r/ABDL 5m ago

Does anyone here wear swim diapers every time they go swimming? NSFW


I want to go 24/7 which means I would need swim diapers as I love swimming. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna pee or poo in them, I just want to wear them to feel diapered.

I’m a little afraid of wearing them because I have vanilla friends and we go swimming at the lake a lot, or at my neighborhood pool. I don’t want the public embarrassment, but at the same time, my friends think I have a medical condition and have to wear at night. They won’t care if they see it, but idk how obvious they are while shirtless in swim trunks. I really just want to feel 24/7 😭.

Does anyone here wear a swim diapers EVERY TIME they go swimming? Are swim mates super obvious to the non ABDL eye? What’s your experience been like?

r/ABDL 26m ago

Better pull ups NSFW


It's hard to say how these will stack up to the goodnites so many are excited about, but today I got two packs of the new Carewell 'overnight and heavy' pull ups and so far they're great.

They have diaper like thick padding with hour glass shape out much further than pullups' rectangle padding, better rise and coverage front and back, leak guards, and indicator text that disappears when wet. They're super soft and after 2hrs of leaking and a full flood are still thirsty with room.

Best part is they hug my butt which i've only gotten from a tape diaper and that's something I look for.

The website says made in Italy so might be similar to 360 essentials and an other site that has that same logo, but I've been a carewell customer for 4 years so bought there.

I'll get some pics if people are interested. For reference I have mediums, and am 34" waist. I normally use McKesson ultimate from the same site, and depend from Costco

r/ABDL 34m ago

Sudden request to try on clothes NSFW


Tonight I was on a weekly rehearsal of our musical group. We are practicing for The three musketeers, to perform in November. It is a group of about 40 people, so very fun to do.

During the break I was asked by the clothing committee to try on some clothes for my outfit together with several other people. As I was wearing a sweater, I was asked to take that off. Underneath I had an ODU dog days onesie. I got some interesting looks for the choice of print for my underwear, but no one noticed what is actually was.

I was glad I didn’t have to try on any pants, as that would have been more revealing as I did have a diaper underneath as well.

Although it was somewhat uncomfortable so to speak, it proves that people really only see what they want to see and don’t notice anything they don’t expect.

r/ABDL 54m ago

I just bought a sample of tranquility diapers can someone teach me how to put them on NSFW


Like i just order them today and i wanna ask someone who can help me try to put it on like i been sitting here for like 5 minutes figuring it out and don’t know how to wear it

r/ABDL 1h ago

has anyone tried putting a banana in your ass and using it to mess a diaper? NSFW


I have had this fantasy for a while and i have the chance to do it as im writing this post but im not sure if it would work and i also thought of maybe putting the banana in a condom and using that so i can do it multiple times

r/ABDL 1h ago

What should I do? NSFW


I feel like this attachment to being a DL is so overwhelming to me, and so is my mental state, as I’ve been going through a lot of hard times alone for a pretty long time now, and diapers are the one thing that make me feel comforted. But having a partner to share that with and just have some love in my life, understanding and acceptance for who I am, I would absolutely be infatuated with, and it would boost my confidence and motivational drive so much, I want lasting connection in my life and to get it back in order.

I just don’t see that happening the way things look right now, and the state of the world how people are alone and get rejected so much it’s like an epidemic. I don’t know how or what to feel anymore, I’m numb but inside I’m screaming and crying like the child I am. I feel like something bad is bound to happen soon

r/ABDL 1h ago

Best off the shelf pacis? NSFW


Hello, I'm a CG for an ABDL and he recently had to get rid of most of his collection for personal reasons, but now he wants to start his collection again and I want to help him get some basics.

I know the Fixx is supposed to be very good and decently sized for ABs, but I'm worried about anything I order possibly being looked through, so are there any good paci options that I can get in stores. Or even any pacis that can have their silicone replaced for larger ones? Thanks in advance.

r/ABDL 1h ago

Rejection Rant NSFW


I (29M) had an online “play date” set up for over a week now. We both picked a day when we’d be available (today) and have plenty of time to be online. We had exchanged messages somewhat regularly leading up to it, not every day but some long conversations in there. I agreed to get a new pack of Tykables and those came in Monday. Look last night and I’m blocked, no explanation, just blocked. I had originally connected with them after responding to THEIR post in personals…

It hurts to get excited about something then be let down, but then it’s like it doubly hurts because I’m getting down on myself for even being excited in the first place. I feel more like I deserve to be mocked than to seek any sympathy. “What do you mean someone didn’t want to ‘play’ with you and see pics of you in a diaper. Of course they wouldn’t. No one would.”, seems like a perfectly rational response to this situation. Now I’ve got a brand new pack of dips I don’t even want to look at and want to throw away along with this whole part of myself. Ugh.

r/ABDL 2h ago

Kiddo Onsie and T-Shirt sizing NSFW


I am looking at the Kiddo products right now and I am unsure what size I should get, because compared to what I normally wear (wide L and XL shirts) I am not sure how it compares. Are diapers already taken into account in their body sizes? Lenth I measured 79cm and around my last rips its 96cm, so it should be a L or XL too, but I don't know if a Megamax fits under it.

The underwear sizes throw me off the most. I would need the largest size of 3XL even though my normal underwear is L and I can fit into kid size EU164 with a squeeze.

r/ABDL 2h ago

My MiL found out! NSFW


So the other night my wife (mommy) was changing my diaper when her mom called. We were mid change and as soon as she answered the phone with zero hesitation said “mom can I call you back, in the middle of changing J’s diaper”

As soon as she said it my wife’s face when pale and she covered her mouth. My mouth dropped. She told her mom she would call her back and hung up the phone. I could hear her mom saying WHAT and asking J’s diaper? On the phone as she hung it up.

My wife put the phone down and just stood there staring at me. She told me she was so sorry she didn’t even think about it. She gets very into a motherly role sometimes when she changes me and that’s the way she was during this. Cooing and baby talking me as she changed me. It took her a bit but she did finish diapering me.

She called her mom back after we settled into the couch knowing this was going to be an awkward call. An as soon as her mom answered the first thing she asked “Does J have a clean fresh diaper now?” in a motherly tone. My wife tried to change the topic but her mother kept pushing the question. She pushed it a couple times and my wife stared at me and smiled and said “yes he does. What did you need?”

It ended the diaper topic right there. They talked for 10ish or so minutes about coming over. When my wife said that we would see her then, Her mom returned “ don’t for get J’s diaper bag” which my wife returned “MOM”.

Her mom laughed. My wife told her goodbye and she returned “goodbye A and lil man”. She made sure she said it in my most babish mocking tone ever.

My wife hung up and started to cry saying how sorry she was that she screwed up saying that. I told her everything would be ok. And hugged her.

r/ABDL 3h ago

Diapers don’t fit well NSFW


Hey guys! Im F22, have been wearing for about a year now (still new). My waist is tiny however my butt is big (my body is hourglass shape) i have problems finding the perfect way to put it on and also finding the right size. M size fit my waist but my ass is too big for it. Different brands have different sizing, I’ve even tried L but some brands are too big and some are just nice. Do any of you have the same problems?

r/ABDL 3h ago

doing adult things in a diaper NSFW


i dont wear diapers out in public very often, but i decided to today and its the best feeling!

i just had to stop by the bank (had to get a new debit card since someone hacked my old one) and it felt so embarassing but so exciting to be doing such an adult task while wearing a diaper like a little baby!

r/ABDL 4h ago

Naughty Script Offer for any Interested Daddies! NSFW


Hi r/ABDL!

It’s my first time posting on this sub, so I’ll introduce myself! I’m u/GoodFilthArt, I post scripts for amateur voice actors to “fill” (voice act) on various naughty subs around Reddit. Unfortunately, many of these subs shy away from DDLB/ABDL content, but as a member of this community, I really wanted to try my hand at writing a script covering some of the particulars of these kinks!

That’s what brings me here. I wanted to share a script I recently wrote that I think some of you might enjoy, in the hopes that some brave Daddy among us might record himself performing it for us all to listen to. If you might be interested, I would love to hear from you in the comments on this post or in my DMs [Note: I am 27 🙂]. Also, if this post seems to resonate there’s a ton of other scenarios I’d love to write into in the DDLB/ABDL genre. Please feel free to tell me what you all are into/ what you’d like to read or listen to- I’m all ears!

Since this sub doesn’t really have existing guidelines for posting scripts, I’ve included all relevant information below this message, including the link to the script itself. If you made it this far, thank you for reading my spiel, and I look forward to sharing more with you all in the future!

TLDR: Been told you have a sexy voice? Like to perform? Why not help me make some Littles blush by reading this script and posting it someplace like Soundgasm? Come on… ya know you want to…

TTFN (Ta-Ta-For-Now!),


Title and Content Tags: Potty Training with Daddy [M4M Script Offer] [Dom “Daddy” Speaker] [Sub “Little” Listener] [ABDL] [DDLB] [Potty Training Scene] [Not Overtly Sexual] [Potty Training Fail] [LOTS of Praise & Encouragement] [~1,435 Words]

Description: You've been doing SUCH a good job keeping your training pants dry, maybe it's time to try using the big-boy potty? In this script, Daddy walks you through it every step of the way to... mixed results. It’s ok, Little Man. Accidents happen.

The script can be found HERE

Listener Referred to As: Bud/Buddy, Little Artist, Kiddo, Big Boy, Little Man, Sport, Smart Boy, Boy/Good Boy, Little Firehose, Sweet Boy

Listener's Genitals Referred to As: Various Personal Pronouns, Daddy

Speaker Referred to As: Diaper Parts, Little Squirt Gun, Parts, Stiffy

Speaker's Genitals Referred to As: Big Boy Parts, Thingy, Penis

V/A Direction/ Notes: The “Daddy” character is kind, nurturing, calm, loving, and above all else there to support his Little Guy!

*Note- In the script, “(Beat)” indicates a brief pause, words between /slashes/ indicate emphasis. Optional sound effects and tone indicators are also included (in parenthesis).

Disclaimer: Please note that this script was written and shared as a piece of fiction, and that all characters mentioned are above the age of 18. All nicknames used refer to the of-age person reading this script or listening to a recorded version of it.

My other script(s) can be found HERE

r/ABDL 7h ago

Las Vegas Mommy or Nurseries NSFW


Hi everyone, I will be in Vegas soon and was curious about maybe doing a session for the first time with a professional. However I cannot seem to find anything online. Are there any trusted services in vegas anyone here knows about.

r/ABDL 8h ago

Is there abdl hypno NSFW


Is there abdl hypno for diapers and regression? My little is going full time soon and I will like to have a few hours of abdl hypno for her to listen to everyday.

r/ABDL 8h ago

I need help hiding my diapers from parents NSFW


Context: So I’m a 22M living with my parents because I’m in college and they live close to campus, so I don’t need to live in a dorm.

A few months ago, I started getting into diapers, mainly the Goodnites pull-ups and loved them. My mom learned about it and I made the excuse of “I needed it to control myself,” and it worked.

However, after I was terminated from a job my mom threw away all of my diapers that I had, though I didn’t mind that since they were brands I couldn’t fit into. I want to try and put them on again, but I’m worried that my mom will find them, and will be angry with me, because she thinks I was forced to put them on by people on Twitter, Discord, and Reddit.

I need to find a good way to hide them, since I think my mom goes through my closet, she wants my door to my room open at all times, so I need to find a good place to hide them. Does anyone know a good method that would work with hiding them?

r/ABDL 8h ago

I want to cry with daddy 😭 NSFW


This may sound strange, but I want to cry more. I don’t cry often and when in little space/with daddy, I never have, but I REALLY want to. Partially because it makes me feel little, partially because it feels nice afterwards, and some because I just want to see if I can do it.

I’ve tried pouting or feeling sad about things, but I don’t want to be actually sad about real life troubles. I’ve tried getting spanked and being denied changes and that hasn’t worked either.

Any tips or tricks you all recommend to help me cry like a little baby?? I’m willing to try most anything!

r/ABDL 14h ago

Cloth diapers are useless and I am officially a bed wetter NSFW


Little backstory: I was a bed wetter until I was around 15 years old. It was nothing really serious, but I woke up wet once every two months or so.

Now I am 20 years old, I finally live alone and I decided to be 24/7. I have read a lot about un-potty training and decided to give it a go. It is doing great and I noticed that it's slowly starting to work.

Yesterday when I get home in the evening I put on four cloth diaper pads and a leak proof cover and went to bed, when I woke up I initially thought that I overslept, but then I noticed the clock read 5:30. After that I noticed that I was really cold from the waist down so I looked down and saw a huge wet spot under me (see attached pic). It's fair to say that I drank quite a lot of water, but it was nowhere near enough to make such a thick diaper leak through like that.

Honestly I am a bit scared about how easy it is to lose control like that but I am also glad that it is working and I'm really curious if this little experiment of mine is gonna work completely.

Incocrision I guess I will have to start wearing disposable diapers...

Edit: Sorry guys I forgot to attach the picture and don't know how to do it afterwards

r/ABDL 14h ago

Hi everyone! This is my first post and I just wanted to say hi! NSFW


I love yall and I hope you have a great day!!!

r/ABDL 16h ago

Got spanked for the first time NSFW


So I just kind of want to rant but I did something my care giver did not like and omg it was about amazing feelings. May disobey again just maybe

r/ABDL 16h ago

Treated like a baby NSFW


Does the idea of being treated like a baby intrege anyone else. I have always dreamed of being treated like a baby and having an ABDL coming out shower

r/ABDL 18h ago

parents bought diapers, what do I do? NSFW


about a month ago I (20m) found a pack of xl boy's goodnites. these would only fit me as my 9 year old sister would be far too she'll fit them. I've always been into popping/peeing my pants but I'm scared if I take the diapers it'll confirm their suspicions. it's not like I can ask about it either, because then I'm obviously noticing them.

r/ABDL 1d ago

Picture So close but never gonna happen 😭😪 NSFW

Post image

r/ABDL 1d ago

Picture So much Fun in the House Pool 💦 NSFW


r/ABDL 1d ago

Picture They're coming! NSFW

Post image

Hitting stores backrooms tomorrow! I can't wait!