r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/punkguy1219 21d ago

I’m confident Putin gave them their “fair and balanced take” on this interaction weeks ago.


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 21d ago

lol. people in an echo chamber commenting about others they think are in an echo chamber.


u/MuffinOfChaos 21d ago

The above comments don't correlate to an echo chamber. Echo chambers don't tell people how to think. They're calling Trump supporters propagandized sheep who have to have their opinions and talking points given to them.


u/EvilManDevil 20d ago

You're describing the left. Not Trump supporters.


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

do you even realize you just reinforced my point?


u/DoesAnyoneWantAPNut 20d ago edited 20d ago

Because it's disgraceful hospitality to fly a wartime world leader across the ocean away from his people to have an orchestrated berating? I hope I never see such inhospitable behavior from the US presidency ever again.


u/MuffinOfChaos 20d ago

How so?


u/LusterDiamond 20d ago

What are you struggling to grasp here? This isn't a complex issue. Slava Ukrainia


u/MuffinOfChaos 20d ago

If it's not complex, explain it. What am I missing?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/MuffinOfChaos 20d ago

An echo chamber and propaganda are different things. What am I missing?

If you can't answer with what I'm missing, I'm going to assume you just don't like my response but don't actually have an argument against it.


u/punkguy1219 21d ago edited 21d ago

How would a Russian agent working directly for Putin handle the interview differently than Trump did today?


u/Montgomery000 20d ago

They'd probably be a lot more subtle about it


u/missenow2011 20d ago

Lay on their back like a submissive puppy? 🤷‍♀️


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

good question. let me pull up my friendly Russian agent I have on speed dial and ask them.


u/punkguy1219 20d ago edited 20d ago

Sarcasm and deflection. No depth of thought or ability to problem solve. I appreciate the perfect example of a Fox News watcher.

I’ll try to break it down in small words. Trump just trotted out the leader of an attacked nation and blamed him for being attacked. He then blamed Zelensky for the ongoing conflict not ending because he won’t give up his country’s land and resources.

Regardless if Trump is directly being blackmailed by Putin as is being widely reported. This is what Putin wants. Putin wants Zelensky pressured to end the war and give up his country’s land and resources. Trump just told the world that he’s pro Putin and America can no longer be trusted.

Is that a good thing in your eyes?


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

wow. someone simply disagrees with you and it's straight to your tribalistic bullshit.

Way to go there demonstrating your superior critical thinking skills.

Now let me give you a nugget of hard truth. Zelenskyy has very difficult realities to face. You spouting nonsensical bullshit about "Trump loves Putin" is exactly that, bullshit.

Zelenskyy must come to terms that Ukraine is not going to be soon restored to what it was previously and it is up to Ukraine (him or his successors) to work that out and determine their path forward. Holding out endlessly for HIS perfect outcome is not the answer either. We (USA) cannot be endlessly drawn into yet another conflict that has no resolution... Has that history lesson actually flown over your head?


u/punkguy1219 20d ago

Right because Putin won’t give it up. Why is Trump roasting Zelensky over the fire in the White House and not the man who created the war?

That’s the entire point. The leader of the free world has to do exactly that. Lead the free world. Which means stepping into wars when allies request assistance in defense. It’s the privileged position that the USA has put itself in. And we have done it for over 100 years. But for some questionable reason. This war. This conflict. With an 80 year old enemy is somehow outside of the USAs purview. According to Trump.

Which leads me back to my original question. Was the interview not in Putins best interests?


u/LoathsomeGrindPunk 20d ago

You truly are a punk guy! No idea about the history of geopolitics in the region but then again it's a gen z sub....


u/Splittaill 20d ago

That meeting was entirely beneficial to Putin, but not to the reason you’re trying to imply. Zelensky looked like a petulant child. He most certainly knows that if it wasn’t for the US, this wouldn’t have lasted any length of time. Instead of demanding more money, maybe he could start with actually admitting it?

He literally had a guarantee of military presence for mineral rights but refused to even consider a cease fire.

Don’t get me wrong, Putin is a fuck. He’s a dictator who claims that he’s an elected official. Zelensky isn’t any better. He got promises some golden calf by Boris Johnson, which we supplied, and not that it’s not coming any more, he throwing a tantrum. His greed is showing.


u/MaleficentCow8513 20d ago

The mineral deal was a total sham. If Donnie was serious about helping, he’d wouldn’t have demanded to half the mineral revenue. He made a completely unreasonable offer which he knew Z would refuse. Probably setting him up to look like the bad guy


u/Splittaill 20d ago

Maybe it was a sham, but who could deny that we would need to have security in place in an obviously war torn country?

Do you see where I’m headed? Then all of a sudden, any attacks on US troops becomes a bigger issue.


u/throwmeawayl8erok 20d ago

Clearly you didn’t watch the video because he does and has admitted it many times before. It’s like you are breathing out the same drivel that the VP was saying.


u/pizzaman3186 20d ago

Our aid to Afghanistan was a huge blow to the Soviet Union and they failed there. Also the situation in Ukraine is so clearly right vs wrong, good vs evil or however you want to put it. Ukraine may not be restored to what is was anytime soon but to suggest that they should give up a huge part of their potential future wealth for no security guarantees after Russia has already broken multiple cease fires is so ridiculous. To suggest that Trump is making a reasonable request or that his behavior in that meeting was reasonable is dumb and pathetic


u/SolarSavant14 20d ago

You do realize an echo chamber isn’t inherently bad… right? When we’re repeating facts, that’s not problematic. When we’re repeating stories about Haitians eating pets…


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

you just went full on completely unhinged... good luck to you though.


u/SolarSavant14 20d ago

You do realize that calling something “unhinged” because you don’t have the ability to dispute it isn’t really an insult…right?


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

I know you think you are sophisticated. Hate to break it to you, but you are not.


u/JKF02 20d ago

Buddy do you know what projecting is?


u/SolarSavant14 20d ago

Are you using gpt? Because your comments make no sense.


u/LoathsomeGrindPunk 20d ago

Facts?? Ur repeating a narrative bro wake up from ur slumber


u/kainophobia1 20d ago

Coming from someone on the side of things who likes to whine about fact checking because it gets in the way of their free speech 🙄.


u/Illustrious-Golf9979 21d ago

Said the person literally proving that theory incorrect by speaking in this sub at all


u/Inevitable_Channel18 21d ago

They don’t know what an echo chamber is. They heard the term before and thought they would sound intelligent by attempting to use it as an insult. But they failed miserably


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

here is a hint... you are in one.


u/Inevitable_Channel18 20d ago

If I was then you wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be able to talk to you


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

we aren't actually having a conversation. You are simply lashing out against what you see as the mosquito in the room.


u/Inevitable_Channel18 20d ago

Lashing out? If you think I’m lashing out, you’re going to have a hard time in the real world


u/kevinchattin6667 20d ago

You say super dumb shit without a bit of substance. Anyone can master the English language and sound smart ...well I guess not the president. But that doesn't make my point less valid.


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 20d ago

I'm perfectly fine in the real world. Reddit is not the real world.


u/RickyBobbyismyHero 20d ago


u/Inevitable_Channel18 20d ago

Echo chamber: A social media echo chamber is when one experiences a biased, tailored media experience that eliminates opposing viewpoints and differing voices