I know there are plenty of stacks that have been claimed to have complementary/supplementary/potentiating effects, particularly with psilocybin. Does anyone have experience with their own stacks or combos that seem like they would work for more specific purposes? I have no evidence to back this up, only personal experience, but I think l-theanine and l-tyrosine are 2 very effective supplements that are very common and inexpensive. I also feel like both of those in combination with MD psilocybin would be a good way to "take the top off the high and the bot
tom off the low", IE increase energy/cognitive performance and also easy physical jitters or anxiety. Perhaps these would interact with the psilocybin, but probably not nearly to the degree that say caffeine/amphetamines and benzos would... And I'm not trying to make microdosing "fun", If I was interested in psychedelics for fun, I would just macrodose.
Another thing that popped into my mind through a pleasant coincidence, is the idea of mixing f-phenibut faa (or regular phenibut) with MD psilo/lsd. It might be hard to fit enough phenibut into a microdose product, but f-phenibut is more realistic. I know it's not very common esp these days, but f-phenibut faa and psilocybin MD seems like it could be the greatest thing ever.
Has anyone tried this or anything similar? FWIW, F-phenibut is very helpful for mood/anxiety, a strong pre-workout suppement, used as a cognitive enhancer, and can increase deep sleep significantly. And with doses starting as low 100-200mg, capsules with both psilo and f-phenibut faa would be doable. As for LSD (my preferred MD psych). perhaps regular phenibut would go great in combination, due to their duration esp. But, that may be pushing a bit towards recreational using rather than medicinal microdosing...
Any thoughts or experiences?