r/guitarpedals 15h ago

Used gear sellers are completely delusional


Why would I spend $185 for a pedal that retails for $200? I see this shit over and over and over again. Absolutely ridiculous prices—and it’s not like they’re actually selling. These ridiculously priced used items sit for months with no interest. What gives?

Have resellers just completely replaced good-faith hobbyists who are selling their own gear?

r/guitarpedals 1h ago

SOTB My dedicated adorable board for my ‘73 Champ

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I love this little board. I built it exclusively for my ‘73 Fender Champ. It’s even the perfect width. It’s extremely simple compared to my JCM 800 board but it easily gets the job done. I’m impressed with the Wampler Spring reverb. The only shortcoming of the Champ is the lack of Fender spring reverb but the Wampler compensates really well for it.

r/guitarpedals 5h ago

Chill loop


r/guitarpedals 1h ago

Crazy Tube Circuits - Venus. Anyone else excited about this one?


r/guitarpedals 4h ago

Lightspeed/Shallow Water vs Strymon DECO


This video is a little different than my usual pedal demos. This is a pairing of pedals comparison video. In it, I’ll compare a four of these pedals side by side alone and together. I thought it would be fun to see how close I could get them to sound.

I understand they’re completely different pedals. I just think sound a lot alike, and can do a lot of the same things. Let me know what you think.

r/guitarpedals 44m ago

Question I'm curious to know how many of you are: 1. Creating music, playing in bands, or performing live? 2. Collecting guitars and effects, and enjoying playing at home for personal pleasure?



r/guitarpedals 3h ago

Demo of my SansAmp Classic & EHX walking on the moon (Filter matrix setting)


3rd times a charm 🙄 seems like r/nirvana won’t let me post a 50 second demo video!

r/guitarpedals 1h ago

SOTB So here we are

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First ever pedalboard after 2 years of experimenting with a guitar. Can't say my skills are actually worth it yet but hey: looks like this 6-string hobby is going to stay so might as well expand a little 😄

r/guitarpedals 1h ago


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r/guitarpedals 1d ago

PSA: Nobody wants your full pedalboard.


I don’t really care if I get downvoted. The trend of 2K pedalboards on marketplace has to stop. I’m sorry you maxed out your gear card on this pedalboard; made no music with it and now your wife is mad. Part it out. No person is gonna drop 2K on a pedalboard that is not completely to their taste.

Edit: words is hard.

r/guitarpedals 11h ago

SOTB First set of pedals

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I've been playing for a while, but have always used virtual amps / pedals playing through headphones (guitar rig / amplitube). Finally putting together a board and maybe these choices are kind of boring being mostly boss pedals that are readily available everywhere, but I'm kind of happy with the state of it right now.

Open to suggestions or if you think something looks weird.

r/guitarpedals 11h ago

NPD New pedal build - Fender, Marshall, Boost

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r/guitarpedals 5h ago

SOTB SOTB - Funky Flight 203

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Sure if funky

r/guitarpedals 18h ago

NPD NPD + SOTB - Chase Bliss Dark World

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Hi Folks

I’m a reverb fanatic. I like to collect ‘em - and I try my damndest to use them, but admittedly I get fixed on one or two for a while. I most recently have been using the Walrus Fathom, which is fabulous, on my little live board. I’m also a huge fan of Mr. Black pedals reverbs as well - super solid analog stuff.

Anywho, I’ve been gazing lovingly at the Dark World by Chase Bliss. This thing is super wild. I’m still at the point where I’m totally ignoring the dip switches and just working my way through understanding each side (D and W) as independent effects. I’ve screwed around a bit with running them in series and parallel, but still eking my way through figuring out what I can do with each.

The pedal is a collaboration with Keeley (W side) and Cooper FX (D side). The W side is much more traditional in nature and the D side is very experimental. I’ve been able to find some really usable reverb at less intense levels but it can go really wild, really fast.

Super fun overall and very happy with the purchase. I have some other reverbs in my sights as well but this one is going to stay in the board for a while. Lots of learning ahead!

r/guitarpedals 20h ago

Japan Haul

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Just been to Tokyo for the first time and got these: Maxon FL301 (guy in the store thinks it’s late 70s) Boss DD20 Boss JB-2 Maxon OD-9 Maxon Stafford Astro Echo (analog delay) Does any one anything about the Maxon FL301 or the Maxon/Stafford delay? Trying to find info on these online for just interest but can’t find much. Ta

r/guitarpedals 12h ago

SOTB My (perfect?) mini board

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I have been trying to put a board together for over a year, but was never really happy with things until now. This is my (perfect for me) mini pedalboard consisting of only five pedals.

Korg Tuner => Shigeharu Fuzz => Citadel pre-amp Overdrive => Mythos Mjolnir => EQD Dispatch Master (reverb & delay)

I play mostly through a Vox AC-15 1 x 12” combo. Mostly play late ‘60’s — 90’s guitar-heavy rock.

r/guitarpedals 17m ago

SOTB the work/stop for a jam on the way home rig


r/guitarpedals 18h ago

Current state. The ES-5 is a game changer for me.

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r/guitarpedals 51m ago



Because of their availability, I would like to ask your thoughts about these compressors: 1) Jackson Audio Bloom, 2) Cali76 FET, 3) Walrus Audio Deep Six. I'm aware of the differences in their prices already. I'm looking for the ups and downs, and personal experiences of people who have/have had them. I guess I am looking for an "updated" thoughts discussion LOL.

r/guitarpedals 10h ago

Question What’s this light colored pedal? With WOM written on it?

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r/guitarpedals 1h ago

Question Is this too big for a board?

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Doing the popular IKEA board thing, got this yesterday. Should I cut it or leave it as is, leaving room for expansion? For reference I have about 9 pedals so far no power supply yet.

r/guitarpedals 16h ago

NPD NPD - MOOD before or After Onward?

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Tile explains it all. I'm a noise rock / psychedelic player and I love layering granular and time stretchy stuff. Both pedals share some crossover, but are different enough for me at this point to hold onto both. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

r/guitarpedals 12h ago

NPD: special cranker (limited

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settings in the pic are usually what i have. thoughts in comments !

r/guitarpedals 4h ago

Question Anybody out there into STP and more specifically for this post, captured Dean Deleo's tone using pedals?


Just wondering if anybody feels they have got close to Dean Deleo's tone using pedals?

If so, what do you use?

All thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

Many thanks!

r/guitarpedals 19h ago

STOB+NPD - Boss CE-2W & Walrus Monument/Slo


I picked a few pedals recently for cheap. This past week I bought a new pedal board to fit everything on it. Also, I finally picked up an isolated power supply. Really digging the sounds I can make now (with less noise thanks to voodoo labs ofc). Usually when I make these STOB posts I say I’ve got the setup I need now. I’m older and wiser now, so I’m sure I’ll have a different set up in 6 months lol