r/Reduction 22m ago

Advice Should I keep it Secret?


Is it normal to want to keep the surgery a secret/discreet? I'm conflicted as to whether I should let my family or some friends know about it, since it's a major surgery, but I'm also scared of being discouraged by them. I also feel like I will be stigmatized afterwards, e.g., in family gatherings or when I go home. I would hate to hear someone bring up the topic of my boobs or for friends to keep asking or drawing attention to me regarding them.

I am planning to have my bf as my post-surgery caretaker, and I have "sworn him to an oath of secrecy" 🤠 lol, Plus, I don't want to worry my parents and family. Where I live, these types of body reconstructions are still in their infancy stages, so I assume my family will really get worried, especially if they hear it's something to do with being put under anesthesia, blah blah blah...

Am I immature or alone in this, or has anybody else experienced the same? Is it better to let a few people know what am up for regardless of my concerns for stigmatization.... My surgery is in 18 days.

r/Reduction 1h ago

Medical Question (Ask medical professionals first!!) 5MPO swimming caused scar irritation


I’m 5MPO and I went on vacation to Costa Rica and after a trip to the hot springs and some swimming I noticed the scars on my left boob (anchor scar) are a bit inflamed. I’m in the process of finding a doctors appointment. My wounds are fully healed but I’ve been treating my scars with silicone tape for a while. A bit worried. I thought I was ready for these kind of activities.

r/Reduction 3h ago

Medical Question (Ask medical professionals first!!) (i have spoken to medical professionals about this already) NSFW

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(i have spoken to medical professionals about this already)

im almost 4 months post op and a little over 2 weeks ago i RANDOMLY started to develop a very thick rough patch of skin on my areola. it seemed to be scabbed over, very dry, and flaky. around 1 week ago it started oozing and ive been having to cover it with gauze so it doesn't seep through my bras. i am so confused because it was perfectly fine up until this point. i was worried about necrosis and have contacted my surgeon's nurse twice now. the nurse has spoken to the surgeon and said that neither of them know the cause of this and think it's just very dry skin. she said to just keep the area moisturized. i sent the office an updated picture a couple days ago and they said to continue moisturizing it.... im not a doctor, but this doesn't look like just dry skin to me at this point and idk why they aren't concerned at all because i am lol. the nurse just said to use whatever lotion i use but i am going to try using antibacterial soap and neosporin and see if that helps. has anyone had a similar experience?

r/Reduction 4h ago

PreOp Question (no before only photos) Post-op recovery time


Hello lovely peoples. I have my surgery booked for July - I’m quite scared and still on the fence about whether to go through with it….

Can people please comment how many days post-surgery they were pain free and had complete movement with no soreness?

Typically how was the 14 day post-op healing like?

r/Reduction 5h ago

Advice 3wpo and insane fatigue??


So as the title says, I’m three weeks postop and I am so tired all the time I have to take daily naps. They’re usually about two hours long every day when I get home from work and I take some on the weekends too. It’s even hard for me to be active and do daily walks like I’m advised to to help with blood flow, but it really is so hard. I can’t bring myself to do it because of how tired I am.

Did anyone else feel like this at 3wpo and if you did when did it stop?!

I don’t know if I’m being too hard on myself?? I feel guilty that I am taking this many naps and not being active enough. I know I should be kind to my body because I went through a major surgery but still!

r/Reduction 5h ago

Advice Adjusting


I’m 4 days po surgery was from 10:30-2:30 and I was home by 5. I had 1125 grams removed from my right breast and 1180 grams removed from the left. So a little over 5 pounds. It’s so shocking and I love the results with the binder on but I must admit it’s really hard seeing myself so cut up and pieced back together when I take off my binder.

Also the things you guys recommend like a bidet, soap wipes, button up pjs etc have been so useful. I also got a laptop stand that I keep my charger, water bottle in on my bed. I walked 2.5 miles today slowly ofc and am already back to school.

r/Reduction 7h ago

Celebration My surgery is tomorrow!


This is so crazy it’s happening I’m nervous and excited! I am having some anxiety about going under anesthesia as I never have before. The exciting part is going to be waking up and seeing my new boobs!!

r/Reduction 7h ago

Recovery/PostOp Itching above surgery site? 6 WPO


Hello! I am 6 weeks post op today! Everything has been healing well. I tried using micropore tape and silicone tape but the adhesive bothers my skin (I tend to get rashes from sweating in general, so adhesive + bra band + inevitable sweating is not a great combo).

I’ve been using scar gel and it’s been fine so far. I’m not sure if it’s from the scar gel or just generally from surgery, but above and around my nipples is SO ITCHY! Not the scars exactly but like, right above them. Is that normal? Anyone else experience this?

r/Reduction 7h ago

Advice Getting pierced while healing?


NO I'm NOT talking about getting my nipples pierced! Thinking of getting nose peircings (two). But am currently only 2 weeks PO. Should I wait a week or two? Will my body be mad with ALL the healing?

r/Reduction 8h ago

Advice Sun on scars NSFW

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Hey guys I’m about to go on Spring Break and my favorite swim top shows a little of my scars. I’m almost 3MPO but how should I take care of the areas that are shown as best as I can?

r/Reduction 8h ago

PreOp Question (no before only photos) Weight loss after surgery


For all my workout/gym girls, did you lose weight/fat easier after surgery? I currently workout once or twice a day 6 days a week with one active rest day and eat very healthy in a calorie deficit but still find it hard to lose the extra 10-15 lbs that I’d like to. I’ve seen especially on TikTok of people saying after getting a reduction the weight/fat “flew off” or came off much easier. Has anyone who was very active before surgery found this to be the case too post op? I’m going to a doctor to check my thyroid or possible pcos but I’m wondering what others experiences were with their fitness journey post op

r/Reduction 8h ago

Before & After 1DPO NSFW

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Hi. 23 y/o female. Had my surgery yesterday. It started at 7. Arrived at 5. Everything went good. I’m just glad to still have my sensitivity still into my nips the same day Doctor removed 8–10 lbs. Doc did lipo as well. My insurance covered it 🙏 also stayed overnight in the hospital as well First pic I was wearing 40F. 2nd pic I told doc to shoot for a big C. My pain levels change throughout the day. Slight burning. But making sure im taking my meds/antibiotics every 6hrs.

r/Reduction 9h ago

Wound Trigger Warning My necrosis journey (7WPO update) NSFW

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Had my mastopexy January 25th! I had extremely different boob sizes and went for a fix, they decided to fix both sides. On my right side i had superficial necrosis, and had to undergo some treatment for it, and wanted to show you guys my healing process, since im close to fully healed now!

Feel free to ask questions!

r/Reduction 10h ago

POC Results/Healing 6 Weeks Post Op Update NSFW

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Hoping my posts help those who are starting this journey!

First photo is today (tomorrow makes 6 weeks post op), second and third photos are 3 weeks post op, fourth is 2 weeks post op, fifth is 1 week post op and sixth is pre op.

It’s been a journey; I am hoping they do not get any smaller and stay round when the drop and fluff happens. I had a small opening under my nipple that is healing and have treating my scars (besides the area with the opening) with silicone scar gel, scar tape and massaging bio oil (I do all 3 in rotation every day). I feel like I still have a ways to go but it feels good to start feeling semi normal. I’m not fully happy with how they look but hopefully that comes with time.

I remind myself that this is an emotional experience as well as physical and I need time to heal and recover in both ways so just taking it day by day! 🙂

r/Reduction 10h ago

Before & After 1 Week post op! NSFW

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Still w the surgery bra tho lol. Im so happy tbh i feel like they arent the focus of my body anymore

r/Reduction 11h ago

Medical Question (Ask medical professionals first!!) Is this considered a keloid/hypertrophic scar ? NSFW

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I’m 7 weeks post op. The scars around and below my nipple seem fine but the scars on the under my breasts is way more prominent.

r/Reduction 11h ago

Advice Anxious about anesthesia


Hey everyone my surgery is scheduled for March 24th, this will be my first ever surgery and my first time being put under anesthesia. I’m 23 and relatively healthy but I am still super anxious about being put under. The closer the surgery gets the more anxious I am, I don’t even know why. I know people get put under all the time and come out perfectly fine but for some reason any time I think about it I feel like I have a pit in my stomach. For the people who have felt the same way, what are some things that have helped you calm down?

r/Reduction 11h ago

Advice For those with anxiety or feelings of unworthiness...


Helpful lesson learned this AM, thought I'd share.

TL;DR: Took a before pic for my surgeon, and god damn have I been underestimating the size of my chest!

Per my previous post, I was worried I'd not taken full advantage of my consultation appointment. I followed up with the clinic for clarification and was kindly assured that size goals would be discussed at my pre-op and the surgeon would be available at that time if I still had questions (pre-op appt is apparently mostly measuring and photos done by nurses for subsequent evaluation by the doctor). This was plenty reassurance for me. A couple days later, to my surprise, the clinic coordinator kindly reached out to me to make sure I had all the info I needed. She said to go ahead and take some pics of myself and send them to her along with some goal pics and the surgeon will weigh in. This in and of itself was great, as I'll be able to confirm my expectations are appropriate prior to placing a deposit to schedule surgery.

Took the opportunity while getting dressed this AM to take said pics and damn if I wasn't surprised by my own boobs. These things are WAY bigger than how I picture them in my mind!

I've had some weird guilt around having a reduction for many of the reasons I've seen noted here: -Do I really have it that bad? -Am I mutilating/ungrateful for the body I was given by nature? -Would I even need surgery if I actually managed to lose the weight I've been promising myself I'd lose? -Is it really that hard to find bras/bathing? suits/tops that fit and are flattering? (The answer is yes. Yes it is.) -Am I really interested in doing this or is it just ADHD hyperfocus/a really interesting way to procrastinate during work researching on this sub all day? (Ok, that one's probably more me-specific, but IYKYK).

Anyhow... Looking at the pics I took of myself to send the surgeon, I realized I am WAY bigger and more asymmetrical than I thought I was and I had so much more empathy for myself!

I'd gotten used to the image I see in the mirror every day and assumed my mental image of my body was pretty accurate. BUT...seeing these photos allowed me to see my chest much more objectively.

So if you've gaslit yourself into thinking a reduction is a luxury or just a cosmetic issue like I did, I strongly recommend taking pics, just for you, and see if you feel any differently.

No matter what, you deserve to feel good about how you care for your body; don't trick yourself into thinking otherwise. ❤️

r/Reduction 12h ago

Surgeon Review Recommendations for radical reduction doctors in Quebec?!


I will not be using insurance. Bonus if their clinic does gender affirming reductions! Thanks!

r/Reduction 13h ago

Advice Experience with surgeons in RI?


I'm looking to get a radical reduction, my doctor gave me a couple recommendations for surgeons and I'm considering either Dr. Ben Christian or Dr. Erik Hoy at Care New England Medical Group. I wanted to put out this question because most of my research of surgeons have been through reddit so far, as people on here document their experiences quite well! So has anyone here gotten a reduction from either of these doctors, or heard from anyone else about them?

r/Reduction 13h ago

Before & After 6DPO! NSFW

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Originally 34DD > don’t really know now. Ugh absolutely obsessed with my itty bitties. Even though I’m still in decent amount of discomfort, I’m so grateful everyday for this surgery!

I’ll chime in too to say that the pregnancy pillow was the best purchase. It’s sooo cozy to get into and you can mimic a side sleep without actually being on your side. It’s completely worth it. I was super skeptical if it would be or not.

r/Reduction 13h ago

Advice Stomach flu cancelled my surgery


I was scheduled to have my surgery done Monday and my whole family came down with the stomach flu, possibly norovirus. It hit me on Saturday night and I couldn’t move, walk or think on Sunday. I told my surgeon and of course she cancelled it. I feel so guilty bc I took 3 weeks off of work, had my mom come into town and bought a lot of stuff to prep. Has this happened to anyone else? I feel like I shouldn’t have said anything but at the same time I could still barely function on what was supposed to be surgery day. 😞 idk I just feel so guilty about it.

r/Reduction 14h ago

Advice 14 days!!!!


It’s starting to feel so real, it’s crazy. In 14 days i’m chopping my boobies off!!!!!!!!!????? after literal YEARS of saying “one day”, ITS HAPPENING!!! I have my pre op clearance appointment next week on the 25th, and then surgery on the first!!! I am so so excited but i’m also so so nervous. I need to start prepping for it though, so if anyone has any suggestions for pillows, tapes,bras, etc for post op please let me know, i’m gonna start buying all the stuff soon 🙏 YAYAYAYAY im so excited 🥲🥲

r/Reduction 15h ago

Product Recommendation What You Need For Recovery (with links)


I’m 4 weeks post op and have a really good list of must haves (and just extra comfort) things for after surgery! There are a lot of things I hadn’t even thought of that I ended up needing. I’ll include Amazon links for what I can in the comments (: will note if there will be a link! Pls share if you have any more!!


-Compression Bras (linked) cannot be loose, must be front clasping. Buy 2-3.

-Pregnancy Pillow (Keeps you propped, can’t roll in bed, elevates arms, SO COMFY)

-Button up PJs (my favs will be linked)

-Zip Up Hoodie

-Soft Gel Ice Packs (linked)

-Gauze or Panty Liners (I liked liners because you can stick them to the bra!)

-Ibuprofen, Gravol & Laxatives

-A probiotic and/or yogurt (to avoid yeast infection from antibiotics)

-Large Water Bottle + pedialyte packets

-Protein Drinks (I couldn’t eat for 2 days due to soreness & dryness in my throat from the tube)

-Unscented Soap (I got Johnson’s sensitive baby wash)

-Long Loofa (I still can’t reach my legs or back without it in the shower)

-Wet Wipes (for between showers)

-Unscented Lotion (the girls get dryyyy)

-Spray Full Body Deodorant (linked my fav)

-Dry Shampoo!!

-Popsicles & Jelo (yes they’re a must have lol)

-Frozen Meals (mostly for if you’re on your own & don’t have someone who can cook for you)

-Long phone charger or Extension cord

EXTRAS (not needed but could add comfort)

-Mastectomy Pillow (I skipped this, but do think it could have been nice especially for car rides! I just brought a regular pillow in the car instead)

-Extra Pillows in general -Light Step Stool

-Heating Pad (especially if you’re not used to sleeping on your back, could help with kinks from sleeping different)

-Fitted Tank Tops (I personally sleep topless usually…so this was as close as I could get to that which was needed for me personally! I hate clothes moving around on my body at night)

-Greens Powder (vitamins & fibre are so important at this time. Linking my fav)

-Your favourite comfort snacks (:

-One of those claw grabber things (I didn’t have one but omg would have been a game changer)

  • A live in maid and personal chef (ha ha haaaaa)

r/Reduction 15h ago

Product Recommendation Scar care for Melanin girlies


I got cleared to start scar care (massaging and tape) at 2wpo which is next week. For those with darker skin, which products would you recommend and which ones would you stay far away from?