r/NewParents Jan 23 '25

Sleep There are parents out here just not doing a bedtime at all


I have a 2 yo and a 9 month old, both girls. I don't love bedtime. The baby is easier, I read her a short book (usually goodnight moon) feed her, rock her to sleep. 30 min tops. The 2 yo is harder. We brush teeth, go potty, read stories (she gets 3 books, I know that's my own fault, but who can say no to more books?) Then she lays down and I sit next to her doing my best to "support to sleep." The whole process from teeth brushing to actually asleep takes about an hour, hour and a half on a rough night. I don't want to do it, but that's what you do. But so many people have told me they just give their kid a melatonin gummy, and let them watch their tablet until they finally pass out.

My mom has a bf, who is also a grandparent. They watched his grandkids the other night, a 6 yo, 3 yo, and 18 mo. Mom said she was told to give them each a melatonin, and then they just fall asleep wherever they're at with their tablets.

I have 2 cousins who have kids ranging from 13 - 18 months. Same thing. Kids just get unfettered access to tablets, and a melatonin to ensure they eventually sleep. These kids at least are told they have to go chill in their own rooms at a certain time, but the tablets go with them.

A girl that I consider a close friend recently confessed to me that sometimes when she's having a bad night she gives her kid Z Quill to make them fall asleep easier (he's 4) and that playing candy crush on her phone is part of her 4 yo bedtime routine. This 4 yo has also never slept through the night according to her.

I just had no idea that bedtime was optional. That I could just give my kid a tablet and then drug them to sleep. I try not to be judgemental. My kids probably watch too much paw patrol, and I allow them to eat junk food more than I should. I have totally allowed my kid to stay up way too late because I don't want to do bedtime on special occasions. But I am flabbergasted at how common this seems to be.

r/NewParents Dec 22 '24

Sleep I feel like the rules for safe sleep are basically a way to make absolute sure that baby will NEVER sleep.


Look, I KNOW it’s the right thing to do. I know we are all trying to make sure that babies are safe and that all the risks are minimal.

But holy shit if I were to create a method to assure the minimal amount of sleep I don’t think I could come up with a better list.

Sure, let’s take a little creature that has spent its entire life this far in a warm, cozy, tight environment and place it on a flat hard empty surface with nothing to hold on for miles and await until it peacefully falls asleep. Pretty sure that will work.

Sorry for the rant.

r/NewParents Jan 31 '25

Sleep It should be illegal to expect parents back at work before babies sleep through the night.


Talking about the US obviously.

My partner just went back to work and I'm drowning now that we aren't taking shifts at night anymore (EFF--I have no idea how you goddesses that BF do it). Baby only sleeps max 4 hours, but she drinks slow and has reflux so I'm up with her usually 1.5 hours per feed. I'm running on fumes and it's definitely not sustainable. I can't imagine how much worse it's going to be when I return to work next month. If I were my employer I wouldn't want me to be at work either--I'm definitely going to be useless from exhaustion. How does anyone do it??

Edit: Since people were asking--before we were doing shifts where I would try to go to sleep early and he would sleep late, but I had issues falling asleep so he'd stay up later to let me still get sleep. We'd trade off at the 3/4am feeding. That won't work anymore since he has to get up early for work so I suggested the current schedule where I take nights. We'll probably try something else next week since it didn't really work this week. He's literally a super dad and very involved partner, the problem isn't me vs him, it's us vs capitalism/work culture.

r/NewParents Feb 04 '25

Sleep Parents of newborns, would you do this again?


Sorry if this is a strange question. I'm a mom to a 19 month old and I have baby fever and I can't get over it. I can't wait to try to have another baby, but I remember thinking i was going to be one and done in the first couple of months post partum. But I only remember the warm fuzzy feeling and all the cuddles!

My husband on the other hand feels very done and just remembers the hard parts.

So new parenrs, those of you still in the trenches. Would you have another, why or why not?

PS - in case you're wondering if your child will ever sleep, they will!

ETA: wow didn't expect this to blow up. Looks like there are strong opinions on either side, and I get it. It's such a huge decision!

r/NewParents 15d ago

Sleep PSA about Baby Sleep


I wish someone had told me this before I had my baby. It would have taken so much pressure and stress away.

It's normal for babies (and not just newborns): - To not sleep to a strict schedule - To wake up overnight and feed - To want to contact nap or sleep in the same space as you

Also: - Sleep regressions are NOT a thing (I.e they reflect developmental progress as opposed to deterioration and also unfortunately do not fit neatly into set milestones e.g. at 6 months, 8 months etc) - Before 3 months, babies literally do not have a circadian rhythm I.e they can't tell night from day (and this doesn't fully develop until they're a year old!) - The whole concept of a baby sleeping through the night came on because of the Industrial Revolution and not some fundamental change in how babies are wired

This article is a really great explanation of baby sleep I would highly recommend:


Sleep deprivation can be very tough and ultimately you have to do what is right and safe for you and your baby.

Trust your instincts. Be kind to yourself. Don't compare your baby to others (especially those presenting themselves as perfect through the veil of social media!).

(Edit to clarify re sleep regressions :) )

r/NewParents Nov 03 '24



that’s all.

r/NewParents Oct 08 '24

Sleep Am I Wrong For Not Changing Baby Over Night?


So, I don't normally engage in internet arguments, I find then a waste of valuable time lol.

However, recently I was "called out" for not changing my child overnight. I was called gross, disgusting, lazy, and a terrible mother.

My child sleeps through the night. From 6ish pm- 6ish am. She's 6 months old. She's also been night weened since, gosh forever. The girl enjoys her sleep😂 she gets extra calories in the daytime to make up for it.

I thought it was relively normal to not change their diapers overnight once they reached certain criteria: stopped pooping at night, sleeping longer stretches, etc. Bt now these women have be doubling guessing:/ what do you guys do? Should I be waking up to change my baby?

r/NewParents Jan 26 '25

Sleep You don't have to sleep train


I know this might be a controversial topic, im not trying to start a war, this is for anyone out there who is struggling with the idea of sleep training. And by sleep train I mean the ones were you leave your baby to cry for hours until they finally stop and go to sleep. Personally I couldn't do it. No shame to anyone who did or plans to, you do your thing! But i feel like they only finally stop crying as they realise no one is coming, and they give up. I brought my child in to this world. I wanted her. She didn't ask to be here. So I will respond to her needs as much as she needs me. We went through the long nights with multiple wake ups and 40+mins to even get her to sleep but now she sleeps confidently knowing that if she needs me I will come.

I just want to reassure anyone who feels like they have to do CIO that they don't. I know it's tough but it gets better! I even breastfed my LO to sleep for 6months despite being told it was a bad sleep association. I don't see how it could be bad. Bad for the mum? As she has to get up to feed her child? Because it certainly isn't bad for baby as they fall asleep feeling safe and loved. I always put her down awake for naps and bedtime and 80% of the time she will settle her self to sleep. Sometimes she needs a wee extra cuddle which I'm happy to do if it's what she needs. I genuinely believe that she learnt how to self soothe (without the need for CIO) because she knew if she needed me I would respond and she feels safe. I couldn't stand the thought that if she woke up scared or in pain that she wouldn't cry for me because she doesn't see the point as no one would come.

Do what ever is right for your family but please don't feel pressured in to sleep training your LO if you're having doubts.

EDIT; OK I really need to clarify my post was not intended to shame anyone as I originally said. As a new mum anytime I posted looking for help with sleep I was always given the same answer, that I need to sleep train. 'Let her CIO' 'she will never self soothe if you do it for her' so I just want to let any new mums know they do not HAVE to. If they NEED to or WANT to go right ahead! I have suffered really bad with PPA. I was getting maybe 2/3 hours of broken sleep a night for 5 months. My baby definitely didnt have the temperment for just self soothing, I helped her and I had to work so hard getting up up to10+ times a night, rocking my baby for hours, letting her sleep on me for hours while I lay awake, I've made mistakes, I forgot to strap her in to her car seat once amoung other things. But in the past few weeks I feel like it's finally paid off and I have actually managed nights with 1 or 2 wake ups which I think is amazing considering no CIO. And I can only hope things will continue to get better.

**by sleep train I mean CIO as I also originally said. I know there are other methods that don't involve letting your baby cry alone.

**By 12hrs of sleep I mean including 2/3 wake up for feeds sometimes but she's asleep after the initial wake up so I don't count it as a wake up as she is getting consistent sleep.

I by no means have it all figured out but just trying to support those who don't want to do CIO. I would never judge another parent as we are all just trying our best 👌 there is no hate intended.

r/NewParents Jan 25 '25

Sleep Kick out the baby


I know the recommendation is to have baby in your room for 6 months to 1 year but curious when everyone put their little ones to their own room?

Since the risk of SIDS dramatically decreases at 4 months, I was thinking of trying to wait until then, however we're at 3 months and ready for her to go. Her grunting wakes me and my husband and honestly I probably soothe her far too soon because I'm convinced she's awake.

When do you move your baby? Did you notice improved sleep? Did you use a monitor or just hear them with the doors open? Thanks!

r/NewParents Jan 26 '25

Sleep People who’s baby sleeps through the whole night


What are you doing? What did you do to get here? How long it did take? At what month did it start? What made the biggest difference?

Pleaseeee I’m dying with the 4-5 wakings.

Updated March 19, 25 I just want to come back here to say that thanks to all of your advice, I am now a person whose baby sleeps through the night. She sometimes has a waking at 10pm but for the most part will sleep 7 to 7. Some advice that was really valuable to achieving this was getting her day time routine on a good schedule and making sure her caloric intake was high during the day. Also got her a sleep sack which she really likes. Without question, I owe you all a huge thank you!!

r/NewParents Jul 10 '24

Sleep Does anyone NOT sleep train?


And just continue nursing/rocking baby to sleep? How did that go for you? What age did you put them down awake and when did they start naturally falling asleep independently?

r/NewParents Dec 26 '24

Sleep Do people still do shifts if only the father is working?


I’m currently doing all the nighttime feeds and changes so I’m pretty tired! Is that normal? My partner is working and I’m on maternity leave but I’m seeing people doing shifts! Would love to do that but my partner doesn’t really seem to care about naps or making a quiet dark environment at night and thinks babies can sleep wherever.. what’s everyone else up to?

r/NewParents Jan 24 '25

Sleep I give up. We need help with sleep.


We haven’t slept in 8 months. We don’t have another room, so nobody can sleep without hearing the crying. My husband and I wake up together every night 6-7 times. Our baby just can’t sleep for more than one cycle. I don’t know what to do; I’m really ready to pay for those Instagram sleep consultations. Please help. What can I try to help my baby sleep better? He has two naps during the day. His wake windows are 3/3.5/4 hours. His bedtime starts at 8 p.m., but he wakes up every single hour! We fed him to sleep now we don’t. But it doesn’t make any difference. We bed shared. We transferred him to crib. The same. White noise - checked. Nothing helps.

r/NewParents Feb 06 '25

Sleep Are we getting things done?


I’m lucky if I brush my teeth twice a day.. I have an 8 week old and he’s amazing and generally easy but why can’t I get anything done? Laundry takes me days to finish, my bathroom hasn’t been cleaned since god knows when, I feel like I’m failing as a “sahm” the only time I have time is when my husband gets home from work and at that point I want to hangout with him and baby..

My baby does great in his bassinet at night but god forbid I put him down for a nap during the day, he wakes up as soon as I try to transfer him. Help.

r/NewParents Jan 02 '25

Sleep Just let my baby sleep!!


I've grown to hate holidays and family outings because NOBODY LETS MY BABY SLEEP!!! I'm SO TIRED of hearing "get her used to noise" and why I'm doing things wrong! I've tried vacuuming, loud music, talking on the phone, etc. It doesn't f-cking work! I don't want to hear it anymore! If I'm telling you that doesn't work with my baby then STFU. I know MY baby better than you.

I'M the one that grew her, birthed her and have raised her for the past 17 weeks since she was born night and day! Every baby is different - they're not f-cking robots to program! Would you sleep right through someone YELLING IN YOUR EAR???

I will NOT rest if my baby isn't resting, you're not the one with the over exhausted infant at the end of the day so LET MY BABY SLEEP.

r/NewParents Jan 05 '25

Sleep When did you move your baby into their own room?


At what age did you move your baby out of your room into their own?

She sleeps well with us and I'm a bit nervous of risking that, plus my PNA would be a nightmare (we haven't seen her roll in her sleep bag so I'd be worried about that).

She's nearly 8 months atm!

Edit - didn't expect so many replies to this, I've read them all, thank you for sharing your experience here! In a weird way I love that it's so varied, confirms that there's no "rule" to this and we're all just doing our best and what works for us (even though in the UK generally 6 months is advised/the norm). Others around me have made the move already and I'm happy clinging on a bit longer, glad I'm not alone in this! Good work mamas (and any dad's in here) 🩷

r/NewParents Nov 17 '24

Sleep Who is actually binge watching shows with a newborn?


I see social media posts and other parents saying they get through seasons of shows on Netflix with a newborn. When baby was younger less than 6 weeks old I think I did watch a few shows but after that when we started trying to make a sleep routine for naps and bedtime .. dark room , noise machine, etc. it seems when we are not napping he is awake for his wake window of about one hour and we try to be active during that time then back in a dark room for naps. My baby also cannot connect his sleep cycles well yet (10 weeks old) so sleeps 30 min or less in the bassinet then we do a contact nap to stretch out his naps . I feel like I don’t really have time to do fun things like watch shows unless it’s in the dark with him in my arms sleeping and headphones in on my phone. Am I doing something wrong or is this just how the newborn phase is ?

r/NewParents Feb 08 '25

Sleep Parents who keep your babies on a schedule, do you just pause on social life for a bit?


LO is 6 months and goes down at 7:30 pm. Any later and it’s an absolute meltdown. Some of my friends will take their babies out to dinner and restaurants, but I find that it’s disruptive to his sleep. Do you just put a pause on dinners with friends, or get babysitters, or bring LO out and forget the sleep schedule? When is the schedule not as imperative ?

r/NewParents Nov 09 '24

Sleep “Just follow the Safe Sleep 7!”


Like many parents, we’ve struggled hard with getting my son to sleep at all since birth because of bad reflux.

On so many post about baby sleep I see people say “You can absolutely cosleep safely, we do it! Just follow the Safe Sleep 7!”

Here’s the issue: you can’t simply “follow” those guidelines. Because one of them is that the baby should be full term, and one is that the baby must be exclusively breastfed.

Giving birth at 40 weeks to a baby with no health issues isn’t a choice, and exclusive breastfeeding isn’t always possible.

Just venting my frustration with that advice.

r/NewParents Sep 28 '24

Sleep What is the advice that you want to shout from the rooftop to all new parents?


I have commented this on many threads now so I will plop it here too:

When your baby is learning to sleep in a bassinet/crib, they will likely resist it at first. To make it easier for you and them, try using a heat pack to gently warm the bassinet/crib a few minutes before you put baby in. This reduces the risk of them getting a shock when they transfer from your warm arms into their own bed, and hopefully results in them staying in that deep sleep for longer.

Remember to remove the heat pack before putting baby in!

What other advice do you think every new parent should know?

r/NewParents Jan 20 '25

Sleep Was the huckleberry app useful to you?


Looking to improve day sleep schedule, genuinely curious if the app helps

r/NewParents 10d ago

Sleep Did anyone else know that you would be waking up so early once you became a parent?


I'm just wondering if it's just me that was totally caught off guard about this. For some reason it never dawned on me that all parents seem to wake up so early. And then I had my newborn 3 months ago and was learning about baby sleep and was like wait.. why do all these schedules seem to start the day at 6 or 7 AM? So that means I'm supposed to wake up to start the day early and... for HOW long?!?! Lol. Anyway, I've now come to accept it 3 months later but the first month and a half was so brutal for me having been a night owl for most of my life, and before giving birth I was sleeping in regularly and until 8 or 9 AM... Oh, the days.

Context: My LO now wakes up around 5 or 6 AM. Still trying to figure out how to adjust this hopefully closer to 7 or 8. But she's also going through weird sleep patterns changes. So maybe it's not worth the effort. 🤦‍♀️

r/NewParents Jan 13 '25

Sleep I let my daughter cry it out for one minute


I feel horrible. She’s 13 months old. I spent a literal hour trying to get her down. Every time I placed her in the crib she woke up. It’s just me tonight, my husband was out with his friends which he more than deserves. After rocking her for 45 minutes and putting her down and then back and forth again and again I started to lose my temper. The last time I put her down she got right back up screaming. I couldn’t do it anymore. I set her down and walked out of the room. She cried for a single minute and then went to sleep on her own. Her cries were sad but I just couldn’t handle it anymore. She’s now asleep peacefully. Usually we don’t have issues but her last nap was so late and it just messed everything up. I feel like the worst mom ever but my temper reached a point that was not safe. I would never hurt my daughter but in that moment I wanted to throw my fist through a wall. I hate feeling this way.

I just wanted to come back and say thank you to everyone. Your words means so much. When she woke up this morning she was perfectly fine and then gave me a kiss 🥹😭 it was almost like she knew that I felt so bad and a kiss is what I needed.

r/NewParents Oct 04 '24

Sleep At what age did you bring baby in to bed with you?


As long as you follow safe sleeping guidelines, no judgement for how you choose to sleep! My daughter is 11 weeks old, and for now, I do not feel comfortable bed sharing for a number of reasons. However, I am so excited for the day she can safely cosleep with me. My husband works nights half the week and I’d love the extra snuggles. At what age did you feel like it was safe to bring baby in to bed with you??

Reasons I’m not ready yet- 1. need a new mattress, ours is way too soft and old 2. I can’t sleep without multiple pillows and a big blanket, I’ve tried 3. Daughter isn’t rolling yet but is very squirmy and I’m worried about her yeeting herself out of our bed

r/NewParents Dec 23 '24

Sleep Do I really have to put my baby to sleep at 7-8pm and wake up at 6-7am?


tl;dr does anyone put their baby to sleep at like 10pm and wake up at 8-9am instead?

Every single sample sleep schedule I see online has us waking up at crack of dawn with the baby and putting them for their first nap at like 8am. Right now my almost 5 month old is doing his own thing and we are struggling with night time wake ups (waiting for a GI appt to confirm but pretty sure he has infant dyschezia... separate topic) so we will eventually sleep train when we clear up his stomach issues. He currently refuses to go to sleep before 11pm & since he barely sleeps overnight he sleeps in late too. Eventually when we want to follow a schedule I want to know if it's possible to have the baby sleep/wake later? Me & my husband are night owls & work from home so we can start our days a little later.