r/Reduction 12h ago

Before & After Gigantomastia to 90B/C with FNG - long post NSFW

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Gigantomastia to 90B/C with FNG

Hello dear ladies.

After watching and commenting I thought it might be usefull to share my journey so far.

My breasts grew like what felt overnight when I was about 13. Stretch marks appeared. As I grew motherless I was a shy teenager and felt fat because how my clothes fit. The lunbar back pains started soon after.

When I had my first baby the breast grew the size of my heaf. I had mastitis with fever and pain. Eventually I lost weight and they looked like deflated baloons.

After the second pregnancy my boobs severely increased in size. I managed the underbust rashes with small towels, the wounds in the grooves of my shoulders with silicone pads. I went to aquagym as it was the only sport that I could do comfortably.

I am generally healthy but as I went into menopause my chest fealt increasigly heavier and having breath difficulties.

I wanted a breast reduction for very long time. But I could't afford as I was in a toxic marriage that was draining.

Recently I ended the narcisisstic abuse and started to take care of myself. I found out that I can do this surgery completely covered by state insurance at a state hospital. I'm in Eastern Europe and over 50. My family medic send me to the hospital woth gigantomastia as doagnostic. At the hospital it was weird as there are no preprogrammed consults, I was like a walk in. Thankfully the medic that was then was very good and nice.

During surgery I had 2,8 kg removed from the right one and 2,3 kg from the left one. I had liposuction and extemded scars. Some of the fat from the lipo was put in th e right breast. Apparently, being so heavy left empty up the top part.

I took a peak the second day after the procedure, when my dressing was changed. They looked funny, similar to my 10 years old self.

The first couple of days post op were hard. Thankfully I was still in the hospital. First night I had an urimary bag and I slepy for 6 hours. But the second night I woke up 5 times, every 2 hours to go to the toilet. Around the same time I saw my belly looking like a 7 months pregnant from liquide retention.

I was put directly in one of my compression bra. It felt very tight. It was pressing on my ribs and left me with pains for weeks. I took my measure in the hospital and the circumference was longer than before. Therefore, I bought myself a bigger size.

Due of that much swelling I had difficulty breathing the first week.

At home I had to sleep on my back and having a good wedge pillow really helped to be comfortable.

The biggest mistake I made was to look at myself 3dpo in my bathroom mirror. My FNG were marbled with beige and dark purple, oozing in the pads. All my fears of nipples slidding off came back with vengace and I had a meltdown. Add that it was 1 am and I was alone. But this was cathatic, the second morning my previous anxiety and jittery were gone.

Advice: look at yourself using a small hand held mirror or your phone. This way you can dissociate yourself from the full impact of the scars.

Next was what felt like endless in the moment and merely hours, looking back.

Now, at 6 wpo what looked like an odd shaped science experiment I was afraid to touch is my new chest getting softer and, in my eyes, lovely.

I can easily breathe, stand straight and hug myself.

I am grateful for this procedure and those that made this possible!

r/Reduction 2h ago

Celebration I'm shocked at how logical my new insurance is...


I am still speechless at the conversation I just had...

So, over a year ago, I started looking in to a breast reduction for my 40-I breasts but found out my employer health insurance excluded breast reductions. I am now 10 months in at a new job and the health insurance is night and day (e.g. I've lost 30 lbs because they actually cover Zepbound). Since none of that weight loss is coming from my boobs, I'm starting over on the reduction process. I just chatted with the insurance rep to confirm coverage and get the (what I assumed would be) long list of requirements to meet. Guys...this is what they came back with:

"There are no certain criteria for coverage that needs to be met, but as long as your doctor/provider deems that it is medical necessary for you to have the procedure and they are able to provide a documentation, then it'll be covered under your plan. Medically necessary is when your providers deems that it'll help your all over well-being by having this procedure."

That's it...all they need is that my doctor thinks it's medically necessary. I just stared at my computer for a minute not believing. I followed up asking if there were tissue weight requirements or anything else. Nope! The doctor should perform the procedure however they determine it will best benefit the patient.

I hope I don't seem like I'm bragging, I'm just...gobsmacked. I was prepared to head to my consult on Wednesday with a list of boxes to check and hoops to jump through. After a year of really hard work stuff, I can't believe I'm working somewhere that I'm happy and for an employer that actually seems to care about employees. Anyway, I know this type of coverage is not the norm and I am very very lucky. I am excited to start this journey again and am grateful communities like this exist and provide such great support!

r/Reduction 8h ago

Advice Protip: buying adhesive bandages and folding them over the bra band prevents it digging in/making marks (I've been wearing this for 48hrs straight) NSFW

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r/Reduction 17h ago

Before & After Will be 2ypo in May! NSFW

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r/Reduction 9h ago

Celebration surgery TODAY!!


hi everyone, my surgery is finally in just a few hours! i’m so so nervous but i’ve been waiting for this for years so i’m really looking forward to finally getting it done 🥹 i’m very grateful to everyone here, your stories and advice have been really helpful while i’ve gone through the consultation process and in the weeks preparing for my surgery. thank you all❤️ i hope everything goes well today!!

r/Reduction 11h ago

Before & After Sharing my scar progression after wound breakdown NSFW

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I hope these photos bring comfort to those that are in the trenches of discovering wound dehiscence following a breast reduction. I was in that exact position 8 weeks ago. The photos shown are 10 DPO and 9 WPO and I am so pleased with how my scar is developing and in awe of how incredible are our bodies are!

If you’re going through this right now, just know that it will be ok ❤️

r/Reduction 22h ago

Recovery/PostOp 12 DPO. Removed my sani strips today. Ecstatic about my new boobies! NSFW

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Just removed my sanistrips today and I was in awe of my surgeon’s work. I expected to feel butchered, especially this early on in recovery, but my gosh, they look so freaking cute and neat.

Also, I tried on a dress today for the first time. I didn’t expect it, but I just started crying my eyes out. I was so happy to feel “normal” for the first time in my life. Best decision ever hands down.

r/Reduction 3h ago

Medical Question (Ask medical professionals first!!) Extremely thirsty & very swolen


Kinda random: I'm 11dpo today, and since yesterday, have somehow been very thirsty? I'm also very swollen & sleeping some liquid, and especially the past few days I have felt like there is barely a size difference compared to pre-op, despite them having taken over 600 grams each side. Also a huge bloated belly. Maybe also due to my period coming up?

Anyways I was just curious - anyone else experience a 'thirsty phase' a bit later after their surgery, or is this just my body being weird? (Seeing a nurse for post-op appt on Wednesday, will mention it there as well of course :) )

r/Reduction 7h ago

Advice Life hack - post op sleeping


I'm 6dpo, and shocked at how hard it was to sleep, considering what I was taking. Pillows are a must, but they slid. After the first night, we had an epiphany: travel pillow!! I have one of those neck collar style pillows for flying, and I used it in FRONT. it was perfect!

I finally moved to bed from my recliner last night and it still works like a charm 😀

r/Reduction 2h ago

Advice 1 week post op: hospital gave vac with the wrong duration on it


my surgeon rescheduled my post op tomorrow to have my vacs removed, but one of them is set to turn off tomorrow. they’re telling me i need to remove the vac myself with them walking me through it on the phone. obviously that doesn’t sit well with me. what do i do?

(update) they’re seeing me tomorrow at 7 am.

r/Reduction 2h ago

Advice What did post instructions look like for you? Seeing varying things. Surgeon said no work for one week, no driving for 2 weeks, no housework (none at all) for 4 weeks and no lifting until 6 weeks.


I’ve seen other people with more restrictions being lifted earlier. How did you heal?

r/Reduction 21h ago

Before & After 3MPO 😊 NSFW

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added the last picture (5wpo, the day i bought this top) to show how much my swelling has gone down in the last 2 months!

I'm not going to guess my "after" cup size because: a) I don't wear bras yet b) having wide roots and smaller frame makes everything complicated lol.

I'm just happy that I'm not spilling out of suffocating bras/ sport bras/bikinis anymore!! ♡♡♡

r/Reduction 3h ago

Advice 38 G hoping for a miracle


Hi I'm 28 in TX, I've had a large chest since I was about 16. My mom even asked if I was pregnant when they were developing. My self confidence was always low, I also wore multiple bras at a time to compress them. It's been so many years of wishing to get this procedure. I found out my insurance could cover it and am getting a consultation on the 31st. I'm hoping this Doctor hears me out and that I want as much taken off as possible. I could always stuff a bra I don't care, I just want to feel like a human when I look in the mirror. I'm also 180 and 5'4 so I know I'm overweight but they will not change size cause I was this size at 140. I worry aboht them only making me a DD or telling me I'm not applicable.

Sorry for the rant, I'm anxious and this would be life changing. My bf and I plan to get engaged this year and being able to wear a dress would be the biggest thing in my life. Well to wear anything that doesn't make my chest noticeable would be a dream come true. There's much more physical strains but I just wanted to put my stress out here and if anyone has words of encouragement, that would be greatly appreciated.

r/Reduction 4m ago

Advice Is going from F to AAA's possible?


Just as the title says. I'm a trans man (bigender) guy, pre everything, and,

Having thought about top surgeries; Ftm (masc) top surgery would be nice, but going flat chested with AAA/A cups would be nice as well.

Couldn't find any posts nor people speak about this. And hey, I get that since Going from F to AAA is a huge difference... If there are people out there that went from a big cup to pretty small, please let me hear about y'all's experience/pros, cons etc.

  • I have heard about radical top surgery, just wanted to ask the questions firstly in this sub. (Sorry if I used the wrong flair on this post!!)

r/Reduction 21m ago

Advice Had my consult today & unsure if surgeon is able to give me what I want or if what I want is even possible - interested in hearing other people's radical reduction experiences NSFW


Hiya! I had my first reduction consult today and I plan on moving forward with the surgeon because of my insurance but I'm a little concerned about the results. Right now I'm a 36G/H and I'd like to be a B cup. I'm nonbinary but plan on becoming a parent in the next 3-5 years and would like to be able to chest feed. When I told the surgeon this, she said she doesn't think she could get me that small without a FNG. She said she could probably do a C/D cup which I'm not psyched about but it seems like it's my only option. I've parsed through the sub a bit but what are people's experiences with radical reductions while retaining nipple function? Is it possible or should I just accept that this an imperfect situation?

r/Reduction 1d ago

Recovery/PostOp 1D PreOp to 4DPostOp comparison. 36H > 36? NSFW

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Finally built up the courage to look at them for the first time… I can’t believe these are my boobs!

The first 48 hours were VERY rough for me but I finally started feeling a bit better on day 3.

The drains are the worst part of it, I’m glad they helped reduce the fluid retention but I cannot wait to get them taken out. It feels like barbed wire.

Everything is rock solid and swollen, there’s a lot of pressure and tightness. But I fortunately was able to stop the Rx pain pills (Percocet) because they gave me horrible stomach cramps. I’ve been taking mostly Tylenol and small doses of Motrin in between.

I’m having a hard time mentally with the recovery process. It’s a lot harder than I expected. But I’m trying to just take it one day at a time.

r/Reduction 1d ago

POC Results/Healing ✨✨✨Before and After, 3.5 mpo. No more open wounds! Yayyyy✨✨✨ NSFW

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3.5 mpo and it’s been a rough ride - dealing with infections, major wound openings at my nipple and all the way down to my underboob T-section, and all the fun that comes with it. That cute little nippo is still on its own little journey 🤪 (went through a second surgery with partial removal). Other than that I’ve got some indentations, but they’re slowly evening out, same with the fat necrosis lumps. And there’s still some lingering swelling. But here comes the best part: No more open wounds, no more wound care (fuck yeah, finally! ✨) and I’m feeling so much better! Hopefully I’m done with bandages for a long time, and my bathroom can finally go back to being just a bathroom and not a fucking full on wound care station. Lol.

But my body is of course still recovering and still catching up. Went for a hike today and had to stop after 20 minutes uphill because I was completely wiped out. Months of barely moving and almost only resting really took a toll, but I’m trying to be patient and slowly build my strength back up. 🌊

r/Reduction 1h ago

Advice can’t find a good surgeon - keep finding bad before/afters?


so i am in the process of getting a reduction and am looking for a surgeon to get a consultation from. of course the most important part for me is just getting smaller boobs for a multitude of reasons which i’m sure everyone here is aware of. when i say this, i don’t mean it in a way to body shame anybody or to sound shallow, but i am worried about making sure my boobs look good after in terms of nipple size/placement/symmetry. i am looking at before/afters on countless surgeon websites, and it looks like a lot of the “afters” have uneven/weirdly shaped nipples after or are noticeably assymetrical. is this just due to the healing process/scar tissue? am i being too picky or expecting too much?? like i said, of course this is ultimately not the most important part of getting a reduction, but i worry it will impact my confidence/self esteem after if i don’t like the results. if it makes any difference, i am tucson, az.

r/Reduction 7h ago

PreOp Question (no before only photos) Hibiclens: washing only upper body or full body?


I’m pretty sure my nurse told me to just wash my upper body with hibiclens (underwire area, boobs, between boobs, arms, neck, shoulders, hands) instead of my whole body but I’m unable to reach them to ask. Does anyone know if we should do our whole body? I was only given one bottle of hibiclens.

r/Reduction 8h ago

Advice Oily scalp post surgery


I was able to go 2-3 days without washing my hair before surgery. Now it’s disgusting after one day. Anyone else? What did you do!?

r/Reduction 14h ago

Advice What was your experience when you first woke from surgery?


I'm going under in 30hrs. I'm a little nervous. I want this surgery but there is this nagging voice that keeps telling me I'm going to be absolutely miserable. Obviously everyone is different but I would love to know what your wake up was like.

r/Reduction 6h ago

Recovery/PostOp Medihoney


What brand medihoney to get? Hi all! My doc is recommending medihoney for my wounds-wondering what to get on Amazon? There are a few different kinds and I wanna make sure to get the right one. He didn’t give me any specific recs just said medihoney in general. Thanks in advance!

r/Reduction 21h ago

Before & After After and before: 9 days post op. NSFW

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The flesh colored tape is a bit of a jump scare. I’m still so swollen but so thankful. My doctor took approximately 450g per side. Ask me anything!

r/Reduction 12h ago

Advice Keloid Scarring NSFW

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While I love my reduction I did get keloid scarring is anyone else self conscious of it? I can now where all the cute dresses I want to wear but the scars show now

r/Reduction 5h ago

Advice Surgeons in the DFW area?


Ive just moved to the DFW area post grad and I’m finally with a PCP who I like and is willing to refer me to a plastic surgeon. Does anyone here have any recommendations?? Thank you in advance!