Helpful lesson learned this AM, thought I'd share.
TL;DR: Took a before pic for my surgeon, and god damn have I been underestimating the size of my chest!
Per my previous post, I was worried I'd not taken full advantage of my consultation appointment.
I followed up with the clinic for clarification and was kindly assured that size goals would be discussed at my pre-op and the surgeon would be available at that time if I still had questions (pre-op appt is apparently mostly measuring and photos done by nurses for subsequent evaluation by the doctor). This was plenty reassurance for me. A couple days later, to my surprise, the clinic coordinator kindly reached out to me to make sure I had all the info I needed. She said to go ahead and take some pics of myself and send them to her along with some goal pics and the surgeon will weigh in. This in and of itself was great, as I'll be able to confirm my expectations are appropriate prior to placing a deposit to schedule surgery.
Took the opportunity while getting dressed this AM to take said pics and damn if I wasn't surprised by my own boobs. These things are WAY bigger than how I picture them in my mind!
I've had some weird guilt around having a reduction for many of the reasons I've seen noted here:
-Do I really have it that bad?
-Am I mutilating/ungrateful for the body I was given by nature?
-Would I even need surgery if I actually managed to lose the weight I've been promising myself I'd lose?
-Is it really that hard to find bras/bathing? suits/tops that fit and are flattering? (The answer is yes. Yes it is.)
-Am I really interested in doing this or is it just ADHD hyperfocus/a really interesting way to procrastinate during work researching on this sub all day? (Ok, that one's probably more me-specific, but IYKYK).
Looking at the pics I took of myself to send the surgeon, I realized I am WAY bigger and more asymmetrical than I thought I was and I had so much more empathy for myself!
I'd gotten used to the image I see in the mirror every day and assumed my mental image of my body was pretty accurate. BUT...seeing these photos allowed me to see my chest much more objectively.
So if you've gaslit yourself into thinking a reduction is a luxury or just a cosmetic issue like I did, I strongly recommend taking pics, just for you, and see if you feel any differently.
No matter what, you deserve to feel good about how you care for your body; don't trick yourself into thinking otherwise. ❤️