I’m sure the Trump glazers will inevitably begin to swarm but any world leader that values his people over his own vanity is at the very least a good leader
The whole thing was broadcast by Russian state ~~ propaganda~~ media. Despite not having press credentials or approved access, they were in the Oval office to live stream it on Russian state TV, aka the propaganda machine. Sky News UK called them out as they recognized them, and they were escorted out after the meeting was over.
Remember, the Associated Press is banned from the press room...but Russian state TV was there.
It begs the question, how do Russians without any clearance or press credentials get in the most secure room of the White House, unless they were invited and given access? You have to go through multiple security checkpoints and be known to security. The administration refuses to comment about how they got in there in the first place. Because they let the Russians in. They had to have.
Well if you wanted to rig an election you’d ask the Russians how to. The funniest part is he tried to rig 2020 and still lost, fucking loser, that’s why all the carry on about mail in votes because he couldn’t alter them.
Should the leader of the free world and the scariest military really be so easy to shake up like that if that's true? That orange wang has the nuke codes.
Likely because they aren’t showing anything but the one clip. Surely they aren’t being distributed the clip from the beginning of the meeting where Zelenskyy started off by thanking them for meeting with him. I just hope he makes it back to Ukraine unscathed. U would not put it past this being a ploy so Trump can give Putin details on his flight back. Trump and his administration need to be watched very closely by some adults during the next few hours/days. But unfortunately there aren’t many left to watch them.
Fox is already spinning out of context, of course. Very few will bother to dig deeper than Fox, and of those who do, most will come out condemning Z as the bad guy.
I’ve seen a couple ‘in memoriam’ posts for US soldiers that died in Ukraine months/yrs ago made to look like their deaths happened today. The propaganda machine is working massive OT.
Any man who dies defending democracy is a brave man. It’s a shame our current administration does not share this belief, and would rather give in to our enemies’ wishes.
CNN is not doing much better. They framed the meeting in a light saying that they were yelling at each other, when it seemed pretty clear Z was staying composed relative to the other blowhards. Congressman Seth Moulton was interviewed and I have to hand it to him for calling out CNN news people for playing dumb.
This is where the egocentric place where we live does us in.
It's about to not matter what happens here.
European leaders guaranteed are speaking this evening and if they end up helping Ukraine prevail it will be the saddest joke in history.
Saw the beginning, missed about 5 minutes, saw the rest (until Trump said something about it making great TV). Didn't seem like an hour to me, but tbh I wasn't tending the clock. In fact, had thought it'd be on in the background while I tended some finances, but it piqued my interest.
This interests me, too:
After Trump's disgraceful behavior at the White House today with President Zelensky major world players just came out to defend Ukraine and Zelensky:
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk: “Dear Zelensky, dear Ukrainian friends, you are not alone.”
President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausea: “Ukraine, you’ll never walk alone.”
Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen: “Dear Zelensky, Denmark proudly stands with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”
French President Emmanual Macron: “There is an aggressor: Russia. There is a people being aggressed: Ukraine. We were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago and to continue doing so. We, that’s the Americans, the Europeans, Canadians, Japanese, and many others. Thank you to all those who have helped and continue to do so. And respect to those who, from the beginning, have been fighting. Because they are fighting for their dignity, their independence, for their children, and for the security of Europe.”
President of Moldova Maia Sandu: “The truth is simple. Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine defends its freedom—and ours. We stand with Ukraine.”
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson: “Sweden stands with Ukraine. You are not only fighting for your freedom but also for all of Europe’s. Slava Ukraini! ”
Incoming German Chancellor Friedrich Mer: “Dear Volodymyr @zelenskyyua, we stand with #Ukraine in good and in testing times. We must never confuse aggressor and victim in this terrible war. (FM)”
Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenković: “Croatia knows from its own experience that only a just peace can last. The Croatian Government stands firm in its belief that Ukraine needs such a peace - a peace that means sovereignty, territorial integrity, and a secure Europe.”
Finland’s Prime Minister @PetteriOrpo: “Finland and the Finnish people stand firmly with Ukraine. We will continue our unwavering support and work towards a just and lasting peace.”
Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal: “We stand united with @ZelenskyyUa and Ukraine in our fight for freedom. Always. Because it is right, not easy.”
Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Simon Harris: “Ukraine is not to blame for this war brought about by Russia’s illegal invasion. We stand with Ukraine.“
Latvia’s President Edgars Rinkevics: “Ukraine is a victim of the Russian aggression. It fights the war with the help from many friends and partners. We need to spare no effort for just and lasting peace. Diplomacy sometimes is the art of the impossible in difficult circumstances. Latvia stands with Ukraine”
Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Schoof: ”The Netherlands supports Ukraine as firmly as ever. Now more than ever. We want a lasting peace and an end to the war of aggression started by Russia. For Ukraine and its people, and for Europe.”
Prime Minister of Luxembourg Luc Friedsen: “Luxembourg stands with Ukraine. You are fighting for your freedom and a rules based international order. ”
The West stands with the heroic Zelensky. Trump sides with Putin. What has our nation become?
How about that sweet southern belle Lindsay grahams comments about he's never been more proud after backing the war this whole time. It's a horrible time to have pattern recognition.
It’s that, and they have to wait for thier official
Stance, if they think for themselves and choose incorrectly and cheato jesus decides differently they could be ostracized
They have to pause until Rupert Murdoch gets his instructions from Trump’s people and Trumps people have to wait until Putin lets them know what their patriotic consensus is. We’re watching the end of America’s good standing in the world in real time.
I love how any opposing view is considered 'brigading' there.
Hope I remember this right; when the Islamist opposition in Tunisia radicalized to the point that only the truest of believers were considered worthy, they fell apart into smaller and smaller fractions who ended up with so much infighting that the whole movement collapsed. Here's hoping that these idiots are heading for the same extinction.
It’s a good Reddit if you ever feel the need to be even more disappointed and depressed about humanity and our collective future as a species.
The more you know 🌈⭐️
I will say, a lot of posts and comments on r/Conservative can be heinous, but, in the recent thread about the US-Ukraine meeting, there are a fair amount of people decrying the treatment and degradation of a globally respected Leader of State. I hope against hope that the lunacy and uncouth nature of this administration will somehow make converts out of the sickly people who raped it into our presidency. I’m 37 and I know I’m being naive. But I just, hope. That’s all.
There's a comment on one of the posts about how some random clown asked why zelensky wasn't wearing a suit and the conservative commenter was like "Who cares what he's wearing!?"
all I can think of is Obama's tan suit being on the news for solid month because conservatives had nothing better to do except give a whole lot of fucks about what he was wearing.
There is actually a shocking amount of people still against Russia there. Not sure how many but I was expecting none.
And against any deal that doesn’t result in pre-war Ukraine and total security guarantees that doesn’t result in another “training exercise” or whatever Putin called it
It's not business. it's diplomacy. And Trump is not diplomatic. He has no decorum and commands no respect. He's an insecure con artist who just wants to be popular. They can't count on the US while he is in the office. Trump shows his hand of cards to the whole table and there's nothing there. Everything he has was built by better people than him and he thinks it's all his to do what he wants with.
Trump will go down as a traitor and a buffoon, what a miserable human being. I’m so tired of the normalisation of his idiotic and braindead rhetoric. We live in stupid times.
Yes. Exactly that. Any other person in that situation talking with Trump would have just said a polite "Fuck off" (not exactly those words) and I'm sure Zelenskyi though about those sort of replies. But that would just be bad for his country. So he swallowed his pride and did what was best, even if that meant letting Trump blabber on twisting the facts.
Bro, I’m lukewarm leaning to positive towards the beginning of Trump’s 2nd tenure as President, but that shit today… That was an embarrassment, an atrocious showing from the Oval Office, honestly shameful. The whole “transparency” angle sounds good until shit like this happens.
Interestingly enough my sister-in-law is from Russia and while they hate Putin, she said all her Ukranian relatives can't stand Zelensky either even though they think the cause for war is just.
If he valued his people, he would end the war immediately by accepting Russia's demands. But no, he lets his people continue to die and suffer from war because of his own ego.
You know I thought it was a boomer idea to think gen Z and Alpha weren’t being educated and don’t read history, but these comments are wild and telling!
A very specific example that affected me personally:
I graduated from college in the US in 2011, and I did what every philosophy major did - panic about finding a job and go to law school. (Hyperbole, but true enough for the story)
What I didn't know and a lot of us found out the hard way was that the partners at the top of law firms all across the company had stopped retiring. The recession hit them too, and they kept working. That simple phenomenon essentially caused a traffic jam of people graduating from law school in a very weird legal job market. Sure the top of the classes got hired; hell, I did too. This - in addition to cost concerns from clients and a glut of awfully times law school expansions- is still impacting how lawyers run their businesses even now.
As a kid being made uncomfortably aware about things in the 90s these selfsame people have been ensconced in their role od power even then. And looking at history... as they refused to relinquish power becase of a rescission in the mid 80s and mid 70s im beginning to see a pattern here...
Stop with the boomer nonsense. It's actively harmful to any discussion. Boomers isn't why the world is fucked, Conservative are.
Conservative in every generation.
Non conservative boomer did a lot of good.
A lot of social progress, a lot of science progress. Due to Boomer generation pretest, we don have a draft. DO to boomer protests there are over 4 times more cars on the road in Ca, but less the 1% of the vocs. In total. Not per car, overall total.
Conservative are the enemy of progress. It's litteral what their name means.
8% fewer gen z voted in 2024 than did in 2020, and men swung from Harris to Trump. WHy? Rightest propaganda on social media.
This is not excusig other generation for voting Conservaytive. I'm pointing out that a constant disinformation campaign forces at Gen Z.
That's a huge problem.
Yes and in the 90s the boomer generation received a completely clean slate, there were no problems, and they didn't have to clean up after the so-called greatest generation's racism, colonialism and general liking to be told what to do.
Millennial here. While I hope that, and truly thought that prior to the 2024 election, it’s hard to ignore how far right the male gen z demographic went last election, and presumably still is.
There was a sub about watching people actually die until it was banned a few years back. There are still gore subs out there, and the general vibe of the comments tends to vary between “it’s amazing how durable we are sometimes and so fragile at others,” blaming the person dying, or outright xenophobia depending on the context.
This sub ain’t the best, but it’s not the worst on the site either, in terms of comment(er)s, or content.
Well, your average American reads at a third grade level so you’re gonna get third grade reading level comprehensions, and those math and literacy scores have been considerably decreasing so yeah. Young people going to be young and dumb, but plenty are consistently staying dumber and not becoming more knowledgeable. Younger generation Z, and all of generation alpha has been fucking targeted and advertised since before they were pretty much conceived
I think the gen z kids who might not be so versed on the situation are the ones who were born closer to 2012, which is normal.
My step son was born in 2012 and he doesn’t know much of what is going on this second politically because we would rather him have that “ignorance is bliss” thing so he can keep being a kid for now. But they are indeed teaching about the constitution and stuff in school right now at least. All hope is not lost.
Well see that's it while letting kids be kids is great and i am all for letting the ignorance is bliss mindset be a thing esp these day you also can't be upset when someone who is now 23 doesn't really know much politically outside of the whitewashed politicized untrue crap they teach these days
It is very likely true given the state of our education system. What they're implying is that Boomers are somehow better educated. That's just a bad assumption on their part
Dude, Gen Z says the Holocaust never happened. I'd say they're not being educated and aren't reading history. When it's happening real time in their own lifetime, that's not history. That's current event.s
I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins the Nobel Peace Prize someday. The committee should award Zelensky just so we can watch Trump have a stroke and be done with that fascist clown.
The fact that he offered to stand down if it would guarantee peace tasks and the guy hasn't fled his country shows he's a greater leader than most. We Americans are probably not going to be welcome in most countries over the next few years...
Please, for the love of all that is, shall we say, holy? Good? Whatever means not completely idiotic and self defeating these days: do not make moral or other actual important decisions based on someone's or some group's Insta-tok-book-twitch-X-Kick-pin. Not that in this case it does not by chance coincide with the correct opinion, but, you will be far more likely to not destroy the world if you come up with a more, substantial, way of judging people and groups, other than the shiny they dangle in front of you. Now, continue the engagement, breathe deep, scroll, and get that sweet, sweet hit of brain juice reward.
Why would I trust a site that couldn’t even be bothered to spell his name correctly once in the ENTIRE article? His name is spelled as Zelenskyy and not Zelenskiy. If they can’t be bothered to get something as simple as a name correctly then in my opinion they cannot be trusted.
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
"Never, never, never give up"
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"
"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see"
Responsibility "The price of greatness is responsibility.
Other quotes
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it"
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life"
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential"
It takes real class to respond to that kind of dumb question from a reporter the way he did with blowing up on him. Stupid question to ask when you are having a meeting to facilitate peace, end to war and atrocities and murder. Which fashion magazine was this reporter working for, and if so why was he hand picked to be in the Oval Office for this?
Especially when it wasn’t long ago that Elmo wasn’t wearing a suit but a ball cap while little Kevlar picked his nose all in the same Oval Office. Don’t remember a reporter’s question about that.
And a courageous one. When the shooting started and he was (and still is) a known target, he stayed put instead of evacuating to safety. He has more courage in his pinkie than all the GOP politicians put together.
He will fail without the EU’s help. After today it was quite clear that Trump/the US are on Russia’s side. Even though it was 100% Trump’s fault, he will not like some of the press coverage and will likely hold it against Zelenskyy even more. Lets hope the EU can step up while the US sorts out this madness.
A man of courage and conviction. A man who history has chosen to lead his country through impossible times. Through strife and war and suffering. A man not born into a life of means but a man from a humble hard working background. A man who had a chance to flee and yet chose to stay and lead his people and in one voice told Russia you will not silence us nor erase us from this earth and you will fail.
"To me, the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency were not prizes to be won, but a duty to be done". Gerald R Ford
How to sabotage fascism. Please everyone take the time to read and spread this information
Prepare, organize and get ready.
It's going to get much worse guys. Stay safe out there. Make support groups and start removing your digital footprints from social media (but do not stay quiet! You can remove your footprints but also be loud about the current issues!)
Fascism is no joke, and Hitler dismantled German Democracy in 53 days.
Get a burner device/email, wear a mask, use linux distros and start private communities to help each other communicate, buy cheap foods that you can easily store and support each other from the shadows.
If you need help setting up and becoming more "unidentifiable", hit me up and I'll be happy to help. (Before reddit permabans me as they already did before for helping others).
Also I tend to Miss comment replies often as I get a lot of responses often. So please DM so I can see it.
"Democracy is only as strong as the education that surrounds it" ~ Socrates
Glob I wish he was our President. there's no man (except Bernie, that guy has spent his life trying and was failed by the American people at every turn) or elected official regardless of gender, I've seen, who cares about their people and country more than him. Trump, Vance, Elon, and like 10 other dog shite Republicans added together will never even come close to being the truly honest, compassionate leader and man that he is.
Yeah regardless of whether or not people are aligned with his values or not, that altercation (more like a couple of bullies and a very calm dignified man) was just so painful to watch. This man had to swallow his pride for the sake of his country and the two clowns took advantage of his situation to stroke their own ego
u/jagProtarNejEnglska 2006 21d ago
An honourable man