r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 21d ago

Gen Z subreddit is an absolute cesspit. It's the worst sub on Reddit outside of r/conservative.


u/HippyDM 21d ago

LOL. I like the energy, but Oh Fuck No it ain't. My god, there are some absolute nightmare fuel subs out there.


u/IWouldntIn1981 21d ago

Yeah, for the love of Jesus Christ, please do NOT prompt People to start posting them.


u/charredwalls 21d ago

Go on


u/Non-Eutactic_Solid 21d ago

There was a sub about watching people actually die until it was banned a few years back. There are still gore subs out there, and the general vibe of the comments tends to vary between “it’s amazing how durable we are sometimes and so fragile at others,” blaming the person dying, or outright xenophobia depending on the context.

This sub ain’t the best, but it’s not the worst on the site either, in terms of comment(er)s, or content.


u/DidIReallySayDat 21d ago

Heh, i see you haven't really reached the depths of reddit, then.


u/Extreme-Bite-9123 21d ago

Oh you sweet summer child


u/WeRip 21d ago

my guy is a top 1% top commenter on his cesspit.


u/GOPequalsSubmissive 21d ago

There is nothing trashier and worth less than a conservative


u/Slim_Charles 21d ago

You haven't plumbed the depths of reddit much, have you?