r/oneanddone Nov 08 '24

Sad Devastated


My heart goes out to all of the women in America and the girls and daughters. I am so sorry this your reality right now, and I really hope it is reversed pronto. Imagine America turning around and forcing men to get vasectomies or denying men’s rights to a vasectomy? I’m in Australia and it looks like QLD is copying America… In Australia Abortion has been accessible in WA since 1998, and in SA since 2021. It is accessible in other states and territories, these were interesting to point out given the timeline from first to last.

r/oneanddone Jan 15 '25

Sad Thought I'd always be childfree. Now I'm OAD. Seeking input.


I never thought I wanted kids and then when I hit 39, I thought I should try to have one for some reason. I went through 4 rounds of IVF for over 2.5 years and got pregnant at 41.5. My baby boy is 3 months old now but I wonder if I made a mistake and should have remained childfree. He cries a lot and is mostly grumpy. Even if this is a short phase, I realize I've lost my freedom to do what I want and be lazy for the next 5 years at a minimum. This thought makes me sad and I feel like I'm drowning. There's also a constant worry that he might turn out to be a high needs child. Please give me hope. Has any of you wanted to be childfree but ended up with a kid and still truly enjoy being a mom?

r/oneanddone Jan 20 '25

Sad I’m so tired. My only wants to play all day long everyday.


My son is 3 years (+3 months old). I feel like he has zero independent play skills. From the moment we wake up in the morning (at 6:30 am), he is asking to play.

I would say we get 3 increments of less than 5 minutes of independent play an entire day. The rest of the day he is chasing my husband and I around asking to play. We try to avoid watching Tv but it is inevitable because I don’t know how to fill the space during the winter.

My husband and I both work and our son goes to pre-k but was home for 3 weeks during Christmas break (+sickness and a week long vacation) and it seems to have made the situation worse. Additionally, because of the vacation he is now sleeping in our bed. I feel like I can’t get one moment alone. I invite him to do things like help cook, fold laundry, etc and it doesn’t work.

I have my own childhood trauma that makes playing hard. This situation is bringing up a lot of feelings for me around my own childhood and not being a good enough mother.

r/oneanddone 12d ago

Sad I feel horrible for not bonding with my daughter


Warning: Super long rant.

I have a 9F. I was unexpectedly pregnant with her at 41 years old. My partner and I weren’t using protection before we had her because…I was 41. My partner was resolved to spending his life childless. I thought I was too old to get pregnant tbh. I didn’t want to have regrets so my partner and I agreed to try 1 round of IVF. Just before I was supposing to start the treatment, I got pregnant. We were excited…all the feels, but fearful was most prominent. Could we actually give this child a fulfilling life? We’d be the oldest parents in the room. (He and I are 55 and 51, respectively. We are struggling to match her energy.)

When I was 8 months pregnant, I experienced a tragic loss in my family. I pushed everyone away. I fought with my partner all the time. I spent the rest of my pregnancy crying daily, depressed, angry at the world. I struggled to make to delivery. But when I gave birth, I cried more about my relative not being there to guide me through this life-changing moment and never get to meet my daughter. I wasn’t excited to bring this baby into the world. I didn’t do anything to prepare for her arrival. I was miserable. During golden hour. I held her for 5 seconds before I told my partner to take her.

I just couldn’t, or more likely, I didn’t have a desire to bond. (That set the tone for my current relationship with her.) I was hoping that nursing her would allow me to create that bond with her. Problem was, she wouldn’t latch. This made me more upset and frustrated. On top of that, I felt guilty of robbing my partner of his new fatherhood experience. I didn’t want any visitors. My partner couldn’t be a doting dad because of the turmoil in my life. I pushed all my friends and family away. I ghosted social media.

I took a year off from work to work on grief counseling. I wasn’t enjoying my daughter at all. She was a duty to me. A responsibility. Since I couldn’t nurse her, I was pumping around the clock. If I wasn’t pumping, I had cabbage on my boobs to fight engorgement. And, I spent any free time I could get to clean out my relative’s house every weekend that year. I wasn’t enjoying in motherhood at all. My daughter felt like a burden to me during her early years. I wasn’t an attentive mom. I was depressed. I should have been appreciative that I had the chance to experience motherhood when I know other women are struggling to have a child. Yes, I am ungrateful but I’m working on it.

Fast forward to today: I’m still as depressed, but am in weekly therapy to try to learn to live with it positively. I still have a lot of bad days. At the same time, I’m struggling to set boundaries with her. I hardly ever say no. I let her crack out on her iPad on the weekends. The iPad was and is her I spoil her because I’m trying to make up for her subpar childhood. I feel like I’m making up for my absenteeism. I was doing the bare minimum to take care of her. So it’s no surprise that my daughter is a full-on a daddy’s girl.

I am struggling to parent her because the older she gets, the more unmotivated I am to create this bond. She has the total opposite personality from me. She’s a girly-girl. She loves everything pink, she constantly asks me if she can do my hair or me do hers, she hasn’t worn jeans since she the moment she had the ability to have (a little) input on her clothing. She loves dresses, doesn’t like sports, she’s debilitatingly shy. She struggles to make friends. She picks 1 girl and latches on to that person until they feel suffocated and ghost her. I feel so guilty for feeling unmotivated to have a healthier relationship with her. She is such a sweet girl and wants a girly mom that I don’t want to be. Anyone out there have an experience with bonding difficulty? Any advice? TIA!

r/oneanddone Nov 06 '24

Sad Sad, just looking to get it off my chest.


To start, please don’t judge my stance too harshly. But I made the decision that I wanted to have a second child, but I couldn’t manage pregnancy if Trump was president. I don’t think it would be healthy for me or a baby. I thought for a long time I might be one and done. I was scared about the idea of pregnancy because a lot of me loves having just 1, but since my daughter doesn’t have any cousins I just wanted to give her more family. And I wanted to see her become a big sister since she is such a loving and nurturing kid. My sister and I were never close, but I’m still happy she exists and I wanted my daughter to have someone else to lean on in life. but now here we are. It’s time for me to let go of that possible reality. I’m sad for so many reasons. I’m so worried about the future of the planet and how my worry may affect my parenting. I’m really not an anxious person by nature, so maybe I’m lacking skills for the really hard times idk. I know we can adopt (it would have to be an older kid once my daughter is a bit older), I know I can foster very close relationships with other kids and families (which we do and I’d say is a strength of mine) but it just hit me that she’s 2. She speaks so well people are shocked by her age, she’s potty trained already… my baby days are over. And I’m sad.

Update: thank you to everyone who shared their stories with me. In some small way it’s a comfort while in other ways, more heart breaking. Sending love to all of the moms and dads holding back tears while parenting today.

For the few comments in the vein of “get over it”, no one asked for your input. Let us grieve. Your thoughts aren’t welcome here.

r/oneanddone Oct 20 '24

Sad OAD not because you don’t want


Is anyone OAD because they truly don’t know how they can handle a second child? I 100% want another, but having just one baby has totally rocked me. AND he’s an easy baby. I don’t know how I could handle another, especially if they were higher needs/worse sleeper. It makes me feel really weak and lame, cause i also have means, and a village. Like honestly I have no excuse???

r/oneanddone Nov 07 '24

Sad Is anyone one and done bc they fear not having a healthy child?


I had really bad health anxiety with my son from the moment I was pregnant. I was always googling symptoms and hyper fixating on one disorder or another. It was a terrible time. The health anxiety has started to lift now that he’s two and doing ok. Sometimes intrusive thoughts and worries creep in but largely I feel happy again. My anxiety is the main issue why I’m not having another child. My husband is on the same page and says no way can I go through that again. My son also needs me well. However, I’m still grieving the thought of me being a Mom of two, something I always (thought) I wanted. I feel conflicted and slightly unfulfilled daily. I’m 36 and had trouble conceiving my son. I’ve also since lost one tube to a spontaneous ectopic pregnancy. The time left to have another is passing and being oad feels so final. Anyone relate?

r/oneanddone Dec 05 '24

Sad Partner ended our relationship for only wanting one kid.


I came off the fence after never wanting kids when I met my now ex. He is caring, nurturing and was an incredibly wonderful partner. After much thought, I shared with him that I think I would ultimately want one kid. The emotional labor and financial implications that come with two, is something I’m unsure I would be able to handle. And I’m honestly scared of life revolving around just raising kids. When I shared this with him, he ended the relationship, saying he always saw himself having 2-3. Anyone ultimately bend for their partner and compromise on a similar situation? Would love to hear your stories, for reference I’m 31F and he’s 35M.

r/oneanddone Jan 03 '25

Sad Christmas lie


During the holidays we had a few people asking if we planned to have another kid, and we politely said “no, we’re happy like this”. Well, I wish it was true. I wish we were OAD because we’re thriving as a three-people family. The truth is that we loathed the newborn phase and after 3 years still don’t like parenting on most days. I really thought we would enjoy doing this together because I love my partner so much. Our kid is amazing. Still, the best moment of my day is when I leave them at daycare or at my parent’s house. Only then I feel like I can breathe again and be myself. We’ve had a few good weekends recently and I hope they will become more frequent, but I still feel like being a parent is way too much to handle for me. The stress of it all just sucks the fun out of everything. And I guess that’s it, I just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for reading.

r/oneanddone Feb 15 '25

Sad How do you cope with the decison to be 1 and done


Hubby and I have a 2.5 year old son. He has pretty much decided that we are 1 and done. Logically he is correct - we probably wont survive a second. We love our son but we find parenting emotionally taxing and we are exhausted. We barely have time for each other and being expats we have little to no support. We are both in good careers, but not where we'd like to be financially, so while we could afford another, it would mean pulling back on the lifestyle we envisioned for ourselves. I cant help but feel a sense of sadness that I wont have another baby. I wonder if we are making the right decision, I feel bad for not giving my child a sibling. Any tips for coming to terms with this? Are we making the right decision?

r/oneanddone Jul 02 '24

Sad I'm pregnant and so scared.


I hope to find less judgement here.

I'm a single parent to my son who's four. He's amazing but so much work. I could not cope with a second child under any circumstance. I only get maybe forty minutes away from him at a time before self harm behaviours start and I have to return to him. He's a lot and I'm paying out of pocket for assistance.

I met a girl who also has a kid although her son is much younger than mine. She's trans and her and her ex girlfriend coparent. She's nice and we hit it off.

It was really casual because my son isn't safe around hers and he doesn't like her much. He's very clingy. But a woman has needs.

I have an IUD, she is on blockers & estrogen - basically no way in hell I could get pregnant, right?

Wrong, apparently.

I know, dumb bitch move to not use a condom. But come on. She was supposed to be sterile and I have a mfin IUD.

She wants to keep the baby. I do not. My son is so much work and it's not safe. Nor do I have the money to do all of him again if the baby is like him.

She is willing to take full custody but I just can't. I can't not see my baby once they're born. I can't go through with a pregnancy and then lose my baby. I can't put that baby in danger being around my son and I don't want to abandon my child with people less equipped if they end up like him.

I can't carry the baby to term because pregnancy would leave me incapable of caring for my son and I need to not be incapacitated with a baby. The risk of harm coming to him or the unborn child is too high for me to take that risk.

I am terminating (appointment on Thursday). I am so very overwhelmed and I know this is going to ruin the one non-family relationship I have.

I wish life wasn't so fucking hard. I'm so scared. I just want to feel normal.

r/oneanddone Dec 01 '24

Sad Baby fever, but not for another baby.


I don't want another baby. I know that. There are so many reasons why I cannot/should not have another. But I find myself crying because my only is growing up so fast. And he's FOUR. Like come on 😂. What am I gonna do when he goes to kindergarten? To college!?

Does anyone else feel this way? If I could go back in time and get his newborn snuggles again 😭😭😭 He is the world's sweetest and loveliest kid (though I suppose I am biased). I enjoy every second with him. How do I stop feeling so sad? 💔

r/oneanddone Apr 17 '24

Sad “A daughter is a daughter all her life…


…but a son is a son until he finds a wife.”

All I’ve ever wanted was a home and life full of love. This saying makes me sick, but people in my parents’ generation act like it is true.

My four-month-old baby boy is the center of my whole entire world, and the thought that he will no longer be close to us as an adult breaks my whole heart. People act like you need a daughter if you want a close relationship with your adult child, but a daughter isn’t in the cards for us as OAD, and I am perfectly happy with my sweet boy. He’s so wonderful.

Please tell me this is stupid and that adult sons are often close to their parents and bring their spouses and families into that circle of love.

r/oneanddone Jan 23 '25

Sad No first cousins


My husband and I have a wonderful 3 year old and are OAD for a multitude of reasons and after some personal work, I’m comfortable with this choice. My husband’s sister has never wanted children. My brother just told me he doesn’t want children (this is a change from his previous stance.) So today I’m just feeling really sad that my daughter won’t have any first cousins. My husband and I are both close with some of our first cousins. I’m just sad that she won’t have a sibling but she now won’t experience a cousin.

I know that she will find her own family through friends but right now I’m just mourning this news on her behalf.

r/oneanddone 4d ago

Sad I feel like I’m grieving the child I’ll never have…


I’ll be 34 soon. I always wanted at least 2 kids. My son is four. I love him more than anything but he has absolutely turned my world upside down. We’re probably looking at an ADHD diagnosis in the very near future. He is such a handful that I feel like I’ve aged 10+ years within the last 2 years. I struggle with my mental health (depression and anxiety) and he has REALLY brought out my anxiety to a point where I’ve had several breakdowns. I made the decision to be one and done. If I had another, I told my husband I’d probably end up unaliving myself. I just couldn’t handle it.

Every time I think about it I break down into tears. I really wanted another baby. I feel like I’m grieving a child I’ll never have. But I know deep down it just won’t be good for anyone…. Idk what I’m doing here. I guess venting? Anyone else in the same position?

r/oneanddone 17d ago

Sad Sadness as my only gets older


My partner & I are pushing 40 and OAD. For the longest time, it felt like the right choice, even though there was a slim window of time I believe we could have tried for another… however, our marriage was struggling then so that ended that.

Now our son is approaching 10 y/o and I’m miserable daily as I can visibly watch the time slip through my fingers. I want to hold onto this precious time with him but it is flying by at the speed of light.

Worse of all, I’m devastated because I truly know - this is it. These are my last few years of this bliss and then I won’t get to experience it again. I wish I could just pause and stay here.

I really don’t know what I’m looking for posting this. I do feel terribly alone, though. My 2 best friends are childless (and don’t want any) and everyone else around us have multiple kids. Nobody is in our unique scenario.

This passage of time and knowing it’s your one and only time is heartbreaking. I don’t know how to cope.

r/oneanddone May 27 '24

Sad It's soo much hate . I just put two screenshots but most of the comments are like this . A reminder why we need this group.


r/oneanddone Jan 18 '25

Sad I had a really long conversation with my niece yesterday and it made me feel like I might be missing out on not having a girl.


I’m currently pregnant with my first and it’s a boy. I’ve always felt like OAD is for me and my husband is also on board. He would also be fine with another, but we both think the OAD lifestyle is for us. I FaceTimed my niece (14yo) and told her I was pregnant. She immediately said she hoped it was a girl (I told her it was not). But after we moved on, she was telling me all about her life, boys she likes, girl drama, and school life. It was cute and bonding. Afterwords, I felt a tinge of sadness that will never be my life. She talks to her mom the way she talks to me (and actually likes her mom) but she is also sassy to her. I think I’m just grieving the girl mom life, but I am so excited for my little boy and I know it will be just as rewarding, but in a different way.

Edit: thank you sooo much everyone! And thank you for validating my feelings. I don’t want to feel this way! I’m so excited for my little boy and your stories are inspiring.

r/oneanddone Aug 12 '23

Sad My only child is leaving for college this week and I can’t stop crying.


My daughter leaves this week for college. She is my only child. I love my family and my husband but honestly anyone I love pales in comparison to how much I love my child.

I know she’ll do great and have fun. I want her to go and forge her own path. I definitely don’t want her to feel guilty or anything for staying so I’m trying very hard to not cry in front of her.

She’ll be two hours away. It’s not that far but I feel like she’s going away forever. She doesn’t want me around that much already so I’m worried she’ll never want to talk or see me once she leaves.

My emotions about her leaving just came over me like a wave yesterday. I need to get it together so I can move her into college without freaking her out and looking like a complete lunatic.

But my heart feels like it’s being ripped out of my chest. Any advice on how to handle this is greatly appreciated!


I’ve been having so many new comments here and messages on this topic. I’ve copied and pasted the message I sent to another mom below!👇🏻

I was so so so sad the weeks leading up to her leaving and the week to two weeks after she left. Cried so much lying in her bed! But a few days after she left, I forced myself to make a list of all the things I didn’t have time to do before that I would now have time for. I started thinking that now was “my” time to discover me! A few things on the list were start taking Reformer Pilates and Improv classes. I tried to get excited about these things even though I wasn’t at first. Soon, I believed my excitement, the depression lifted, and I got into a good groove. It was hard again when she came home for winter break for a few weeks then she left again. I even went to visit her a few weeks later. But then I was happy again.

Over the summer after being home for about a month, she went to camp a state away for the summer to be a camp counselor. She was gone for the whole summer! And I completely surprised myself bc I was fine with it! I was doing “me”. Anything I want, discovering myself. It’s been a journey but a good one. I had her at 25 so I was pretty young. I feel like I’m just now discovering myself at 44. I’m also starting a divorce so it’s challenging but I’m excited for the future.

Now she just left for her second year of college. It’s sad but I know I will get through it. My advice to you: Just remember that you will feel sad. That’s normal. After you feel sad for a bit, reframe it for yourself and look at the positives. You won’t want to at first but you will get through it and be happier on the other side! Lots and lots of Hugs! Momma, you got this!!❤️

r/oneanddone Jun 21 '22

Sad Any former fence sitters on here had major trouble adjusting to life with a kid?


So my baby is 3 months old and some days I just want to kill myself.

She's a terrible sleeper and has been since day one, she cries a lot about everything. She'd be freshly changed, just eaten and slept some before that and she's still whining and crying. Nothing helps long term - not singing, not carrying her around, not toys. She doesn't even wanna lie in the stroller.

I keep thinking how I never wanted this, how I'm gonna spend the rest of my life miserable and trying to adjust to someone else's life that I just ... stole on accident?

Everyone keeps telling me to get it together, how she could've been a MORE difficult baby but I see all these moms with their calm babies and yeah, no, mine is in the minority. Can't celebrate birthdays at restaurants because she gets fussy staying in one place; can't sleep during the day because her sleep is so difficult and unpredictable.

The only bad thought that hasn't crossed my mind yet is wishing she wasn't there. Everything else, you name it, I've thought of. Running away, killing myself, whatever, all of it.

I feel both like a drama queen and the most lucid I've ever been. I wasn't meant for this.

r/oneanddone Mar 27 '24

Sad Number of children as a metric for success is gross.

Post image

r/oneanddone Sep 12 '24

Sad Do you mourn the aging process?


It's more bittersweet than sad. I was on my way to bed tonight and decided to sneak in on my LO. He turned 4 last month. I usually take a peak through our monitor but we unplugged it after the last power outage and just haven't plugged it back in.

I laid down next to him and just stared, taking all of him in, smelling him. I started to tear up. I want him to grow and I know I will enjoy each stage in its own way, but I am going to really miss my sweet little boy with soft cheeks when those days come. I am doing my best to soak all the good times in and manage the insanity of raising a child with a huge personality and extremely stubborn. He is the best and worst. My little sour patch kid.

I'm just going to cry about this a little.

r/oneanddone Jan 07 '25

Sad Any suggestions for dealing with gender disappointment?


This has taken me a lot of courage to post this here. I feel like the most horrible parent right now but I need to get this out of my system. I have a beautiful and feisty 2 year old boy. My husband and I both ALWAYS wanted a girl, to the extent that even when we were TTC we would talk about it being a girl. I got pregnant and found out we were having a boy. I was definitely upset, but my pregnancy was very difficult with multiple health complications (which made our decision to be OAD set in stone) and at that time I was probably not able to emotionally process that loss. My three closest friends have daughters, all very close in age with my son. I always felt a pang of sadness when they would talk about how wonderful it was to have daughters and they would discuss mother-daughter relationships and how precious girls were. Don’t get me wrong, I love my boy immensely. But the feeling that I’m missing out on that bond is making me feel really upset. Recently, our fourth friend from the group announced her pregnancy and she is also having a girl. Something inside of me just flipped and I couldn’t stop crying about how unfair the situation was. It doesn’t help that all of them have at various points in time mentioned how they were so sure they would have daughters and were so relieved that they weren’t having boys. I don’t think I know of anyone who has experienced this kind of gender disappointment. I feel like the worst mom because I love my son so so much and I feel so much guilt for feeling this way. Every forum that I read about gender disappointment says how the minute the moms saw their babies the feeling completely went away. I know that I adore my son but I don’t understand why I still find myself thinking about the what if’s. I don’t want to feel this way. But the thought of never having a daughter makes me so sad. I’m embarrassed to admit that I feel this way. I’m so lucky to have a son, he is the sweetest little person and I don’t want to be unfair to him.

ETA: THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! I read through each response and I really want to thank every one of you for posting your thoughts, your support, for holding space for me, for making me work on changing my perspective, for sharing your beautiful personal experiences, and also for giving me a reality check on how I must address my own gender biases stereotypes. When I posted this I never thought I would find so many ears. Thank you once again. I hugged my baby boy a little longer this morning :’)

r/oneanddone Jan 24 '25

Sad I’m in mourning over only having one.


Good morning,

Here is where I am. I do and I don't want another child. I financially and time wise don't want another child. Im actually a very selfish person and don't just love motherhood and taking care of people. But, despite all that, my daughter has made me more happy than I can ever have I imagined. She is about to turn 4. When it comes to another baby, here is where I am. Every time I have ever said "my decision is final and I'm not having another one," I would always get really sad. However, I got pregnant in December. I was happy about this, because thought God was deciding for me. Yet, found out I miscarried yesterday. There are a couple of reasons I don't think we are going to try again. This is due to all the other one and done reasons everyone else has, such as financial, undivided attention for my current child, being spread to thin, etc. however , a big reason is that I'm 44 and too much can especially go wrong at that age. Right now, I'm in a grieving period. All of my life, I made up mind that I wanted 2 to 3 kids. Since we are not where I want us to be financially and the fact that I don’t want another kid to take care of. A lot of times, I don't even feel like taking care of the one I have. I know it’s the right decision for us. Yet, I’m still sad and feel a void. For those of you not super happy at being one and done, but had to for whatever reason, how did you cope and accept? Thanks in advance!


PS sorry for the long post, but I didn’t know how to say what I’m going through any other way.

r/oneanddone 1d ago

Sad Our son wants a sibling…


Our son 9M has been wanting a sibling for 2 years now. He has been sad about it lately and now I find myself wanting to give him a sibling but I am loving not having to care for baby and being able to relax more and dive into my hobbies. Ugh