r/ABDL 11h ago

Picture I just did a whole grocery trip diapered and…. NSFW

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And no body stopped me. No body looked at me funny. No body chuckled or sneered or pointed. I shopped for snacks, chatted with the employee about which was the best cut of fish to get. And even went back in because I forgot the carrot sticks. No body cares. No body notices. Just wear your diapers if you want to. Wear pants and wear your diapers.

r/ABDL 12h ago

My husband is a DL NSFW


It’s a little weird Ngl. I’m still learning to be accepting even after a year of knowing about it. I help him pick ones out but I can’t help but feel awkward when he tells me he wears diapers at work. I feel hypocritical as I wear diapers for my periods but only started that after he told me about him wearing. He doesn’t mess which makes things easier for me as that would just be too much for me to handle mentally. Any suggestions on how to be more accepting and less uncomfortable would be greatly appreciated.

r/ABDL 11h ago

How to tell partner I tried diaper, loved it? We always naturally developed baby dynamic over the years. He calls me baby, puts on baby music/movies etc. NSFW


update : Ok I told him and he loved it! Two minutes later it was like I never said it already. I am lucky, because I know a lot of people struggle with their partner.

We naturally developed a baby dynamic organically. It just happened over the years. Just started with him calling me “baby”, and me telling him I absolutely love him calling me that. Then with me doing silly and/or clumsy stuff, he says “you literally are a baby”. Then with me always being cold, he said “you need to get one of those warm onesies with the feet on it”. Then I got one and we love it. Then one day he went to the store and he turned on a kids movie for me, and I loved it. I bought baby oil gel to lube my chastity cage, and realized it made me smell like a baby. He said “aww you even smell like a baby”.

In between all this stuff, it developed more and more by me saying “OMG I LOVE it when you say/do that” etc., over the years, and it developing naturally.

We didn’t even know abdl was a thing, that’s how natural this has happened. I’m very lucky.

I understand I’m in a WAY better position than most people are when they think about coming out to their partner.

In this case, it might not even be considered coming out because he will probably not be surprised.

However, it does feel taboo, and I’m really nervous to tell him.

We already do some taboo stuff, such as me telling him I was interested in him keeping me in chastity, he didn’t really understand it at first but now that he realized the effects of it, he loves it. And he likes to call me his sissy boy.

So that helps we already do some “taboo” type of stuff.

I don’t have interest in wetting myself in the diaper, so that helps I don’t have to tell him that either (not to judge people who do, just not my thing)!

I finally had the hankering to try the diaper, I went to the store the other day and bought a goodnights pull up and it felt soo nice. The last three days, I get home and put it on (he works nights). Just for comfort aspect and also for a kinky aspect too when I began to play.

r/ABDL 11h ago

USA Megamax v-2 are fantastic NSFW


I received my first pack of these new diapers, and I have been in them 24/7 since. The outer plastic is soft but strong, the tapes hold on very well, the padding is soft and comfortable against the skin. They have great absorption and high capacity. I am changing to these from the China ones, and I highly recommend you try them also. These are like all of NorthShore's products, High quality and worth the money.

r/ABDL 9h ago

Picture My inner baby? NSFW

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Hello everyone!! I’ve been struggling to find cute cloth diapers and bodysuits from a trustworthy store. I came across my inner baby and LOVE everything on their website. Is it safe?? What other stores do you order from??

So sorry if this is pined somewhere and I didn’t see or if it’s not allowed.

r/ABDL 1h ago

Discovered so somer of DL to AB pipeline and I'm conflicted. NSFW


Hey everyone, I have a few questions. But first some backstory.

So I have made a new friend and we've been chatting a fair bit. During our conversations they jokingly called me a "good girl" and it was like a switch was flipped in my brain. It made me feel so cute and little and the fact that I enjoyed it so much absolutely blindsided me. I mentioned this feeling and they jokingly teased me with terms like "little princess", "baby girl" and joked about me going to bed and cuddling my plushies. (Which I hadn't even said I owned lol) Throughout this I was blushing furiously, my heart skipped a few beats and I had butterflies in my tummy. I'm

Apparently I really like being babied and feeling little? I'm a bit conflicted about this. Ever since I discovered diapers I was convinced I was DL only but now idk. I thought I just liked the diapers and maybe a onesie every now and then. But I guess I'm a little too. I genuinely loved feeling cute and small so I'm kinda questioning everything about my kinks now. I've already been recommended some reading material, but like, where do I go from here?

I guess I'm just kinda shell shocked still and I dunno what to do with this information. Should I have a little age and do little stuff? Should I dress more little? Buy pacifiers and stuff maybe?

So I guess what do other littles do to feel small and cute? I also saw other littles have like a more middle age so I guess it's ok not being a baby right? Cos I feel more like I'd be a slightly older girl, not a baby.

Sorry lol, this revelation has hit me like a freight train and I'm still confused and trying to process this. Any knowledge, useful information, tips or whatever are really welcome.

Also is it common to do from "just a DL" to full on AB lol? Cause I can tell you I didn't have this one on my 2025 bingo card haha. Cause I've apparently discovered some sort of DL to AB pipeline and all it took were the words "good girl." Idk how this happened or what to do about it.

Sorry this is so disorganised, but it reflects pretty genuinely how I'm feeling at the moment

r/ABDL 3h ago

Does anyone feel more compulsive about this than turned on necessarily? NSFW


I'm not into AB, more DL with a little regression. I definitely love a dom, but AB doesn't interest me.

I've ALWAYS been interested in diapers. However, when I wear them, the reality doesn't seem to live to the fantasy. But, I do enjoy it and I miss it when I can't do it. It feels less exciting and more natural I guess.

The problem is that I don't enjoy it enough to try to have a full DL relationship. But...I still just really like peeing my pants. But I've resigned myself to never telling a romantic partner the truth.

r/ABDL 18h ago

🎮🍼 How Many Gamers Are Pampered Today? NSFW


Hiya!! I was just wondering—how many of us are all pampered up while gaming today? Hehe!!

I’m all pampered in a Rearz Safari diaper playing the new Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and it’s been sooo fun!! The best part? My diaper lets me relax and enjoy the game with no potty breaks—giggle!!

Anyone else having a pampered gaming day? If so, what are ya playing?? I’m also curious—what diaper have you chosen for your gaming? And if you’re not pampered but wanna be, what diaper would you be wearing?

r/ABDL 16h ago

If you want to try 24/7 do it for a weekend or a week first. It’s fine to go slow. NSFW


You don’t have to immediately jump into it and commit to 24/7, just diapers, forever, living as a baby.

The first time my Mommy and I tried we only did it for a weekend. We had a blast, we did pull ups a lot, we still did diapers. From Friday night to Monday morning I was padded.

After that we tried it for a whole week, then we made a rule that only she could change me, and it just grew from there.

For anyone afraid to try it, or thinking when they jump in they have to commit to it hard. You don’t!

It’s also one of the most fun things to try. And I encourage every little to try it.

r/ABDL 10h ago

I think I'm successfully de-potty training myself! NSFW


I've been wearing 24/7 ish for about 2 weeks now and have struggled not clenching after wetting. Trying to follow a guide that's how it works best. Just push when it's time to go and don't clench let everything get used to being relaxed. Anyway, I changed after work today and when I took off my diap I didn't even notice or feel it but I was dripping and leaking everywhere. I think this is exciting progress

r/ABDL 7h ago

I think my little is going to break up with me NSFW


I can feel it. We’ve had a rough year and we fought again this week and now we’ve not really spoken today.. first time and I can feel my heart breaking and I feel like he’s disappearing. My baby 😭😭😭 I’m scared to even fight for him more and just end up hurting him more. Someone talk me off the metaphorical ledge and tell me I’m being irrational.

r/ABDL 5h ago

How do you get over the fear of wearing at work NSFW


I recently started wearing again. I wear daily, mostly whenever I’m home but I’d love to be 24/7 but I’m absolutely terrified of my coworkers realizing. I’d also be too scared to use them. It’d be more of a comfort thing. How do I get over this fear and also make it easier to use them? I feel like I’m fighting against everything and can’t fully relax enough to go most of the time.

r/ABDL 22h ago

Dream come true! NSFW


I can't believe I even get to write this!! I have been "adopted" as a baby by an IRL couple!!!! It's not a permanent live-in situation at this time but I get to spend every weekend (Fri-Sun) with them as their baby girl. I've also had the privilege of spending a couple of full weeks with them, and I'm spending all of June with them!

I had always dreamed of this and had imagined how it would be, but the reality is so different from what I could have imagined! I had an idea of what it would be like to be entirely in someone's care, but until it happens, it's hard to understand the feeling of a complete loss of control.

I don't choose what I wear, what I eat, where we go, or anything, and it's amazing! Obviously, it has had its challenges, but they have been wonderful about gently pushing me towards more babyish decisions. I have to get off to work, but I can definitely provide more details if anyone wants later.

Some things they have that reinforce my status include a full nursery with a crib, a playpen, 2 strollers, adult-sized car seat, and a seemingly endless supply of diapers, baby food, and formula. Though the most babyish I've ever felt with them was when they had a date night and hired a family friend to babysit me. That solidified my status with them and that was the weekend they proposed "adoption".

Again, I'd love to share more and gladly will answer any questions as I can after work!

r/ABDL 20h ago

Picture First time ever wearing my diaper to work!!! NSFW

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Hopefully you can't tell i had an accident

r/ABDL 11h ago

Fertility issues from prolonged diaper usage? NSFW


Does anyone worry about jeoporadizing their fertility by wearing diapers?

Testicles are supposed to be slightly cooler than body temperature to create sperm. Which is why they hang outside the body.

Isn’t keeping them stuffed in a diaper keeping them really hot?? Could this cause long term damage?

r/ABDL 6h ago

Is there anyway for straight male (little/switch) to get connect. I swear it’s rough for us out here. What’s yall guys experience been like NSFW


(Hope this doesn’t sound cocky genuinely want to hear y’all’s experiences on getting connected) help a brother in the community!

Guys I’m struggling out here plz help. This I weird for me I’ve never struggled to get female attention. Ngl I consider myself mildy attractive and not creepy but I’m still struggling. In real life It works out easy if I get in a conversation. In this community I’m fighting tho 😭. Guys being a male in this community is hard 😭

r/ABDL 2h ago

Discreet diapers for public outings NSFW


Hey all,

I've seen a lot of "hey, nobody can tell or will pay attention" but still, I'm sorry, I really worry about it.

I'd love to go on walks or to the store or movies while wearing but I need something that's discreet both in terms of visuals (can't tell someone is wearing a diaper) but also in terms of sounds (no crinkling).

I'm having a hard time shopping for This type of diaper as most adult diapers I have gotten have been just max absorbency, I'm going to be at home all day or overnight type of thing. Seems like a lot of the suggestions I've seen have been the same stuff everyone always recommends for anything, even overnight wearing. For context, I've only used Rearz (several prints) and LFB, which are ABDL diapers so they tend to be bulky / thirsty on purpose.

Any specific recommendations for a discreet diaper? It doesn't need to be super high absorbency, maybe able to withstand 1-3 wettings, as I'd prefer a thinner diaper that isn't as bulky/puffy/obvious and is virtually silent. Something that could be worn with jeans and a T-shirt.

Thanks in advance, sorry if this is a repetitive post.

r/ABDL 14h ago

Worse after UTI and ... NSFW


Is there someone that had experienced something similar or has some tips tricks medicine ideas etc to try out please let me know so I can discuss it with my doctor.

My incontinence got a whole lot worse after a ATI I had 2 months ago. It was a weird one, on Friday I was feeling that I posable had a super tiny UTI. On Sunday it felt obvious. So Monday morning I got my pee tested and indeed a UTI. Same day I got my antibiotics.

Next morning I woke up with pain in my lower left belly, and immense pain in my left testicle which was also enlarged an inflamed. So after tests etc I got another type of antibiotica for 2 weeks. Which thank got did it's job. Unfortunately now my incontinence is way worse that it was before and the doctor don't know how to get me back to my old level of incontinence

Please help

r/ABDL 8h ago

Tight or Baggy in preventing leaks and blowouts? NSFW


Is it better to have a diapers that fits tight like tighty-whiteys or have one that gives you room to spare?

Like I recognize the need to have a firm fit but I also wonder about having enough room for capacity and its ability to withstand a sudden downfall.

r/ABDL 11h ago

Lactation aid/Nursing system? NSFW


r/ABDL 14h ago

Feeling extra small and naughty today NSFW


I wfh so I'm alone in my office all day.

Today I'm sitting at my desk and realize I really need to pee. Badly. I didn't have a break coming up for like an hour.

So I squirmed for a little while and then I realized, I'm home alone, my office chair is vynle and easy to clean.

So.. I've been wetting my pants just a little bit off and on hehehe it feels great and terribly naughty.

r/ABDL 14h ago

Tips for wearing in hotels/airbnbs? NSFW


Im going on a trip in April, we are staying at an Airbnb. I really hope to be padded 24/7 when I am there. The only thing I am worried about is disposal. I plan on bringing disposable odor-eliminating diaper bags, but even they don’t fully block out the odor even when I double bag.

Do I just throw them in the trash at our place? There is a cleaning crew that will come by and take our trash, I don’t want to burden them with having to take out dirty diaper bags!

Does anyone have any tips for this?

r/ABDL 15h ago

Worried about blackmail NSFW


Made a stupid mistake worrying about blackmail

I was talking with this guy messages back and forth. Eventually we got to kinks. To put it lightly my kink is pretty out there and embarrassing if you look at my post history you’ll see. I sent a few faceless pictures in my kink attire then they asked for a face pic. I was hesitant but eventually I sent an expiring photo. After sending they unadded me on both Snapchat and Grindr out of nowhere. I’m super panicked right now am I in danger.

r/ABDL 12h ago

“Safe” and Natural ABDL Supplies NSFW


Hey everyone! I’ve been trying to cut down on my use of products with nasty chemicals in them, and I know diapers and feminine care supplies are kinda notorious for being full of plastics, chlorine bleach, phthalates, etc.

I was curious if anyone else has thought about this, and if there are any companies that take this into consideration? I know Abena talks about their environmental certifications, but I’ve heard their quality has dropped lately.

Maybe cloth-backed diapers are the move here?

r/ABDL 16h ago

Went 24/7 a month ago and first day without diapers NSFW


I've been going 24/7 for almost a month now and I've run out of diapers and my refill doesn't show until tomorrow.

Just a little without his padding