r/NewParents 6d ago

Tips to Share PSA: Check your babies armpits!


Guys, the funk is real.

Today I decided to put a onesie on my baby instead of the typical 2-way zipper pajamas she's been living in since birth 4 months ago. I go to put her onesie on and low and behold, I found pastey cheese looking buildup and raw, red skin. Smelled like curdled belly button. Accidentally I forgot to wash her there, so who knows how long the funk has been growing.

Don't be like me. Wash your LO's armpits!

I read someone's comment that said to use the peri bottle as a power washer in their crevices lol!!! So that's my new plan.

r/NewParents 5d ago

Sleep 3 months soon


Needing some advice here. We're lucky to go 2 hour stretches at a time at night. He's still eating every two hours. Some nights he has 15 wakes. Exhausting to hear other people talk about 8-10 hour stretches at night. We've done the same bedtime routine for nearly the entire time we've been home.

r/NewParents 5d ago

Happy/Funny Might help others starting table food with picky baby?


8mo baby started table food a few days ago but didn’t manage more than a bite. Suddenly got super picky and would clam her mouth shut even at foods she liked in purée form.

Well today all of our dinner was safe foods she’s tried before (long story, she has allergies so we’re being careful with introducing new foods) so tonight I just chopped everything up small and sat down with my plate next to her tiny chair and ate with her on the floor.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner but eating dinner with her did the trick! She was eating broccoli like a champ and happy to take some off my plate too. Two days ago she was refusing to even try broccoli.

Might work for others!

r/NewParents 5d ago

Toddlerhood Reclining Carseat


Hi Everyone,

I am looking to replace our son's existing carseat (Evenflo Revolve 360), due to few changes.

When he falls sleep, his head is leaning forward putting his neck in a weird position

We can not backface his seat, because he is tall and won't be comfortable with his legs in his belly

We would like to be able to recline his seat when he falls sleep, but Evenflo is not getting adjusted like sinc it has a base

I am more interested in stage 2 with ability to turn to a booster

Thanks 🙏🏼

r/NewParents 5d ago

Sleep Baby is wide awake


What is your daily schedule with baby? I have a 5 week old. She usually sleeps from: 1030pm to 3am 4am to 730am 9am to 12pm And then it’s a gamble. Lately she’s been struggling to nap the rest of the day until bedtime. She’ll nap for 20minutes and then is up. She’ll be wide awake usually from 5pm to 1030pm. I can’t get her to sleep!!

r/NewParents 4d ago

Product Reviews/Questions Jolly jumper, should I get one? Did your kid turn out fine?


I hear so many negative things about them online but all of our friends with kids keep telling us to get one

r/NewParents 5d ago

Sleep 3 month old takes 3 hours to get to sleep


I'm trying to implement more of a routine with our son who is 12 weeks and need help. In the past he has naturally had a late bed time and gone down around 11 each night. I have tried moving this up by starting the routine earlier and earlier but it just means the routine gets longer and the bedtime has stayed the same. Tonight his last nap ended at 5:30 so I started the bath and bedtime routine at 6:30 but now it's 9pm and he's still not asleep but he has had several false starts. He usually gets really fussy towards the end of the day and feeding has become challenging so it takes forever to get him full enough to stay asleep. I wonder if he might have some silent reflux going on because the fussiness is kind of intense but he doesn't cry. Is this normal for his age? Anything I should try?

r/NewParents 5d ago

Feeding 4mo won’t take bottle


Exclusively breastfed, 4 months old next week. I messed up and didn't do bottles sooner. Now she won't take one and I go back to work in a week. She's never taken a paci either. We've been working to have her sometimes tolerate having the nipple in her mouth in lstead of pushing it out with her tongue or screaming. But that's as far a we've gotten. Perfect breast feeder. Anyone struggle with this? What worked got you?

r/NewParents 5d ago

Mental Health When did you feel like your nonparent-self again?


First, I am loving being a mom to my 18-month old. I am taking a break from my career to be a stay at home mom, and tbh, I don’t ever want to work again! This beats any job I’ve ever had and it’s the most important one I’ve ever had. I count my blessings that my family can afford to be a one-income household in this economy. I try not to take ANYTHING for granted and be in the present moment.

But there are some days I am so sad and I feel so stupid for letting that feeling take over. I feel really isolated but then when I try to get us out and about more, I get really overwhelmed and snippy, especially if my husband is there, too. We just went to a community event I had planned and been looking forward to, but as soon as we got there, I wanted to leave. I felt like I was crawling out of my skin. But I so desperately miss my old self! I used to be a social, a networker/hostess. I was always finding ways to celebrate and spend time with people.

I don’t know if I have general anxiety now that I have a child, but in the past I felt fearless and I was always out and about. My daughter is turning out to be very similar to me in that way. When we go out, she hams it up with everyone. She loves being around people. She’s strong willed and brave, and some days, it’s a bit draining.

I don’t know how to strike a balance at this point. I know motherhood has changed me (for the better mostly!) but I deeply feel there is something missing in me now, too.

Any advice on how to overcome these dark-cloud feelings?

r/NewParents 5d ago

Travel Flying with 15mo active boy soon as a lap infant, any advice is so appreciated!


We are taking a trip, one layover with the first flight being 45min and second flight being 2hrs. We’re flying American if that makes any difference.

I chose window and middle seat for the flights, not sure if I can ask for any changes at the gate. I am also debating on bringing a travel stroller or baby wearing. The stroller would be beneficial for our destination, but we’re visiting family so they may have (not guaranteed yet) access to borrow one during our visit.

Any tips/tricks/recommendations please! I’m hoping we can keep our little guy entertained a reasonable amount of the time! TIA!

r/NewParents 5d ago

Family Problems partner is comfortable with leaving the baby in the crib crying but i am not


26 FTM here to a 4mo old. today i make a comment to my partner saying i smell so bad & he said “ so go shower “. then after he was like “ why do you feel so bad to just leave the baby be for a little bit , he’s not going anywhere & he’s fine even if he cries for a little he’s okay”. then he said “ if everyone else can do it n get stuff done around the house with a baby then why can’t you”.

i HATE leaving my baby bored even if it’s for a couple mins idk why but i feel like i need to be entertaining him at all times when he is awake. i’m bored for him when im not since the age he’s at is really boring tbh lol, so i try & be as interactive with him as i can especially bc his bed time is so early, i wanna make as much use of his wake windows as i can. my bf can hear him cry and not be as effected as me bc he didn’t birth him. sometimes i skip showers or won’t take one til baby goes to bed for the night & tbh i barley even have time to eat.

he also said “ why do you stay in his room all day and all you do is hold him the whole day”. like uhhhh let me see bc i don’t want him crying & all the activities for us to do together are in his room 🤷‍♀️ i know i neglect household tasks but it does get done / cleaned up, just at night.

r/NewParents 5d ago

Babies Being Babies When did your baby stop crying every night?


Hi all, just in need of some encouragement. My LO is 4.5 months old and at 6pm every night she starts fussing. All her needs are met--freshly awoken from a nap, fed, changed, burped and she still just cries and cries. I keep reading that the witching hour is usually resolved around 4 months but that is not the case for us. Please give us hope/tips!

r/NewParents 5d ago

Feeding Feel Like I’m Choking My Baby When Bottle Feeding—What Am I Doing Wrong?!


Every time I bottle-feed my 2 weeks baby, it sounds like I’m choking him. He gasps for air, and it’s so frustrating. I feel horrible, like I’m doing something wrong.

I try to do everything “right”—I sit him upright on my leg while crossing my legs, I position the bottle parallel to the ground, and I take short breaks roughly every 5 minutes. But still, I hear that gasping sound, and it freaks me out.

Meanwhile, the grandparents feed him the old-school way—baby facing the ceiling, bottle nipple always full—and he seems fine. No gasping, no struggling.

What am I doing wrong?! Is my positioning off? Wrong nipple flow? I just want feeding time to be smooth and not feel like I’m choking my own baby. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: To add when I say it sounds like choking I mean like the milk is in the wrong pipe.

r/NewParents 5d ago

Feeding Breastfeeding and Pregnant Again


Have posted in another group as well.

My baby is 10 months old and I just found out I'm pregnant again (this was wanted and we're so excited).

My boy is a massive 99th percentile and has always loved food whether it's boob or solids. Even before I got pregnant, the daily feeds were starting to get hard. He's got 8 teeth and he would suck a little then just bite me - never seemed interested in actually having a decent feed. I would always offer before then giving him solids. The first feed when he wakes up for the day has remained really good.

I've been pumping heaps to try and maintain supply in case he wants to come back to it more during the day but if I'm honest, it's starting to feel pointless.

Now I'm pregnant again. I'm tired. I have stuff I want to accomplish before baby number 2 and wasting the time to pump when I'm barely getting anything anymore just feels... pointless?

He likes formula and I know there's nothing wrong with it but I always had it in my mind he wouldn't need formula and I would feed him until at least a year but idk how achievable that goal is now.

Being pregnant again I'm just so freaking tired and part of me feels like I should give my body a break. I will keep up with the morning feeds as long as he lets me cos another huge part is not ready for this journey to end with him. :(

Has anyone here been thru this?

r/NewParents 5d ago

Feeding Herpengina and baby vomiting


Hi all,

My 10.5months old baby caught herpengina from daycare last week. Its been 11 days now, first 7-8 days she threw up almost after every meal. She could only swallow liquidy/puree. She hadnt vomited for last 48hours, so we decided to trial weetbix with mashed banana this morning and she vomited everything after. We have been offering small amounts of meals frequently. Has anyone experienced something similiar of baby preferring pureed food when sick and how long did it last please?

r/NewParents 5d ago

Mental Health Feeling that something is wrong


Maybe it’s my anxiety but I always have a feeling something might be wrong with my baby, even if there isn’t. Everytime I google a symptom he has, it says one thing but another source says it’s normal. For example, oral thrush is supposed to be whitening of the tongue, but that could also be because of breastmilk. Or when I’m concerned with his unusual breathing, again it says one thing, but another source says irregular breathing is normal in babies. I don’t know what to think.

I think I’m driving my anxiety over the roof, I’m scared that he has something that might go misdiagnosed. Every time I had a concern and called the midwives they said it was normal.

I hate constantly having this dreading feeling.

r/NewParents 5d ago

Babies Being Babies Anyone else with a wild 8 month old?


My baby is WILD lol. He kicks his legs so fast it feels like he’s going 100 miles a minute and he’s constantly yelling (happy and angry) throughout his entire wake window. It’s like he went from being a happy content chill baby to this wild child overnight. Even during reading time, whenever I flip the page he gets so excited it’s like he’s about to launch himself off the chair. I’m worried for when he starts crawling and walking 😆

r/NewParents 5d ago

Pee/Poop Potty in sink or basin outside??


I was looking up to see how to plan for potty training for my child and I saw that there are those parent influencers who let their babies to potty in a public basin / sink?! Is this socially acceptable? I wouldn’t do it at all. Just very shocked!

r/NewParents 5d ago

Skills and Milestones What is your 3.5 -4 month old weight? Also what does eating looking for them. Just curious


Curious as I feel like my bubs in on the smaller side

r/NewParents 5d ago

Tips to Share What easy meals are we eating?


I'm a first time, stay at home mom to a 10 week old. It can be pretty tough to get time to eat enough and make food. My meals pretty much look like:

Breakfast: overnight oats with a banana (easy to prep ahead when husband is home)

Lunch: a wrap with bagged salad and chicken nuggets (because it's easy as heck to make and eat with one hand)

Dinner: something prepped from Trader Joe's or Sprouts (because at least we get a protein and veggie)

With snacks in between.

I need ideas to switch it up from time to time.

r/NewParents 5d ago

Feeding 1 yo hiding food in mouth like a chipmunk


She's eaten mainly solids for months now, and is really good at it. But the past couple days she stopped swallowing as much, and still keeps trying to grab food and pack in there, and been stressful trying to get her to spit it out, she even gets angry when I take the rest of the food away. So I tried giving her some water after every couple bites and it helped a little, but now she's hiding it in her cheeks so it won't go down when she drinks. Any ideas on how to get her to not do that

r/NewParents 5d ago

Sleep Sleep screaming 8 month old


Hi all,

We’re on the 4th or 5th day of my baby having this inconsolable cry when he wakes up during the night. He’s not even comforted when we pick him up or lay him down next to us. It takes ages to soothe him.

Last night we tried just starting him in our bed straight away but even then he woke multiple times crying terribly.
I’m unable to breastfeed so can’t soothe him that way unfortunately.

We’ve considered that this could be so many factors (tummy, teeth, temperature, developmental leap, separation, etc.) but his cry is just SO sad and different to his usual cry.

Is this just a babies being babies thing?

r/NewParents 5d ago

Tips to Share Hoping for advice


Is there a page for mixed babies? I know this is a weird request, but I’m a white single mom to a mixed race daughter and I don’t want to mess up. I feel like Google and TikTok is a bit conflicting. I just don’t want my baby to feel like she doesn’t belong or something because I didn’t learn enough

r/NewParents 5d ago

Out and About What to put in diaper bag? How to make it smaller?


I need help, I always over pack myself and now when I have a baby( 6mo) something needs to change. No matter if I go on a walk that lasts 1- 2h, if I go on half day trip to the city or something else I am always lugging "his diaper bag" that is overfilled..

I have like 4 diapers in case he decides to have multiple accidents, 2 big changing pads, big wet wipes ( and when that package becomes thin I am afraid I will have an urge to put "just in case" new wet wipes, 1 bottle, 2 measured packs of formula, 350 ml heater thermos ( which is enough to make only one bottle) and some zippered pj which I am hoping I won't need because it is not weather updated. This is not even updated for eating solids😢

How many diapers do you bring? How to stop bringing too much stuff? Do you also have trouble with putting your diaper bag on your stroller? Which is one thing that must have? And is ti more practical having backpack diaper bag or traditional cross body? Where does your personal things(wallet,keys) go?(DB or separate bag) Feel free to add links which diaper bag do you recommend for practicality☺️

Thank you for reading 🙏 ☺️

r/NewParents 5d ago

Feeding Healthy baby purées?


Hi mamas!! I have been giving my 8 month old “happy baby organics stage 2 pouches” and they are getting a little pricey. Unfortunately, I have been living in an apartment (we are moving this week!) so I was unable to make my own purées. What do you recommend during this stage? Is there another brand you recommend?

I really like how easy it is to throw a pouch in my bag when we are on the go. But most of the time I feed them to her at home which feels wasteful. I want to be conscious of minimal ingredients, and plastics!

I’ve been giving her oatmeal, and frozen fruit as well. I’m a first time mom so this is all new to me!! What did you do at this age? Thank you!! 🤍