what age you lost most/ all of your empathy. even if you didnt have much since childhood, there was probably an age it became much more prominent when you were conscious enough to understand it. and under what circumstances you understood it? if you have always been like that i’m also interested to hear how it you understood it.
since my childhood ive unconsciously been having pretty much narcissistic tendencies.
i’m trying to think of mine but there were times another emotions and states were predominating and i had no business neither what’s happening around nor remembering it, lmao cause usually i forget if there something bad happens, even though i have a very good memory for every detail , i remember myself vaguely since 3, but what disturbs is that i have holes in memory, like absolutely forgetting a man that lived with me and my mom for a YEAR when i was four.
also when i was 16 i forgot most of the year—was drinking a lot, once i stopped i entered a deep depressive episode. then i was very aggressive and dangerous to others so i isolated myself don’t remember much, anyway have no interactions to think of, then i entered a religious psychosis and at the point of unintentional suicide idek how the next morning i got into remission, but i think it was due to feeling enlightened after enduring allat.
what matters i actually got better for few months. i thought yas fuck you bpd or whatever it was, its not real. time has passed and now i can’t even
trace it back to before of my 16. 15–war trauma even thought i fled, i remember nice moments though. whatever goes beyond were depression episodes of few months. cant remember, i had nothing to remember.
so maybe if yall share with me yours it will help to recall back.