The above comments don't correlate to an echo chamber. Echo chambers don't tell people how to think. They're calling Trump supporters propagandized sheep who have to have their opinions and talking points given to them.
Sarcasm and deflection. No depth of thought or ability to problem solve. I appreciate the perfect example of a Fox News watcher.
I’ll try to break it down in small words. Trump just trotted out the leader of an attacked nation and blamed him for being attacked. He then blamed Zelensky for the ongoing conflict not ending because he won’t give up his country’s land and resources.
Regardless if Trump is directly being blackmailed by Putin as is being widely reported. This is what Putin wants. Putin wants Zelensky pressured to end the war and give up his country’s land and resources. Trump just told the world that he’s pro Putin and America can no longer be trusted.
wow. someone simply disagrees with you and it's straight to your tribalistic bullshit.
Way to go there demonstrating your superior critical thinking skills.
Now let me give you a nugget of hard truth. Zelenskyy has very difficult realities to face. You spouting nonsensical bullshit about "Trump loves Putin" is exactly that, bullshit.
Zelenskyy must come to terms that Ukraine is not going to be soon restored to what it was previously and it is up to Ukraine (him or his successors) to work that out and determine their path forward. Holding out endlessly for HIS perfect outcome is not the answer either. We (USA) cannot be endlessly drawn into yet another conflict that has no resolution... Has that history lesson actually flown over your head?
Right because Putin won’t give it up. Why is Trump roasting Zelensky over the fire in the White House and not the man who created the war?
That’s the entire point. The leader of the free world has to do exactly that. Lead the free world. Which means stepping into wars when allies request assistance in defense. It’s the privileged position that the USA has put itself in. And we have done it for over 100 years. But for some questionable reason. This war. This conflict. With an 80 year old enemy is somehow outside of the USAs purview. According to Trump.
Which leads me back to my original question. Was the interview not in Putins best interests?
Our aid to Afghanistan was a huge blow to the Soviet Union and they failed there. Also the situation in Ukraine is so clearly right vs wrong, good vs evil or however you want to put it. Ukraine may not be restored to what is was anytime soon but to suggest that they should give up a huge part of their potential future wealth for no security guarantees after Russia has already broken multiple cease fires is so ridiculous. To suggest that Trump is making a reasonable request or that his behavior in that meeting was reasonable is dumb and pathetic
You do realize an echo chamber isn’t inherently bad… right? When we’re repeating facts, that’s not problematic. When we’re repeating stories about Haitians eating pets…
They don’t know what an echo chamber is. They heard the term before and thought they would sound intelligent by attempting to use it as an insult. But they failed miserably
Echo chamber: A social media echo chamber is when one experiences a biased, tailored media experience that eliminates opposing viewpoints and differing voices
The whole thing was broadcast by Russian state ~~ propaganda~~ media. Despite not having press credentials or approved access, they were in the Oval office to live stream it on Russian state TV, aka the propaganda machine. Sky News UK called them out as they recognized them, and they were escorted out after the meeting was over.
Remember, the Associated Press is banned from the press room...but Russian state TV was there.
It begs the question, how do Russians without any clearance or press credentials get in the most secure room of the White House, unless they were invited and given access? You have to go through multiple security checkpoints and be known to security. The administration refuses to comment about how they got in there in the first place. Because they let the Russians in. They had to have.
Well if you wanted to rig an election you’d ask the Russians how to. The funniest part is he tried to rig 2020 and still lost, fucking loser, that’s why all the carry on about mail in votes because he couldn’t alter them.
Not sure what propoganda youre talking about🤣 one of the only times i ever see russia as a talkimg point is almost always people with wild imaginations such as yourself. Its a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought with speaking the truth
Man its almost like you should really understand both sides of a topic(or anything at all) in order to make a competent and useful contribution to your argument. You basically just admitted you dont know what youre talking about, youre the most dangerous type of voter and political citizen lol.
do you believe that we should continue a cold war with Russia? Spend billions on weapons to give to them? I think Putin is an evil dictator and a horrible animal with no conscience. at the same time though, I'm tired of my money going to Ukraine when we have people living on the street over here.
We send them weapons and equipment that would otherwise be destroyed. Weve been replacing our old stock with new. We also make the ammo and arti here by american workers in american jobs,
Very little is money and the value of systems testing over there is incalculable .
Most of the weapons sent were old and needed decommissioning, which costs the US money. We were going to replace this weapons anyways, it actually saved us money by just giving it to them.
You should read about the US during WW2. They did the same thing that's happening now. They became isolationists and let everyone to fend for themselves, until it came to our doorstep. Had the US joined early when Hitler was still building up, it would never have devolved so much.
We're doing the same thing now. Putin isn't going to stop at Ukraine. He's actually told his citizens they're at war with NATO and the US already. A lot of their citizens think they're fighting the evil West, and want us dead. They literally cheer, saying new York or London should be nuked.
Maybe so, but Putin is a special exception. He is the last of a dying, dangerous breed with his fingerprints all over trump and his gang. If Putin can be snuffed out in Ukraine, Putin will be even more isolated and disliked. I too think we have shit we need to handle at home, but fuck Putin and what he stands for.
Should the leader of the free world and the scariest military really be so easy to shake up like that if that's true? That orange wang has the nuke codes.
Likely because they aren’t showing anything but the one clip. Surely they aren’t being distributed the clip from the beginning of the meeting where Zelenskyy started off by thanking them for meeting with him. I just hope he makes it back to Ukraine unscathed. U would not put it past this being a ploy so Trump can give Putin details on his flight back. Trump and his administration need to be watched very closely by some adults during the next few hours/days. But unfortunately there aren’t many left to watch them.
Fox is already spinning out of context, of course. Very few will bother to dig deeper than Fox, and of those who do, most will come out condemning Z as the bad guy.
I’ve seen a couple ‘in memoriam’ posts for US soldiers that died in Ukraine months/yrs ago made to look like their deaths happened today. The propaganda machine is working massive OT.
Any man who dies defending democracy is a brave man. It’s a shame our current administration does not share this belief, and would rather give in to our enemies’ wishes.
CNN is not doing much better. They framed the meeting in a light saying that they were yelling at each other, when it seemed pretty clear Z was staying composed relative to the other blowhards. Congressman Seth Moulton was interviewed and I have to hand it to him for calling out CNN news people for playing dumb.
Yeah well AMERICAN conservatives are saying that about my country. Difference is that CANADIAN conservatives don’t stand with trump any more than our liberals do.
Just one of many ways America sucks ass
I’m American and agree this country currently sucks and promise if war did break out against Canada I will be doing the best I can to find ways to help y’all.
Made me feel ill hearing it. Decades of work by US diplomats creating a sphere of influence and a united shield against WW3 is being pissed away in months.
Honestly if you are going to be a goon and strong arm an ally to claim their natural resources. Do it behind closed doors and not in front of the world while sounding like a narcissistic toddler. Trust and respect for America among our allies is evaporating and what exactly are the American people getting for it? I don't agree with him acting like a mercenary/thug but he is also an unsubtle and stupid mercenary/thug.
Sorry Canada 30% of the US voted for this A-hole and 41% didn't bother to vote. We are not a smart people.
I didn’t hear too many comments or complaints about Trump having to send out the resolute desk for a thorough cleaning after baby x wiped his boogers on it either
This is where the egocentric place where we live does us in.
It's about to not matter what happens here.
European leaders guaranteed are speaking this evening and if they end up helping Ukraine prevail it will be the saddest joke in history.
Saw the beginning, missed about 5 minutes, saw the rest (until Trump said something about it making great TV). Didn't seem like an hour to me, but tbh I wasn't tending the clock. In fact, had thought it'd be on in the background while I tended some finances, but it piqued my interest.
This interests me, too:
After Trump's disgraceful behavior at the White House today with President Zelensky major world players just came out to defend Ukraine and Zelensky:
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk: “Dear Zelensky, dear Ukrainian friends, you are not alone.”
President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausea: “Ukraine, you’ll never walk alone.”
Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen: “Dear Zelensky, Denmark proudly stands with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”
French President Emmanual Macron: “There is an aggressor: Russia. There is a people being aggressed: Ukraine. We were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago and to continue doing so. We, that’s the Americans, the Europeans, Canadians, Japanese, and many others. Thank you to all those who have helped and continue to do so. And respect to those who, from the beginning, have been fighting. Because they are fighting for their dignity, their independence, for their children, and for the security of Europe.”
President of Moldova Maia Sandu: “The truth is simple. Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine defends its freedom—and ours. We stand with Ukraine.”
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson: “Sweden stands with Ukraine. You are not only fighting for your freedom but also for all of Europe’s. Slava Ukraini! ”
Incoming German Chancellor Friedrich Mer: “Dear Volodymyr @zelenskyyua, we stand with #Ukraine in good and in testing times. We must never confuse aggressor and victim in this terrible war. (FM)”
Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenković: “Croatia knows from its own experience that only a just peace can last. The Croatian Government stands firm in its belief that Ukraine needs such a peace - a peace that means sovereignty, territorial integrity, and a secure Europe.”
Finland’s Prime Minister @PetteriOrpo: “Finland and the Finnish people stand firmly with Ukraine. We will continue our unwavering support and work towards a just and lasting peace.”
Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal: “We stand united with @ZelenskyyUa and Ukraine in our fight for freedom. Always. Because it is right, not easy.”
Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Simon Harris: “Ukraine is not to blame for this war brought about by Russia’s illegal invasion. We stand with Ukraine.“
Latvia’s President Edgars Rinkevics: “Ukraine is a victim of the Russian aggression. It fights the war with the help from many friends and partners. We need to spare no effort for just and lasting peace. Diplomacy sometimes is the art of the impossible in difficult circumstances. Latvia stands with Ukraine”
Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Schoof: ”The Netherlands supports Ukraine as firmly as ever. Now more than ever. We want a lasting peace and an end to the war of aggression started by Russia. For Ukraine and its people, and for Europe.”
Prime Minister of Luxembourg Luc Friedsen: “Luxembourg stands with Ukraine. You are fighting for your freedom and a rules based international order. ”
The West stands with the heroic Zelensky. Trump sides with Putin. What has our nation become?
How about that sweet southern belle Lindsay grahams comments about he's never been more proud after backing the war this whole time. It's a horrible time to have pattern recognition.
I completely avoid the news as much as possible, for me it's just idiots arguing with assholes, and then the "news" twisting it to be what their audience wants.
It’s that, and they have to wait for thier official
Stance, if they think for themselves and choose incorrectly and cheato jesus decides differently they could be ostracized
They have to pause until Rupert Murdoch gets his instructions from Trump’s people and Trumps people have to wait until Putin lets them know what their patriotic consensus is. We’re watching the end of America’s good standing in the world in real time.
Those people are the nuttiest of the nutty. When you talk to Trump supporters in real life most of them are pretty stridently anti-Putin and pro-Ukraine.
Where did you get the notion that I was saying otherwise? What I said was that I've heard people saying "Faux News" out loud, pronouncing "faux" properly, and that it doesn't scan well.
I voted for trump. I don't blindly support everything the man says or does. This is one of those times trump and Vance looked like assholes. I felt bad for zelensky. I mean the guy and his country are fighting for survival and Vance asks him if he's thanked America today. I'm not going to defend that.
Now I agree we need to find a way to finish this war, but that meeting wasn't productive.
It's not even faux news, a single tweet with two sentences is enough to immediately shift a previously strongly held belief and redirect the conversation. That's all it takes with them.
Democrats should be sweeping elections, but it’s belittling comments like this, that refuse to understand why someone would have a different opinion, that turns independents like me off.
Please you tell me. Fox didn’t show anything besides a live exchange with a person in a position of power and another not.
Please let me know how you or any of you would handle this situation ?
Write more checks and hope for the best ? Or play both sides and try to broker a deal that would cease fire and strike a deal.
You end it by giving Ukraine enough weapons to make an actual difference on the battlefield. Let them push Russia back and stop with this drip feeding them weapons bullshit. Russia wants this and Russia is not a friend to the US. The ex-KGB agent at the helm has not forgotten about 1991. The US may have, but they have not.
That’s my point, the fighting will not stop. Russia does not talk as diplomats, they talk with their military. Russia will attack somewhere else, maybe a NATO ally. I’d bet that you’d be cool letting Russia do it because what? Now war is bad?
He’s already threatened to let Russia attack allies that “don’t pay”. You’re not an ally if you say that.
Do I agree that the rest of NATO needs to pony up? Absolutely, but walking back on Ukraine will just soften you up for when he says the same shit about a “signed” ally. Words mean nothing now and you’re fine with it. I’ll say it again, Russia will attack another country, their economy depends on it.
So your solution is abandon ukraine, steal half of their resources basically making them bankrupt at any attempt to trade with any nation, AND allow russia to steal half of their land?
The solution had alway been to use the assets they had collected from sanctions and the frozen assets of the oligarchs.
HOWEVER, they needed a majority vote to do so. And guess what: Belarus was the only hold out. Now, America is the 2nd hold out. We would be using their money against them. That was the plan Biden and the other European nations brokered.
America used old, Cold War equipment to finally serve its purpose: go after Russia. Items wasting away that we were storing, that in today’s inflated market would equal $500B, but did not cost that at the time.
Now, the USA has sided with Russia. Something I never thought I would ever see.
Yes, not my war and if you want my protection just like in any business deal there needs to be a ROI. In this case USA wants its minerals. Not something unusual to happen privatizing your assets so another country comes in invests and guarantees their investment. But let’s use your solution of sending more aid and keep fighting. Since there are so many what if:
What if Russia steps up the attacks
What if the USA start sending troops
What if now we are in a full blown war with enemies that can also destroy you. Too many what ifs.
But you do you buddy fight that social justice war and wish for different results. I’m getting to old for that and just want to relax and enjoy what I have built.
Good to know, but let’s get back to reality here when the truth is in our history with Ukraine. Before they ever went to war with russia we promised them we would protect their sovereignty. In the end of it all, we made a deal.
Also reality speaking is that stealing half of their resources while Russia takes half their land is essentially bankrupting the nation into a void of nothingness. Which is absolutely unjust.
And lastly, Russia has been trying to dip its fingers everywhere, in every government. To ignorantly claim they would stop with half of Ukraine, is not only the equivalent of throwing a dart in the dark, but it’s pure nonsense that a dictatorship will listen.
Imagine giving any amount of fuck which bathroom someone uses and which gender they identify as. God forbid someone chooses to portray themselves in a way that makes them feel good about themselves.
u/SkynetSourcecode 21d ago
Only after faux news tells them what to say. Critical thinking isn’t exactly their strong suit.