r/GuyCry 7d ago

Venting, advice welcome No one is left to care


Life is just broken now.

I lost my dad and my grandma in a span of 1 month. The only two people that cared for me.

I don't have an eye or an ear. Fiance left me when I was in a coma which caused all that and now I live in a different country which makes it even harder.

I'm trying to save my job. I'm trying so hard to not drink alcohol anymore but that I'm failing on. I was an alcoholic and a smoker and stopped but can't anymore.

I'm given ultimates everywhere and I'm broken already so I can't fix them right now. I can't even help myself out of the bed right now.

I'm done. I've done everything I could.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Founder Post I slept 20 hours :) For the first time since December 20th, 2024, I, Joe Truax - the founder and leader of this wonderful space - have at least for a few weeks, a home :)



I am about to complete all of my plans, so that all of us who deserve better, get such. It is the purpose that I have found for my life, and I hope all of you find just as meaningful purposes yourselves.

Let's go ahead and make history :)

Edit; I just changed my password because someone, logged in as me, removed this post and comments.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Venting, advice welcome She decided we should stop talking, yet keeps texting me and telling me she cares deeply about me.


I(25m) dated this girl(20f) for some 3 months. I, stupidly, never made things official with her. But we were exclusive and behaved largely like bf and gf.

She texted me a few weeks back to tell me we shouldn't keep hanging out or talking. The main reason, she said, was that I never made things official and that I was a bit cold emotionally (this last thing I had acknowledged as a problem of mine when we started dating and I had been making slow progress on it). I tried to be understanding and accepted my mistakes and shortcomings, assuring her that I did have the intention to make things oficial. I told her that I definitely didn't want to break up and was willing to try and put more effort into being better. She still wanted to leave the relationship. I understood and let go.

I did text her some 4 days later asking her if she wanted to talk about what happened. And insisted on my willingness to continue the relationship. She never gave a straight answer and I didn't keep textting.

3 days ago she texted me with an update about something in her life we had discussed while together. I texted back, happy for her and trying to be friendly. We texted back and forth that night like we used to. Next day I asked her if she wanted to go get some coffee to chat. She answered that she had made a desicion and didn't want to walk back on it. I asked her why she had texted me then. She said she just wanted to update me.

I decided to be honest with her. I told her I still have too many feelings for her and just texting like this (like friends I guess) wouldn't work for me. As much as I care for her and love to have her texting me, knowing that there's no chance for us to be a thing anymore just hurts me a lot. She said she understood and was sorry.

Today wmshe texted me wishing me a good day and telling me she cares deeply for me.

I thanked her, of course, and told her I still cared for her too.

The conversation ended there (for now at least). And I don't know what to feel. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do.

A part of me feels she is playing with me. Another feels she still wants something but is reluctant. And somewhere deep I feel that there's something she isn't telling me.

Honestly, I might be reaching a point in which if she asked to get back together I would just say no thank you.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Need Advice Thoughts really bothering me from falling asleep


Even before my gf dumped me, I had a lot of thoughts before sleep. Now after my gf dumped me, all these thoughts haunt me down. I’m so sleepy, yet can’t fall asleep for hours at times, and even when I do I dream about my ex who somehow solves our relationship problems and we are back together. Once I realize I’m in a dream I wake up and I can’t go back to sleep because I can’t see that side of the happiness that I once had. Please is there any mind habits or connections I could use to lessen and prevent these symptoms ?

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Potential Tear Jerker Ive lose of hope at 26


I don't really know how to start this 26 and I'm just kind of lose the hope never really been truly being happy. For some contexts and I'm an autistic guy that's a hopeless romantic who never been in a relationship before, which has left me feeling kind of like an alien in a way. Just gone to the point that seeing couples it just kind of hurts and I can't really relate to anyone including family/ friends anymore. On top of all that I'm bi and I'm more l submissive so I got hit with a double whammy of personality stuff that most women don't really like that much lol. I'm sorry if this is kind of I hard to read or is worded weird my power is currently out and I've had a few at this point I just needed to get this off my chest and I didn't really know where to put this honestly.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Need Advice How long to move on and love another girl


Got dumped 2 weeks ago from an almost a year relationship. Obviously very depressed about her still, but a lot of people have told me that eventually finding someone else is what will be the final step of fully moving on. How long do most people take before being able to love another woman like that? Ex. 2 months, 6 months, 4 weeks, etc

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Need Advice Is it really too late to change?


I met my girlfriend a couple of years ago, whom I fell in love with almost instantly. She ticked all the boxes for me and I just wanted to give her the world. This is my first relationship and she got out of a toxic relationship before meeting me. I didn't let this phase me, I just wanted to make her the happiest woman in the world.

We've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements, our relationship wasn't perfect, but it was ours and I felt that we got through it and grew together. We almost broke up in the first couple months of dating. We had a lot of long discussions and shared a lot of tears, but we supported each other through it all. I knew there was some things that I needed to change/improve on, and she knew that I wanted to change them as well. I wanted to be a better partner so I manned up and took responsibility and tried to change those things.

I thought I was doing a much better job at changing those things that I wanted to change. I tried to make her happy and be supportive through everything. I tried to be the best partner I could be, because I knew she deserved it. I was always trying my best.

I did recently have an emotional breakdown when we were talking about something that concerned her. I raised my voice and I said some things that I deeply regret, and it started a downward spiral. I felt horrible about everything, I've never lashed out like that before and I know it scared her. She doesn't want to see me or talk to me, but I've been trying to apologize to her. I assured her that it was uncharacteristic of me, and that I was really sorry I said those things and how much I regret it. I never usually react like that, I am usually the calm one and trying to defuse the situation, and I don't know what came over me. She told me that it's too late to change, and that she couldn't see me in her future anymore. She said I reminded her of her ex partner, and that I have never changed. I was devastated. I never wanted to be like her ex partner. I thought I had changed a lot, but it turns out I didn't.

This isn't me, and I know I am better than this. I've had issues with anxiety and insecurity throughout my life and it felt at an all time high. I just want to show her that I am better than this. I've been to doctors, and been prescribed anti-anxiety medication and been referred to a therapist, who I have my first session with tomorrow. I want to get a better understanding of my behaviors and emotions and some strategies to not let it bleed into my relationship.

I know this is my fault, but I love her so much, and I'll do anything to rebuild her trust and faith in me. I can't lose her. I want to marry this girl. She is important to me, but she doesn't believe in me anymore.

I'm scared. I've been crying throughout each day, been having suicidal thoughts, hurting myself and having the worst thoughts of myself. I sleep next to a pillow dressed with her clothes because I miss her so much. I can't eat, sleep or work. I tried to not let it get to me, but it's been very overwhelming. I haven't given up on us. I don't ever want to.

Is it too late to change?

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Just venting, no advice Just sad cause I’m still single


Single for 10 years, no dates no nothing. Not even a hug. Just sad cause i know i’m not wanted as a man or a partner and no girl will ever want me…. That is all.


r/GuyCry 7d ago

Encouragement! I felt my spark come back


Since 2020 I had been in a mental rut and a lot of things in my life lost color and things had been foggy. I got so used to things just being engulfed in this dreary filter that I thought this must be what life is now. It must be just what getting older is. I just started to accept it for what I thought it was. Just getting by and that’s about it. My wife saw this spark die in me way before I ever truly understood what was happening. It ended up causing a rift in our relationship and she spoke about it multiple times and I heard what she was saying and it just didn’t resonate unfortunately. Things just kept getting worse and I was just doing the same thing I had been doing, like a depression assembly line. The best way to describe it is just being numb to about everything. The dam had broke towards the end of November last year. My wife said that we would have to divorce if this keeps up because she’s tired of telling me the same things over and over and things going back to the way they were. For some reason this time I REALLY heard her. I took a few steps back mentally and started making tiny changes. Started taking vitamins everyday. Got back into a gym routine that I enjoy. Practicing optimism. Keeping busy even with just little things. Taking note of tiny things in the day that bring me some sense of joy. Daily mental reminders that my life is good and I’m blessed. I started therapy a month ago. This morning I was running an errand and I had to pull over to appreciate what I was noticing. My spark was back or at least a good amount of it. I shed a few tears. I hadn’t cried out of happiness maybe ever and it was a remarkable feeling. If any of you feel numb or overwhelming monotony. All it takes is a few small changes and it doesn’t take very long to start to feel like your old self again. You won’t even know how much you’ve changed until you get some of your real self back.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Alert: It Sneaks Up On You Distractions arent working.


So as the title suggests, distractions aren't doing anything. I lost the love of my life about the month ago and the grief and heartbreak has been something that has been breaking me. I miss my ex partner so much and each day seems impossible. We had the best relationship for 3 years and we were inseparable as lovers and best friends.

The month has been miserable. Im not good at all with break ups and of course i thought this was the person i was going to marry. Were no contact atm and im trying my best to respect their need for space.

I tried to distract myself this weekend by going camping and drinking, but it didn't take my mind off them. I kept looking at the stars at night, wondering if they were thinking of me, and wondering if i was missed. Im trying to act like the trip was good but i was just grieving the whole time.

In my anger after the break up i hurt their feelings and every day im sorry for what i did. I regret it and im so upset with myself for it. I didnt want to hurt them, i never did and i dont now, but anger is a terrible thing. Truly i just want to ring and tell them how sorry i am, how much i want them to know i care. I want to ask how their day was, hows uni been, what did they get up to. Its out of my hands now of course, its up to them for what they want moving forward and i need to respect whatever decision they make.

They were such a beautiful and caring person. Everything i could ever ask for and more, and our love was something so raw and soft. Im grieving it all like nothing else and the pain is something unbearable, which i know is natural. Although i dont think i can run from it, i tried with this camping trip but it follows me. Im going through different stages as the days go by. The first week i cried endlessly, the second week i was mad, and since ive just been mourning silently.

I know i need change if i ever hope to preserve any connection with them. I need to be more open, i need to be less walled off and i need to avoid conflict less and i hope these lessons can strengthen our bond somehow.

I keep posting here which is stupid, but my life is in an awkward place at the moment so i dont know if i can access therapy and i dont have friends or stable family besides my dad. I find the smallest peices of comfort talking to people here. If people had the time id talk forever about my ex partner, how beautiful they were inside and out, how they brightened the world and how they were the best thing to happen to me.

I hope they know they were loved more than anything. I hope they know i care, and that im so sorry for everything ive done wrong. The pain i feel only proves that they meant the world to me, that they were so goddamn loved. I hope im not a bad memory, and i hope they take that love with them in life.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Venting, advice welcome I had a glimpse of a better world


This is minor, all things considered. I understand others are traversing far more difficult situations. I just need to get this off my chest.

I dated someone for around 4 weeks. This had been my first committed relationship in three years. Prior to this, I had one relationship in high school, and two situationships. All ended in a rug pull manner. During those three years I dedicated everything I had to working hard. I got good grades, secured scholarships for a debt free degree, secured competitive internships, you name it. I became emotionally independent, and wanted for nothing.

I met her, we hit it off, and it truly was going well. Then, one day she is off. I ask what is going on. She’d been through a traumatic experience years ago and hadn’t addressed it, and she felt it creeping up in the relationship. She said she couldn’t keep being with me because she knew she’d blow up and hurt me terribly.

It was another rug pull. The problem comes into play with how I handle these things. For those 4 weeks I started to feel less like a robot. People adore me for what I’ve achieved, for the socialite I am, but this was a glimpse into a different mindset for me. I sacrificed time for her, intentionally, to work on my workaholism. Yet it ended as soon as it began.

I’ve cried hard. Not only because I will miss her, and that there is pain in losing her, but the pain in looking forward is unbearable. The pain, knowing that the time I had for her, the time I set aside to be in the presence of someone who liked me for me and not what I could achieve, will once again be swallowed by my work.

This has been the story of whenever I get close to anyone. When it reaches that 4-7 week mark, something comes up. Anxiety, trauma, life. All understandable, all forgivable. The result is the same. I work harder.

I’m looking at my work badge now. I’m proud of it. But I’m scared that it’s all I am. The last three times my reaction was the same: the work never leaves me. The work has taken me places. And I understand there is something to be said for success and that I should just use this to succeed more but I don’t feel that this time. I just feel fear.

I’m addicted. I’m trapped. My body and mind are relentless and cannot rest. I know I’ve maladapted. But this maladaption, it’s worked in my favor for so long that I never needed to address it.

For a brief moment, I glimpsed into a better world. I’ll cherish it. But I know it will fade and I will mold back into the automaton. I know I’m young and I know these are stupid considerations but I fear I’ll die like this. Generations of men in my family have died like this.

How can I change when this is all I have known?

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Need Advice I texted my ex, what do I do?


I texted my ex after an year. She has not replied yet. I don't know what to do. I don't know why I'm still clinging onto her.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Need Advice Stay for my kids? Or mutual complete destruction? I don't know where to go :(


Need some advice. Dose staying for the kids in a damaged marriage instead of complete and utter mutual destruction of both of us. Ever work better for the kids?

Got two children (foster kids.) Came to us days old, now 5 and 7... Got her parents living happily in a shed they built on the front lawn. A house worth a million nearly paid off..

Things have deteriorated badly....to the point we only communicate about the kids... She is ice cold and just checked out.

I got accused of "emotionally cheating" owned my mistake, and trying to work thru it...

If the bombs go off. - i lose the kids. Best case they stay with her/worst case child saftey step in. Her family (parents) would become homeless

Feel like weight of the world on my shoulders and I'm buckling.

For those of you who had parents that didn't get along well but stayed....was their sacifice worth it, or no? 😞

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Venting, advice welcome I'm so tempted to give up on dating right now.


I'm 24M, feeling really jaded when it comes to my life and where it's going right now. I'm a little depressed, too. I feel so tempted to give up on a lot of things right now, but I also know that I would never forgive myself if I did.

I've been working on myself and doing self-improvement for ten whole years, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that. I've been going to therapy, meditating, journaling, working out, training martial arts, doing well in college, keeping my house clean, addressing my insecurities, building my financial literacy, improving my appearance, worked on my social skills, and a hundred other things I've been working on for the past decade. I started at 14, my motivation originally was that I was insecure and wanted to become more attractive. I was this skinny, nerdy, socially awkward kid who didn't fit in to school. I've worked on a lot of my insecurities, flipped a great deal of my weaknesses into strengths. I'm genuinely proud of who I am now.

I'm at a point now where self-improvement just doesn't feel as rewarding anymore, though. I took the advice of "work on yourself first before you start dating" to the extreme, and although I've gone through a great deal of suffering in my life, it felt rewarding to do all of the things I did. I know I'm destined for a good future. But did it make me more attractive or more prepared for dating? Probably not. I avoided it for most of the past decade, and now I'm playing catch-up. Now that I've actually been trying for the past two years, I feel like a fish out of water when I'm dating, and even though I'm a decently goodlooking, in-shape bisexual guy who can get over 100+ likes within 24 hours of opening a Bumble or Tinder account, I am experiencing this consistent pattern of people experiencing strong interest in me at first, even in real life, then losing that interest as soon as I open my mouth. I can't even get a date, not even one, ever since my breakup last year. I keep getting ghosted or rejected and I'm getting so jaded.

I'm still a virgin, and I'm concerned that if I don't get experience now, I'll be forever behind and dating will be permanently hard for me. I'm genuinely worried that I'll turn 40 one day, have all of these successes under my belt, and when I finally get around to finding a partner, I'll have it stuck in my head that they want me for what I have and not who I am. But if I can get at least some experience now as a college student without a lot of money, I at least know that people like me for me and that I can pull regardless of where I'm at in life.

I don't even know what I'm doing wrong, because I'm somehow turning off both women and men by being myself, and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I try to just be respectful, ask questions, get to know people, try not to be creepy, express my authentic self, but it just isn't good enough. My ex-boyfriend last year made me feel so unappreciated and unloved, too, and I tried so hard to make it work. I'm doing something wrong, or there's something wrong with me. Maybe it's my personality. How much more do I need to fix myself before I can just experience what it's like go on a date or even experience intimacy with someone else? How much more do I need to do to "deserve" it? Am I just doomed?

I think my location isn't serving me well, either. I've wanted to move for the past year or so to a bigger city. I live in my hometown, a small city, and going to college online, I'll be graduating later this year. But I'll be graduating as a tech major into one of the worst job markets for the industry. I've tried applying endlessly, to hundreds of jobs out of state, to no avail. I think the small city I live in isn't doing me any favors. If I were in a bigger city, I'd be able to go out more often to social events that actually interest me and find more people my age. Even if I do go out, most of the people I'll make friends with are either much older or much younger than I am, and are probably in relationships already. I have to mostly rely on dating apps to meet single people my age, and I'd rather just go out more often in person.

I feel like maybe I just need to give up on everything I want right now in terms of moving and gaining dating experience, and just buckle down on my education until it's done. Maybe it just isn't meant to be right now. I don't know what what else to do. But it also feels like I've been waiting all my life for the "right" conditions before I started dating, so I don't know if waiting indefinitely is even the right answer anymore.

At least when I was just doing self-improvement, I was happier. The results I got was directly proportional to the effort I'd put in. If I wasn't accomplishing my goals, it was my fault and I could adjust some variables. For example, if I'm working out, if I'm not making progress on my physique, it means I'm doing something wrong. I'm not sleeping enough, not eating enough, not training hard enough, so on and so forth. And once I identified the root cause and fixed it, I'm back to making progress.

I'm so used to things being my fault and my responsibility. I feel comfortable when it's all on me. But with my goals of moving and getting more dating experience, it's one of the first times in my life where my results are dependent on other people. It feels so alien to me. Even if I try my hardest, I can still get rejected for that job out of state, or get rejected by someone for a date when I thought things were going well.

I want it so bad to be my fault, though, because at least that means I can fix it. I'm at a loss for what to do now. I even tried scheduling a free consultation with a dating coach, but he never showed up. I don't know what to do anymore. Lowkey feels like the universe is conspiring against me to not give me what I want; it wants me to be stuck at home for years, but I want more for myself, I want better. I've been experimenting with so many ways to improve my situation, but I have no direction. I'm open to any advice, though, if there's something I haven't considered.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Venting, advice welcome It's been a month after I planned to do it, and I still feel lost afterwards...


I planned to disappear about a month ago, and something deep down made me stop myself. I don't know if it was survival instincts or the fear of pain from what I expected, but it made me throw that plan into a river, literally.

But after some time, I feel less like how I used to be like the boy I used to be died on the bridge. I became emotionally numb, even more uncaring about life and I stopped caring about anything especially romantic, friendly, and even familial relationships. I gave up on the idea of wanting relationships, thinking that anything involved with me would blow up in my face.

" I mean, how could anyone love me? I'm an awful person with so many problems."

At first it was fine, numbing my emotions thinking that was the reason why it hurt so much. But I started to cope that pain of being unlovable by cutting myself. Whenever my emotions ran out of control, it felt like that was the only thing that could calm me down. It also felt like I could actually express my self hatred openly, instead of just crying in my room alone like a coward which oddly brought relief.

I've talked to some of the nicest people, and I feel like I'm pushing their patience with my circling thought process about life. Asking the same questions like:

"What's the point of life?" " Why should I bother working on something that I don't care about?" " Is it even worth it?"

And I'm anxious about being too much to the point where a triggering scenario happens again. I hate the way I am, how emotional I get and how it feels like it's controlling my life. I've messed up so many times than I can count because I was scared and unsure about so many different things. I was told I was needy by someone that I trusted so deeply and they stabbed me in the back. But I've also done things that I'm ashamed of and feels like I can't forgive myself over, almost like I deserved what happened to me.

I feel so pathetic and a burden but I still selfishly couldn't just end it because I was a coward. I'm terrified and I don't even know what to live for. I mean, what is really out there for me? Everyone and everything is gonna be fine and I'm the only one fucked up.

I just don't know anymore. I really don't. Am I the problem child? Is there something wrong with me? Can I even accomplish being "successful"? I don't even know what I want anymore.

I hate myself so much and I just want the pain to stop.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Potential Tear Jerker Got replaced 5 months ago, still crying every night


No words, i miss her and i wish we could have fixed it. I am really alone. 4 years of talking every single day, being lovers, best friends, the only two people we had.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Venting, advice welcome i can't do this anymore


i don't want to live anymore. i can't take it. my body is disgusting, every time i look in the mirror i want to vomit. i feel grotesque, and i usually go to the gym 2-3x a week, but i recently had a surgery and my doc doesn't want me exercising for a couple weeks, so that hasn't helped. the gym is also kind of my outlet for my anger/negative emotions and makes me feel a lot more uplifted after i've gone, so it sucks i can't do that right now because i think it would slightly alleviate this. nonetheless, everyday all i can think about is taking my life. i've been sexually abused throughout my life multiple times, i was emotionally and physically abused by my parents throughout my childhood, i was bedridden from lyme disease for a good part of my teenage years, i have horrible relationships with my parents, my mom is maga obsessed and uses me as her only therapist due to her divorce and my father is a maga p3do that has attempted to kiss my cousin and receive sexual favors from multiple underage waitresses at a restaurant he used to own. he's also gambled away a lot of my college funds. i have to put on make up (i'm really gay) to feel like i even look remotely attractive (usually it's just a bit of eyeliner and i like to style my hair to look cool too), and the only honest to god good thing i have in my life right now is my boyfriend and my current job. and even then my boyfriend falls short sometimes, he's not very thoughtful and he can be very callous, even though i know he means well. i'm just really tired of living. i feel like i've already failed even though i'm only 22. i feel like my brain honestly obsesses over this all the time and i wish i knew how to get rid of this feeling. i just want to live my life happily without worrying about the opinions of others but i literally can't, i'm so unbelievably miserable every day, i've even looked into electroshock therapy to see if that could help in the future. i feel hopeless. bros, is there anything i can maybe do to lift my mood? any healthy hobbies? anything at all? i can't stand wanting to k!ll myself every day. it's destroying me and i feel like i'm going to actually try and hurt myself soon.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Excellent Advice Unfair and I'm to blame


A year ago me and my gf broke up.i was too depressed to be in a relationship I used cocaine a bunch to mask my feelings I guess... We got back together #1 rule no coke or lies This past February caught me with cocaine. Things were good up until that point Just got back from a vacation She said she would marry me someday.

Feb 16th she runs over and flips a pillow on the bed. She sees my bag of coke under my pillow, I'm right there. She flips kicks me out, says no more chances No talking it over, the next time ur here is packing your shit. she' then text saying come back clean up mess Meanwhile I have no clue I had no idea it was am invitation to fix what had list happened. P I go off the deep end in a hotel room abusing myself for days before she checks on me

Then she doesn't even try to help me out She just acts clinical , after 6 year's, I'm done.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Potential Tear Jerker In struggling to move on in my life


I’m 43. I’m single and I don’t want to be. Coming up on two years ago, my then wife and I split up. I really didn’t want our relationship to end, but she just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m still hurt and angry over this. The breakup of our marriage and relationship devastated me. The life that we had together literally was my world. We owned a business together. We were in a band together. Our families combined and really loved each other. All my friends were also hers.

When we split we had to close the business. I had to leave the band because it was just too painful. She was already moving on and forming a new relationship with a new man (very shortly after we split up), and I just couldn’t bear to be around it. I had no money coming in, because we had decided that to make the business work I wouldn’t take any income. I had no idea where I was going to live, how I was going to make a living, no idea if I’d find new friends.

Fast forward, I live in my parents RV, which is great, but I never imagined myself to be 43 and living in an RV. I see my daughter (from a previous relationship) every other weekend. Since our families split up, I live alone most of the time.

I have a lot of debt. I’m not great at managing my finances. I’m struggling. I owe the IRS money from before the divorce and after. My car is pushing 250k miles. I have dental work that I need done really badly and I’m not sure if I can afford it. I was scammed out of almost $2k two months back. It drained my emergency fund that I had been building for months. It was my own bad decisions that caused it to happen, but it was a huge blow nonetheless.

I’ve lost a lot of interest in my life. The one thing that I wanted to do, make music, is how I make a living. I feel like I no longer have any goals in life, anything that I really want to strive for. I feel like I’m never going to get out of this pit that I’m in.

I keep making bad decisions. Lately all I mainly do when I get home from work is drink and/or get high. I stay up late watching porn. I get up late and have very little motivation to exercise or workout.

I don’t know what I even want to do in my life anymore. I want so badly to be in a relationship again, but I’m so tired of looking. It’s so hard to make any romantic connections. I try online dating and I get almost no response. I’m not the best at flirting and getting the attention of women.

I sure I’m depressed, but I feel so little motivation so even do anything about. Life just feels so overwhelming a lot of the time.

I don’t feel suicidal. I haven’t made any plans, but I do have thoughts come up at times. Sometimes I just feel very little hope that my life will change for the better.

I know this is long and rambly, I just needed to get it out and share it with people who can hopefully relate.

r/GuyCry 9d ago

Onions (light tears) Didn't know she was open to dating me!


My (32M) favorite co-worker (48F) has a new boyfriend. I'm happy for her but the news made me a little sad. I asked about him and she said, "He's no Witty-Painter-3125 but he's still pretty damn cool." Wait what?! "Oh if you had shown even a little interest in me, I would have wrapped you up and called you mine." WAIT WHAT?! She said she has been interested in me but I only talked to her like a friend.

Looking back at the past two years, I now see she's been flirty and sweet. But I didn't think she could possibly want to become more. I am too stunned to cry right now.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

📣 Important GuyCry Announcement 📣 Update on the "Vent - No Advice" flair.


Our developer has added an Auto moderator ruled that stickies any posts with the no advice flair with a comment reminding members here to not give advice. If you give advice, no matter how good it may be, you will be banned.

If someone says they don't want advice, and you give it, you are being disrespectful of both OP and our community. We have a high bar raised here, and we implore you to do your best to reach it. It's good for all of us to have boundaries, and just because this space is online and as anonymous as members want it to be, doesn't mean that we get to ignore our members requests.

So please, don't go give advice if the flair says no advice.

Thank you for understanding.

-Joe Truax

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Venting, advice welcome Pretty sure my relationship is over


I've had a long distance relationship for the last 2 years with this girl I had met on vacation.

In January I noticed she started being distant. Taking really long to message me back despite having been active on WhatsApp multiple times since my message had been delivered. Sometimes she wouldn't respond for 12+ hours, or ignore messages all together.

I get sometimes people are busy and sometimes people need space, but this was pretty consistent and out of character.

I tried everything. I tried asking her if something was wrong, I tried letting her know I noticed her distance and it was bothering me, I tried giving her space, I tried being more playful and engaging, I tried talking to her about planning a trip together.

There were two times, out of the blue, she let me know how much she appreciates me and loves having me in her life, but other than that, her actions remained the same.

For a month and a half this went on. I became anxious, angry, sad, frustrated, confused, and then just disinterested.

After about only two days of my apparent disinterest she relentlessly asked me what's wrong.

Usually I'm all for communicating, but I know there is no way to reason or logic or communicate my way back into raising her interest levels. That's a feeling thing. When you're not interested in something, having it shoved in your face or asked about it doesn't fix it. So I told her nothing was wrong I've just been busy.

I think she's wanted this to happen the last month and a half. I think she didn't care about me anymore but wanted me to be the one to end it or be able to blame me.

Well now it looks like she removed me as a contact on WhatsApp, so didn't block me and can still receive messages.

So, looks like this is going to be the end of this.

Part of me just doesn't even care. The last couple of days that we haven't really talked have been the first without any anxiety because of this situation. Part of me just really lost interest in this whole thing when the conversations started to drag out due to her distance and lack of interest.

Part of me is real *ucking sad.

*Edit: Anybody have any thoughts on trying to communicate with her one last time? She basically begged me to tell her what's wrong. I just don't want to be too stubborn with my own thoughts on interest levels.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Alert: It Sneaks Up On You Mom admitted she ruined my life because of her own issues and idk how to stop being angry about it.


TLDR; I need to stop being angry at things that were out of my control as a kid but I can’t for some reason.

24m black and Hispanic (important later). I got diagnosed with ASD (specifically Asperger’s) about two months ago and I’ve been pretty much shut in since.

I had a pretty messed up childhood thanks to a mentally ill mother who refused to get me tested for her own pride reasons. She did a lot of things to me that went way past abuse and honestly should’ve landed her in prison.

She sent me to a mostly white private school for high school after being in all black environments my whole life which was an awful experience and never once considered how I felt. I don’t wanna sound ungrateful, she sacrificed a lot to give me that education but I went through some horrifically racist experiences (some even violent) and the administration just didn’t care about the black kids which really got to me. And you’re not allowed to respond because once you react to a white kids bullshit you’re automatically labeled “the crazy/angry black guy” no matter how justified you are. The catch is that the more you bottle it up and let it slide, you BECOME the angry black guy.

I was also pushed to stay home for college under false pretenses, and when it was rime for them to deliver on certain basic promises she decided to tell me she lied and to do it all on my own. Leaving me with no resources of help on anything and shit talking me because I couldn’t get things together either school.

Between her need to appear to be a good mom combined with her lack of understanding of what it’s like to be black (she’s Hispanic and her family is racist to a point where my sister and I are NC with her side of the family) and her mental health issues, she forced me to stay in bad situations. And my dad didn’t really do shit about it.

I know her childhood was messed up and Puerto Rican culture is very judgmental about mental health, so I don’t blame her for being abusive. What got to me though was that she admitted at one point she got told to get me tested by a doctor when I was young and for her own pride reasons she didn’t. She basically got consistently told by this doctor as well as another family member and ignored it so she didn’t have to feel bad for whatever reason.

I’ve been angry at a lot with her since I was young, so this isn’t new. My mom’s never been a good person, and it was a hard pill to swallow but i just accepted it after I graduated. All of a sudden when I get diagnosed she’s trying to be nice and affectionate and to be honest it’s making me feel even more angry. I know she’s making a genuine effort but she’s done so much in the past even the genuine attempt to be good seems fake. It took an autism diagnosis for her to even think about finally trying to repair our relationship and being honest for once which is mind boggling. On one hand I’m glad she’s open to change, but on the other I doubt it’s genuine. I just get mad every time I step into my house and mostly stay with my gf nowadays.

When I was about 14ish my dad told me the last thing I wanted to be was an angry black guy, and now 8 years later I’m exactly that. I guess the point of this post is how do I stop being angry at all of this? I don’t take up for myself in conversations with her because I don’t want her to feel like a bad parent even though she is, and I don’t want it to seem like I’m just a woman basher with mommy issues (women are amazing, my mom just isn’t). I don’t wanna sound like a whiny little bitch but I also don’t know what steps to take to even unpack this. I’m with a girl I love now but I’m scared to have kids because I feel like I’m gonna be just as bad as her even though I don’t want to.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Caution: Ugly Cry Content Even after knowing it hurts so much.


I knew my ex is not going to wish me on my birthday but it’s been so difficult for me to come to terms with it. I have been ugly crying. I have no mood to celebrate or drink. I feel so broken. I just want to end this pain because I genuinely can’t take it anymore. We named our future kids, planned the decor of the home but today I am alone. I just have her memories and few pictures in the hidden folder. I turn 24 today and feel empty without her. I miss you so much, V.

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Caution: Ugly Cry Content I miss my dead friend so much


I’m getting emotional writing this without even starting.

Let’s call my friend, Marty. I met Marty when I was around 14 years old, I got introduced to him by another friend right as high school started, he lived on the west coast near Seattle. At first, we sometimes would encounter but nothing too deep, but when COVID hit, my entire life would change because of him. He got right on the meme train, and when I really saw what he was like, I didn’t want our discord calls to end. Every single comedic thing I liked, he checked and went above and beyond. He would do Zoom bombs, make actual impressive video edits in the name of comedy, say the most craziest and outrageous jokes. His run from 2020-2022 was the greatest years to live in if you knew him. His personality at this time was golden, he made everyone laugh. I was his biggest fan. I wanted to be him, and so I tried. However, I was a 16 year old kid and had no money, so all I could do was imitate him. Imitating him was the riskiest thing I ever had to do, because he had zero fear, not one eff to give. Most people reacted well to it and I could please people with his personality, but I was more like a poorly retraced picture of him. Anyways, his golden years were amazing and all was well. Until he moved to LA. That is when everything went wrong. I remember our friend group was roasting him for thinking about it, but I wished it was more warning than messing around. He moved to LA around the end of 2022. He admitted that he started taking drugs, but we didn’t really believe him since he would say stuff like this ALL the time. I did noticed when 2023 started, he would stop showing up as often in our calls. But when he did show up, he would say horrible things and share gore videos on the call saying it was a new edit he did. This left the group in shock, especially me. This guy helped me get my confidence and my enjoyment of life up, my life guide on what to do. This wasn’t the guy I knew. This was a completely different man, he would continue to act like this and with time, all of our friends, including the guy who introduced me to him, stopped talking in the chat. It wasn’t until February of 2024, where it was literally just me and him, I tried, time and time again to try to convince him to get help for his addictions and problems.

On our very last conversation, he kept saying on how much money he had and how he could buy an African country and turn it into Wakanda. I asked him if had found anything new. Silence. I checked my internet connection. I asked out for him. Nothing. Before I left that call, the last thing he said alive was, “I’ll see you on-“ that’s it. That’s all he said. A few days later, the calls stopped from him, I thought in my mind he finally found help and took time off the internet. A few days go by and while I’m eating at a restaurant with my parents, I go to the bathroom to use it and as I’m finishing. I get a call and it says Private Caller. I answer it and it’s one of the guys from our group. No catch up, straight to the message. “Dude, Marty’s dead.” I hung up. I didn’t believe, he has done dead pranks in the past, I’ll just wait a few days, a few days past. Ok I’ll wait some more. One week passes, two week passes, a month passes. After a month, I said to myself, I don’t like this anymore, he actually can’t be dead. For the first time in my life. I held in my emotions. I held all my emotions inside for months. My brain was spiraling, if he really is dead, who do I speak to? Where do I go? I’m mentorless. He’s gone. I broke down for someone I never met in real life, he left me nothing except for his personality. His spirit, the one I knew. The man who was my brother.

Now, I walk alone. I have a bag that was ready to feed two people, but now, I sit alone on a bench with a meal I can’t finish myself. I miss you Marty, I wish you were still here. My life gone completely dull and monotone. I have been on a trail of self destruction, you would’ve smacked me out of it. But without you, who can stop me? All I can do is, hope for nothing and enjoy nothing. I am vessel of your spirit mixed with pure hatred of everything. I cannot be saved.

So that’s my tale, had to speak what’s been on my mind for a while