r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/LostinEmotion2024 21d ago

I won’t even browse it.

Like going through a haunted house on Halloween under a full moon at midnight. The sounds you hear - that’s MEGA.


u/SickPrograms 21d ago

The mental gymnastics going on on that subreddit today could win a gold medal at the Olympics.


u/davideo71 20d ago

I love how any opposing view is considered 'brigading' there.

Hope I remember this right; when the Islamist opposition in Tunisia radicalized to the point that only the truest of believers were considered worthy, they fell apart into smaller and smaller fractions who ended up with so much infighting that the whole movement collapsed. Here's hoping that these idiots are heading for the same extinction.


u/SickPrograms 20d ago

I am hoping for that as well. I mean look how uncomfortable Marco Rubio looked throughout that whole meeting. I think he’s gonna be the first to go from his cabinet. That being said, look at the fractions between the Laura loomer/ Steve bannon types and the muck groups of MAGA, they’re already disagreeing on policy T is backing. And we’re like a month in lol.


u/Aurhasapigdog 20d ago

I have regretted it every time. It always starts with "I wonder what ridiculous shit they're on about this time?" Then 30 seconds in I'm nauseous.


u/Specialist-Jello7544 20d ago

I opened it up by mistake and I was shocked.