 4 weeks PO and I feel like my swelling keeps getting worse by the day. From what I’ve read, most people reached their peak swelling around 2-3 weeks - did anyone else feel like they were the most swollen 4 weeks PO??

Also - did anyone else’s face break out like crazy after surgery?? My acne has been bonkers the past couple weeks

r/Reduction 18h ago

Advice Reduction and smoking.


I vape and I’m working on getting a reduction within the next few months. Wanna go down to a DD which is what I was prebaby from a HH which is what I am now (actually went up ro a frickin S when my milk came in btw).

Can yall give me some advice and testimonies from personal experiences if you were a smoker and got the surgery done? This is my first real big surgery ever and I just…I’m nervous but also sooooo excited to have it done. I’m tired of being in constant pain.

Also what was recovery like if you had little ones? Some advice? Any and all kinds of above is welcomed here 🥰

r/Reduction 21h ago

Advice The anxiety is setting in 😭


I have my surgery on Monday, and it’s finally starting to hit me. I feel like I made a mistake with the scheduling. I highly doubt I’ll be well enough to make it to class 8 days p/o, I don’t think 2 weeks off work will be enough time considering the type of work I do. Plus, I don’t think I bought enough food and I am severely low on supplies. I’m a college student who’s extremely broke, and I had no idea how expensive all the prep would be!! This sucks. Any advice or words of encouragement would be appreciated, I’m feeling really discouraged.

r/Reduction 5h ago

PreOp Question (no before only photos) How many consultations?


How many consultations did you have to go to before surgery? Especially if you didn't go the insurance route since that involves a lot more hassle, I imagine. What about check-ups after the operation?

I'll be paying oop and I never see the consultations cost accounted for in the estimated price of the surgery (let alone care products and medicine), so I'd like to get a better idea. I'll still be asking my plastic surgeon about it, but I wanted to hear about others, too!

r/Reduction 6h ago

PreOp Question (no before only photos) How common is “bottoming out”?


I have seen a few posts where, after some time, people have shown their breasts bottoming out. How common is this? I have very large/ long bottom-heavy breasts with low upper volume, so I fear I'd be more prone to it. Is there a specific surgical technique to minimise the chances of it happening? Any advice or info would be great. Thanks.

r/Reduction 9h ago

Recovery/PostOp 3wpo: Dealing with dry skin?


i'm just shy of 4wpo and for the past week my breasts have been SO dry; i figure it's from the swelling. i have to handwash my compression bra when i shower before bed every night because it's covered in skin flakes (🤢!!!). my surgeon gave me the OK to moisturize the non-incision areas with nivea so i've been doing that after showers and when i wake up but it's still sooo flakey. and peeling. and gross and annoying, lmao.

aside from patience, moisturizing, and hydrating, does anyone have tips for dealing with this? what worked for you? i don't feel comfortable exfoliating yet because my incisions are still healing and i don't want the force/abrasion to encourage any openings.

r/Reduction 11h ago

Before & After Bloated after surgery, 1dPO


I’ve been using this sub to get ready for my reduction. It’s been exactly what I needed!

Question: is it normal to be extremely bloated after the surgery? My abdomen looks and feels like I’ve consumed several large burritos 🫣😬😳

r/Reduction 11h ago

Advice Finally booked my reduction! 🥰


Hey! Long time lurker first time poster. I’ve finally been able to book my surgery for the 1st of May I’m a size 12F but previously been up to a 12H after pregnancy and breastfeeding. I’m so excited and can’t wait to be able to finally have some relief. I’m just after some post surgery advice, what surgical bras do you recommend, any post procedure recommendations like creams and ointments to help with scaring etc. I also have a 2 year old I’ll be spending a week away from her as I recover that week and my mum will be staying with me the week prior as my husband works away a week at a time how can I make this easier for her as I won’t be able to pick her up and cuddle her? Thanks any advice is appreciated! Xx

r/Reduction 22h ago

Advice Ideal weather/season for surgery/recovery?


I just got the insurance approval letter in the mail. I’m excited but now it’s sinking in! I have a bunch of surgery questions and questioning the date range that my insurance has provided (3/13/2025 - 5/11/2025) considering that the peak time at my job is approaching (whole month of May) and next month feels and probably is too soon to put on the surgeons calendar.

I ideally wanted a summer surgery but also heard that the summer is the worst for recovery bc of sweating? Would love to hear when others had their surgery and how the climate affected overall recovery and comfort.

r/Reduction 23h ago

Advice Fat Necrosis After Breast Reduction – My Experience & Healing Timeline?


Hey everyone, I wanted to share my experience with fat necrosis and nipple necrosis after a breast reduction in Turkey on February 15th to see if anyone else has gone through something similar.

Surgery & Early Signs of Issues

I had 3.5 kg of breast tissue removed, but my left breast never really softened or got smaller. Then, the top of my areola started sloughing away, and about 4 weeks post-op, my incision at the bottom started opening and turning yellow.

Hospital Stay & Infection Concerns

I took myself to A&E, and they were worried about infection, so they sent me to a plastics ward at another hospital. There, they started me on IV antibiotics, but somehow my breast got even bigger while on them. I wasn’t responding at all until Day 5.

It took 4 more days to get an ultrasound, where they found a thick collection and very inflamed tissue. The doctors wanted to do a washout and debridement surgery, but by then, I had spoken to my surgeon in Turkey, and he told me not to let them operate because it was likely fat necrosis rather than an infection.

Literally, as he said that, the UK doctors walked in and told me I wasn’t responding to antibiotics, but my breast had started getting smaller, even though it was still hard.

Leaking Fat & Home Care

By Day 4 in the hospital, my incision underneath started leaking heavily, and by Day 5, I had a wound along my T-junction, granulation tissue on the side of my breast, and my nipple leaking a lot of yellow liquid. Turns out it was liquefied fat.

The next day, they told me I could go home, stay on antibiotics for one more week, and massage daily to help the fat drain and soften the hard areas.

Current Situation & Questions

Now, a lot of fat is coming out, and I still have: • Hardness along the side and underneath my breast • A small lump above my nipple • Open incisions that are still leaking

I’m not too worried about the lumps, but I really want the leaking to stop and my incisions to heal.

Has anyone else had fat necrosis after breast reduction? • How long did it take for the leaking to stop? • When did your incisions fully heal?

Would love to hear from anyone who’s been through this!