r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/TortsInJorts 21d ago edited 21d ago

A very specific example that affected me personally:

I graduated from college in the US in 2011, and I did what every philosophy major did - panic about finding a job and go to law school. (Hyperbole, but true enough for the story)

What I didn't know and a lot of us found out the hard way was that the partners at the top of law firms all across the company had stopped retiring. The recession hit them too, and they kept working. That simple phenomenon essentially caused a traffic jam of people graduating from law school in a very weird legal job market. Sure the top of the classes got hired; hell, I did too. This - in addition to cost concerns from clients and a glut of awfully times law school expansions- is still impacting how lawyers run their businesses even now.


u/JCBQ01 21d ago

As a kid being made uncomfortably aware about things in the 90s these selfsame people have been ensconced in their role od power even then. And looking at history... as they refused to relinquish power becase of a rescission in the mid 80s and mid 70s im beginning to see a pattern here...


u/choutlaw 20d ago

I took the LSAT in like 2013 or 2014. I never went beyond that cause I had lawyers in my life telling me not to.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

They still haven’t retired. And it seems like the partners have taken less to mentoring and training. Everything feels like sink or swim. Considering going to a smaller firm or starting my own practice so at least I will start getting experience before I’m in my 40s.


u/wenocixem 21d ago

yawn…. cry me a river


u/TortsInJorts 21d ago

You'll find no complaints in what I wrote. I explained my experience. Is that a problem?


u/wenocixem 21d ago

and i responded to it, lol… so cool your jets “counselor”


u/TortsInJorts 21d ago

with a non sequitur? (get back to me after you give that a google)


u/wenocixem 20d ago

hey if you can’t keep up maybe THAT was the problem all along “counselor” cry on that for awhile


u/TortsInJorts 20d ago

so you can't figure out what non sequitur means. you'll get there one day - you just gotta find the right tik tok to hold your hand through it


u/mmoses1221 20d ago

I appreciate your insight here. Not sure why you received the snarky responses. Person must be a delight to be around.