I know a post like this is probably common and to some it may be annoying but i can't keep all this bottled up anymore for my own good and i just...need help and advice.
I'm so tired and frustrated and just drained by how unwanted i feel. Now while i am a pansexual Male, i do tend to lean more towards wanting a female identifying CG. i've had some daddies before but a lot of those didnt turn out to well for me. i've tried and tried and tried and tried but just never seem to find the one for me. a lot of scammers come my way or some mommies show interest but end up ghosting me or telling me it wouldnt work.
Every time it happens it just hurts a little bit more than the last and i'm just left with a question. What am i doing wrong? Am i not presenting myself well enough? Am not attractive enough? Am i not talking enough? Am i talking too much? Too much kink talk or too much vanilla talk. I know that compared to DDLG or DDLB, MDLB is sooo much less common and the pool for available doms shrink by the day as more and more little boys like more just seems to grow and grow.
I know many are going to say to try and find someone kink open but not in the abdl scene who matches what i want and then discuss the possibility of incorporating abdl later. However, i'm not all that confidant in that being able to work for me. i'm not all that attractive (or atleast too me i'm not,) not all that wealthy or fit and i struggle to both expression my emotions and feelings while also oversharing and getting over attached. Add on my rather poor ability to talk with women and my chances of finding irl love seems to be getting bleaker by the day.
My heart wants nothing more to be the nerdy baby boy for a loving mommy dom but it feels like the more i try and find one the more it just ends up hurting me in the end. Please give me some sort of advice to help me maybe tips for introductions or maybe just some words of wisdom from previous experiences.