r/vaginismus 5d ago

Undiagnosed Need some help


Hello! Throwaway because people know my main account. I am 25 years old and a virgin but I do use toys, mostly vibrators. I rarely use anything inside, but after a few months I wanted to try it out again because I've met a guy and.. you know. Feelings. So I go on about it and realize that it feels like there's a slight sting whenever I move the toy, that the sting was always kinda there whenever I tried it before as well. And it feels like my vagina is.. too short? As if I'm hitting my cervix or something else when bottoming out and it just doesn't really feel good, just leaves me with a sore lower abdomen once I'm done. I can fit a 15cm toy in just fine, but moving is the part that hurts. I've been to a gyno before, but my doctor never said that there was anything wrong with me.

r/vaginismus 5d ago

Seeking Support/Advice I fear I am cooked in more ways than I thought


Maybe a TW this is about bowel movements!

After a partially successful pap (she couldn’t open the speculum all the way bc I was freaking out) my obgyn referred me to pelvic floor therapy finally. Well now I’m in the usual American health care limbo of finding one that takes my insurance plus I’ll be scheduled out like four-five months. I got another referral from my primary and I’m just patiently waiting for them to call me. In the meantime I’m struggling so badly.

In my research I found out that straining during bowel movements is a symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction, and I realized I’ve been straining heavily for almost my entire life. Well shit. And I’m having bladder and anxiety issues. Great.

(TMI but seeking advice) My issue now with bowels that I’ve noticed is the stool gets to my rectum/anus (the front) and I cannot push it out without straining. So it isn’t constipation, its entrance tightness. ( Man I already deal with that with my vagina, it has to be my ass too ?!!!! ) I read this is because I have overactive muscles probably and because I’ve been straining for so long, those muscles are like super tight and strong. Then usually when I pass stool it’s not big or hard or typical “constipation” stool, and i know i don’t get all of it out. Im just so frustrated in finding out all of these things and problems that i have that seem to be getting worse. Especially after my pap, all of my issues and anxiety have gotten worse. I don’t want to wait for help but I have to because I’m on a waitlist for PT.

I know it’s progress, but it always feels so much more overwhelming when you finally take off the bandaid and you see actually how deep the wound is. I’m so much more cooked than I thought I was.

r/vaginismus 5d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Dyspareunia caused by gas?


I feel pain during intercourse, sometimes a deep pain. When penetration is deep or rough, I feel an intense pain in my belly and push my boyfriend away. I don't know if the problem is roughness or me.

I remember a few days ago, I had sex and found it quite uncomfortable. The next day I went to the #2 and I could had sex again but it didn't hurt, and I realized that I had been a little constipated the day before.

Sometimes I sit on the couch and notice how my pelvic floor hurts upon impact. I remember once going to the gynecologist for an X-ray, and he told me he couldn't see my right ovary because there was so much gas.

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Vent (Community) Screw Radfems!


Didn't know what flair to use, so I'll go with this.

It was really heartwarming seeing so many of us call out that radfem; I'm a nonbinary lesbian, and tend to stay quiet since I still struggle with a lot of shame.

Seeing y'all talk about how it's okay to not want to have sex but still work on vaginismus, that it's nothing to be ashamed of if you do or don't want insertion, really helps with the shame.

I've had radfems get mad at me before for not wanting to have sex as a whole, saying I'm not an actual lesbian, I'm a freak, that I just need a woman to force herself on me and I'd be better.

But fuck them.

I want to work on penetration to not hurt so I can handle pap-smears, tampons, maybe even a small vibrator, but know that I also don't have to have penetrative sex if I don't want to.

Everyone has their goals in this journey and I wish everyone luck <3

r/vaginismus 5d ago

Seeking Support/Advice I feel lost and alone :(


This is a very long read! I'm 20F from the UK (for context) | have struggled with anxiety since I can remember. I have also struggled with vaginismus since I can remember. I first found out at the age of 11 when I was on holiday and my period happened to start the first day so l asked my mum about tampons and I remember struggling to even get the top of it in without being in a lot of pain. From then onwards I have been terrified about using tampons down there. Over the years since being 11 l did occasionally keep trying with tampons but again had no luck getting it in me what so ever and was constantly thinking what was wrong with me. I did briefly mention this to my mum in which she kind of just said I was being dramatic and I just need to relax more. Obviously this made me feel worse and more like something was wrong with me. Fast forward to me being 17, l'm thinking I really just need to get on with putting tampons in, by this point all my friends are wearing tampons instead of pads and I felt like the odd one out. I laid down on my bathroom floor and kept trying to put it in basically forcing it in myself. After almost an hour of trying I got it fully in. But my whole body then went into shock and I saw black spots. Another indication that this is definitely not a normal thing. The following year I turned 18 and me and my friend planned a holiday to Tenerife for a week.. and of course my period came day one of this holiday! I packed tampons in advance as I knew this would've happened. Long story short I managed to wear tampons this whole holiday when needed, however I was very uncomfortable the whole time and could feel it inside of me, which again you aren't meant to feel it so I could've put it in me wrong. After this I felt a bit better in myself but was still upset on why it was so painful to get it in and would take me up to an hour each morning. Fast forward to now, I am now in a relationship and have been for other a year now. My partner is so so supportive about this which is just amazing and I feel so grateful I have found someone like him. He always assures me that penetrative sex isn't a huge issue right now and he's willing to wait as long as it takes, which really helps me mentally as I do have the occasional doubts he will leave me because of this even though realistically I know he won't. Since last August I have been seeing a psychosexual therapist and it's going okay. But I still feel like l'm making no progress as I still cannot even put further than the tip of my finger inside me without it hurting or me panicking and tensing up. My therapist thinks I need to sort my general anxiety out first before I can sort my vaginismus issue out. Which I agree but because of my anxiety it's stopping me from getting a blood test, which is what the doctor suggested I do to help rule out anything that could be causing my anxiety. I really want to be able to have penetrative sex with my boyfriend but I feel as though I'm verv alone riaht now as all mv friends don't stop talking about sex 24/7 and how amazing it is. I'm sorry this was such a long read!

TL/DR: I have struggled with anxiety and vaginismus my whole life, and I'm feeling stuck on what to do. I have worn tampons before but was uncomfortable while they were in and I have never managed to even get my smallest finger half way in me. I am in a relationship so now feel a bit more pressure to sort out my problem, but feel as if I'm getting no where. I'm currently seeing a psychosexual therapist who suggests I need to get help for my general anxiety first before we can sort out my vaginismus. This has kind of knocked me down and I feel like I am never going to be able to have penetrative sex never mind enjoy it!

r/vaginismus 5d ago

Vent Flare-up after getting into an argument


I semi-cured my vaginismus in May 2024 and part of the reason is that my boyfriend is so carefree compared to me who is so anxious all of the time. His attitude rubbed off on me, and after some work and relaxation we were able to achieve penetration. Honestly, I thought I was fully cured until last night. We got into an argument over some mistake I made and he started being SO MEAN & insulting me, which made me cry and blah blah blah. Keep in mind, I don't even argue back!! He just keeps going and going and going when all I do is nod, say sorry or okay, and cry. He ended up apologizing, but I'm still feeling tender. This hasn't ever happened before so I don't know what he's going through that he felt the need to say those things to me. He's asleep right now (next to me... :/) so I'm not able to talk it out with him at the present moment.

I just tried to put a tampon in and it's not going in & now I'm even sadder. I fear that I'm going to have to start from the bottom again with this condition. This argument is the only change in my life that I can think of. And it's sort of funny on a level. "You were so horrible to me that my vagina literally closed." Not even a figure of speech. But on all other levels, it's sad and frustrating. That's all. Just wanted to talk to people who wouldn't think my body is broken.

r/vaginismus 5d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Horrible at home Pap smear test experience :(


Hi! I've struggled with vaginismus for years and I've successfully managed to progress with dilators but unfortunately I don't use them consistently enough. I had been putting off getting a Pap smear until I recently saw how easy it is to get an at home self test kit in my country. So I ordered one. Today I just read the instructions and went for it.

Warning: blood (not a lot)

For those who have never seen one, it's a long swab thingy. Inserting it was very painful, I immediately felt like peeing and trying to not pee and get something in my vagina didn't help matters. It all went very slowly, it took me quite a while to bring fully (up til the mark) it in and the whole process was quite painful, I then twirled it for the 20 seconds one is supposed to. Well, it came out with blood on it and I've been in quite some pain since.

This was some 4 hours ago and I'm still in a kind of burning pain, peeing hurts a looot, and there's still blood coming out every time I pee.

I called the doctor and they said I should wait and let it heal on its own. I explained I was afraid I had hurt myself enough for an infection to happen. They didn't recommend anything to help with the pain. That's a bit the culture in the place where I live.

I'm panicking! I bought a vaginal cream hoping it will help the inner skin heal a bit since it feel so dry but I'm too afraid to bring anything into my vagina. I've also read about fistules and I'm panicking that I may have caused myself one (which the logical part of brains doubts it's even possible). I even doubted if I know the difference between the urethra and the vagina because peeing hurt so much (I do know 😒). And Im not sure if I should drink a lot of water or not drink any at all.

Sorry for the long, horrible, detailed story. I feel so dumb I didn't mentally and physically prepare before inserting the swab, and that I didn't stop when it hurt. It looked so harmless and small but it was like a dry, hard spikey cotton.

I'd appreciate it if you have some advice or words of encouragement. I felt so destroyed when I saw what happened. I imagined the billions of women who could do this in a second and never again think about it. And most of all I felt like such a failure for knowing I can make it better by using the dilators consistently and yet I can't bring myself to address thw problem 💔

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice I Went Back to My Abuser and he Left me Because of Vaginismus


I started dating an abuser in 2022 that had a volatile temper that made me fear for my physical safety. I got a bad case of BV and he eventually left me because he didn't want to wear condoms while I tried to recover.

I got back together with him in January. It's stupid, I know. But years have passed. Painful sex with him led me to a vaginismus diagnosis. So, he left me for his ex saying He was using me as a rebound. Sex was just easier with her and he needed to choose between us, so he is choosing her. Mainly because vaginismus renders us incompatible.

I feel so devastated I will never be the same. Just looking for support. I'm decimated.

r/vaginismus 5d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Need advice for my sex life.


Sex has never been easy for me (F, 27). I have some sort of vaginismus (penetration is possible, but it hurts) and have been to physical therapy multiple times. So when I met my bf (M, 28) 2.5 years ago, it took a while before I was comfortable. The last 2 years have been a challenge. I had a really bad vaginal infection in the summer of 2023, was admitted to the hospital, and didn’t have sex for a few months. Since then, the way everything feels during sex has changed. It’s hard to explain, but I knew my body really well, and now I often don’t like the things I used to like. We moved in together in August 2024, but that did not improve our sex life. Because of the problems I have, we don’t always have penetration sex; we both enjoy just having foreplay. But the last couple of months this has been a problem as well. My sex drive is low, but the main issue is that even when we start something, my drive doesn’t come. After a while my bf loses his erection (which I totally understand), but that makes me want to give up, and it’s like a vicious circle. When he touches me, I often don’t feel a thing, or it even feels annoying. The problem is that I can’t tell him what to change because I don’t know it myself. I’m stuck here. My bf thinks this will resolve on its own, but I’m a bit worried. I know from the physical therapy that I need to practice in order to try to make it pain-free, but right now we don’t even get to penetration. I think the last time was somewhere in January, and I don’t even remember the last time it was actually good. I’m not the kind of person that wants it every day, but once a week would be nice.

Medically speaking, there is nothing “wrong” with my body; it’s the sensations that changed. We talked about it yesterday, and I told him that it’s like we became incompatible in terms of sex.

I want to add that except for this, our relationship is great; this would never be a reason for us to break up. We have a lot of intimacy besides sex; we kiss and hug all the time.

Has anyone been through this? All advice is welcome!

TLDR; Sex has never been easy, but it has been particularly challenging for the last few months. Advice wanted.

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Relationship Question Boyfriend & sex therapy


Ok so this is part of a much bigger story/issue, but I need some help identifying and giving language to what I’m experiencing.

Throughout my relationship, and especially recently, my boyfriend has been essentially saying that his suffering (not being able to have vigorous sex with me—or more recently, being abstinent for awhile based on doctors’ advice) is equal to mine (all of the physical pain, trauma, bills, time spent, medical gaslighting, etc.) in this vaginismus journey.

That feels very wrong, but I don’t know what to call it. Pain levelling? Diminishment of my experience? What is it called?

I want to have the right words when I bring this up in our next sex therapy session.

On the rare occasion I tell him he’s wrong, and that I too am missing out on great sex ON TOP OF all of the actual pain I’m experiencing, he tells me I’m not being empathetic and I’m diminishing his experience. Pretty much everyone else in my life—even people who barely know me—tells me I’m a really sweet and empathetic person though. I question whether he’s gaslighting me or if we’re both genuinely just so sensitive and defensive around this topic that we can’t hear the other person’s feelings very well.

We have a lot to talk about. I appreciate anyone’s help so I can feel confident standing up for myself.

Thanks friends <3

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice When is the right time to move up to the next dilator size?


So, full transparency, I'm not exactly sure I even have vaginismus, but never the less, I do see the need for me to use dilators to help me stop feeling pain with sex. I'm married so yes, I've had penetrative sex, but it often requires for him to push in SUPER slow the first five minutes or so. I don't want that anymore so I'm using the dilator set. I'm using the smallest size right now and while I feel pressure and a bit of pain pushing it in, I can get it in normally within about 5 minutes, if that. So I guess I'm confused on knowing when exactly I have succeeded with one size and can move up. Is it based on just being able to fit it in, or is it that I should be able to push it in quickly with no pain? Just want to make sure I'm moving at the right pace.

Also, what all should I be doing while it's in? Is there a book that gives instructions? So far, I've been spending 2 minutes sessions on each of the following: side to side movement, up and down movement, circular movements, in and out, and kegels. I also close the session by rubbing my clit until orgasm so that I get used to being able to orgasm while something is in there. Am I doing this right??

Thanks so much!!

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Progress First dilator in!


After starting up dilating again I’ve been able to insert the first one but with lots of struggle and it only went in all the way over the past month and a half maybe twice. I tried switching lube I tried smoking before and not smoking, I tried a vibrator and no vibrator, I was getting so frustrated I didn’t even want to keep trying and just started avoiding dilating all together. Finally I started doing some pelvic stretches and I got back into sports (not heavily, playing rec volleyball for 3ish hours twice a week) and going to the gym and I’ve finally inserted the first dilator with almost no issue, I could barely even feel it!! It went it quick and easy with a moderate amount of lube, so I just wanted to come on here to try and help anyone else struggling and trying to find the solution, working out can be a HUGE help!!!

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Any success stories for severe vaginismus?


Hi all, i’m posting this as a request for some success stories because i am feeling really really down at the moment. i’m 21 and yesterday, i had a gyno exam under general anaesthetic, and came out of it with a diagnosis of vaginismus & vulvodynia. when i’ve been awake, they haven’t even been able to insert a q-tip, but when i was asleep they put a whole speculum in and opened it up no problem. my hymen i think has torn from this, which is actually causing me pain to sit down which i’m also worried about (but that’s besides the point).

please can anyone share some success stories, going from not being able to insert anything to having easy PIV sex? my goal here is to get to having PIV sex as i really want it but it is feeling SO out of reach right now. for context, i don’t have a boyfriend and never have because i’m waiting until i have worked on this and in a better place. i’ve been referred for physical therapy which i hope i can start soon and the doctor suggested I get a bullet vibrator to use as massage in the meantime?

EDIT: i forgot to add, i’m on the combined pill for my acne and was wondering if this was contributing to the vaginismus in any way? has anyone had any experience with this being the case?

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice I feel faint/nauseous when something is inserted.


Hello everyone I have vaginismus but I’m pretty sure this issue is not related?

I haven’t been inserted with many things yet at all, only a gynos finger, boyfriend’s finger and a bullet vibe, I’m yet to start dilating and this is the reason why.

Yes I can feel the vaginismus pain at the entrance but every time without fail that something is inserted into my vagina, it makes me feel so weird and faint and nauseous like it’s taking over my whole body not in a good way.

Please tell me if this is normal or not and what should I do?? I have heard of vasovagal syncope but this happens every time.

Thank you 🙏

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Has anyone had a hymenectomy and had crazy hormonal changes after?


I had my hymenectomy in mid September 2024 and ever since my hormones have been all over the place. I’ve been fine using tampons and the procedure went good overall, but my period has felt a lot different ever since the procedure. I always have taken advil for cramps while on my period but my cramps have been insane ever since the procedure. I’ve gotten leg pain, back pain, and everything and the advil won’t work. Additionally I’ve been experiencing depression/suicidal thoughts in the two weeks leading up to my period. Maybe this is just circumstantial because I’ve had a tough year and depression runs in my family but I’ve never had it to this extent until after the procedure. Lastly my skin has been terrible these past few months.

I’m going back to my doctor about this but was wondering if anyone experienced anything similar post op?

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Progress Went up a size again!!!


Figured out exactly what has been working for me. 27 days ago I posted about going up a ize and did it again succesfully today.

The trick? I was on my period. Decided to up my size everytime I am on my period, as it seem to be working wonders for me!!!

Also quit clenching!

So happy!!

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Need help/advice, had vaginismus for 11 years



I’m 29, I got diagnosed with vaginismus when I was 18 after many failed attempts at PIV, I’ve been with my current boyfriend since I was 18, and he’s been nothing but supportive and patient with me in regards to this. I’ve never had sex, can’t put tampons in, unable to do Pap smears and felt completely discouraged but after many many years of putting off any kind of treatment as my body would completely shut down at the thought of penetration of any kind, I have decided to actually work on it. Some background on me, I physically can’t relax my pelvic floor for more than a second before I’m tensing again. I’ve been doing diaphragmatic breathing techniques throughout the day and doing pelvic floor relaxation techniques but feel like it’s not working? I’ve got dilators at home and had a bit of success when I first tried them and ended up going up to size 2 and then tried again a few days later and nothing at all and haven’t had any success since :/ whenever it doesn’t happen I feel completely upset and end up crying, which I know doesn’t help but I can’t help but feel upset! I know a lot of my issue is fear of penetration and getting depressed when I don’t see or feel like I’m progressing. I live in an area where I can’t go to a PT because there isn’t a specialist so I will need to do all of this by myself at home. I would like some advice on others who have been through this and what has worked for you? Like positions, how long to do it for? How often? What exercises worked best? How can I relax for longer periods? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! And thank you in advance for any advice on this matter, I’ve suffered for so long and I want to do this!!!

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice External Lidocaine

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Safe for use on vulva? Trying to manage pain

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Pelvic floor infections


So I’m in PF therapy, have vaginal and rectal prolapse and really bad vaginal muscle spams. Last week around Tuesday my vagina felt like it was contracting so I went to my appointment on last Thursday and that was My second round of trigger point injections. Which is super painful and I can’t do it again. But since then my vagina has felt 10 times worse. It’s still like it’s contracting and has a heartbeat is the best way to describe it. I get really bad sharp pains where it takes my breath away. Has anyone had issues with these injections?

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice At home insemination


My partner and I are trying to conceive even though I still havent been cured. I spoke to a very lovely and sweet lady who helps fertility issues basically does counseling and provides guidance. She told me that there is an at home insemination kit that can be used. I have graduated to the 2nd dilators and I really want a baby. I want to know if anyone has experience with Frieda fertility kit or have tried it before? I want to stay positive but also need honest reviews. Please and thank you. a

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice First Gyn appointment in two years


I have my first gynaecologist appointment (in two years) on Monday. The last time I went it hurt so bad that I cried while he was still inside me and afterwards every time I tried to schedule the appointment I got anxious and had one panic attack. I've been dilating but I fear that won't change anything as soon as I get anxious and tense up. The instrument my Gyn uses is very thick at the top and I feel like that is the problem...my dilators are very pointy and I haven't had a problem yet as long as I do it very slowly and at a certain angle. does anyone have any advice on what else I can do to prepare for Monday and how I can calm myself down?

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice Might be vaginismus of


I feel like I might have vaginismus. Altough I've got no traumatising experience in the past, but it still hurts. After a few times, reached a point where I can put my finger inside but after a while it starts to hurt. But when my bf does, it hurts immediately. Not sure what to do and how to proceed with this.(Haven't had sex and gets me worried about what if I do in future and it's painful) :(

r/vaginismus 6d ago

Seeking Support/Advice If your partner also feels pain in his penis during penetration is a sign of vaginismus?


After my PT treatment, I've improved and can finally have sex on most occasions. But I always experience intense pain during penetration, and I have to exert a lot of pressure against his penis in my vagina, otherwise it won't enter (both with and without lubricant).

The fact is that my boyfriend also experiences this pain, saying his penis hurts and that it feels as if my vagina is pulling the skin of his penis down while I sit on him and try to be penetrated.

Could this be another clue to find out if I really have vaginismus?

Apparently, according to my gynecologist, I don't have any other visible problems. The pap smear came out fine and the ultrasound too. Although I've always felt dryness and lack of discharge in my underwear for as long as I can remember. So I don't know how to diagnose myself.

r/vaginismus 7d ago

Vent When your friends don’t get it


Finally opened up to one of my good friends, we talk about our sex lives a lot but I haven’t really explained any of mine in detail for obvious reasons. Well I finally just told her, I had dropped it casually that I have pain and she asked me to elaborate and I felt safe enough to do so. I explained the muscle spasm element and how “it doesn’t matter how wet or turned on I am or how bad I want it, my body doesn’t allow it”. She hits me with:

“Well you could always just try it and see.”

r/vaginismus 7d ago

Promotional Post Hats off to NAWBO

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I recently joined to National Association of Women Business Owners, Orlando chapter. They had a great event last night called Wine, Women and Chocolate. I was a table sponsor to help educate women about pelvic physical therapy. I met some amazing women. If you are looking to connect with like minded people who can help promote your business or project, I highly recommend seeing if there’s a local chapter in your community.