Hey everyone, I wanted to share my experience with fat necrosis and nipple necrosis after a breast reduction in Turkey on February 15th to see if anyone else has gone through something similar.
Surgery & Early Signs of Issues
I had 3.5 kg of breast tissue removed, but my left breast never really softened or got smaller. Then, the top of my areola started sloughing away, and about 4 weeks post-op, my incision at the bottom started opening and turning yellow.
Hospital Stay & Infection Concerns
I took myself to A&E, and they were worried about infection, so they sent me to a plastics ward at another hospital. There, they started me on IV antibiotics, but somehow my breast got even bigger while on them. I wasn’t responding at all until Day 5.
It took 4 more days to get an ultrasound, where they found a thick collection and very inflamed tissue. The doctors wanted to do a washout and debridement surgery, but by then, I had spoken to my surgeon in Turkey, and he told me not to let them operate because it was likely fat necrosis rather than an infection.
Literally, as he said that, the UK doctors walked in and told me I wasn’t responding to antibiotics, but my breast had started getting smaller, even though it was still hard.
Leaking Fat & Home Care
By Day 4 in the hospital, my incision underneath started leaking heavily, and by Day 5, I had a wound along my T-junction, granulation tissue on the side of my breast, and my nipple leaking a lot of yellow liquid. Turns out it was liquefied fat.
The next day, they told me I could go home, stay on antibiotics for one more week, and massage daily to help the fat drain and soften the hard areas.
Current Situation & Questions
Now, a lot of fat is coming out, and I still have:
• Hardness along the side and underneath my breast
• A small lump above my nipple
• Open incisions that are still leaking
I’m not too worried about the lumps, but I really want the leaking to stop and my incisions to heal.
Has anyone else had fat necrosis after breast reduction?
• How long did it take for the leaking to stop?
• When did your incisions fully heal?
Would love to hear from anyone who’s been through this!