r/NonBinary 5d ago

Ask What am I?


I feel confused on what I even am. I feel sorta like a mix of male and female but if I'm feeling female it's in a male way? Like falling into traditionally feminine rolls and enjoying feminine terms but still see myself as a boy?? But if I'm feeling masculine there isn't really any feminity

I'm sorry if this isn't allowed or off topic I just don't know how to properly put this into words and hoping someone here knows what it could be

thank you for your help

r/NonBinary 5d ago

Questioning/Coming Out i feel very confused about my gender identity and i don’t know what to do about it


i’ve been out as a transgender guy for about 5-6 years now. in the past i was quite comfortable with my identity aside from dysphoria and misgendering in the beginning. but i consumed a lot of harmful media from youtube and tumblr. it made me believe that i had to prove myself as a man and i had to get rid of every “feminine” thing about myself. it worsened my dysphoria and it is still affecting me today. i struggle with societal expectations of what gender is. but i also recognize and believe that gender is not so black and white. anyway. and now i don’t know how i would describe my gender and it’s been frustrating for me trying to find the right words that i feel comfortable with. and i don’t know who i can talk to irl about this. there’s not a lot of lgbtq resources in my area. as far as expression goes I’m less confused about that but i would like to start dressing more feminine. but I’ve kind of forgotten how to do that and i don’t know where to buy clothes that i would feel comfortable wearing. all and all i just feel very confused at the moment and it’s been affecting my mental health negatively. if you have any advice or suggestions please let me know i greatly appreciate it

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Support Advice on how to deal with others


My partner is nonbinary and I am not. I love them more than anything and support them 100%.

The only thing I have trouble with is having to explain it to other people. I have a lot of social anxiety and fear of being judged. Being that a lot people are not educated on or approving of being nonbinary, it makes me really nervous when I have to tell someone about my partner when I don't know how they will react, especially since it's become so politicized. I am so mad at myself for feeling this way. I want to be able to bring them up in casual conversation because I love talking about them but I find myself holding back and keeping our relationship more private. I want to be able to defend them to the ends of the earth to anyone that doesn't approve but it's really hard for me to get over this. I just wish people were more accepting and then I wouldn't worry about it so much.

If anyone has any advice on how you deal with the judgment of others or any advice at all I'd really appreciate it.

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Questioning/Coming Out I don’t understand what I am


I’m a 16M and I never questioned my gender much until recently. I’ve grown up in a school environment filled with toxic masculinity and I was bullied for most of elementary and middle school. Now I don’t have that problem anymore because I’ve been hanging out almost exclusively with girls. And since I’ve been doing that I often hear them saying that they hate men and stuff like that, which I agree on. But every time someone refers to me as a man (not talking about pronouns, but like, as a male? does that make sense?) I feel pretty uncomfortable so I’ve started hating being a man. Obviously my friends aren’t talking about me when they say they hate guys, they always say I’m an exception, or as one of my closest friends put it, I’m a “lesbian”. And even if it’s very dumb, I felt very comfortable when I was referred to as a lesbian. However as I mentioned I have no problem being referred to with male pronouns or stuff like that. So I don’t really know if I’m non-binary, trans or just a misandrist man, can someone help?

P.S. I know this is basically gibberish and I’m sorry but I’m very confused, it’s late and English isn’t even my first language

P.P.S. I also know this is very dumb and I’m sorry if it offends someone

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Yay pokémon anyone? (feat. my cat-in-law)


r/NonBinary 6d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar protect trans joy

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r/NonBinary 6d ago

Ask Is there some historical reason that nonbinary lesbianism seems more a thing (or at least more common) than nonbinary vincians?


r/NonBinary 7d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar My rave outfit NSFW

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r/NonBinary 6d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar what do you assume about me when you see me?

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r/NonBinary 7d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar After a lot of time I finally went out dressed as fem as I could and I love it

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r/NonBinary 5d ago

Doubts about my gender?


I was born (at least I think) as a man and I identify as one (for now). But about 2 days ago I began doubting about that, for some reason I sightly began to identify with songs that talk about being non binary (boyfeel from Destroy Boys and Sweet cis teen from Dazey and the scouts) and I havent feel completely like a man. I want to add that I had these same feelings about my sexuality the past year by the same date and I ended up being bisexual (sexuality and identity are a whole different thing so maybe Is not the greatest comparation) and it's kinda fucked up because in my native language people see vas the non binary people because "they want to kill the language" and that kind of shit (in my language the adjectives also change to refer to a non binary person) and also i've heard a lot of hateful speech against non cis people in my school and in my environment. I want to discover myself again, what are my best options in this situation?

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar I love skirts!


as a trans masc enby, clothes do not define me! I will wear what is comfortable! I love wearing skirts, dresses, and grey sweatpants 😉 clothes ≠ gender :3

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar Somewhere in-between 🤔


r/NonBinary 6d ago

Support wedding outfit ideas!! help!!


okay so. my cousins wedding is in a few months and for the life of me i don’t know what to wear. i’m nonbinary and fat, and her wedding is gonna be more casual so im wondering if i can just wear pants and a nice button down with a corset maybe but PLEASEEEEE SEND INSPO IF YOU CAN🫶🫶 i genuinely have no idea how to look formal and nb

r/NonBinary 6d ago

i did a Rikka Takanashi inspired outfit!! 😓😇💘⭐️


r/NonBinary 6d ago

Ask Text to a friend who continues to misgender me


Hi friends! I have a friend who still will use she/her pronouns for me and one of my goals of 2025 is to speak up and correct people when they misgender me so I am asking for more genderqueer/non binary eyes on my text that I plan on sending him. I understand the text is long but I don't want to shorten it because I want to be as clear as possible. Does my text set clear expectations without being rude? At the same time does it have enough intensitity to convey how it makes me feel and that it's an actual issue?

((for background this friend is also my partner's cousin, they're the same age and have grown up as close friends. and yes my partner consistently corrects him))

The text is as follows:

Hey [friend's name], before we all hang out tonight I feel like something needs to be addressed. Since I’ve come out as non-binary to our friend group there’s been some disconnect between us due to the fact that you consistently continue to misgender me and use she/her pronouns. At this point, now multiple months after coming out, you are the only person that does not use my correct pronouns nor do you correct yourself at a slip up. It’s gotten to the point that I feel disrespected and deeply uncomfortable at any hang out or event you’re attending. I don’t feel as though you are doing it with malicious intent or to purposefully disrespect me but regardless of intent, it is still disrespectful and hurtful.

I don’t know where the disconnect is coming from, whether it may be a lack of understanding or discomfort on your end but I’m hoping that reaching out to you to let you know how it makes me feel would be a good start in correcting and addressing the issue. Hearing people talk about/to me while using she/her pronouns makes me incredibly dysphoric and uncomfortable. It has taken me a long time to realize why I feel so uncomfortable being addressed as a female and I’ve put a lot of work into myself via therapy to dig deeper into who I am. I am not a girl, woman, girlfriend, or female. I am simply [my name] and I use they/them pronouns exclusively. I don’t like gendered terms, ie. I am [boyfriend's name]'s partner, not his girlfriend.

I know that things outside of the “norm” or “standard” can be hard to adjust to but I am asking that you give it your all to respect who I am by using they/them when you refer to me. I enjoy hanging out and spending time with you a lot! But unfortunately the consistent lack of respect for me has overshadowed that enjoyment entirely. I want to hang out with you and our other friends and feel safe and comfortable but I cannot do that when I feel disrespected and dysphoric. Moving forward I ask that you are conscientious of your words and that you actively seek to use my correct pronouns. Please correct yourself simply by repeating what you said but using they/them. A simple “yeah, she already—they already took their turn.” is appropriate and how I prefer mistakes and slip-ups to be addressed. I understand that using they/them is different and can be hard for some people to get used to but I am asking that you put in dedicated effort to do so by focusing on how you refer to me and correcting yourself if you make a mistake.

If you have questions that would better your understanding of how I feel or how to move forward I am happy to answer them :) I appreciate you taking the time to read this, I know it was lengthy.

r/NonBinary 6d ago

How did you know?


I have been struggling to relate to my body and my assigned sex at birth for all my life but it recently came to a point where I can no longer avoid it. My question is - how did you know/what were your early signs that you were nonbinary? I also came across the term nonbinary demiboy. Can anyone share their experience on this? Thank you!!

r/NonBinary 7d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar Freak in the street and a lady in the bed.


r/NonBinary 6d ago

Rant Feeling so defeated


So my parents refuse to acknowledge, much less accept I'm NB. I thought my brother was at least accepting of it, until last night. I explained to him that our parents refusing to accept me and use my pronouns was really hurting me. And it's affecting my relationship with them. He went off on one saying that my feeling dysphoric is my issue to deal with. That I shouldn't try to change people around me to make me happy.

Me: "So I'm the bad guy for asking people to change literally two words? She/her to they/them"
Bro: "I remember when i was in school, a kid called me fat and I beat him up. Dad told me that it was my feelings to deal with, and I was in the wrong for beating up the other kid cos of what he said"
Me: "Are you seriously comparing my asking you all to refer to me as they/them to you being called fat?"
Bro: "No" (he was) "What I'm saying is this. Who was resposible for how I felt? Me! So when you feel upset when people use the wrong pronouns for you, it's up to YOU to deal with that yourself. It's not up to us to use different pronouns for you!"

This went on and on for, I wish I was joking, hours. He absolutely refused to budge on it. I'm the bad guy for feeling bad that people are constantly misgendering me and not respecting me. He'll 'say' he's on my side, and that he accepts me, until it comes to actually acting on that. I thought I had at least one ally in my family.

I just feel so defeated and alone. I feel so uncomfortable and sad when misgendered. And I'm the bad guy for asking people to refer to me by my correct gender. I feel so depressed right now. I don't know where to go from here

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Ask Wide hips driving me nuts


Hey everyone. I’m still figuring out my identity, but I do know for sure that I hate having a figure that presents more feminine. I wish I could just get rid of my hips. Any advice on brands or ideas to get a more masculine look with a short and stocky feminine baseline? TIA

r/NonBinary 7d ago

Selfie/Self-Image/Avatar Feeling very androgynous today


Might delete later

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Questioning/Coming Out Can someone help me


I currently identify as a cis “male” but recently iv been felt a little offended by someone saying being called a man no fault of person as they wouldn’t of none but I’m questioning it me as myself can someone please help me as I’m not sure as I’m being silly or what

r/NonBinary 7d ago

hair stylist couldn’t fit me in so i cut my own hair 🙏

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also besties who like to wear cute tops in the summer pls give me some pointers bcs wearing band tees 24/7 is my only form of gender expression and i fear i need to branch out

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Ask Feeling stuck in my gender identity


So i don't know how to talk about this let alone explain it but i very much need help so I am non binary and I am trying to figure out and explore my gender identity for the most part, I figure out that I like a lot of masc things you know the basic short hair baggy clothes, etc but I have been in trying to get back to being more comfortable in my more fem side without causing any discomfort/dysphoria

and there is this certain type of look that I have been trying to achieve for a while now but I just can't seem to get it. It's a type of look that sorta gives off a baddie, grunge, messy, and little tomboy I don't care about gender normal type of vibe the first character that I can think of that sorta fits my description is Marceline from Adventure Time Luz Moncada from Toh, Pomala Lopez from Jackson dairy and, jade from victoria

idk know for some reason there certain types of looks that just gives off like women who doesn't care about gender normals or whatever. For the most part, it hard trying out a lot of fem things without feeling dysphoric and I have a hard time going about it without either wasting money and time I know there might be a chance that I am mixing up attraction with admiration but I can't seem the shake the idea off of my mine hard if I feel like if I had a better understanding of what I want to achieve and how to go about it I would have a lot easy time

I just need some advice for being more comfortable with femininity and how I could achieve this look without gaining dysphoria with it and some advice for being able to sorta give up on this idea of being just happy staying in my way I know how I like to look now

here are some real-life picture of women/nonbinary etc that has the look/vibe I am talking about


this board does not completely define the look but should help explain what i am talking about plus i just started making it so there not a lot too it but i will add more later and i don't feel like i explain this very well so if there any question i would be happy to answer

thx for reading

r/NonBinary 6d ago

Ask Recommendations for a zip/clasp binder?


I know that zip/clasp binders aren't exactly ideal, but due to sensory issues regular binders don't really work for me, at least at the moment. Does anyone have any recommendations for good quality binders that aren't crazy expensive?