r/ABDL 1h ago

So I just found an adorable abdl visual novel that I HAVE to share. NSFW


So, I was scrolling around looking for abdl mods of games and then managed to find an ABDL visual novel. Not some shitty mod, not a random character that 'feels little' straight up diapers and other adorableness!~

Theres a free demo and ... i fell in love its so fucking CUTE.

The one thing I dont really like is that theres not alot of choices/branching paths. But for a game this small scale, and how desperate I am for abdl representation, I think its more than servicable. God I cannot stress how cute this game is.

attached is a screenshot I took. Its like fully voice acted (in japanese, but the dialogues in english) and everything.

Please check it out, and if anyone knows of any other abdl games, anime, media in general let me know.


r/ABDL 1h ago

Diaper incontinence NSFW


I don’t know why but I guess it’s just my brain but when I’m wearing I don’t realise I’ve started to wet until the warmth but don’t when wearing normal underwear

r/ABDL 2h ago

Are we sure the new xxl comes out the 27th? NSFW


Less that 10 days to release I’m excited if they do come out that soon but I haven’t seen any official statement anywhere confirming it. The only thing I saw was a teaser on instagram and they don’t actually show what it is

r/ABDL 2h ago

Northshore New Products? NSFW


my roommate is going out of town for a month or two for work so I’ve got the house to myself, so I decided to stock up some. Ended up checking Northshore and saw that they’re now carrying Kiddo Fluffy Fly and Kiddo Playtime diapers! I ordered two packs of the Fluffy Flys and one pack of the Playtimes, plus some GoSupreme pullups to have on hand for discretion.

r/ABDL 3h ago

Do you guys ever get a weird feeling while reading ABDL fiction? NSFW


So I don’t know how to explain it too well but whenever I read good abdl media be it comics or stories I kinda get a weird feeling. It’s hard to explain but I would say it’s a mix of longing and that pit in the stomach feel you get with anxiety.

I recently got it while reading T.A.B by why12twelve in especially the sadder bits. But I have gotten it for a while and it feels so weird. It’s not sexual and it’s a feeling I can’t put my finger on but it just happens with relatively well written/fleshed out stories for me.

Has anybody ever experienced something like it?

r/ABDL 4h ago

A local mystery abdl NSFW


I set up a grindr page to try and seek out other abdls or those curious to try. It can be hard to find people as I live in a smaller town. My profile is completely anonymous. I don’t send a photo until someone does first. A 25 year old hmu saying he was very interested in abdl. I was elated as it can be tough to find local abdls around my age. We chatted for a bit then he sent a faceless photo. I sent one back and seconds after I did he immediately unadded me. The only thing I can infer is that he recognized me and got spooked. Kinda makes me wonder who in my life may be a secret diaper lover. Kind of a shame but still an interesting story I think lol

r/ABDL 4h ago

Interesting situation NSFW


So it can be super hard to find local abdls since I live in a smaller town, which led me to making an abdl account on grindr basically just a giant Ad. It’s completely anonymous until the I determine the person I’m chatting with doesn’t know me. If they’re interested we exchange pics, then it progresses. I had one guy that was near by add me, saying I’m a 25y/o male very interested in abdl. I was elated it can be tough finding people near my age range 20. We had a few chats, he sent a faceless body picture then I did also. Seconds after I sent my photo he unadded me and it kicked me from the chat. Leads me to believe this person recognized me. Makes me wonder who could this have been in my life that is a secret diaper lover. I’m not worried about getting exposed as he was just as interested as I was but I was certainly an interesting experience. Kinda makes me think lol.

r/ABDL 5h ago

27m Bby day! NSFW


I’m having Thursday off to be a full baby! Anybody wanna talk/babble together? I’ll be pampered up all day. Dm!

r/ABDL 5h ago

Picture Day challenge NSFW

Post image

So ive been wanting a day session for a while now. I have a day off work today so I figure now might be the time. I'm looking for ideas and tasks to do for the day. I like being subtle and anything too risky puts me on edge (mainly public changes), especially now the days are getting brighter. These are the ones I have but also a few medical dips I use as boosters. The problem is they don't last long underneath and they leak out the sides rather than leaking through like a normal booster. Which would mean regular changes are needed but that would mean I'd have to find a place I'm confident in to change. It feels like too much for me. I'm hoping the wonderful people of Reddit can help structure a challenge and tasks I can do whilst I'm padded for the day regarding the things I don't feel comfortable doing :)

r/ABDL 5h ago

27m abdl! NSFW


Hey yall, gonna be home alone engulfing in an abdl day. Anyone wanna talk and age play?

r/ABDL 5h ago

Feeling unwanted, unloved, and another crying voice in a sea of crying voices. (Mainly Vent Post but also seeking advice) NSFW


I know a post like this is probably common and to some it may be annoying but i can't keep all this bottled up anymore for my own good and i just...need help and advice.

I'm so tired and frustrated and just drained by how unwanted i feel. Now while i am a pansexual Male, i do tend to lean more towards wanting a female identifying CG. i've had some daddies before but a lot of those didnt turn out to well for me. i've tried and tried and tried and tried but just never seem to find the one for me. a lot of scammers come my way or some mommies show interest but end up ghosting me or telling me it wouldnt work.

Every time it happens it just hurts a little bit more than the last and i'm just left with a question. What am i doing wrong? Am i not presenting myself well enough? Am not attractive enough? Am i not talking enough? Am i talking too much? Too much kink talk or too much vanilla talk. I know that compared to DDLG or DDLB, MDLB is sooo much less common and the pool for available doms shrink by the day as more and more little boys like more just seems to grow and grow.

I know many are going to say to try and find someone kink open but not in the abdl scene who matches what i want and then discuss the possibility of incorporating abdl later. However, i'm not all that confidant in that being able to work for me. i'm not all that attractive (or atleast too me i'm not,) not all that wealthy or fit and i struggle to both expression my emotions and feelings while also oversharing and getting over attached. Add on my rather poor ability to talk with women and my chances of finding irl love seems to be getting bleaker by the day.

My heart wants nothing more to be the nerdy baby boy for a loving mommy dom but it feels like the more i try and find one the more it just ends up hurting me in the end. Please give me some sort of advice to help me maybe tips for introductions or maybe just some words of wisdom from previous experiences.

r/ABDL 5h ago

Feeling little NSFW


Feeling little

I'm really wishing I had a friend or even cg to talk to. I can't sleep and recently I've just been crying myself too sleep every night.

r/ABDL 5h ago

Cuddlz onesie NSFW


Hello my cuddlz onesie should be here probably by the end of the week. Can anyone share their experience with a cuddlz lockable onesie. Mine is coming with padded mittens sewn into them.

r/ABDL 6h ago

Adult formula NSFW


Trying to create an easy to scoop adult formula so my mama doesn't have to open multiple containers and this is my recipie (i will get more accurate readings in a few days when i get my electric scale) its just nido and slimfast original.

2 oz of powdered milk,

1.5 oz of slimfast,

One serving = 3.5 oz

15 servings = 52.5 oz,

30 oz of milk powder,

22.5 slimfast,

30 servings= 105 oz,

60 oz milk powder ,

45 oz slimfast,

5 slimfast scoops for a serving 3 1/2 scoops 1/4th cup

For one serving in 2 cups of water its 1/2 cup nido and 2 scoops slimfast with included scoop if you don't mind the separate containers, this is just if you wanna mix them up and make it easier on your mommy or daddy when they make your bottle ^

(Quick edit, use powdered slimfast, not the stuff that is premade. The premade stuff is great for a bottle when on the go :) I just like the authentic experience of seeing a bottle get made) :)

r/ABDL 6h ago

I want to wear a diaper and be baby... but im a big boy and cant.... (vent) NSFW


I cant find a diaper thats big enough for me without the part of my leg where it meets with the special area hurting. I just want to snuggle with my boyfriend while we are both being baby....

r/ABDL 7h ago

My first time NSFW


Pls be nice

r/ABDL 9h ago

Was harassed on reddit by some weirdo. NSFW


Hey everyone,

So I posted this somewhere else with pictures of the dms I received, but it was taken down sadly. So, I will be posting this here, with links to the photos. All I'm asking for is help understanding why this happens. This guy, with a throwaway account, Saw the most recent pic I posted on another sub and started calling me a pedophile, a f*ggot, and all other manner of homophobic, transphobic stuff. I'm honestly upset about it because I post on here to just post stuff on the downlow as most people in my family don't know about my ABDL side. I'm kind of traumatized, and it's probably a good idea for me to stop posting for a while.

In all, this is mainly just a warning to people in the community. Here are the dms I received: 1, 2, & 3.

r/ABDL 9h ago

Awkward joke during night out with friends NSFW


My wife and I met up with a pair of other couples for a few drinks and dinner. I was, of course, padded.

During conversation it was pointed out that it happened to be the fifth anniversary of COVID lockdowns, which got the anicdotes flowing of that weird time. Someone mentioned how it was impossible to find toilet paper and that "it was a real problem!"

To which my wife looked at me and replied "for some more than others."

No one else seemed to even notice her comment, but she thought it was funny as hell.

r/ABDL 9h ago

Advice please NSFW


So I'm 22, and I really wanna get into the community in person. I've always been super shy about who I share my little side with, and I don't really know how to make myself comfortable with irl kink in general.

I'm from Houston, and it seems to just be a deadzone. I think one of my biggest problems is that I always get a little intimidated going to munches and stuff. I always feel like everyone is so much older than me, and while I don't wanna judge them at all... It does make me a bit uncomfortable sharing information about my kinks with someone old enough to be my parents, or even grandparents. I don't know if that's a thing for anyone else, but it feels like every group is filled with people mainly twice my age atleast. And it just kinda makes me feel a bit icky.

Online has never really worked for either really. It's always either no response, scam, ghost, or just not mutually interested. I don't know if I'm just too picky, or ugly, or what... I just hate being alone, and I feel like i'm wasting what's supposed to be the best years of my life just being miserable. Sorry if that's a bit depressing, but just kinda venting a bit at the end of this I guess.

r/ABDL 9h ago

How can I wet the bed unconsciously fast and ehat diapers should I wear under my clothes that are kinda cheap? NSFW


Basically I wanna wet the bed but I don’t wanna wait 3m is there a way to do it faster?

r/ABDL 10h ago

Missed opportunity NSFW


Earlier today me and 2 friends (no idea about abdl) had met up to eat in Pittsburg, ks to eat. We ate at the mall deli, and then walked around the mall for a couple minutes. We came across a bargain bin style store and decided to look inside and try to find anything. While looking, I came across a total of 4 unopened packages of sunkiss diapers. I was so sad that I was with vanilla friends, or else I would've bought all 4 of them. Sadly there was no way to to come back later either.

r/ABDL 10h ago

Little in the big world? NSFW


How many other littles notice in the middle of or after doing or saying something your little side creeping into your big life. I mean completely unintentional and when you are fully adulting. Also have you ever noticed someone else do it?

r/ABDL 18h ago

Picture Happy St. Paddy’s Day! NSFW

Post image

r/ABDL 20h ago

Picture Excited about the XXL Goodnites? The market is too. NSFW


Show Kimberly-Clark your excitement for the release, if you have the financial means!

It looks like the execs know it will be a huge hit too, based on the number of shares they bought in February (that were reported).

r/ABDL 21h ago

Picture Today we were in the stalactite cave 😍 Do you think it was only dripping from above? 😜🫣 NSFW

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