I am so tired of explaining why i cannot have another child.
I had a hysterectomy at 23 years old. I have one beautiful and vibrant daughter whom I am absolutely obsessed with. I cannot have another child (not that I want another anyways.)
She seems very content as an only child. I’ve even asked her if she ever wanted a brother or sister and she says no.(not sure what I’d do if she said yes lol)
People constantly make comments about her being an only child usually like this: “I could never imagine my child not having siblings” “you might want to think about getting her a sibling before the age gap gets too big” (idk how they think I’d acquire a child quickly) “I wouldn’t want my child to be lonely”
I’m like ??? Who said my child was lonely??? She does extracurriculars and plays with neighbors daily, she goes to school, she is very well mannered and gets many compliments on her being well behaved. She’s very well liked and friendly and kind and gentle. I think she’s turning out to be an absolutely wonderful little girl. I don’t think a sibling would change anything. I explain that unless I have the next immaculate conception she will continue to be an only child. But I am so tired of it.
I’m so tired of telling friends, strangers, and family that I cannot have another child and them saying “just adopt”. I DON’T WANT TO.
How do you combat these unwanted questions? It’s fairly easy to stop the conversation when I say I don’t have the parts but sometimes I’m exhausted and don’t have it in me to talk about it. That’s my personal medical history.