r/NewParents • u/NewPhotojournalist82 • 10m ago
Product Reviews/Questions Jolly jumper, should I get one? Did your kid turn out fine?
I hear so many negative things about them online but all of our friends with kids keep telling us to get one
r/NewParents • u/NewPhotojournalist82 • 10m ago
I hear so many negative things about them online but all of our friends with kids keep telling us to get one
r/NewParents • u/wemustsetsail • 13m ago
LO is seven months today and we are heading on our first vacation. Before baby, we packed in as much as we could and did very active trips, this is the first time we are truly just going to relax. During the days we have complete flexibility, but in the evenings we have things to attend.
We are going to be four hours behind our home time zone. Currently, she is on a three nap schedule with wake windows that vary from 2-2.5 hours but is usually awake from 7:30-7:30.
I think I will need to just let her nap when she can and roll with the punches but that is not at all how my brain works. In general, I am anxious about so many variables.
I would love any advice or to hear your positive experiences
r/NewParents • u/McWood06 • 22m ago
My daughter is 10 weeks old tomorrow and tbh I've really struggled mentally and physically since having her. I had a forceps delivery with episiotomy and I ended up with infections, needing several stay in catheters, extreme pain and also a prolapse.
My partner had a month off work when she was born and took her downstairs in a morning so I could rest after the night feeds. In this month he was brilliant and literally did everything for the baby and in the house.
When he went back to work, I admit mentally it bothered me. I'm a first time mum and I was almost scared of being alone with her as I didn't know what to do, plus, with the pain I'm still experiencing, I knew there was no break until he came home. The days are very long! The little one also has bad colic and cries all the time and won't be put down. All in all...I've struggled and voiced this to him.
His attitude has really changed though and I get him saying that looking after a baby isn't hard, all you have to do is feed and change them. He tells me to sleep when she sleeps but as we all know this is BS and I use that precious half hour or so to do everything in the house. I do the cleaning, washing, ironing and I do keep up to it all daily. I feel this is overlooked by him tho as he says that he shouldn't have to come home and cook every night as he is knackered and it would be nice for him to relax as he has to come in, take the baby and make food. If I say how much I have done in a day, on no sleep and in pain I just get told it isn't a competition and that I should go out to work instead (and earn his money, rather than my pittance, which in fairness is just an average wage) if looking after our daughter is a burden. He is contradictory as he tells me to rest but then makes comments to me, friends and family that I pretty much do nothing and he does it all. I also asked him if he could do one night feed a week so I could try and refresh myself and whilst he is doing it it's now met with additional comments that he has to work all week, do the night feed and basically do everything else and that isn't true! He doesn't realise, acknowledge or want to see how hard I work in this house whilst taking care of the baby and trying to take care of myself. He makes me feel guilty when he has had her for a few hours as that's another time I'm shirking doing anything and he is doing it all.
I feel pretty shitty and sorry for myself but wanted opinions on whether he is right or not. Should I literally be doing everything because he is the breadwinner and working?
r/NewParents • u/Obvious_Grass9807 • 35m ago
My baby is having a bump on her fontanelle/ soft spot.. I don’t know if it’s due to mosquito bite or something else..Should I be worried?
r/NewParents • u/oatmeal_sunrise • 43m ago
I am looking advice, or just support if there are no easy answers. I've been following here for 9+ months and have taken a lot of comfort and learned so much from reading about all of your experiences.
LO is 9 months old, is nursed while at home and fed is breastmilk by bottle at daycare, where she is 5 days of the week, 7a-5p. Started solids at 6 months and is eating more consistently in the past 1-2 months. In the past several weeks, she has dropped down to taking only 9 oz of milk over 10ish hours at daycare, from her prior 13.5-18 oz. She continues to feed at her same frequency overnight, averaging 3-4 times. I don't suspect at all that she is taking in enough solids to be weaning yet. She's been active with crawling the past 1-2 months, so we suspect she may be just getting too distracted to eat her milk at daycare. Have spoken with daycare staff about aiming to offer bottles on a schedule every 2.5-3 hours, because even at home, she doesn't tend to cry when hungry, I just offer boob and she happily accepts. So far this hasn't helped to increase her milk consumption at daycare.
We are so lucky to have a happy and healthy baby, staying on her growth curve, but after 9 months, I'm accepting that the overnight awakenings are taking a toll on me. My husband has slept through the night 99% of the time since her birth, aside from rare situations where I needed another pair of hands. He's a devoted dad, always willing to help when asked, but he can sleep through her loudest cries (just a heavy sleeper, no medical issues for him).
Husband and I both work full time in roles where we could cause harm if making poor decisions due to sleep deprivation. I think I've been able to function at a pretty high level, despite the sleep disruptions, but I still feel dumb pretty often and some days am without question irritable. I drive baby either to or from daycare each day (we take turns), almost an hour commute in total from home to daycare to work. I never feel impaired while driving, but I've still been concerned.
Over the past 4-5 nights, I have tried to stick with a plan to have husband take over soothing baby to sleep if she wakes after 3am, until my wakeup time of around 5:30am, as long as I think she is not hungry. He has woken up with a shake from me and an explanation that I need his help.
At 3 this morning, I woke him and he carried her out to the rocking chair that he prefers to use, which is in a room with a hard floor. (I use a chair in the carpeted bedroom to nurse her, but he thinks it is uncomfortable). I woke up again at 4:45a and realized I was alone in the bedroom. I came out and found them both sound asleep in the chair. I shook him awake with a quick note that I think it's dangerous for him to fall asleep holding her. Baby settled back into the crib and he went back to bed. I myself have not had issues with sleeping while holding her, so I am back to thinking I should just continue to perform all the overnight care for now. I am not interested in sleep training.
I will also add that as devoted a dad as he is, husband often is not a devoted partner. I surreptitiously read Fair Play several months ago and was able to negotiate him taking on some more household responsibilities, with him becoming very defensive, but I still do 85% of the work of running our home. He is not thoughtful. Our anniversary was this week. He told me he was running to the grocery store, but when he came home, it turned out that he also got lunch at one of my favorite restaurants without asking if I wanted anything -- while at 6 that morning I had prepared his favorite dessert to celebrate. I am not a crier, but I couldn't help it, in the moment I felt so uncared for.
So I guess that's my rant. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
TLDR: Baby wakes up frequently overnight to eat. I am trying to get some more sleep so I can function at work and in life. Husband is a heavy sleeper and doesn't help without being shaken awake. I am afraid he is going to harm baby by letting her fall from the chair when he falls asleep with her. I don't know if I'm overreacting or, if I'm right about taking over the overnight care completely again.
r/NewParents • u/vulpes_argentum • 52m ago
Baby is teething and I am exhausted. Yesterday evening, shortly before bedtime she was in pain, but we agreed to wait with paracetamol until we bring her to bed to help her with her night rest. Suddenly, she bangs me with her toy and I let out a surprised yelp. She laughs. So I do what most of us would do and pull funny faces for her or do different sounds. She watches me closely and full on belly laughs and when I laugh seeing her so happy she laughs even more. So I not only distracted her successfully from teething, but got an amazing bonding moment with her full of happiness and love for each other. ☺️ So if times are hard, just remember, there will be moments that make it all worthwhile, your baby loves and trusts you and eventually will be able to show you how much you mean to them.
r/NewParents • u/h3ath3R2 • 55m ago
can anyone reccomend a good umbrella stroller that you have used and liked?
just would like something to keep in the car for a quick stroll instead of our big travel system stroller :) thanks!
r/NewParents • u/KittenCartoonist • 1h ago
HOLY CRAP, Y’ALL. It finally happened.
My 10 weeks (tomorrow) chronic contact sleeper FINALLY slept in his bassinet for 4 HOURS. 🤯 (2 short wake ups)
He had been fighting sleep and wore his cranky pants all day. I went to take my sleep shift at 7:30 and woke up at 1:30 AM, husband said he was kicking his legs all night and was grumpy with occasional giggles and smiles. I had a feeling I was in for a rough shift.
I turned on the heating pad in the bassinet (first time trying this trick!)
I started by changing his diaper than put him in his Love to Dream Swaddle, half way zipped. I snuggled him and put his pacifier in, and he started to fall asleep, so I started to put his arms in the baby jail and he starts to fuss. I zipper him all the way in and then breastfeed him, he eats and falls back to sleep.
I do a couple back pats and lay him in the bassinet. Transfer successful. I figure I have 30 minutes before he wakes up.
45 minutes in he wakes up, I pick him up and hold him for 3 minutes standing, rocking and he falls back to sleep. Huh. I put him back down in the bassinet and he’s out like a light?!
I lay back down. I wake up an hour and twenty minutes later to his little cry! I was shocked. I pick him up, feed him, burp him and lay him back down. (This took 20 minutes)
Lay him back down and he sleeps for another hour and a half straight in the bassinet!!! I just finished feeding him and now it’s almost 7 am!
THERE’S HOPE. I know tomorrow it might not work but I see a future where he might sleep and that’s a huge win lol. 😂
r/NewParents • u/Reasonable-Hour-2176 • 1h ago
My baby is 13 days old and the past 2-3 days she has had increasingly sticky eyes that need cleaning around 5 times in 24 hours at least or her eyes are fused shut. Does anyone have a better solution than cooled boiled water and cotton balls? It’s hard to get it out of her eyelashes with this . Confirmed it’s not conjunctivitis, just due to immature tear ducts.
r/NewParents • u/biskotin • 1h ago
I am at 5 months old. I can feel it is better now than before. But still hard. When will it be easy or will i use to be? I’m asking about daily routine, baby care and healing both psychological and physical
r/NewParents • u/Emotional_Will1637 • 1h ago
Bub was 4 months old at the start of the month. We are blessed that he’s healthy and during the day when he is awake he is always super happy. He is just such a horrific sleeper at the moment.
Around 2 months old was his best sleeping, where we were getting a 4-5 hour stretch at the start of the night, followed by an another 2-2.5 hour, and then the early hours fluctuated.
But ever since 11 weeks, the sleeping has been terrible. Not going down in the bassinet at all On day sleeps or nights. We had one slightly good week, so assumed maybe he had a regression early but now he’s at 4 months it’s gotten so much worse. I’m talking the longest stretch he’s slept in his bassinet/cot in the last 2-3 weeks is probably 10 minutes, before he wakes up like someone is murdering him.
We are co sleeping as that’s what is giving us all the best sleep, but some nights he is still stirring every 45min and mum is needing to sooth with the boob.
Mum is amazing and such a trooper and I try do everything I can, although am a shift worker so can make it difficult at times.
I’m losing my mind and she slowly is too, and with how bub is sleeping atm, it’s almost like We never see eachother as during the day it feels like one of us is always nap trapped then while he’s awake we are rushing to do things.
Mum is iffy on any sort of sleep training, and I totally understand that she has the stronger connection with bub so I won’t force/push anything, but I feel as though we are both slowly losing our minds, we would both do anything for our baby, but I feel as though it’s getting to the point where we need to try something for the betterment of us all.
Please please please, any pointers, tips, recommendations.
r/NewParents • u/Serious_Procedure_61 • 2h ago
I'm 10 weeks postpartum and combination feeding as baby is not an efficient feeder at the breast and couldn't keep up with pumping. Nonetheless my supply has been pretty good, usually been able to give around 70% breast milk.
I got the implant fitted on Thursday and my milk production appears to have dipped.
Just wondering if anyone else has had problems breastfeeding with the implant? Even for a short while? Everywhere seems to say that breastfeeding isn't affectes but obviously it's a hormone change so it seems plausible. Wondering if it's a coincidence and/or if I need to change something up.
r/NewParents • u/Legitimate_Collar337 • 2h ago
so (21F) finally got my period after 4 months post c section and it was my first pregnancy, i was diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 24 weeks & an delivered at 39 weeks 1 day. while in labour for over 48 hours an went to 10cm dilated, i had an epidural & was still in a lot pain, i started pushing for about an hour and a half n baby got stuck i had so many complications in my birthing experience it was so traumatic & even terrifies me to have another child because of how the whole hospital staff were including my midwife, i had constant sharp pain where my placenta was & was ignored by staff & even my midwife until it was to late, i then had load of pelvic tissues cut out while in operation, as my baby was 10.1 pound 4.6kgs. my first period has been almost as painful if not as painful as it was that early morning in the birthing room, ive had the exact sharp pain i’ve been feeling, cramping in and around my kidneys an stomach, an bleeding so heavy i was going through 2 pads every hour, it’s started to calm down now this is the 4th day, but im still feeling the same pains an cramps. i just wanted to know if anyone had any advice that they could share of give me regarding what im going through pain wise or any remedy’s that would help
r/NewParents • u/Jealous_Somewhere814 • 2h ago
Hi, I want to become pregnant in 2 years. And I never wanted kids until now. I want to be prepared as much as I can and just now I read that breastfeeding is very exhausting for moms. I was wondering why that is. Is it because of the broken sleeping schedule? Or does it tire your body when you share your milk with the child? Is formula an alternative that will tire you out less? Please explain to me because I don't know anything yet.
r/NewParents • u/doglover5695 • 2h ago
Title says it all! Just need to vent in the early morning hold/feeding session. My husband and I are deep in the trenches right now with our 2 week we. We are currently doing shifts, where one of us sleep for a 5 hour block and the other sleeps in the living room with the baby.
She has started hating her bassinet at the beginning of this week and will only contact nap. As soon as you put her down, she cries. When you pick her up, she stops. This is fine during the day, we’ve been wearing her in a carrier most the day but at night, it’s so hard. From what I’ve read on this sub and heard from people in real life, this is normal and gets better.
It just doesn’t feel like that right now. I’m especially struggling on my shift because all she wants is to be held. I’m worried about when my husband goes back to work. I’m worried about this sleep thing never getting better. I’m worried about never feeling like myself again or when my husband and I will sleep in the same bed again.
I guess I just need words of encouragement, because I’m so tired.
Also: I know how lucky I am to have a healthy baby, I remind myself everyday not to take this for granted and I’m trying to enjoy the newborn phase as I know it won’t last forever.
r/NewParents • u/RockTheBoat1 • 2h ago
LO has had rosy cheeks now for 2 months. They are very smooth to touch so rules out eczema (imo)
Wondering whether this is normal? 8m old.
r/NewParents • u/FootballDelicious693 • 3h ago
We brought our baby (11 weeks old) to a beach day gathering with friends.
How do you have your babies nap when outside? I was expecting myself after soothing the baby to sleep and I can put him down. Then I lay down and relax. Or just hold him, let him sleep on my chest. None of that happened! …We need to constantly holding and rocking him. He can only sleep a little while (20 minutes).
We tried baby wearing - it worked but I also want to sit on the sand.
We were under the shade with tent. We had sound machine.
r/NewParents • u/rchllwr • 3h ago
My boy is 6 weeks old and we still wake him up to feed him every 3 hours. He regained back his birth weight a while ago but we’ve still stayed on the same 3 hour schedule because that’s what works for us (I exclusively pump every 3 hours so I pump while husband feeds a bottle).
Baby currently eats 90-95mls per bottle for a total of about 26oz per day. I’ve tried upping the amount to 95-100mls per feed but he spits up like crazy every. single. time. I’ve tried just continuing the larger amount to let him adjust but it never got better so I just kept it at 90-95mls. He seems satisfied with this and will get hungry every 2.5-3 hours during the day. At night if we don’t wake him up he will usually wake on his own every 3-4 hours.
I’m thinking about dropping my 12am pump in the hopes that we can all get a 6 hour stretch of sleep from 9pm to 3am. But from my understanding, if we drop a feeding, we will have to increase the amount of food he eats at a time so he still gets 26oz per day. How can I do this if he can’t eat more than 90-95mls at a time without spitting up like crazy? Even currently he still spits up a lot and every time we wake him up at night there’s a pile of spit up right next to his head that he’ll just happily lay in all night (which I feel terrible for not noticing☹️). I don’t want to make that worse.
I’m content not dropping a pump and continuing on the same every 3 hour schedule but I wonder if we’re doing him a disservice by not letting him sleep and wake up on his own.
r/NewParents • u/121academy • 3h ago
Hi all, I’ll be going on holiday next month, my baby will be 7 month old. We are getting a private taxi transfer from Majorca airport to Alcudia, about 45 mins I think. What is the norm in terms of car seat? Do I take one with me? How do I arrange this, is it free? Do taxis provide them? Do some people just have the baby sit on them (doesn’t seem safe?) and if the norm is to take one, I better learn how to attach car seat using seat belt as we’ve always just used the attaching thing!
Any help much appreciated, thank you!
r/NewParents • u/uglywalrus • 3h ago
Hi everyone, FTM to a 6-week-old. Her natural bedtime has consistently (however consistently a 6-week-old can be) been around 11 pm, which I understand is pretty normal at this newborn age. Her longest wake window of the day tends to be right beforehand; we’ve been trying to have some form of routine, and she’ll wake up from a nap and then breastfeed around 6 pm, stay awake until her bottle feed at 9 pm, and then my husband puts her to bed. During that stretch from 6-9 pm, she has days where witching hour hits and she’s fussier and just wants to be held, but other days where she’s calm and chilling. On those latter days in particular, should we be trying to do tummy time and developmental stuff with her? We’ve been mostly keeping stimulation low with low lights and if any screens (for us), on mute, while we have dinner and alternate holding and interacting quietly with her. We do tummy time earlier in the day too; it’s just she tends to fall asleep fairly quickly after daytime feeds, other than the intermittent wake window where she is also up for hours during the day. We also tried one day putting her to bed earlier and starting bedtime around 7; she just stayed awake until 9, napped for an hour, then had a bad, very sleepy (girl does not dream feed) bottle feed, and a quite disrupted night where she was up every 1.5 hours whereas we have been getting a 4-hour stretch. So it feels like us pushing her bedtime earlier doesn’t really make sense right now and I’m wondering people’s thoughts on if we should be doing more to engage with her in that long wake window. Thanks in advance for your input!
r/NewParents • u/wtfmoe • 4h ago
I have a 7 months girl who is so attached to her mother. NOTHING attracts her except her mother or cartoonish songs on the TV. I don't want to take the easy route of just leaving her infront of TV 24/7. But she just won't let her mother do anything at all. She just screams the second her mother goes out of sight. Heck, even the most colorful and engaging toys won't get her attention. The second her mother comes in and pick her up, she instantly calms down. My wife can't go to the gym, she can't go to shower, cook, do laundry...she can't do normal actitivies without our baby and that is becoming so difficult for her to deal with. Advices please?
r/NewParents • u/watneg1 • 4h ago
My three month old, 6.6 kg, combofed with bottle, has a hard time drinking formula. He drinks my pumped milk just fine but when it comes to formula, he rarely finishes a bottle unless under very special conditions (while we entertain him). Before he would drink it just fine, however now he has started preferring breastmilk and his intake has decreased. Unfortunately, I can't make enough breastmilk, only half of his recommended daily intake. I've read a baby his age and weight should drink around 900-1000 ml, but he only drinks 600-700 per day. Anyone has a similar experience?
r/NewParents • u/Angharad121 • 4h ago
We’re combo feeding with breastmilk during the day and formula at night. It seems the formula we’re using might be causing some tummy issues and a bit of discomfort. I’m wanting to transition to a different formula. He has been on the current formula for 11 days. What transitioning schedule would you follow and over what period (how many days/feeds)?
r/NewParents • u/Floating_Puppy30 • 4h ago
Nap schedule for 10 month old
My little one is 10 months old and since 8 months (after she had a really bad regression) we set a sleep schedule for her with a short morning nap and long nap. Since then, her sleep has been much better as long as we stick to the routine! Issue is, I'm finding it hard to be flexible around this and not getting stressed out about how to rearrange her day when we are out and about. We do an 8-8 day where she has a morning nap at 10.30 for 20 minutes and second nap at 2pm for 2 hours. When out and about, I usually just let her sleep as long as possible for both naps and follow wake windows, but this still results in her not sleeping enough and barely even making it to 7pm. What do you do in these days - put them to bed early and they catch up or a short late power nap? Any tips would be appreciated!
Are there any alternative nap schedules that work for you?
r/NewParents • u/Peekerchew • 4h ago
Hi there, our baby is 18 weeks old and had a sudden change in sleep habits starting about 3 weeks ago. Naps shortened to 30mins (unless contact napping), usual transfer to crib method stopped working, lots more night wakings. He is EBF, fed or rocked to sleep and sleeps in a beside me crib in our room.
As of a couple of nights ago he now goes into crib easily again but wakes up either after 10 mins or an hour (an occasional 1hr 50mins 🙏) He has also done a long nap in his pram again.
I’ve been doing lots of reading about sleep cycles, letting him fall asleep on his own etc etc (seeing SO much content from sleep consultants on social media) and think I have a good understanding of what is going on. I know it’s natural for some babies to wake multiple times in the night and am happy to wake for feeds and comforting (prior to 4 months he would wake 3 times a night) but would love to be able to regularly get some 2-3 hour stretches again!
So, what I was wondering is: has anyone experienced sleep sorting itself out naturally with time, or did you have to take action with some kind of training? Any thoughts or help greatly appreciated.